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erform5mart rogram and User Manua|

1he enclosed roducL (roducL) and enclosed uocumenLaLlon (uocumenLaLlon) ls llcensed

on a non-Lransferable basls Lo Lhe purchaser of Lhe roducL, and ls for use onlv ln accordance
wlLh Lhe Lerms and condlLlons seL forLh ln Lhe enclosed erformSmarL SofLware Llcense
AareemenL. Copvlna, selllna, or oLherwlse redlsLrlbuLlna or uslna Lhe roducL or
uocumenLaLlon conLrarv Lo Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of Lhe erformSmarL SofLware Llcense
AareemenL ls prohlblLed. 1he roducL and uocumenLaLlon and all rlahLs Lhereln and LhereLo
are owned bv erformSmarL 8uslness Servlces, L.., erformSmarL" and lLs llcensors. unless
oLherwlse permlLLed bv Lhe erformSmarL SofLware Llcense AareemenL, Lhe roducL and
uocumenLaLlon mav noL be copled, phoLocopled, or reproduced ln whole or ln parL wlLhouL
Lhe prlor wrlLLen consenL of erformSmarL. All dlsclalmers of warranLles and llmlLaLlons of
llablllLv relaLlna Lo Lhe roducL and uocumenLaLlon ls speclflcallv seL forLh ln Lhe
erformSmarL SofLware Llcense AareemenL. 1he roducL and uocumenLaLlon are provlded
wlLh Lhe undersLandlna LhaL erformSmarL and lLs afflllaLes and llcensors are noL enaaaed
ln renderlna leaal or oLher professlonal servlce relaLlna Lo Lhe sub[ecL maLLer conLalned or
provlded uslna Lhe roducL. urchaser ls responslble for havlna anv and all work producL
creaLed uslna Lhe roducL and uocumenLaLlon revlewed and approved bv an approprlaLe

Money-back guarantee: lf vou purchased Lhe roducL from a dealer, vou musL reLurn Lhe
roducL and uocumenLaLlon Lo Lhe place of purchase ln accordance wlLh Lhe Lerms of Lhe
dealer's reLurn pollcv (lf anv). lf vou purchased Lhe roducL dlrecLlv from erformSmarL and,
for anv reason, vou are noL saLlsfled wlLh Lhe performance of Lhe roducL, vou mav reLurn
Lhe roducL and uocumenLaLlon Lo erformSmarL dlrecLlv and recelve a refund of Lhe
purchase prlce (noL lncludlna shlpplna and handllna). 1o do so, slmplv call erformSmarL
CusLomer Servlce aL 877-222-0448 wlLhln 60 davs of vour lnvolce daLe, Lo recelve a 8eLurn
Merchandlse AuLhorlzaLlon (8MA) number. WrlLe Lhe 8MA number on Lhe ouLslde of vour
shlpplna box, and reLurn Lhe roducL and uocumenLaLlon posLaae prepald wlLhln 60 davs
from Lhe lnvolce daLe. 8e sure Lo enclose a copv of Lhe lnvolce. 1he roducL and
uocumenLaLlon musL be reLurned ln orlalnal condlLlon ln Lhe orlalnal packaalna.

We welcome vour ldeas, suaaesLlons, and commenLs. ConLacL us aL:

erform5mart 5oftware L|cense Agreement


1hls erformSmarL SofLware Llcense AareemenL (AareemenL) ls a llcense aareemenL and noL an
aareemenL for sale. erformSmarL 8uslness Servlces, L.. (erformSmarL") herebv llcenses Lo Lhe
purchaser of Lhe enclosed sofLware producL (Llcensee"), a llmlLed, non-excluslve, non-Lransferable,
non-sub llcensable llcense onlv Lo use Lhe enclosed sofLware producL and anv furLher Lools and conLenL,
lncludlna wlLhouL llmlLaLlon, updaLes, made avallable Lo Llcensee (aL erformSmarL's sole dlscreLlon)
(collecLlvelv, SofLware") and all relaLed documenLaLlon (wheLher enclosed wlLh Lhe roducL or
provlded LhereafLer ln erformSmarL's sole dlscreLlon (collecLlvelv, uocumenLaLlon"). erformSmarL
reLalns all rlahLs noL expresslv aranLed Lo Llcensee ln Lhls AareemenL. Llcensee, bv lLs purchase and
use of Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon, herebv expresslv aarees wlLh Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of Lhls

2. CWNLk5nI

Llcensee expresslv acknowledaes LhaL all rlahL, LlLle and lnLeresL (lncludlna wlLhouL llmlLaLlon all
lnLellecLual properLv and all assoclaLed marks and loaos) ln and Lo Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon
and anv reporLs, resulLs or oLher lnformaLlon derlved from use of Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon are
Lhe sole and excluslve properLv of erformSmarL, lLs afflllaLes and llcensors (collecLlvelv,
erformSmarL arLles"). Llcensee aarees noL Lo Lake anv sLeps lnconslsLenL wlLh or Lo challenae or
lnfrlnae Lhe erformSmarL arLles' rlahLs ln and Lo Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon. Llcensee also
aarees Lo Lake all reasonable sLeps as mav be requesLed bv erformSmarL Lo asslsL Lhe erformSmarL
arLles ln proLecLlna and enforclna Lhelr rlahLs ln and Lo Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon.

3. 5CCL CI kIGn15: kL51kIC1ICN5 CN U5L

noLwlLhsLandlna anvLhlna Lo Lhe conLrarv ln Lhls AareemenL, Llcensee's llcensed rlahLs are llmlLed bv
Lhe followlna:

a. unless separaLelv aareed Lo bv erformSmarL ln wrlLlna Lo permlL addlLlonal lnsLallaLlons or
8ealsLered users (as deflned hereafLer) of Lhe SofLware, Llcensee mav lnsLall Lhe SofLware onLo
one hard drlve or oLher mass sLoraae devlce of a compuLer owned or leased bv Llcensee and
locaLed aL Llcensee's phvslcal locaLlon and mav have onlv one 8ealsLered user operaLe and use
such SofLware on such compuLer. lf a Llcensee deslres Lo lnsLall Lhe SofLware on a compuLer aL a
locaLlon oLher Lhan Llcensee's phvslcal locaLlon Lhe requesL musL be made ln wrlLlna and approved
bv erformSmarL ln wrlLlna prlor Lo such lnsLallaLlon.
b. Llcensee mav use Lhe SofLware onlv for lLs lnLended use LhaL ls dlrecLlv relaLed Lo Lhe lnLernal
buslness operaLlons of Llcensee, and mav noL offer Lhe beneflLs and servlces of Lhe SofLware Lo

Lhlrd parLles, wheLher such arranaemenL ls ln Lhe naLure of a servlce bureau or an ouLsourclna
servlce, or anoLher slmllar servlce or buslness. use of Lhe SofLware bv or on behalf of anoLher
enLlLv or emplover oLher Lhan Lhe Llcense ls prohlblLed.
c. ln addlLlon Lo Lhe copv made when lnsLalllna and operaLlna Lhe SofLware as provlded under
SecLlon 3(a) above, Llcensee mav make one copv Lhe SofLware onlv for backup or archlval
purposes, provlded such copv conLalns all of Lhe orlalnal copv's proprleLarv noLlces and ls kepL
ln Llcensee's possesslon and conLrol.
d. Cnlv lf erformSmarL separaLelv aarees ln wrlLlna Lo allow addlLlonal users (8ealsLered users")
of Lhe SofLware and sub[ecL Lo Llcensee's pavmenL of relaLed addlLlonal llcense fees, Llcensee
mav make mulLlple coples of Lhe uocumenLaLlon whlch accompanles Lhe SofLware, buL onlv as
necessarv for Llcensee's permlLLed use of Lhe SofLware. Llcensee mav noL make more coples of
Lhe uocumenLaLlon Lhan Lhe permlLLed number of 8ealsLered users.


a. Llcensee mav noL renL, lend, lease, aranL a securlLv lnLeresL ln, subllcense or oLherwlse Lransfer
rlahLs ln Lhe SofLware or uocumenLaLlon. 1he llcense and oLher rlahLs aranLed ln Lhls AareemenL
are personal Lo Llcensee, and Llcensee aarees noL Lo Lransfer, asslan or subllcense such rlahLs.
Anv aLLempLed Lransfer, asslanmenL or subllcense bv Llcensee wlll be null and vold.
b. Llcensee mav noL dlsassemble, decomplle, or unlock, reverse LranslaLe, or ln anv manner
decode, cusLomlze, or modlfv Lhe SofLware for anv reason.
c. Llcensee aarees LhaL lLs use of Lhe SofLware and Lhe uocumenLaLlon wlll complv wlLh all
appllcable laws and reaulaLlons, lncludlna wlLhouL llmlLaLlon Lhe unlLed SLaLes LxporL
AdmlnlsLraLlon AcL and Lhe rules and reaulaLlons Lhereunder. noLwlLhsLandlna anvLhlna Lo Lhe
conLrarv conLalned ln Lhls AareemenL, Llcensee expresslv acknowledaes LhaL Lhe SofLware and
uocumenLaLlon are lnLended for commerclal use and onlv ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca, and
aarees LhaL erformSmarL wlll bear no responslblllLv whaLsoever for anv unauLhorlzed use or
exporLaLlon of Lhe SofLware or uocumenLaLlon ouLslde Lhe unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca or for anv
personal use of Lhe SofLware or uocumenLaLlon.
d. Llcensee aarees Lo lnsLall Lhe SofLware accordlna Lo lnsLrucLlons provlded ln Lhe uocumenLaLlon
or bv an auLhorlzed erformSmarL represenLaLlve.
e. Llcensee aarees LhaL lLs use of Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon ls sub[ecL Lo erformSmarL's
sLandard order, bllllna, and collecLlon Lerms and condlLlons ln effecL aL Lhe Llme of Llcensee's
order of Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon, as appllcable, whlch mav be revlsed ln
erformSmarL's sole dlscreLlon.


a. erformSmarL warranLs LhaL lf Lhe SofLware ls provlded vla Cu-8CM, Lhe Cu-8CM wlll be free
from defecLs ln maLerlals and workmanshlp for a perlod of 60 davs afLer Lhe LffecLlve uaLe.
Should Lhe SofLware fall Lo conform Lo Lhls SecLlon 3(a), Llcensee's sole remedv shall be
replacemenL of Lhe defecLlve medla aL no charae Lo Llcensee. Such remedv ls avallable onlv lf
Llcensee reLurns Lhe defecLlve lLem and a daLed proof of purchase Lo erformSmarL wlLhln Lhe
60- dav warranLv perlod.
b. erformSmarL warranLs LhaL, when lnsLalled and used ln accordance wlLh Lhe uocumenLaLlon,
Lhe SofLware wlll maLerlallv conform Lo Lhe speclflcaLlons seL forLh ln Lhe uocumenLaLlon.


a. 1PL SCl1WA8L Anu uCCuMLn1A1lCn A8L nC1 A Su8S1l1u1L lC8 LLCAL C8 C1PL8
8ClLSSlCnAL AuvlCL. LlCLnSLL lS 8LSCnSl8LL lC8 PAvlnC An? Anu ALL WC8k 8CuuC1
C8LA1Lu uSlnC 1PL SCl1WA8L Anu uCCuMLn1A1lCn 8LvlLWLu Anu A8CvLu 8? An
b. LxCL1 AS Lx8LSSL? 8CvluLu PL8Lln, 1PL SCl1WA8L Anu uCCuMLn1A1lCn A8L
8CvluLu AS lS" Anu L8lC8MSMA81 Anu l1S AlllLlA1LS Lx8LSSL? ulSCLAlM An? Anu ALL
WA88An1lLS, WPL1PL8 Lx8LSS, lMLlLu, C8 C1PL8WlSL, AS 1C An? ASLC1 Cl 1PL SCl1WA8L
C8 uCCuMLn1A1lCn C8 An? 8LSuL1S, 8LC81S C8 C1PL8 WC8k 8CuuC1 C81AlnLu 1P8CuCP
uSL Cl 1PL SCl1WA8L, lnCLuulnC Wl1PCu1 LlMl1A1lCn, An? WA88An1lLS 8LLA1lnC 1C
ML8CPAn1A8lLl1?, ll1nLSS lC8 A A81lCuLA8 u8CSL, lunC1lCnALl1?, Anu nCn-
lnl8lnCLMLn1. LxCL1 AS Lx8LSSL? 8CvluLu ln 1PlS AC8LLMLn1, L8lC8MSMA81 MAkLS
nC WA88An1lLS A8Cu1 1PL CuALl1?, L8lC8MAnCL, ACCu8AC?, 8LLlA8lLl1?, CCMLL1LnLSS,
C8 1lMLLlnLSS Cl 1PL SCl1WA8L C8 uCCuMLn1A1lCn. LxCL1 AS Lx8LSSL? 8CvluLu ln 1PlS
8LCul8LMLn1S C8 1PA1 l1S CL8A1lCn WlLL 8L unln1L88u1Lu C8 L88C8 l8LL C8 1PA1 1PL
SCl1WA8L WlLL 8L l8LL Cl vl8uSLS C8 8uCS.


1PL L8lC8MSMA81 A81lLS' LlA8lLl1? lC8 An? Anu ALL LCSSLS SullL8Lu 8? LlCLnSLL ln
CCnnLC1lCn Wl1P 1PlS AC8LLMLn1 C8 AS A 8LSuL1 Cl uSL Cl 1PL SCl1WA8L C8
uCCuMLn1A1lCn SPALL 8L LlMl1Lu 1C ul8LC1 uAMACLS Anu SPALL nC1 LxCLLu 1PL AMCun1
Alu 8? LlCLnSLL 1C L8lC8MSMA81 lC8 uSL Cl 1PL SCl1WA8L. unuL8 nC Cl8CuMS1AnCLS
Anu unuL8 nC LLCAL 1PLC8? (1C81, CCn18AC1 C8 C1PL8WlSL) WlLL An? L8lC8MSMA81 A81?
8L LlA8LL 1C LlCLnSLL C8 An? C1PL8 L8SCn lC8 An? CLnL8AL, lnul8LC1, SLClAL, lnCluLn1AL,
CCnSLCuLn1lAL, LxLMLA8?, unl1lvL C8 C1PL8 uAMACLS Cl An? 1?L, lnCLuulnC Wl1PCu1
LlMl1A1lCn, uAMACLS lC8 LCSS Cl CCCuWlLL, WC8k S1CACL, LCS1 8Cll1S, LCS1 uA1A,
CCMu1L8 lAlLu8L C8 MALlunC1lCn, 1PA1 MA? 8LSuL1 l8CM An? uSL Cl C8 8LLlAnCL uCn
1PL SCl1WA8L C8 uCCuMLn1A1lCn, LvLn ll L8lC8MSMA81 PAS 8LLn AuvlSLu Cl 1PL


Llcensee shall defend, lndemnlfv, save and hold harmless erformSmarL and lLs afflllaLes, and lLs and
Lhelr offlcers, dlrecLors, aaenLs and emplovees from anv and all Lhlrd-parLv clalms, demands,
llablllLles, cosLs or expenses, lncludlna reasonable aLLornevs' fees, resulLlna from Llcensee's use of Lhe
SofLware or uocumenLaLlon, or anv breach of Llcensee's duLles, represenLaLlons, or warranLles
conLalned ln Lhls AareemenL.

9. 1LkM: 1LkMINA1ICN

a. 1hls AareemenL and Lhe llcenses aranLed hereunder wlll be effecLlve on Lhe daLe of dellverv of
Lhe enclosed sofLware producL Lo Llcensee and wlll conLlnue unLll LermlnaLed as provlded ln
Lhls SecLlon 9 (a) & (b). LlLher parLv mav LermlnaLe Lhls AareemenL and Lhe llcenses aranLed
hereunder aL anv Llme bv wrlLLen noLlce Lo Lhe oLher parLv. lf Llcensee falls Lo complv wlLh anv
of Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of Lhls AareemenL, erformSmarL mav LermlnaLe Lhls AareemenL
and Lhe llcenses aranLed hereunder lmmedlaLelv wlLh or wlLhouL noLlce Lo Llcensee.
noLwlLhsLandlna Lhe foreaolna, lf Llcensee falls Lo make Llmelv pavmenL of anv appllcable fees
due under hls AareemenL, erformSmarL mav LermlnaLe Lhls AareemenL and Lhe llcenses
aranLed hereunder lmmedlaLelv wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo lLs rlahLs Lo collecL anv amounLs due
under Lhls AareemenL.
b. upon anv LermlnaLlon of Lhls AareemenL, all rlahLs aranLed hereln shall reverL lmmedlaLelv Lo
erformSmarL, and Llcensee wlll make no furLher use of Lhe SofLware and uocumenLaLlon. upon
anv LermlnaLlon of Lhls AareemenL, Llcensee wlll desLrov or permanenLlv erase all coples of Lhe
SofLware and uocumenLaLlon ln lLs possesslon. 1ermlnaLlon of Lhls AareemenL for anv reason
shall have no effecL on Llcensee's obllaaLlon Lo pav anv and all appllcable fees and oLher
amounLs LhaL mav have accrued prlor Lo Lhe effecLlve daLe of LermlnaLlon.


a. uurlna Lhe Lerm of Lhls AareemenL and for a perlod of one vear Lhere afLer, erformSmarL mav
audlL Llcensee's compllance wlLh Lhe Lerms of Lhls AareemenL aL anv Llme durlna buslness hours
upon flve buslness davs advance noLlce.
b. 1hls AareemenL and erformSmarL's rlahLs and obllaaLlons hereunder mav freelv be asslaned
bv erformSmarL. 1hls AareemenL and Llcensee's rlahLs and obllaaLlons hereunder mav noL be
asslaned bv Llcensee wlLhouL erformSmarL's prlor wrlLLen consenL.
c. 1hls AareemenL wlll be aoverned bv and consLrued ln accordance wlLh Lhe laws of Lhe SLaLe of
1exas (excepL for confllcL of law rules), and Lhe parLles hereLo submlL lrrevocablv Lo Lhe
[urlsdlcLlon of Lhe courLs ln Parrls CounLv, 1exas, ln connecLlon wlLh anv dlspuLe arlslna ouL of
or relaLlna Lo Lhls AareemenL. 1he appllcaLlon of Lhe unlLed naLlons ConvenLlon of ConLracLs
for Lhe lnLernaLlonal Sale of Coods ls expresslv excluded. lf anv acLlon ls necessarv Lo enforce
or lnLerpreL Lhe Lerms of Lhls AareemenL, or anv parL Lhereof, Lhe prevalllna parLv shall be
enLlLled Lo reasonable aLLornevs' fees and cosLs ln addlLlon Lo anv oLher rellef Lo whlch such parLv
mavbe enLlLled.
d. Llcensee acknowledaes LhaL anv breach of SecLlon 2 or anv unauLhorlzed use of Lhe SofLware or
uocumenLaLlon would cause lrreparable damaae Lo erformSmarL for whlch lL would noL have
an adequaLe remedv aL law. Accordlnalv, Lhe parLles hereLo aaree LhaL, ln addlLlon Lo all oLher
remedles avallable Lo lL, erformSmarL mav seek ln[uncLlve rellef for anv such breach or vlolaLlon
of Lhls AareemenL.


reface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |x

AbouL 1hls Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lx

Chapter 1 - Introduct|on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

8eneflLs and leaLures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
lnsLalllna ollcles now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Converslon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
CeLLlna SLarLed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
8epalrlna Lhe uaLabase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Copv roLecLlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Leaal ConslderaLlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1echnlcal SupporL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Chapter 2 - We|come to o||c|es Now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

uslna Lhe 8lahL navlaaLlon lrame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1ools and lnformaLlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
CreaLe a new Pandbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Chapter 3 - Creat|ng A New nandbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

SLarLlna a new Pandbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
CeLLlna SLarLed Wlndow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
CreaLlna a ollcv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
llnlshlna (Savlna) CompleLed ollcles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Chapter 4 - Ld|t an Lx|st|ng nandbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Worklna WlLh ollcles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
uslna Lhe ollcv 1exL LdlLor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Pandbook SeLLlnas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
CraanlzaLlon SeLLlnas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
uslna Pandbook lormaL ueslaner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

aae vll

Chapter 5 - ub||sh|ng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

rlnL ?our Pandbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
uLLlna a Pandbook Cnllne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Lmalllna CpLlons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
LxporLlna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
1oolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Chapter 6 - keports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

All-lnformaLlon 8eporL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
CuesLlons 8eporL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
8esponses 8eporL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94
LlsL of All ollcles 8eporL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
LlsL of Pandbook ollcles 8eporL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
updaLe PlsLorv - SorL bv updaLe 8eporL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
updaLe PlsLorv - SorL bv ollcv number 8eporL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

Chapter 7 - Iorms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

1he lorms orLfollo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Chapter 8 - Lega| and numan kesources Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Leaal 8evlew 8ecommended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103
varlances Amona SLaLe Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
uecldlna Whlch ollcles Lo lnclude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
ollcv 8evlew rocess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
CommunlcaLlna Lo Lmplovees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
keeplna ollcles updaLed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
CommunlcaLlna ollcv Chanaes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

aae vlll



Welcome Lo ollcles now. 1hls proaram enables vou Lo creaLe an
emplovee handbook conLalnlna personnel pollcles LhaL are leaallv
approprlaLe, veL reflecL vour oraanlzaLlon's unlque requlremenLs.

About 1h|s Manua|

1hls manual ls deslaned Lo help vou become famlllar wlLh ollcles
now. 1he chapLers are presenLed ln an order lnLended Lo help new users
undersLand ollcles now as qulcklv as posslble.


1vpoaraphlcal convenLlons Lo be aware of when readlna Lhrouah Lhls
manual lnclude Lhe followlna:

- 1lps for uslna ollcles now appear ln ltollcs ln Lhe lefL maraln of
each paae.

- lLems vou are lnsLrucLed Lo selecL or Lvpe appear ln bo|d, sans
serlf Lvpeface.

- Cross references (ln parenLheses) Lell vou where vou can locaLe
more lnformaLlon abouL a Loplc.

- MulLlple Lasks vou need Lo perform, such as navlaaLlna Lhrouah
several menus, are separaLed bv bars (Pandbooks| Work WlLh
ollcles| user-ueflned ollcles.

- 1abs ln Lhe producL are used for explalnlna navlaaLlon. ?ou can
also use Lhe Loolbar or menu for some of Lhese lLems.


?our oplnlons and ldeas are areaLlv valued. 1o provlde feedback abouL
Lhls manual or anv ollcles now user documenLaLlon or maLerlals,
please send an emall Lo

aae lx
ollcles now user Manual

aae x
ChapLer 1 - lnLroducLlon
aae 1

Chapter 1 - Introduct|on

ConaraLulaLlons. ?ou have Laken Lhe flrsL sLep Loward provldlna vour
emplovees wlLh a handbook conLalnlna personnel pollcles LhaL are
leaallv approprlaLe, veL allow vour oraanlzaLlon Lo deflne cusLom

8enef|ts and Ieatures

ollcles now enables vou Lo selecL from a comprehenslve llsL of pollcv
Loplcs and Lallor Lhem Lo flL vour needs bv respondlna Lo a few slmple
quesLlons. ?ou don'L need Lo be an experL on emplovmenL lssues or
personnel pracLlces Lo creaLe vour emplovee handbook - ollcles now
helps vou ldenLlfv whlch pollcles vou need and creaLes Lhe manual for vou.


- rovldes advlce from Lop experLs ln Lhe flelds of emplovmenL
law and human resources

- lmproves emplovee morale and producLlvlLv bv showlna LhaL
vou are lnLeresLed ln falr and conslsLenL communlcaLlon

- 8educes poLenLlal for cosLlv emplovee leaal acLlon bv provldlna
sklllfullv researched, easv-Lo-undersLand, and properlv
malnLalned wrlLLen personnel pollcles

- Saves manaaemenL Llme bv ellmlnaLlna repeLlLlve emplovee
ollcles now user Manual
aae 2


new feaLures ln ollcles now 6.0 lnclude:

- Lxpanded word processlna capablllLles

- Lxpanded meLhods of dlsLrlbuLlon of Lhe manual wlLhln an
oraanlzaLlon, such as emall

- lmproved prlnLlna capablllLles

- new sLvle LemplaLes for pollcv lanauaae

- rovlde auLomaLlc, web-based downloads of producL updaLes,
llbrarv updaLes, and updaLlna of news and lnformaLlon wlLhln Lhe

- SubscrlpLlon avallable for federal and sLaLe level emplovmenL
law lnformaLlon

- new sLvles for P1ML onllne handbooks

Insta|||ng o||c|es Now

1he lnsLallaLlon process lnsLalls ollcles now proaram flles onLo vour
hard dlsk. AfLer lnsLallaLlon, lL ls a aood ldea Lo keep Lhe orlalnal Cu-
8CM ln a safe place so vou can relnsLall ln case of hardware fallure.

nardware kequ|rements

- A penLlum-based compuLer, wlLh 128 M8 8AM for Wlndows
2000 (236 M8 8AM for Wlndows x)

- A MlcrosofL-compaLlble mouse or oLher Wlndows-compaLlble
polnLlna devlce

- AL leasL 30 M8 of hard-dlsk space

- Cu-8CM drlve

- Mlnlmum resoluLlon seLLlna of 800 x 600 for small fonLs and
1024 x 768 for larae fonLs

- Mlnlmum color depLh of Plah Color (16 blL) recommended

- CpLlonal: 1o use Lhe lnLerneL-enabled feaLures ln ollcles now,
vou musL be able Lo access Lhe lnLerneL Lhrouah vour compuLer or
ChapLer 1 - lnLroducLlon
aae 3

over a neLwork (for more lnformaLlon, see lnLerneL
ConnecLlons" on paae 13")

5oftware kequ|rements

- MlcrosofL Wlndows 2000 Wlndows x

- lnLerneL Lxplorer 3.01, Servlce ack 1 or hlaher musL be
lnsLalled on vour svsLem even lf lL ls noL vour defaulL Web

- CpLlonal: 1o use Lhe lnLerneL-enabled feaLures ln ollcles now,
vou musL have a Web browser lnsLalled and be able Lo access Lhe
lnLerneL (for more lnformaLlon, see lnLerneL ConnecLlons" on
paae 13)

Insta|||ng the rogram

Note: lL ls recommended LhaL vou lnsLall Lhe new verslon of ollcles
now ln a dlfferenL dlrecLorv from Lhe prevlous verslon.
1o lnsLall ollcles now:
1. Close all oLher appllcaLlons before lnsLalllna ollcles now.

2. lnserL Lhe ollcles now Cu.

3. Cllck 5tart| 5ett|ngs| Contro| ane| Lo open Lhe ConLrol anel

4. uouble-cllck Lhe Add/kemove rograms.

3. Cllck Insta|| or Add New rograms.

6. lollow Lhe on-screen lnsLrucLlons.

Work|ng |n o||c|es Now at nome and at the Cff|ce

1o work on creaLlna vour emplovee handbook aL home or on Lhe road,
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe offlce, ollcles now 6 musL be lnsLalled on each
compuLer. ?ou musL use Lhe same dlrecLorv locaLlons for each
lnsLallaLlon. 1o move beLween Lhe Lwo svsLems, back up Lhe all Lhe
subdlrecLorles as descrlbed under 8acklna up uaLa and copv Lhem Lo
Lhe second svsLem. 8e sure Lo back up Lhe second svsLem's
subdlrecLorles and resLore Lhem Lo Lhe flrsL svsLem ln order Lo malnLaln
ollcles now user Manual
aae 4

8ack|ng Up Data

lf ttoosfettloo flles to
voot bome svstem. be
sote to copv tbe flles to
tbe ptopet locotloo oo
tbe bome svstem.
1o back up ollcles now daLa or Lransfer lL Lo a home svsLem, all
subdlrecLorles ln Lhe ollcles now 6 dlrecLorv musL be backed up aL
once, do noL back up speclflc flles. 1he flles are Loo larae Lo be copled
Lo floppv dlsks, so vou should use backup sofLware or laraer capaclLv
medla, such as a Zl or !AZ drlve, or a Cu-8CM.

Lnter|ng Dates

ollcles now has Lwo daLe flelds: LffecLlve uaLe and 8evlslon uaLe.
1o enLer daLes bevond Lhe vear 2000, chanae vour Wlndows
deskLop daLes seLLlna so Lhe vear ls shown as a 4-dlalL vear (vvvv)
lnsLead of a 2-dlalL vear (vv). 1hls same process can be used Lo
chanae Lo a non-unlLed SLaLes daLe formaL, such as dd/mm/vvvv.

1o chanae Lhe daLe formaL:

1. Cllck 5tart| 5ett|ngs| Contro| ane|.

2. lrom ConLrol anel, selecL keg|ona| 5ett|ngs| Date. (ln Wlndows
2000, selecL keg|ona| Cpt|ons| Date.)

3. Cllck Lhe shorL daLe sLvle llsL box and selecL a sLvle LhaL lncludes
Lhe 4-dlalL vear.

Note: MonLh and dav musL be Lwo dlalLs, such as MM/dd/vvvv.

4. Cllck Ck.

Insta|| on a Network

?ou can lnsLall ollcles now on a neLwork [usL as vou do on an
lndlvldual svsLem. Powever, whlle ollcles now mav be accessed bv
oLhers on Lhe neLwork, lL can be used bv onlv one person aL a Llme.

1o conLrol Lhe lnLearlLv of vour pollcles, vou can asslan a password Lo
ollcles now so LhaL onlv auLhorlzed personnel mav have access Lo lL
on Lhe neLwork (for more lnformaLlon, see Asslan assword SecurlLv"
on paae 11).

lf vou purchase an Lxpanded Llcense, vou can creaLe more handbooks
for addlLlonal oraanlzaLlons, buL Lhe proaram mav sLlll be used bv onlv
one person aL a Llme (for more lnformaLlon, see Addlna a MulLlple-
CraanlzaLlon Llcense" on paae 10).
ChapLer 1 - lnLroducLlon
aae 3


8ealsLerlna ollcles now wlLh erformSmarL alves vou several
lmporLanL beneflLs:

- 1lmelv announcemenLs of proaram uparades

- lnformaLlon on new erformSmarL producLs LhaL can help vou
manaae vour oraanlzaLlon more effecLlvelv

- lnformaLlon abouL Lhe erformSmarL updaLeServlce LhaL keeps
vour pollcles up-Lo-daLe wlLh Lhe laLesL leaal chanaes (for more
lnformaLlon, see updaLlna Lhe ollcles now Llbrarv" on
paae 20)

- Access Lo Lhe lnLerneL-enabled feaLures of ollcles now 6.0

1o realsLer:

1. When o||c|es Now ls opened for Lhe flrsL Llme, a realsLraLlon
wlndow opens.

2. LnLer vour Name.

3. ress 1ab Lo move Lo Lhe nexL fleld.

4. llll ouL Lhe resL of Lhe form, presslna 1ab afLer each enLrv.
(8equlred flelds are followed bv a *.)

3. When flnlshed, cllck keg|ster Cn||ne Lo send Lhe lnformaLlon Lo
erformSmarL and recelve a 8ealsLraLlon lu whlch ls
auLomaLlcallv recorded on Lhe 8ealsLraLlon wlndow. (?ou musL
be onllne befote cllcklna 8ealsLer Cnllne.)


Cllck r|nt Lo prlnL Lhe realsLraLlon form.

6. When Lhe r|nt dlaloa box opens, selecL opLlons and cllck Ck.

7. 1o exlL Lhe 8ealsLraLlon wlndow, cllck Ck.

lf vou dld noL realsLer onllne, fax or mall Lhe prlnLed form Lo
erformSmarL as soon as posslble Lo Lake advanLaae of Lhe
realsLraLlon beneflLs.

ltompt teolsttotloo wlll
focllltote voot tecelvloo
tecbolcol soppott.

updotino keoistrotion lnformotion
ollcles now offers Lhe ablllLv Lo realsLer or updaLe realsLraLlon
ollcles now user Manual
aae 6

1o updaLe realsLraLlon lnformaLlon:

1. Cllck 5etup and Lhen Update keg|strat|on Informat|on. 1he
8ealsLraLlon wlndow opens.

2. LnLer anv chanaes Lo Lhe lnformaLlon.

3. Cllck keg|ster Cn||ne Lo updaLe Lhe lnformaLlon.

4. Cllck Ck Lo exlL Lhe wlndow.

1he kead Me I||e

1he 8ead Me flle mav conLaln supplemenLal lnformaLlon LhaL ls so
currenL lL could noL be lncluded ln Lhls manual before lL was prlnLed.
?ou can vlew Lhe 8ead Me flle afLer Lhe lnsLallaLlon process ls

1o vlew Lhe 8ead Me flle afLer lnsLallaLlon:

1. Cllck 5tart| rograms| erform5mart App||cat|ons| o||c|es Now 6|
o||c|es Now 6.0 kead Me. 1he flle opens ln MlcrosofL Word.

2. 1o prlnL Lhe flle, cllck Lhe I||e menu and selecL r|nt Lo open lLs
dlaloa box. SelecL opLlons and cllck Ck.

3. 1o exlL Lhe appllcaLlon, cllck Lhe I||e menu and selecL Lx|t.

Converslon ls a sLandalone proaram and musL be run manuallv afLer
vou lnsLall ollcles now. 1he ollcles now 6.0 converslon proaram
converLs all Lhe handbooks vou have saved ln ollcles now verslon 3.x.
lf vou have an Lxpanded Llcense, Lhe converslon proaram wlll converL
all oraanlzaLlons and Lhelr assoclaLed handbooks.

lf voo bove o uO5
vetsloo of lollcles
Now. voo most opotoJe
to lollcles Now 5.x
fltst. )oot uO5 pollcles
ote oot of Jote. lf tbls ls
tbe cose. we soooest
voo Jo oot coovett voot
exlstloo booJbook bot
cteote o oew ooe osloo
tbe oew vetsloo.

1he followlna lLems are converLed for each handbook:

- pollcv LexL (lncludlna cusLomlzed secLlon headlnas)

- oraanlzaLlon deLalls

- handbook deLalls

- formaL sLvles

- sLaLuses

- effecLlve daLes

ChapLer 1 - lnLroducLlon
aae 7

- revlslon daLes

- commenLs

- Lable of conLenLs

- lndex

1he followlna lLems are noL converLed:

- 8esponses vou aave Lo Lhe pollcv quesLlons when creaLlna each

- asswords

8efore Convert|ng

We recommend LhaL vou do Lhe followlna sLeps before runnlna

lf voo woot occess to
tbe tespooses voo oove
wbeo wtltloo pollcles.
voo oeeJ to ptlot tbe
kespooses tepott osloo
lollcles Now 5.x befote
voo too coovetsloo.

- ueleLe anv oraanlzaLlons and handbooks LhaL are no lonaer
needed, slnce Lhe converslon proaram converLs all oraanlzaLlons
and handbooks LhaL vou have saved ln ollcles now 3.x.

- 1he 8esponses vou selecLed when creaLlna vour pollcles ote oot
coovetteJ ot soveJ.

kunn|ng Convers|on

Note: 8e sure Lo close ollcles now before runnlna converslon.

?ou can access Lhe converslon proaram ln Lhe followlna wavs:

lf voot Jotobose ls
stoteJ oo o oetwotk.
voo oeeJ to btowse to
lts locotloo. )oo coo
oolv btowse to Jtlves
tbot ote moppeJ to voot
- uouble-cllck pn6convert.exe from Lhe producL folder


- SelecL Lhe shorLcuL from Lhe SLarL menu producL folder

?ou wlll be prompLed for Lhe paLhs of Lhe old and new producLs. ?ou
can browse Lo Lhe correcL folder names for Lhe producL desLlnaLlon. uo
not lnsLall Lo Lhe same dlrecLorv as Lhe prevlous ollcles now producL.

After Convert|ng

When vou sLarL ollcles now 6.0 afLer Lhe converslon proaram ls
flnlshed, all vour oraanlzaLlons, handbooks, pollcles, and reporLs are
ollcles now user Manual
aae 8

avallable Lo edlL excepL for Lhe 8esponses reporL. 1he ollcv C & A
responses used Lo creaLe Lhe pollcles ln ollcles now 3.x are noL
brouahL forward lnLo ollcles now 6.0.

8evlew Lhe lssue daLe for Lhe converLed handbook(s) and updaLe lL, lf
necessarv. 1he lssue daLe ls derlved from ollcv 010 - 1lLle aae. Co Lo
Pandbook CenLer| Pandbook SeLLlnas| LdlL Pandbook Lo verlfv Lhe
lssue daLe and make anv necessarv chanaes.

lf anv errors occurred durlna Lhe converslon, Lhe errors wlll be recorded
ln Lhe converslon loa. 1he loa (pn6converL.loa) ls locaLed ln Lhe
producL folder and can be vlewed uslna Wlndows noLepad or
Wordad. 1he loa conLalns an audlL reporL of all converslon acLlvlLv.

Note: We recommend LhaL vou run Lhe Compress/8epalr uaLabase
uLlllLv afLer converLlna Lhe daLabase from ollcles now 3.x. See
8epalrlna Lhe uaLabase" on paae 16 for more lnformaLlon.

Convert|ng our o||c|es Later

lf voo ploo to coovett.
bot eotet oo exlstloo
otooolzotloo oome lo
vetsloo 6.0 befote voo
coovett. voo sboolJ
Jelete tbe oewlv
eoteteJ otooolzotloo
befote toooloo tbe

Gett|ng 5tarted
?ou can run Lhe converslon proaram lmmedlaLelv afLer lnsLallaLlon.
Powever, lf vou declde Lo Lake a look aL ollcles now 6.0 flrsL, ln order
Lo declde wheLher Lo converL or creaLe enLlrelv new pollcles, vou can
also run Lhe Converslon Wlzard laLer.

1o converL vour old handbooks:

1. Cllck 5tart| rograms| erform5mart App||cat|ons| o||c|es Now 6|
o||c|es Now 6.0 Convers|on W|zard.

2. lollow Lhe on-screen lnsLrucLlons.

ollcles now opens Lo a Welcome wlndow, where vou can creaLe new
handbooks, work on exlsLlna handbooks, or access Lhe lnLerneL for
oLher pollcv lnformaLlon and updaLes Lo Lhe proaram. (See ChapLer 2 -
Welcome Lo ollcles now for more lnformaLlon abouL Lhe Welcome

Cnce ollcles now ls open, a menu bar and Loolbar alve vou qulck
access Lo all proaram funcLlons.

ChapLer 1 - lnLroducLlon
aae 9

5tart o||c|es Now

1o sLarL ollcles now:

1. Cllck Lhe 5tart| rograms| erform5mart App||cat|ons| o||c|es Now 6|
o||c|es Now 6.0 Lo sLarL Lhe proaram.

Use the Menu 8ar

)oo coo olso ptess ooJ
bolJ Alt ooJ ptess tbe
ooJet-lloeJ lettet lo o
meoo oome to opeo o
1he menu bar aL Lhe Lop of Lhe ollcles now wlndow provldes access Lo
all of Lhe proaram funcLlons. !usL cllck a menu name Lo open lLs menu.
ln an open menu, a araved lLem shows LhaL Lhe lLem ls noL avallable
for Lhe currenL procedure. An elllpsls (Lhree doLs) followlna an lLem
shows LhaL selecLlna lL wlll open a dlaloa box wlLh addlLlonal opLlons.

usloo tbe meoo bot

)oo coo olso occess tbe
meoos bv osloo tbe
kevbootJ. wbeo voo
ptess tbe Alt kev. lt
blobllobts ooe lettet fot
eocb meoo. wbeo voo
ptess tbot lettet tbe
meoo opeos (Alt - 5
opeos tbe 5etop meoo).
ltess tbe lettet fot tbe
opptoptlote meoo ltem
ooJ ptess otet to opeo
tbot ltems wloJow (Alt
- 5 ooJ tbeo l wlll
opeo tbe AJJ llceose
1o use Lhe menu bar:

1. Cllck Lhe 5etup menu name Lo open lL and revlew lLs lLems. 5how
Lega| D|sc|a|mer ls preceded bv a check mark Lo show LhaL Lhe
ulsclalmer wlll appear whenever vou open ollcles now.

2. 1o Lurn off Lhls dlsplav, cllck 5how Lega| D|sc|a|mer. 1he check mark
dlsappears. 1he nexL Llme vou open ollcles now, Lhe ulsclalmer
wlll noL appear.

3. Cllck anoLher menu name and press Lhe k|ght Arrow repeaLedlv
Lo open Lhe resL of Lhe menus and revlew Lhelr conLenLs.

4. ress Lsc Lwlce Lo deacLlvaLe Lhe menus.

Use the 1oo|bar

1he Loolbar ls [usL beneaLh Lhe menu bar ln Lhe ollcles now wlndow.
Lach Lool on Lhe Loolbar lnsLanLlv accesses a menu lLem.

1he Loolbar can be dlsplaved bv defaulL, or hldden lf vou need more
room on Lhe screen Lo vlew vour pollcles.
ollcles now user Manual
aae 10

usloo tbe toolbot

1o use Lhe Loolbar:

1. Cllck Lhe 5etup menu and cllck 5how 1oo|bar Lo remove Lhe
check mark. 1he Loolbar dlsappears.

2. Cllck Lhe 5etup menu and cllck 5how 1oo|bar Lo replace Lhe
check mark. 1he Loolbar reappears.

3. olnL Lo Lhe flrsL Lool on Lhe Loolbar (Lhe CreaLe ollcles lcon). A
descrlpLlon of Lhe Lool's funcLlon pops up.

Add|ng a Mu|t|p|e-Crgan|zat|on L|cense

As a realsLered user of ollcles now, vou can creaLe up Lo slx dlfferenL
handbooks under a slnale oraanlzaLlon name. Powever, vou mav be a
consulLanL wrlLlna pollcles for mulLlple oraanlzaLlons, or vou mav have
several oraanlzaLlons under a parenL companv. ollcles now has Lhe
capablllLv of allowlna vou Lo creaLe handbooks for more Lhan one
oraanlzaLlon Lhrouah Lhe purchase of an Lxpanded Llcense.

1o purchase vour Lxpanded Llcense, call a erformSmarL sales
represenLaLlve aL (877) 222-0448 or e-mall us aL

Some of Lhe wlndows ln ollcles now appear sllahLlv dlfferenL afLer
vou enLer Lhe Lxpanded Llcense code. lor example, Lhe CreaLe
Pandbook and CraanlzaLlon SeLLlnas wlndows wlll Lhen allow vou Lo
add more oraanlzaLlons and handbooks. 1he Work WlLh ollcles
wlndow allows vou Lo selecL a oraanlzaLlon and handbook before
creaLlna pollcles.
ChapLer 1 - lnLroducLlon
aae 11

otetloo oo xpooJeJ llceose oombet

1o add an Lxpanded Llcense:

1. AfLer vou recelve vour Lxpanded Llcense code from
erformSmarL, open ollcles now.

2. Cllck 5etup on Lhe menu bar, and cllck Add L|cense Lo open lLs

3. LnLer Lhe supplled number ln Lhe Llcense Code LexL box and
cllck Ck. 1he code ls case senslLlve - use caplLal leLLers.

4. Cllck Ck Lo acLlvaLe Lhe llcense.

Note: ollcles now wlll auLomaLlcallv close, applv Lhe llcense, and
resLarL. AfLer Lhe resLarL, vou wlll be able Lo creaLe addlLlonal

Ass|gn assword 5ecur|ty

1be posswotJ ls fot
occess to tbe lollcles
Now ptootom oolv, lt
Joes oot opplv to oo
oolloe booJbook (lf voo
bove cteoteJ ooe).
1he assword securlLv feaLure allows vou Lo block unwanLed or
lnadverLenL access Lo ollcles now. lf vou wlsh Lo allow onlv
auLhorlzed personnel Lo open and work wlLh ollcles now, asslan a

Note: asswords are noL carrled forward when converLlna vour ollcles
now 3.x daLabase. ?ou need Lo asslan passwords Lo Lhe new ollcles
now 6 daLabase.

When seLLlna a password, choose one LhaL wlll noL be famlllar Lo
oLhers, for lnsLance, do noL selecL vour blrLhdav or lasL name. 1hen be
sure Lo place a copv of Lhe password ln a safe place, ln case vou foraeL
lL laLer.
ollcles now user Manual
aae 12

cboooe tbe posswotJ
petloJlcollv to
molotolo secotltv
AfLer vou asslan a password, lL musL be enLered aL sLarLup Lo allow
ollcles now Lo open. lf vou laLer declde LhaL a password ls noL needed,
lL can easllv be removed (see 8emove ?our assword" on paae 13).

5et o Possword

5ettloo o posswotJ

1o seL a password:

1. Cllck 5etup and cllck 5et assword Lo open Lhe Chanae
assword wlndow.

2. LnLer Lhe defaulL word posswotJ ln Lhe Current assword fleld.
(Cnlv asLerlsks appear as vou Lvpe, Lo malnLaln securlLv.)

3. ress 1ab and Lvpe a new password (maxlmum of 16 characLers).

4. ress 1ab and Lvpe Lhe new password aaaln ln Lhe ver|fy
assword fleld.

3. Cllck Ck.

6. When vou are Lold Lhe password ls chanaed, cllck Ck.

chonoe Your Possword

1o chanae Lhe password:

1. Cllck 5etup and cllck 5et assword Lo open Lhe Chanae
assword wlndow.

2. LnLer vour prevlouslv seL password ln Lhe Current assword
fleld. (lL appears as asLerlsks for securlLv reasons.)

3. ress 1ab and Lvpe a new password (maxlmum of 16 characLers).

4. ress 1ab and Lvpe Lhe password aaaln ln Lhe Ver|fy assword

3. Cllck Ck.

6. When vou are Lold Lhe password ls chanaed, cllck Ck.

ChapLer 1 - lnLroducLlon
aae 13

kemove Your Possword

1o remove password proLecLlon:

1. Cllck 5etup and cllck 5et assword Lo open Lhe Chanae
assword wlndow.

2. LnLer vour prevlouslv seL password ln Lhe Current assword

3. ress 1ab and enLer Lhe defaulL word posswotJ.

4. ress 1ab and enLer posswotJ aaaln ln Lhe Ver|fy assword fleld.

3. Cllck Ck Lo deleLe vour password and reseL Lhe defaulL.

6. When vou are Lold assword protect|on has been turned off, cllck

5et Up the r|nter

ln order Lo use Lhe prlnL process, lL ls necessarv Lo flrsL seL up vour
prlnLer. 8efore seLLlna up Lhe prlnLer ln ollcles now, check vour
svsLem Lo make sure vour prlnLer drlver ls lnsLalled and Lhe prlnLer ls
connecLed properlv.

1o seL up a prlnLer:

1. Cllck I||e on Lhe menu bar, and cllck r|nter 5etup Lo open lLs
dlaloa box.

2. lf vour prlnLer ls noL alreadv llsLed under uefaulL rlnLer, cllck
Lhe selecLlon arrow under Speclflc rlnLer and selecL vour prlnLer.

3. SelecL Lhe paae orlenLaLlon as ortra|t.

4. SelecL Lhe paper slze as Letter.

3. SelecL Lhe paper source approprlaLe for vour Lvpe of prlnLer.

6. Cllck Ck Lo exlL Lhe rlnL SeLup dlaloa box.

Internet Connect|ons

1he lnLerneL-enabled feaLures ln ollcles now alve vou lmmedlaLe
access Lo Lhe lnLerneL Lo collecL or verlfv lnformaLlon concernlna Lhe
esLabllshmenL of pollcles for vour oraanlzaLlon. uependlna on vour
lnLerneL connecLlon properLles, vou mav see a ConnecL dlaloa wlndow
or vou mav auLomaLlcallv connecL Lo Lhe lnLerneL. When vou use an
lnLerneL-requlred feaLure, ollcles now connecLs Lo Lhe approprlaLe
ollcles now user Manual
aae 14

Web slLe (for more lnformaLlon, see uslna Lhe 8lahL navlaaLlon
lrame" on paae 20 and 1oolbox" on paae 89).

web 8rowser 1roub/eshootino

lf vou can normallv access Lhe lnLerneL ouLslde of ollcles now, Lhe
lnLerneL-enabled feaLures ln ollcles now should work properlv.
Powever, Lhere are some slLuaLlons where Lhe lnLerneL feaLures mav
noL operaLe as descrlbed above. lf vou are uslna an older, or noL wldelv
dlsLrlbuLed browser, lL mav noL be able Lo supporL Lhe ollcles now
lnLerneL funcLlons.

Moke sote voot
btowset ls set to
ootomotlcollv coooect
to tbe lotetoet lf o
coooectloo ls oot

lf Lhls ls Lhe case, vou can sLlll access Lhe erformSmarL Web paae and all
Lhe pollcv-relaLed llnks bv connecLlna Lo Lhe lnLerneL before vou use Lhe
lnLerneL requlred feaLures ln ollcles now. ?ou should Lhen be able Lo
connecL Lo Lhe lnLerneL paae when vou cllck on a Web-relaLed feaLure.

Mu/tip/e 8rowsers

1he ollcles now lnLerneL funcLlon aLLempLs Lo locaLe a browser on
vour compuLer and once lL locaLes one, uses lL Lo connecL Lo Lhe lnLerneL.
lf vou have more Lhan one browser lnsLalled, lL ls posslble LhaL ollcles
now mav Lrv Lo use one LhaL has noL been seL up for connecLlon or ls an
older verslon. ln LhaL case, vou can ldenLlfv whlch browser should be
used bv accesslna Lhe SeLup Web 8rowser funcLlon wlLhln ollcles

5et up Your 8rowser

5ettloo op voot web btowset

1o ldenLlfv Lhe browser LhaL vou wanL ollcles now Lo use:

1. Cllck Lhe 5etup menu and cllck Web 8rowser Lo open Lhe SeL up
Web 8rowser wlndow.
ChapLer 1 - lnLroducLlon
aae 13

2. lf vou wanL ollcles now Lo flnd vour browser for vou, leave Lhe
defaulL Attempt to automat|ca||y |ocate a browser f|rst selecLed and
cllck Ck.

3. lf vou know where Lhe Web browser LhaL vou wlsh Lo use ls
lnsLalled and wanL Lo speclfv lL, enLer lLs paLh ln Lhe 8rowser
Locat|on fleld.

4. lf vou're noL sure of vour browser's paLh, buL wanL Lo speclfv lL,
cllck Lo Lhe rlahL of Lhe 8rowser LocaLlon LexL box Lo open
Lhe LocaLe Web 8rowser dlaloa box. navlaaLe Lo Lhe correcL
locaLlon of vour browser.

3. PlahllahL Lhe browser .LxL flle and cllck Cpen. 1he fllename ls
enLered ln Lhe 8rowser LocaLlon fleld and Use on|y the browser
spec|f|ed here ls auLomaLlcallv selecLed.

6. Cllck Ck.

Us|ng Cn||ne ne|p

As vou work, onllne help ls Lhe qulckesL wav Lo access lnformaLlon
abouL procedures for a proaram funcLlon. 1he lnlLlal Pelp
ConLenLs wlndow conLalns Lhe compleLe llsL of Loplcs LhaL can be
accessed ln Pelp. ?ou can Lhen choose a Loplc or search for a
speclflc one.

ln Pelp wlndows, jomps (underllned LexL) appear ln Lhe LexL. When
cllcked, Lhev Lake vou Lo relaLed Pelp wlndows for addlLlonal

1o access onllne help:

1. Cllck Lhe ne|p lcon Lo open Lhe ollcles now Pelp ConLenLs

2. Cllck Lhe ne|p Contents Lab lf necessarv and double-cllck a
caLeaorv book lcon Lo reveal lLs relaLed Loplcs. uouble-cllck a
Loplc book lcon Lo reveal lLs paaes, or double-cllck a paae lcon
(lL conLalns a quesLlon mark) Lo ao Lo LhaL Loplc's Pelp wlndow.

3. lf Lhere ls a solld-underllned Loplc ln Lhe LexL or ln Lhe
8elaLed 1oplcs area aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe Pelp wlndow, cllck
lL Lo open relaLed lnformaLlon.

4. 1o reLurn Lo Lhe prevlous Loplc, cllck 8ack.

3. Cllck ne|p 1op|cs Lo reLurn Lo lLs wlndow.
ollcles now user Manual
aae 16

kepa|r|ng the Database

8ecause of Lhe wav vour compuLer sLores daLa, evenLuallv vour
daLabase becomes unnecessarllv larae. When vou deleLe pollcles,
ollcles now does noL acLuallv deleLe records aL LhaL Llme, buL lnsLead
makes Lhem no lonaer accesslble.

ollcles now enables vou Lo compress vour daLabase Lo remove Lhese
lnaccesslble records. 1he svsLem deleLes Lhe records and reoraanlzes
Lhe daLabase Lo mlnlmlze Lhe dlsk sLoraae requlremenLs.

Note: 1he svsLem onlv deleLes Lhose records vou have marked for
deleLlon. lL does noL chanae anv oLher lnformaLlon sLored ln Lhe svsLem.

ollcles now lndexes and sorLs Lhe lnformaLlon sLored ln Lhe daLabase.
lf vou have a hard dlsk fallure or oLher hardware problem, vour lndex
flles mlahL noL sorL lnformaLlon ln Lhe proper sequence. 1here mav be
noLhlna wrona wlLh Lhe daLabase lLself, onlv Lhe lndex lnformaLlon ls
lnvalld. ?ou can repalr Lhe daLabase Lo resLore Lhe proper sorLlna

comptessloo/tepoltloo o Jotobose

1o compress/repalr a daLabase:

1. Cllck I||e and Lhen cllck Compress/kepa|r Database. 1he
uaLabase 8epalr uLlllLv wlndow opens.

2. SelecL Lhe daLabase (.ku) flle vou wanL Lo repalr or compacL.
1he daLabase ls locaLed where vou speclfled durlna lnsLallaLlon,
bv defaulL, Lhls locaLlon ls
C:\ uocumenLs and SeLLlnas\All users\Common uocumenLs\
erformSmarL AppllcaLlons\ollcles now 6.
ChapLer 1 - lnLroducLlon
aae 17

3. Cllck 5tart. ollcles now repalrs and compacLs Lhe daLabase. A
dlaloa box appears lnformlna vou LhaL Lhe repalr ls ln proaress.
When Lhe repalr ls compleLe, Lhe box dlsappears.

Note: 1he proaram flrsL creaLes a copv of Lhe daLabase and
names lL n60.old. lf a flle of Lhls name alreadv exlsLs, vou wlll
be prompLed Lo overwrlLe Lhe exlsLlna flle or exlL Lhe repalr
pro- aram so vou can rename Lhe exlsLlna flle.

A loa ls creaLed (n8LAl8.loa) LhaL deLalls Lhe funcLlons per-

4. When Lhe Compress/8epalr process ls compleLed, cllck C|ose Lo
close Lhe wlndow.

lf Lhe daLabase cannoL be repalred, an error messaae wlll appear.

Copy rotect|on

lor vour convenlence, ollcles now ls noL copv-proLecLed. 1hls makes
lL easv for vou Lo back up, resLore, and run ollcles now and Lo relnsLall
Lhe proaram, lf necessarv.
lollcles Now ls tbe tesolt of
tbe effotts of oot JeJlcoteJ
stoff. )oot compllooce wltb
oot copvtlobt eosotes tbot
we wlll be oble to Jellvet
otbet belpfol mooooemeot
softwote ptootoms.

Powever, please remember LhaL unlLed SLaLes copvrlahL laws make lL
llleaal Lo copv ollcles now for oLhers or use ollcles now ln anv wav
LhaL ls noL permlLLed bv Lhe SofLware Llcense AareemenL (see Lhe fronL
of Lhls manual). erformSmarL, as a member of Lhe SofLware ubllshers
AssoclaLlon, supporLs Lhe lndusLrv's efforLs Lo flahL Lhe llleaal copvlna
of personal-compuLer sofLware.

Lega| Cons|derat|ons

ollcles now ls deslaned Lo wrlLe personnel pollcles for emplovers
LhrouahouL Lhe unlLed SLaLes, based on federal and Callfornla
emplovmenL laws.

A slmllot Jlsclolmet
Jlsplovs oo tbe scteeo
wbeoevet voo opeo
lollcles Now. )oo mov
tooole tbls Jlsplov off
bv cllckloo tbe 5etup
meoo ooJ selectloo
5how Leoo/

Whlle Callfornla laws are amona Lhe mosL sLrlnaenL of anv sLaLe, local
and sLaLe emplovmenL laws mav varv slanlflcanLlv. ollcles now wrlLes
pollcles uslna lanauaae sufflclenLlv broad Lo cover manv varlaLlons ln
local law, buL lL ls Lhe responslblllLv of Lhe emplover Lo ensure LhaL
Lhe personnel pollcles adopLed complv wlLh all appllcable laws. lL ls
sLronalv suaaesLed LhaL vou obLaln a leaal revlew of Lhe compleLed
handbook before vou release lL.

ollcles now user Manual
aae 18

1hls proaram ls noL lnLended Lo provlde leaal advlce of anv klnd
whaLsoever and ls noL a subsLlLuLe for leaal counsel (for more
lnformaLlon, see Leaal 8evlew 8ecommended" on paae 103).

1echn|ca| 5upport

As an owner of ollcles now, Lechnlcal supporL ls avallable aL no
charae for realsLered users.

We reserve Lhe rlahL Lo noL supporL anv verslon of anv producL for
whlch a newer release has been avallable for more Lhan 1 vear.

vlew our 1echnlcal SupporL ollcv aL and cllck Lhe 1ecbolcol 5oppott
lollcv llnk for currenL lnformaLlon.

8efore conLacLlna 1echnlcal SupporL for help, lL ls requesLed LhaL vou
flrsL refer Lo Lhe approprlaLe onllne help wlndows, user manual secLlons,
and Lhe 8ead Me flle. ?ou can also access Lhe erformSmarL Cnllne
SupporL CenLer aL

When calllna erformSmarL 1echnlcal SupporL, please be prepared Lo
provlde vour proaram LlLle, verslon number, and serlal number
(locaLed on Lhe Cu-8CM [ewel case and Lhe boLLom of Lhe producL
box). lf vou know vour cusLomer number, vour call can be expedlLed.

1echnlcal SupporL
19001 CrescenL Sprlnas urlve
klnawood, 1exas 77339

hone: (877) 222-0499
Web SlLe:
aae 20
ollcles now user Manual

Chapter 2 - We|come to o||c|es Now

1he openlna paae of ollcles now allows vou compleLe access Lo all
parLs of Lhe proaram. ?ou can:

- CreaLe a new handbook

- LdlL an exlsLlna handbook

- Move Lo Lhe Pandbook, ubllshlna, 8eporLs, or lorms cenLers

- use Lhe lnLerneL Lo look for producL updaLes, learn abouL oLher
human resource sofLware, and flnd oLher lnformaLlon on human
resource Loplcs

otetloo lollcles Now
aae 21
ChapLer 2 - Welcome Lo ollcles now

Us|ng the k|ght Nav|gat|on Irame

1he rlahL-hand blue frame on Lhe Welcome wlndow alves vou qulck
access Lo lnLerneL slLes. As vou move our mouse across lLems ln Lhe
rlahL-hand frame, a brlef descrlpLlon dlsplavs. 1hese llnks chanae from
Llme Lo Llme when vou cllck on Lhe 1ools and lnformaLlon Lab. An
explanaLlon of Lhe permanenL lLems follows.

Check|ng for Updates

1he Checklna for updaLes llnk connecLs vou Lo Lhe erformSmarL Web
slLe where vou can check for updaLes Lo ollcles now. ?our producL
musL be realsLered ln order Lo access Lhe Web slLe. lf vou are noL
realsLered, Lhen a messaae box dlsplavs Lelllna vou Lo realsLer Lhe
producL flrsL. 1he Web paae provldes lnsLrucLlons for downloadlna and
runnlna Lhe updaLe.

Updat|ng the o||c|es Now L|brary

1he declslon Lo publlsh an emplovee handbook means vou reallze
Lhe lmporLance of effecLlve pollcles. Powever, unless vou also make
Lhe commlLmenL Lo keep vour pollcles up-Lo-daLe, Lhelr effecLlveness
wlll be losL. CuL-of-daLe pollcles also leave vou open Lo leaal
problems. noL knowlna" ls usuallv noL an accepLable excuse.

erformSmarL makes lL easv for vou Lo keep vour pollcles up-Lo-daLe.
1he updaLeServlce faclllLv provldes onaolna emplovmenL-law-relaLed
revlslons Lo Lhe pollcles ln ollcles now, as well as adds new pollcles.

When vou download new or revlsed pollcles, Lhe updaLe has no effecL
on vour exlsLlna pollcles unLll vou creaLe one of Lhe revlsed or new

1o download a llbrarv updaLe from Lhe Web:

1. Cllck o||cy L|brary Updates ln Lhe rlahL frame.

1he Web paae dlsplavs a llsL of avallable pollcv llbrarv

2. lollow lnsLrucLlons on Lhe paae for downloadlna and lnsLalllna
Lhe pollcv llbrarv vou selecLed.
aae 22
ollcles now user Manual

o||cy Web||nks

ollcv Webllnks connecLs vou Lo a comprehenslve ranae of pollcv-
relaLed lnformaLlon on Lhe lnLerneL. 1hese Webllnks, locaLed on Lhe
erformSmarL Web slLe, are arouped bv pollcv name and number, as
well as a aeneral headlna.

1he Web slLe provldes vou wlLh Lools and
lnformaLlon vou can use Lo manaae vour human resource needs. See
uslna" on paae 89 for more lnformaLlon.

nk Leg|5tate

P8 LealSLaLe was an onllne subscrlpLlon servlce LhaL ls no lonaer
avallable for use.

C|os|ng the Nav|gat|on Irame

lf Lhe rlahL-hand frame covers a parL of vour wlndow LhaL vou need Lo
see, cllck Lhe aL Lhe Lop of Lhe frame Lo hlde lL. ?ou can expand
lL aaaln lf vou wanL Lo access Lhe lnLerneL llnks.

1oo|s and Informat|on

ollcles now ls bullL wlLh lnLerneL capablllLles LhaL lnclude llnks Lo
oLher Lools vour companv mav wanL Lo use. 1hese llnks are updaLed on
a reaular basls. ?ou can updaLe Lhe llnks wlLhln ollcles now bv
cllcklna 1ools and lnformaLlon on Lhe Welcome wlndow.

1he 1ools and lnformaLlon area ls an lnLerneL Lxplorer componenL.
Lven lf vou have lnLerneL Lxplorer open (or anoLher browser), cllcklna
on a llnk ln Lhe 1ools and lnformaLlon area wlll open a new lnLerneL
Lxplorer wlndow.

1he 1ools and lnformaLlon llnks mav lnclude:

- lree human resource manaaemenL Lools

- CLher resource servlces and producLs

- lnformaLlon Lo keep vou lnformed of new developmenLs aL
aae 23
ChapLer 2 - Welcome Lo ollcles now

Create a New nandbook

SelecL Lhls lLem lf vou wanL Lo sLarL a new handbook. ChapLer 3 -
CreaLlna a new Pandbook sLeps vou Lhrouah Lhe enLlre process.

Ld|t an Lx|st|ng nandbook

SelecL Lhls lLem lf vou wanL Lo conLlnue work on an exlsLlna handbook.
ChapLer 4 - LdlLlna an LxlsLlna Pandbook provldes more lnformaLlon
on edlLlna pollcles.
aae 24
ollcles now user Manual

Chapter 3 - Creat|ng A New nandbook

ln ollcles now lL Lakes onlv a few mlnuLes Lo ao from a blank paae Lo
a compleLed pollcv.

1he proaram flrsL dlsplavs lmporLanL lnformaLlon and backaround
maLerlal abouL Lhe pollcv vou wanL Lo creaLe, Lhen asks vou Lo respond
Lo one or more quesLlons. ?our responses Lo Lhese quesLlons help Lo
cusLomlze Lhe creaLed pollcv.

AfLer vou have creaLed all Lhe pollcles perLlnenL Lo vour needs, Lhev can
be publlshed as a prlnLed or onllne emplovee handbook Lallored
speclflcallv for vour oraanlzaLlon.

ollcles now also makes lL easv Lo revlse vour pollcles aL anv Llme, Lo
cusLomlze Lhe wordlna, or Lo lnsLanLlv reformaL Lhe enLlre handbook.
lL wlll even creaLe Lhe 1able of ConLenLs and Lhe lndex -

5tart|ng a New nandbook

1he flrsL Llme vou sLarL a new handbook, vou are prompLed Lo seL
up vour oraanlzaLlon and selecL seLLlnas for Lhe new handbook. ?ou
are Lhen alven an overvlew of Lhe pollcv creaLlon process.

Ass|gn|ng Crgan|zat|on Names

?ou musL enLer boLh a lona and shorL name for vour oraanlzaLlon. 1he
lona name ls used as Lhe offlclal name" for vour oraanlzaLlon and wlll
appear on Lhe LlLle paae, 1able of ConLenLs, lndex, and ln Lhe pollcv
headlnas. 1he lona name can conslsL of up Lo 30 characLers, lncludlna
spaces and puncLuaLlon.

1he shorL name ls used wlLhln Lhe bodv of Lhe pollcv LexL. lor lnsLance,
an oraanlzaLlon called Ace ManufacLurlna, lnc. could use a less formal
name wlLhln Lhe pollcv LexL of lLs handbook, such as Ace" or AMl."
1he shorL name has a llmlL of 30 characLers, lncludlna spaces and
aae 23
ChapLer 3 - CreaLlna A new Pandbook

Powever, lf vou wlsh, vou mav use Lhe same name ln boLh places (lf
Lhev are 30 characLers or less).

cteotloo o oew otooolzotloo

wltb oo xpooJeJ
llceose. voo coo oJJ oo
oollmlteJ oombet of
otooolzotloos. osloo
Otooolzotloo 5ettloos
ftom tbe meoo ot tbe
nooJbook ceotet.
1he Lerm CraanlzaLlon" can be chanaed on Lhls wlndow and wlll be
used ln all places where Lhe Lerm oraanlzaLlon" ls referenced ln Lhe

1o seL up a new oraanlzaLlon:

1. Cn Lhe Welcome paae, cllck Create a New nandbook.

lf an oraanlzaLlon has noL been seL up, Lhe CreaLe CraanlzaLlon
paae opens.

2. LnLer vour oraanlzaLlon's Lona name (conslsLlna of up Lo 30
characLers, lncludlna spaces and puncLuaLlon) ln Lhe LexL box and
press 1ab.

3. LnLer Lhe ShorL name (conslsLlna of up Lo 30 characLers).

4. lf vou wanL Lo chanae Lhe Lerm oraanlzaLlon," enLer Lhe new
Lerm ln Lhe Custom 1erm for "Crgan|zat|on" fleld. lL ls
recommended Lo use all lower case leLLers when asslanlna
a new Lerm.

3. LnLer lnformaLlon ln Lhe oLher flelds, lf needed.

6. Cllck Next Lo save Lhe oraanlzaLlon seLLlnas and open Lhe CreaLe
Pandbook paae.
aae 26
ollcles now user Manual

5e|ect|ng 5ett|ngs for a New nandbook

Slnce ollcles now allows vou Lo creaLe up Lo slx dlfferenL handbooks,
vou wlll need Lo asslan a unlque name Lo each handbook vou creaLe.
1he handbook name wlll also appear on Lhe LlLle paae, 1able of
ConLenLs, lndex, and pollcv headlnas.

lf vou have an Lxpanded Llcense, a new buLLon appears on Lhe CreaLe
Pandbook wlndow. 1hls enables vou Lo add an oraanlzaLlon and
lmmedlaLelv asslan lL Lo a new handbook vou are creaLlna on Lhls

cteotloo o oew booJbook

1o creaLe a new handbook:

1. Cn Lhe CreaLe Pandbook paae, Lhe 5e|ect Crgan|zat|on fleld ls
alreadv populaLed wlLh vour oraanlzaLlon. lf vou have an
Lxpanded Llcense, vou musL selecL Lhe oraanlzaLlon Lo be used
wlLh Lhe handbook vou are creaLlna.

2. LnLer Lhe name for Lhls handbook ln Lhe Ass|gn nandbook Name

3. SelecL 5tart handbook from scratch or Copy from ex|st|ng

4. lf vou selecLed Copy from ex|st|ng handbook, selecL whlch
handbook Lo copv from Lhe dropdown llsL.
aae 27
ChapLer 3 - CreaLlna A new Pandbook

looos coo be oseJ wltb
oll tbe n1Ml stvles fot
oo oolloe booJbook.
3. SelecL Lhe uefaulL Lanauaae SLvle and uefaulL lormaL SLvle
from Lhe dropdown llsLs.

Note: ?ou selecL a formaL sLvle when vou deflne a handbook.
1he selecLed sLvle ls Lhen applled Lo each pollcv when lL ls saved.
?ou can prevlew Lhe formaL sLvles bv aolna Lo Pandbook|
Pandbook lormaL ueslaner.

6. lf vou wanL Lo chanae Lhe Lerm handbook," enLer Lhe new Lerm
ln Lhe Custom 1erm for "nandbook" fleld. lor example, vou can
chanae Lhe Lerm Lo mooool. Anv Llme Lhe LexL of a pollcv refers
Lo Lhe handbook, Lhe word mooool ls used lnsLead of booJbook.
lL ls recommended Lo use all lower case leLLers when asslanlna a
new Lerm.

7. lf vour oraanlzaLlon wanLs Lo use a loao ln Lhe handbook,
enLer (or browse Lo) Lhe locaLlon of Lhe loao flle. 1he loao
musL be ln one of Lhe followlna supporLed formaLs: !C, 1ll, or
8M for prlnLed handbooks and !C or Cll for onllne

8. Cllck Next Lo sLarL Lhe pollcv creaLlon process.

9. lf vou chanae vour mlnd, and do noL wanL Lo creaLe Lhe
handbook, cllck Cance|. 1he handbook ls deleLed. lf vou creaLed
a new oraanlzaLlon from Lhls wlndow, lL wlll also be deleLed.

Gett|ng 5tarted W|ndow

1he CeLLlna SLarLed wlndow appears Lhe flrsL Llme vou creaLe a new
handbook. lL provldes an overvlew of Lhe pollcv creaLlon process.

usloo tbe Cettloo 5totteJ wloJow
aae 28
ollcles now user Manual

1o use Lhe CeLLlna SLarLed wlndow:

1. 8ead Lhe overvlew of how Lo creaLe pollcles.

2. Cllck Lo place a check mark ln Lhe box beslde Don't show th|s
d|a|og box aga|n, lf vou don'L wanL Lo see Lhls wlndow Lhe nexL
Llme vou creaLe a new handbook.

3. Cllck I|n|sh Lo conLlnue.

Note: lf vou cllck Cance|, Lhe handbook vou [usL creaLed wlll be
deleLed. lf vou creaLed a new oraanlzaLlon for Lhls handbook, lL
wlll also be deleLed.

See ChapLer 8 - Leaal and Puman 8esources lssues for leaal advlce
abouL handbooks.

Creat|ng a o||cy

?ou are now readv Lo creaLe pollcles uslna Lhe ollcles now unlque
lnLervlew process.

1he lnLervlew process flrsL provldes crlLlcal lnformaLlon Lo help vou
declde lf vou need or wanL Lo lnclude a speclflc pollcv ln vour
handbook. lL wlll also cross-reference oLher pollcles LhaL mav requlre
conslderaLlon or revlew Lo ensure conslsLencv. 1he lnLervlew process
Lhen asks quesLlons Lo help deflne vour parLlcular buslness needs and
uses Lhe responses Lo creaLe a cusLom pollcv.

uo oot combloe
moltlple pollcles loto
ooe (losteoJ. fot
lostooce. bteok
vocotloo ooJ slck leove
loto two pollcles).

Cnce ollcles now wrlLes Lhe pollcv, vou wlll be able Lo cusLomlze lL
furLher lf necessarv. lf vou are unsure abouL vour responses, vou can
redo Lhe lnLervlew process before savlna Lhe pollcv. lf vou wanL Lo
chanae Lhe saved pollcv, vou can repeaL Lhe lnLervlew process, or
chanae Lhe LexL uslna Lhe ollcv 1exL LdlLor. ollcles now allows vou
Lo save up Lo Lwo verslons of each pollcv: an AccepteJ verslon and a
leoJloo verslon. Slnce ollcles now ls deslaned Lo be a dvnamlc
manaaemenL Lool, vou mav ofLen have pollcles LhaL are ln a sLaLe of
onaolna revlslon. 1hese pollcles can be asslaned a leoJloo sLaLus and
be prlnLed separaLelv for revlew before accepLance and lncluslon ln Lhe

aae 29
ChapLer 3 - CreaLlna A new Pandbook

Us|ng the o||cy L|st W|ndow

1he Work WlLh ollcles wlndow ls Lhe hearL of ollcles now, where
vou choose Lhe speclflc pollcles Lo creaLe for vour own handbook.
lrom Lhls wlndow vou can add commenLs Lo pollcles, edlL pollcles,
and prlnL lndlvldual pollcles.

numerous pollcles are provlded wlLhln each ma[or secLlon. ?ou can
selecL all or onlv some of Lhem for lncluslon, and easllv access Lhem
laLer lf vou wlsh Lo make modlflcaLlons (for more lnformaLlon, see
uecldlna Whlch ollcles Lo lnclude" on paae 106).

xpondino ond co//opsino the Po/icy List

When Lhe ollcv LlsL wlndow opens, Lhe llsL ls expanded Lo lLs fullesL,
dlsplavlna all Lhe avallable pollcles. AfLer vou have worked ln Lhls
wlndow for a whlle, vou mav flnd lL convenlenL Lo dlsplav onlv Lhe
ma[or secLlons, Lhen expand [usL Lhe one secLlon conLalnlna vour pollcv

xpooJloo ooe sectloo of tbe lollcv llst

1o work wlLh Lhe pollcv llsL:

1. Cllck Lhe Collapse buLLon Lo collapse Lhe pollcv names lnLo
ma[or secLlon headlnas.

2. uouble-cllck one of Lhe secLlon headlnas Lo expand onlv Lhe
pollcles ln LhaL secLlon.

ltlmotv pollcles ote
cote pollcles tbot ote
tecommeoJeJ to be
lo evetv mooool.
3. Cllck Lhe Lxpand buLLon Lo dlsplav Lhe enLlre llsL of pollcles.

4. Cllck Lhe rlmarv ollcles buLLon Lo Loaale beLween vlewlna
onlv prlmarv pollcles and vlewlna all pollcles.

rlmarv pollcles are dlsplaved ln blue LexL. Anv user-deflned
pollcles dlsplav aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe llsL ln black.

aae 30
ollcles now user Manual

5e/ectino o Po/icy

1he flrsL sLep ln creaLlna a pollcv ls Lo selecL one pollcv from Lhe llsL ln
Lhe Work WlLh ollcles wlndow.

1o selecL a pollcv:

lot coovetteJ pollcles.
tbe cteote lollcv
bottoo ls JlsobleJ.
1. ln Lhe ollcv LlsL wlndow, expand Lhe whole llsL, or onlv one
secLlon headlna, Lo vlew avallable pollcles (for more
lnformaLlon, see Lxpandlna and Collapslna Lhe ollcv LlsL" on
paae 28).

2. PlahllahL a pollcv LlLle and cllck Create o||cy (or double-cllck Lhe
pollcv LlLle) Lo open Lhe lnLroducLlon wlndow and sLarL Lhe
lnLervlew process.

kead|ng the Introduct|on

1he lnLroducLlon wlndow addresses lmporLanL lssues relaLed Lo Lhe
selecLed pollcv sub[ecL, such as wheLher or noL Lhe pollcv ls leaallv
requlred. 8e sure Lo read lL Lhorouahlv Lo help vou declde lf vou wanL Lo
esLabllsh Lhe pollcv and how Lo respond Lo Lhe quesLlons LhaL wlll
follow. ?ou mav need Lo scroll down or press aae uown Lo read all
Lhe LexL. AfLer vou have read lL, cllck nexL Lo conLlnue Lhe lnLervlew.

vlewloo tbe lottoJoctloo to o pollcv
aae 31
ChapLer 3 - CreaLlna A new Pandbook

1o use Lhe lnLroducLlon wlndow:

1. 8ead Lhe lnLroducLlon.

2. Cllck More Informat|on, lf lL ls avallable for Lhls pollcv, and selecL
a Loplc from Lhe llsL LhaL opens (see Lhe Loplc below for more

3. Cllck o||cy Web||nks Lo read addlLlonal lnformaLlon abouL Lhe

4. Cllck Next Lo conLlnue Lhe lnLervlew process.

1be Mote lofotmotloo
optloos wlll cboooe
ftom ooestloo to
ooestloo. so cbeck tbem
fteooeotlv. (5ome
pollcles Jo oot bove
Mote lofotmotloo
keviewino More lnformotion

Manv pollcles are lmpacLed bv leaal lssues or are affecLed bv vour
cholces ln oLher pollcles. 1he More lnformaLlon area aL Lhe boLLom of
Lhe lnLervlew wlndows alerLs vou Lo crlLlcal lnformaLlon abouL Lhe
pollcv vou are creaLlna. Cllck one of Lhe Loplcs Lo dlsplav more deLalled

?ou wlll also be alerLed Lo ollcv Cross 8eferences ln Lhe More
lnformaLlon area. Cllck a pollcv cross reference Lo dlsplav oLher pollcles
LhaL mav cover slmllar areas. 8v belna aware of cross-pollcv relaLlonshlps,
vou can avold creaLlna lnconslsLenL or conLradlcLorv pollcles.

vlewloo mote lofotmotloo oboot o pollcv

1o use Lhe More lnformaLlon wlndow:
aae 32
ollcles now user Manual

1. Cllck More Informat|on Lo access a llsL of avallable Loplcs and
cllck one Loplc Lo open lLs wlndow or cross-reference.

2. lf vou wlsh Lo keep Lhls lnformaLlon on hand, cllck r|nt.

3. 1o reLurn Lo Lhe prevlous wlndow, cllck 8ack.

4. lf Lhere are addlLlonal More lnformaLlon Loplcs, read or prlnL anv
vou feel vou mlahL need.

3. 1o conLlnue, cllck Next or press Lnter Lo sLarL Lhe lnLervlew

4ccessino Po/icy web/inks on the lnternet

lor ollcv Webllnks Lo work, vou musL have a browser lnsLalled and be
able Lo access Lhe lnLerneL (for more lnformaLlon, see lnLerneL
ConnecLlons" on paae 13). 1he ollcles Webllnks alve vou a dvnamlc
connecLlon Lo Lhe erformSmarL Web slLe, whlch conLalns a
comprehenslve ranae of pollcv-speclflc lnformaLlon. 1hls lncludes, buL ls
noL llmlLed Lo, leaal lnformaLlon, aovernmenL Web paaes, and Lhe
wealLh of lnformaLlon avallable across Lhe lnLerneL.

1he Webllnks reslde wlLhln Lhe erformSmarL Web paae and are
reaularlv revlewed for lnacLlve or new llnks. Powever, because of
Lhe varlable naLure of Lhe lnLerneL, erformSmarL cannoL auaranLee
Lhe avallablllLv of a llnk, or be responslble for lLs conLenL.

vlewloo pollcv-teloteJ lotetoet lloks oo tbe letfotm5mott web pooe
aae 33
ChapLer 3 - CreaLlna A new Pandbook

1o access Webllnks:

)oo coo olso occess
lollcv weblloks ftom
tbe tlobt ftome of tbe
welcome wloJow.
1. Cllck o||cy Web||nks aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe wlndow Lo connecL Lo
Lhe erformSmarL Web slLe, whlch conLalns a llsL of lnLerneL slLes
wlLh lnformaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe pollcv vou are currenLlv creaLlna.

lf vou lncur anv connecLlon problems, see Web 8rowser
1roubleshooLlna" on paae 14.

2. ln Lhe llsL of lnLerneL slLes, cllck Lhe one vou wanL Lo access.

3. 8ead, copv, or download Lhe lnformaLlon accordlna Lo vour web
browser's lnsLrucLlons.

4. 8e sure Lo close Lhe browser (and dlsconnecL lf necessarv) when
flnlshed accesslna Lhe lnLerneL.

8eg|nn|ng the Interv|ew

AfLer readlna Lhe lnLroducLlon and obLalnlna addlLlonal lnformaLlon,
vou wlll be alven deLalls on speclflc lssues relaLed Lo Lhe pollcv and
asked a serles of quesLlons. Pow vou respond Lo Lhese quesLlons ln Lhe
lnLervlew process wlll deLermlne Lhe conLenL of vour flnal pollcv.

Occoslooollv o pollcv
tbot Joes oot teoolte
o Jeclsloo wlll oot
bove oov ooestloos.

1hese quesLlons can easllv be answered bv selecLlna a slnale opLlon ln a
radlo-buLLon llsL, mulLlple opLlons ln a checkbox llsL, or bv enLerlna a
number ln an enLrv box. ln some cases, vou wlll also be allowed Lo add
vour own cusLomlzed lLem Lo a llsL of opLlons. 1he cusLomlzed opLlon
wlll remaln on Lhe llsL and be avallable lf vou revlse or rewrlLe LhaL
pollcv laLer.

aae 34
ollcles now user Manual

Aoswetloo ooestloos teloteJ to o pollcv

1o conLlnue Lhe lnLervlew:

lf voo ooswet o
ooestloo befote
Jlsplovloo o Mote
lofotmotloo toplc. voo
mov oeeJ to te-eotet
voot tespoose oftet
cllckloo 8ock.
1. 8ead Lhe backaround lnformaLlon on Lhe flrsL quesLlon wlndow.

2. lf Lhere are More lnformaLlon Loplcs llsLed aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe
wlndow, be sure Lo cllck and read Lhem, Lhen cllck 8ack Lo reLurn
Lo Lhe lnLervlew wlndow.

3. 8espond Lo Lhe quesLlon aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe wlndow. ?ou mav
need Lo scroll down Lo Lhe quesLlon bv uslna Lhe scroll bar or
presslna aae uown.

4. lf vou wlsh, cllck rev aL anv Llme Lo reLurn Lo Lhe prevlous
wlndows and revlew Lhem, chanae a response lf needed, Lhen
cllck Next Lo conLlnue Lhe lnLervlew.

aae 33
ChapLer 3 - CreaLlna A new Pandbook

A JotteJ lloe oppeots
otoooJ tbe fltst toJlo
bottoo lo llst of
tespooses to ooestloos.
lf voo woot to ose tbe
fltst tespoose. ptess tbe
spoce bot ooJ tbeo
ptess otet to cootlooe.
)oo coo olso ose tbe up
ooJ uowo ottows to
move tbe JotteJ lloe to
tbe tespoose voo woot
to ose.
3. Cllck Next or press Lnter Lo respond Lo anv addlLlonal quesLlons
LhaL mav appear.

6. AfLer vou answer Lhe flnal quesLlon, a cusLomlzed pollcv ls
creaLed based on vour responses. 1he compleLed pollcv
dlsplavs Lhe pollcv name and number. ?our selecLed pollcv
formaL sLvle ls applled.

4ddino on ltem to o 5e/ection List

lor some quesLlons, vou can add vour own lLem Lo lLs llsL of opLlons.
lor lnsLance, ln a llsL of deparLmenL names, Lhe exacL name for Lhe
deslred deparLmenL ln vour oraanlzaLlon mav be mlsslna. ?ou can
easllv add Lhe correcL name Lo Lhe llsL. 1hls cusLomlzed opLlon remalns
on Lhe llsL and ls avallable lf vou revlse or rewrlLe Lhe pollcv laLer.

Note: When vou enLer Lhe new cholce, be sure Lo use conslsLenL formaL-
Llna wlLh Lhe oLher lLems on Lhe llsL. lor lnsLance, use lnlLlal caplLallza-
Llon onlv, all caplLals, [usL lowercase, eLc. Lo make Lhe lLems easler Lo
read ln Lhe llsL.

AJJloo oo ltem to o selectloo llst

1o add an lLem Lo a selecLlon llsL:

1. lf vou need Lo add a new cholce Lo Lhe selecLlon llsL, cllck Add
New Cho|ce Lo open lLs dlaloa box.

2. LnLer Lhe correcL lnformaLlon.

3. Cllck Ck Lo reLurn Lo Lhe quesLlon wlndow, where vour new
cholce ls added Lo Lhe llsL.
aae 36
ollcles now user Manual

ue/etino on ltem from o 5e/ection List

lf vou make a mlsLake, vou can deleLe Lhe cusLom lLem form Lhe llsL.

1o deleLe an lLem from a selecLlon llsL:

1be uelete llst ltems
Jloloo box oolv llsts tbe
ltems voo bove
cteoteJ. )oo coooot
Jelete ltems tbot wete
sopplleJ wltb lollcles
1. 8eLurn Lo Lhe approprlaLe wlndow, and cllck Add New Cho|ce.

2. ln Lhe Add new Cholce dlaloa box, cllck De|ete L|st Items... Lo open
Lhe ueleLe LlsL lLems dlaloa box.

3. SelecL Lhe lLem Lo be deleLed, Lhen cllck De|ete Item.

4. Cllck C|ose, Lhen Cance|. 1he new lLem ls removed. ?ou can
selecL aaaln or add anoLher new cholce.

kev|ew|ng the o||cy

When Lhe compleLed pollcv appears, revlew lL Lhorouahlv Lo make sure
lL ls exacLlv whaL vou wanL before vou save lL. 1o chanae Lhe wordlna
or emphaslze LexL, vou can edlL Lhe pollcv before savlna lL. 1o revlew
an alLernaLe pollcv verslon, vou also have Lhe opLlon Lo repeaL Lhe
process ln order Lo respond dlfferenLlv Lo Lhe quesLlons. lf vou declde
LhaL Lhe pollcv ls noL approprlaLe for vour oraanlzaLlon, vou can cancel
lL alLoaeLher.

kevlewloo o completeJ pollcv
aae 37
ChapLer 3 - CreaLlna A new Pandbook

When Lhe pollcv ls compleLe, vou can:

wbeo voo beolo tbe
lotetvlew ptocess
ooolo. voot loltlol
tespooses oppeot.
- Cllck Language 5ty|e... lf vou wanL Lo chanae Lhe lanauaae sLvle
for Lhe pollcv. 1he pollcv ls re-dlsplaved uslna Lhe new sLvle.

- Cllck Ld|t... lf vou would llke Lo use Lhe ollcv 1exL LdlLor Lo edlL Lhe
pollcv's conLenL. See uslna Lhe ollcv 1exL LdlLor" on
paae 31 for more lnformaLlon.

- Cllck I|n|sh... lf vou approve of Lhe pollcv as wrlLLen and wanL Lo
save lL.

- Cllck kev|se lf vou wanL Lo reLhlnk vour responses afLer revlewlna
Lhe compleLed pollcv. ?ou reLurn Lo Lhe lnLroducLlon and can ao
Lhrouah Lhe quesLlons aaaln, maklna anv necessarv chanaes.

- Cllck Cance| lf vou don'L wanL Lo save Lhe pollcv. ?ou reLurn Lo Lhe
ollcv LlsL.

I|n|sh|ng (5av|ng) Comp|eted o||c|es

When vou save or flnlsh a pollcv, vou can renumber or rename lL,
asslan Lhe daLe when lL wlll become effecLlve, accepL lL as wrlLLen, or
asslan lL Lo pendlna sLaLus for furLher revlew. ?ou can also vlew and
modlfv Lhe lndex before leavlna Lhe Save ollcv wlndow.

1he followlna auldellnes wlll help vou when vou save compleLed

4ssionino o Po/icy Nome

?ou can save a pollcv under lLs orlalnal name, or rename lL Lo meeL
vour speclflc needs (a pollcv name can conslsL of up Lo 43 characLers,
lncludlna spaces and puncLuaLlon). 1he orlalnal pollcv name remalns
lnLacL, buL vour user-asslaned name appears beslde lL ln Lhe ollcv
LlsL wlndow and wlll be prlnLed ln vour handbook.
aae 38
ollcles now user Manual

lollcv oomes oppeot lo
tbe booJbook osloo
oppetcose ooJ
lowetcose (vocotloo
8eoeflts). )oo coo
cboooe tbe pollcv
oomes to oll cops
(vAcA1lON 8Nll15)
bv teoomloo tbem
osloo tbe costomlze
5ectloo neoJloos
wloJow. (5ee
4ssionino o Po/icy Number

ollcv numbers deLermlne Lhe order ln whlch Lhe pollcles appear ln Lhe
compleLed handbook. lf vou wanL a pollcv Lo appear ln a dlfferenL
secLlon ln vour handbook, or ln a dlfferenL order, vou can asslan a
dlfferenL number. ?ou can asslan anv unused number ln Lhe ollcv LlsL
(or Lhe number of anv prevlouslv reasslaned pollcv number).

Note: 1he number vou asslan cannoL conLaln a mlddle dlalL of 8 or 9.
1hese are reserved for user-deflned pollcles onlv. See Addlna user-
ueflned ollcles" on paae 49 for more lnformaLlon.

neoJloos oo pooe 67
fot mote lofotmotloo.)
ollcles bealnnlna wlLh zero, such as Lhe LlLle paae and handbook
acknowledamenL form, are ln Lhe lnLroducLlon secLlon of Lhe handbook.
When vou prlnL Lhese pollcles, Lhe pollcv name and number, paae
number, and daLes do noL appear. lf vou renumber a pollcv, onlv asslan
a zero" number lf vou wlsh lL Lo have Lhese characLerlsLlcs.

1he number appears ln parenLheses beslde Lhe pollcv name ln Lhe
ollcv LlsL, buL wlll be prlnLed ln vour compleLed handbook under Lhls
user-asslaned number.

?ou can also reformaL Lhe pollcv numbers for all pollcles aL Lhe same
Llme bv uslna Lhe Pandbook lormaL ueslaner (see uslna Pandbook
lormaL ueslaner" on paae 72).

4ssionino the 5totus

A pollcv can be saved ln one of Lwo dlfferenL verslons - AccepteJ or
leoJloo. AfLer creaLlna a pollcv, vou can accepL lL as lL sLands, or place
lL lnLo endlna sLaLus for furLher conslderaLlon (lncludlna revlew bv
leaal counsel). use endlna sLaLus for a pollcv LhaL vou are modlfvlna,
buL do noL veL wlsh Lo publlsh.

?ou can save botb endlna and AccepLed verslons of a slnale pollcv. ln
Lhls wav, vou can work on Lhe pendlna revlslons for a pollcv LhaL ls
alreadv ln vour currenL handbook.

When vou prlnL vour handbook, vou are alven Lhe opLlon Lo prlnL
onlv AccepLed or onlv endlna pollcles. 1hls alves vou Lhe
opporLunlLv Lo release a handbook, as well as prlnL a endlna verslon
for conLlnulna revlew.

aae 39
ChapLer 3 - CreaLlna A new Pandbook

?ou can also exporL pollcles (as 81l or P1ML), prevlew Lhe 1able of
ConLenLs and lndex, or creaLe and vlew an onllne handbook for elLher
AccepLed or endlna pollcles.

nterino uotes

AfLer vou asslan Lhe pollcv's sLaLus, vou can enLer an LffecLlve uaLe and
a 8evlslon uaLe before closlna Lhe Save ollcv wlndow. 1hese daLes
wlll appear beslde Lhe saved pollcv ln Lhe ollcv LlsL wlndow.

wbeo voo ptlot voot
booJbook. voo coo
elect to ptlot ot oot
ptlot tbese Jotes.

A pollcv oombet
cooslsts of tbtee Jlolts

?ou can chanae Lhe names of Lhese daLes. lor example, vou can chanae
Lhe 8evlsed uaLe Lo read upJoteJ oo. ?ou can chanae Lhe wordlna bv
uslna Lhe Pandbook lormaL ueslaner (see uslna Pandbook lormaL
ueslaner" on paae 72 for more lnformaLlon).

1he effecLlve and revlslons daLes are auLomaLlcallv enLered as Lhe
currenL daLe. ?ou can chanae Lhe daLe bv cllcklna Lhe arrow beslde Lhe
fleld and selecLlna a dlfferenL daLe on Lhe calendar LhaL opens. lf vou
chanae Lhe daLe, and conLlnue Lo creaLe and save more pollcles, Lhe daLe
flelds wlll reLaln Lhe daLes vou enLered. uaLes chanae onlv lf vou enLer a
dlfferenL daLe or close and reopen ollcles now.

5ovloo o pollcv

1o flnlsh or save a pollcv:

1. AL Lhe end of Lhe lnLervlew process, wlLh Lhe compleLed pollcv
on Lhe screen, cllck I|n|sh... Lo open Lhe Save ollcv wlndow.

2. lf vou wlsh Lo renumber Lhe pollcv, enLer Lhe new number ln Lhe
o||cy Number fleld.

aae 40
ollcles now user Manual

A pollcv oome coo
cooslst of op to 45
cbotoctets. locloJloo
spoces ooJ

)oo most bove oo
ffectlve uote. 1be
kevlsloo uote flelJ coo
be left blook.
3. lf vou wlsh Lo rename Lhe pollcv, enLer Lhe new name ln Lhe
o||cy Name fleld.

4. Cllck end|ng or Accepted under SLaLus. 1hls sLaLus wlll appear
under Lhe saved pollcv ln Lhe ollcv LlsL wlndow.

3. lf vou wlsh Lo chanae Lhe defaulL LffecLlve uaLe, double-cllck
Lhe Lffect|ve Date fleld Lo selecL lLs conLenLs.

6. 1vpe Lhe daLe on whlch vou wlsh Lhe pollcv Lo Lake effecL. ?ou
can also cllck Lhe arrow beslde Lhe fleld, selecL Lhe daLe from Lhe
pop-up calendar, and cllck Ck. See Lhe nexL Loplc for more
lnformaLlon abouL Lhe calendar.

7. ress 1ab Lo ao Lo Lhe kev|s|on Date fleld and, lf appllcable, Lvpe Lhe
revlslon daLe or selecL lL from Lhe pop-up calendar.

8. lf vou do noL wlsh Lo deflne lndex Lerms aL Lhls Llme, cllck Ck Lo
reLurn Lo Lhe Work WlLh ollcles wlndow. lf vou do wanL Lo
deflne lndex Lerms now, see ueflnlna lndex 1erms" on paae 40.

usino the co/endor

1he calendar provldes an easv wav Lo selecL
daLes for vour pollcles. Cllcklna a daLe on Lhe
calendar closes Lhe calendar and places Lhe
selecLed daLe
lnLo Lhe approprlaLe daLe fleld on Lhe Save ollcv

1o selecL a daLe on Lhe calendar:

- Cllck a daLe Lo selecL lL.

- Cllck Lhe lefL arrow Lo move Lo Lhe prevlous monLh.

- Cllck Lhe rlahL arrow Lo move Lo Lhe nexL monLh.

- Cllck Lhe monLh Lo open a drop-down menu. Cllck Lhe monLh
vou wanL Lo dlsplav.

- Cllck Lhe vear Lo make arrows dlsplav. Cllck Lhe up and down
arrows Lo chanae Lo Lhe vear vou need.

- Cllck Lhe word 1oday aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe calendar Lo selecL Lhe
currenL daLe.

aae 41
ChapLer 3 - CreaLlna A new Pandbook

Def|n|ng Index 1erms

1he lndex ls an alphabeLlcal llsLlna of kev words ln pollcv LlLles, and
oLher words or phrases LhaL descrlbe Lhe pollcv sub[ecL (wlLh cross
references Lo Lhe pollcv and pollcv number).

1he lndex ln vour pollcv handbook makes lL easler for emplovees Lo
flnd speclflc Loplcs, even lf Lhev aren'L sure of Lhe pollcv LlLle. AfLer vou
creaLe a pollcv, relaLed Lerms are auLomaLlcallv enLered lnLo Lhe lndex
for vou. When vou save Lhe pollcv, vou are alven Lhe opLlon Lo revlew
Lhose Lerms and add, edlL, or deleLe Lhem uslna Lhe ueflne lndex
1erms funcLlon ln Lhe Save ollcv wlndow.

Powever, lf vou are aolna Lo edlL Lhe pollcv, vou can also chanae lndex
Lerms ln Lhe ollcv 1exL LdlLor wlndow (see Modlfvlna Lhe lndex" on
paae 67 for more lnformaLlon).

uefloloo loJex tetms

1o deflne lndex Lerms:

loJex tetms mov oot
oppeot lo tbe uefloe
loJex 1etms wloJow.
sloce oot oll pollcles
bove loJex tetms.
1. ln Lhe Save ollcv dlaloa box, cllck Def|ne Index 1erms... Lo open
lLs wlndow.

2. lf vou wlsh Lo add a Lerm, cllck New Lo place Lhe cursor ln Lhe
enLrv fleld. LnLer Lhe new Lerm ln Lhe box and press Lnter (or
cllck 5ave).

3. lf vou wlsh Lo deleLe a Lerm, selecL lL ln Lhe lndex 1erms llsL and
cllck De|ete. lf vou are sure, cllck es.

4. lf vou wlsh Lo chanae a Lerm, selecL lL ln Lhe lndex 1erms llsL and
cllck Ld|t Lo copv Lhe Lerm Lo Lhe enLrv fleld. Chanae Lhe Lerm ln
Lhe box and press Lnter (or cllck 5ave).

aae 42
ollcles now user Manual

3. Cllck C|ose Lo reLurn Lo Lhe Save ollcv wlndow.

6. Cllck Ck Lo reLurn Lo Lhe ollcv LlsL wlndow. ?our saved pollcv
lnformaLlon appears ln Lhe ollcv LlsL below Lhe pollcv name.
aae 43
ChapLer 3 - CreaLlna A new Pandbook

aae 44
ollcles now user Manual

Chapter 4 - Ld|t an Lx|st|ng nandbook

1hls chapLer provldes lnformaLlon abouL Lhe Pandbook CenLer. 1he
Pandbook CenLer allows vou Lo work on exlsLlna handbooks uslna Lhe
followlna four headlnas:

- Work WlLh ollcles

- Pandbook SeLLlnas

- CraanlzaLlon SeLLlnas

- Pandbook lormaL ueslaner

Work|ng W|th o||c|es

1hls secLlon provldes lnformaLlon abouL Lhe feaLures avallable on Lhe
Work WlLh ollcles wlndow LhaL vou use afLer vou have creaLed a
pollcv. ?ou can edlL Lhe pollcles vou have creaLed, deleLe Lhe pollcv,
prevlew Lhe pollcv, add commenLs, chanae Lhe lanauaae sLvle, creaLe
user-deflned pollcles, and chanae Lhe sLaLus of pollcles from pendlna Lo

wotkloo wltb booJbook pollcles
aae 43
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

Creat|ng Comments

)oo coooot oJJ
commeots to o
pollcv ootll oftet tbe
pollcv bos beeo
As vou creaLe new pollcles, vou wlll mosL llkelv wanL Lo have Lhem
revlewed bv oLhers before lssulna vour handbook Lo vour emplovees.
1o keep Lrack of Lhe revlew process, or slmplv Lo keep remlnder
noLes, vou can add CommenLs Lo anv pollcv. lor lnsLance, vou mav
wanL Lo enLer Lhe names of Lhe preparer and revlewers, Lhe daLe vou
wanL Lo brlna up Lhe pollcv for revlew, Lhe commenLs of revlewers, or
Lhe resources LhaL were used.

ollcles wlLh commenLs wlll be deslanaLed bv a noLes lcon ln Lhe
pollcv llsL. When vou prlnL a pollcv, vou can elecL Lo prlnL Lhe
commenLs aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe pollcv. CommenLs can also be prlnLed
when a handbook ls prlnLed (see SelecLlna rlnL Pandbook CpLlons"
on paae 78 for more lnformaLlon).

1o Jelete commeots.
slmplv Jelete tbe
cooteots of tbe
commeots wloJow.
wbeo voo close tbe
wloJow. tbe ootes lcoo
wlll Jlsoppeot.

AJJloo commeots to o pollcv

1o creaLe a commenL:

1. ln Lhe Work wlLh ollcles wlndow, selecL a saved pollcv bv
cllcklna Lhe word Accepted or end|ng under Lhe pollcv name.

2. Cllck o||cy Comments Lo open lLs wlndow.

3. LnLer vour commenLs.

4. Cllck Ck Lo save Lhe commenLs. A noLe lcon appears beslde Lhe
saved pollcv.

3. 1o vlew aLLached commenLs, selecL a pollcv wlLh a noLe lcon and
cllck o||cy Comments. 1he CommenLs for ollcv dlaloa box opens.
?ou can vlew or edlL Lhe commenLs before closlna Lhe wlndow.

aae 46
ollcles now user Manual

1o deleLe a commenL:

1. SelecL a saved pollcv bv cllcklna Lhe word Accepted or end|ng
under Lhe pollcv name and cllck o||cy Comments.

2. ueleLe all Lhe LexL ln Lhe wlndow.

3. Cllck Ck. 1he noLe araphlc ls removed from Lhe pollcv.

De|et|ng a 5aved o||cy

lf, afLer Lhe revlew process, vou declde LhaL a pollcv ls noL approprlaLe
for vour oraanlzaLlon's handbook, vou can easllv deleLe lL. 1hls wlll noL
affecL Lhe oLher saved pollcles ln Lhe handbook.
1o deleLe a pollcv:
1. ln Lhe Work WlLh ollcv wlndow, selecL Lhe saved pollcv vou wlsh
Lo deleLe bv selecLlna elLher Accepted or end|ng under Lhe pollcv

2. Cllck De|ete o||cy.

3. When vou are asked lf vou wanL Lo deleLe Lhe selecLed pollcv,
cllck es. 1he saved pollcv ls removed from Lhe ollcv LlsL.

Us|ng r|nt/rev|ew

lf vou wanL Lo prlnL a pollcv for revlew, vou can send lL dlrecLlv Lo vour
prlnLer from Lhe Work wlLh ollcles wlndow. 1he pollcv wlll have vour
defaulL sLvle applled so LhaL vou can see Lhe full effecL of vour formaL
cholces on Lhe selecLed pollcv.

usloo ptlot/ptevlew
aae 47
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

1o prlnL a pollcv:

)oo coo olso ptlot tbe
pollcv ftom tbe ltevlew
wloJow. tbooob voo Jo
oot bove tbe optloo of
ptlotloo commeots.
1. ln Lhe Work wlLh ollcles wlndow, selecL a saved pollcv bv
selecLlna elLher AccepLed or endlna under Lhe pollcv name.

2. Cllck r|nt/rev|ew Lo open Lhe wlndow.

3. Cn Lhe rlnL/revlew wlndow, selecL a desLlnaLlon: r|nter or
5creen (rev|ew).

4. lf vou selecL rlnL, vou can also choose Lo prlnL Lhe o||cy
Comments bv cllcklna Lhe box beslde LhaL lLem.

3. Cllck Ck Lo prlnL or prevlew Lhe selecLed pollcv.

Iu|| 5creen rev|ew

1he full-screen prevlew allows vou Lo prevlew Lhe prlnLed pollcv
before prlnLlna.

lrom Lhls paae vou can:

- use Lhe 2oom conLrol Lo show a smaller or laraer area.

- Cllck aae up and aae down Lo move Lhrouah Lhe paaes of Lhe

- Cllck Lhe prlnLer lcon ln Lhe Loolbar Lo open Lhe prlnL opLlons paae.

- Cllck Lhe k Lo close Lhe revlew wlndow (or cllck I||e and Lhen
C|ose rev|ew).

Chang|ng o||cy Language 5ty|e

A handbook ls asslaned a defaulL ollcv Lanauaae sLvle. 8v defaulL, all
pollcles ln Lhe handbook are asslaned Lhls lanauaae sLvle. ?ou can
overrlde Lhls alobal sLvle bv chanalna Lhe lanauaae sLvle asslaned Lo Lhe

cboooloo o looooooe stvle
aae 48
ollcles now user Manual

Warn|ng: Chanalna Lhe pollcv lanauaae sLvle replaces all Lhe LexL and
conLenL for Lhe pollcv. All edlLlna and formaLLlna LhaL vou have added
wlll be losL. lL wlll be replaced bv Lhe new lanauaae assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
new sLvle.

1o overrlde Lhe sLvle for a pollcv:

1. SelecL a pollcv on Lhe Work WlLh ollcles wlndow.

2. Cllck Lhe o||cy Language 5ty|e buLLon. 1he defaulL lanauaae sLvle
ls dlsplaved ln Lhe fleld.

3. Cllck Lhe arrow and selecL a dlfferenL lanauaae sLvle.

4. Cllck Ck. A warnlna abouL lanauaae sLvle chanaes appears.

3. Cllck Ck Lo save Lhe new lanauaae seLLlna and close Lhe
Warnlna and SelecL Lanauaae SLvle wlndows.

Cr cllck Cance| Lo close boLh wlndows and noL save anv

Chang|ng end|ng 5tatus

1hls wlndow enables vou Lo chanae Lhe sLaLus of one or more pollcles
from pendlna Lo accepLed.

cboooloo pollcles ftom peoJloo to occepteJ stotos

1o chanae Lhe pendlna sLaLus:

1. SelecL a handbook on Lhe Work WlLh ollcles paae.

2. Cllck Lhe Change end|ng 5tatus buLLon.
aae 49
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

3. PlahllahL Lhe pollcles ln Lhe endlna ollcles box on Lhe lefL
LhaL vou wanL Lo chanae Lo accepLed sLaLus. (Pold down Lhe
ConLrol kev and cllck for mulLlple selecLlons.)

4. Cllck Lo move Lhe selecLed pollcles Lo Lhe Change to
Accepted box on Lhe rlahL.


)oo coo olso Jooble-
cllck eocb pollcv to
move lt to tbe cboooe
to AccepteJ box
ootomotlcollv ot Jtoo-
ooJ-Jtop tbe pollcv
ftom ooe llst to tbe
Cllck Lo move all pollcles Lo Lhe Change to Accepted box.

3. 1o remove a pollcv from Lhe Change to Accepted box, cllck

Cllck Lo remove all pollcles from Lhe Change to Accepted

6. Cllck Ck Lo make Lhe chanaes vou have selecLed.

Cr cllck Cance| Lo close Lhe wlndow and leave all sLaLuses

lf an exlsLlna AccepLed pollcv alreadv exlsLs, vou wlll be prompLed.

Ovetwtltloo oo exlstloo pollcv

- Cllck es to A|| Lo replace all selecLed exlsLlna pollcles. 1he
warnlna messaae wlll noL appear aaaln.

- Cllck es Lo replace Lhls parLlcular pollcv.

- Cllck No Lo noL replace Lhls pollcv buL Lo conLlnue updaLlna Lhe
oLher pollcles ln Lhe llsL.

- Cllck Cance| Lo sLop Lhe updaLe process and reLurn Lo Lhe Work
WlLh ollcles wlndow.

aae 30
ollcles now user Manual

Add|ng User-Def|ned o||c|es

lf vour oraanlzaLlon needs a pollcv so speclflc LhaL lL ls noL conLalned ln
anv form ln ollcles now, vou have Lhe opLlon Lo creaLe one uslna Lhe
ollcles now LdlL feaLure or lmporL one creaLed ln anoLher proaram.

6uide/ines for Nomino ond Numberino

When vou save a user-deflned pollcv, vou musL asslan a name and
number. 1he number for an lmporLed or user-deflned pollcv musL
conLaln an 8" or a 9" as lLs mlddle flaure, such as 180" or 398."
Cnce asslaned, Lhev cannoL be chanaed. Powever, vou can asslan an
addlLlonal pollcv number and name as wlLh anv oLher pollcv (for more
lnformaLlon, see Asslanlna a ollcv name" on paae 36 and
Asslanlna a ollcv number" on paae 37).

All oset-JefloeJ
pollcles oppeot ot tbe
eoJ of tbe llst lo tbe
lollcv llst wloJow
ooJet u5k- ullNu.
1bev wlll. bowevet.
oppeot lo tbe
opptoptlote sectloo
wbeo voo ptlot tbe
lf vou asslan a number bealnnlna wlLh zero, Lhe pollcv wlll be
formaLLed wlLh Lhe characLerlsLlcs of Lhe pollcles ln Lhe lnLroducLlon
secLlon. All pollcles bealnnlna wlLh zero exclude Lhe pollcv name,
number, paae number, and daLes when prlnLed. lf vour new pollcv does
noL belona ln Lhe lnLroducLlon secLlon, asslan a number bealnnlna wlLh
Lhe number of Lhe secLlon ln whlch vou wanL lL placed. lor example, lf
vou wanL Lhe pollcv Lo appear under Lmplovee 8eneflL roarams,
asslan a number such as 333."

creotino o user-uefined Po/icy

?ou can creaLe new pollcles or lmporL Lhem from an exlsLlna flle.

cteotloo o oset-JefloeJ pollcv

aae 31
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

uo oot combloe
moltlple pollcles loto
ooe (losteoJ. fot
lostooce. bteok
vocotloo ooJ slck leove
loto two pollcles). ooJ
Jo oot locloJe
ptoceJotes (socb os
Jtoo testloo).
1o creaLe a user-deflned pollcv:

1. lrom Lhe Work wlLh ollcles wlndow, cllck User-Def|ned
o||c|es Lo open Lhe Add user-ueflned ollcv wlndow.

2. Asslan a number and a name (for more lnformaLlon, see
Culdellnes for namlna and numberlna" on paae 49).

3. SelecL Create from scratch.

4. SelecL a formaL sLvle Lo be used for Lhe new pollcv (or use Lhe
defaulL for vour handbook whlch ls alreadv dlsplaved ln Lhe

3. Cllck Ck Lo open Lhe ollcv LdlLor.

6. ln Lhe ollcv LdlLor, enLer Lhe LexL for Lhe new pollcv.

7. Cllck 5ave o||cy.

8. ueflne Lhe Index 1erms for Lhe new pollcv.

9. LnLer Lhe Save ollcv seLLlnas and cllck Ck.

10. Cllck C|ose Lo reLurn Lo Lhe ollcv LlsL wlndow.

11. Scroll down Lo Lhe uSL8-uLllnLu secLlon Lo see Lhe saved

lmportino o user-uefined Po/icy

lf vou have creaLed pollcles ln a word-processlna proaram, vou can
lmporL Lhem lndlvlduallv lnLo ollcles now as user-deflned pollcles.
?ou can onlv lmporL pollcles as .1x1 (LexL onlv) flles. 8ecause of Lhls,
Lhev wlll noL reLaln formaLLlna characLerlsLlcs asslaned ln Lhelr orlalnal

1o lmporL user-deflned pollcles:

1. lrom Lhe Work wlLh ollcles wlndow, cllck User-Def|ned
o||c|es Lo open Lhe Add user-ueflned ollcv wlndow.

2. Asslan a number and a name (for more lnformaLlon, see
Culdellnes for namlna and numberlna" on paae 49).

3. SelecL Lhe radlo buLLon for Import from f||e.

4. LnLer Lhe paLh for Lhe flle Lo be lmporLed (or 8rowse Lo Lhe flle).
1he paLh should lnclude Lhe name of Lhe .1x1 flle Lo be
aae 32
ollcles now user Manual

3. SelecL a formaL sLvle Lo be used for Lhe new pollcv (or use Lhe
defaulL for vour handbook whlch ls alreadv dlsplaved ln Lhe

6. Cllck Ck Lo lmporL Lhe flle and open lL ln Lhe ollcv LdlLor.

7. ln Lhe ollcv LdlLor, edlL Lhe LexL for Lhe pollcv, lf needed.

8. Cllck 5ave o||cy.

9. ueflne Lhe Index 1erms for Lhe new pollcv.

10. Cllck C|ose Lo reLurn Lo Lhe ollcv LlsL wlndow.

11. Scroll down Lo Lhe uSL8-uLllnLu secLlon Lo see Lhe saved

Us|ng the o||cy 1ext Ld|tor

1he ollcv 1exL LdlLor provldes a wav for vou Lo edlL and formaL Lhe
pollcles vou creaLe. 1he edlLor works llke manv word processors,
enabllna vou Lo formaL LexL, flnd and replace words, creaLed numbered
or bulleLed llsLs, and lnserL Labs, Lables, and lmaaes.

1he ollcv 1exL LdlLor allows vou Lo chanae Lhe wordlna of a pollcv, as
well as applv bold, lLallc, and underllned formaLLlna Lo Lhe pollcv LexL.
?ou can also flnd and replace words LhrouahouL a pollcv. lor lnsLance,
lf vou prefer Lo refer Lo emplovees" as sLaff members," vou can flnd
and replace all lnsLances of Lhe unwanLed Lerm wlLh Lhe preferred Lerm.

When vou have flnlshed edlLlna, lL ls a aood ldea Lo use Lhe Spell Check
feaLure Lo check vour spelllna before savlna vour work. 1hls feaLure
wlll hlahllahL mlsspelled words and offer suaaesLlons for Lhelr replacemenL.

1he purpose of Lhe LdlL feaLure ls Lo edlL conLenL and applv slmple
aLLrlbuLes speclflc onlv Lo Lhe LexL of an lndlvldual pollcv. 1he LdlL
feaLure ls noL used Lo formaL Lhe enLlre handbook. 1o ensure conslsLenL
formaLLlna of all Lhe pollcles and oLher elemenLs ln Lhe handbook (such
as fonLs and paae lavouL), Lhe Pandbook lormaL ueslaner musL be used
(for more lnformaLlon, see uslna Pandbook lormaL ueslaner" on
paae 72).

?ou can also make lnformaLlon easler Lo read bv lnserLlna Lables or
creaLlna numbered or bulleLed llsLs uslna lnformaLlon from Lhe pollcles
vou creaLe.
aae 33
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

usloo tbe pollcv text eJltot

1o edlL a pollcv:

1. lf vour compleLed pollcv ls sLlll open, cllck Ld|t... Lo open Lhe
ollcv 1exL LdlLor.

2. 1o edlL an unopened pollcv, selecL Lhe saved pollcv ln Lhe Work
WlLh ollcles wlndow (elLher AccepLed or endlna - do noL cllck
Lhe pollcv name) and cllck Ld|t o||cy Lo open Lhe ollcv 1exL

3. When vou flnlsh edlLlna Lhe pollcv, cllck 5ave o||cy, Lhen cllck

Us|ng the Ld|t Menu

use Lhe LdlL menu Lo deleLe, cuL, copv, and pasLe LexL.

ue/etino 1ext

1o deleLe LexL:

1. ln Lhe ollcv 1exL LdlLor, selecL Lhe LexL vou wanL Lo deleLe bv
cllcklna and draaalna across lL. (When selecLed, Lhe LexL ls
hlahllahLed wlLh black.)

2. ress De|ete.
aae 34
ollcles now user Manual

Movino 1ext

1o move LexL:

1. 1o move LexL Lo anoLher place ln Lhe currenL or oLher pollcv,
cllck Ld|t and Lhen Cut (or press CLrl + x), whlch coples Lhe LexL Lo
Lhe cllpboard. 1he orlalnal LexL dlsappears.

2. Cllck Lhe place where vou wanL Lo move Lhe LexL and cllck Ld|t
and Lhen aste (or press CLrl + v). (Slnce Lhe cllpboard can
conLaln onlv one lLem aL a Llme, be sure Lo pasLe Lhls LexL ln Lhe
new locaLlon before vou copv or cuL anv oLher LexL.)

copyino ond Postino 1ext

1o copv and pasLe LexL:

1. Cllck and draa across Lhe LexL vou wlsh Lo copv Lo selecL lL (lL ls
hlahllahLed wlLh black).

2. Cllck Lhe Ld|t and Lhen Copy (or press CLrl + C) Lo copv Lhe LexL Lo
Lhe cllpboard.

3. Cllck Lhe area where vou wlsh Lo place Lhe copled LexL and cllck
Ld|t and Lhen aste (or press CLrl + v) Lo pasLe ln Lhe copled
LexL. 1he orlalnal LexL remalns lnLacL.


lf vou pasLe LexL ln Lhe wrona place (or deleLe or applv bold, eLc.), vou
can undo Lhe lasL command. lf vou declde Lo keep Lhe lasL command,
vou can reapplv lL wlLh Lhe redo feaLure.

1o undo or redo:

lollcles Now coo oolv
ooJo/teJo tbe /ost
1. 1o reverse Lhe lasL command vou enLered (such as deleLlna a
word), cllck Ld|t and Lhen Undo.

2. lf vou declde vou wanL Lo reapplv Lhe command vou [usL
reversed, vou can reapplv lL bv cllcklna Ld|t and Lhen kedo.

lindino 1ext

1. lf vou onlv wanL Lo flnd a word, buL noL replace lL, cllck Ld|t and
Lhen I|nd.

2. LnLer Lhe word vou wanL Lo flnd ln Lhe I|nd what fleld.

3. lf vou wanL Lo exacLlv maLch a word (lowercase or lnlLlal cap),
cllck Lhe box nexL Lo Match case.

aae 33
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

4. SelecL Lhe dlrecLlon LhaL should be searched: from Lhe Lop of Lhe
documenL Down, or from Lhe boLLom of Lhe documenL Up.

3. Cllck I|nd Next.

6. When flnlshed, cllck Cance|.

lindino ond kep/ocino 1ext

1. lf vou wanL Lo flnd and replace a word or phrase, cllck Ld|t and
Lhen I|nd and kep|ace.

2. LnLer Lhe word(s) vou wanL Lo flnd ln Lhe I|nd what fleld.

3. LnLer Lhe word(s) Lo wanL Lo use Lhe replace Lhe found word ln
Lhe kep|ace w|th fleld.

4. lf vou wanL Lo exacLlv maLch a word (lowercase or lnlLlal cap),
cllck Lhe box nexL Lo Match case.

3. SelecL one of Lhe followlna opLlons:

I|nd Next Lo flnd Lhe nexL lnsLance of Lhe word.

kep|ace Lo replace Lhe found word.

kep|ace A|| Lo flnd and replace all lnsLances of Lhe word wlLhouL
havlna Lo check each one.

6. When flnlshed, cllck Cance|.

5e/ect 4//

use Lhe SelecL All command Lo hlahllahL all of Lhe LexL ln Lhe pollcv.
1hls ls useful lf vou are copvlna Lhe pollcv Lo pasLe lnLo anoLher

1o hlahllahL all LexL:

1. Cllck Ld|t and cllck 5e|ect A|| Lo hlahllahL all Lhe LexL ln Lhe

2. Cllck Ld|t and cllck Copy Lo copv all Lhe LexL of Lhe pollcv Lo Lhe

3. SwlLch Lo Lhe documenL where vou wanL Lo pasLe Lhe pollcv and
cllck Ld|t and cllck aste. (?ou can also pasLe bv cllcklna
CrLl + v.)
aae 36
ollcles now user Manual

Us|ng the V|ew Menu

use Lhe vlew menu Lo seL whaL lLems appear when Lhe pollcv LexL edlLor
ls opened. All seLLlnas ln Lhls menu are Loaales. lf a check mark appears
before a feaLure, lL wlll show. lf Lhere ls no check mark, Lhe feaLure
does noL show.

5ettino view Mode

1he flrsL Lwo opLlons ln Lhls menu deLermlne how Lhe pollcv ls
dlsplaved on vour screen. (lf vou have a small monlLor and Lhe dlsplav
ls seL Lo 800 x 600, normal vlew ls recommended.)

1. WlLh a pollcv open on vour screen, cllck V|ew and Lhen Norma|.

2. Cllck V|ew and Lhen Centered age Layout.

3. ueclde whlch vlew vou prefer and selecL lL.

1he defaulL ls CenLered aae LavouL. lf vou prefer Lhe normal
vlew, vou wlll have Lo seL lL each Llme vou open a pollcv.

uisp/oyino 1oo/bors

1hls secLlon deLermlnes whaL lnformaLlon and Lools are avallable for
vour use. 1he defaulL ls Lo have all Lhe Loolbars dlsplaved. uncheck anv
boxes for lLems vou do noL wanL Lo dlsplav when Lhe edlLor ls open.

ku|er dlsplavs a ruler (ln lnches) across Lhe Lop of Lhe wlndow. lL also
shows anv Labs LhaL have been lnserLed.

aragraph 8ar dlsplavs formaL feaLures LhaL can be applled wlLh [usL a
cllck. leaLures lnclude fonL, fonL slze, bold, lLallc, and underllne
buLLons, [usLlflcaLlon buLLons, Labs, and bulleL and numberlna buLLons.

1oo| 8ar dlsplavs lcons LhaL can be used Lo perform cerLaln Lasks. 1hese
lnclude save, prlnL, zoom, copv, cuL, pasLe, undo, redo, flnd, and spell

5tatus 8ar dlsplavs aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe wlndow. lL shows Lhe paae
number, Lhe llne number, and zoom seLLlna. lL also shows lf vou have
on Lhe Caps Lock, Lhe num Lock, or CverwrlLe opLlons.
aae 37
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

uisp/oyino lormot chorocters

?ou can hlde or show paraaraph marks and spaces bv cllcklna Iormat
Characters. Showlna paraaraph marks () helps vou see where each
paraaraph ends and makes lL easler Lo selecL Lhe formaLLlna
characLerlsLlcs vou wanL Lo chanae. 1he defaulL ls Lo hlde Lhe formaL

usino 2oom

?ou can zoom ln" Lo aeL a close-up vlew of vour documenL or zoom
ouL" Lo see more of Lhe paae aL a reduced slze. 1he defaulL ls Lo
dlsplav pollcles aL 100.

1o use zoom:

1. Cllck Lhe arrow nexL Lo Lhe 2oom box.

2. Cllck Lhe zoom seLLlna vou wanL.

Us|ng the 1oo|s Menu

1he 1ools menu provldes Lhesaurus and spell check feaLures.

5pe// checkino 1ext

usloo 5pell cbeck

1o spell check a pollcv:

1. Cllck 1oo|s, Lhen 5pe|| Check Lo open Lhe Spelllna Check dlaloa box.

2. 1he flrsL mlsspelled word (lf anv) appears ln Lhe Not |n
D|ct|onary fleld aL Lhe Lop of Lhe dlaloa box.
aae 38
ollcles now user Manual

)oo coo olso blobllobt
ooJ tbeo tlobt-cllck o
speclflc wotJ. cllck
5pell cbeck ooJ see lf
tbot wotJ ls spelleJ
3. SelecL Lhe approprlaLe spelllna ln Lhe 5uggest|ons box, Lhen
cllck Change.

4. lf none of Lhe suaaesLlons are correcL and vou know how Lhe
word should be spelled, cllck ln Lhe Not |n D|ct|onary fleld and
enLer Lhe correcL spelllna, Lhen cllck Change. (When vou sLarL Lo
edlL Lhe word, Lhe name of Lhe fleld becomes Change 1o.)

3. lf vou know LhaL Lhe spelllna of Lhe suspecL word ls correcL and
do noL wlsh Lo chanae lL, cllck Ignore or Ignore A||.

6. lf Lhe correcLlv spelled suspecL word ls unlque (such as vour
oraanlzaLlon's shorL name) and vou use lL ofLen, cllck Add Lo add
lL Lo Lhe user dlcLlonarv. As parL of Lhe dlcLlonarv, Lhls word wlll
noL be suspecL ln anv LexL vou edlL from now on.

7. ConLlnue Lhe process unLll vou are Lold lL ls flnlshed, Lhen cllck
Ck. (?ou can also cllck Cancel aL anv Llme).

usino the 1hesourus

use Lhe 1hesaurus Lo look up svnonvms and relaLed words for Lhe word
vou speclfv.

1o use Lhe Lhesaurus:

1. Cllck 1oo|s and Lhen 1hesaurus Lo open Lhe 1hesaurus dlaloa

2. 1vpe Lhe word vou wanL Lo look up and cllck Check Word.

3. PlahllahL Lhe word vou wanL use and cllck kep|ace.

4. When vou are flnlshed, cllck Cance|.

Us|ng the Insert Menu

use Lhe lnserL menu Lo lnserL a paae break, a LexL flle, or an lmaae.

lnsertino o Pooe 8reok

1o lnserL a paae break:

1. Cllck where vou wanL Lo sLarL a new paae.

2. Cllck Insert and Lhen age 8reak. 1he paae break ls lnserLed.
aae 39
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

lnsertino 1ext

1o lnserL a LexL flle:

1. Cllck where vou wanL Lo lnserL LexL from a flle.

2. Cllck Insert and cllck 1ext....

3. ln Lhe lnserL 1exL dlaloa box LhaL opens, selecL Lhe .1x1 flle vou
wanL Lo lnserL lnLo Lhe pollcv.

4. Cllck Cpen. 1he LexL from Lhe flle ls lnserLed lnLo Lhe pollcv.

lnsertino on lmooe

1o lnserL an lmaae:

1. Cllck where vou wanL Lo lnserL Lhe plcLure.

2. Cllck Insert and Lhem cllck Image.

3. SelecL Lhe Lvpe of flle vou wanL Lo lnserL (.8M, .1ll, or .!C).

Note: lf vour lmaae has a four-leLLer exLenslon (.1lll or.!LC),
[usL rename lL Lo Lhe approprlaLe Lhree-leLLer exLenslon. 1he
proaram does noL recoanlze four-leLLer exLenslons.

4. LocaLe and hlahllahL Lhe lmaae vou wanL Lo lnserL.

3. Cllck Cpen Lo lnserL Lhe lmaae lnLo Lhe pollcv aL Lhe polnL where
Lhe cursor ls locaLed. 1he boLLom of Lhe lmaae ls level wlLh Lhe
llne of LexL.

Us|ng the Iormat Menu

1he lormaL menu enables vou Lo work on color for LexL and
backarounds and Lo ad[usL formaLLlna for fonLs, paraaraphs, bulleLs and
numberlna, and lmaaes. ?ou can also ad[usL Lhe paae seLup.

chonoino lont lormot

1o chanae fonL formaL:

1. PlahllahL Lhe LexL vou wanL Lo chanae.

2. Cllck Iormat and Lhen cllck Iont....

3. Make chanaes.

4. Cllck Ck Lo applv Lhe chanaes.
aae 60
ollcles now user Manual

usino co/ored 1ext or 8ockoround

1o applv LexL color:

)oo coo olso select o
colot fltst ooJ tbeo tvpe
to oJJ text lo tbe
selecteJ colot.
1. PlahllahL a word or senLence LhaL vou wanL Lo enhance wlLh

2. Cllck Iormat and Lhen cllck 1ext Co|or... Lo choose a color Lo use.

3. Cllck Lhe color vou wanL Lo use on Lhe charL and cllck Ck. 1he
LexL ls dlsplaved ln Lhe selecLed color.

?ou can also hlahllahL a word or senLence and add a backaround color
for emphasls. use Lhe above lnsLrucLlons, subsLlLuLlna 8ackaround
Color for 1exL Color.

chonoino Porooroph lormot

use Lhe araaraph lormaL dlaloa box Lo seL llne spaclna, allanmenL,
lndenLs, and dlsLances.

cboooloo potootopb fotmot

1o chanae paraaraph formaL:

1. PlahllahL Lhe paraaraph vou wanL Lo chanae.

2. Cllck Iormat and Lhen cllck aragraph... Lo open Lhe araaraph
lormaL dlaloa box.

3. Make chanaes.

4. Cllck Ck Lo applv Lhe chanaes.

aae 61
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

1o oolcklv oJJ bollets
ot oombets. blobllobt
tbe lofotmotloo ooJ
cllck tbe Nombetloo ot
8ollet bottoo lo tbe
lotootopb 8ot.
workino with 8u//ets ond Numberino

?ou can add bulleLs or numberlna uslna Lhe lormaL menu. SelecL
ALLrlbuLes lf vou wanL Lo ad[usL Lhe lndenLaLlon or chanae Lhe Lvpe of

5ettloo otttlbotes fot bollets ooJ oombets

1o add bulleLs or numberlna:

1. PlahllahL Lhe llnes LhaL wlll be affecLed.

2. Cllck Iormat| 8u||ets and Number|ng| 8u||ets or Lvpe of
numberlna Lo be used.

1o ad[usL Lhe bulleLs or numberlna:

1. Cllck Iormat| 8u||ets and Number|ng| Attr|butes....

2. lor bulleLs, selecL Lhe Lvpe of bulleL characLer Lo use and selecL
Lhe opLlons vou wanL ln Lhe lormaLLlna box.

3. lor numberlna, selecL Lhe opLlons vou wanL ln Lhe number
formaL and lormaLLlna boxes.

4. Cllck Ck.

aae 62
ollcles now user Manual

Us|ng the 1ab|es Menu

A Lable ls made up of rows and columns of cells LhaL vou can flll wlLh
LexL and araphlcs. 1ables are ofLen used Lo oraanlze and presenL
lnformaLlon. ?ou can also use Lables Lo creaLe lnLeresLlna paae lavouLs
and arranae LexL and araphlcs.

1o lnserL a Lable:

1. Cllck 1ab|e| Insert| 1ab|e....

2. ln Lhe 1able ALLrlbuLes dlaloa box, enLer Lhe number of rows and
columns for Lhe Lable.

3. Cllck Ck.

usino 6rid Lines

When checked, arld llnes appear ln Lhe Lable. 1hese arld llnes appear
on Lhe screen, buL do noL prlnL.

1o Lurn off arld llnes:

1. Cllck 1ab|e... and Lhen cllck Gr|d L|nes Lo remove Lhe check
mark. Crld llnes are noL dlsplaved on Lhe screen.

4ddino ond ue/etino kows or co/umns

1o add rows or columns:

)oo coo olso copv tows
ot colomos to be posteJ
lo oootbet pollcv bv
osloo tbe 5elect
1. lace Lhe cursor where Lhe addlLlonal row or column ls Lo be

2. Cllck 1ab|e| Insert| and one of Lhe followlna opLlons:

Co|umn to the Left
Co|umn to the k|ght
kow Above
kow 8e|ow

3. 8epeaL sLeps 1 and 2 lf addlLlonal columns or rows are needed.

1o deleLe rows or columns:

1. lace Lhe cursor ln Lhe row or column LhaL ls Lo be deleLed.

2. Cllck 1ab|e| De|ete| Co|umn or kows.

3. 1o deleLe mulLlple rows (or columns) aL one Llme, hlahllahL Lhe
rows and cllck 1ab|e| De|ete| kows (or Co|umn).
aae 63
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

5ettino 1ob/e Properties

AfLer vou have creaLed a Lable, vou can seL Lhe properLles for
lndlvldual cells. 1able arld llnes are for vour convenlence and do noL
prlnL. uslna Lhe 1able roperLles, vou can add prlnLable llnes, add
color, and ad[usL Lhe space beLween Lhe LexL and Lhe llnes. roperLles
can onlv be seL for one cell aL a Llme.

5ettloo toble ptopettles

1o seL Lable properLles:

1. lace Lhe cursor ln Lhe cell where vou wanL Lo add properLles.

2. Cllck 1ab|e and Lhen ropert|es....

3. 1o add llnes Lo Lhe cells, cllck alona Lhe sldes ln Lhe Irames area
where vou wanL llnes Lo appear. Llnes appear ln Lhe sample

4. 1o add color Lo Lhe cell, selecL a color from Lhe dropdown menu
ln Lhe 8ackground area. ?ou can also selecL or deflne a cusLom
color bv cllcklna Cther and Lhen selecLlna a dlsplaved color or
cllcklna Def|ne Custom Co|or Lo creaLe vour own color.

Note: ?ou can onlv work wlLh one cell aL a Llme.

3. 1o ad[usL Lhe dlsLance beLween Lhe LexL and Lhe edaes of Lhe cell,
chanae Lhe values ln Lhe 1ext d|stances area.
aae 64
ollcles now user Manual

6. 1o ad[usL Lhe wldLh of Lhe cells, vou can cllck on Lhe recessed
arav llnes on Lhe ruler and draa Lhem Lo chanae Lhe cell wldLh.
?ou can hlahllahL Lhe enLlre Lable and Lhen do Lhls ad[usLmenL
so all cells are Lhe same slze.

7. Cllck Ck Lo applv vour chanaes.

nandbook 5ett|ngs

uslna Lhe Pandbook SeLLlnas wlndow, vou can creaLe a new handbook,
deleLe a handbook, or selecL a handbook and Lhen chanae lLs name,
vlew Lhe 1able of ConLenLs or lndex, and cusLomlze Lhe secLlon

Creat|ng Add|t|ona| nandbooks

lf vour oraanlzaLlon dlfferenLlaLes pollcles and beneflLs amona
emplovmenL classlflcaLlons, or lf vou operaLe ln oLher locallLles
lmpacLed bv dlfferenL emplovmenL lealslaLlon, separaLe handbooks
should be consldered. lor lnsLance, dlfferenL handbooks mav be
necessarv for upper, mlddle, and lower manaaemenL, unlon and
nonunlon emplovees, or exempL and nonexempL personnel.

ollcles now allows vou Lo creaLe up Lo slx dlfferenL handbooks for
vour oraanlzaLlon. AddlLlonal handbooks can be creaLed from
scraLch," or can be based on one vou've alreadv creaLed ln ollcles

lf vou have alreadv creaLed slx handbooks, vou musL deleLe one before
addlna anoLher. ?ou can do so ln Lhe Pandbook SeLLlnas wlndow.

lf vou flnd vou have a need Lo creaLe more Lhan slx handbooks or wlsh
Lo creaLe handbooks for more Lhan one oraanlzaLlon, call an
erformSmarL sales represenLaLlve aL (877) 222-0448 Lo purchase an
Lxpanded Llcense for Lhls purpose (for more lnformaLlon, see Addlna
a MulLlple-CraanlzaLlon Llcense" on paae 10).

1o creaLe an addlLlonal handbook:

)oo coo olso stott o
oew booJbook ftom tbe
welcome wloJow bv
cllckloo cteote o New
1. Cllck nandbook 5ett|ngs from Lhe Pandbook CenLer Lo open lLs

2. Cllck New nandbook Lo open Lhe Pandbook Wlzard.
aae 63
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

3. LnLer Lhe name for Lhls handbook ln Lhe Ass|gn nandbook Name fleld.

4. SelecL 5tart handbook from scratch or Copy from ex|st|ng handbook.

- lf vou selecLed Copy from ex|st|ng handbook, selecL whlch
handbook Lo copv from Lhe dropdown llsL.

Note: lf vou choose copv ftom oo exlstloo booJbook, vou
accepL Lhe seLLlnas from LhaL handbook. ?ou cannoL chanae
Lhe lanauaae sLvle, formaL sLvle, Lhe cusLom Lerm for
handbook, Lhe lssue daLe, or Lhe loao. AfLer Lhe handbook ls
creaLed, vou can edlL Lhese aLLrlbuLes bv hlahllahLlna Lhe new
handbook and cllcklna Ld|t nandbook.

- lf vou selecLed 5tart handbook from scratch, selecL Lhe uefaulL
Lanauaae SLvle and uefaulL lormaL SLvle from Lhe
dropdown llsLs.

lf vou wanL Lo chanae Lhe Lerm booJbook, enLer Lhe new Lerm
ln Lhe Custom 1erm for "nandbook" fleld. lL ls recommended Lo
use all lowercase leLLers when asslanlna a new Lerm.

lf vour oraanlzaLlon wanLs Lo use a loao ln Lhe handbook,
enLer (or browse Lo) Lhe locaLlon of Lhe loao flle. 1he
loao musL be ln one of Lhe followlna supporLed formaLs:
.!C, .1ll, or .8M for prlnLed handbooks and .!C or .Cll
for onllne handbooks.

3. Cllck Next Lo creaLe Lhe new handbook.

lf vou chanae vour mlnd, and do noL wanL Lo creaLe Lhe
handbook, cllck Cance|. 1he handbook ls deleLed. lf vou creaLed
a new oraanlzaLlon from Lhls wlndow, lL wlll be deleLed as well
as Lhe handbook.

Ld|t|ng a nandbook Name

kemembet tbot o
booJbook oome coo
cootolo op to 50
cbotoctets. locloJloo
spoces ooJ
lf vou wlsh Lo reflecL an oraanlzaLlon name chanae, or slmplv make Lhe
handbook's LlLle more descrlpLlve, vou can use Lhe Pandbook SeLLlnas
wlndow Lo chanae Lhe name of a handbook aL anv Llme.

1. Cllck Lhe nandbook 5ett|ngs from Lhe Pandbook CenLer Lo open lLs

2. lrom Lhe llsL, selecL Lhe handbook vou wanL Lo chanae.

3. Cllck Ld|t nandbook Lo open lLs wlndow.

aae 66
ollcles now user Manual

4. uraa across Lhe exlsLlna name Lo selecL lL, Lvpe Lhe new name,
and cllck Ck Lo save lL.

Note: ?ou can also make chanaes Lo oLher flelds on Lhls
wlndow, such as lanauaae sLvle and lssue daLe.

V|ew|ng 1ab|e of Contents

1be 1oble of cooteots
wlll oppeot lo botb tbe
ptloteJ booJbook ooJ
tbe oolloe booJbook.
ollcles now creaLes Lhe 1able of ConLenLs for vour handbook
auLomaLlcallv, based on Lhe pollcles vou have saved. 1he 1able of
ConLenLs dlsplavs Lhe secLlon headlnas and Lhe pollcles wlLhln Lhe
handbook. revlewlna Lhe 1able of ConLenLs allows vou Lo conflrm LhaL
vou have lncluded all Lhe pollcles vou need and LhaL Lhev are ln Lhe
approprlaLe order. ?ou can prevlew separaLe Lables of conLenLs for
AccepteJ and for leoJloo pollcles.

1he prevlew does noL dlsplav formaLLlna. 1o chanae Lhe formaLLlna, use
Lhe Pandbook ueslaner feaLure (for more lnformaLlon, see uslna
Pandbook lormaL ueslaner" on paae 72).

?ou can also prlnL Lhe 1able of ConLenLs separaLelv from Lhe resL of Lhe
handbook (for more lnformaLlon, see SelecLlna rlnL Pandbook
CpLlons" on paae 78).

vlewloo tbe 1oble of cooteots

1o vlew Lhe 1able of ConLenLs:

1. Cllck Lhe nandbooks Lab and Lhen cllck nandbook 5ett|ngs.

2. SelecL a handbook, cllck Ld|t nandbook, Lhen cllck 1ab|e of
Contents Lo open lLs wlndow.

aae 67
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

3. SelecL end|ng Lo vlew Lhe conLenLs of a handbook conLalnlna
onlv endlna pollcles.

4. SelecL Accepted Lo vlew Lhe conLenLs of a handbook conLalnlna
onlv AccepLed pollcles.

3. vlew Lhe lndex bv cllcklna Index ln Lhe upper rlahL corner.

6. When flnlshed, cllck C|ose.

V|ew|ng Index

ollcles now creaLes Lhe lndex for vou auLomaLlcallv, buL also alves
vou Lhe opLlon Lo add, edlL, or deleLe lndex Lerms. 1houah vou mav
have deflned some Lerms when vou lnlLlallv saved a pollcv (for more
lnformaLlon, see llnlshlna (Savlna) CompleLed ollcles" on paae 36),
vou can modlfv Lhe lndex Lerms aL anv Llme on Lhe ollcv LdlLor

Modlfvlna Lhe lndex onlv chanaes lLs conLenLs. lf vou wlsh Lo reformaL
Lhe lndex, use Lhe Pandbook ueslaner feaLure (for more lnformaLlon,
see uslna Pandbook lormaL ueslaner" on paae 72).

?ou can also prlnL Lhe lndex separaLelv from Lhe resL of Lhe handbook
(for more lnformaLlon, see rlnL ?our Pandbook" on paae 77).

vlewloo tbe loJex

1o vlew Lhe lndex:

1. Cllck Lhe nandbooks Lab and Lhen cllck nandbook 5ett|ngs.

2. SelecL a handbook, cllck Ld|t nandbook, Lhen cllck Index.
aae 68
ollcles now user Manual

3. SelecL end|ng Lo vlew Lhe lndex of a handbook conLalnlna onlv
endlna pollcles.

4. SelecL Accepted Lo vlew Lhe lndex of a handbook conLalnlna
onlv AccepLed pollcles.

3. vlew Lhe 1able of ConLenLs bv cllcklna 1ab|e of Contents ln Lhe
upper rlahL corner.

6. When flnlshed, cllck C|ose.

Mod|fy|ng the Index

AfLer prevlewlna Lhe lndex, vou mav declde LhaL some Lerms need Lo be
chanaed. ?ou mav also wanL Lo creaLe addlLlonal lndex Lerms.

1o modlfv lndex Lerms:

1. ln Lhe Work wlLh ollcles wlndow, selecL a saved pollcv
(cllcklna elLher AccepLed or endlna below Lhe pollcv name).

2. Cllck Ld|t o||cy Lo open Lhe ollcv LdlL wlndow.

3. Cllck Def|ne Index 1erms Lo open lLs wlndow.

4. 1o add a new Lerm, cllck New Lo place Lhe cursor ln Lhe enLrv
fleld. LnLer Lhe new Lerm ln Lhe box and press Lnter (or cllck

3. 1o chanae a Lerm, selecL lL ln Lhe lndex 1erms llsL and cllck Ld|t
Lo copv Lhe Lerm Lo Lhe enLrv fleld. Chanae Lhe Lerm ln Lhe box
and press Lnter (or cllck 5ave).

6. 1o deleLe a Lerm, selecL lL ln Lhe lndex 1erms llsL and cllck
De|ete. lf vou are sure, cllck es.

7. When flnlshed, cllck C|ose.

8. 1o close Lhe ollcv 1exL LdlLor, cllck C|ose.

Custom|z|ng nead|ngs

Lach secLlon headlna ln Lhe ollcv LlsL can be cusLomlzed Lo reflecL
vour oraanlzaLlon's needs. lor lnsLance, lnsLead of Lhe defaulL headlnas
ln all caplLal leLLers, vou can use uppercase and lowercase. ?ou mlahL
also llke Lo chanae Lhe LexL, such as replaclna LMLC?LL CCnuuC1
& ulSClLlnA8? AC1lCn wlLh 8ules of ConducL." 1hese secLlon
headlnas are used ln Lhe 1able of ConLenLs and are dlsplaved ln Lhe
ollcv LlsL Manaaer.
aae 69
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

costomlzloo sectloo beoJloos

1o cusLomlze a secLlon headlna:

Aov cboooes voo moke
opplv oolv to tbe
cotteot booJbook.
1. Cllck Lhe nandbooks Lab, Lhen cllck nandbook 5ett|ngs.

2. SelecL a handbook, cllck Ld|t nandbook, Lhen cllck 5ect|on nead|ngs
Lo open lLs wlndow. All Lhe defaulL secLlon headlnas are llsLed
ln Lhe lefL column.

3. Cllck ln Lhe column Lo Lhe rlahL of Lhe secLlon headlna vou wlsh
Lo cusLomlze and Lvpe Lhe new headlna.

4. CusLomlze as manv headlnas as needed, Lhen cllck Ck Lo save
vour chanaes when vou are flnlshed. ?our cusLomlzed headlnas
wlll appear ln Lhe Work WlLh ollcles wlndow.

Chang|ng the Iormat 5ty|e

When vou creaLe Lhe handbook, vou selecL a formaL sLvle Lo be applled
Lo all pollcles wlLhln LhaL handbook. lf vou declde Lo chanae LhaL sLvle,
Lhere are some polnLs LhaL vou need Lo conslder:

- 1he 1lLle aae (ollcv 010) musL olwovs be recreaLed lf vou
chanae Lhe formaL sLvle.

- ollcles LhaL have alreadv been creaLed reLaln Lhe orlalnal formaL
sLvle when opened ln Lhe ollcv 1exL LdlLor. 1o applv Lhe new
sLvle, Lhe pollcv needs Lo be tecteoteJ ooJ soveJ Lo overwrlLe Lhe
orlalnal verslon. 8un Lhe 8esponses reporL for anv pollcles LhaL
need Lo be creaLed, Lo deLermlne Lhe correcL responses Lo
provlde durlna Lhe lnLervlew process.
aae 70
ollcles now user Manual

- ollcles LhaL have alreadv been creaLed reLaln Lhe orlalnal formaL
sLvle when prlnLed from Lhe Work WlLh ollcles wlndow. 1o
applv Lhe new sLvle, Lhe pollcv needs Lo be tecteoteJ ooJ soveJ
Lo overwrlLe Lhe orlalnal verslon. 8un Lhe 8esponses reporL for
anv pollcles LhaL need Lo be creaLed, Lo deLermlne Lhe correcL
responses Lo provlde durlna Lhe lnLervlew process.

1|p: lf vou wanL Lo qulcklv applv a new sLvle Lo Lhe enLlre handbook
wlLhouL recreaLlna all Lhe pollcles, selecL a new formaL sLvle ln
Pandbook SeLLlnas. 1hen ao Lo ubllshlna| rlnL Pandbook. rlnL Lhe
enLlre handbook wlLh Lable of conLenLs and lndex. 1he ubllshlna
CenLer uses Lhe cotteot Pandbook SeLLlnas for prlnLlna, noL Lhe seLLlnas
saved wlLh Lhe lndlvldual pollcv.

1o chanae Lhe formaL sLvle:

1. Cn Lhe Pandbook SeLLlnas wlndow, hlahllahL Lhe handbook vou
wanL Lo chanae.

2. Cllck Ld|t nandbook.

3. Cllck Lhe arrow beslde Lhe Iormat 5ty|e fleld and selecL a new
formaL sLvle.

4. Cllck Ck Lo asslan Lhe new sLvle Lo Lhe handbook. 1hls new
sLvle ls used when vou creaLe new pollcles for Lhls handbook
and when vou prlnL Lhe handbook from Lhe ubllshlna

De|et|ng a nandbook

)oo mov woot to Jelete
booJbooks wblcb ote
oo loooet oeeJeJ fot
voot otooolzotloo.
WlLh a slnale user llcense, vou can creaLe up Lo slx handbooks. lf vou
have slx handbooks and wanL Lo creaLe anoLher one, vou wlll have Lo
deleLe one of Lhe handbooks ln order Lo add a new one.

1o deleLe a handbook:

1. Cn Lhe Pandbook SeLLlnas wlndow, hlahllahL Lhe handbook vou
wanL Lo deleLe.

2. Cllck De|ete nandbook.

3. lf vou are sure, cllck es. 1he handbook ls deleLed from Lhe llsL.

aae 71
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

Crgan|zat|on 5ett|ngs

ln Lodav's ever-chanalna world, lL ls enLlrelv posslble LhaL vou mav
choose Lo chanae Lhe name of vour oraanlzaLlon. lf vou do so, ollcles
now allows vou Lo chanae Lhe oraanlzaLlon name ln vour handbook.

Add|ng a New Crgan|zat|on

lf vou have an Lxpanded Llcense, vou can add more oraanlzaLlons as

1o add an oraanlzaLlon:

1. Cllck New Crgan|zat|on on Lhe CraanlzaLlon SeLLlna wlndow.

2. LnLer vour oraanlzaLlon's Lona name (conslsLlna of up Lo 30
characLers, lncludlna spaces and puncLuaLlon) ln Lhe LexL
box and press 1ab.

3. LnLer Lhe ShorL name (conslsLlna of up Lo 30 characLers).

4. lf vou wanL Lo chanae Lhe Lerm otooolzotloo, enLer Lhe new Lerm
ln Lhe Custom 1erm for "Crgan|zat|on" fleld. We recommend uslna
all lower case leLLers when asslanlna a new Lerm.

3. LnLer lnformaLlon ln Lhe oLher flelds, lf needed.

6. Cllck Ck Lo save Lhe oraanlzaLlon seLLlnas. ?ou reLurn Lo Lhe
CraanlzaLlon SeLLlnas wlndow wlLh Lhe new oraanlzaLlon llsLed.

Ld|t|ng an Crgan|zat|on Name

?ou can easllv chanae vour oraanlzaLlon name. 1he ollcv 1exL
LdlLor's llnd and 8eplace opLlon wlll allow vou Lo flnd and replace all
lnsLances of Lhe old oraanlzaLlon name ln each pollcv (for more
lnformaLlon, see llndlna 1exL" on paae 33).

lf vou haven'L done much edlLlna, vou can also slmplv recreaLe Lhe
pollcles ln vour handbook and Lhe new names wlll appear.

Note: lf vou recreaLe Lhe pollcles, anv edlLlna chanaes vou have
made ln Lhe pollcles prlor Lo chanalna Lhe oraanlzaLlon name wlll be
aae 72
ollcles now user Manual

cboooloo oo otooolzotloo oome

1o edlL an oraanlzaLlon name:

kemembet tbot o looo
otooolzotloo oome coo
cootolo op to 50
cbotoctets. locloJloo
spoces ooJ pooctootloo
(ooJ op to 50 fot o
sbott otooolzotloo
1. Cllck Lhe nandbook Lab and Lhen cllck Crgan|zat|on 5ett|ngs Lo
open lLs wlndow.

2. SelecL Lhe oraanlzaLlon vou wanL Lo chanae and cllck Ld|t

3. PlahllahL Lhe lona name and Lvpe ln Lhe new lona name.

4. PlahllahL and chanae Lhe shorL name enLrv.

3. Cllck Ck Lo save Lhe new oraanlzaLlon names. 1he name ls
chanaed ln Lhe CraanlzaLlon llsL.

De|et|ng an Crgan|zat|on

An Lxpanded Llcense allows vou Lo have an unllmlLed number of
oraanlzaLlons. lf an oraanlzaLlon ls no lonaer needed, lL can be deleLed
from Lhe llsL.

lf voo bove o sloole
oset llceose. Jeletloo

Note: When vou deleLe an oraanlzaLlon, vou also deleLe all handbooks
assoclaLed wlLh LhaL oraanlzaLlon.

tbe otooolzotloo wlll
Jelete o// booJbooks
voo bove cteoteJ.
1o deleLe an oraanlzaLlon:

1. lrom Lhe CraanlzaLlon SeLLlnas wlndow, hlahllahL Lhe
oraanlzaLlon vou wanL Lo deleLe.

2. Cllck De|ete Crgan|zat|on.

3. lf vou are sure, cllck es. 1he oraanlzaLlon ls deleLed from Lhe

aae 73
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

Us|ng nandbook Iormat Des|gner

ln ollcles now, Lhe Pandbook ueslaner feaLure allows vou Lo formaL a
handbook bv applvlna one of lLs sLvle sheeLs. A sLvle, when lL ls
asslaned Lo a handbook on Lhe Pandbook SeLLlnas wlndow, deflnes Lhe
aLLrlbuLes LhaL make lL noL onlv aLLracLlve, buL provldes a conslsLenL
appearance. 1he asslaned sLvle sheeL ls applled Lo Lhe handbook
pollcles when vou flnlsh or edlL Lhe pollcv aL Lhe end of Lhe lnLervlew

Whlle vou can exporL vour handbook Lo a word-processlna or
deskLop- publlshlna proaram Lo formaL lL (for more lnformaLlon, see
LxporLlna" on paae 86), Lhe Pandbook ueslaner feaLure ls bv far Lhe
slmplesL wav Lo enhance Lhe appearance of vour handbook. 1he sLvle
ls asslaned Lo Lhe handbook, so LhaL lf vou add pollcles or edlL pollcles
laLer, all Lhe pollcles wlll assume Lhe same formaL.

wbeo ptloteJ. tbese
ltems Jo oot oppeot oo
zeto-oombeteJ pollcles
lo tbe lottoJoctloo
sectloo. 1bese ltems Jo
oppeot lo oll otbet
sectloos of tbe

?ou can asslan or modlfv sLvles Lo lnclude or exclude:

- 1he oraanlzaLlon name on each paae

- 1he handbook name on each paae

- 1he pollcv numbers ln a speclflc formaL

- 1he effecLlve daLe and lLs cusLom LlLle

- 1he revlslon daLe and lLs cusLom LlLle

?ou can also cusLomlze Lhe followlna elemenLs wlLh dlfferenL fonLs,
slzes, and Lhe bold, lLallc, and underllne aLLrlbuLes:

- CraanlzaLlon name

- Pandbook name

- uaLes

- lndex 8odv

- lndex Peadlna

- ollcv name

- ollcv number

- ollcv 1exL
aae 74
ollcles now user Manual

- 1able of ConLenLs 8odv

- 1able of ConLenLs Peadlna

Mod|fy|ng a nandbook 5ty|e

A handbook wlll auLomaLlcallv Lake on Lhe formaLLlna and lavouL
characLerlsLlcs of Lhe defaulL 8oman" sLvle sheeL ln ollcles now.
Powever, Lhe Pandbook ueslaner feaLure offers several addlLlonal
sLvle sheeLs LhaL dlffer from Lhe defaulL. A sLvle sheeL ls applled when
vou creaLe a pollcv.

?ou can modlfv anv of Lhe sLvle sheeLs Lo vour own speclflcaLlons bv
chanalna Lhe aLLrlbuLes for manv of Lhe handbook elemenLs.

ltevlewloo o stvle sbeet

Previewino o 5ty/e 5heet

?ou can chanae Lhe seLLlnas of Lhe sLvle sheeL LhaL ls used ln vour
handbook. 8v selecLlna dlfferenL sLvles from Lhe dropdown menu, vou
can see Lhe chanaes ln Lhe prevlew pane on Lhe rlahL slde of Lhe
wlndow. Cllck lull Screen revlew Lo vlew Lhe chanaes aL full paae
slze. 1hls ls a sample paae, noL vour own handbook. lL ls used for
vlewlna formaL chanaes onlv.
aae 73
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

1o modlfv Lhe formaL sLvle:

Aov cboooes voo moke
ote lostootlv vlewoble lo
tbe tlobt-booJ ftome.
1. Cllck Lhe nandbooks Lab and Lhen cllck nandbook Iormat
Des|gner Lo open lLs wlndow.

2. Cllck Lhe 5ty|e 5heet selecLlon arrow and selecL a dlfferenL sLvle.
Some of Lhe preferences chanae accordlna Lo Lhls sLvle sheeL.

3. SelecL 1CC (1able of ConLenLs), o||cy, or Index ln Lhe rlahL-
hand frame.

4. Cllck Iu|| 5creen rev|ew Lo vlew Lhe sLvle ln Lhe revlew wlndow.
Cllck I||e and Lhen C|ose rev|ew Lo exlL Lhe prevlew.

3. revlew Lhe oLher sLvles. ueclde whlch one ls closesL Lo Lhe sLvle
vou need and selecL lL.

6. Cllck 5ave 5ett|ngs Lo save vour chanaes.

4ddino o Looo to o Printed nondbook

1he Lhree new prlnL sLvles ln ollcles now 6 each come wlLh an
assoclaLed araphlc for Lhe header and fooLer of Lhe handbook. ?ou can
teploce Lhese araphlcs wlLh vour companv loao or anoLher araphlc. 1he
.8M araphlc can be up Lo 800 plxels ln wldLh. lf less Lhan 800 plxels,
Lhe araphlc wlll be cenLered. 1he flle named Ctopblc.bmp appears aL
Lhe Lop of Lhe paae and Lhe flle named lootCtopblc.bmp appears aL Lhe
boLLom of Lhe paae.

Note: 1he loao paLh deflned on Lhe CreaLe Pandbook or Pandbook
SeLLlnas wlndow perLalns onlv Lo Lhe Cnllne Pandbook.

1o replace a araphlc:

1. Cpen W|ndows Lxp|orer.

2. LocaLe and open Lhe o||c|es Now 6 folder.

3. Cpen Lhe folder called 5ty|e|cs.

4. ueclde whlch sLvle vou wanL Lo chanae. lolder 6 ls Casual
sLvle, lolder 7 ls Crld sLvle, and lolder 8 ls 8oman sLvle.

Lach sLvle has four sub-folders: lndex, ollcv, 1lLle, and 1CC.

3. 8ename Lhe currenL araphlc ln each sub-folder, ln case vou wanL
Lo use lL aL a laLer Llme (for example, Lhe flle named
Craphlc.bmp can be named CraphlcCld.bmp).
aae 76
ollcles now user Manual

6. Copv and rename Lhe new loao araphlc flle Lo each sub-folder.

Note: ?ou musL use Lhe same flle name as Lhe dellvered araphlc
flles: Graph|c.bmp and IootGraph|c.bmp.

7. Cpen ollcles now 6 and ao Lo nandbooks| nandbook 5ett|ngs.

8. PlahllahL Lhe handbook Lo be modlfled and cllck Ld|t nandbook.

9. Cn Lhe Pandbook SeLLlnas: LdlL wlndow, selecL Lhe lormaL
SLvle LhaL vou have modlfled and cllck Ck.

10. revlew Lhe loao bv aolna Lo nandbooks| nandbook Iormat Des|gner
and selecLlna Lhe SLvle SheeL vou modlfled. vlew Lhe loao ln Lhe
revlew area on Lhe rlahL slde of Lhe wlndow.

- use Lhe Iu|| 5creen rev|ew buLLon Lo see Lhe enLlre paae.

- use Lhe radlo buLLons Lo prevlew Lhe 1CC, ollcv, and lndex.

5ettino Preferences

references allows vou Lo make chanaes Lo Lhe appearance of Lhe
pollcles. ?ou can choose wheLher or noL Lo dlsplav Lhe oraanlzaLlon
name and handbook name on each pollcv paae. ?ou can chanae Lhe
formaL of Lhe numbers for Lhe pollcles. 1he proaram uses ffectlve uote
and kevlsloo uote on Lhe pollcv paae. ?ou can chanae Lhese Lerms bv
enLerlna dlfferenL LexL ln Lhe approprlaLe flelds. See how Lhe chanaes
effecL vour pollcles bv looklna aL Lhe prevlew on Lhe rlahL slde of Lhe

1o chanae vour preferences:

1. lf Lhere are preferences LhaL vou do noL wanL Lo use, cllck a
references lLem checkbox Lo remove lLs check mark.

2. SelecL a dlfferenL formaL for Lhe pollcv number, lf vou wanL.

3. LnLer Lhe LexL (lf anv) LhaL vou wanL Lo use Lo deslanaLe Lhe
LffecLlve and/or 8evlslon uaLes.

4. lf vou wanL Lo lnclude Lhe companv loao ln vour onllne
handbook, cllck Lo creaLe a check mark beslde Inc|ude nandbook
Logo I||e. (1he loao musL be .!C or .Cll formaL Lo appear
properlv ln Lhe onllne handbook.)

3. Cllck 5ave 5ett|ngs Lo save vour chanaes.
aae 77
ChapLer 4 - LdlL an LxlsLlna Pandbook

chonoino lont Preferences

?ou can chanae Lhe fonL aLLrlbuLes for each of Lhe elemenLs ln a sLvle.
lor example, vou can chanae Lhe handbook name Lo a dlfferenL fonL,
a dlfferenL fonL slze, or make lL lLallcs.

1o chanae fonL preferences:

1. SelecL an LlemenL under Iont references whose aLLrlbuLes vou
wanL Lo chanae.

2. 1o chanae Lhe fonL, cllck Lhe Iont selecLlon arrow and selecL a
new fonL name.

3. 1o chanae Lhe fonL slze, cllck Lhe 5|ze selecLlon arrow and selecL
a new fonL slze.

4. Cllck Lhe 8o|d, Ita||c, and/or Under||ne boxes Lo Loaale Lhe
aLLrlbuLes on or off.

3. Cllck Iu|| 5creen rev|ew Lo vlew Lhe resulL. Cllck I||e and Lhen C|ose
rev|ew Lo reLurn Lo Lhe Pandbook lormaL ueslaner wlndow.

6. Cllck 5ave 5ett|ngs. 1he modlfled sLvle ls now avallable Lo be
applled Lo a handbook when a new pollcv ls creaLed.

kestorino uefou/ts

lf vou chanae vour mlnd afLer savlna a modlfled sLvle, selecL Lhe sLvle
name and cllck kestore Defau|ts. 1he selecLed sLvle ls resLored Lo lLs
orlalnal aLLrlbuLes. no oLher sLvles are chanaed.
aae 78
ollcles now user Manual

Chapter 5 - ub||sh|ng

An effecLlve emplovee handbook does noL conslsL of [usL pollcles. 1o
make a handbook user-frlendlv and encouraae compllance wlLh lLs
pollcles, ollcles now provldes a 1able of ConLenLs and an lndex.

1o alve vou more flexlblllLv ln cusLomlzlna Lhe handbook, vou can selecL
from several formaLLlna opLlons provlded bv Lhe Pandbook ueslaner
feaLure. uslna Lhe bullL-ln sLvle sheeLs, vou can lnsLanLlv formaL Lhe
enLlre handbook, or redeflne some elemenLs of Lhe sLvles Lo meeL vour
needs. ?ou applv a sLvle when vou deflne Lhe Pandbook
SeLLlnas. ?ou can also overrlde Lhe Pandbook SeLLlna on an lndlvldual

ollcles now allows vou Lo publlsh vour handbook ln several dlfferenL
wavs. ?our opLlons lnclude:

- rlnL (or prevlew) a handbook or selecLed pollcles or secLlons

- CreaLe an onllne handbook for vour neLwork

- Lmall a handbook or selecLed pollcles or secLlons

- LxporL a handbook or selecLed porLlons as .81l, .1x1, or

Cllcklna on 1oolbox Lakes vou Lo a llsL of buslness Webllnks LhaL
perLaln Lo pollcv Loplcs.

r|nt our nandbook

)oo coo olso ptlot
coples of loJlvlJool
pollcles (see usloo
ltlot/ltevlew oo
pooe 45).

?ou can prlnL Lhe enLlre handbook whenever vou wlsh. Powever, whlle
vou are assembllna vour handbook, vou mav wlsh Lo prlnL coples of
selecLed seamenLs Lo pass on for revlew.

aae 79
ChapLer 3 - ubllshlna

5e|ect|ng r|nt nandbook Cpt|ons

ollcles now allows vou Lo prlnL an enLlre handbook, as well as
selecLed seamenLs.

1o ald ln Lhe revlew process, vou mav wlsh Lo prlnL onlv Lhe 1able of
ConLenLs, Lhe lndex, or parLlcular pollcles or secLlons. 1hese can
Lhen be rouLed Lo declslon-makers for revlew.

looe oombetloo Joes
oot oppeot oo tbe 1oble
of cooteots pooe. loJex
pooe. ot oo pollcles lo
tbe lottoJoctloo

?ou can prlnL each pollcv on lLs own paae or allow more Lhan one per
paae. Powever, slnce each secLlon sLarLs a new paae, conslder how
prlnLlna more Lhan one pollcv per paae wlll lmpacL fuLure handbook
chanaes. lf vou add or chanae a pollcv, vou mav need Lo reprlnL Lhe
enLlre secLlon or handbook. ?ou also have Lhe opLlon Lo prlnL ouL
commenLs aLLached Lo Lhe pollcles.

lf vou lnclude paae numbers, Lhev wlll appear aL Lhe boLLom cenLer of
each paae (sLarLlna wlLh Lhe flrsL pollcv afLer Lhe lnLroducLlon
secLlon). 1he paae numbers appear ln Lhe 1able of ConLenLs,
however, Lhe 1able of ConLenLs paae lLself, Lhe pollcles ln Lhe
lnLroducLlon secLlon, and Lhe lndex paae wlll noL be numbered.

8efore selecLlna a paae-numberlna opLlon, conslder how Lhls wlll
lmpacL handbook chanaes. lf vou add or chanae a pollcv, vou mav need
Lo reprlnL LhaL secLlon, as well as all Lhe secLlons followlna lL.

ltlotloo o booJbook
aae 80
ollcles now user Manual

1o prlnL a handbook:

1. SelecL Lhe ub||sh|ng Lab.

2. Cllck r|nt nandbook Lo open Lhe rlnL Pandbook wlndow.

3. lf necessarv, selecL Lhe CraanlzaLlon and/or Pandbook name.

4. SelecL elLher Accepted or end|ng Lo prlnL onlv Lhose pollcles
asslaned LhaL parLlcular sLaLus.

3. SelecL Lhe lLem under nandbook Cpt|ons LhaL vou wlsh Lo prlnL.

6. under Cpt|ons, selecL vour opLlonal prlnL opLlons bv cllcklna Lhe
checkbox nexL Lo Lhe opLlon.

7. under age Number|ng, selecL an opLlon:

None Lo noL number Lhe paaes

W|th|n a sect|on Lo sLarL numberlna each secLlon aL 1"

Across handbook Lo prlnL consecuLlve numbers LhrouahouL Lhe

8. under Dest|nat|on, selecL r|nter.

9. lf vou chose 5e|ected sect|ons, Lhe SecLlon lck LlsL appears on
Lhe rlahL slde of Lhe wlndow. SelecL Lhe secLlon vou wanL Lo
prlnL (or press and hold Lhe CLrl kev Lo selecL mulLlple


lf vou chose 5e|ected po||cy, Lhe ollcv lck LlsL appears on Lhe
rlahL slde of Lhe wlndow. SelecL Lhe pollcv vou wanL Lo prlnL (or
press and hold CLrl Lo selecL mulLlple pollcles).

10. Cllck r|nt Lo open Lhe rlnL dlaloa box.

11. SelecL vour prlnL opLlons and cllck Ck Lo prlnL Lhe selecLed

Us|ng r|nt rev|ew

8efore prlnLlna a handbook, lL ls a aood ldea Lo Lake a look aL lL flrsL Lo
see how lL wlll appear on Lhe prlnLed paae. 1he rlnL revlew feaLure
allows vou Lo vlew Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe enLlre handbook, or a seamenL of
lL, and examlne lL for approprlaLe formaLLlna and conLenL.
aae 81
ChapLer 3 - ubllshlna

lf vou are saLlsfled wlLh Lhe prevlew, vou can prlnL dlrecLlv from Lhe
rlnL revlew wlndow. lf vou see chanaes vou would llke Lo make Lo a
sLvle, Lo LexL, or Lo Lhe pollcv sequence, vou can exlL and make Lhe
chanaes before prlnLlna.

ltevlewloo voot booJbook

1o prevlew vour handbook:

1. CompleLe sLeps 1-7 for prlnLlna a handbook.

2. Cllck rev|ew.

3. Cllck 1ab|e of Contents Lo vlew lLs paae.

4. Cllck o||cy age Lo vlew Lhe flrsL pollcv. use Lhe scroll bar Lo
move Lhrouah Lhe pollcles.

3. Cllck Index Lo vlew lLs paae.

6. Cllck C|ose rev|ew Lo reLurn Lo Lhe rlnL Pandbook wlndow.
aae 82
ollcles now user Manual

utt|ng a nandbook Cn||ne

A stvle opplleJ to o
ptloteJ booJbook wlll
oot be teflecteJ lo tbe
oolloe booJbook voo
cteote. lollcles Now
bos sepotote oolloe
stvles to ose fot voot
oolloe booJbook.

ollcles now offers a varleLv of opLlons for communlcaLlna vour
oraanlzaLlon's pollcles Lo emplovees. ?ou can use Lhe LradlLlonal
meLhod of prlnLlna Lhe handbook and alvlna a copv Lo each emplovee.
?ou can also Lake advanLaae of ollcles now's unlque Cnllne
Pandbook funcLlon. 1hls allows vou Lo puL vour emplovee handbook
on vour neLwork and make lL accesslble Lo anv person wlLh access Lo Lhe
dlrecLorv ln whlch Lhe onllne handbook resldes.

8ecause Lhe onllne handbook flles are creaLed ln P1ML formaL, vou
can use Lhe same flles as Lhe basls for an emplovee handbook on vour
lnLraneL. As wlLh a prlnLed handbook, vou can creaLe a separaLe
onllne handbook for accepLed pollcles and for pendlna pollcles.
ulsLrlbuLlna an onllne pendlna handbook provldes anoLher wav for
declslon makers Lo revlew Lhe handbook before vou release lL. 1hree
P1ML sLvle sheeLs are avallable for prevlewlna on Lhe rlahL slde of Lhe
wlndow. Lach uses llnks Lo move beLween Lhe 1able of ConLenLs,
ollcles, and lndex. 1he lncluded sLvles are:

- SubLle - sofL color on Lhree sldes, llnks on Lhe rlahL

- Craphlc - bar across Lhe Lop wlLh llnks

- Casual - araphlc aL Lhe Lop and llnks Lo Lhe rlahL of Lhe araphlc

Creat|ng an Cn||ne nandbook

?ou can creaLe several verslons of vour onllne handbook, buL each
musL be ln a separaLe dlrecLorv. lnlLlallv, vou mav wanL Lo place a
handbook ln a resLrlcLed dlrecLorv for onlv cerLaln people Lo revlew,
on oLher medla Lo alve Lo someone Lo revlew who ls noL on Lhe
neLwork, or on a read-onlv publlc dlrecLorv for evervone Lo see.

lf voo woot to tefotmot
tbe oppeotooce of tbe
oolloe booJbook. voo
coo eJlt tbe flles osloo
oo n1Ml eJltot.

1he 1able of ConLenLs, lndex, and pollcles ln Lhe onllne handbook are
ln P1ML formaL and do noL lnclude Lhe formaLLlna opLlons avallable ln
Lhe Pandbook ueslaner (for Lhe prlnLed handbook). When deflnlna Lhe
onllne handbook, vou are alven Lhe opLlon of showlna effecLlve and/or
revlslon daLes ln Lhe 1able of ConLenLs and each pollcv. ?ou can also
selecL whlch pollcv-numberlna opLlon vou prefer.

aae 83
ChapLer 3 - ubllshlna

unless vou enLer a dlfferenL paLh here or vou used a dlfferenL paLh
durlna lnsLallaLlon, Lhe onllne handbook wlll be saved bv defaulL Lo
C:\uocumenLs and SeLLlnas\<oset>\Mv uocumenLs\n6Cnllne.

Note: 1he onlv cusLomer araphlc LhaL wlll appear ln Lhe onllne hand-
book ls Lhe loao vou have asslaned Lo Lhe handbook. Anv oLher araph-
lcs LhaL have been placed ln Lhe pollcles wlll be noL be converLed lnLo
Lhe onllne verslon.

uefloloo voot oolloe booJbook

1o creaLe an onllne handbook:

1. Cllck Lhe ub||sh|ng Lab and selecL Create Cn||ne nandbook Lo open
lLs wlndow.

2. SelecL Lhe CraanlzaLlon and Pandbook names for Lhe handbook
Lo be publlshed.

3. SelecL Lhe n1ML 5ty|e Lo be used from Lhe dropdown llsL.

A prevlew of Lhe selecLed P1ML sLvle ls dlsplaved ln Lhe
prevlew pane on Lhe rlahL slde of Lhe wlndow. 1hls ls a sample
paae and noL vour handbook.
aae 84
ollcles now user Manual

4. 1o chanae Lhe dlrecLorv for Lhe onllne handbook, enLer Lhe paLh
ln Lhe ath for Cn||ne nandbook fleld, or cllck Lhe browse buLLon
Lo open Lhe Choose D|rectory dlaloa box. navlaaLe Lo Lhe correcL
dlrecLorv or folder and cllck Ck.

3. SelecL Accepted or end|ng.

6. Cllck Lhe Inc|ude the po||cy numbers |n the format checkbox lf vou
wanL Lo lnclude pollcv numbers and selecL Lhe formaL from
Lhe dropdown llsL.

7. Cllck Lhe Inc|ude Lffect|ve Dates checkbox lf vou wanL Lo
dlsplav Lhe daLe on whlch Lhe pollcv becomes effecLlve. Chanae
Lhe wordlna ln Lhe fleld lf vou don'L wanL Lo use ffectlve uote.

8. Cllck Lhe Inc|ude kev|s|on Dates checkbox lf vou wanL Lo
lnclude Lhe revlslon daLes for Lhe pollcles. Chanae Lhe wordlna
ln Lhe fleld lf vou don'L wanL Lo use kevlsloo uote.

9. LnLer anv cusLomlzed LexL for Lhe Cnllne Pandbook's Pome
aae ln Lhe LexL box on Lhe rlahL slde of Lhe wlndow.

10. When vou have compleLed vour selecLlons on Lhls wlndow,
cllck Create Cn||ne nandbook. (lf vou alreadv creaLed one, vou are
asked lf vou wlsh Lo overwrlLe lL.)

Creat|ng Cn||ne nandbook. . . appears dlrecLlv below Lhe buLLon.
When Lhe LexL dlsappears, a messaae box lnforms vou LhaL Lhe
onllne handbook ls readv. Cllck Ck.

V|ew|ng the Cn||ne nandbook

1o vlew vour onllne handbook:

1. 1o lmmedlaLelv vlew vour new onllne handbook, cllck V|ew
Cn||ne nandbook. A separaLe browser wlndow opens and vour
handbook ls dlsplaved. 1he handbook opens Lo Lhe LlLle paae.

2. Cllck 1ab|e of Contents Lo open lLs paae. Cllck an underllned
pollcv name Lo ao Lo LhaL pollcv.

3. Cllck Index Lo open lLs paae. Cllck an underllned name Lo ao Lo
LhaL pollcv.

4. Cllck 1ab|e of Contents (or Index) Lo reLurn Lo LhaL paae and
selecL a dlfferenL pollcv Lo vlew.

3. When vou are flnlshed, close Lhe browser ln Lhe normal wav.
aae 83
ChapLer 3 - ubllshlna

Ma|nta|n|ng our Cn||ne nandbook

ulsttlbote tbe cboooeJ
oolloe booJbook lo tbe
some moooet os o
ptloteJ booJbook (fot
mote lofotmotloo. see
commoolcotloo lollcv
cboooes oo pooe
When vou creaLe new pollcles, or chanae exlsLlna pollcles, slmplv
recreaLe Lhe onllne handbook (for more lnformaLlon, see uLLlna a
Pandbook Cnllne" on paae 81). 8ecreaLlna a handbook ln Lhe same
dlrecLorv as an exlsLlna onllne handbook wlll overwrlLe all of Lhe
pollcles ln lL, wheLher Lhev have chanaed or noL.

Powever, lf vou do noL wanL Lo overwrlLe all Lhe onllne pollcles
(perhaps because vou alreadv reformaLLed or edlLed some of Lhem ln Lhe
naLlve P1ML formaL), use Lhe LxporL funcLlon Lo updaLe vour
handbook (for more lnformaLlon, see LxporL as an .P1ML llle" on
paae 86). 1he LxporL funcLlon allows vou Lo speclfv onlv Lhose pollcles
vou wanL Lo updaLe.

Note: ln Lhe LxporL Lo P1ML wlndow, be sure Lo selecL Lhe same
opLlons for daLes, pollcv-number formaL, and P1ML sLvle LhaL were ln
effecL when vou creaLed Lhe orlalnal onllne handbook. ?ou can Lhen
edlL or formaL Lhe exporLed pollcles furLher lf needed.

1he LxporL funcLlon wlll noL updaLe Lhe 1able of ConLenLs, onlv Lhe
speclfled pollcles. lf Lhe effecLlve and revlslon daLes, or Lhe pollcv
name or number have chanaed, or lf vou are addlna a pollcv, vou wlll
need Lo edlL Lhe Loc.hLm flle for Lhe onllne 1able of ConLenLs Lo
reflecL Lhose chanaes.

ut our nandbook on our Intranet

Cnce vou have compleLed Lhe onllne handbook, vou can copv Lhe
handbook Lo vour lnLraneL slmplv bv copvlna Lhe approprlaLe flles.

1. ln Wlndows Lxplorer, locaLe Lhe dlrecLorv where vou creaLed
vour onllne handbook.

2. Copv Lhe enLlre dlrecLorv Lo Lhe Web server LhaL conLalns Lhe
flles for vour lnLraneL and lncorporaLe Lhem as needed.

Lma|||ng Cpt|ons

1he emall opLlon allows vou Lo emall a handbook or selecLed parLs of
Lhe handbook Lo oLhers as an aLLachmenL ln .81l formaL. 1hls opLlon
requlres uslna a worksLaLlon wlLh an emall proaram deflned ln Lhe
browser seLLlnas.
aae 86
ollcles now user Manual

mollloo o pollcv

1o emall a handbook:

1. SelecL Lhe ub||sh|ng Lab.

2. Cllck Lma|| Cpt|ons Lo open Lhe Lmall CpLlons wlndow.

3. SelecL Lhe CraanlzaLlon and/or Pandbook name.

4. SelecL elLher Accepted or end|ng Lo emall onlv Lhose pollcles
asslaned LhaL parLlcular sLaLus.

3. SelecL Lhe lLem under Cpt|ons LhaL vou wlsh Lo emall.

6. lf vou chose 5e|ected sect|on, Lhe SecLlon lck LlsL appears on Lhe
rlahL slde of Lhe wlndow. SelecL Lhe secLlon vou wanL Lo
emall (or press and hold Lhe CLrl kev Lo selecL mulLlple secLlons).


lf vou chose 5e|ected po||cy, Lhe ollcv lck LlsL appears on Lhe
rlahL slde of Lhe wlndow. SelecL Lhe pollcv vou wanL Lo emall (or
press and hold Lhe CLrl kev Lo selecL mulLlple pollcles).

7. Cllck Lma|| Lo open Lhe emall proaram wlLh Lhe selecLed seLLlnas
as .81l aLLachmenLs.
aae 87
ChapLer 3 - ubllshlna

8. Asslan Lhe 1o fleld and enLer a messaae for Lhe emall.

1he Irom fleld defaulLs Lo Lhe vour ldenLlLv deflned ln Lhe mall
proaram. 1he 5ub[ect fleld defaulLs Lo Otooolzotloo Nome -
nooJbook Nome - Optloo (for example, A8C Companv -
Lmplovee Pandbook - 1able of ConLenLs).

9. Send Lhe emall as vou usuallv would.


?ou can exporL a handbook or selecLed parLs of Lhe handbook. 1he
formaLs avallable for exporL are .P1ML (PvperLexL Markup
Lanauaae), .81l (8lch 1exL lormaL) flles, or .1x1 (1exL Cnlv) flles.

Lxport as an .n1ML I||e

?ou mav wlsh Lo exporL a new or revlsed pollcv Lo an onllne handbook
LhaL vou revlsed exLenslvelv on vour lnLraneL. ln order Lo do so, use Lhe
LxporL funcLlon Lo Lransfer pollcles as .P1ML flles Lo Lhe approprlaLe
dlrecLorv for vour lnLraneL.

Note: lf vou have placed araphlcs ln vour prlnLed pollcles, Lhev wlll noL
appear ln Lhe .P1ML verslon of Lhe flle.

xpottloo o flle os .n1Ml
aae 88
ollcles now user Manual

1o exporL as .P1ML:

1. SelecL Lhe ub||sh|ng Lab.

2. Cllck Lxport Lo open lLs wlndow.

3. SelecL Lhe CraanlzaLlon and/or Pandbook name.

4. ln Lhe Lxport Cpt|on fleld, cllck n1ML ln Lhe dropdown llsL.

3. SelecL an n1ML 5ty|e from Lhe dropdown llsL.

6. SelecL Accepted or end|ng Lo exporL pollcles wlLh onlv LhaL

7. SelecL Lhe lLem under Cpt|ons LhaL vou wanL Lo exporL.

8. lf vou chose 5e|ected po||cy, Lhe ollcv lck LlsL appears on Lhe rlahL
slde of Lhe wlndow. SelecL Lhe pollcv vou wanL Lo exporL
(or press and hold Lhe CLrl kev Lo selecL mulLlple pollcles).

9. LnLer Lhe ath for exported f||es. lf necessarv, cllck Lhe 8rowse
buLLon Lo Lhe rlahL of Lhe LexL box and navlaaLe Lo Lhe
dlrecLorv locaLlon.

10. Cllck Lxport.

11. lf vou alreadv have a copv of Lhe selecLed pollcles ln Lhe exporL
dlrecLorv, vou are asked lf vou wanL Lo replace Lhe exlsLlna
pollcles. Cllck es to A|| lf vou wanL Lo replace all Lhe flles or No
to A|| lf vou do noL wanL Lo replace all Lhe flles.

1he selecLed opLlons are exporLed ln .P1ML formaL Lo Lhe
dlrecLorv vou deslanaLed.

Lxport as an k1I or 1k1 I||e

lf voo lmpott tbese
moJlfleJ pollcles bock
loto lollcles Now oftet
fotmottloo tbem. tbe
oew fotmots wlll be
lost. 1bev wlll. bowevet.
toke oo tbe otttlbotes of
tbe selecteJ nooJbook
ueslooet stvle sbeet.
AlLhouah ollcles now conLalns formaLLlna feaLures, Lhere mav be
Llmes when vou wlsh Lo send a copv of vour handbook Lo vour word
processor or deskLop-publlshlna proaram. ?ou wlll Lhen be able Lo use
LhaL proaram's Lools for furLher formaLLlna. 1he LxporL as 81l (8lch 1exL
lormaL) funcLlon exporLs a copv of vour handbook Lo a flle. 1he
flle can Lhen be formaLLed uslna a dlfferenL proaram. When exporLlna,
some of Lhe handbook elemenLs wlll noL be reLalned. 1he lona
oraanlzaLlon and handbook names and opLlonal paae numbers wlll noL
appear ln Lhe exporLed .81l flle.

aae 89
ChapLer 3 - ubllshlna

LxporLlna a handbook creaLes four flles:

- 1CC

- lndex

- 1lLle aae

- ollcles

Note: lf vou have placed araphlcs ln vour pollcles, exporL Lhe hand-
book as .81l Lo reLaln Lhe araphlcs. Craphlcs are noL exporLed ln Lhe
.1x1 formaL.

1o exporL an .81l or .1x1 flle:

1. SelecL Lhe ub||sh|ng Lab.

2. Cllck Lxport Lo open lLs wlndow.

3. SelecL Lhe CraanlzaLlon and/or Pandbook name.

4. ln Lhe Lxport Cpt|on fleld, cllck k1I (or 1k1) ln Lhe dropdown llsL.

3. SelecL Accepted or end|ng Lo exporL pollcles wlLh onlv LhaL

6. SelecL Lhe lLem under Cpt|ons LhaL vou wanL Lo exporL.

7. lf vou chose 5e|ected sect|on, Lhe SecLlon lck LlsL appears on Lhe
rlahL slde of Lhe wlndow. SelecL Lhe secLlon vou wanL Lo exporL
(or press and hold Lhe CLrl kev Lo selecL mulLlple secLlons).


lf vou chose 5e|ected po||cy, Lhe ollcv lck LlsL appears on Lhe
rlahL slde of Lhe wlndow. SelecL Lhe pollcv vou wanL Lo exporL
(or press and hold Lhe CLrl kev Lo selecL mulLlple pollcles).

8. LnLer Lhe ath for exported f||es. lf necessarv, cllck Lhe 8rowse
buLLon Lo Lhe rlahL of Lhe LexL box and navlaaLe Lo Lhe correcL
dlrecLorv locaLlon.

9. Cllck Lxport.
aae 90
ollcles now user Manual

10. lf vou alreadv have a copv of Lhe selecLed pollcles ln Lhe exporL
dlrecLorv, vou are asked lf vou wanL Lo replace Lhe exlsLlna
pollcles. Cllck es to A|| lf vou wanL Lo replace all Lhe flles or No
to A|| lf vou do noL wanL Lo replace all Lhe flles.

1he selecLed flles are exporLed ln .81l or .1x1 formaL Lo Lhe
dlrecLorv vou deslanaLed.


1he llnks on Lhls wlndow alve vou qulck access Lo lnLerneL slLes LhaL
have lnformaLlon LhaL can help vou wlLh vour pollcles quesLlons. 1hese
llnks wlll be updaLed from Llme Lo Llme when vou cllck on Lhe 1ools ooJ
lofotmotloo Lab on Lhe Welcome wlndow.

Note: ?our lnLerneL connecLlon musL be seL up properlv Lo use


1he Web slLe provldes vou wlLh Lools and lnformaLlon
vou can use Lo manaae vour human resource needs. 1hls Web slLe also
conLalns llnks Lo oLher human resource companles, maklna lL easv Lo
flnd all Lhe lnformaLlon vou need.

aae 91
ChapLer 3 - ubllshlna

lnformaLlon on Lhe slLe covers:

- SLafflna

- Leaal Compllance

- 1ralnlna and erformance

- 8eneflLs and CompensaLlon

- SafeLv

- 1he LaLesL ln P8 news

1o access

1. lrom Lhe ub||sh|ng wlndow, cllck 1oo|box.

2. Cllck

3. lf vou have an lnLerneL connecLlon, ollcles now wlll launch
vour browser and Lake vou auLomaLlcallv Lo

4. 8rowse Lhe slLe Lo access relaLed personnel manaaemenL

3. LxlL ln vour usual manner.
aae 92
ollcles now user Manual

Chapter 6 - keports

ollcles now enables vou Lo run reporLs deslaned Lo asslsL vou ln
creaLlna and malnLalnlna vour handbook. ollcles now conLalns
pracLlcal human resources advlce, emplovmenL-law lnformaLlon, and
cross references Lo oLher pollcles. Seven reporLs are avallable from Lhe
8eporLs CenLer.

1hese reporLs cannoL be edlLed ln ollcles now, however vou have Lhe
opLlon Lo copv Lhem Lo a flle for formaLLlna ln vour word processor.

vlewloo o llst of tepotts

A||-Informat|on keport

1hls reporLs helps vou revlew Lhe lssues before vou creaLe pollcles, as
well as rouLe Lhe lnformaLlon Lo declslon makers who mav noL have
access Lo ollcles now.
aae 93
ChapLer 6 - 8eporLs

1he All-lnformaLlon reporL conLalns Lhe followlna lnformaLlon for each
selecLed pollcv:

- lnLroducLlon

- More lnformaLlon LexL

- CuesLlons vou need Lo answer abouL Lhe pollcv

- 8esponse opLlons

Lach pollcv bealns on a new paae of Lhe reporL.

5electloo o pollcv fot tbe All lofotmotloo tepott ooJ tbe tepott Jestlootloo

1o creaLe Lhe All lnformaLlon reporL:

1. SelecL Lhe keports Lab.

2. SelecL Lhe A|| Informat|on reporL Lo open lLs paae.

3. SelecL a pollcv from Lhe llsL or press and hold Ctr| and selecL
mulLlple pollcles.

4. SelecL a desLlnaLlon for Lhe reporL from Lhe followlna Lhree

1o ptlot tbe tepott wltboot ptevlewloo lt, selecL r|nter, Lhen
cllck r|nt Lo open Lhe prlnL dlaloa box. SeL vour prlnL opLlons
and cllck Lhe approprlaLe buLLon Lo prlnL Lhe reporL.

1o sove tbe tepott os o flle, selecL D|sk (5ave as I||e) and cllck 5ave
Lo open Lhe Save As dlaloa box. 1vpe Lhe name of Lhe flle and
selecL Lhe dlrecLorv where vou wanL Lhe flle Lo be saved, and
cllck 5ave. 1he flle ls saved as an .81l flle, whlch can be
opened bv mosL word processors.
aae 94
ollcles now user Manual

1o ptevlew tbe tepott befote ptlotloo. selecL 5creen (rev|ew)
and cllck V|ew Lo dlsplav Lhe reporL ln Lhe revlew wlndow.
8evlew Lhe reporL uslna Lhe zoom conLrol and Lhe aae up and
aae uown buLLons. lf vou wanL Lo prlnL now, cllck Lhe prlnLer
lcon on Lhe Loolbar. lf vou do noL wanL Lo prlnL, cllck I||e and
Lhen C|ose rev|ew.

Cuest|ons keport

1hls reporL can be run for all pollcles ln ollcles now. lL helps vou
revlew Lhe lssues before vou creaLe pollcles, as well as rouLe Lhe
lnformaLlon Lo declslon makers who mav noL have access Lo
ollcles now.

1he CuesLlons reporL conLalns Lhe followlna lnformaLlon for each
selecLed pollcv:

- CuesLlons vou need Lo answer abouL Lhe pollcv

- 8esponse opLlons

Lach pollcv bealns on a new paae of Lhe reporL.
1o creaLe Lhe CuesLlons reporL:
1. SelecL Lhe keports Lab.

2. SelecL Lhe Cuest|ons reporL Lo open lLs paae.

3. SelecL a pollcv from Lhe llsL or press and hold Ctr| and selecL
mulLlple pollcles.

4. SelecL a desLlnaLlon for Lhe reporL from Lhe followlna Lhree

1o ptlot tbe tepott wltboot ptevlewloo lt, selecL r|nter, Lhen
cllck r|nt Lo open Lhe prlnL dlaloa box. SeL vour prlnL opLlons
and cllck Lhe approprlaLe buLLon Lo prlnL Lhe reporL.

1o sove tbe tepott os o flle, selecL D|sk (5ave as I||e) and cllck 5ave Lo
open Lhe Save As dlaloa box. 1vpe Lhe name of Lhe flle and selecL
Lhe dlrecLorv where vou wanL Lhe flle Lo be saved, and cllck 5ave.
1he flle ls saved as an .81l flle, whlch can be opened bv mosL word
aae 93
ChapLer 6 - 8eporLs

1o ptevlew tbe tepott befote ptlotloo. selecL 5creen (rev|ew)
and cllck V|ew Lo dlsplav Lhe reporL ln Lhe revlew wlndow.
8evlew Lhe reporL uslna Lhe zoom conLrol and Lhe aae up and
aae uown buLLons. lf vou wanL Lo prlnL now, cllck Lhe prlnLer
lcon on Lhe Loolbar. lf vou do noL wanL Lo prlnL, cllck I||e and
Lhen C|ose rev|ew.

kesponses keport

1hls reporL ls onlv avallable for pollcles vou have creaLed for Lhe
handbook vou selecL on Lhe reporL paae.

1he 8esponses reporL conLalns Lhe followlna lnformaLlon for Lhe
selecLed pollcles:

- lnLroducLlon

- CuesLlons vou answered abouL Lhe pollcv

- 8esponses vou selecLed when creaLlna Lhe pollcv

Lach pollcv bealns on a new paae of Lhe reporL.
1o creaLe Lhe 8esponses reporL:
1. SelecL Lhe keports Lab.

2. SelecL Lhe kesponses reporL Lo open lLs paae.

3. lf vou have an Lxpanded Llcense, selecL Lhe oraanlzaLlon for Lhls

4. SelecL Lhe handbook for Lhls reporL.

3. SelecL a pollcv from Lhe llsL or press and hold CLrl and selecL
mulLlple pollcles.

6. SelecL a desLlnaLlon for Lhe reporL from Lhe followlna Lhree opLlons:

1o ptlot tbe tepott wltboot ptevlewloo lt, selecL r|nter, Lhen
cllck r|nt Lo open Lhe prlnL dlaloa box. SeL vour prlnL opLlons
and cllck Lhe approprlaLe buLLon Lo prlnL Lhe reporL.

1o sove tbe tepott os o flle, selecL D|sk (5ave as I||e) and cllck 5ave
Lo open Lhe Save As dlaloa box. 1vpe Lhe name of Lhe flle and
selecL Lhe dlrecLorv where vou wanL Lhe flle Lo be saved, and
cllck 5ave. 1he flle ls saved as an .81l flle, whlch can be
opened bv mosL word processors.
aae 96
ollcles now user Manual

1o ptevlew tbe tepott befote ptlotloo. selecL 5creen (rev|ew)
and cllck V|ew Lo dlsplav Lhe reporL ln Lhe revlew wlndow.
8evlew Lhe reporL uslna Lhe zoom conLrol and Lhe aae up and
aae uown buLLons. lf vou wanL Lo prlnL now, cllck Lhe prlnLer
lcon on Lhe Loolbar. lf vou do noL wanL Lo prlnL, cllck I||e and
Lhen C|ose rev|ew.

L|st of A|| o||c|es keport

1hls reporL provldes a deLalled llsL of all Lhe pollcles ln ollcles now.
ollcles are llsLed ln SecLlon Peadlna order uslna Lhe defaulL SecLlon
Peadlna names. WlLhln Lhe secLlons, Lhe pollcles are sorLed ln pollcv
number order. 1he pollcv number ls followed bv Lhe pollcv name
and Lhen Lhe prlmarv or secondarv deslanaLlon.

1he LlsL of All ollcles reporL conLalns Lhe followlna lnformaLlon for all

- SecLlon name

- ollcv number

- ollcv name

- rlmarv/secondarv deslanaLlon

1o creaLe Lhe LlsL of All ollcles reporL:

1. SelecL Lhe keports Lab.

2. SelecL Lhe L|st of A|| o||c|es reporL Lo open lLs paae.

3. SelecL an opLlon: Inc|ude A|| o||c|es, r|mary o||c|es Cn|y, or
5econdary o||c|es Cn|y.

4. SelecL a desLlnaLlon for Lhe reporL from Lhe followlna Lhree

1o ptlot tbe tepott wltboot ptevlewloo lt, selecL r|nter, Lhen
cllck r|nt Lo open Lhe prlnL dlaloa box. SeL vour prlnL opLlons
and cllck Lhe approprlaLe buLLon Lo prlnL Lhe reporL.

1o sove tbe tepott os o flle, selecL D|sk (5ave as I||e) and cllck 5ave
Lo open Lhe Save As dlaloa box. 1vpe Lhe name of Lhe flle and
selecL Lhe dlrecLorv where vou wanL Lhe flle Lo be saved, and
cllck 5ave. 1he flle ls saved as 81l, whlch can be opened bv
mosL word processors.
aae 97
ChapLer 6 - 8eporLs

1o ptevlew tbe tepott befote ptlotloo. selecL 5creen (rev|ew)
and cllck V|ew Lo dlsplav Lhe reporL ln Lhe revlew wlndow.
8evlew Lhe reporL uslna Lhe zoom conLrol and Lhe aae up and
aae uown buLLons. lf vou wanL Lo prlnL now, cllck Lhe prlnLer
lcon on Lhe Loolbar. lf vou do noL wanL Lo prlnL, cllck I||e and
Lhen C|ose rev|ew.

L|st of nandbook o||c|es keport

1hls reporL provldes a deLalled llsL of Lhe pollcles ln vour handbook.
1he reporL ls sorLed bv pollcv number and lncludes boLh pendlna
and accepLed pollcles.

1he LlsL of Pandbook ollcles lncludes Lhe followlna lnformaLlon
abouL all pollcles:

- ollcv number

- ollcv name

- SLaLus (pendlna or approved)

- LffecLlve daLe

- 8evlslon daLe

- ollcv lanauaae sLvle

- ollcv formaL sLvle

1o creaLe Lhe LlsL of Pandbook ollcles reporL:

1. SelecL Lhe keports Lab.

2. SelecL Lhe L|st of nandbook o||c|es reporL Lo open lLs paae.

3. lf vou have an Lxpanded Llcense, selecL Lhe oraanlzaLlon for Lhls

4. SelecL Lhe handbook for Lhls reporL.
aae 98
ollcles now user Manual

3. SelecL a desLlnaLlon for Lhe reporL from Lhe followlna Lhree

1o ptlot tbe tepott wltboot ptevlewloo lt, selecL r|nter, Lhen
cllck r|nt Lo open Lhe prlnL dlaloa box. SeL vour prlnL opLlons
and cllck Lhe approprlaLe buLLon Lo prlnL Lhe reporL.

1o sove tbe tepott os o flle, selecL D|sk (5ave as I||e) and cllck 5ave
Lo open Lhe Save As dlaloa box. 1vpe Lhe name of Lhe flle and
selecL Lhe dlrecLorv where vou wanL Lhe flle Lo be saved, and
cllck 5ave. 1he flle ls saved as an .81l flle, whlch can be
opened bv mosL word processors.

1o ptevlew tbe tepott befote ptlotloo. selecL 5creen (rev|ew)
and cllck V|ew Lo dlsplav Lhe reporL ln Lhe revlew wlndow.
8evlew Lhe reporL uslna Lhe zoom conLrol and Lhe aae up and
aae uown buLLons. lf vou wanL Lo prlnL now, cllck Lhe prlnLer
lcon on Lhe Loolbar. lf vou do noL wanL Lo prlnL, cllck I||e and
Lhen C|ose rev|ew.

Update n|story - 5ort by Update keport

1o help make vou aware of how and when erformSmarL chanaed
pollcles ln Lhe pasL, vou can run a reporL of Lhe updaLeServlce hlsLorv.
1hls reporL llsLs Lhe chanaes made Lo each pollcv slnce Lhe lncepLlon of
Lhe updaLeServlce. 1he updaLe PlsLorv 8eporL ls sorLed bv Lhe daLe lL
was updaLed.

1he updaLe PlsLorv 8eporL (sorLed bv daLe) reporL conLalns Lhe
followlna lnformaLlon:

- ollcv number and LlLle

- uaLe

- uescrlpLlon of Lhe chanae

1o creaLe Lhe updaLe PlsLorv 8eporL sorLed bv daLe:

1. SelecL Lhe keports Lab.

2. SelecL Lhe Update n|story - 5orted by Update reporL Lo open lLs

3. SelecL a desLlnaLlon for Lhe reporL from Lhe followlna Lhree
aae 99
ChapLer 6 - 8eporLs

1o ptlot tbe tepott wltboot ptevlewloo lt, selecL r|nter, Lhen
cllck r|nt Lo open Lhe prlnL dlaloa box. SeL vour prlnL opLlons
and cllck Lhe approprlaLe buLLon Lo prlnL Lhe reporL.

1o sove tbe tepott os o flle, selecL D|sk (5ave as I||e) and cllck 5ave
Lo open Lhe Save As dlaloa box. 1vpe Lhe name of Lhe flle and
selecL Lhe dlrecLorv where vou wanL Lhe flle Lo be saved, and
cllck 5ave. 1he flle ls saved as an .81l flle, whlch can be
opened bv mosL word processors.

1o ptevlew tbe tepott befote ptlotloo. selecL 5creen (rev|ew)
and cllck V|ew Lo dlsplav Lhe reporL ln Lhe revlew wlndow.
8evlew Lhe reporL uslna Lhe zoom conLrol and Lhe aae up and
aae uown buLLons. lf vou wanL Lo prlnL now, cllck Lhe prlnLer
lcon on Lhe Loolbar. lf vou do noL wanL Lo prlnL, cllck I||e and
Lhen C|ose rev|ew.

Update n|story - 5ort by o||cy Number keport

1o help make vou aware of how and when erformSmarL chanaed
pollcles ln Lhe pasL, vou can run a reporL of Lhe updaLeServlce hlsLorv.
1hls llsLs Lhe chanaes made Lo each pollcv slnce Lhe lncepLlon of Lhe
updaLeServlce. 1hls reporL ls sorLed bv Lhe pollcv number.

1he updaLe PlsLorv (sorLed bv pollcv number) reporL conLalns Lhe
followlna lnformaLlon:

- ollcv number and LlLle

- uaLe

- uescrlpLlon of Lhe chanae

1o creaLe Lhe updaLe PlsLorv reporL sorLed bv pollcv number:

1. SelecL Lhe keports Lab.

2. SelecL Lhe Update n|story - 5orted by o||cy Number reporL Lo open
lLs paae.

3. SelecL a desLlnaLlon for Lhe reporL from Lhe followlna Lhree

1o ptlot tbe tepott wltboot ptevlewloo lt, selecL r|nter, Lhen
cllck r|nt Lo open Lhe prlnL dlaloa box. SeL vour prlnL opLlons
and cllck Lhe approprlaLe buLLon Lo prlnL Lhe reporL.
aae 100
ollcles now user Manual

1o sove tbe tepott os o flle, selecL D|sk (5ave as I||e) and cllck
5ave Lo open Lhe Save As dlaloa box. 1vpe Lhe name of Lhe flle
and selecL Lhe dlrecLorv where vou wanL Lhe flle Lo be saved,
and cllck 5ave. 1he flle ls saved as an .81l flle, whlch can be
opened bv mosL word processors.

1o ptevlew tbe tepott befote ptlotloo. selecL 5creen (rev|ew)
and cllck V|ew Lo dlsplav Lhe reporL ln Lhe revlew wlndow.
8evlew Lhe reporL uslna Lhe zoom conLrol and Lhe aae up and
aae uown buLLons. lf vou wanL Lo prlnL now, cllck Lhe prlnLer
lcon on Lhe Loolbar. lf vou do noL wanL Lo prlnL, cllck I||e and
Lhen C|ose rev|ew.
aae 101
ChapLer 6 - 8eporLs

aae 102
ollcles now user Manual

Chapter 7 - Iorms

ollcles now provldes a comprehenslve selecLlon of sample forms and
memos ln Lhe lorms orLfollo LhaL wlll help vou admlnlsLer vour
personnel pollcles and manaae vour oraanlzaLlon.

1he Iorms ortfo||o

lorms such as an AppllcaLlon AcknowledamenL leLLer, a Plrlna CheckllsL,
an Cffer leLLer, or a 8equesL for Leave form are helpful Lools for dav-Lo-
dav human resources acLlvlLles.

1he lorm uescrlpLlon area ln Lhe lorms wlndow conLalns lmporLanL
lnformaLlon abouL how Lo use each form. ?ou can prevlew a form
before prlnLlna lL. ?ou also have Lhe opLlon of savlna Lhe form ln 81l
formaL, whlch can be read bv mosL word processors or deskLop-
publlshlna proarams.

vlewloo tbe lotms lottfollo
aae 103
ChapLer 7 - lorms

Ld|t|ng a Iorm

?ou now have Lhe ablllLv Lo edlL forms and Lhen prlnL or save Lhem.
When vou selecL a form Lo edlL, Lhe form ls auLomaLlcallv opened ln
Word (or oLher sofLware vou have selecLed Lo open 81l documenLs).
When vou save an edlLed form, lL ls saved as an 81l documenL ln Lhe
n6lorms dlrecLorv wlLhln Lhe proaram folder.

1o edlL a form:

lf voo JeclJe to eJlt tbe
fotm ooolo. lt wlll opeo
tbe fltst eJlteJ vetsloo
of tbe fotm.
1. lrom Lhe lorms Lab, hlahllahL a form vou wanL Lo edlL.

2. Cllck Ld|t. 1he form opens.

3. Make anv chanaes vou need.

4. Cllck I||e and Lhen 5ave As.

3. Cllck Ck. 1he form ls saved ln Lhe n6lorms dlrecLorv.

r|nt|ng a Iorm

lf vou wanL Lo use a form, [usL prlnL lL ouL. ?ou can also prlnL ouL a form so
LhaL vou, or oLhers, can ao over Lhe form Lo see lf lL maLches vour needs.

1o prlnL Lhe form:

1. Cllck Lhe Iorms Lab and selecL a form from Lhe llsL.

2. SLudv Lhe Iorm Descr|pt|on Lo see lf Lhls form ls approprlaLe for
vour needs.

3. lf vou wlsh Lo prlnL, cllck r|nt Lo open Lhe rlnL wlndow.

4. SelecL vour prlnL opLlons Lhen cllck Ck. 1he form ls senL Lo Lhe

rev|ew|ng a Iorm

lf vou wanL Lo look aL a form before prlnLlna lL ouL, selecL Lhe form and
cllck revlew.

1o prevlew a form:

1. Cllck Lhe Iorms Lab and selecL a form from Lhe llsL.

2. SLudv Lhe Iorm Descr|pt|on Lo see lf Lhe form ls approprlaLe for
vour needs.
aae 104
ollcles now user Manual

3. Cllck rev|ew Lo look over Lhe form.

4. use Lhe 2oom conLrol and age Up and age Down Lo revlew Lhe

3. Cllck I||e and Lhen C|ose rev|ew Lo reLurn Lo Lhe lorms LlsL.

Cr cllck Lhe prlnLer lcon Lo prlnL Lhe form.

5av|ng a Iorm

lf vou flnd LhaL vou wanL Lo make chanaes Lo a form before uslna lL,
vou can save lL as an .81l flle. 1hls .81l flle can be opened and edlLed
ln anv word processlna proaram.

1o save a form:

1. Cllck Lhe Iorms Lab and selecL a form from Lhe llsL.

2. SLudv Lhe Iorm Descr|pt|on Lo see lf Lhls form ls approprlaLe for
vour needs.

3. Cllck 5ave As Lo save Lhe form ln Lhe .81l formaL.

4. ln Lhe 5ave As wlndow, enLer Lhe flle name, selecL Lhe dlrecLorv
where vou wanL Lo save Lhe flle, and cllck Ck. 1he defaulL ls Lo
save vour edlLed forms ln a dlrecLorv named n6lorms.

Lma|||ng a Iorm

lollcles Now fltst looks
lo tbe lN6lotms folJet
fot tbe fotm to ottocb. lf
voo bove oot eJlteJ tbe
fotm. tbeo lt ottocbes
tbe otlolool vetsloo
sblppeJ wltb tbe
?ou can qulcklv emall a form Lo someone for Lhelr approval. Cr, lf
anoLher person does noL have access Lo ollcles now, vou can emall a
form Lo LhaL person for Lhelr use.

1o emall a form:

1. Cllck Lhe Iorms Lab and selecL a form from Lhe llsL.

2. SLudv Lhe Iorm Descr|pt|on Lo see lf Lhls form ls approprlaLe for
vour needs.

3. 1o emall Lhe form, cllck Lma|| Lo open vour emall proaram.

4. LnLer Lhe necessarv emall address and messaae. 1he 5ub[ect fleld
conLalns Lhe name of Lhe form belna emalled. 1he form ls
auLomaLlcallv aLLached as an .81l flle.

3. Send Lhe emall.

aae 103
ChapLer 7 - lorms

aae 106
ollcles now user Manual

Chapter 8 - Lega| and numan
kesources Issues

ollcles now has been deslaned Lo wrlLe pollcles for emplovers
LhrouahouL Lhe unlLed SLaLes.

Lega| kev|ew kecommended

ollcles now, however, ls noL lnLended Lo provlde leaal advlce of anv
klnd and ls noL a subsLlLuLe for leaal counsel. lL wlll presenL vou wlLh
manv of Lhe lssues vou need Lo conslder and help vou Lhrouah Lhe
process of esLabllshlna vour oraanlzaLlon's pollcles.

lL ls posslble LhaL an emplovee handbook could be puL lnLo evldence
ln llLlaaLlon or admlnlsLraLlve proceedlnas lnvolvlna a currenL or
former emplovee and Lhe user as an emplover. 1herefore, before
lmplemenLlna and publlshlna pollcles, vou are sLronalv advlsed Lo
have Lhem revlewed bv leaal counsel Lo ensure LhaL Lhe pollcles are ln
compllance wlLh all federal, sLaLe, and local laws appllcable Lo vour

Var|ances Among 5tate Laws

Laws wrlLLen for varlous pollcles mlahL varv from sLaLe Lo sLaLe.

Conforms to U.5. and Ca||forn|a Law

ollcles now has been wrlLLen Lo meeL Lhe federal laws and Lhe laws of
Lhe sLaLe of Callfornla. Slnce Callfornla laws are amona Lhe mosL
rlaorous of anv sLaLe, Lhe recommended pollcles wlll be adequaLe for
mosL sLaLes, posslblv wlLh cerLaln modlflcaLlons.

As prevlouslv recommended, all personnel pollcles should be revlewed
bv leaal counsel prlor Lo lmplemenLaLlon Lo ensure compllance wlLh
federal, sLaLe, and local laws appllcable Lo vour oraanlzaLlon.
aae 107
ChapLer 8 - Leaal and Puman 8esources lssues

5tate Law keferences

AddlLlonal lnformaLlon wlLh reaard Lo lndlvldual sLaLe laws ls
someLlmes lncluded wlLhln Lhe ollcles now lnLervlew process,
parLlcularlv ln Lhe lnLroducLlon and More lnformaLlon wlndows. 1hls
mav call aLLenLlon Lo speclflc pollcv and leaal lssues LhaL varv across

Dec|d|ng Wh|ch o||c|es to Inc|ude

AlLhouah all Lhe pollcles ln ollcles now are lmporLanL, some are
parLlcularlv slanlflcanL for leaal reasons. 1he lnLervlew process for
each pollcv wlll polnL ouL lf Lhe pollcv ls leaallv requlred or ls
lmporLanL for oLher reasons. Several of Lhe mosL crlLlcal lssues
reaardlna oraanlzaLlonal pollcles are descrlbed ln Lhe followlna

Note: Lven lf vou Lhlnk vou mav noL wanL Lo lnclude speclflc pollcles
ln vour handbook, erformSmarL sLronalv recommends LhaL vou ao
Lhrouah Lhe lnLervlew process for mosL pollcles and famlllarlze vourself
wlLh Lhe Loplc lssues. AfLer a pollcv ls creaLed uslna vour responses, vou
can choose Lo cancel lL and lL wlll noL be lncluded ln Lhe handbook.


Whlle creaLlna Lhe pollcles for vour handbook, vou wlll flnd LhaL vou
can lnclude an emplovmenL-aL-wlll sLaLemenL ln several of Lhem. An
emplovmenL-aL-wlll sLaLemenL declares LhaL boLh Lhe emplover and
emplovee have Lhe rlahL Lo LermlnaLe Lhe emplovmenL relaLlonshlp aL
anv Llme wlLh or wlLhouL noLlce or cause.

ln some sLaLes, excepLlons Lo Lhe emplover's aL-wlll rlahL have been
esLabllshed under speclflc clrcumsLances, such as when dlscharalna an
emplovee vlolaLes a publlc pollcv. lncludlna an emplovmenL-aL-wlll
sLaLemenL can afford proLecLlon from clalms LhaL an lmplled conLracL
has been esLabllshed requlrlna cause for dlscharae.

1he followlna pollcles alve vou Lhe opLlon of lncludlna an
emplovmenL-aL-wlll sLaLemenL:

ollcv 040 - lnLroducLorv SLaLemenL
aae 108
ollcles now user Manual

ollcv 031 - Lmplovee AcknowledamenL lorm

ollcv 101 - naLure of LmplovmenL
ollcv 201 - LmplovmenL CaLeaorles
ollcv 203 - lnLroducLorv erlod
ollcv 403 - LmplovmenL 1ermlnaLlon

ollcv 701 - Lmplovee ConducL and Work 8ules

ollcv 716 - roaresslve ulsclpllne

Lqua| Cpportun|ty

1he pollcles ln an emplovee handbook can help ensure Lhe falr
LreaLmenL of emplovees, whlch has a poslLlve lmpacL on emplovee
morale as well as lmporLanL leaal slanlflcance.

MosL emplovers are sub[ecL Lo federal and sLaLe laws prohlblLlna
emplovmenL dlscrlmlnaLlon and requlrlna equal emplovmenL
opporLunlLv. Whlle speclflc aroups of proLecLed lndlvlduals mav varv
amona sLaLes, all emplovers sub[ecL Lo anLl-dlscrlmlnaLlon laws should
lnclude an equal opporLunlLv sLaLemenL.

ollcv 103 - Lqual LmplovmenL CpporLunlLv ls provlded ln ollcles
now Lo help vou wrlLe Lhls sLaLemenL.

ollcv 107 - lmmlaraLlon Law Compllance furLher relnforces non-
dlscrlmlnaLlon on Lhe basls of clLlzenshlp or naLlonal orlaln.

ollcv 114 - ulsablllLv AccommodaLlon furLher relnforces non-
dlscrlmlnaLlon aaalnsL quallfled lndlvlduals wlLh dlsablllLles.
aae 109
ChapLer 8 - Leaal and Puman 8esources lssues

k|ght to kev|se

Manv sLaLes conslder personnel pollcles and emplovee handbooks Lo be
conLracLual ln naLure, lnvlLlna Lhe conLenLlon LhaL anv unllaLeral chanae
of a pollcv bv an emplover ls unfalr or lmpermlsslble. AlLhouah
speclflcallv reservlna Lhe rlahL Lo revlse pollcles mav noL be requlred, lL
ls sLronalv recommended LhaL lL be lncluded ln vour handbook.
Powever, emplovers who lnclude such reservaLlons should sLaLe LhaL
Lhe rlahL Lo revlse does noL applv Lo Lhe emplover's aL-wlll emplovmenL

1he followlna pollcles lnclude sLaLemenLs reaardlna Lhe emplover's
rlahL Lo revlse or cancel pollcv provlslons aL anv Llme:

ollcv 040 - lnLroducLorv SLaLemenL

ollcv 031 - Lmplovee AcknowledamenL lorm

ollcv 101 - naLure of LmplovmenL (see llaure 3-1).

A tlobt-to-tevlse stotemeot wltblo o pollcv

5exua| and Cther Un|awfu| narassment

All emplovers should adopL a pollcv (based on local, sLaLe, and federal
emplovmenL dlscrlmlnaLlon laws) prohlblLlna Lhe unlawful harassmenL
of emplovees. Whlle sexual harassmenL has been wldelv publlclzed,
harassmenL based on aae, race, color, naLlonal orlaln, or anv oLher
proLecLed characLerlsLlc ls also unlawful.

ln addlLlon Lo a sLaLemenL of prohlblLlon, lL ls recommended LhaL a
procedure for ralslna concerns abouL posslble harassmenL be descrlbed
so LhaL complalnLs can be recelved and lnvesLlaaLed ouLslde of Lhe
reaular supervlsorv chaln when approprlaLe.
aae 110
ollcles now user Manual

ollcv 703 - Sexual and CLher unlawful ParassmenL helps vou creaLe
boLh a prohlblLlon sLaLemenL and an alLernaLlve complalnL procedure.

Leave o||c|es

ln 1993, mosL oraanlzaLlons of 30 or more emplovees became sub[ecL
Lo Lhe federal lamllv and Medlcal Leave AcL (lMLA). lurLher, manv
sLaLes have laws mandaLlna leaves for medlcal, famllv-relaLed,
and/or preanancv-relaLed reasons.

8e sure Lo revlew Lhe followlna pollcles Lo conslder Lhelr lmpacL on
vour oraanlzaLlon:

ollcv 601 - Medlcal Leave
ollcv 602 - lamllv Leave
ollcv 607 - reanancv-8elaLed Absences

D|sc|p||nary Act|on and 1erm|nat|on

Lven lf vou have reserved vour rlahL Lo LermlnaLe an emplovee aL wlll,
vou sLlll need Lo auard aaalnsL belna charaed wlLh wronaful dlscharae.

1he besL wav Lo do so ls Lo ensure LhaL manaaers and emplovees
undersLand LhaL cerLaln Lvpes of conducL are noL allowed, and LhaL
lnfracLlons mav resulL ln dlsclpllnarv acLlon, lncludlna LermlnaLlon of

Also, bv adopLlna a svsLem of documenLarv dlsclpllne, such as
warnlnas LhaL lmpose lncreaslnalv severe measures for repeaL
problems, vou esLabllsh a procedure for adequaLe documenLaLlon of
puLLlna Lhe emplovee on noLlce for unsaLlsfacLorv performance.

Cn Lhe oLher hand, lL ls aenerallv recommended LhaL vou noL publlsh a
hlahlv deLalled llsL of Lhe onlv Lvpes of mlsconducL LhaL are
unaccepLable and Lhe speclflc penalLles for each. lL ls also a aood
pracLlce Lo noL sLaLe LhaL proaresslve dlsclpllne wlll alwavs be applled
Lo all forms of mlsconducL. Such sLaLemenLs would severelv llmlL vour
flexlblllLv Lo alve lndlvldual conslderaLlon Lo Lhe serlousness of Lhe
mlsconducL, Lhe emplovee's prlor performance, Lhe paLLern of behavlor,
lenaLh of servlce, and oLher facLors.

WlLhln ollcles now, ollcv 701 - Lmplovee ConducL and Work 8ules
and ollcv 716 - roaresslve ulsclpllne offer Lhls flexlblllLv.
aae 111
ChapLer 8 - Leaal and Puman 8esources lssues

Manv oLher pollcles wlLhln ollcles now lnclude wordlna sLaLlna LhaL
vlolaLlon of Lhose pollcles mav resulL ln dlsclpllnarv acLlon up Lo and
lncludlna posslble LermlnaLlon of emplovmenL.

1hese lnclude:

ollcv 103 - Lqual LmplovmenL CpporLunlLv

ollcv 112 - non-ulsclosure

ollcv 208 - LmplovmenL AppllcaLlons

ollcv 401 - 1lmekeeplna

ollcv 301 - SafeLv

ollcv 307 - CverLlme

ollcv 308 - use of LqulpmenL and vehlcles

ollcv 312 - 8uslness 1ravel

ollcv 316 - CompuLer and L-mall usaae

ollcv 702 - urua and Alcohol use

ollcv 703 - Sexual and CLher unlawful ParassmenL

ollcv 704 - ALLendance and uncLuallLv

ollcv 714 - urua 1esLlna

ollcv 800 - Llfe-1hreaLenlna lllnesses ln Lhe Workplace

ayro|| ract|ces

rovlslons coverlna compensaLlon and pavroll pracLlces musL be
carefullv wrlLLen because Lhev rouLlnelv affecL everv emplovee and
lnvolve manv leaal lssues. lL ls recommended LhaL vour emplovee
handbook lnclude:

ollcv 401 - 1lmekeeplna

ollcv 403 - avdavs
ollcv 408 - av Advances
ollcv 302 - Work Schedules
ollcv 307 - CverLlme
ollcles now user Manual
aae 112

Inspect|ons and Mon|tor|ng

Lven lf vou do noL have formal lnspecLlon or workplace monlLorlna
proarams ln effecL, vou are ln a beLLer poslLlon Lo lmplemenL such
acLlons lf vour handbook reserves vou LhaL rlahL. SLaLemenLs expresslna
vour rlahL Lo lnspecL and monlLor desks, lockers, compuLers, mall,
Lelephones, and work areas can reduce Lhe effecLlveness of a prlvacv

1he followlna pollcles lnclude such sLaLemenLs:
ollcv 316 - CompuLer and L-mall usaae
ollcv 318 - Workplace MonlLorlna

ollcv 710 - SecurlLv lnspecLlons

Cther Cons|derat|ons |n 5e|ect|ng o||c|es

ln addlLlon Lo leaallv requlred pollcv Loplcs, use Lhe followlna
auldellnes as vou conslder whlch pollcles Lo lnclude ln vour handbook:

- uo vou ofLen aeL quesLlons abouL Lhe pollcv Loplc?

- Pave vou observed LhaL declslons abouL Lhe pollcv Loplc are
someLlmes lnconslsLenL, or requlre more dlscusslon Lhan seems

- ls Lhe pollcv area a poLenLlal leaal problem?

- Pave emplovees complalned abouL noL undersLandlna vour
pollcv ln Lhls area?

- ls Lhls a pollcv Loplc LhaL ls ln keeplna wlLh vour oraanlzaLlon's
manaaemenL phllosophv and culLure?

- Wlll havlna Lhls pollcv help vour oraanlzaLlon achleve lLs aoals?

- ls Lhe pollcv pracLlcal for Lhe oraanlzaLlon's slLuaLlon and ls lL

- lf vou adopL Lhe pollcv, are vou prepared Lo enforce lL
conslsLenLlv and equlLablv?

When vou answer Lhese quesLlons, vou should be more confldenL as Lo
wheLher Lhe pollcv ls rlahL for vour oraanlzaLlon.
ChapLer 8 - Leaal and Puman 8esources lssues
aae 113

Acknow|edgment Iorms

MosL aLLornevs recommend LhaL vou have some meLhod for ensurlna
LhaL an emplovee ls lnformed of oraanlzaLlonal pollcles. Cne of Lhe besL
wavs ls Lo ask Lhe emplovee Lo slan an acknowledamenL form upon
recelpL of Lhe handbook. 1hls ls usuallv done upon lnlLlal emplovmenL
or when Lhe handbook ls lssued or chanaed (for more lnformaLlon, see
CommunlcaLlna ollcv Chanaes" on paae 113).

ollcles now lncludes ollcv 031, an Lmplovee AcknowledamenL
lorm, whlch ls deslaned Lo documenL Lhe emplovee's recelpL of
Lhe handbook and Lhe emplovee's acknowledamenL of Lhe naLure
of Lhe emplovmenL relaLlonshlp.

Cnce slaned, Lhe form alves vou a record of Lhe emplovee's aareemenL
Lo complv wlLh Lhe handbook pollcles. ?ou can Lhen flle Lhe slaned
form ln Lhe emplovee's personnel flle.

A booJbook ockoowleJomeot fotm ls locloJeJ lo lollcles Now

lf vou are noL alvlna emplovees a prlnLed verslon of Lhe handbook Lo
read buL are lnsLead puLLlna Lhe handbook on vour neLwork or
lnLraneL, vou wlll wanL Lo conslder how besL Lo obLaln Lhe

Some oraanlzaLlons wlLh onllne handbooks sLlll provlde Lhe emplovee
wlLh Lhe prlnLed acknowledamenL form Lo slan, whlle oLhers ask Lhe
emplovee Lo use e-mall Lo acknowledae readlna Lhe handbook.
ollcles now user Manual
aae 114

lf vou are placlna Lhe handbook on vour corporaLe lnLraneL, vou can
lncorporaLe a replv-form funcLlon for emplovees Lo e-mall Lhelr
acknowledamenL. !usL be sure Lo malnLaln coples of Lhe e-mall
acknowledamenLs ln Lhe same manner as vou would a paper
acknowledamenL form.

o||cy kev|ew rocess

Interna| kev|ew

1he pollcles creaLed ln ollcles now have been wrlLLen wlLh a
conslsLencv of sLvle and approprlaLe references Lo lmporLanL Lerms and
concepLs. lf vou edlL Lhem or add user-deflned pollcles, vou wlll wanL
Lo revlew Lhem carefullv Lo ensure LhaL Lhev malnLaln LhaL same sLvle
and Lermlnoloav.

1he seLLlna and wrlLlna of personnel pollcles mav lnvolve a number of
people. 1houah Lhe llcense for uslna ollcles now resLrlcLs lLs use Lo a
slnale person aL a Llme, lL can easllv be used bv dlfferenL people aL
dlfferenL Llmes (for more lnformaLlon, see Addlna a MulLlple-
CraanlzaLlon Llcense" on paae 10).

1o supporL Lhe revlew and approval processes, ollcles now provldes
Lhe followlna Lools:

- CommenLs feaLure: use Lhls feaLure Lo record such varvlna
pollcv-speclflc lnformaLlon as who creaLed lL, who revlewed lL,
lssues ralsed abouL Lhe pollcv, and noLes for fuLure chanaes
(for more lnformaLlon, see CreaLlna CommenLs" on paae 44).

- All-lnformaLlon 8eporL: Some sLaff members wlLh pollcv-seLLlna
or approval responslblllLles mav noL have access Lo a compuLer.
?ou can prlnL Lhe All-lnformaLlon reporL (for anv or all pollcles)
Lo provlde all Lhe lnformaLlon Lhev would see ln ollcles now,
lncludlna Lhe quesLlon-and-response opLlons (for more
lnformaLlon, see All-lnformaLlon 8eporL" on paae 91).

- CuesLlons 8eporL: unllke Lhe All-lnformaLlon reporL, Lhls reporL
shows onlv Lhe quesLlons and opLlonal responses Lo each.

- 8esponses 8eporL: Cnce a pollcv has been creaLed, vou can
also prlnL ouL a record of how each pollcv quesLlon was
answered Lo help ln Lhe revlew and approval process as well as
Lo malnLaln a manual audlL Lrall.
ChapLer 8 - Leaal and Puman 8esources lssues
aae 113

Some oraanlzaLlons esLabllsh a formal personnel-pollcv commlLLee.
CLhers keep Lhe process less formal, buL ofLen run pollcv lssues
pasL selecLed supervlsors or manaaers who are usuallv Lhe fronL
llne for pollcv communlcaLlon and enforcemenL.

Lega| kev|ew

erformSmarL sLronalv recommends LhaL each pollcv be revlewed bv
experlenced leaal counsel before release Lo ensure LhaL lL complles wlLh
Lhe federal, sLaLe, and local laws LhaL applv Lo vour Lvpe of oraanlzaLlon.

Commun|cat|ng to Lmp|oyees

lf vou have never had an emplovee handbook before, Lhe lnlLlal
presenLaLlon of Lhe handbook should be carefullv planned Lo ensure a
clear undersLandlna of Lhe pollcles and a poslLlve aLLlLude Loward
compllance. Conslder holdlna deparLmenLal meeLlnas Lo dlscuss Lhe
handbook, or a companv-wlde announcemenL vla e-mall or newsleLLer.

?ou wlll also wanL Lo lnclude Lhe emplovee handbook ln Lhe orlenLaLlon
process for new emplovees. 8e sure Lo lnclude emplovee handbook
revlew" and obLaln Lhe slaned Lmplovee AcknowledamenL lorm on
vour new Plre CheckllsL form (for more lnformaLlon, see 1he lorms
orLfollo" on paae 101). lf Lhe emplovee handbook ls onllne, follow up
wlLh new emplovees Lo be sure Lhev have read lL.

Manv pollcles vou creaLe wlLh ollcles now lnclude a sLaLemenL of who
Lo ao Lo for more lnformaLlon. Cenerallv, however, vou also wanL Lo
encouraae emplovees Lo flrsL consulL wlLh Lhelr manaaers lf Lhev have
quesLlons abouL Lhe oraanlzaLlon's pollcles. ln some cases, lL mav be
LhaL Lhe emplovee's quesLlon ls noL so much pollcv-relaLed as lL ls work-

keep|ng o||c|es Updated

Cnce vou have released vour handbook, lL needs Lo be revlewed
reaularlv for posslble updaLlna. Chanaes Lo personnel pollcles can
resulL from:

- new or revlsed federal, sLaLe, and local laws and reaulaLlons.

- CourL declslons affecLlna emplovmenL pracLlces.
ollcles now user Manual
aae 116

- Chanaes Lo vour oraanlzaLlon slze, whlch make vou sub[ecL Lo
dlfferenL laws and reaulaLlons.

- Chanaes Lo vour manaaemenL phllosophv, corporaLe culLure,
beneflLs proarams, or dav-Lo-dav operaLlonal needs.

- new approaches Lo personnel pracLlces and procedures wlLhln
vour lndusLrv, aeoaraphlc area, or Lhe human resources fleld
ln aeneral.

- A need Lo ad[usL or clarlfv pollcv wordlna.

When vou subscrlbe Lo Lhe erformSmarL updaLeServlce, new and
revlsed pollcles are senL Lo vou on an updaLe dlsk everv slx monLhs. 1haL
seml- annual checkpolnL ls also an excellenL Llme Lo revlew all vour
pollcles Lo conflrm Lhev are sLlll approprlaLe (see updaLlna Lhe ollcles
now Llbrarv" on paae 20 for more lnformaLlon).

Commun|cat|ng o||cy Changes

8eaardless of wheLher vou are lssulna an enLlrelv updaLed handbook, or
are onlv chanalna one pollcv, communlcaLlna chanaes ls [usL as
lmporLanL as lf Lhls were vour flrsL handbook.

lf voot ptevloos
booJbook JlJ oot
locloJe socb o
stotemeot. voo mov
wlsb to coosolt wltb
leool cooosel befote
lssoloo pollcv tevlsloos.
pottlcolotlv lo tbe
oteos of emplovmeot-
ot-wlll. Jlsclplloe. ot

lf, ln vour emplovee handbook, vou have alreadv reserved vour rlahL Lo
revlse, Lhls wlll be an easler process (for more lnformaLlon, see 8lahL
Lo 8evlse" on paae 108). Pow vou communlcaLe pollcv chanaes Lo
vour emplovees ls relaLlve Lo how vou publlshed vour handbook and
Lhe slze of vour oraanlzaLlon.

- lf vou have alven a prlnLed verslon of Lhe handbook Lo everv
emplovee, also alve Lhem each a copv of Lhe new pollcv Lo be
flled ln lL (a aood reason Lo produce vour handbook ln loose-leaf

- lf vou malnLaln prlnLed verslons LhaL are avallable Lo emplovees
cenLrallv, posL Lhe revlsed pollcv ln a cenLral place and noLlfv
emplovees Lo read lL.

- Pold manaaers responslble for ensurlna LhaL Lhe emplovees who
reporL Lo Lhem are lnformed on a Llmelv basls of pollcv chanaes.

- Send an e-mall messaae conLalnlna Lhe new pollcv or
announclna Lhe pollcv chanae Lo everv emplovee. 1ell Lhem
where Lhev can read lL (on Lhe bulleLln board, ln Lhe onllne
handbook, or on vour lnLraneL).
ChapLer 8 - Leaal and Puman 8esources lssues
aae 117

- lnclude a noLlflcaLlon abouL Lhe chanaed pollcv on each
pavcheck or ln a separaLe sLuffer ln Lhe pavcheck envelope.

- Announce pollcv chanaes ln deparLmenLal meeLlnas or Lhe
companv newsleLLer (Lhls ls less effecLlve because noL all
emplovees mav be aL work or read Lhe newsleLLer).

Get Acknow|edgment

!usL as wlLh Lhe orlalnal emplovee handbook, mosL aLLornevs
recommend LhaL vou dlsLrlbuLe pollcv chanaes ln such a wav LhaL vou
can laLer prove, lf necessarv, LhaL each emplovee was noLlfled of Lhe
chanae. Some also suaaesL LhaL, for slanlflcanL pollcv chanaes, vou
should obLaln a slaned acknowledamenL of recelpL of Lhe chanaed
pollcv from each emplovee (for more lnformaLlon, see
AcknowledamenL lorms" on paae 112).
ollcles now user Manual



AcknowledamenL forms 111
addlLlonal handbooks 63
an oraanlzaLlon 70
bulleLs or numberlna 39
color Lo LexL and backarounds 38
commenLs Lo pollcles 43
Lxpanded Llcense 10
lLem Lo selecLlon llsL 34
loao Lo prlnLed handbook 74
password 12
All lnformaLlon 8eporL 91
pollcv name 36
pollcv number 37
pollcv sLaLus 37


8acklna up daLa 3
addlna Lo a pollcv 39
aLLrlbuLes of 60


Calendar, uslna 39
fonLs 38
formaL sLvle 68
handbook name 63
handbook sLvle 73
paraaraph formaL 39
password 12
pendlna sLaLus of pollcles 47
pollcv lanauaae sLvle 46
deleLlna 43
addlna Lo pollcles 43
prlnLlna 46, 78
Converslon 6-8
LexL 33
Core pollcles, See rlmarv pollcles 28
handbook 23-26
oraanlzaLlon 23
pollcles 27-41
user-deflned pollcv 49


uaLa, backlna up 3
uaLabase, repalr 13
uaLe formaL 4
enLerlna 38
uslna Lhe calendar 39
ueflnlna, lndex Lerms 39
a pollcv 43
commenLs 43
handbook 69
lLem from selecLlon llsL 34
oraanlzaLlon 71
password 12
LexL 32
formaL characLers 33
Loolbars 33


forms 101
handbook name 64
oraanlzaLlon name 70
lorms 103
handbook 84
Lxpanded Llcense 10
as .P1ML 86
as .81l or .1x1 87

aae 117


llndlna and replaclna LexL 34
lonLs, chanalna 38
lormaL characLers 33
lormaL sLvle
chanalna 68
edlLlna 101
Lmall 103
revlew 102
rlnL 102
Save As 103
lorms 1ab 101


CeLLlna SLarLed wlndow
Lurnlna off 26
uslna 26
for pollcv names 36, 49
for pollcv numbers 37, 49


addlna a loao 74
asslanlna oraanlzaLlon name 23
chanalna formaL sLvle 68
chanalna handbook name 63
creaLe onllne 81
creaLlna 23-26
cusLomlze headlnas 67
deleLlna 69
edlLlna handbook name 64
emalllna opLlons 84
CeLLlna SLarLed wlndow 26
modlfvlna lndex Lerms 67
prlnL prevlew 79
prlnLlna 77
selecLlna seLLlnas 24
vlew 1able of ConLenLs 63
vlewlna lndex 66
Pandbook lormaL ueslaner
chanalna fonL preferences 73
modlfvlna sLvle 73
prevlewlna a sLvle sheeL 73
resLorlna defaulLs 76
seLLlna preferences
73 uslna 71-76
Pardware requlremenLs 2
Peadlnas, cusLomlze 67
Pelp, 5ee Cnllne Pelp 89


lnserLlna 38
lmporLlna user-deflned pollcles 30
prlnL prevlew 66
vlewlna onllne 83
lndex Lerms
deflnlna 39
modlfvlna Lerms 67
lmaae 38
paae breaks 37
LexL 37
ollcles now 3
ollcles now on a neLwork 4
lnLerneL connecLlons 13
5ee olso Web browser


Llcense for mulLlple oraanlzaLlons 10
LlsL of All ollcles 8eporL 93
LlsL of Pandbook ollcles 8eporL 96
addlna Lo a prlnLed handbook 74
asslanlna Lo handbook 26
formaLs 26


Menu bar 9


addlna Lo a pollcv 39

aae 118
aae 119

aLLrlbuLes of 60


Cnllne Pandbook
creaLlna 81
exporLlna Lo 86
malnLalnlna 83
vlewlna ln ollcles now 83
Cnllne Pelp, uslna 13
addlna 70
creaLlna 23
deleLlna 71
edlLlna oraanlzaLlon name 70

aae breaks, lnserLlna 37
araaraph, chanalna formaL 39
chanalna 12
deleLlna 12
seLLlna 12
addlna commenLs 43
addlna lLem Lo selecLlon llsL 34
chanalna lanauaae sLvle 46
chanalna pendlna sLaLus 47
creaLlna 27-41
accesslna ollcv Webllnks 31
asslanlna a sLaLus 37
enLerlna daLes 38
lnLroducLlon 29
More lnformaLlon 30
revlewlna 33
selecLlna 28
decldlna whlch ones Lo lnclude 106-111
deflnlna lndex Lerms 39
deleLlna 43
deleLlna lLem from selecLlon llsL 34
keeplna Lhem up Lo daLe 114
prlmarv pollcles 28
prlnL/prevlew 43
creaLlna 49
lmporLlna 30
ollcv llsL, expandlna and collapslna 28
ollcv revlew process
lnLernal revlew 113
leaal revlew 114
ollcv 1exL LdlLor
addlna color 38
bulleLs and numberlna 39
chanalna fonLs 38
chanalna paraaraph formaL 39
copvlna and pasLlna LexL 33
deleLlna LexL 32
dlsplavlna formaL characLers 33
flndlna and replaclna LexL 34
flndlna LexL 33
a Lable 61
an lmaae 38
paae breaks 37
LexL 37
movlna LexL 32
selecL all 34
spell checklna 36
1hesaurus 37
Lool bars 33
undo/redo 33
uslna 31-61
uslna zoom 36
vlew mode 33
lorms 102
handbook 79
pollcles 43
rlmarv pollcles 28
rlnLer seLup 13
lorms 102
handbook 77
pollcles 43


CuesLlons 8eporL 93
ollcles now user Manual
aae 120


8ead Me 6
8ealsLraLlon 4
8epalrlna Lhe daLabase 13
All lnformaLlon 91
LlsL of All ollcles 93
LlsL of Pandbook ollcles 96
CuesLlons 93
8esponses 94
updaLe PlsLorv SorLed bv uaLe 97
updaLe PlsLorv SorLed bv ollcv number 98
hardware 2
sofLware 3
8esponses 8eporL 94


lorms 103
asslanlna a name 36
asslanlna a number 37
asslanlna a sLaLus 37
deflnlna lndex Lerms 39
enLerlna daLes 38
SecurlLv, asslanlna a password 11
SelecLlon llsL
addlna Lo 34
deleLlna from 34
SeLLlna up
browser 14
prlnLer 13
SofLware requlremenLs 3
Spell checklna 36
SLaLe laws
complvlna wlLh 103
asslanlna 37
chanalna 47
vlewlna onllne 83
addlna and deleLlna columns 61
addlna and deleLlna rows 61
lnserLlna 61
seLLlna properLles 61
uslna arld llnes 61
1echnlcal supporL 18
addlna color 38
copvlna and pasLlna 33
cuLLlna 32
deleLlna 32
flndlna 33
flndlna and replaclna 34
lnserLlna 37
movlna 32
selecLlna all 34
1exL edlLor
5ee ollcv 1exL LdlLor
1hesaurus 37
1oolbar 9
1oolbox 89
1ools and lnformaLlon 21


undo/redo 33
ollcles now 20
ollcles now Llbrarv 20
updaLe PlsLorv SorLed bv uaLe 8eporL 97
updaLe PlsLorv SorLed bv ollcv number 8eporL
user-deflned pollcv
addlna 48
creaLlna 49
auldellnes for namlna and numberlna 49
lmporLlna 30


vlew mode, ollcv 1exL LdlLor 33

1able of ConLenLs
prlnL prevlew 63
aae 121


Web browser
mulLlple 14
seLLlna up 14
LroubleshooLlna 14
Webllnks 31
accesslna from pollcv creaLlon 31
accesslna from Lhe Welcome wlndow 21
closlna navlaaLlon 21 21


Zoom, uslna 36
ollcles now user Manual
aae 122

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