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Varty Yeremian December 4, 2012 Penn Mentor: Cheryl Green

Literacy Lesson: Nonfiction Books Small Group Instruction Grade: 2

Small Group Lesson Feedback I. The Student Teacher A. What went well in the lesson? 1. The teacher thought the hook was effective. 2. The teacher liked using a text rich in content. 3. The teacher thought the graphic organizer enriched the lesson. 4. The teacher feels the nonfiction book used in the lesson will encourage the students to select content rich nonfiction texts. B. What things would you do differently? 1. The teacher would demonstrate how to complete the independent practice sheet. 2. The teacher would rephrase one of the questions on the practice sheet. C. How will you follow up the lesson? 1. The teacher will assess the work sheet completed by the students. 2. The teacher will work with the students who did not finish the task assigned. 3. The teacher will compare the features of fiction and nonfiction texts. II. The Penn Mentor A. Positive Aspects of the Lesson 1. The teacher reviewed norms with the small group. 2. The objective of the lesson was displayed and stated during the lesson. 3. The teacher activated prior knowledge. 4. The teacher was knowledgeable of the subject matter. 5. A variety of resources (nonfiction text, technology), materials (charts) and strategies (graphic organizers and practice sheets) were used. 6. The teacher skillfully helped students work cooperatively. 7. The entire group was engaged and the teacher facilitated meaningful discussion between and with the students. 8. All directions, procedures and instruction were communicated clearly. 9. The structure of the lesson was effective. 10. Questions and discussion strategies encouraged students participation. 11. The teacher provided instruction on how to work as a small group. 12. A student repeated directions for working independently. 13. Teacher provides time for students to ask questions and communicate need for clarification. 14. Teacher encouraged and complimented the students throughout the lesson. 15. There was a logical sequence in planning and instruction.

16. The closing of the lesson included student expression of what was learned and a summary of the instruction. 17. Multiple assessment strategies were used to evaluate objectives. 18. Teacher stated the practices availability to provide individual assistance to students with needs related to this lesson. 19. The assessment appropriately evaluated the objectives. 20. Teacher created an environment of respect, demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness. II. Recommendation 1. Continue to encourage students to share the outcome of the lesson. 2. Provide time for students to peruse a text before beginning a task. 3. Continue to share the responsibility of learning with your students. 4. Continue to include modeling and/or demonstration during instruction and other segments of the lesson.

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