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Easter Island and Inner Earth

Archangel Metatron
Via James Tyberonn - November 17, 2012

Greetings Masters! I am Metatron. I greet each of you in a vector of unconditional love! We are joined by the Hathors and ancient ones of MU in a brilliantly shining spiraled vector. Oh Dear Human Angel, we embrace you fondly, both individually and collectively. You wear duality filters which keep you from fully seeing what an exquisite energy you are. Many of you do not even recognize the magnificent accomplishment that the Ascension represents, and fewer still understand the fact that YOU created it. You are all on the cusp of an utterly astonishing graduation, and we honor you! Dear Ones, there is one physical Earth, but it exists in more than one reality, and in many versions. The Earth has served many purposes and will continue to do so. There are specialized points and places above, upon and within the Earth where dimensions merge and frequential doorways occur. There are numerous unique cavern openings that reach far into the Earth and enter other realities, and into the realms of different beings. The Earth has since its beginning been home of myriad races that have chosen to live upon and within the Earth and its moon. The Earth is uniquely symbiotic in that it is a proving-ground to humanity. But all who enter above or below ground on the planet know Rapa Nui, for it is a Stargate of extreme potency with a unique alignment to Arcturus. All life that enters the Earth plane passes first to the gateway of Arcturus. Mega Portal Indeed it is one of the most powerful and unique portals on the planet, and has been recognized as such for millennia. It is a dynamic balancing and nurturing energy that supports the Earth, its Elemental Kingdoms and Humanity. It is a place that was once home to giants, to Hathors and walking Cetaceans of Sirius. It was the surface Temple of the LeMurians. Most of you know it far more than you realize. We tell you it houses a gateway of extraordinary proportion and importance. And it will play an extremely important role beginning in 2013. Rapa Nui (Easter Island) holds a very specialized relationship with Giza as well as the other 11 mega nodes and is awakening into a new role, and will

be one of 4 major anchors in the Southern hemisphere for the New Firmament. Balanced Field Easter Island was formed from the lava of 3 triangulated volcanoes. The energy generated here is incredibly powerful, yet in balance. It exudes an almost musical serenity and opens each visitor to heightened awareness and spiritual merging with Divine Self. In 2013, beginning in the March Equinox, energetic coded crystalline light will flow into this area. Easter Island was visited from throughout the Cosmos. Incredible Pyramids were constructed in the area, most of which are now submerged below waters, although several are located and are functioning in the vast city below it in the Hollow Earth. Much later, during the 'Golden Age' of Atlantis, many extraterrestrials of Sirius A, Sirius B, the Pleiades and Arcturus manifested upon the Earth and walked with humans in biology. We tell you that the Earth is much different than you realize. To put it in an understandable 'computer' analogy, there is one primary Earth program, and within that program are many subprograms or files, that contain different versions, different epochs and different probabilities of time and space. Understand that within the Omni Earth are dimensions of time and space that are separated by frequency. Atlanteans of the Law of One, LeMurians, Ancient Egyptians, Tibetan Monks and certain indigenous cultures understood how to open the astonishing portal doorways, and were able under certain disciplines to change their reality and their dimensional resonance. Rapa Nui - The Original Entry Gate The Rapa Nui land mass is also the location of a potent opening to the Hollow Earth. It is the largest of several major entries which was used by the LeMurians to enter the subsurface realms of the Earth, at the time in which LeMuria was no longer sustainable. Within 300 years of your linear time Rapa Nui will re-emerge as a Cosmic Center. It will once again become a site of Utopia. In this phase, the sea levels will have declined considerably, and Rapa Nui will again be a much larger land mass. II will also be a refuge of rejuvenation and joy to all forms of life. It will harbor and nurture all who visit. It will be an interface for the Inner Earth population, for just beneath its surface area, is one of the largest

cities of the ancient LeMurians, as well as a base for the Hathors. Indeed the two are very connected. The LeMurians of Inner Earth Many of you do not truly consider that the interior of the Omni Earth is inhabited, but we assure you that it is absolutely populated. In fact every planet in your solar system, as well as 3 of your planetary moons are inhabited internally, in chasms below the surfaces. After the Fall of the Firmament and polarity realms predominated, bodies became more dense. When the Earth's environment was no longer able to sustain human life, approximately 65% of the LeMurians chose to enter into the hollows of Earth. Others chose to reincarnate into Atlantis and others into the Sacred Cetacean (Dolphin) realms in order to be of service to humanity. We have told you previously that dolphins and whales regulate, joyously upshift and anchor the power nodes and energies of the oceans. They are the loving guardians of the waters. Physiological Evolution Adaptation into the hollow Earth took many generations. The human body will acclimate and quickly evolve its physiology to match the needs of its inner and outer environment. As events upon the Earth continue to progress, experimental communities beneath the Earth, above the Earth, as well as on the Moon and as far away as Jupiter and Saturn will be established. The eye-sight of the LeMurians has evolved to perceive accurate imagery of their environment in a much wider scope of visibility, reaching above and below that of what is termed the visible spectrum of light. They have developed capabilities similar to the dolphin's sonar. There is a skeletal framing to their forms but it is more elastic in nature. Their skin is a blue-grey tint, because of the rich mineral content of the water they drink. They derive nutrients that energize their bodies almost entirely from the enriched mineral-waters they drink. They cultivate a form of aqueous algae similar to Spirulina. Life Sustenance in Inner Earth Very very few of the LeMurians venture to the surface in physical form. The LeMurians simply do not presently physicalize on the planet surface because their physical bodies would be quite vulnerable to viruses, certain bacterial infections, and over exposure to sunlight.

Some surface members of humanity are more resonate with the Inner Earth LeMurians because they have dually incarnated in the Inner Earth as well as the surface, but these are few. These will play an important role when the LeMurians begin to surface after the mass Ascension of humanity in approximately 15 generations (300 years / generation of 20 years). This surfacing will occur in the areas of Easter Island, Patagonia, Arkansas, Titicaca, Arizona, Turkey, Guatemala, Yucatan and Mt Shasta to name some of the major exit points. Closing Much lies before you from 2013 forward. The corridors of space & time are beginning to open now, offering you the benefit of creating present, past and future. 2012 is the Ascension of the Earth, the expansion of the crystal grid and matrix, and 2012 expansion allows for the enlightenment and Ascension of humanity in mass. You may feel it is a long time away, but it is but a flash of time from higher perspective. As this phase draws nearer you will have the benefit of guides, teachers and visitors who have been residing in frequencies and inner spaces that most of you have not visited. Worlds are to be revealed in ways that are new, exciting and wonderful. The star system is quickly pulsing into a magnificent graduation... into a stage of exquisite crystalline resonance. The Earth's Ascension is affecting the entire Cosmos. It is a rare event within the great design of time in which all frequencies, all energies, all life within the Cosmos are elevated. As we have told you, 2013 is the true beginning, not an end. The New Earth is truly unfolding now. This is an extraordinary and wonderful time. We honor you and shower you in blessings of Love. You are truly magnificent Beings... never forget that! I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved!" And so it is...And it is so...


What is to come Melbourne, Australia - September 29, 2012 Let me tell you, dear ones, right now as we speak to you, there is the potential of a small war in the Middle East. If and when it happens, watch carefully who decides not to come to the war. For there's a new consciousness brewing on this planet and I will tell you this: In all fairness, as we see the potentials before you in your future. What's finally going to happen in Iran is going to be the same no matter what, and I will tell you why because there is nobody to take the place of the old guard. It's all the ancient ones with the hatred who are moving the chess pieces as though they are representing the whole of the nation, but they are not. There will come a time, perhaps one that is actually aggravated by a war that will create the revolution in that country. Overwhelmingly, they don't want war. Ask an Israeli if they want still another war. They will say no, but they are afraid that their enemies will bring one to them. Who are their enemies and what is changing, dear ones? What's going on in Syria and Egypt and Libya? There's a recalibration going on there of what they believe and who their enemies are. It's about what they want from their government. Let me tell you what they all finally want, and you may not see it for 20 years, but they want schools and hospitals. They want what you have in your stores, and they want the freedom to worship their prophet without a small group telling them the rules of how they should do it. They want to honor their prophet in their own way and see the love of God in him as was designed by him. That's what's going on. The problem is that the old energy will fight this, for it will lose control if they get what the people want. There's a paradigm shift at hand and you're going to see it over there first, and it may not be pretty, so I want you to hang tight. Don't pull out what Nostradamus said at the last minute and say, "He was right." Nothing he said has manifested since 1987. Don't suddenly grasp the scriptures of Revelations and draw out all of those words that haven't been true for 30 years. Nothing has happened as they said it would. The only thing that rings true there is that there are still problems in the Middle East. There are those who are settling the very issues of whether they should continue to hate or not in the Middle East right now. They don't trust each other, but they also don't want to continue the way it has been. There are dictators who are leaving or who have already gone, replaced by leaders who will finally temper and soften their positions to their neighbors. It's because they realize what they want is schools and hospitals and roads and safety for their children.

The media rushes to the horror and tells you that they are all consumed with killing each other. I would like to ask you to interview them. Don't interview the ones that you see on the news, but rather the mothers and the fathers who you don't see on the news who have the same faith as the ones you do see in the news. They will tell you, "Give us peace; leave us alone; let us grow in our way in our own culture. We don't want to make bombs. We want to have compassion." It may get worse before it gets better and we have told you that many times. The many will replace the few. Businesses will change, governments will change, and banking will change. Are you shocked at this? Some day you're going to know that you actually have changed the way things used to be on the planet. You will realize that you made a difference. I will tell those listening and reading in the American audience the following: Get ready! Because there are some institutions that are yet to fall, ones that don't have integrity and that could never be helped with a bail-out. Again, we tell you the biggest one is big Pharma, and we told you that before. It's inevitable. If not now, then in a decade. It's inevitable and they will fight to stay alive and they will not be crossing the bridge. For on the other side of the bridge is a new way, not just for medicine but for paradigms that have not yet been thought of, which will be created and developed by young minds. Things that don't have integrity today will fall tomorrow. And the old energy won't like it, and they will object. There will be new ways to create electricity, new ways to clean the water, new ways to feed yourself. It's all there across the bridge in the future. Don't be afraid. Lightworker, this is what you waited for and this is the future that you wanted. It's why you were born and alive now. It doesn't matter how old you are. Don't count the years you think you have left; don't go there, just don't do it. I want you to see your life as we do. Your footprint on the Earth is enormous and what you are doing now as you cross the bridge is enormous. The Final Attribute If you're listening right now or reading, then you are part of it! It's the only thing that has brought you to the page, to the chair, to listen or read or know. If you're interested, then you're part of it. What the media gives you next, what happens next in the Middle East, what happens in these next years, will all be part of the old energy reaction. Darkness can't cross the bridge and they are going to die because of it. And I don't mean Humans. I mean the energy itself of hate will be dead and finally gone. This is the promise and I speak to those now who have complete and free choice to change it. For 20 years, you've seen it coming. You have a right for peace on the Earth. It is a time that you have planned on. A long process is ahead of you until the

last vestige of old energy is gone. I will say it again: There will come a time when you look back on today and you'll say, "How barbaric humanity was!" And that is what we see this day. And so it is. KRYON

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