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A. Basic Competence: Understanding a descriptive text, including the social function, text structure and some linguistic features of it. Understanding Noun Phrase, the pattern and the use. Pre-activity 1. What do you think about endangered/threatened animal? 2. Mention any kind of animal assumed to be in the edge of extinction! 3. What is conservation? 4. What is national park? 5. What do you know about Komodo National Park? B. Description: Summary a. Social function: to describe specific object ( it can be a person or thing) b. Generic structure: - Identification (inform the reader what is going to be described) - Description (give detail information about characteristics of the object, such as habit, physical traits,size, habitat, etc.) c. Linguistic feature: - Using simple present - Frequent use of Noun Phrase

C. Reading Passage 1 Komodo National Park Komodo National Park is located in the center of the Indonesian archipelago, between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores. Established in 1980, initially the main purpose of the Park was to conserve the unique Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis) and its habitat. However, over the years, the goals for the Park have expanded to protecting its entire biodiversity, both terrestrial and marine. In 1986, the Park was declared a World Heritage Site and a Man and Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, both indications of the Park's biological importance. Komodo National Park includes three major islands: Komodo, Rinca and Padar, as well as numerous smaller islands creating a total surface area (marine and land) of 1817km (proposed extensions would bring the total surface area up to 2,321km2). As well as being home to the Komodo dragon, the Park provides refuge for many other notable terrestrial

species such as the orange-footed scrub fowl, an endemic rat, and the Timor deer. Moreover, the Park includes one of the richest marine environments including coral reefs, mangroves, seagrass beds, seamounts, and semi-enclosed bays. These habitats harbor more than 1,000 species of fish, some 260 species of reef-building coral, and 70 species of sponges. Dugong, sharks, manta rays, at least 14 species of whales, dolphins, and sea turtles also make Komodo National Park their home. Exercise 1. Answer the question based on the text! 1. Where is Komodo National Park situated? 2. Is Komodo National Park a biological importance? Elaborate your reason! 3. What is the purpose of building Komodo National Park? 4. What is the benefit of Komodo National Park? 5. Mention any plants and animal living in Komodo National Park! Exercise 2. State whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE! 1. Komodo National Park was established by the Unesco. 2. Formerly, Komodo National Park is dedicated to conserve the unique Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis). 3. There are three islands in Komodo National Park 4. Komodo is not the only animal breeded in Komodo National Park 5. Komodo National Park is one of wonders of the world Exercise 3. Make a descriptive text on your own! It should be at least two paragraphs.

D. Grammar Focus NOUN PHRASE Noun Phrase is also commonly called Noun Group or Nominal Group. It is a group of words with noun as the focal point. The pattern of Noun Phrase is: PREMODIFIER HEAD (THING) PREMODIFIER Pre-modifier is modifier coming before the thing. Pre-modifier can be in the form of: 1. Determiners


Examples of determiners are: - Articles: a, an, the - Demonstrative: this, that, these, those - Possessives: my, your, his, Marrys, the girls, etc. - Quantifiers: all, another, any, both, each, either, enough, every, some, little, many, etc. - Cardinals: one, two, ... - Ordinals: first, second, ... 2. Describers Descrbers are adjectives that serve the functions of describing more precisely. When there are more than one adjective in a Noun Phrase, the adjectives must be arranged successively on the following order: - Quality: good, kind, beautiful, smart, fair, etc - Size: big, large, wide, small, tiny, etc. - Shape: round, circular, square, triangle, etc. - Colour: red, yellow, grey, white, etc. - Origin: javanese, balinese, american, british, etc. - Material: wooden, gold, plastic, leather, etc. 3. Classifier Classifiers function to categorize a participant by allocating it to a particular class or subclass. Another term for it referring similar meaning is Qualifier. Classifier or qualifier must be placed right before the thing. Classifers can be distinguished from describers in that it is not possible to insert the word very before classifiers. Example: the tennis match the long match Classifier Describer There is very long match, there is no very tennis match 4. Head/ Thing Head/ thing can be nouns or pronoun. They are classes of words which may represent a single participant, a group or class of participants, or a number of participants. - Single Participant: He works in a petrol company - Class of Participant: People need money - A number of Participants: We dont like that design POSTMODIFIER Postmodifiier is modifier coming after the thing. It comes in the form of Embedded phrase or Embedded clause. Embedded Phrase: The woman with thick glasses Embedded Clause: The woman who wears thick glasses

The pattern of Noun Phrase can be summarized in such a way: NOUN PHRASE beautiful Girls with high heels classifier thing embedded phrase

Those determiner

three describer

who won the contest last week embedded clause

Translate these Indonesian phrases into English!


1. Sebuah peternakan domba yang luas dengan tembok yang tinggi 2. Beberapa pelajaran penting yang berguna bagi kita 3. Banyak anak-anak kecil malang yang menjadi pengemis 4. Mobil sport baru milik Rafi yang mewah, berwarna kuning, dengan dua pintu. 5. Tes yang lama dan sulit bagi mahasiswa semester 2 E. Reading Passage 2 In April 1803, Napoleon Bonaparte negotiated the sale of the Louisiana Territory with the envoys of President Thomas Jefferson. For the fifteen million dollars needed to continue his war in Europe, Napoleon turned the entire Louisiana Territory over to the United States. Neither the French nor the Americans were aware o the vast amount of land the sale involved. It was later discovered to include over eight hundred thousand square miles. Only a short time before the agreement was reached, Napoleon had acquired Louisiana from Spain with the intention of making Louisiana the center of a great FrenchAmerican ehe was interested empire. However, when President Jefferson sent word that he was interested in buying New Orleans, Napoleon gave up this dream. The envoys were offered all of Louisiana or nothing, and they gladly took it all. At one stroke of the pen and without even a threat of war, the Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States, pushed back the frontier, and secured the Mississippi Riveras a highway for Western trade. It was by far the best bargain iin American diplomatic history. Exercise 6. Choose the correct answer based on the information from the text! 1. With whom did Napoleon negotiate the sale of Louisiana? A. B. C. D. President Jefferson personally The Spanish The American delegation Citizens of New Orleans

2. Why did napoleon sell Louisiana? A. B. C. D. it was too far from France\ He was in need of money it was too large to govern He was unable to defend it

3. The most unusual feature of the sale was that ... A. B. C. D. it was negotiated in a very short period of time it involved a very valuable piece of land no one really wanted most of the land neither country knew how much land was involved

4. What did President Jefferson originally wish to buy from Napoleon? A. B. C. D. New Orleans present-day Louisiana the Mississippi Valley the entire Louisiana Territory

5. By selling the Louisisana Territory, Napoleon decided to ... A. B. C. D. avoid the threat of war forget one of hs dream allow Spain to compete with the United States move the center of the French Empire.

UNIT II What is a Veterinarian A veterinarian is a person who has studied to be a doctor of animals. They take care of animals health. Many pet owners use a veterinarian to help them take care of their pets. Some veterinarians take care of cats and other small animals. Other veterinarians take care of larger animals such as horses, cows, or large zoo animals. If you have a pet at home, your pet has probably seen a veterinarian. Veterinarians can help you decide what kinds of food your animals should eat, what shots your pet will need, and how you should take care of your animals. It is important to take your pet to see a veterinarian to make sure it stays healthy. (Source: Lets Talk IX: 194)

Exercise 1. Answer the questions based on the information from the text! 1. What does the text tell about? 2. What is a veterinarian 3. What assistance can a Vet. do to help taking care animal? 4. Find the synonym of these words from the text! - pay attention - holder - perhaps - make a decision - vigorous

5. Translate the text into Indonesian

A. Grammar Focus SIMPLE PRESENT 1. Simple Present is used to state: a. Habit/ activities which is frequently done Example: He works as a teller in a private bank b. General truth Example: The earth is round Simple Present is also used as a sub clause to modify main clauses coming in present tenses. For example: I will tell him the news, as soon as he comes. 2. The pattern for Simple Present is: Verbal Sentence Nominal Sentence (+) S + V1/ V1 + s/es S + is, am, are - V1 is used for the subject: I, you, we, they, plural Be is followed by noun or adjective noun/pronoun Example: Marina is a kind girl

Example: They clean the yard every week - V1 + s/es is used for the subject: he, she, it, singular noun/pronoun Example: He cleans the yard every week (-) S + do/does + not + V1 Example: They do not clean the yard every week He does not clean the yard every week (?) do/does + S + V1 (Yes, No Question) Example: Do they clean the yard every week? Does he clean the yard every week? (?) question word + do/does + S + V1 (Wh. Question) Example: Why do they clean the yard every week? Why does he clean the yard every week? (-) S + is, am, are + not Example: Marina is not a kind girl

(?) is, am, are + S (Yes, No Question) Example: Is Marina a kind girl? (?) question word + is, am, are + S (Wh. Question) Example: Why is Marina very kind?

Note: Verb and Be have similar position as predicate for a sentence. They are used interchangeably. If there is verb, there is no be and vice versa (except in progressive tenses). For instance: I am go it is incorrect, since it is double predicate. 3. The Time Signal for Simple Present: Simple Present is indicated by time signal such as: every ..., on Sundays. It is also indicated by the use of adverb of frequency such as : sometimes, seldom, usually, rarely, always, never, often. When there is no time signal or adverb of frequency, simple present can also be indicated by the context of the sentence. Example: A tree absorbs carbondioxide (the sentence indicate something happening everyday). 4. Simple Present vs. Present Progressive/Continuous Simple Present is frequently interpreted to be similar with Present Progressive. They are obviously different. Simple Present means habitual activities, whereas Present Progressive means ongoing activities (activities happening on that time). They are indicated by different time signals. Exercise 2. Use either the Simple Present or the Present Progressive! 1. Dian cant come to the phone because she (wash) ___________ her hair. 2. Dian (wash) __________ her hair every other day or so. 3. Kathy (sit, usually) __________ in the front row during class, but today she (sit) _________ in the last row. 4. Please be quiet. I (try) _________ to concentrate 5. (lock, you, always) _____________ the door when you leave? 6. I wrote to my friend last week. She hasnt answered my letter yet. I (wait, still) ____________ for a reply.

7. Every morning, the sun (shine) __________ in my bedroom window and (wake) _______ me up. 8. After three days of rain, Im glad that the sun (shine) ___________ again today. 9. A: Look! It (snow) __________ B: Its beautiful! That is the first time Ive ever seen snow. It (snow, not) ______________ in my country. 10. Mike is a student, but he (go, not) __________ to school right now because its summer. He (attend) ________ college from September to May every year.

Exercise 3. Using interogative Simple Present in speaking. Translate the following sentence into English! 1. Apakah seekor ikan bernafas dengan paru-paru? 2. Apakah anda siap untuk berangkat? 3. Mengapa bayi menangis jika dia lapar? 4. Apa manfaat kalsium bagi tubuh manusia? 5. Dimana ibu biasanya membeli sayuran? 6. Apa pendapat anda tentang korupsi di Indonesia? 7. Bagaimana kita menggunakan mesin ATM? 8. Kapan air mendidih? 9. Apakah makanan cepat saji itu sehat? 10. Mengapa tumbuhan meranggas di musim panas?

UNIT III CLASS OF WORDS/ DERIVATION In English language, it is known four types of word, they are: Verb, Noun, Adjective and Adverb. Knowing about words and their classes will automatically enlarge vocabulary. In derivation, a verb can be changed into noun, a noun can be changed into adjective, and so on, by adding some derivational suffixes. Pay attention to the following table: Verb Beautify Standardize Communicate Act Direct Succeed Simplify Popularize Endanger Sharpen Noun Beauty Standard Communication Action Direction Success Simplicity Popularity Danger Sharpness Adjective Beautiful Standard Communicative Active Directive Successful Simple Popular Dangerous Sharp Adverb Beautifully Standardly Communicatively Actvely Directively Successfully Simply Popularly Dangerously Sharply

Every class of word has certain derivational suffixes which become their characteristic. In other words, class of word can be recognized by paying attention to derivational suffixes attached to the words. Pay attention to the following table and learn it. VERB Suffixes -en Noun Fright Length Short Apology Memory Standard Beauty Class Terror Verb Frighten Lengthen Shorten Apologize Memorize Standardize Beautify Classify Terrify Suffixes Noun [s] ending Advise [s] [z] ending Excuse [s] Use [s] [s],[z] ending[d] ending Applause [s] Success [s] Defense [s] Verb Advise [z] Excuse [z] Use [z] Applaud [d] Succeed [d] Defend [d] Believe [v] Prove [v] Relieve [v]

-ze, -ize

-fy, -ify

[f] ending Belief [f] [v] ending Proof [f] Relief [f]

NOUN Suffixes -ment Verb Agree Argue Develop Noun Agreement Argument Development Action Production Admiration Suffixes -al Verb Refuse Deny Arrive Depart Mix Sign Noun Refusal Denial Arrival Departure Mixture Signature

-ion, -tion, Act -ation Produce Admire

-ure, -ture, -ature

-ance,-ence Appear Disturb Attend -t Complain Contain Fly

Appearance Disturbance Attendance Complaint Content Flight Composer Director Typist Servant Resident

-ery, -ary

Bound Bribe Deliver Marry Pack Spoil

Boundary Bribery Delivery Marriage Package Spoilage


-er, -or, - Compose ist, -ant, - Direct ent Type Serve Reside ADJECTIVE Suffixes -y Noun Sand Blood Risk Friend Mother Week Beauty Pain Use Base Simpathy Economy Difference Defiance Child

Adjective Sandy Bloody Risky Friendly Motherly Weekly Beautiful Painful Useful Basic Simpathetic Economic Different Defiant Childish

Suffixes -less

Noun Worth Pain Use Mistery Danger Fame

Adjective Worthless Painless Useless Mysterious Dangerous Famous Accidental Differential Confidential Golden Experienced




-al, -ial, -tial Accident Difference Confidence -en, -ed Gold Experience

-ic, -atic

-ent, -ant

-able, -ible

Reason Sense Imagination

Reasonable Sensible Imaginative



Exercise 6. Change the word in bracket into the correct form, or let it as it is, if it has alreday been correct! 1. The children are cryng because they are _______ (hunger) 2. The actress was very _____ (fame) in the past 3. He talked a great about _____ (success) 4. I think he is a very ______ (suspicion) man

5. He left _____ (tire) after a long walk 6. The first information is quite _____ (differ) from the second 7. You must be _____ (care) in order not to get any accident 8. _____ (surprise) thing may happen anywhere 9. They tought that the restaurant will be _____ (profit) 10. Have you ever come to the _____ (month) meeting

Reading Passage 3 Mangrove A mangrove is a tropical marine tree. Mangroves have special aerial roots and saltfiltering tap roots which enable them to thrive in brackish water. Brackish water is salty but not as salty as sea water. Mangrove trees are commonly planted and found in coastal areas. Mangroves can serve as walls of protection for natural disaster in coastal area like tsunami. According to BBC News, healthy mangrove forests had helped save lives in the Asia disaster tsunami and people tended to respect these natural barriers even more, especially after the tsunami. There are several species of mangrove tree found all over the world. Some prefer more salinity, while others like to be very-close to a large fresh water source such as river. Some prefer areas that are sheltered from waves. Some species have their roots covered with sea water every day during high tide. Other species grow on dry land but are still part of the ecosystem. The Times of India reported that rare species of mangrove had been found and was also known as the looking-glass tree, probably because the leaves are silver-coated. Mangroves need to keep their trunk and leave above the surface of the water. Yet they also need to be firmly attached to the ground so they are not moved by waves. Any part of root that appears above the water flows oxygen to the plant under water surface. As the soil begin to build up, these roots procedure additional roots that become embedded in the soil. Exercise 7. Answer the question based on the text! 1. How can a mangrove thrive in brackish water? 2. What is the advantage of planting mangroves? 3. Where is the habitat for mangroves? 4. Mention some species of mangrove? 5. Why should mangroves be attached firmly to the ground?


UNIT IV Vacation to London Mr. Richards family was on vacation. They are Mr. and Mrs. Richard with two sons. They went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to the British embassy to get visas to enter Britain. They had booked fourteen days tour. This includes travel and accommodation. They also included tours around London. They boarded large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours. On the plane the cabin crews were very friendly. They gave them newspaper and magazine to read. They gave them food and drink. There was a film for entertainment. They had a very pleasant flight. They slept part of the way. On arrival at Heathrow airport, they had to go to customs and immigration. The officers were pleasant. They checked the document carefully but their manners were very polite. Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags and went to London welcome desk. They arranged the transfer to a hotel. The hotel was a well-known four-star hotel. The room had perfect view of the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet, instead of keys for the room, they inserted a key card to open the door. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. They had variety of food. The two weeks in London went by fast. At the end of the 14-days, they were quite tired but they felt very happy. www.tugaskuliah,info Exercise 1. Answer the questions based on the information from the text! 1. What does the text tell us about? 2. Mind the predicate in every sentence, and write 10 of them! 3. How long did Mr. Richards have their holiday in London? 4. How did Mr. Richards go to London? 5. What did Mr. Richards do after arriving at Heathrow airport? 6. What is Mr. Richards familys impression on their vacation?

A. Grammar Focus SIMPLE PAST 1. Simple Past is used to state past activities. 2. The pattern for Simple Past is: Verbal Sentence (+) S + V2 Example: They cleaned the yard last week (-) S + did + not + V1 Example: They did not clean the yard last week Nominal Sentence S + was, were Example: Marina was busy yesterday (-) S + is, am, are + not Example: Marina was not busy yesterday

(?) did + S + V1 (Yes, No Question) Example: Did they clean the yard last week? (?) question word + did + S + V1 (Wh. Question) Example: Why did they clean the yard last week?

(?) was, were + S (Yes, No Question) Example: Was Marina busy yesterday? (?) question word + was, were + S (Wh. Question) Example: Why was Marina busy yesterday?

3. The Time Signal for Simple Past: Simple Past is indicated by time signal such as: last ...; ... ago and past date. Note: Simple past always deals with past verb or usually called V2. Regular verb has regular pattern by adding ed for V2 and V3, however, irregular verbs do not have specific pattern, so they should be learned by enlisting them. Pay attention to the table! Regular Verb V1 Study Look Stop Listen V2 Studied Looked Stopped Listened Iregular Verb V1 Bear Begin Break Come Deal Fall Find Hit Keep Swim V2 Bore Began Broke Came Dealt Fell Found Hit Kept Swam V3 Born Begun Broken Come Dealt Fallen Found Hit Kept Swum V3 Studied Looked Stopped Listened

4. Simple Past vs. Past Continous Simple Past is not frequently overlapped with Past Continous, but Simple Past is often used as a sub clause modifying Past Continous. The combination of them show the meaning of an event which was occuring when other event happened at the same time. Example: I was walking along the street when it began to rain While I was studying, someone knocked the door


Exercise 2. Make a list of irregular verbs, at least 20 verbs! Exercise 3. Change the following sentences into interogative! 1. She made a mistake 2. The man stole the money 3. She was sick last night 4. He threw a piece of challk 5. Mother spoke to him Exercise 4. Change the verb in bracket into Simple Past and Past Continuous! 1. I (call) __________ Robert last night but he (study) _________ 2. I (hear, not) __________ the thunder during the storm last night because I (sleep) _______ 3. My brother and sister (argue) _________ about something when I (walk) ________ into the room. 4. I (find) my old photo when I (clean) my old cupboard 5. While Mr. Emerson (read) ________ a story, the littele boy (fall) __________ asleep.


UNIT V How Cell Phones Work A cell phone is a great gadget in this modern world. What is a cell phone? A cell phone is actually a radio in certain way. Like a radio, by a cell phone we can communicate to other people in real time. Million people use cell phone for their communication. Even nowadays, people use cell phones to communicate in voice, written and data. Alexander Graham Bell is the person who made great change in the way people communicate to each other. He invented a telephone in 1876. While wireless radio was formally known in 1894 presented by Guglielmo Marconi. By these two technologies, then a cell phone was born. However do you know how actually cell phones work? This short explanation on how a cell phone work is really wonderful. A cell phone or in long term "cellular telephone' works by transmitting signals of radio to towers of cellular. The towers are networked to a central switching station. The connection usually uses wire, fiber optic-cables, or microwave. Then the central switching station which handles calls in certain given area is directed connected to the wire-based telephone system. Cellulars are picked up by the towers and relayed to another cellular telephone user or the user of wire-based telephone network. The towers vary in the capacity and capability to receive signals. Some can receive the signal from short distance and the others can receive more distance. However, there are usually more than one tower in certain given area so that the system can handle the increasing telephone traffic. Exercise 3. Fill in the blank with suitable words from the box below. A cell phone was ___1___ because of the technology of the great discoveries of telephone and wireless radio. The operation of a cell phone is by ____2____ signals of radio to towers of cellular. A central switching station is linked to many ____3____. The ability of a tower to ___4___ signal is various. The increase of cell phone user should be accompanied by the ___5___ in the amount of tower.
born signals calls receive having make transmitting towers decline increase

Passive Voice The pattern for passive voice is: S + be + V3 The use of be in passive voice is determined by the tenses. Briefly, the be which is used in passive voice can be classified into 5 groups: 1. 2. 3. 4. Present Past Continuous (progressive) Perfect : is, am, are : was, were : is, am, are / was, were + being : has, have / had + been

5. Future

: will / be going to + be

To determine what kind of be is needed, we should pay attention to some guidance of choosing be in acordance with the tenses: 1. Present, if the time signals used are adverbs of frequency, such as: sometimes, usually, rarely, always, never, often; and context of sentence showing habit or general truth. Example: Oxygen is distributed all over the body by the blood. (although there is no time signal indicating present tense, the context of the sentence shows a concept of general truth wich must be stated with present tense. 2. Past, if the time signals used are: yesterday; ...ago; last..., past date; and context of sentence showing something happened in certain time in the past. Example: Borobudur temple was built by the Syailendra dynasty. (there is no time signal, byt context of the sentence indicates that that event happened in certain time in the pas, so the be used should be in past). 3. Continuous/ Progressive (includes Present and Past Continuous/ Progressive), if the time signals used are: now, at the moment, at present; and context of sentence showing an event which is still occuring at the time of speaking, or still occuring in the certain time of the past. The concept of continuous tense is also used in a sentence begun with a command. Example: - Is my car ready? Im sorry, it is still being fixed because we didnt get the sparepart until today - Look! The skyscraper is being cleaned. 4. Perfect (includes Present and Past Perfect and Present/Past Perfect continuous), if the time signals used are: for, since; and context of sentence showing something that has already happened, has happened and is still happening, or certain event which had happened before one event in the past. Example: The mail had been delivered by the mail carrier before I left for school this morning. A. was delivered B. has delivered C. had been delivered D. has been delivering E. was being delivered (although there is no time signal of for or since, the concept indicated by the sentence is two consecutive events in the past (thus, it must be stated with past perfect and simple past). 5. Future (includes Present/Past Future, Present/PastFuture Continuous), if the time signals are: tomorrow; next...; soon/immediately; and context of sentence showing something which will possibly happen in the future. Example:

What is going to happen with those orphans after the dissaster? Dont worry they will be taken care of.

Exercise 5. Fill in the blank with the correct form of passive or active! 1. The game (win, probably) ______ by the other team next season 2. The Amazon valley is extremely important for ecology of earth because 40% of world oxygen (produce) there. 3. Right now Alex is in hospital. He (treat) _____ for a bad burn onhis arms 4. Yesterday the wind (blow) _____ my hat fell of my head 5. This meat (must, keep) _____ in refrigerator 6. A bracelet (wear) _____ around the wrist 7. Water (compose) _____ of hydrogen and oxygen 8. That beautiful bridge (build)_____ in Soehartos government 9. The book is not on the desk anymore. Someone must have (take) _____ it. 10. When I arrived, the car (wash) _____.


UNIT VI Overpopulated Jakarta

The Jakarta Post | Sat, 08/21/2010 10:51 AM

Jakartas population is at an alarming level. According to results of the recent national census, the capital city is inhabited by nearly 9.6 million people exceeding a population projection of 9.2 million for 2025. The citys population is 4 percent of the countrys total population of 237.6 million people. With the new figures, we can see that the citys population has grown 4.4 percent over the last 10 years, up from 8.3 million in 2000. What do these figures say? The capital city is overpopulated. As a consequence, the citys policy makers need to revise many of their urban development targets including job creation, food security, housing, healthcare and infrastructure as all the citys current problems could be the results of bad population estimates. The most important thing, however, is to deal with continuing population growth. At current levels, the city has a population density of 14,476 people per square kilometer. If Central Jakarta and the Thousand Islands regency were excluded, the figure would reach 18, 676 people. It is not difficult to see overcrowding in Jakarta. Traffic chaos occurs nearly every day. Slums still exist in many areas, including along many river banks. Street vendors continue to occupy public spaces such as sidewalks and parks, as there are fewer and fewer legal spaces for them to do business. Currently, less than 10 percent of the city is dedicated to green or open spaces, compared to an ideal figure of 30 percent. The only answer is to reduce the high population growth rate. Although the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) has not provided a demographic breakdown of the citys population, we can easily guess that urbanization contributes most to population growth in Jakarta, which remains a magnet that attracts people from across the country. The city population agency even said that births contribute less than 1 percent to the citys growing population. The Jakarta administration has indeed taken measures to curb urbanization. It has issued a bylaw that limits entry of migrants into the city, with only those who have guaranteed jobs allowed to live in the city, while officers of the city public order agency often conduct raids against illegal residents. But those efforts have failed to solve the problem. In frustration, Governor Fauzi Bowo has even made a call to his counterparts to prevent their people from coming to Jakarta. Those efforts are not enough because Jakarta remains the sole center of attraction for many people from across the country. All efforts to curb the citys birth rate will be meaningless if we cannot curb urbanization. To deal with this problem, Jakarta cannot work alone because there are still factors pushing urbanization. Young farmers prefer to leave their hometowns to work in the city due to a lack of government incentives in the agricultural sector, while people with higher education prefer to work in Jakarta because of a failure to create centers of economic growth in regions other than Jakarta. All these problems can only be solved if there is political will from the central government to deal with the issue of reducing disparities between Jakarta and other provinces.


Exercise 1. Answer the questions based on the text! 1. What does the text tell us about? 2. Why is Jakarta said over-populated? 3. Explain the effect of over-populated Jakarta! 4. What has the government done to overcome the problem of overpopulation in Jakarta? 5. What is the main cause of population growth in Jakarta? 6. What efforts should be done to cope with the effect of over-population? 7. What factors trigger urbanization?

Why Exercise is Important The majority of us claim that we do not have time for exercise. We feel too busy to do that. However, many expert said that exercise has great role in making our body healthy Being physically active offers many advantage. In physical reword, exercise can reduce weight then our body will become fitter. Exercise is also believed to reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. Beside physical advantage, exercise also brings good effects mentally. Due to the fitter body, exercise can make us feel refreshed and happy then we can increase our life quality and expectancy. How can we do exercise while we are busy? Such question is commonly found among us. Actually exercise can be done in simple ways. We can go walking while shopping. In the office we can take stair rather than lift to run up and down. Or we can go cycling while enjoy the leisure time. Over all, doing exercise is little bit difficult in busy life but the little bit of exercise will help better.
Adapted from:

Exercise 2. Translate the text into Indonesian! Make an outline of the text structure! Exercise 3. Make an Exposition text using one of the following topics! The importance of English language Laptop as students friend The danger of smoking


B. Grammar Focus CONJUNCTION Conjunction can be classified into two types, that is: 1. Coordinative Conjunction: conjunction which combine grammatically equal sentence elements, for instance word with word, sentence with sentence, noun with noun, verb progressive with verb progressive, etc. in coordinative conjunction, there will be no differentiation of main clause and sub clause. Example: or, and, but, so, yet, nor, or Coordinative conjunction can be modified to form paired conjunction, they are: - both...............and .. : baik maupun - either or .. : salah satunya - neither. .. nor .. : tidak keduanya - not only...but also : tidak hanya tapi juga . - so .. that ... : sangat sehingga - such .. that : sangat ... sehingga 2. Subordinative Conjunction: conjunction which combine sub clause and main clause.. Contoh: Many fishermen went sailing although the weather was very bad Main Clause Sub Clause

From the meaning, conjunction can be classified into five main relationship of meaning 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cause and effect Concession Addition Condition Defining

I. Cause and Effect 1. Because, as, since, for: karena (followed by a clause there is subject and predicate) Contoh: We didnt come to the meeting because the weather was very bad S Because in the sentence can be replaced by as, since or for - Due to, because of: karena (followed by phrase no predicate-) Contoh: We didnt come to the meeting because of the very bad weather (no predicate) 2. Therefore, accordingly: oleh karena itu, karena itu Contoh: The rice field in this region severely destroyed by plant pest, therefore, the price of rice is rising highly. 3. So, thus, so that, in order that, in order to: jadi, maka, sehingga, agar supaya

II. Concession 1. Although, even though, though: walaupun/meskipun (followed by a clause). Contoh: He went to the party although he was tired - despite, inspite of: walaupun/meskipun (followed by a phrase) Contoh: They went to the party despite his tiredness 2. However, nevertheless, but, yet, still III. Addition 1. In addition, moreover, furthermore, besides: lagipula, disamping itu Contoh: She is a very nice girl, moreover she is smart IV. Condition 1. if, unless, otherwise, as long as V. Defining 1. that is, namely

Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer! 1. The way professor Mattis teaches English not only keeps the students interest ____ A. and also increases their motivation B. but also increasing their motivation C. and he also increases their motivation D. but also increases their motivation 2. My uncle doesnt earn much ____ he can send his children to college A. however B. and 3. We were planning to open a new office ____ the economic crisis forced us to postpone it. A. B. C. D. and or so but 4.____ his good performance as a student, he is always nerveous when doing the exam. A. unless B. although C. instead of D. despite 5. ____ she likes him very much, she always pretends to ignore him. C. therefore because A. D. so B. whereas C. even though D. however 6. The hotel provides good facilities, yet .. A. B. C. D. the occupancy rate is very low foreign tourists like to stay there it is located on a beautiful beach it is advertised in the yellow pages

7. All the members of the Parliament applauded the president was walking to his seat. A. so that B. even if C. as soon as D. while 8. How is the restaurant? The food is good but .. A. the atmosphere of the restaurant is cozy B. it can be easily reached C. the service needs to be improved D. it is cheaper than any other restaurant

9. Mom, why do you insist on my wearing a jacket? Im sure it will be very cold outside A. B. C. D. until since so that because of

10. Smoking can be the causes of many illnesses and respiratory disorders; it may harm non-smokers. A. B. C. D. consequently in addition nevertheless otherwise


UNIT VII The Advantage and Disadvantage of Nuclear Power Nuclear power is generated by using uranium which is a metal mined in various part of the world. The first large scale of nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in Cumbria, England in 1956. Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plant for engine. Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needed, and produces huge amounts of energy. It causes no pollution as we would get when burning fossil fuels. The advantages of nuclear plant are as follow:

It costs about the same coal, so it is not expensive to make. It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect. It produces huge amounts of energy from small amount of uranium. It produces small amount of waste. It is reliable.

On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major accident. People are increasingly concerned about this matter. In the 1990's nuclear power was the fastest growing source of power in many parts of the world. Exercise 1. Answer the question based on the text! 1. The text tells us about? A. nuclear as a mineral B. nuclear is useful C. nuclear is beneficial but dangerous as well D. the reason of using nuclear energy 2. According the text, nuclear energy is often utilized by? A. military ships and submarines B. state and private company C. weapon producer D. intellegence bureau 3. The following is the advantage of nuclear energy, EXCEPT: A. its cheap B. it produces small amount but threatening waste C. environmentally friendly D. it produces huge amount of energy 4. although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be spent on safety.... the underlined word is closest in meaning to ... A. advantageous B. trustworthy C. renewable

D. affordable Reading Passage 2 The Debate over National Examination National exam becomes the hot topic in most of discussions. Though the Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by the government on the organization of the national exams, the controversy over whether it is necessary to maintain the national exams (UN) has continued. Some debates include the primary questions such as; does the quality of Indonesian education depend on the national exam? Will the quality of the Indonesian education system worsen without national exam? People, who support the national exam explain that the quality of the Indonesian education system will drop without the national exam, so they try to defend the current system. However, there are people who disagree with the opinion. Those who against this national exam kept in our high school education say that it doesn't need the national exams because the quality of education does not just depend on the national exam. Further, the national exam only measures a small portion of students' competence in specific subjects, and does not measure students' competences throughout the semester. In fact, the national examination can still be useful as an instrument to evaluate or detect the level of students' cognitive competence in several subjects, on a national scale.
Arranged from:

Exercise 2. Answer the questions based on the text! 1. What is the issue proposed in the passage? 2. Mention the disadvantage of maintaining national examination! 3. What is the reason given by those who are in favor of national examination? 4. What can be concluded from the text? 5. Find out the synonym of the following words from the passage! Debate Essential Secure Oppose Handy

E. Grammar Focus ENGLISH CLAUSES English clause is a unit of meaning consists of Subject and Finite. Finite can be in the form of be and verb. Finite is also commonly said as predicate. There is no clause without finite. Example: She works in a foreign company (work is a finite in the form of verb). Such kind of sentence is called verbal sentence.


She is an English teacher (is is a finite in the form of be). Such kind of sentence is called nominal sentence. Besides finite as the main elemen of a clause, there is also element of clause which is not necessarily exist in a clause, that is adverb Recognizing sentence or clause is difficult when the sentence or clause is complex. The common error in academic writing is making a clause without predicate. This is because the writer doesnt understand well the elements of the sentence he/she makes. Knowing elements of an english clause is very important if we want to be understood. We should remember that writing academically is writing based on readers expectation.

Exercise 3. Recognizing sentence elements in a complex long sentence! Identify which one is Subject, Predicate, Object, Adverb! 1. Many modern educational experts claim that teaching facts and academic skills is less important than achieving other social objectives. 2. For some liberals, the schools must first change attitudes or provide nurturing in place of failed families or help establish equality and social justice. 3. But the idea of simply educating kids seems to have taken a backseat to most educational experts and administrators. 4. Despite all the atrocities falsely attributed to it, the gorilla is essentially a peace-loving creature that would rather retreat than fight except when its life is threatened and retreat is impossible. 5. The White House, the official home of the President of the United States, was designed by the architect james Hoban, who is said to hve been influenced by the design of a palace in Ireland.

F. Reading Passage 3 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Learning A few years ago, distance learning was seen as an inferior way but nowadays even famous and established traditional colleges and universities are providing distance learning courses and it is generally considered a way to improve one's life. However, people still argue whether distance learning give more advantage or disadvantage. Some of them who see the benefit of distance learning will say that distance learning needs no commuting. Of course it saves money and time that students would take. Furthermore, distance learning can be done at any students convenience. Mostly of the classes of distance learning are asynchronous. It means that students do not have to attend a lecture at a fixed particular time and place. Students can review the assignments and do their homework during

off-hours or from home. Additionally, distance learning gives more accessibility. No one can deny it. People with limited mobility may encounter the problem when they take traditional class. With the online class system, the problem is absent. Despite the many advantages, the other people will see that distance learning is costly and needs complex technology. To attend online learning, student must have a computer with possibly access to the internet. Admitted or not, such technology devices are not always available for common students. Another disadvantage of distance learning is that it does not provide immediate feedback. Unlikely traditional classroom, students have to wait for the feedback and comment until the instructor has review the works and sent response to them. Most of the time students will study alone. Distance learners may feel isolated or miss that social physical interaction that comes with attending a traditional classroom Regarding the individuals learning style, some students are able to learn when there is a live interaction between them and the available of accompanying teacher while others dont really need it. So before deciding a choice of attending distance learning or not, each student needs to do a fair analysis regarding the kind of person he/she is.

Exercise 5. Answer the question based on the text! 1. Why do traditional colleges and famous universities begin to be interested in distance learning? 2. What are the reasons given by those who are agree with distance learning? 3. Mention the disadvanttage of distance learning! 4. Why is distance learning considered costly? 5. What is the writers opinion about distance learning?



- . 1992. A Brief Introduction to Genre. Metropolitan East Disadvantaged Schools Program Betty S. Azar, 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar. London: Prentice Hall -. IELTS course material for writing Murphy Raymond, 1986. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press Quirk, Randolph & Greenbaum. 1973. A University Grammar of English. Longman Group Limited, England -. Toefl material for reading


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