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How You Can Ear n Roy al t i es w i t h
Si x Ty pes of Pr oduct s

By Christ opher West ra of Royalt ies Universit y
Royalt ies used t o be onl y f or Roy al t y t o ear n. Now you can earn royalt ies
yourself by selling access t o your digit al propert y. Here are t he six most
common t ypes of product s used t o earn royalt ies.

1. Wr i t t en Cont ent
The simplest way for beginners t o earn royalt ies is wit h a simple ebook or
digit al book. This can be How t o Pot t y Train Your Child in Five Hours or How
t o Enj oy Living on a Raw Food Diet or any kind of How t o info.
You package t he writ t en cont ent in PDF format . All my downloadable books
use t his format .
2. Audi o Cont ent
The next opt ion is t o use recorded audio t o deliver valuable cont ent . Audios
are usually provided in MP3 format , and oft en combined wit h writ t en cont ent .
Recording audio is easy now wit h all t he free t ools available. Audacit y is a
useful and free audio recorder and edit or.
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3. Vi deo Cont ent
Your t hird choice for a royalt ies product is your own videos. Webcams and
screen capt uring soft ware are not expensive, and are fairly easy t o learn. One
product I did wit h my part ner Josh consist s of 100 st ep- by- st ep inst ruct ional
4. Sof t w ar e Pr ogr ams
For t hose who can writ e simple or complex programs, t his is a great opt ion.
Depending on t he value, you can sell your script out right for $20 t o $100 or
more. Some script s sell for t housands of dollars.
Or you can host t he program on a sit e, and charge a mont hly royalt y for t he
regular use of t he script .
5. Combo Pr oduct s
Many people receive royalt ies from product s t hat are a combinat ion of t he first
four t ypes. These days, cust omers expect t o receive audio and video cont ent
as well as writ t en cont ent .
A simple ebook is a great place t o st art , but I suggest moving int o audio and
video combo product s quit e quickly.
6. Educat i onal Pr ogr ams
These product s can cont ain all t ypes of cont ent ( and usually do) , but are
delivered over t ime. One example is a 12- mont h program on becoming a
Mast er Herbalist .
Generally, cust omers pay a mont hly royalt y and receive access t o new
lessons each week or each mont h. Anot her example is my 9- mont h Royalt ies
Universit y Program on how t o earn royalt ies.
The great benefit t o royalt ies is t hat t he payment s keep flowing even aft er you
finish your product . You have ot her opt ions also for earning royalt ies but t hese
six are t he most common ones.
For 40 weekly lessons t eaching you all about how t o earn Royalt ies for yourself,
enroll in Royalt ies Universit y.

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