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Magic1 Wands, Staffs and Rings, the Tree of Life, and the Brain/Spine/Subtle Nadis

A common depiction of the chakra system/the caduceus. Note its similarity to the 1st image on the right. The caduceus also represents the alchemical substance, Mercury (the anima mundi: magic).

A magic wand from, and the Elder Wand from the Harry Potter films (note the 7 nodules. 7 chakras?).

The brain and spinal column (with 33 vertebrae).

Wizards' staffs are commonly capped with globes; this is reminiscent of the brain (or even 3rd eye crystal ball) sitting atop the spine.

Magic = chi/animal magnetism/kundalini, the lifeblood and creative power of the Ka (soul or subtle body), our spirit double/twin (daemon/genius/genie/guardian angel/Higher Self). The Egyptian word for magic, heka, means activating the Ka.
[See the page x for more on the ka/genius.]

The spine/brain/subtle nadis are like a magic wand or staff that channels consciousness/magic and twines the threads of fate/weaves the world web (cf the Norns with their distaffs, and the World Tree/Axis Mundi).

Compare the base of these staffs with the base of the spine.

A neuron. Dendrite comes from the Greek word dendron, which means tree.

A depiction of the central nervous system as the Tree of Life.

A tattoo associating the Tree of Life with the nervous system.

An oracle card from the Oracle of Visions deck by Ciro Marcetti. This card also depicts the spine/nervous system as a tree.

7 chakras; 7 colours of the rainbow. Rainbow Bridge.

Yggradsil and the Rainbow Bridge linking the 9 realms, with a snake resting at its base. (The snake is Nidhoggr (entropy/chaos). The water from the Well of Urd (elixir of life - the risen kundalini/cultivated chi(?)) prevents the Tree from decaying).

The Star of Life/Rod of Asclepius: kundalini/chi? The symbol of the medical profession, alluding to the universal panacea.

Merlin's ring from the film, The Sorcerer's Apprentice. It only comes to life on the finger of the Prime Merlinean, just as the sword in the stone can only be removed by the King. Magic rings may symbolize kundalini, which lays coiled at the base of the spine (the literal meaning of kundalini is coiled).

The Matrix = neural networks?

A network of neurons.

The cosmos.

Magic Wand Synchronicity

Crop circle of a "magic wand" that points to August 3rd/4th 2012. (Image taken from I first wrote down and shared my ideas with a friend on genies, magic, and magic wands on the night of the 3rd/ early morning of the 4th August. I had had some epiphanies that night regarding the subject of magic/wands and ouila, a crop circle of a magic wand! I came across the article which included this picture later on that same day (the 4th) quite by accident, after just having written about it.

The crop circle shows the moon in conjunction with a Neptune "trident" on 4th August 2012. Spooky synchronicity!

Neptune (whose name alludes to the nuptiae, marriage of Heaven and Earth) brings to mind the Greek Proteus, shown in this picture. He knew all thing past, present and future, and if caught, he could be made to give up his secrets. However, he would shape-shift into various monsters and beasts to avoid this. The capture of Proteus is an analogy for successfully taming one's chi/kundalini/genie. Carl Jung points out that some alchemists have equated Proteus with the unconscious mind and with their Mercury/the anima mundi (what I call "magic" in this document).

The Daemon/Genius/Genie/Guardian Angel/Higher Self/Ka2

These all refer to the same thing/entity as the Divine Spark, Buddha Nature, Atman, and Blue Pearl, what most people in the West would call the soul. Meeting, and merging with it (embodying it) is the goal of the Heros Journey and all true spiritual paths. It is the source of magic. Other names for it are muse, fairy (godmother), spirit guide, subtle/energy body and the Self/ anima/animus.

The Egyptian symbol for the Ba (roughly, personality, or soul).

The Egyptian symbol for the Ka (spirit double, vital spark).

The Egyptian symbol The merkaba for the Akh. See note (light-body) below. also contains the words ka and ba.

The merging of the Ba with the Ka makes one an Akh, or "magically effective one". The Akh, as well as meaning the above, is associated with intellect as a living entity. "Magic" is the creative power of the imagination ('mind-power').

Magic and Spirit Doubles in Popular Culture

The Golden Compass:


'Dust' (or "magic" - see definition below) flows into people Magic comes from dragons. It flows through the through their daemons (stated to be their souls) in Philip Pullman's riders who command them Brom to Eragon. novels. This is very similar to the Egyptian Ka (magic = Angels are also made of condensed Dust. activating the Ka). Dust is life, or the living essence of things. It confers consciousness, Eragons dragon, Saphira, hatched from an egg he knowledge and wisdom. (Information from Wikipedia). found whilst hunting in a forest called The Spine It is Dust that provides the answers given by the golden compass (cf the location of the sleeping kundalini).

Genies, spirits and magic artefacts are often found in or near trees in stories and myths.

Merlin: Merlin and Arthur are described several times in this series as two sides of the same coin. Merlin is portrayed here as Arthur's 'invisible' (unacknowledged) protector who possesses magical powers. He is referred to as a genius several times, and once more as Arthurs Guardian Angel.

Ted: Ted is the protagonists Teddy Bear double, who came to life by magic. This sort of thing is now appearing in many films and fiction books; its everywhere. Ruby Sparks and Rise of the Guardians are two upcoming examples. Lots more to come on this!

The time of the dragon riders has come again

Saphira to Eragon.

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