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SUMMARY OF RESEARCH FINDINGS Section A: Summary of research done through the general background A music magazine is a magazine which

is dedicated to music. There is a music magazine for most genres of music, some mixed but mainly focused on one specific genre. These vary from pop to rock to classical. Every magazine is fitted to their target audience and has different features to reflect what the target audience wants. It is expected that there will many images of the bands and artists that relate to the genre of the magazine. the mise-enscene of the images also relate to the genre of the music. Music magazines often feature gossip pages, fashion pages and album and guide guides/reviews. Music magazines need to deliver a story, which could contain gossip which might interest the reader and entertain them. Most significantly the magazines market must be aware of AIDA A Attract audience, use of bright colours, image and text. I Interest, articles and sell lines should entice the audience. D Desire, lure the reader by adding competitions, posters or give freebies. A Act people to buy your product, motivate them into purchasing, for example, creating a sense of urgency with a limited-time offer or limited supply. Section B: Research into real music magazines (summary of findings) generic conventions of music magazine Front covers include: Masthead at the top so is easily seen and recognized Barcode/price/date so is sellable Striking image of somebody well known which must also be consistent with genre. Contents pages include: The word contents at top. Date/issue number. Usually a range of images all anchored with text and page number to show what will be coming up. Columns are used for the text including subheadings such as features that will attract the audience further for example gossip/gig guides etc. The masthead of the magazine is to be found somewhere on page. Content must link with the cover obeying the same house style and links with cover in terms of style and genre. The Double Page Spread Article: Image dominated which is anchored with columns of text. Written article has dramatic main heading (short and snappy) with subheading (summarising what article is going to be about) The copy is written in paragraphs generally between 2-3. All 3 parts of the magazine are clearly connected using a range of elements including: Same font choices throughout (generally around 3 types) Same colour scheme will be used. Magazine title is on all 3 pages. Information on front is carried through into contents and then onto article. Contents are consistent with the chosen genre. Same style of language and informal/formal language used throughout.

Summary of Research into genre: My chosen genre is British Pop Music, I found out that: Pop music is short for popular music, so the music in my magazine has to be current and in the charts when I make my magazine. British Pop Music can be a mixture of different genres It has a general aim to appeal to a general audience. Summary of research into my chosen style model for my magazine: Below are images that I would like to base my magazine. I want to use the genre of Billboard but the layout of NME. Front Covers I Like

Contents Pages I Like

Double Page Spreads I Like

I have also found that in Billboard magazine usually has text in black with a white background with splashes of colour that make the page look sophisticated and effective, I would like to include this element in my magazine. The types of images found in Billboard magazine are sophisticated, grown up, fashionable, stylish, fun, sometimes serious, glamorous, positive vibe.

SECTION C: TARGET AUDIENCE RESEARCH Overall after conducting my target audience research using questionnaires I have found that my target audience is females aged between 16-24 who are interested in chart music and fashion. I conclude the following and will summarise how this will affect the making of my magazine: COVER: The cover should be bright but sophisticated The image should be a front image and a close up of the chosen artist. The person should be wearing headphones to tie in with the mise-en-scene. Offer competitions to win concert tickets Catchy sell lines Have a header summarising the main contents of the magazine Barcode Masthead CONTENTS PAGE: Chart countdown List of whats inside Images Sectioned into different parts Stands out on the page Contains masthead Fashion Pages Interviews DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD: Informal and chatty, relating to the reader Interviews One main image taking over the page Big, bold title SECTION 4: GENERAL INFORMATION My target audience does not buy music magazines at the moment therefore would consider if the magazine is aimed at them more through the presentation and articles. The target audience also believe that the music magazines on the market are sufficiently too expensive therefore I would price mine between 2.00 and 3.00. The target audience felt that the current music magazines that are on sale on the market are mainly targeted at male population eg Kerrang! NME and Vibe. The music magazines based around women are too childish. I have to make sure that because my magazine is aimed at non music magazine readers I need to take into account their dislikes and likes and what they want to see in a music magazine.

Having summarised these results and my own finding I am now ready to complete my formal proposal and start planning my own music magazine.

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