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LINKAGES AND MECHANISM PE answer 1. The Coriolis acceleration depends on the latitude, a.

a. Because the earths tangential velocity is less near the poles than at the equator b. Because the earths tangential velocity is greater neat the poles than at the equator. c. Because the earths tangential velocity is not enough near the poles than at the equator. d. Because the earths tangential velocity is sometimes greater near the poles than at the equator. 2. This is used when motion of a particle is described with respect to something else in motion. a. Relative motion b. Inertial c. Polar d. Static 3. The particles position, velocity, and acceleration may be specified with respect to another moving particle or with respect to a moving frame of reference, known as a. An inertial frame of reference b. A functional frame of reference c. A non-inertial frame of reference d. A pivot point 4. It is a study of the geometry of motion without consideration of the causes of motion. a. Kinematics b. Kinetics c. Physics d. Translation 5. Kinematics deals only with relationships among a. Weight, velocity, acceleration, and time b. Vectors, velocity, acceleration, and time c. Forces, velocity, acceleration, and time d. Position, velocity, acceleration, and time 6. Particles do not possess rotational kinetic energy. All parts of a particle have a. The different instantaneous displacement, velocity, and acceleration b. The same instantaneous displacement, velocity, and acceleration c. Unknown instantaneous displacement, velocity, and acceleration d. All of these 7. When the position of one particle in a multiparticle system depends on the position of one or more other particles, the motions are said to be a. Kinetics b. Independent c. Dependent d. Plotted 8. A block-and-pulley system with one fixed roped end is a. A dependent system b. An independent system c. A popular system d. A plane system 9. The sum of a translational component and a rotation about a fixed axis a. Circular motion b. Dependent motion c. Radial motion d. Plane motion 10. A point at which the body could be fixed (pinned) without changing the instantaneous angular velocities are concerned, the body seems to rotate about a fixed instantaneous center. a. The instantaneous center b. The pivot center c. The wheel center d. The support center 11. For a rolling wheel, the instantaneous center is a. The point of contact with the load surface b. The point of contact with the moving surface c. The point of contact with the supporting surface d. The point of contact with the static surface 12. Used to compute the absolute acceleration of a point as if a body is in pure rotation about that point. a. Instantaneous center of acceleration b. Instantaneous center of velocity c. Instantaneous center of displacement d. Instantaneous center of rotation End -

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