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Spectroscopy Octaves of Perception - Gurdjieffs Enneagram

First I want to quote a little of Walter Russell to set the scene. The known octaves which lie in the range of perception are five and one half. These begin with the third, or hydrogen octave, and end with the uranium group which are isotopes of actinium and tomium in the last octave. The invisible octaves of finely divided matter of space are three and one half in number. These octaves are beyond our range of perception, but they are not beyond our knowing. Walter Russell

Spectrum Analysis
Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and radiated energy. Historically, spectroscopy originated through the study of visible light dispersed according to its wavelength, e.g., by a prism. Later the concept was expanded greatly to comprise any interaction with radiative energy as a function of its wavelength or frequency. Spectroscopic data is often represented by a spectrum, a plot of the response of interest as a function of wavelength or frequency. Spectroscopes allow us to analyse and recognise each element when in its incandescent stage. By means of the spectroscope, man has been able to divide light rays through its prisms into the component parts which make up the life history of each stage of its two way cycle. Each element tells the story of its entire previous incarnations in other octaves, since its beginning. Any line in one octave is repeated in the next but shifter in position because of the changing pressures of each succeeding octave. The spectrum of hydrogen is preponderantly red. A bright red line indicates its present octave. Other red lines tell its past history in lower octaves. The simple history of hydrogen, as compared to the complex spectrum of iron, is like the history of an obscure youth as compared to that of Napoleon. In the spectrum analysis of iron, the lines which belong to iron and those which tell its recent and remote history can be seen at a glance. These lines also indicate the relative ability of the iron atom to charge or discharge. The visible and invisible spectrum is divided into several thousand lines. Each line is different in its shade of colour and in its plane. Each line proves that this universe of varying motion is a universe of varying pressures. Walter Russell The Secret of Light.

Comments / Conclusions
Visible Spectrum = 5.5 Octaves or 5.5 x 12 = 66 notes Invisible Spectrum = 3.5 Octaves or 3.5 x 12 = 42 notes 5.5 + 3.5 = 9 octaves = 108 notes Ratios 5.5 / 9 = 11 / 18 = 0.6 11111 R 3.5 / 9 = 7 / 18 = 0.3 88888 R Division 5.5 / 3.5 = 11 / 7 = 1.571428 R Electricity 3.5 / 5.5 = 7 / 11 = 0.636363 R Magnetism Ah! Yes. Well. That is rather interesting wouldnt you say? This is very important indeed! Electricity is shown to be the inverse or reciprocal of Magnetism. (Is this connected to quantum mechanics, the concept of matter waves or de Broglie waves reflects the waveparticle duality of matter? The de Broglie relations show that the wavelength is inversely proportional to the momentum of a particle and is also called de Broglie wavelength. Also the frequency of matter waves, as deduced by de Broglie, is directly proportional to the particle's total energy, i.e. the sum of a particle's Kinetic energy and rest energy) The Electric we can perceive through the Electric senses of our Electric bodies while the Magnetic we cannot directly perceive, yet can know. Then I thought more about this particular sequence 5 7 1 4 2 8 And then, as I visualised it in my mind on the unit circle, I instantly recognised it to be Gurdjieffs Enneagram!

Gurdjieffs Enneagram
An aspect of Gurdjieff's teachings which has come into prominence in recent decades is the enneagram geometric figure. For many students of the Gurdjieff tradition, the enneagram remains a koan, challenging and never fully explicated. There have been many attempts to trace the origins of this version of the enneagram; some similarities to other figures have been found, but it seems that Gurdjieff was the first person to make the enneagram figure publicly known and that only he knew its true source - Wikipedia.

When we look at 5.5 / 3.5, we get 1. 571428 R If we trace the numbers on the unit circle above we can clearly see the fit with this famous enneagram 5 7 1 4 2 8 and back to 5 again. Tracing the route around the circle we get Sol La Re Fa Mi Si 571428

Symmetry in Recurring Decimal 571 = 13 Digit Sum = 4 Mod 9 428 = 14 Digit Sum = 5 Mod 9 999 Digit Total = 27 = 9 Mod 9 13/27 = 0.481 R or 4/9 Mod 9 14/27 = 0.518 R or 5/9 Mod 9 13/14 = 0.9 285714 R or 4/5 Mod 9 14/13 = 1.076923 R or 5/4 Mod 9 In the enneagram we can also see the 3 6 9 triangle so familiar in the rest of our work that represents the 3 6 of Magnetism or Polarity and the 9 of the Central Axis which is linked intrinsically to the 0. I think it may be fair to say that the explanation as to the true meaning of Gurdjieffs enneagram has been laid bare by the above analysis.

The Fourth Way enneagram is a figure published in 1947 inIn Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky, and an integral part of the so-called Fourth Way esoteric system associated with George Gurdjieff. The term "enneagram" derives from two Greek words, ennea (nine) and grammos(something written or drawn). The enneagram is a nine-pointed figure usually inscribed within a circle. Within the circle is a triangle connecting points 9, 3 and 6. The inscribed figure resembling a web connects the other six points in a cyclic figure 1-4-2-8-5-7. This number is derived from or corresponds to the recurring decimal .142857 = 1/7. These six points together with the point numbered 9 are said to represent the main stages of any complete process, and can be related to the notes of a musical octave, 9 being equivalent to "Do" and 1 to "Re" etc. The points numbered 3 and 6 are said to represent "shock points" which affect the way a process develops. The internal lines between the points; that is, the three point figure and the six point figure, are said to show certain non-obvious connections, although here very little elucidation is offered.

Ouspensky claimed in In Search of the Miraculous that the enneagram was part of the teachings originally presented by G.I. Gurdjieff in Russia during the First World War. Gurdjieff is quoted by Ouspensky as claiming that this form of enneagram was an ancient secret and was now being partly [1] revealed for the first time. Although no earlier publication of the Fourth Way version of the enneagram can be cited, it has been proposed that it may derive from, or be cognate to, the Jewish Tree of Life (Kabbalah) as used in Renaissance Hermeticism (which used an enneagram of three interlocking triangles, also called a [2] [2] nonagram) or a nine-pointed figure used by the Christian medieval philosopher Ramon Llull. Idries Shah, a populariser of Sufism, has claimed that the enneagram has a Sufi provenance and that [3] it has also been long known in coded form disguised as an octagram. Another claim to a Sufi provenance is offered by the Sufi Enneagram website. Robin Amis claims an Orthodox Christian origin, claiming that both Gurdijeff and Ouspensky [4] developed their teaching with insights gained from visits to Mount Athos. Another proposal suggests the diagram is a map of the chakras from yogic schools. [edit]Application

to processes

According to Gurdjieff as quoted by Ouspensky in In Search of the Miraculous the enneagram figure is a symbol said to represent the "law of seven" and the "law of three" (the two fundamental universal laws in Gurdjieff's system) and, therefore according to this view, the figure can be used to describe any natural whole phenomenon, cosmos, process in life or any other piece of knowledge. The figure is the central organizing glyph of the Fourth Way's view of the material world which Gurdjieff is quoted by Ouspensky as relating to alchemy.

Enneagram representing the evolution of food with "self remembering" at point 6

The most detailed example of how this is said to work given in In Search of the Miraculous is an explanation of how Gurdjieff believed inputs to the human body ("Food", "Air" and "Impressions", collectively regarded as types of food) are processed into the so-called "higher substances" necessary for higher consciousness to function. One proposition of Gurdjieff's alchemical view of matter, essential to follow is that "everything is material"; consciousness and spirit are to be regarded as aspects of matter, although more refined or of a "higher vibration" than perceptible aspects. This proposition is an essential basis for Gurdjieff's view of the evolution of food into "higher substances"; briefly summarized below from the account in In Search of the Miraculous: As ordinary food (beginning as "Do") is eaten and enters the body at point 9, it is said to be processed in the mouth and stomach as "Re" at point 1 and then in the small intestine as "Mi" at point 2. Here food can't evolve on its own any further, and it needs an external "push". This "push" in the given case is "Air", seen as another type of food which enters at point 3 as a new "Do", joining the evolving food in the bloodstream at point 4, "Fa" for the octave of ordinary food and Re for the Air octave. At this point we lose touch with clear correspondences to scientific physiology but point 5 involves the substances or energies used in thought; point 6 being where "Impressions", regarded as a type of food, are said to enter the body. "Impressions" will serve as a shock if they are intensified by some such means as the exercise of "self-remembering" taught by Gurdjieff, thus allowing the Air and Impressions octaves to proceed through point 7 to point 8. Otherwise only the ordinary food octave proceeds to point 8. "La" at point 7 represents emotional and other energies and at point 8, the "Si" at the end of the first "ordinary food" octave represents the sexual energies; which are the "highest substance" according to Gurdjieff which the body produces naturally without conscious intervention. A desire to conserve this "higher substances" for esoteric use is said to be the original reason for religious celibacy. With the conscious intervention at point 6 of "self remembering" further and more useful "higher substances" are created, represented by the air octave's Sol at point 8 and the Impression octave's Mi at point 8. (Ouspensky makes some further remarks on the nature of this Mi 8 and Sol 8 in his book Fourth Way) A further conscious shock, requiring "a special type of control over the emotions" at point 9 would enable a new "higher" or spiritual body to begin to grow, this is represented by Gurdjieff as the aim of his and other esoteric traditions.

It will be seen that by this view emotions depend on "higher substances" than thought and sexual feeling on "higher substances" still. The creation of the universe is also described in In Search of the Miraculous in terms of an octave, the Ray of Creation and therefore implicitly in terms of an enneagram. [edit]Other


Other applications of the enneagram to describing processes can be found in writings influenced by [6] those of Gurdjieff, notably in the writings of J.G. Bennett. In his book Gurdjieff: Making a New [7] World Bennett describes the workings of a community kitchen in terms of the enneagram and offers [8] some explanation of the meaning of the internal lines; and his book Enneagram Studies is devoted [9] to the subject, offering nine examples of enneagrams in various applications.
^ Ouspensky, P.D. (1949). In Search of the Miraculous. New York and London: Harcourt Brace, and Routledge. pp. 294. ISBN 0-15-600746-0. ISBN is for Mariner Books, 2001. Quote: "The knowledge of the enneagram has for a very long time been preserved in secret and if it now is, so to speak, made available to all, it is only in an incomplete and theoretical form of which nobody could make any practical use without instruction from a man who knows."

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