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Work, Energy, Power

When Force is applied the total energy of objects changes You do Work on an object if you apply a force on it over some distance. Energy is the capacity to do work
Energy is conserved

Power is the rate at which work is being done

Newtons Laws of motion

1st Law: Every object con@nues to be at rest or to move with uniform velocity unless acted on by a net force 2nd Law: The rate of change of momentum of an object is propor@onal to the net force ac@ng on it F = m a 3rd Law: ac@on-reac@on. When two objects interact, they exert equal and opposite forces on one another

Gravitational Fields
Field : a region of space where a force is ac@ve We use elds to describe all cases where two (or more) objects separated in space exert forces on each other


Law of Universal Gravitation

Newtons Law of Universal Gravita<on: Each point mass in the universe aAracts every other point mass with a force that is directly propor<onal to the product of their masses and inversely propor<onal to the square of the distance between them

r F m F M

mM F = G 2 r

Gravitational Field Strength

From Newtons 2nd Law and Newtons Law of Universal Gravita@on we have

mM GM F = mg = G 2 g = 2 r r

Inside the earth, g varies linearly with distance (1/r)

Gravitational Potential Energy

Gravita@onal poten@al Energy U at a point P is the work done in bringing an object of mass m from innity to that point P

U = W = F(x) dx

Newtons Law of Gravita@on:

mM F(x) dx = G 2 dx x



$ GmM ' GmM GmM dx = & ) = 2 % x ( x r

Gravitational Potential V and equipotential lines

The gravita<onal poten<al V at a point is dened as the gravita@onal poten@al energy of a unit mass

Equipoten@al lines are lines that signify where the poten@al has the same value

U GM V = = m r

Escape velocity
Gravita@onal poten@al energy on surface To escape, ini@al kine@c energy must be at least equal to the poten@al energy on surface, so

U RE = G


1 2 mM mvesc G =0 2 RE

vesc =

2GM = 11.2km / s RE

Planets and Satellites

A satellite orbi@ng the earth has a tangen@al velocity and an inward accelera@on

mM mv 2 F =G 2 = = mg r r
GM v= r
2 r r3 T= = 2 v GM


Planets and Satellites

A satellite orbi@ng the earth has a tangen@al velocity and an inward accelera@on

1 2 GmM KE = mv = 2 2r GmM PE = r GmM KE + PE = 2r


Keplers Laws
Kepler (1571-1630) was a German mathema@cian and astronomer Used data collected by Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) to arrive at three laws describing planetary mo@on

1.The Law of Orbits: All planets move in ellip@cal orbits, with the sun at one focus 2.The Law of Areas: A line that connects a planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal @mes 3.The Law of Periods: The square of the period of any planet is propor@onal to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit


rd Law Keplers 3
The square of the period T of any planet is propor@onal to the cube of the semi-major axis r of its orbit We may write this as r3/T2 = constant This ra@o is the same for all planets For a planet in a circular orbit around the Sun:


mv 2 mM = = G 2 = Fgrav r r

GM v= r

2 r GM r 3 GM v= = 2= T r T 4 2


To Do
Read chapter 12 from the book [p.224-p.235 gravita@onal elds] Homework Assignment wk1: ques@ons 12.1, 12.4, 12.6, 12.8, 12.13 Hand it in no later than 4:00pm next Wednesday (16 Jan) - LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED


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