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Eighteenth-Century Studies

Overleaf: James Paine, Architect and his son, James by Sir J oshua Reynolds Ashmolean Museum / Mary Evans Picture Library
Welcome to our Eighteenth-Century Studies
catalogue, 201314
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Dear Reader,
As you will see from the size and scope of this new catalogue
Eighteenth-Century Studies remains at the core of our list,
with an impressive range of both monographs and major works
collections. You will fnd some exciting new additions to our well-
regarded series Eighteenth Century Political Biographies. We
hope to grow this list further still, but in the meantime the new
biographies of Haywood, Paine and J ohnson will be of interest to
many scholars.
Our other established monograph series also continue to grow.
In particular The Enlightenment World series now boasts a
signifcant number of titles. Many of these have been very well
received, as you will see from the review quotes we have included
in this catalogue. For those who have missed out on some of the
earlier books in the series this catalogue also includes a great
discount offer on the frst ten titles. There is a similar offer on
some of the titles in our Chawton House Novels series. This series
brings rare but signifcant novels by women writers to a wider
audience, in scholarly new editions, making a signifcant addition
to the study of womens writing.
Those of you interested in the turbulent political events of the
early part of the century will also welcome our new edition
of The Unpublished Letters of Henry St John, First Viscount
Bolingbroke. These fve volumes bring together nearly 2,000 of
Bolingbrokes letters never before made widely available.
Whatever your specialism I hope you fnd something of interest
in this catalogue. We remain committed to publishing the best of
academic research on the Eighteenth Century and I would like to
hear from anyone with new ideas to add to this list.
Ma r k Polla r d
Publishing Director
Sign up to our eNewsletters: updates
Literacy and Orality in
Irish Song
Julie Henigan
Number 2
Iovrv .x Soxc ix rnv Acv or Rvvoiuriox
A Iolitical Biography
of Eliza Iaywood
Kathryn R. King
Number 9
Eicnrvvxrn-Cvxruv Ioiiric.i Bioc.vnivs
Didacticism and the
Genres of Dispute
Adrian J. Wallbank
Number 25
Tnv Exiicnrvxxvxr Voi
Te Aboriginal Male in
the Enlightenment Vorld
Shino Konishi
Number 8
Tnv Bov, Gvxv .x Cuiruv
A Polit ica l Biogr a p h y of
Th om a s Pa in e
W A Sp eck
Thomas Paine (17371809) was a
radical, a revolutionary, an author and
a pamphleteer. Denounced in Britain
following the publication of the Rights
of Man (1791), Paines intellectual
legacy is such that he is still cited in
the political rhetoric of today. Specks
biography examines Paines work in
light of new thinking about the role
of religion in the formation of his
political ideology, and also places
Paine within the context of Atlantic
Eighteenth-Century Political Biographies
c.256pp: 234x156: J une 2013
HB 978 1 84893 095 7: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 096 4
A Polit ica l Biogr a p h y of
Sa m u el J oh n s on
Nich ola s Hu d s on
Samuel J ohnson (170984) rose from
obscure origins to become one of the
major literary fgures of the eighteenth
century. Through a detailed survey
not only of J ohnsons major works,
but his numerous pieces of political
journalism, Hudson constructs a
complex picture of J ohnson as a
deeply committed Christian moralist
who came to accept the essentially
realistic nature of politics during an
era of revolutionary transition.
Eighteenth-Century Political Biographies: 10
c.256pp: 234x156: March 2013
HB 978 1 84893 082 7: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 083 4
A Polit ica l Biogr a p h y of
J os ep h Ad d is on
Ch a r les Kn igh t
One of the most durable eighteenth-
century writers, J oseph Addison
(16721719) is best remembered for
his sparkling and rangy entries in
the Tatler and the Spectator, both
co-edited with Richard Steele. By the
early 1710s, when the Tory ascendency
prompted his turn to periodical
writing, Addison was a political fxture.
This biography puts his literary career
into a political context.
Eighteenth-Century Political Biographies
c.256pp: 234x156: May 2014
HB 978 1 85196 916 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 675 2
A Polit ica l Biogr a p h y of Eliza
Ha ywood
Ka t h r yn R Kin g
While under arrest in 1750 on
suspicion of producing a seditious
pamphlet Eliza Haywood insisted she
never wrote any thing in a political
way. This study of her life and works,
the frst full-length biography in
almost a century, views Haywoods
life through the prism of her shifting
political allegiances.
Eighteenth-Century Political Biographies: 9
288pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 85196 917 3: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 676 9
A Polit ica l Biogr a p h y of
J oh n Tola n d
Mich a el Br own
J ohn Toland was notorious.
Condemned by the Middlesex Grand
J ury and the Irish parliament for
authoring Christianity Not Mysterious
(1696), he was to spend much of his
career on the fringes of intellectual life
in Britain and beyond. Yet he was also
an intimate of a series of infuential
politicians and played a crucial part
in the Hanoverian succession of 1714.
This study is the frst to fully recount
his remarkable biography, and to
situate his writings fully within the
controversies that shaped them.
Eighteenth-Century Political Biographies: 8
208pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 85196 914 2: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 683 7
A Polit ica l Biogr a p h y of
Willia m Kin g
Ch r is t op h er Fa u s ke
William King (16501729) was
perhaps the dominant Irish intellect
of the period from 1688 until his
death in 1729. An Anglican (Church
of Ireland) by conversion, King was a
strident critic of J ohn Toland and the
clerical superior of J onathan Swift.
This biography examines his political
career and sets King in the context of
his peers.
Eighteenth-Century Political Biographies: 7
256pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 010 0: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 011 7
A Polit ica l Biogr a p h y of
Alexa n d er Pop e
Pa t Roger s
While much has been written on the
politics of Alexander Pope, most of
this relates to his possible J acobite
sympathies and his involvement in the
opposition to Sir Robert Walpole in
the 1730s. This biography covers the
whole range of the poets life, starting
with his family background and the
extended Catholic circle in which he
continued to move.
Eighteenth-Century Political Biographies: 6
288pp: 234x156: 2010
HB 978 1 85196 846 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 684 4
A Polit ica l Biogr a p h y of
Rich a r d St eele
Ch a r les A Kn igh t
Richard Steele (16721729) is famous
as a writer of early sentimental drama
and as half of the essay-writing team
of Addison and Steele. But during
1713 and 1714 he became the leading
political propagandist for the Whigs,
campaigning particularly for the royal
succession of the house of Hanover.
Knight provides detailed political
contexts for Steeles activities and
successfully reminds us that Steeles
life was enmeshed in politics Th e
Scr ibler ia n
Eighteenth-Century Political Biographies: 5
304pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 913 5: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 681 3
Ei gh t een t h -
Cen t u r y Poli t i ca l
Bi ogr a p h i es
Series Editor: J A Down ie
Situating the writings of the period
against the background of the lives
of the men and women who wrote
them, this series provides present-
day readers with an unrivalled
means of retrieving the meaning of
political texts from the past.
A Polit ica l Biogr a p h y of
Hen r y Field in g
J A Down ie
Although scholars agree that Fielding
subscribed to the principles of the
revolution of 1688, this political
biography is the frst to explore what
being a Whig meant to Fielding.
Eighteenth-Century Political Biographies: 4
272pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 915 9: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 680 6
A Polit ica l Biogr a p h y of
Dela r ivier Ma n ley
Ra ch el Ca r n ell
Carnells research is meticulous ... a highly
useful addition to our knowledge about
late Restoration and very early eighteenth
century political culture. Eigh t een t h -
Cen t u r y I n t elligen cer
Eighteenth-Century Political Biographies: 3
320pp: 234x156: 2008
HB 978 1 85196 857 2: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 574 8
A Polit ica l Biogr a p h y of
J on a t h a n Swift
Da vid Oa klea f
makes an important contribution to
this series, setting a standard of careful
research and general excellence ... this
clearly developed study will be a boon to
scholars. Recommended. CHOI CE
Eighteenth-Century Political Biographies: 2
288pp: 216x138: 2008
HB 978 1 85196 848 0: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 568 7
A Polit ica l Biogr a p h y of
Da n iel Defoe
P N Fu r ba n k and W R Owen s
Furbank and Owens are well qualifed
to write a political biography of Defoe
.... they do an excellent job of assembling
primary materials and historical
evidence in support of the biography ...
Highly Recommended CHOI CE
Eighteenth-Century Political Biographies: 1
304pp: 216x138: 2005
HB 978 1 85196 810 7: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 532 8
Rep r es en t in g Hu m a n it y in
t h e Age of En ligh t en m en t
Editors: Alexa n d er Cook, Ned
Cu r t h oys and Sh in o Kon is h i
Focusing on feminist theory,
portraiture, explorer narratives and
the philosophy of conversation,
these essays examine enlightenment
concepts of humanity. The
contributors argue that the various
enlightenment ideas of Man are best
understood as competing philosophies.
Con t r ibu t or s
Vanessa Agnew, Peter Cryle, J ohn Docker,
Kate Fullagar, J onathan Lamb, Martin
Lloyd, J on Mee, Mary Spongberg, Nicole
Starbuck and Hsu-Ming Teo
The Enlightenment World
c.256pp: 234x156: October 2013
HB 978 1 84893 373 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 78144 015 5
Th e Poet ic En ligh t en m en t :
Poet r y a n d Hu m a n S ci en ce, 1650 18 20
Editors: Tom J on es and Rowa n
Boys on
The essays in this edited collection
look at the role of poetry in the
development of enlightenment ideas.
As scholarly disciplines began to
emerge anthropology, linguistics,
psychology the ancient and innate
art of poetry was invoked to create
new ways of communicating this
philosophy of human science.
Con t r ibu t or s
Christopher Berry, Pierre Carboni, Phillip
Connell, Nicholas Hudson, Avi Lifschitz,
Christian Maurer, Maureen McLane,
Catherine Packham, Neil Pattison, Simon
Swift, Christopher Tilmouth and Stefan
The Enlightenment World
c.256pp: 234x156: May 2013
HB 978 1 84893 404 7: 60/ $99
e 978 1 78144 036 0
Br it is h Vis ion s of Am er ica ,
1775 18 20 : R ep u bli ca n R ea li t i es
Em m a Vin cen t Ma cleod
Macleod examines changing British
conceptions of America across the
political spectrum during a period
of political, cultural and intellectual
upheaval. These shifting perceptions
are in evidence in the writings of
political commentators including
Samuel J ohnson, Thomas Paine, J ohn
Gifford and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
This important book should be essential
reading for all those interested in the
Anglo-American relationship from the
eighteenth century to the present day.
J a n e Ren d a ll, Un iver s it y of Yor k
The Enlightenment World
c.256pp: 234x156: May 2013
HB 978 1 85196 650 9: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 670 7
Th e
En li gh t en m en t
W or ld
Series Editor: Mich a el T Da vis
The richness of the Enlightenment
experience makes it a signifcant
topic for study. Themes covered
by this series include the scientifc
revolution; philosophical
origins and progress of the
Enlightenment; high and popular
culture; the political impact
of the Enlightenment; and its
comparative impact in a broad
European context.
Dia logu e, Did a ct icis m a n d
t h e Gen r es of Dis p u t e: Li t er a r y
Di a logu es i n t h e Age of R ev olu t i on
Ad r ia n J Wa llba n k
Dialogue was a pivotal genre for
the spread of Enlightenment ideas.
Focusing on non-canonical British
writers Wallbank examines the
evolution of dialogue as a genre
during the Romantic period. He
argues that dialogue often adopted
a didactic stance explicitly geared
towards making an argument sound
persuasive, and demonstrates its
infuence in the development of such
innovations as the realist novel,
philosophical perspectivism and the
advent of psychoanalysis.
Wallbanks study offers an important
addition to Romanticism criticism. It
will enrich our understanding of the
cultural landscape of the period through
its careful attention to the textual and
political nuances of a genre whose
important role has too often been
overlooked. Pa u l Keen , Ca r let on
Un iver s it y
The Enlightenment World: 25
304pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 279 1: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 280 7
Socia bilit y a n d
Cos m op olit a n is m : S oci a l Bon d s
on t h e Fr i n ges of t h e En li gh t en m en t
Editors: Scot t Br eu n in ger and
Da vid Bu r r ow
This collection of essays expands the
focus of Enlightenment studies to
include countries outside the core
nations of France, Germany and
Britain. Notions of sociability and
cosmopolitanism are explored as ways
in which people sought to improve
Con t r ibu t or s
Marianna DEzio, Benjamin Fraser, Andrew
Hamilton, Michael B McCoy, Mark Nixon
and Leonard von Morz
The Enlightenment World: 24
240pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 262 3: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 263 0
Rober t a n d J a m es Ad a m ,
Ar ch it ect s of t h e Age of
En ligh t en m en t
Ar iyu ki Kon d o
British architecture moved away from
the dominant school of classicism
during the eighteenth century in
favour of a more creative freedom of
expression. At the forefront of this
change were architect brothers Robert
and J ames Adam. While previous
studies on the Adam brothers have
focused on describing their style and
their inspirations, Kondos work places
them within the context of eighteenth-
century intellectual thought.
The Enlightenment World: 23
224pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 179 4: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 180 0
Eben ezer Ha za r d , J er em y
Belkn a p a n d t h e Am er ica n
Revolu t ion
Ru s s ell M La ws on
Ebenezer Hazard became postmaster
general in 1782. A prolifc letter-
writer, his favourite correspondent
was J eremy Belknap, a clergyman
and historian. Their letters provide an
informative and insightful history of
the time through everyday events.
The Enlightenment World: 22
256pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 045 2: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 046 9
Th e Su blim e I n ven t ion :
Ba lloon i n g i n Eu r op e, 178 3 18 20
Mich a el R Lyn n
Lynn explores the cultural importance
of ballooning at the birth of large-
scale, mass consumption of science.
With a long bibliography of primary
and secondary sources, and concise
footnotes for each anecdote, The Sublime
Invention is the most useful work of
reference on the subject in decades.
Tim es Lit er a r y Su p p lem en t
The Enlightenment World: 17
256pp: 234x156: 2010
HB 978 1 84893 016 2: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 017 9
Mon t es qu ieu a n d En gla n d :
En li gh t en ed Ex ch a n ges , 168 9 1755
Ur s u la Ha s kin s Gon t h ier
Gonthier sets Montesquieus work
in the context of early eighteenth-
century Anglo-French relations, taking
a comparative approach to show how
Montesquieus engagement with
English thought and writing persisted
throughout his writing career.
The Enlightenment World: 16
256pp: 234x156: 2010
HB 978 1 85196 997 5: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 691 2
Willia m Wickh a m , Ma s t er
Sp y: Th e S ecr et W a r Aga i n s t t h e
Fr en ch R ev olu t i on
Mich a el Du r ey
William Wickham (17611840) was
Britains master spy on the Continent
for more than fve years during the
French Revolutionary wars. Durey sees
in Wickham a peculiarly eighteenth-
century, whiggish patriotism: he
served king and country, but he also
bore loyalty to a political family that
was based around his Christ Church
The Enlightenment World: 14
288pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 983 8: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 696 7
En ligh t en m en t a n d
Mod er n it y: Th e En gli s h Dei s t s
a n d R ef or m
Wa yn e Hu d s on
The writers known as the English
deists were not simply religious
controversialists, but agents of reform
who contributed to the emergence of
modernity. This title claims that these
writers advocated a failed ideology
which itself declined after 1730. It
argues for an evolution of their ideas
into a more modern form.
an important contribution to our
understanding of not only deism but
also the religious climate of eighteenth-
century England ... essential reading.
En glis h His t or ica l Review
The Enlightenment World: 13
240pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 635 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 678 3
Th e Evolu t ion of Sym p a t h y in
t h e Lon g Eigh t een t h Cen t u r y
J on a t h a n La m b
This work represents a concise history
of sympathy in the eighteenth and
early nineteenth centuries, considering
the phenomenon of shared feeling
from fve related angles: charity, the
market, global exploration, theatre,
and torture.
The Enlightenment World: 12
192pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 854 1: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 690 5
J oh n Th elwa ll: R a d i ca l R om a n t i c
a n d Acqu i t t ed Felon
Editor: St eve Poole
This edited collection looks at
Thelwalls manifold activities in
relation to each other and within the
context Romantic culture and politics.
Con t r ibu t or s
J ohn Barrell, Sir Geoffrey Bindman, J udith
Felson Duchan, Tara-Lynn Fleming,
Georgina Green, Kenneth R J ohnston,
Robert Lamb, J on Mee, Nicholas Roe,
Michael Scrivener, Richard Sheldon,
Yasmin Solomonescu, J udith Thompson
and Corinna Wagner
The Enlightenment World: 11
256pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 973 9: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 698 1
Liber a t in g Med icin e,
1720 18 35
Editors: Tr is t a n n e Con n olly and
St eve Cla r k
The essays in this collection focus on a
range of medical narratives including
Daniel Defoe on plague and public
perceptions of George IIIs illness.
Con t r ibu t or s
J ames Robert Allard, Gavin Budge, David
Chandler, Megan Coyer, Molly Desjardins,
George C Grinnell, Hisao Ishizuka, Clark
Lawlor, Susan Matthews, Kimiyo Ogawa,
Sharon Ruston, Aris Sarafanos, Richard
C Sha and Wayne Wild
The Enlightenment World: 10
320pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 632 5: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 692 9
Ad a m Fer gu s on : Ph i los op h y ,
Poli t i cs a n d S oci et y
Editors: Eu gen e Hea t h and
Vin cen zo Mer olle
The editors ... have done an admirable
job in providing Scottish Enlightenment
scholars with much valuable material on
Fergusons life and work. Eigh t een t h -
Cen t u r y Scot la n d
Con t r ibu t or s
Christopher J Berry, Bruce Buchan,
Michael Fry, Lisa Hill, Michael Kugler,
Vincenzo Merolle, David Raynor and J ack
Russell Weinstein
The Enlightenment World: 8
256pp: 234x156: 2008
HB 978 1 85196 865 7: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 563 2
Th e En glis h Deis t s : S t u d i es i n
Ea r ly En li gh t en m en t
Wa yn e Hu d s on
Hudson discusses the works of the
English deists within the context of
the early Enlightenment.
for readers who appreciate meticulous
intellectual histories animated by
complex characters ... Mr. Hudsons
book will be a pleasure to read Th e
Scr ibler ia n
The Enlightenment World: 7
224pp: 234x156: 2008
HB 978 1 85196 619 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 584 7
Th e Scot t is h Peop le a n d t h e
Fr en ch Revolu t ion
Bob Ha r r is
Harris compares the emergence of the
people as a political force in Scotland
with popular political movements
in England and Ireland and goes on
to analyse Scottish responses to the
French Revolution.
flls several gaps. The sources, both
primary and secondary, are superb.
Summing Up: Highly recommended.
a shrewd and nuanced analysis of
Scotlands political culture En glis h
His t or ica l Review
The Enlightenment World: 6
352pp: 234x156: 2008
HB 978 1 85196 884 8: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 569 4
Ad a m Fer gu s on : Hi s t or y , Pr ogr es s
a n d Hu m a n Na t u r e
Editors: Eu gen e Hea t h and
Vin cen zo Mer olle
The essays ... are of a uniformly high
quality, written by some of the very best
contemporary students of Ferguson.
J ou r n a l of Scot t is h Ph ilos op h y
Con t r ibu t or s
David Allan, Yasuo Amoh, J ohn D Brewer,
J eng-Guo S Chen, J ane B Fagg, David
Kettler, Iain McDaniel, Annette Meyer,
Fania Oz-Salzberger, David Raynor and
Craig Smith
The Enlightenment World: 4
256pp: 234x156: 2007
HB 978 1 85196 864 0: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 542 7
Wr it in g t h e Em p ir e: R ober t
S ou t h ey a n d R om a n t i c Colon i a li s m
Ca r ol Bolt on
Bolton examines a range of Southeys
writing to explore the relationship
between Romantic literature and
colonial politics.
essential reading for both academics
and students in the feld BARS
Bu llet in & Review
an important book ... It will inspire
and intensify further scholarly debate
Byr on J ou r n a l
The Enlightenment World: 3
352pp: 234x156: 2007
HB 978 1 85196 863 3: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 544 1
Th e Cos m op olit a n I d ea l in
t h e Age of Revolu t ion a n d
Rea ct ion , 1776 18 32
Mich a el Scr iven er
This is the frst scholarly study of
cosmopolitanism to take into account
recent feminist and post-colonial
critiques of the Enlightenment.
A complex, frst-person discussion
of European cosmopolitan views ...
Recommended CHOI CE
The Enlightenment World: 2
288pp: 234x156: 2007
HB 978 1 85196 833 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 543 4
Ha r lequ in Em p ir e: R a ce,
Et h n i ci t y a n d t h e Dr a m a of t h e Pop u la r
En li gh t en m en t
Da vid Wor r a ll
Under the 1737 Licensing Act, Covent
Garden, Dury Lane and regional
Theatres Royal held a monopoly on
the dramatic canon. Worrall explores
the presentation of foreign cultures
and ethnicities on the popular British
stage from 1750 to 1840. He argues
that this illegitimate stage was the site
for a plebeian Enlightenment.
This book is extensively documented
and benefts from Worralls thorough
research of dramatic subgenres.
Summing Up: Recommended CHOI CE
The Enlightenment World: 1
272pp: 234x156: 2007
HB 978 1 85196 851 0: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 536 6
Ra ce a n d I d en t it y in t h e
Ta s m a n Wor ld , 1769 18 40
Rachel Standfeld
British imperial encounters with
indigenous cultures created
perceptions and stereotypes that still
persist today. The initial creation of
racial images in relation to violence
such as warrior race or unoffending
people had particular consequences
for land ownership. Whilst the Maori
of New Zealand were understood to
be sovereign owners of their country,
Australian Aboriginals were not.
Standfeld examines these differences
and how they occurred.
Empires in Perspective: 18
256pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 240 1: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 241 8
I r ela n d a n d Em p ir e,
1692 1770
Ch a r les I va r McGr a t h
Historians often view early modern
Ireland as a testing ground for
subsequent British colonial adventures
further afeld. McGrath argues against
this passive view, suggesting instead
that Ireland played an enthusiastic
role in the establishment and
expansion of the frst British Empire.
He focuses on two key areas of empire-
building: fnance and defence.
Empires in Perspective: 17
336pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 85196 896 1: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 593 9
Th e Th ea t r e of Em p ir e: Fr on t i er
Per f or m a n ces i n Am er i ca , 1750 18 60
Dou gla s S Ha r vey
Harvey traces the reception of
ideas about imperial and economic
expansion from London, at the hub of
the British Empire, to the great plains
of America. He shows how forms of
entertainment played a key role in
shaping concepts of nationhood.
may encourage scholars of both Native
American and Euro-American history to
rethink performance culture as a vehicle
for imperial transformation. J ou r n a l
of Am er ica n St u d ies
Empires in Perspective: 13
256pp: 234x156: 2010
HB 978 1 84893 027 8: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 028 5
Sla veh old er s in J a m a ica :
Colon i a l S oci et y a n d Cu lt u r e d u r i n g
t h e Er a of Aboli t i on
Ch r is t er Pet ley
This book is based on extensive
research in British and Caribbean
archives. Petley is able to shed new
light on the struggle for emancipation
in the British empire and on the
slaveholders who tried to maintain and
defend a system of exploitation.
Empires in Perspective: 11
224pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 990 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 597 7
I n d ia in t h e Fr en ch
I m a gin a t ion : Per i p h er a l Voi ces ,
1754 18 15
Ka t e Ma r s h
Marsh explores what France thought
of both India and the administrative
rule of its rival, Britain.
Utilizing postcolonial theory to
understand the importance of India to
France, intellectually and politically, is
something that Marsh does particularly
well H-Net
Empires in Perspective: 8
224pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 994 4: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 596 0
Th e En ligh t en m en t
Wor ld 1 10
Series Editor: Mich a el T Da vis
Con t a in s : Harlequin Empire:
Race, Ethnicity and the Drama
of the Popular Enlightenment;
The Cosmopolitan Ideal in the
Age of Revolution and Reaction,
17761832; Writing the Empire:
Robert Southey and Romantic
Colonialism; Adam Ferguson:
History, Progress and Human
Nature; Charlotte Smith in British
Romanticism; The Scottish People
and the French Revolution; The
English Deists: Studies in Early
Enlightenment; Adam Ferguson:
Philosophy, Politics and Society;
Rhyming Reason: The Poetry
of Romantic-Era Psychologists;
Liberating Medicine, 17201835
10 Volume Set
2912pp: 234x156: 2010
978 1 84893 123 7: 500/ $840
Sa ve 10 0 / $150 on t h e
in d ivid u a l volu m e p r ice
Em p i r es i n
Per s p ect i v e
Series Editor: Du r ba Gh os h
This series explores empire
and imperial history through a
diverse range of methodological
approaches and topics, encouraging
studies of political, social, economic
and cultural history from the early
modern period to the twentieth
Cu lt u r es of Ra d ica lis m in
Br it a in a n d I r ela n d
Editors: J oh n Kir k, Mich a el
Br own and An d r ew Noble
This collection of essays addresses the
role of literature in radical politics.
Topics covered include the legacy of
Robert Burns, broadside literature in
Munster and radical literature in Wales.
Con t r ibu t or s
Maura Cronin, Bob Harris, E Wyn J ames,
Ffon Mair Jones, Marion Lffer, Niall
Ciosin, Martyn J Powell, Dan Wall and
Christopher A Whatley
Poetry and Song in the Age of Revolution
c.256pp: 234x156: March 2013
HB 978 1 84893 344 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 345 3
Lit er a cy a n d Or a lit y in
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y I r ish Son g
J u lie Hen iga n
Focusing on several distinct genres
of eighteenth-century Irish song,
Henigan demonstrates that the
interaction between the elite and
vernacular, the written and oral, is
pervasive and characteristic of the
Irish song tradition to the present day.
a readable and comprehensive
analysis of the impact of literacy and
of increasing literary consciousness on
a predominantly oral poetic culture
Vir gin ia Bla n ken h or n , Un iver s it y
of Ed in bu r gh
Poetry and Song in the Age of Revolution: 2
288pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 342 2: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 343 9
Un it ed I s la n d s ? Th e
La n gu a ges of Res is t a n ce
Editors: J oh n Kir k, An d r ew Noble
and Mich a el Br own
The essays in this volume deal with
radical poetry in Ireland, Scotland
and Wales, as well as in the regions
of England and London, placing the
1790s in a broader historical and
cultural context.
Con t r ibu t or s
J oan Beal, Andrew Carpenter, Mary-Ann
Constantine, Leith Davis, R Stephen
Dornan, Elizabeth Edwards, Peter Mackay,
Vincent Morley, Katrina Navickas, Michael
Scrivener, Mark S Sweetnam, Katie
Trumpener and J ulia M Wright
Poetry and Song in the Age of Revolution: 1
288pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 340 8: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 341 5
Globa l Tr a d e a n d Com m er cia l
Net wor ks : Ei gh t een t h -Cen t u r y
Di a m on d Mer ch a n t s
Tijl Va n n es t e
At the heart of this study on cross-
cultural trade lies a concrete case-
study of a network of diamond
merchants operating in the early
eighteenth century. All the traders
examined in this study are outsiders:
an English Catholic in Antwerp,
Sephardic and Ashkenazi J ews in
London and Amsterdam and French
Huguenots in Lisbon.
this fascinating volume is an invaluable
addition to our knowledge of early
modern trading institutions and
organisations Bu s in es s His t or y
Vanneste has written an important
book about the functioning of
commercial networks during the mid
18th century Reviews in His t or y
Perspectives in Economic and Social History: 11
288pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 087 2: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 088 9
Migr a n t s a n d Ur ba n Ch a n ge:
New com er s t o An t w er p , 1760 18 60
An n e Win t er
Taking the Belgian city of Antwerp
as a case-study, Winter argues that
the direction of nineteenth-century
societal change was such as to make
some groups of people better suited to
reap the benefts of new opportunities.
offers a genuine contribution to history
Econ om ic His t or y Review
a major study which all European
urban historians as well as migration
specialists, will need to read and
ponder. Th e Low Cou n t r ies
His t or ica l Review
Win n er : Vla a m s e
Wet en s ch a p p elijke St ich t in g
Pr ize, 20 11
Perspectives in Economic and Social History: 1
328pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 646 2: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 671 4
Mer ca n t ilis m a n d Econ om ic
Un d er d evelop m en t in
Scot la n d , 160 0 178 3
Ph ilip p Robin s on Rs s n er
Since the early seventeenth century,
Scotlands economy rested on a
traditional baseline of raw goods;
cattle, linen, coal, salt and herring.
As important debates on economic
ideals began to fourish among
Enlightenment thinkers, Scotland
became a testing ground for macro-
economic experiments. Rssner argues
that mercantilism helped Scotlands
economy during the 1730s and 40s,
providing a more positive and effcient
framework than contemporary
thinkers like Adam Smith would have
us believe.
Perspectives in Economic and Social History
c.256pp: 234x156: September 2013
HB 978 1 84893 346 0: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 347 7
Poet r y a n d S on g
i n t h e Age of
R ev olu t i on
Series Editors: Mich a el Br own ,
J oh n Kir k and An d r ew Noble
The series examines how these
two intimately related genres were
used to explore and disseminate
new political ideas in a period of
Enlightenment, Romanticism and
Dr in k in t h e Eigh t een t h a n d
Nin et een t h Cen t u r ies
Editors: Su s a n n e Sch m id and
Ba r ba r a Sch m id t -Ha ber ka m p
This collection of essays covers
the representation and practice of
drinking a variety of beverages across
eighteenth- and nineteenth-century
Britain and North America.
Con t r ibu t or s
Brian Cowan, Monika Elbert, Karen
Harvey, Gunther Hirschfelder, Norbert
Lennartz, Rolf Lessenich, Anja Mller-
Wood, Fritz-Wilhelm Neumann, J onathan
Reinarz, Caroline Rosenthal, Elmar
Schenkel, J ohn Carter Wood, Rebecca
Wynter and Eva-Sabine Zehelein
Perspectives in Economic and Social History
c.256pp: 234x156: J anuary 2014
HB 978 1 84893 436 8: 60/ $99
e 978 1 78144 060 5
Br ewin g Scien ce, Tech n ology
a n d Pr in t , 170 0 18 8 0
J a m es Su m n er
How did the brewing of beer become
a scientifc process? Sumner explores
this question by charting the theory
and practice of the trade in Britain
and Ireland during the eighteenth
and nineteenth centuries. From an
oral culture derived from home-based
skills, brewing industrialized rapidly
and developed an extensive trade
literature, based increasingly on the
authority of chemical experiment.
Science and Culture in the Nineteenth Century
c.256pp: 234x156: August 2013
HB 978 1 84893 423 8: 60/ $99
e 978 1 78144 048 3
An gels a n d Belief in En gla n d ,
148 0 170 0
La u r a Sa n gh a
Sangha looks at how the Church
utilized belief in angels to enforce
new and evolving doctrine. Being
theologically adaptable, angels were
used by clergymen of all denominations
to support their particular dogma.
Issues of wider cultural and political
signifcance are also examined.
Religious Cultures in the Early Modern World: 7
288pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 145 9: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 146 6
Vis ion s of a n Un s een Wor ld :
Gh os t Beli ef s a n d Gh os t S t or i es i n
Ei gh t een t h Cen t u r y En gla n d
Sa s h a Ha n d ley
Handley relates the telling of ghost
stories to changes associated with the
Handleys excellent study of the
meaning, recording and use of ghost
stories in the long eighteenth century
is a refreshing and much needed study.
J ou r n a l of Eccles ia s t ica l His t or y
Religious Cultures in the Early Modern World: 2
304pp: 216x138: 2007
HB 978 1 85196 888 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 549 6
J ews a n d t h e Ren a is s a n ce
of Syn a gogu e Ar ch it ect u r e,
1450 1750
Ba r r y St iefel
With the socio-political changes
that occurred during the course of
the early modern period, synagogue
architecture experienced a renaissance
of design a phenomenon refected
in the wider tolerance of J ews
themselves. Stiefel examines the
relationships between J ews and
gentiles, and between separate
J ewish groups, as well as looking
at the growth of urbanization and
globalization. In doing so he presents
a study of the material culture and
religious architecture that this era
Religious Cultures in the Early Modern World
c.256pp: 234x156: March 2014
HB 978 1 84893 363 7: 60/ $99
e 978 1 78144 010 0
Th e J a cobit e Ca m p a ign s :
Th e Br i t i s h S t a t e a t W a r
J on a t h a n D Oa t es
The military aspects of the J acobite
campaigns in eighteenth-century
Britain are considered in this study.
Taken from the viewpoint of those
loyal to the Hanoverian Crown, the
three mainland campaigns of 17156,
1719 and 17456 are examined, using
research based on primary sources:
memoirs, diaries, letters, newspapers
and state papers.
Warfare, Society and Culture: 3
256pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 093 3: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 094 0
Ger m a n Sold ier s in Colon ia l
I n d ia
Ch en Tzor ef-As h ken a zi
Tzoref-Ashkenazi presents a detailed
study of two German regiments which
served in India under the British
between 1782 and 1791. He explores
the transnational character of colonial
institutions such as the East India
Company, as well as the cultural
exchanges between Hanoverian
Britain and Germany, before fnally
setting his fndings within the wider
context of German Enlightenment
Warfare, Society and Culture
c.256pp: 234x156: J une 2014
HB 978 1 84893 367 5: 60/ $99
e 978 1 78144 012 4
Br ea s t Ca n cer in t h e
Eigh t een t h Cen t u r y
Ma r jo Ka a r t in en
Early modern physicians and surgeons
tried desperately to understand
breast cancer, testing new medicines
and radically improving operating
techniques. In this study, the frst
of its kind, Kaartinen explores the
emotional responses of patients and
their families to the disease in the long
eighteenth century.
Studies for the International Society for Cultural
c.256pp: 234x156: May 2013
HB 978 1 84893 364 4: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 365 1
Ner vou s Dis ea s e in La t e
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y Br it a in :
Th e R ea li t y of a Fa s h i on a ble Di s or d er
Hea t h er R Bea t t y
Based on extensive use of eighteenth-
century newspapers, hospital registers
and case notes, Beatty examines the
experience of suffering from nervous
disease a supposedly upper-class
malady. She concludes that, far
from the stereotyped portrayal of
nervous patients in contemporary
fction, nervousness was a legitimate
medical diagnosis with a frm basis in
eighteenth-century medical theory.
Studies for the Society for the Social History of
Medicine: 6
256pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 308 8: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 309 5
I n t er p r et in g Sexu a l Violen ce,
1660 18 0 0
Editor: Anne Greenfeld
The essays in this collection explore
sexual violence and peoples reaction
to it over the course of the long
eighteenth century. Depictions of
rape appeared regularly in novels,
plays, poems and the visual arts at
this time, and were used in a variety
of sometimes contradictory
ways. Contributors examine the
underlying ideologies that spawned
these representations, confronting the
social, political, legal and aesthetic
conditions of the day.
Con t r ibu t or s
J ennifer L Airey, Katie Barclay, Mary Block,
Ann Marie Byrd, Melanie Cooper-Dobbin,
Aparna Gollapudi, Misty Krueger, Dawn
Nawrot, Lena Olsson, Loring Pfeiffer,
Robin Runia and Nichol Weizenbeck
The Body, Gender and Culture
c.256pp: 234x156: September 2013
HB 978 1 84893 439 9: 60/ $99
e 978 1 78144 063 6
An a t om y a n d t h e
Or ga n iza t ion of Kn owled ge,
150 0 18 50
Editors: Ma t t h ew La n d er s and
Br ia n Mu oz
Across early modern Europe,
the growing scientifc practice
of dissection prompted new and
insightful ideas about the human body.
This collection of essays explores the
impact of anatomical knowledge on
wider issues of learning and culture.
Con t r ibu t or s
Kevin L Cope, Nick Davis, Touba Ghadessi,
J rme Goffette, Craig Ashley Hanson,
Hisao Ishizuka, Filippo Pierpaolo Marino,
Sarah Parker, J onathan Simon, Mauro
Spicci, Ionut Untea, Amy Witherbee and
Charles T Wolfe
The Body, Gender and Culture: 9
272pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 321 7: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 322 4
Th e Abor igin a l Ma le in t h e
En ligh t en m en t Wor ld
Sh in o Kon is h i
This is the frst historical study of
indigenous Australian masculinity.
Using the reactions of eighteenth-
century western explorers to
Aboriginal men, Konishi argues that
these encounters were not as negative
as has been thought. Ideas about
human difference, nature, savagery,
sexuality, language and confict are
analysed and assessed.
The Body, Gender and Culture: 8
256pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 216 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 217 3
Pr os t it u t ion a n d Eigh t een t h -
Cen t u r y Cu lt u r e: S ex , Com m er ce
a n d Mor a li t y
Editors: An n Lewis and
Ma r km a n Ellis
This collection of essays focuses on the
variety of ways in which those involved
in the sex trade from courtesans
and kept women to actresses and
streetwalkers were represented in
eighteenth-century literature and
popular culture.
Con t r ibu t or s
J ennie Batchelor, J ohanne Bergkvist,
Olivier Delers, Charlotte Grant, Edward
Langille, Katherine MacDonald, Kathryn
Norberg, Lena Olsson, Mary Peace,
Randolph Trumbach, Claudine van
Hensbergen and Thomas Wynn
The Body, Gender and Culture: 7
264pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 134 3: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 135 0
St a ys a n d Bod y I m a ge in
Lon d on : Th e S t a y m a k i n g Tr a d e,
168 0 18 10
Lyn n Sor ge-En glis h
Stays were the most important article
of womens clothing in eighteenth-
century life. Worn from infancy, stays
were designed to reshape the female
body into an accepted aesthetic ideal.
This study tells the story of stays, their
makers and their wearers.
The Body, Gender and Culture: 6
304pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 089 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 090 2
Th e Life of Ma d a m e Necker :
S i n , R ed em p t i on a n d t h e Pa r i s i a n S a lon
Son ja Boon
Boon breaks new ground by examining
the profoundly corporeal nature
of Madame Neckers life her
debilitating, decades-long psychic
and somatic suffering and subsequent
curious death. This archive-based
work is informed by theoretical
engagement with feminist theories
of the body, performance studies and
theories of autobiography.
The Body, Gender and Culture: 5
192pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 056 8: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 057 5
Sex, I d en t it y a n d
Her m a p h r od it es in I ber ia ,
150 0 18 0 0
Rich a r d Clem in s on and
Fr a n cis co V zqu ez Ga r ca
Early modern European thought
held that men and women were
essentially the same, with social forces
creating their differences. During the
seventeenth century, medical and legal
arguments began to turn against this
one sex model, with hermaphroditism
seen as a medieval superstition. This
book traces this change in Iberia in
comparison to the earlier shift in
thought in northern Europe, and with
concurrent ideas in Latin America.
The Body, Gender and Culture
c.256pp: 234x156: November 2013
HB 978 1 84893 302 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 303 3
Age a n d I d en t it y in
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y En gla n d
Helen Ya llop
Yallop looks at how people in
eighteenth-century England
understood the process of growing
older. She reconstructs a set of ideas
about age, bodies, identity and change.
Advances in science and medicine
at this time meant that scholars and
doctors could investigate why the body
got older, how aging was experienced
and what the aging body signifed in
An important new study that
signifcantly advances our
understanding of the history of aging
Su s a n n a h Ot t a wa y, Ca r let on
The Body, Gender and Culture
c.256pp: 234x156: March 2013
HB 978 1 84893 401 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 78144 033 9
Eliza bet h I n ch ba ld s
Rep u t a t ion : A Pu bli s h i n g a n d
R ecep t i on Hi s t or y
Ben P Rober t s on
As an author who lived during a
historical period in which women
writers were considered, at best,
frivolous or, at worst, immoral,
Inchbald worked carefully to mould
her own reputation in conservative,
dignifed terms. Through an
examination of Inchbalds complete
works and public response to them,
Robertson gauges the extent of her
reputation as the dignifed Mrs
Inchbald, as well as providing a clear
sense of what it meant to be a female
Romantic writer.
The History of the Book: 12
288pp: 234x156: J anuary 2013
HB 978 1 85196 159 7: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 300 3
J a n e Au s t en s Civilized
Wom en : Mor a li t y , Gen d er a n d
t h e Ci v i li z i n g Pr oces s
Enit Karafli Steiner
J ane Austens complete novels and her
juvenilia are examined in the context
of civil society and gender. Steiners
study uses a variety of contexts to
appraise Austens work: Austen is
presented as a writer who not only
participated in late eighteenth-century
debates, but who is able to address
twenty-frst-century concerns of a
theoretical and practical nature.
Gender and Genre: 9
240pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 177 0: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 178 7
Dyin g t o be En glis h : S u i ci d e
Na r r a t i v es a n d Na t i on a l I d en t i t y ,
1721 18 14
Kelly McGu ir e
McGuire examines the presentation
of suicide within the genre of the
eighteenth-century novel as both a
feminine action and a declaration of
national identity. She argues that the
cultural medium of the novel affords
a space to examine representations of
suicide, as female characters do not
merely take their lives in these works;
they sacrifce themselves to another or
to a larger cause.
Gender and Genre: 8
304pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 110 7: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 111 4
Ch a r les La m b, Elia a n d t h e
Lon d on Ma ga zin e:
Met r op oli t a n Mu s e
Sim on P Hu ll
The inherent metropolitanism of
writing for a Romantic-era periodical
is here explored through the Elia
articles that Charles Lamb wrote for
the London Magazine.
an extraordinary study that covers an
impressive body of often overlooked
literature with subtlety, skill and
aplomb Th e Ch a r les La m b Bu llet in
The History of the Book: 5
240pp: 234x156: 2010
HB 978 1 85196 661 5: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 667 7
Th e Celebr a t ed Ha n n a h
Cowley: Ex p er i m en t s i n Dr a m a t i c
Gen r e, 1776 1794
An gela Es cot t
Hannah Cowley (17431809) was a
successful dramatist, and something of
an eighteenth-century celebrity. This is
the frst substantial monograph study
to examine Cowleys life and work. It
examines her comedy the genre in
which she made her name and traces
the path of her experimentation with
tragedy and alternative illegitimate
Gender and Genre: 7
320pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 080 3: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 081 0
An n Yea r s ley a n d Ha n n a h
Mor e, Pa t r on a ge a n d Poet r y:
Th e S t or y of a Li t er a r y R ela t i on s h i p
Ker r i An d r ews
Andrews offers a timely and necessary
reassessment of the careers of Ann
Yearsley and Hannah More. Making
use of newly-discovered letters and
poems, she provides a full analysis
of the breakdown of the two writers
affliation and compares it to other
labouring-class relationships based on
Gender and Genre
c.256pp: 234x156: September 2013
HB 978 1 84893 151 0: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 152 7
Th e Got h ic Novel a n d t h e
St a ge: R om a n t i c Ap p r op r i a t i on s
Fr a n ces ca Sa ggin i
In this ground-breaking study Saggini
explores the relationship between
the late eighteenth-century novel and
the theatre, arguing that the implicit
theatricality of the Gothic novel made
it an obvious source from which
dramatists could take ideas. Similarly,
she suggests that elements of the
theatre costume, lighting, music and
special effects provided inspiration
to novelists.
Literary Texts and the Popular Marketplace
c.256pp: 234x156: September 2014
HB 978 1 84893 414 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 78144 041 4
Th om a s Du n cker ley a n d
En glis h Fr eem a s on r y
Su s a n Mit ch ell Som m er s
Thomas Dunckerley is a late
eighteenth-century icon of British
Freemasonry; his story is a fascinating
morality tale. Climbing to the highest
echelons of the order, and long-
accepted as something of a hero, the
reality of Dunckerleys life is very
different from the version recorded by
his nineteenth-century biographers.
Sommers has revealed a stunning
story of self-deception and re-invention
... A must-read for modern historians
and their students. J a m es Allen ,
Sou t h er n I llin ois Un iver s it y
an entertaining and insightful entrance
into the demimonde of royal patronage,
institutional instability, and status
anxiety which surrounded eighteenth-
century English Freemasonry. Willia m
D Moor e, Bos t on Un iver s it y
240pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 358 3: 60/ $99
e 978 1 78144 005 6
Ch u r ch -St a t e Rela t ion s in
t h e Ea r ly Am er ica n Rep u blic,
178 7 18 46
J a m es S Ka ba la
Americans of the Early Republic
devoted close attention to the
question of what should be the proper
relationship between church and state.
This issue engaged participants from
all religions, denominations and party
affliations. Kabala examines this
debate across six decades and shows
that an understanding of this period
is not possible without appreciating
the key role religion played in the
formation of the nation.
[a] superb account of church-state
relations ... the fullest and clearest
summary that we have of the bitter
struggles during the six decades
following 1780 that led to the Protestant
non-sectarian consensus of the 1840s.
Gor d on Wood , Br own Un iver s it y
288pp: 234x156: J anuary 2013
HB 978 1 84893 314 9: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 315 6
Sla ver y, Mem or y a n d
I d en t it y: Na t i on a l R ep r es en t a t i on s
a n d Globa l Lega ci es
Editors: Dou gla s Ha m ilt on ,
Ka t e Hod gs on and J oel Qu ir k
This is the frst book to explore
national representations of slavery
in an international comparative
perspective. Contributions span a wide
geographical range, covering Europe,
North America, West and South Africa,
the Indian Ocean and Asia.
Con t r ibu t or s
Ana Lucia Arajo, Marta Arajo, J im
Downs, Anne Eichmann, Sara Elmer,
Charles Forsdick, Eric Hahonou, Natalie
J oy, Silvia Rodrguez Maeso, Lotte
Pelckmans, Nikki Spalding and Christine
240pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 225 8: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 226 5
Hobbes , t h e Scr ibler ia n s a n d
t h e His t or y of Ph ilos op h y
Con a l Con d r en
Satire was core to the work of Thomas
Hobbes although his critics also
used it as a weapon to ridicule him.
Condren uses Hobbes as an example
to demonstrate that an examination of
the persona is needed to understand a
writers philosophy. He demonstrates
that satire and philosophy were closely
linked, offering a new perspective on
the nature of philosophy during this
This book represents an intriguing
attempt to reconceptualise the history of
philosophy by linking it with the history
of satire ... it presents a telling challenge
to disciplinary boundaries. Mich a el
Hu n t er , Bir kbeck, Un iver s it y of
Lon d on
240pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 223 4: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 224 1
Hu m e a n d t h e En ligh t en m en t
Editors: Cr a ig Ta ylor and
St ep h en Bu ckle
This volume of essays aims to
examine and clarify Humes infuence
on the thought and values of the
Con t r ibu t or s
Mark Collier, George Couvalis, Karen
Green, Ian Hunt, Dale J acquette, Robert
Phiddian, Anna Stoklosa, Stanley Tweyman
and Anik Waldow
256pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 084 1: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 085 8
Th eor y a n d Pr a ct ice in t h e
Eigh t een t h Cen t u r y: W r i t i n g
Bet w een Ph i los op h y a n d Li t er a t u r e
Editors: Alexa n d er Dick and
Ch r is t in a Lu p t on
timely and much needed Th e
Scr ibler ia n
Con t r ibu t or s
Mark Blackwell, Adam Budd, J oseph
Chaves, Eva Dadlez, Alexander Dick,
Maureen Harkin, Nicholas Hudson,
J onathan Kramnick, Brian Michael Norton,
Adam Potkay, J ohn Richetti, J onathan
Sadow and Nancy Yousef
336pp: 234x156: 2008
HB 978 1 85196 938 8: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 573 1
Th e His t or iogr a p h y of t h e
Ch em ica l Revolu t ion : Pa t t er n s of
I n t er p r et a t i on i n t h e Hi s t or y of S ci en ce
J oh n G McEvoy
Until recently, the Chemical
Revolution was the Cinderella of
scientifc revolutions. McEvoy offers
a critical survey of past and present
interpretations designed to lend clarity
and direction to the current ferment
of views.
[a] formidable work of scholarship ...
Highly Recommended. CHOI CE
a work of high scholarly order ... should
appeal to anyone interested in the
history of chemistry or Enlightenment
science. Br it is h J ou r n a l for t h e
His t or y of Scien ce
352pp: 234x156: 2010
HB 978 1 84893 030 8: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 031 5
Gilber t I m la y: Ci t i z en of t h e W or ld
Wil Ver h oeven
The frst book-length biography of
the American Gilbert Imlay (c.1754
c.1828), revolutionary war veteran,
land-jobber, travel-writer, novelist,
entrepreneur, agent provocateur
and infamous lover of Mary
This deeply researched, richly
contextual study is essential reading
not just for scholars of the Godwin-
Wollstonecraft circle, but for all
those interested in the revolutionary
upheavals of the late eighteenth century.
Kea t s -Sh elley J ou r n a l
320pp: 234x156: 2008
HB 978 1 85196 859 6: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 579 3
Mer ch a n t s a n d t h e Milit a r y in
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y Br it a in :
Br i t i s h Ar m y Con t r a ct s a n d Dom es t i c
S u p p ly , 1739 1763
Gor d on Ba n n er m a n
Investigates the contract sector of
the British Army during the long
eighteenth century, arguing that this
group of fnanciers, private merchants,
businessmen and farmers represented
a vital interest group which was at the
nexus of the fscal-military structure.
a valuable and original addition to the
literature Econ om ic His t or y Review
256pp: 234x156: 2007
HB 978 1 85196 937 1: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 559 5
J os ep h Ba n ks a n d t h e Br it is h
Mu s eu m : Th e W or ld of Collect i n g
1770 18 30
Neil Ch a m ber s
Concentrating on explorer and
naturalist J oseph Banks, Chambers
examines the ways different
eighteenth-century collections
(including Bankss own) were
managed, and how the British
Museum and collecting more generally
grew and changed in this important
period of travel, exploration and
scrupulously researched and referenced
Ar ch ives of Na t u r a l His t or y
210pp: 234x156: 2007
HB 978 1 85196 858 9: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 535 9
Th e Polit ica l Econ om y of
Sen t im en t : Pa p er Cr ed i t a n d t h e
S cot t i s h En li gh t en m en t i n Ea r ly
R ep u bli c Bos t on , 178 0 18 20
J os e R Tor r e
Situates changes in the nature of
money and the rise of sophisticated
fnancial structures at the centre of the
Enlightenment. This work argues that
paper credit instruments were causal
critical to the larger epistemological
and psychological changes
associated with the Enlightenments
reconstruction of value.
A bold, stimulating and valuable book
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y Scot la n d
Financial History: 2
262pp: 216x138: 2006
HB 978 1 85196 885 5: 60/ $99
e 978 1 85196 533 5
Debt a n d Sla ver y in t h e
Med it er r a n ea n a n d At la n t ic
Wor ld s
Editors: Gwyn Ca m p bell and
Ales s a n d r o St a n zia n i
Slavery casts a long shadow over
human history. Though, historically,
the chief mechanism of slavery was
seen as violent abduction, this view
is being adjusted to recognise the
importance of fnancial indebtedness
in creating and sustaining human
bondage. Filling a signifcant gap in
the historiography, the essays in this
volume show that debt slavery has
played a crucial role in the economic
history of numerous societies which
continues even today.
Con t r ibu t or s
Henrique Espada Lima, Mike Ferguson,
Marc Kleijwegt, Paul E Lovejoy, Russell R
Menard, J oseph C Miller, Olantunji Ojo
and Steven Serels
Financial History
c.256pp: 234x156: J uly 2013
HB 978 1 84893 374 3: 60/ $99
e 978 1 78144 016 2
Caroline of Lichtfeld:
by I s a belle d e Mon t oli eu
Editor: La u r a Kir kley
Thomas Holcrofts 1786 translation
of Isabelle de Montolieus novel is a
textual encounter between a rather
conventional Swiss woman and a
British radical. A prolifc and respected
translator herself, Montolieu brought
Austens Sense and Sensibility and
Persuasion to a French speaking
audience. J ust as Montolieu did in her
own translations, Holcroft reworked
parts of the novel to make it more
appealing to an English audience.
Chawton House Library: Womens Novels
c.350pp: 234x156: May 2014
HB 978 1 84893 392 7: 60/ $99
e 978 1 78144 027 8
Self Con t r ol: by Ma r y Br u n t on
Editor: An t h on y Ma n d a l
Self Control (1811) was a literary
sensation, it went into four editions
in its frst year of publication. The
second edition contained numerous
alterations suggested by J oanna
Baillie, to whom the book was
dedicated. J ane Austen was a fan,
reading it at least twice and worrying
that the work might foreshadow
her own creations. As well as being
entertaining, Self Control offers
its readers a thought-provoking
exploration of early nineteenth-
century attitudes towards gender and
Chawton House Library: Womens Novels
c.450pp: 234x156: December 2013
HB 978 1 84893 402 3: 60/ $99
e 978 1 78144 034 6
Th e Ra s h Res olve a n d Lifes
Pr ogr es s : by Eli z a Ha y w ood
Editor: Ca r ol St ewa r t
Haywood was one of the most popular
and versatile writers of the eighteenth
century. The two novellas in this
edition show her developing her ideas
on the subject of passion and romance.
Though superfcially presented as
cautionary tales, Haywood introduces
a feminist slant; gender roles are
reconstructed, female sexuality is
sympathetically depicted and marriage
and domesticity are resisted.
Chawton House Library: Womens Novels: 16
240pp: 234x156: J anuary 2013
HB 978 1 84893 336 1: 45/ $75
e 978 1 84893 337 8
Th e Cit izen : by An n Gom er s a ll
Editor: Ma r ga r et S Yoon
Ann Gomersalls The Citizen (1790)
is an epistolary novel involving a
complex network of characters, all
of whom serve as foils to Mr Bertills
the citizen of the title. Gomersall
(17501835) began writing to raise
funds for her merchant husband to
re-enter business after he lost his
money. Publishing under her own
name, she was one of a small number
of professional women writers of the
Romantic period. This is the frst
modern critical edition of The Citizen.
Chawton House Library: Womens Novels: 15
208pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 109 1: 45/ $75
e 978 1 84893 257 9
Th e His t or y of La d y J u lia
Ma n d eville: by Fr a n ces Br ook e
Editor: Enit Karafli Steiner
Engaging with several political and
aesthetic issues of the day, Julia
Mandeville considers forms of
education, prescriptive gender roles
and the institution of marriage.
Chawton House Library: Womens Novels: 14
224pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 84893 138 1: 45/ $75
e 978 1 84893 256 2
Tr a n s la t ion s a n d
Con t in u a t ion s : R i ccobon i a n d
Brooke, Graffgny and Roberts
Editor: Ma r ijn S Ka p la n
This edition connects four female
writers from two different countries,
presenting the English translations of
two of the most popular eighteenth-
century French novels and a sequel to
one of them.
Chawton House Library: Womens Novels: 12
256pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 026 1: 45/ $75
e 978 1 84893 254 8
Th e His t or y of Ned Eva n s :
by Eli z a bet h Her v ey
Editor: Helen a Kelly
This 1796 novel is an important
example of early political writing
by a woman. Although ostensibly a
romance, the novel was one of the
frst to engage directly with the radical
politics of Ireland in the 1790s.
Chawton House Library: Womens Novels: 8
384pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 637 0: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 249 4
J u lia : by Helen Ma r i a W i lli a m s
Editor: Na t a s h a Du qu et t e
Written at the beginning of the
French Revolution, the narrative is
interspersed with poems on a variety
of topics ranging including the terrors
of imprisonment in the Bastille.
Chawton House Library: Womens Novels: 7
224pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 662 2: 45/ $75
e 978 1 84893 244 9
Th e Vict im of Fa n cy: by Eli z a bet h
S op h i a Tom li n s
Editor: Da n iel Cook
Cooks edition of this novel allows
new insights into the form of the
sentimental novel as it actually existed
in the 1780s, and not as it is often
Chawton House Library: Womens Novels: 6
160pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 259 4: 45/ $75
e 978 1 84893 253 1
Ch a w t on Hou s e
Li br a r y
Series Editors: St ep h en Ben d in g,
St ep h en Bygr a ve and J en n ie
Ba t ch elor
Chawton House Library is an
independent research library and
study centre which focuses on
womens writing in English from
1600 to 1830.
St r a t h a lla n : by Ali ci a LeFa n u
Editor: An n a M Fit zer
Strathallan is at once a conventional
and subversive romance. LeFanu
is informed by the work of earlier
eighteenth-century society satirists,
such as Brooke and Burney, yet her
interests coincide with those of her
more immediate contemporaries,
Scott and Austen. The novel addresses
central themes of adultery, obsession
and inheritance.
Chawton House Library: Womens Novels: 5
560pp: 234x156: 2008
HB 978 1 85196 960 9: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 246 3
Ad ela id e a n d Th eod or e:
by S t ep h a n i e-Feli ci t e De Gen li s
Editor: Gillia n Dow
Published in 1783, this translation
was hugely popular in late eighteenth-
century Britain. It was read by
authors such as Mary Wollstonecraft
and Maria Edgeworth, and is even
mentioned at the end of J ane Austens
Emma. It can be placed within the
context of the late eighteenth-century
debate on female education.
Chawton House Library: Womens Novels: 2
560pp: 234x156: 2007
HB 978 1 85196 872 5: 60/ $99
e 978 1 84893 243 2
Th e His t or ies of Som e of t h e
Pen it en t s in t h e Ma gd a len
Hou s e
Editors: J en n ie Ba t ch elor and
Mega n Hia t t
First published in 1759, this novel aims
to promote the cause of the Magdalen
House, a charity which sought to
rehabilitate prostitutes by ftting
them for a life of virtuous industry. It
challenges long-standing prejudices
against prostitutes by presenting them
as victims of inadequate education,
male libertinism and sexual double
Chawton House Library: Womens Novels: 1
208pp: 234x156: 2006
HB 978 1 85196 860 2: 45/ $75
e 978 1 84893 248 7
Mem oir s of Wom en Wr it er s
Editors: An n a M Fit zer and
Gin a Lu r ia Wa lker
Con t a in s : Part I: Alicia LeFanu, Memoirs
of the Life and Writings of Mrs Frances
Sheridan (1824); William Roberts,
Memoirs of the Life of Mrs Hannah More
(1839); [Anon], Some Account of the Life
and Writings of Mrs Trimmer (1814);
Part II: Mary Hays, Female Biography;
or Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated
Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803);
Part III: Mary Hays, Female Biography;
or Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated
Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803)
Chawton House Library: Womens Memoirs
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1808pp: 234x156: 2011
978 1 84893 051 3: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 3 Volume Set
1472pp: 234x156: 2012
978 1 84893 052 0: 275/ $495
Pa r t I I I : 3 Volume Set
c.1200pp: 234x156: December 2013
978 1 84893 053 7: 275/ $495
Mem oir s of Sca n d a lou s
Wom en
Editor: Dia n n e Du ga w
Con t a in s : Teresia Constantia Phillips, An
Apology For The Conduct of Mrs Teresia
Constantia Phillips (1748); Elizabeth
Gooch, The Life of Mrs Gooch (1792);
Christian Davies, The Life and Adventures
of Mrs Christian Davies (1740); Hannah
Snell, The Female Soldier (1750); Franoise
de Houssay, A Narrative of the Sufferings
of Louise Franoise de Houssay, de Bannes
(1796); Mary Ann Talbot, The Life and
Surprising Adventures of Mary Ann Talbot
Chawton House Library: Womens Memoirs
5 Volume Set
2272pp: 234x156: 2011
978 1 85196 876 3: 425/ $750
Wom en s Th ea t r ica l Mem oir s
Editors: Su e Mcp h er s on , Sh a r on
M Set zer and J u lia Swin d ells
Con t a in s : Part I: Mary Robinson,
Memoirs of the Late Mrs Robinson (1801);
J ames Boaden, The Life of Mrs Jordan
(1831); Thomas Campbell, Life of Mrs
Siddons (1834); Part II: Elizabeth Steele,
The Memoirs of Mrs Sophia Baddeley
(1787); Leah Sumbel, Memoirs of the Life
of Mrs Sumbel (1811); [A Gentleman],
Memoirs of George Anne Bellamy (1785);
The Life and Memoirs of the late Miss Ann
Catley by Miss Ambross (c.1789); Elizabeth
Billington, Memoirs of Mrs Billington
intrigues not only due to the fascinating
women featured in each of the original
documents but also in the range of
perspectives provided that will no doubt
provide fuel for many lively debates.
Res t or a t ion a n d Eigh t een t h -
Cen t u r y Th ea t r e Res ea r ch
Chawton House Library: Womens Memoirs
Pa r t I : 5 Volume Set
2000pp: 234x156: 2007
978 1 85196 861 9: 425/ $750
Pa r t I I : 5 Volume Set
2000pp: 234x156: 2008
978 1 85196 875 6: 425/ $750
Ch a wt on Hou s e
Libr a r y: Wom en s
Novels 1 10
Series Editors: St ep h en Ben d in g
and St ep h en Bygr a ve
Con t a in s : The Histories of Some
of the Penitents in the Magdalen
House; Adelaide and Theodore: by
Stphanie-Flicit de Genlis; The
Corinna of England, and a Heroine
in the Shade; a Modern Romance:
by E M Foster; The Romance of
Private Life: by Sarah Harriet
Burney; Strathallan: by Alicia
LeFanu; The Victim of Fancy: by
Elizabeth Sophia Tomlins; Julia:
by Helen Maria Williams; The
History of Ned Evans: by Elizabeth
Hervey; Romance Readers and
Romance Writers: by Sarah
Green; The Soldiers Orphan: A
Tale: by Mrs Costello
10 Volume Set
3291pp: 234x156: 2011
978 1 84893 278 4: 395/ $675
Sa ve 115/ $171 on t h e
in d ivid u a l volu m e p r ices
Wom en s Tr a vel Wr it in gs in
I t a ly
Volume Editors: Don a t ella Ba d in ,
J u lia Ba n is t er , Ca t h er in e Dille,
Bet t y Ha gglu n d and An n ie
Rich a r d s on
Con t a in s : Part I: Hester Piozzi, A Journey
through France, Italy and Germany
(1789); Anna Riggs, Lady Miller, Letters
from Italy (1777); Part II: Maria Graham,
Three Months Passed in the Mountains
East of Rome (1820); Lady Morgan, Italy
(1821) and Harriet Morton, Protestant
Vigils, or Evening Records of a Journey in
Italy (1829)
Chawton House Library: Womens Travel
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1920pp: 234x156: 2009
978 1 85196 986 9: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 5 Volume Set
2256pp: 234x156: 2010
978 1 85196 987 6: 425/ $750
Wom en s Tr a vel Wr it in gs in
Revolu t ion a r y Fr a n ce
Editors: St ep h en Ben d in g and
St ep h en Bygr a ve
Con t a in s : Part I: Helen Maria Williams,
Letters Containing a Sketch of the Scenes
which Passed in Various Departments of
France during the Tyranny of Robespierre
(1796); Helen Maria Williams, A Tour in
Switzerland (1798) and Charlotte West, A
Ten Years Residence in France, During
the Severest Part of the Revolution 1787
to 1797 (1821); Part II: A Sketch of Modern
France (1798), By a Lady and Anne
Plumptre, A Narrative of a Three Years
Residence in France, 18025 (1810)
deserves a place on library and
specialists shelves. Eu r op ea n His t or y
Qu a r t er ly
Chawton House Library: Womens Travel
Pa r t I : 3 Volume Set
1008pp: 234x156: 2007
978 1 85196 862 6: 275/ $495
Pa r t I I : 4 Volume Set
2064pp: 234x156: 2008
978 1 85196 866 4: 350/ $625
Br it is h Fr eem a s on r y,
1717 18 13
General Editor: Rber t Pt er
Freemasonry was a major
component of British cultural,
social and intellectual life during
the Enlightenment era. It was also a
successful British export, becoming
popular around the globe and evolving
into one of the social forces that bound
the countries of the Empire together.
In contrast to the secrecy that
surrounds the movement today, the
eighteenth-century press was able to
report on the feasts, processions and
concerts that were held and to even list
some of the members by name.
This primary resource collection
covers Institutions, Rituals
(two volumes), Debates and
Representations. Documents include
minutes of meetings, rituals (some
written in code), funeral services,
sermons, membership lists, letters,
pamphlets, theatrical prologues
and epilogues, and articles from
newspapers and periodicals. Material
is rare and much of it comes from
unpublished manuscript sources held
in Masonic archives.
5 Volume Set
c.2000pp: 234x156: December 2014
978 1 84893 377 4: 450/ $795
Tr a vel a n d Tou r is m in
Br it a in , 170 0 1914
Editors: Su s a n Ba r t on and
Alla n Br od ie
The British led the way in
holidaymaking and a whole new
literature emerged to cater to the
needs of tourists. Travel during the
eighteenth century was only available
to the wealthiest people, so guides
were produced for their beneft alone.
With the advent of steam, cheap travel
became possible, extending the circle
of those able to travel and leading to
some of the earliest specialist guide
This collection brings together texts
on the various forms of transport
used by tourists, the destinations they
visited, the role of entertainments and
accommodation and how these things
affected the way that tourism evolved
over two centuries. Documents include
book excerpts, journal articles, railway
guides, parliamentary acts, letters,
guide books, handbills, pamphlets and
4 Volume Set
c.1600pp: 234x156: August 2014
978 1 84893 412 2: 350/ $625
J ews in t h e Am er ica s ,
1621 18 26
Editors: Mich a el Hober m a n and
La u r a Leibm a n
This comprehensive collection offers
an illuminating history of one of
the New Worlds few non-Christian
communities of European origin.
Issues such as race, intermarriage
and slavery are included and put
in context. Wider issues of society,
culture and economy are also
considered, with the careers of several
important J ewish merchants providing
an insight into the economic history of
the colonial and early republican eras.
The sources in this collection come
from the United States, Europe,
Latin America and the Caribbean.
They include texts translated from
Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and
Hebrew, making them accessible
to most scholars for the frst time.
Many of these documents come from
manuscript sources.
4 Volume Set
c.1600pp: 234x156: December 2013
978 1 84893 242 5: 350/ $625
Ma j or W or k s
Pickering & Chattos Major Works
are made up of primary resource
documents or critical editions of rare
or unpublished material.
Scholarly apparatus usually includes
an extensive introduction, volume
introductions, headnotes, endnotes
and an index.
I r ela n d in t h e Age of
Revolu t ion , 1760 18 0 5
Editor: Ha r r y T Dickin s on
The latter half of the eighteenth-
century saw Irish opposition
movements being greatly infuenced by
the American and French revolutions.
The political landscape of the country
underwent dramatic changes as
both Protestant and Catholic groups
expanded their ideologies in reaction
to this foreign radicalism.
This two-part edition illustrates the
depth and reach of this infuence by
collecting rare pamphlets dealing
with the major political issues of these
decades. Part I covers the impact of
the American Revolution on Irish
radicalism and the rise of the Irish
Volunteers. Part II presents materials
prompted by the French Revolution,
including the ideology of the Society of
United Irishmen.
Pa r t I : 3 Volume Set
1200pp: 234x156: J anuary 2013
978 1 84893 300 2: 275/ $495
Pa r t I I : 3 Volume Set
c.1200pp: 234x156: J uly 2013
978 1 84893 301 9: 275/ $495
Lon d on Op er a Obs er ved ,
1711 18 44
Editor: Mich a el Bu r d en
Handels Rinaldo, frst performed in
1711, helped to establish the popularity
of the all-sung, Italian opera amongst
London audiences. This did not
meet with universal approval; the
tradition of spoken drama, coupled
with a distrust of a foreign form and
language made opera controversial,
not least in the newly-expanding press.
The rare material in this edition
examines opera not simply as a genre
of performance, but as a wider topic
of comment and debate. It includes
a wide range of documents such as
biographical material on performers,
commentary by London audiences,
proposals for aesthetic and managerial
reforms, controversial reviews by high-
profle critics and introductions to the
opera texts themselves.
5 Volume Set
c.2000pp: 234x156: April 2013
978 1 84893 165 7: 450/ $795
En glis h Con ven t s in Exile,
160 0 18 0 0
General Editor: Ca r olin e Bowd en
Between 1600 and 1800 around four
thousand Catholic women left England
for a life of exile in the convents
of France, Flanders, Portugal and
America. The nuns writings from
this time form a unique resource,
documenting daily domestic and
devotional pursuits, as well as issues of
wider interest, such as record keeping,
fnance, national identity, transatlantic
connections and the nature of exile.
The majority of the documents in
this collection are extremely rare and
previously unpublished.
Pa r t I : 3 Volume Set
1408pp: 234x156: 2012
978 1 84893 214 2: 275/ $495
Pa r t I I : 3 Volume Set
c.1392pp: 234x156: J anuary 2013
978 1 84893 215 9: 275/ $495
Am er ica n Excep t ion a lis m
Editors: Tim ot h y Rober t s and
Lin d s a y DiCu ir ci
American exceptionalism the idea
that America is fundamentally distinct
from other nations is a philosophy
that has dominated economics,
politics, religion and culture for two
centuries. This collection seeks to
understand how this belief began,
how it developed and why it remains
Volumes are organized thematically
and deal with land and economy,
the American Revolution, the
Protestant millennial redemption,
and criticisms of the exceptionalist
stance. Documents largely consist
of pamphlets, sermons, newspaper
and periodical articles. The wide
chronological spread covers the
colonial period to the late nineteenth
4 Volume Set
1552pp: 234x156: 2012
978 1 84893 289 0: 350/ $625
Th e His t or y of Su icid e in
En gla n d , 1650 18 50
Editors: Ma r k Robs on , Pa u l S
Sea ver , Kelly McGu ir e, J effr ey
Mer r ick and Da r yl Lee
This two-part, reset edition draws
together a range of sources from
the early modern era through to the
industrial age, to show the changes
and continuities in responses to the
social, political, legal and spiritual
problems that self-murder posed, and
to illustrate the nature of the lively and
vibrant contemporary debates about
and depictions of suicide.
Part I uses ballads, satires and
accounts from newspapers to
document suicides from the early
modern period. The Earl of Essexs
suicide in the Tower of London is
examined in-depth. Part II considers
changes and continuities in the press
accounts of the suicides of important
public fgures, such as the radical MP
Samuel Whitbread, the lawyer and
campaigner against the death penalty,
Samuel Romilly, and prime minister,
Lord Castlereagh. Sources are varied
and include newspaper and magazine
reports, sermons, pamphlets, legal and
medical material, ballads, poetry, plays
and novels.
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1584pp: 234x156: 2012
978 1 85196 980 7: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 4 Volume Set
1808pp: 234x156: 2012
978 1 85196 981 4: 350/ $625
Dep r es s ion a n d Mela n ch oly,
1660 18 0 0
General Editors: Leigh Wet h er a ll
Dicks on and Alla n I n gr a m
As a psychiatric term depression
dates back only as far as the mid-
nineteenth century. Before then a wide
range of terms were used. Melancholy
carried enormous weight, culturally
and medically and was one of the two
confrmed forms of eighteenth-century
This four-volume primary resource
collection is the frst large-scale study
of depression across an extensive
period. Divided chronologically, each
volume addresses a particular theme.
4 Volume Set
1264pp: 234x156: 2012
978 1 84893 086 5: 350/ $625
Br it is h I t -Na r r a t ives ,
1750 18 30
General Editor: Ma r k Bla ckwell
This collection focuses on prose
fctions that take animals or inanimate
objects as their central characters.
Numerous examples of narratives in
different forms are included such as
short stories, excerpts from novels,
periodical fction and serialized works.
The collection will be of value to
those studying eighteenth-century
and Romantic literature, childrens
literature, the history of the novel,
material culture and historians and
philosophers concerned with personal
4 Volume Set
1696pp: 234x156: 2012
978 1 84893 120 6: 350/ $625
Non con for m is t Wom en
Wr it er s , 1720 18 40
General Editor: Tim ot h y Wh ela n
This is a scholarly edition of the public
and private works of a remarkable
circle of eighteen nonconformist
women and two Anglicans. It
combines new editions of previously
published works with unpublished
hymns, poems and letters, all
transcribed from manuscripts.
Though isolated geographically and
culturally, their writings reveal a
group of women who were keenly
aware of current events, widely read,
assertive in their opinions and highly
Scholars of eighteenth- and nineteenth
literature ... will fnd here an
extraordinary new source of materials,
carefully edited, thoroughly annotated,
and elegantly presented New Books
On lin e 19
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1712pp: 234x156: 2011
978 1 85196 144 3: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 4 Volume Set
1904pp: 234x156: 2011
978 1 85196 154 2: 350/ $625
Tea a n d t h e Tea -Ta ble in
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y En gla n d
General Editor: Ma r km a n Ellis
In the eighteenth century tea and
coffee were both recent arrivals to
English culture and commodities
of conspicuous and luxurious
consumption. Unlike coffee however,
tea retained its luxury status its high
cost and associated rarity making it a
favourite drink at Court.
This four-volume, reset collection
covers: tea in natural history
and medical writing; literary
representations of tea-drinking;
tea, commerce and the East India
Company; and the politics of tea.
4 Volume Set
1424pp: 234x156: 2010
978 1 84893 025 4: 350/ $625
Th e Am er ica n Colon ies a n d
t h e Br it is h Em p ir e,
160 7 178 3
Editor: St even Sa r s on
This eight-volume reset edition
traces the evolution of imperial
and colonial ideologies during the
British colonization of America. It
covers the period from the founding
of the J amestown colony in Virginia
in 1607 to the end of the American
Revolutionary War in 1783. The
works cover a wide range of ideas
on empire and colonies from both
sides of the Atlantic. Varied and often
incompatible imperial and colonial
ideas were espoused by British
political economists, politicians,
administrators, colonial governors and
other offcials, as well as by colonists.
Sources include pamphlets, reports,
sermons and letters.
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1088pp: 234x156: 2010
978 1 85196 948 7: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 4 Volume Set
944pp: 234x156: 2011
978 1 85196 949 4: 350/ $625
Polit ica l Br oa d s id e Ba lla d s
of Seven t een t h -Cen t u r y
En gla n d : A Cr i t i ca l Bi bli ogr a p h y
An gela J McSh a n e
Political broadsides are a fascinating
window on to the tumultuous
political and cultural landscape of
the seventeenth century. By turns
propagandist or satirical, these printed
songs informed and refected the views
of the broader political nation. This is
the frst truly accurate bibliography of
its kind providing correct publication
dates for many of the texts for the frst
648pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 014 8: 150/ $260
Pu blic Execu t ion in En gla n d ,
1573 18 68
Editor: Leigh Yet t er
The execution narrative was popular in
early modern England. New printing
processes fed a public fascination
with sensational eyewitness accounts
of executions and transcriptions of
felons scaffold speeches. This edition
draws together a representative
selection of texts to show the evolution
of the genre up to the end of public
execution in England.
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1728pp: 234x156: 2009
978 1 85196 942 5: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 4 Volume Set
1734pp: 234x156: 2010
978 1 85196 944 9: 350/ $625
Gh os t s : A S oci a l Hi s t or y
Editor: Owen Da vies
This edition draws together
representative and defning sources
that reveal changing perceptions of
ghosts from the Reformation through
to the twentieth century in Britain and
provides a valuable source of texts
for anyone carrying out research into
the debates about ghosts and related
phenomena in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries. J ou r n a l for t h e
Societ y for Ps ych ica l Res ea r ch
5 Volume Set
1440pp: 234x156: 2010
978 1 85196 989 0: 450/ $795
Th om a s Pa in e a n d Am er ica ,
1776 18 0 9
Editor: Ken n et h W Bu r ch ell
From his migration to America in
1774 to his death in New York City in
1809, Thomas Paines ideology was
at the centre of American political
and social debate. This facsimile
edition brings together rare texts from
books, periodicals and newspaper
contributions to unearth the
contemporary American response to
Thomas Paine.
a scholarly collection that will be
of value to specialized researchers
and undergraduate students alike.
Recommended. CHOI CE
Those studying the reaction by
Americans to Thomas Paines ideas,
and, perhaps, to him as an individual,
will fnd the judicious selection of works
reprinted herein of immense value.
J ou r n a l of Ra d ica l His t or y
6 Volume Set
2496pp: 234x156: 2009
978 1 85196 964 7: 495/ $875
Th e His t or y of Old Age in
En gla n d , 160 0 18 0 0
Editors: Lyn n Bot elh o, Su s a n n a h
R Ot t a wa y and An n e Ku gler
This eight-volume reset edition brings
together selections from medical
treatises, sermons, petitions, legal
documents, parish records, almshouse
accounts, private letters, diaries and
ballads, to investigate cultural and
medical understanding of old age in
pre-industrial England.
A clear overview of the themes and
sources, which should be accessible
even to those unfamiliar with the issue,
the period, or the English context.
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y St u d ies
University libraries would do well to
purchase the collection Socia l His t or y
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1232pp: 234x156: 2008
978 1 85196 869 5: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 4 Volume Set
1584pp: 234x156: 2009
978 1 85196 870 1: 350/ $625
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y Br it is h
Mid wifer y
Editor: Pa m Lies ke
Scholars of the British Enlightenment
who study obstetrical history
traditionally focus on the rise of
the male-midwife and competition
between the sexes. By reprinting in
facsimile primary texts on eighteenth-
century midwifery and childbirth,
this comprehensive twelve-volume
collection gives readers a much
deeper, more nuanced understanding
of midwives, midwifery students and
women in labour.
These books should be part of every
respectable library dealing with the
history of medicine J ou r n a l of t h e
His t or y of Med icin e a n d t h e Allied
Scien ces
rich with analysis and historiographic
context. Nu r s in g His t or y Review
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1600pp: 234x156: 2007
978 1 85196 842 8: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 4 Volume Set
1632pp: 234x156: 2008
978 1 85196 843 5: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I I : 4 Volume Set
1968pp: 234x156: 2009
978 1 85196 874 9: 350/ $625
Sla ver y in Nor t h Am er ica :
Fr om t h e Colon i a l Per i od t o Em a n ci p a t i on
General Editor: Ma r k M Sm it h
The chronological and geographical
diversity of sources presented here
reveals changes in slavery over time, as
well as the diversity of slavery across
North America. They offer scholars
access to the experience of a wide
range of constituencies from slaves
and slave-owners, abolitionists and
pro-slavery ideologues, to travellers
and plantation visitors.
4 Volume Set
1376pp: 234x156: 2008
978 1 85196 966 1: 350/ $625
Th e Br it is h Cot t on Tr a d e,
1660 18 15
Editor: Bever ly Lem ir e
Cotton was the frst industrialized
global trade. This edition charts
the rise of British trade in cotton
from the days of small-scale trading
between the Middle East and India
to the domination of British-led
industrialized manufacture. Cotton
came to dominate fashion, politics and
consumer behaviour.
outstanding ... this source collection and
its commentary will not only inform
those new to the feld but will also prove
invaluable for much more specialized
researchers. Econ om ic His t or y
4 Volume Set
1584pp: 234x156: 2009
978 1 85196 979 1: 350/ $625
Act in g Th eor y a n d t h e En glis h
St a ge, 170 0 18 30
Editor: Lis a Zu n s h in e
During the eighteenth century,
treatises on the science of elocution,
gesture and naturalness abounded.
This edition draws together a
representative selection of texts from
throughout the period, arranged to
enable readers to see eighteenth- and
early nineteenth-century publications
on acting as a crucial part of the
periods cultural imagination.
At a time when the world is turning
digital, the sheer extravagance of
this publishing venture deserves to be
celebrated. St u d ies in Th ea t r e a n d
Per for m a n ce
5 Volume Set
1808pp: 234x156: 2008
978 1 85196 901 2: 450/ $795
Th e En ligh t en m en t in
Am er ica , 1720 18 25
Editor: J os e R Tor r e
Given the signifcance the new world
held in the minds of Enlightenment
thinkers, it is remarkable that scholars
have not more fully documented
the Enlightenment in America. The
Enlightenment in America flls this
signifcant gap in the discourse.
a serious contribution to scholarship.
Essential. CHOI CE
Every one of the primary sources in this
collection can be analyzed with proft
in a similar or different way. There
is plenty of reason to do so, and that
opportunity more than justifes the effort
behind these volumes. Eigh t een t h -
Cen t u r y St u d ies
Win n er : CHOI CE Ou t s t a n d in g
Aca d em ic Tit le Awa r d , 20 0 9
4 Volume Set
1360pp: 234x156: 2008
978 1 85196 936 4: 350/ $625
Br it is h Pa m p h let s on t h e
Am er ica n Revolu t ion ,
1763 178 5
Editor: Ha r r y T Dickin s on
Presents a selection of British
pamphlets, which represent the
multi-faceted debate on both sides
of the political divide in Britain. The
pamphlets in this work are organised
chronologically in two parts, taking the
start of American armed resistance in
1775 as the dividing point.
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1760pp: 234x156: 2007
978 1 85196 886 2: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 4 Volume Set
1840pp: 234x156: 2008
978 1 85196 887 9: 350/ $625
Br it is h a n d Am er ica n Let t er
Ma n u a ls , 168 0 18 10
Editor: Eve Ta vor Ba n n et
During the eighteenth century,
letter manuals became the most
popular form of conduct literature.
They were marketed to and used
by a wide spectrum of society, from
maidservants and apprentices,
through military offcers and
merchants, to gentlemen, parents and
children. This work presents the most
infuential manuals from both sides of
the Atlantic.
This outstanding set ... will be useful
for anyone interested in the culture of
letters, conduct books, and transatlantic
connections. SHARP News
4 Volume Set
1712pp: 234x156: 2008
978 1 85196 918 0: 350/ $625
Br it is h Pir a cy in t h e Gold en
Age: Hi s t or y a n d I n t er p r et a t i on ,
1660 1730
Editor: J oel H Ba er
Providing a comprehensive view
of Golden Age piracy, this edition
includes descriptions of the actions of
individuals alongside contemporary
discussions of the piracy problem
through books, journals, newspaper
articles, essays, reviews, proposals,
pamphlets and sermons from Britain
and its colonies.
Nowhere else will you fnd such a
diverse collection of documents that
cover all aspects of piracy Pir a t es a n d
Pr iva t eer s
The wealth and variety of these
facsimile texts is exhilarating. Na u t ica l
Res ea r ch J ou r n a l
4 Volume Set
1760pp: 234x156: 2007
978 1 85196 845 9: 350/ $625
Mer ca n t ilis t Th eor y a n d
Pr a ct ice: Th e Hi s t or y of Br i t i s h
Mer ca n t i li s m
Editor: La r s Ma gn u s s on
England is a nation of shopkeepers.
Long before Napolean disdainfully
paraphrased Adam Smith, British
commerce had become a motor for
economic growth and increased state
power. This four-volume facsimile
edition brings together a range of rare
seventeenth- and eighteenth-century
documents about the mercantile
4 Volume Set
1600pp: 234x156: 2008
978 1 85196 927 2: 395/ $725
Tr ia ls for Tr ea s on a n d
Sed it ion , 1792 1794
Editors: J oh n Ba r r ell and J on Mee
The period 179294 witnessed the
emergence of the frst genuinely
popular radical movement in Britain.
This collection contains the key trials
of London radicalism from 179294.
Those who have squinted at versions
of these trials on Eighteenth-Century
Collections Online will be pleased to fnd
the facsimiles here digitally cleaned and
enhanced. No less welcome is Barrell
and Mees stellar editorial apparatus
Th e Hu n t in gd on Libr a r y Qu a r t er ly
these trials constitute a feeting
sub-genre of their own, a kind of legal-
literary performance art [they are]
essential reading. Th e Wor d s wor t h
Cir cle
Pa r t I : 5 Volume Set
2304pp: 234x156: 2006
978 1 85196 732 2: 450/ $795
Pa r t I I : 3 Volume Set
1472pp: 234x156: 2007
978 1 85196 811 4: 275/ $495
Wh or e Biogr a p h ies ,
170 0 18 25
Editor: J u lie Pea km a n
This two-part collection of carefully
selected and extremely rare texts
focuses on autobiographies and
biographies of courtesans, directories
of whores, erotic poems dedicated
to harlots, jocular descriptions
of prostitutes and jest books on
strumpets. These provide invaluable
primary sources for the study of
sexuality, gender, womens studies and
the literature and history.
a rich and rewarding collection of
material, useful on gender and genre.
Th e Scr ibler ia n
These texts, published across a century
and a quarter, are in debate with
one another on various levels, and
Peakman has succeeded admirably in
representing that ongoing conversation
Biogr a p h y
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1665pp: 234x156: 2006
978 1 85196 806 0: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 4 Volume Set
1712pp: 234x156: 2007
978 1 85196 807 7: 350/ $625
Wom en s Polit ica l Wr it in gs ,
1610 1725
Editors: Hild a L Sm it h , Mih oko
Su zu ki and Su s a n Wis em a n
Includes a variety of womens political
writings from the seventeenth
century. This collection highlights the
principles inherent in female political
action in its many and varied forms,
from womens Civil War petitioning, to
the efforts of Quaker women to reform
4 Volume Set
1584pp: 234x156: 2007
978 1 85196 792 6: 350/ $625
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y
Coffee-Hou s e Cu lt u r e
Editor: Ma r km a n Ellis
Coffee-houses provided a forum for
exchanging views and nurturing
public opinion across the social
spectrum. This is captured in the
satires reproduced here. Coffee-house
plays also celebrated the role of the
coffee-house in circulating gossip,
scandal, rumour and subversion. The
distinct properties of the coffee-house
were recognized in the period by
natural philosophers, antiquarians and
historians. Their debates on science
and historiography are included in this
edition. The coffee-room encouraged
scientifc culture and became a
precursor of the laboratory: science
became a public matter.
[Ellis] masterful selection and
arrangement of seventeenth- and
eighteenth-century sources colorfully
illustrate the rich legacy of the
institution. Hu n t in gt on Libr a r y
Qu a r t er ly
Ellis has done a magnifcent job of
collecting, ordering, introducing and
annotating these four volumes ... this is
worth the price. Th e Scr ibler ia n
4 Volume Set
1840pp: 234x156: 2006
978 1 85196 829 9: 350/ $625
Br it a in in I n d ia , 1765 190 5
Editors: J oh n Ma r r iot t and
Bh a s ka r Mu kh op a d h ya y
This ambitious six-volume set of
scarce primary source materials
seeks to explore the nature of the
relationship between Britain and India
at the height of imperial expansion.
Students and scholars will be indebted
to [the editors] for facilitating easy
access to a very rich set of primary
source materials. J ou r n a l of I m p er ia l
a n d Com m on wea lt h His t or y
6 Volume Set
2400pp: 234x156: 2006
978 1 85196 815 2: 495/ $875
En glis h Ca t h olicis m ,
168 0 18 30
Mich a el Mu llet t
This is the frst collection of English-
language Catholic literature covering
the long eighteenth century. It focuses
on the periods of martyrdom and
violent persecution from the end of the
sixteenth to the end of the seventeenth
centuries and, latterly, on the so-
called Second Spring of English
highly recommended for any serious
library of religious thought and history.
Th e Down s id e Review
a major publishing event En glis h
His t or ica l Review
this is a set libraries cannot afford
not to buy. 1650 18 50 : I d ea s ,
Aes t h et ics , a n d I n qu ir ies in t h e
Ea r ly Mod er n Er a
6 Volume Set
2714pp: 234x156: 2006
978 1 85196 824 4: 495/ $875
Th e New Fou n d lin g Hos p it a l
for Wit , 1768 1773
Editor: Don a ld W Nich ol
The New Foundling Hospital for
Wit is one of the great, popular, yet
overlooked collections of British satire.
Published by the radical bookseller
J ohn Almon, its editors knew how
to make audiences crave more in the
way of the scandalous, salacious and
Mr Nichols brilliant edition is
indispensable for its insights into
politics, print culture, literary history,
and satire. It is also a hilarious read.
Th e Scr ibler ia n
offers many insights into print culture,
the history of satire, and the politics of
late-18th-century Britain. CHOI CE
3 Volume Set
1408pp: 234x156: 2006
978 1 85196 808 4: 275/ $495
Na r r a t ives of t h e Poor in
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y En gla n d
General Editor: Alys a Leven e
The edition covers the period from
the early eighteenth century through
to the Poor Law Amendment Act of
1834. It includes transcriptions of
hand-written accounts of poverty,
sent to poor law offcials, the London
Foundling Hospital and the London
Refuge for the Destitute.
All fve volumes have much to offer
the student of both eighteenth- and
early nineteenth-century social welfare
systems and cultures of everyday life.
J ou r n a l of His t or ica l Geogr a p h y
provide[s] the reader with a
comprehensive picture of poverty in
eighteenth-century Britain. Br it is h
J ou r n a l for Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y
St u d ies
5 Volume Set
1792pp: 234x156: 2006
978 1 85196 809 1: 450/ $795
Ea r ly Biogr a p h ies of I s a a c
Newt on , 1660 18 8 5
Editors: Rob I liffe, Milo Keyn es
and Rebeka h Higgit t
A collection of the many biographies of
scientist Isaac Newton, demonstrating
the ways in which his reputation
continued to develop in the centuries
after his death. It includes private
letters, poetry and memoranda, and
explores the debate over Newtons
reputation, work and personal life.
The level of scholarship, textual editing,
and detailed analysis is very high ...
[and] the introductions ... are useful
even essential. Not es a n d Recor d s
2 Volume Set
928pp: 234x156: 2005
978 1 85196 778 0: 195/ $350
An t i-J a cobin Novels
General Editor: W M Ver h oeven
This ten-volume reset edition reveals
the fipside of Romantic-era literature
and politics. It includes works by
male and female writers holding a
range of political positions within the
Anti-J acobin camp, and represents
not only the French Revolution but
the American Revolution, the Irish
Rebellion and the political unrest in
The editor of each volume has done a
thorough and illuminating job Th e
Wor d s wor t h Cir cle
Pa r t I : 5 Volume Set
1560pp: 234x156: 2005
978 1 85196 776 6: 425/ $750
Pa r t I I : 5 Volume Set
2144pp: 234x156: 2005
978 1 85196 781 0: 425/ $750
A Bibliogr a p h y of Eliza
Ha ywood
Pa t r ick Sp ed d in g
This is the frst descriptive
bibliography of the works of Eliza
Haywood (1693?1756) and her
partner, William Hatchett (1701?
1749?). Evidence for and history
of attribution is discussed within
the headnotes, and biographical
information is given wherever
possible, along with the titles
publishing history.
A magnifcent achievement, a shining
example of bibliography as both
science and art, a work of high-soaring
ambition almost perfectly realized.
This book will inform and direct the
development of Haywood studies in our
time, and remain an indispensable vade
mecum to scholars yet unborn. Th e
Age of J oh n s on
Win n er : MLA p r ize for
Dis t in gu is h ed Bibliogr a p h y, 20 0 6
848pp: 234x156: 2004
HB 978 1 85196 739 1: 120/ $210
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y
Br it is h Er ot ica
General Editors: Alexa n d er Pet t it
and Pa t r ick Sp ed d in g
This set reprints many of the
eighteenth centurys most notorious
works, including some that resulted in
highly publicized court battles and in
helped shape laws on censorship that
survived into modernity. As they did
in the eighteenth-century bookshop,
homosexual and heterosexual
works intermingle, alongside of works
that claim legal, medical, or political
legitimacy, and works that pretend to
nothing but prurience.
should fnd a place in every research
library supporting graduate students
and faculty. CHOI CE
Pa r t I : 5 Volume Set
2136pp: 234x156: 2002
978 1 85196 742 1: 450/ $795
Pa r t I I : 5 Volume Set
2072pp: 234x156: 2004
978 1 85196 770 4: 450/ $795
Lit er a t u r e a n d Scien ce,
1660 18 34
General Editor: J u d it h Ha wley
In the eighteenth century science
was used to denote knowledge of
all sorts. Ways of understanding
and representing the world were
being reformulated in a period of
intellectual ferment and artistic
experimentation. In the Royal Society,
in the gentlemans library, in Grub
Street and the ladys closet, the impact
of natural philosophy was registered,
assimilated, extended and sometimes
challenged and rebuffed. Texts are
reproduced in facsimile and show the
polymathic nature of the literature of
belong[s] in every graduate library and
in every serious undergraduate library
Th e Wor d s wor t h Cir cle
a fascinating collection of texts Tim es
Lit er a r y Su p p lem en t
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1728pp: 234x156: 2003
978 1 85196 737 7: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 4 Volume Set
1944pp: 234x156: 2004
978 1 85196 740 7: 350/ $625
Con d u ct Lit er a t u r e for
Wom en , Pa r t I I , 1640 1710
Editors: Willia m St Cla ir and
I r m ga r d Ma a s s en
For centuries, conduct books were
among the commonest books to be
found in households. They constitute
a prime source for research into
the emergence of modern notions
of subjectivity and gender. This
collection aims to give a chronological
insight into the evolution of conduct
literature, from its early roots in the
Renaissance period.
this is an excellent resource for scholars
interested in conduct literature, as well
as for those scholars who wish to gain
access to learned information about the
literature in order to further their own
research in the period. Ea r ly Mod er n
Books h elf
Conduct Literature for Women
6 Volume Set
2496pp: 234x156: 2002
978 1 85196 530 4: 495/ $875
Con d u ct Lit er a t u r e for
Wom en , Pa r t I I I , 1720 1770
Editor: Pa m Mor r is
The material presented in this six-
volume set moves away from courtly
etiquette, adopting a more middle-
class, domestic focus, and includes
facsimile reproductions of sermons,
poems, narratives and cookery books.
Conduct Literature for Women
6 Volume Set
2881pp: 240x156: 2004
978 1 85196 772 8: 495/ $875
Con d u ct Lit er a t u r e for
Wom en , Pa r t I V, 1770 18 30
Editor: Pa m Mor r is
Social and literary historians recognize
the 1790s as a moment of political
crisis in British history. These texts
demonstrate shifting ideas on the role
of women during this turbulent time.
will prove a valuable resource to
scholars of the period Rom a n t icis m
Conduct Literature for Women
6 Volume Set
2688pp: 234x156: 2005
978 1 85196 802 2: 495/ $875
Br it is h Sa t ir e, 178 5 18 40
General Editor: J oh n St r a ch a n
This set provides a representative
collection of the verse satire published
between the mid-1780s and the mid-
1830s. It also includes two important
single-author volumes, the frst
scholarly editions of the satires of
William Gifford and Thomas Moore, as
well as lesser known and anonymous
can be endorsed enthusiastically
Rom a n t icis m
a mould-breaking resource for
students and scholars of the period,
an indispensable publication Th e
Wor d s wor t h Cir cle
5 Volume Set
2184pp: 234x156: 2003
978 1 85196 729 2: 425/ $750
Th e Br it is h Tr a n s a t la n t ic
Sla ve Tr a d e
General Editor: Ken n et h Mor ga n
Between 1660 and 1807 over three
million Africans were dispatched to
the Americas in British vessels. This
trade has been the subject of intensive
academic scrutiny over the past
generation and has also attracted a
growing popular curiosity. This edition
offers a selection of primary source
texts coveringall major facets of the
British slave trade.
introductory essays by each editor
(and the general introduction by
Kenneth Morgan) provide superb
overviews on most key topics in the
study of the British slave trade and its
abolition. J ou r n a l of I m p er ia l a n d
Com m on wea lt h His t or y
4 Volume Set
1632pp: 234x156: 2003
978 1 85196 756 8: 350/ $625
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y En glis h
La bou r in g-Cla s s Poet s
General Editor: J oh n Good r id ge
This edition offers for the frst time
a collection of vital source materials,
richly illustrating one of the most
interesting and important literary
movements of the eighteenth century
and Romantic period.
a true intellectual collaboration, and it
is diffcult to imagine a better outcome.
Rom a n t icis m on t h e Net
Extraordinarily helpful...[it] establishes
lasting access to important primary
materials Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y
St u d ies
3 Volume Set
1288pp: 234x156: 2003
978 1 85196 758 2: 275/ $495
Tr a vels , Exp lor a t ion s a n d
Emp ir es , 1770 18 35: Tr a v el
W r it in gs on Nor t h Am er ica , t h e Fa r Ea s t ,
Nor t h a n d Sou t h Poles a n d t h e Mid d le Ea s t
General Editors: Tim Fu lfor d and
Pet er J Kit s on
exquisitely produced and impeccably
edited collection offers a wealth of fresh
material to scholars of Romanticism Th e
Wor d s wor t h Cir cle
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1880pp: 234x156: 2001
978 1 85196 720 9: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 4 Volume Set
1752pp: 234x156: 2002
978 1 85196 721 6: 350/ $625
A Cr it ica l Bibliogr a p h y of
Ad a m Sm it h
General Editor: Keit h Tr ibe
The problem with Adam Smith is not
one of attribution but the re-shaping
of his work by the accompanying
commentary and notes or the effect
of translation and abridgement. This
critical bibliography hopes to bring
order to this process. A listing of all
editions with details of their salient
points gives an overview of the critical
work on Smith as a leading member of
the Scottish Enlightenment.
A more eloquent monument to the
infuence of Smith on the modern world
could hardly be imagined St u d ies in
En glis h Lit er a t u r e, 150 0 190 0
essential reading for all serious
Smith scholars His t or y of Polit ica l
Econ om y
416pp: 234x156: 2002
HB 978 1 85196 741 4: 110/ $195
e 978 1 85196 537 3
Th e Lon d on Cor r es p on d in g
Societ y, 1792 1799
Editor: Mich a el T Da vis
This six volume set reproduces the
complete writings of the London
Corresponding Society as well as
other contemporary literature and
parliamentary debates, and reports
relating to the Society.
A landmark in the publication of
political radicalisms in Britain. It gives
an incisive sense of the extraordinarily
diverse range of texts, activities,
repressive legislation and intellectual
engagement that the LCS generated.
J ou r n a l of His t or ica l Geogr a p h y
immensely useful Lon d on Review of
6 Volume Set
2328pp: 234x156: 2002
978 1 85196 734 6: 495/ $875
Select ed Wor ks of Eliza
Ha ywood
General Editor: Alex Pet t it
Eliza Haywood (1693?1756) was
the most prolifc female writer of
the eighteenth century. This series
presents selected non-fctional works
by Haywood, with particular attention
to the journalism, criticism, and
conduct and advice material.
offers a wealth of information [and is]
head and shoulders above other modern
Haywood editions. 1650 18 50 : I d ea s ,
Aes t h et ics a n d I n qu ir ies in t h e
Ea r ly Mod er n Er a
This splendid edition is cause for
celebration Th e Scr ibler ia n
Pa r t I : 3 Volume Set
1192pp: 234x156: 2000
978 1 85196 528 1: 250/ $440
Pa r t I I : 3 Volume Set
1368pp: 234x156: 2001
978 1 85196 529 8: 250/ $440
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y Wom en
Pla ywr igh t s
General Editor: Der ek Hu gh es
Includes the work of Catherine
Trotter, Mary Pix, Eliza Haywood and
Elizabeth Griffth.
meticulously edited, informatively
annotated, and beautifully produced
... an anthology no academic library
should be without. Eigh t een t h -
Cen t u r y Wom en
6 Volume Set
1864pp: 234x156: 2001
978 1 85196 616 5: 495/ $875
Mis cella n ies in Pr os e a n d
Ver s e by Pop e, Swift a n d Ga y
Introduction by: Alexa n d er Pet t it
Contains contributions by three of the
leading satirists of the early eighteenth
century, published when all three were
at the height of their powers.
I would urge every library to reallocate
its 2004 budget ... to purchase this
reprint edition of Miscellanies Th e
Scr ibler ia n
4 Volume Set
1704pp: 234x156: 2002
978 1 85196 715 5: 295/ $520
Th e Gr u b St r eet J ou r n a l,
1730 33
Editor: Ber t r a n d A Gold ga r
The Grub Street Journal was perhaps
the most widely-read weekly journal
in England of its period. The frst four
years are reprinted here, representing
the journal in its prime in terms of
quality and popularity.
No one is more qualifed to write about
The Grub-Street Journal than Professor
Goldgar Th e Libr a r y
4 Volume Set
1008pp: 234x156: 2002
978 1 85196 744 5: 350/ $625
Th e Pa m ela Con t r over s y:
Cr i t i ci s m s a n d Ad a p t a t i on s of S a m u el
R i ch a r d s on s Pa m ela , 1740 1750
Editors: Tom Keym er , Pet er Sa bor
and J oh n Mu lla n
The Pamela controversy remains
a landmark of literary history.
Recommended from the pulpit of
a Southwark church, illustrated in
the pavilions of Vauxhall Gardens,
exhibited in a curious Piece of
Waxwork on a Fleet Street corner,
Pamela was everywhere. This
collection brings together the key
sources from the contemporary
The introductions to each volume
are exemplary Tim es Lit er a r y
Su p p lem en t
6 Volume Set
2240pp: 234x156: 2000
978 1 85196 615 8: 495/ $875
Gr ea t Bu bbles : R ea ct i on s t o t h e
S ou t h S ea Bu bble, t h e Mi s s i s s i p p i S ch em e
a n d t h e Tu li p Ma n i a Af f a i r
Editor: Ros s B Em m et t
This edition brings together some of
the most important writings on such
phenomena, centring upon some of
the most prominent bubbles; the Tulip
Mania of 1636, the Mississippi Bubble
of 1720 and the South Sea Bubble of
the same period.
This stimulating one place resource
could serve as a foundation for a
graduate seminar in eighteenth-
century culture and economics. Th e
Scr ibler ia n
3 Volume Set
1000pp: 234x156: 2000
978 1 85196 525 0: 295/ $520
Th e His t or y of Su ffr a ge,
1760 18 67
Editors: An n a Cla r k and Sa r a h
Rich a r d s on
This work brings together key texts
drawn from the history of suffrage
advocacy and agitation.
the facsimile reproductions are of the
highest quality and Pickering & Chatto
have demonstrated once again why
they are a leading publisher of primary
source materials. Au s t r a lia n J ou r n a l
of Polit ics a n d His t or y
can be strongly recommended for
library purchase. Dem ocr a t iza t ion
6 Volume Set
2100pp: 234x156: 1999
978 1 85196 706 3: 495/ $875
Th e Recep t ion of Lockes
Polit ics : Fr om t h e 1690 s t o t h e 18 30 s
Editor: Ma r k Gold ie
Locke is debated across a gamut of
genres: in formal treatises, polemical
pamphlets, newspaper essays, political
sermons, and cheap tracts aimed at
politicizing the masses.
deserves to be in every major library
En ligh t en m en t a n d Dis s en t
6 Volume Set
2512pp: 234x156: 1999
978 1 85196 495 6: 495/ $875
Blu es t ockin g Fem in is m :
W r i t i n gs of t h e Blu es t ock i n g Ci r cle,
1738 90
General Editor: Ga r y Kelly
Feminist scholarship and criticism
has retrieved the Bluestocking women
from their marginal position in
eighteenthth-century literature. This
work collects the principal writings of
these women, together with a selection
of their letters.
Pickering & Chatto are offering,
to their credit, the best editions yet
produced of Carter, Montagu and
Talbot, and provocative recastings of
the achievements of Seward, Reeve and
Scott. Tim es Lit er a r y Su p p lem en t
6 Volume Set
2424pp: 234x156: 1999
978 1 85196 514 4: 495/ $875
Sla ver y, Abolit ion a n d
Em a n cip a t ion : W r i t i n gs i n t h e
Br i t i s h R om a n t i c Per i od
General Editors: Pet er J Kit s on and
Debbie Lee
The Romantic period witnessed the
beginning of sustained British imperial
expansion. It was also the period
when criticism of the slave trade was
at its most intense. Most of the frst
generation of British Romanticism
William Blake, Samuel Taylor
Coleridge, William Wordsworth,
Robert Southey, J ohn Thelwall
wrote against the slave trade. This
edition brings together a corpus of
work which refects the major issues
and theories concerning slavery and
the status of the slave.
A milestone in helping to resuscitate
... the attitudes which defned victim,
oppressor and abolitionist. Their
importance cannot be exaggerated.
Da ily Telegr a p h
This impressively produced eight-
volume set is a useful set of documents,
especially for those far removed from
large libraries that possess the originals.
Students of literature and history will
fnd much important and rare material
here. Tim es High er Ed u ca t ion
Su p p lem en t
8 Volume Set
3664pp: 234x156: 1999
978 1 85196 513 7: 595/ $105
A Cr it ica l Bibliogr a p h y of
Da n iel Defoe
Editors: P N Fu r ba n k and
W R Owen s
This has been designed by the editors
as an answer to some of the special
problems in establishing a canon of
Defoes works. Each entry in Furbank
and Owenss Critical Bibliography
includes a description or synopsis of
the content of the work, together with
a discussion of the evidence of Defoes
authorship. There is also a series of
appendices which give unprecedented
access to the information required
to make sense of Defoes large and
complicated oeuvre.
the work that scholars have long
awaited ... [Furbank and Owens] have
surely given us a new foundation
for any discussion of the canon (and
therefore of Defoes life too). Now we
can start arguing. Tim es Lit er a r y
Su p p lem en t
336pp: 234x156: 1998
HB 978 1 85196 389 8: 120/ $210
Sa m u el Rich a r d s on s
Pu blis h ed Com m en t a r y on
Cla r is s a , 1747 1765
General Editor: Flor ia n St u ber
This set brings together all
that Richardson published on
the composition, printing and
interpretation of Clarissa. The various
works reveal Richardsons reactions
to the concerns and issues raised by
contemporary readers.
scrupulously edited with introductions
and commentaries that are themselves
signifcant contributions to scholarship
on the eighteenth-century novel. Th e
Yea r s Wor k in En glis h St u d ies
fascinating reading I am much
humbled by the hard work, erudition,
and enthusiasm of all the contributors
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y Fict ion
3 Volume Set
1312pp: 216x138: 1998
978 1 85196 461 1: 275/ $495
Fem a le Ed u ca t ion in t h e Age
of En ligh t en m en t
Editor: J a n et Tod d
The education and training of women
for their presumed role in life were
of constant interest in the eighteenth
century, which produced a spate of
advice books and manuals describing
the construction of the ideal woman.
The texts in this edition show a variety
of standpoints from the late eighteenth
and early nineteenth centuries.
Female Education provides an
indispensable set of core readings which,
when supplemented by the relevant
work of Wollstonecraft, Hannah More
and Maria Edgeworth, will provide
students and scholars with everything
they need to begin exploring this crucial
episode in feminist studies and British
cultural history. Ala n Rich a r d s on ,
Bos t on College, Ma s s a ch u s et t s
6 Volume Set
3108pp: 234x156: 1996
978 1 85196 274 7: 495/ $875
Th e Polit ica l Wr it in gs of
t h e 1790 s
Editor: Gr egor y Cla eys
There are not enough superlatives to
describe this work and all libraries should
be encouraged to purchase it. For the
serious scholar, Political Writings of the
1790s would surely take pride of place on
any bookshelf Th e Au s t r a lia n J ou r n a l
of Polit ics a n d His t or y
8 Volume Set
3536pp: 234x156: 1995
978 1 85196 320 1: 550/ $975
Th e Tr a vel Wr it in gs of
J oh n Moor e
General Editor: Ben P Rober t s on
J ohn Moore was a Scottish physician
who travelled extensively and wrote
immensely popular accounts of these
journeys. Despite his considerable
fame at the time, his travel writings
have not been available since 1820.
This collection presents Moores
Travel Writings to historians and
literary scholars of the eighteenth-
century. They will form an important
research tool into social constraints
and expectations, and will be
invaluable for their frst-hand account
of signifcant contemporary events.
The Pickering Masters
4 Volume Set
c.1600pp: 234x156: J anuary 2014
978 1 84893 099 5: 350/ $625
Con t in u a t ion s t o Sid n eys
Ar ca d ia , 160 7 18 67
General Editor: Ma r ea Mit ch ell
Sidneys Arcadia was extremely
popular in the early period of its
appearance, with parts of it being
extracted and rewritten many times.
This critical edition contains fve
continuations of Arcadia as well as
two short supplements which attempt
to bridge the gap between Sidneys
original and revised versions of the
Consideration is given to authorship
and editorship and how these were
defned over time. Each text is
prefaced by its own introduction
The Pickering Masters
4 Volume Set
c.1600pp: 234x156: February 2014
978 1 84893 206 7: 350/ $625
Th e Collect ed Wor ks of An n
Yea r s ley
Editor: Ker r i An d r ews
Recent years have seen a signifcant
growth of interest in Ann Yearsleys
work. Outspoken on the subject of
the slave trade, she is often quoted in
the context of the early abolitionist
movement. As a labouring-class
poet her writing also forms part
of an under-represented area of
Romanticism now growing in
academic interest.
This set is the frst collected edition
of Ann Yearsleys works. Previously
unpublished poems are included
alongside more familiar verses, whilst
her play, Earl Goodwin, and novel,
The Royal Captives, are here reprinted
for the frst time since the eighteenth
century. Yearsleys letters are also
collected together for the frst time,
including some which were formerly
The Pickering Masters
3 Volume Set
c.1200pp: 234x156: J anuary 2014
978 1 85196 638 7: 275/ $495
Th e Un p u blis h ed Let t er s of
Hen r y St J oh n , Fir s t Vis cou n t
Bolin gbr oke
Editor: Ad r ia n La s h m or e-Da vies
Henry St J ohn, First Viscount
Bolingbroke (16781751) enjoyed
varied political and literary careers. He
was the friend and correspondent of
leading fgures across the political and
religious spectrum; Hanoverian and
J acobite, Whig and Tory, Protestant
and Catholic, Episcopalian and
Presbyterian are all represented in his
Bolingbrokes letters constitute one
of the most fascinating and articulate
sources of eighteenth-century
European politics and culture available
to modern scholars. This fve-volume
critical edition draws together almost
2,000 unpublished letters, from over
twenty archives around the world.
The Pickering Masters
5 Volume Set
2160pp: 234x156: J anuary 2013
978 1 85196 957 9: 450/ $795
Th e Pi ck er i n g
Ma s t er s
This prestigious series collects the
works and correspondence of major
fgures in the history of ideas and
literature. Full scholarly apparatus
accompanies the texts.
The Indian and Pacifc
Cor r es p on d en ce of Sir J os ep h
Ba n ks , 1768 18 20
Editor: Neil Ch a m ber s
Bankss correspondence is one of the
great primary sources for studying the
Pacifc region during this important
period of exploration and colonial
expansion. This critical edition of
over 2,000 letters uses material from
archives around the world.
an essential work of reference for all
scholars of eighteenth-century science
and exploration. Ar ch ives of Na t u r a l
His t or y
Chamberss collections of Bankss letters
not only provide an invaluable scholarly
resource, but give a wonderful favour
of the world that produced Banks, and
which he then proceeded to shape.
Tim es Lit er a r y Su p p lem en t
The Pickering Masters
Volu m e 1: 464pp: 234x156: 2008
HB 978 1 85196 835 0: 100/ $180
Volu m e 2: 464pp: 234x156: 2009
HB 978 1 85196 836 7: 100/ $180
Volu m e 3: 464pp: 234x156: 2010
HB 978 1 85196 837 4: 100/ $180
Volu m e 4: 464pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 85196 838 1: 100/ $180
Volu m e 5: 464pp: 234x156: 2012
HB 978 1 85196 839 8: 100/ $180
Volu m e 6: 464pp: 234x156: J uly 2013
HB 978 1 85196 840 4: 100/ $180
Volu m e 7: 464pp: 234x156: December 2013
HB 978 1 85196 634 9: 100/ $180
Volu m e 8 : 464pp: 234x156: J uly 2014
HB 978 1 84893 380 4: 100/ $180
Th e Wor ks of Ma r ia
Ed gewor t h
General Editor: Ma r ilyn Bu t ler
This twelve-volume edition of the
major works of Maria Edgeworth
makes available one of the most
important but most neglected of
women writers in English.
a heroic undertaking ... Maria has
found her voice again Th om a s Lovell
Bed d oes Societ y J ou r n a l
The Pickering Masters
Pa r t I : Volumes 1, 39: 8 Volume Set
3275pp: 234x156: 1999
978 1 85196 188 7: 595/ $1050
Pa r t I I : Volumes 2, 1012: 4 Volume Set
1637pp: 234x156: 2003
978 1 85196 189 4: 350/ $625
Select ed Polit ica l Wr it in gs of
J oh n Th elwa ll
Editors: Rober t La m b and
Cor in n a Wa gn er
J ohn Thelwall was London
Corresponding Societys most
prominent orators and was tried for
high treason along with Thomas Hardy
and J ohn Horne Tooke in 1794. This
edition brings together Thelwalls most
important political writing ranging
from scientifc pamphlets and writings
on the art of elocution, to political
philosophy and journalism.
Pickering and Chatto is to be lauded
for the four-volume Selected Political
Writings of John Thelwall ... Th e
Hu n t in gt on Libr a r y Qu a r t er ly
The Pickering Masters
4 Volume Set
1056pp: 234x156: 2008
978 1 85196 928 9: 350/ $625
Th e Dia r ies of Eliza bet h
I n ch ba ld
Editor: Ben P Rober t s on
An energetic woman, Elizabeth
Inchbald (17531821) achieved fame
as an actress, novelist, playwright
and critic. This work includes her
eleven surviving diaries, which
record Inchbalds social contacts and
professional activities, itemize her
day-to-day expenditure, and chart
the development of affairs such as
the Napoleonic Wars and the trial of
Queen Caroline.
Robertsons scrupulous editing and
annotation makes the diaries available
just in time; the objects themselves are
beginning to crumble and fade Tim es
Lit er a r y Su p p lem en t
an invaluable tool for studying
the theatre of this period. New
Per s p ect ives on t h e Eigh t een t h
Cen t u r y
The Pickering Masters
3 Volume Set
1296pp: 234x156: 2007
978 1 85196 868 8: 275/ $495
Th e Novels a n d Select ed Pla ys
of Th om a s Holcr oft
General Editor: Wil Ver h oeven
Holcroft was an original if somewhat
undisciplined thinker, a talented
novelist, a popular playwright and
translator and an accomplished
political pamphleteer. This critical
edition is essential reading for scholars
intersted in Britain and its literature in
the 1790s.
[a] thoughtful and well-annotated
set ... will surely become the standard
edition of these novels and plays Kea t s -
Sh elley J ou r n a l
The Pickering Masters
5 Volume Set
2064pp: 234x156: 2007
978 1 85196 801 5: 450/ $795
Th e Ma n u s cr ip t s of Ad a m
Fer gu s on
Editor: Vin cen zo Mer olle
Fergusons views on disparate
philosophical, anthropological and
historical topics can at last be viewed
in one impressive volume. His texts
are transcribed as faithfully as possible
and are accompanied by extensive
introductions from the editorial team.
demonstrates careful scholarship
and a clear affection for its subject
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y Scot la n d
The Pickering Masters
460pp: 234x156: 2005
HB 978 1 85196 817 6: 110/ $195
Th e Select ed Wor ks of
Dela r ivier Ma n ley
General Editors: Ru t h Her m a n and
Ra ch el Ca r n ell
This is the frst modern scholarly
edition of Manley and includes all of
her known published works, except
the two plays already available
in Eighteenth-Century Women
By far the most thorough edition of
Manleys works in print CHOI CE
an impressive achievement
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y St u d ies
The Pickering Masters
5 Volume Set
1776pp: 234x156: 2005
978 1 85196 773 5: 450/ $795
Th e Novels of Da n iel Defoe
General Editors: W R Owen s and
P N Fu r ba n k
Known as the father of the English
novel, Defoe wrote ten novels,
including two lesser known sequels
to Robinson Crusoe. This is the frst
authoritative scholarly edition of all of
This edition of Defoes works is now the
standard, and libraries should own at
least this set of novels if not the entire
series. Highly recommended. CHOI CE
Published on schedule in only eight
years in a handsome and eminently
readable format, the Works of Daniel
Defoe will both advance Defoe studies
and enlarge our understanding of the
period. They are a fne tribute to the
scholarly acumen and determination of
the General Editors, W R Owens and P N
Furbank...We are all very much in their
debt. Th e Scr ibler ia n
Win n er : CHOI CE Ou t s t a n d in g
Aca d em ic Tit le Awa r d , 20 0 8
The Pickering Masters
Pa r t I : 5 Volume Set
1600pp: 234x156: 2007
978 1 85196 748 3: 425/ $750
Pa r t I I : 5 Volume Set
1536pp: 234x156: 2008
978 1 85196 753 7: 425/ $750
Religiou s a n d Did a ct ic
Wr it in gs of Da n iel Defoe
General Editors: W R Owen s and
P N Fu r ba n k
Bringing together an impressive
collection of his most important and
infuential instructional treatises,
the Religious and Didactic Writings
of Daniel Defoe are a feast for
Defoe scholars and all academics of
eighteenth-century history, religion
and literature.
All scholars of the early-eigtheeenth
century should be grateful for the labors
of Messrs. Furbank and Owens in
offering what are surely the defnitive
scholarly editions of that most chaotic
and varied of all canons, the works of
Defoe. Th e Scr ibler ia n
The Pickering Masters
Pa r t I : 5 Volume Set
1616pp: 234x156: 2005
978 1 85196 738 4: 425/ $750
Pa r t I I : 5 Volume Set
1564pp: 234x156: 2006
978 1 85196 743 8: 425/ $750
Sa t ir e, Fa n t a s y a n d Wr it in gs
on t h e Su p er n a t u r a l by Da n iel
General Editors: W R Owen s and
P N Fu r ba n k
In his own lifetime Defoe was much
more famous as a political satirist than
a novelist. Defoes poetry abounded
in savagely satirical sketches of
personalities, and lashed corruption
and hypocrisy. The importance he
placed on poetry as a vehicle for
serious political argument is seen
in the sheer scale of a major work,
the lengthy twelve-book Jure Divino
(1706), an elaborate and learned
attack on theories of the divine right
of monarchs. This set offers accurate
texts and a wealth of editorial matter.
the most authoritative and extensive
publishing of Defoes writings ever ...
a vital and vitalising addition to any
institution serious about the study
of Defoe and the eighteenth century.
En glis h
The Pickering Masters
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1600pp: 234x156: 2003
978 1 85196 728 5: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 4 Volume Set
1600pp: 234x156: 2004
978 1 85196 733 9: 350/ $625
Wr it in gs on Tr a vel, Dis cover y
a n d His t or y by Da n iel Defoe
General Editors: W R Owen s and
P N Fu r ba n k
This set includes many of Defoes key
historical writings, which are crucial
to an understanding of his view of
contemporary life.
excellent scholarly introductions ...
put the works in the context of Defoes
biography and the broader cultural and
political issues of the time Scot t is h
St u d ies Review
at last we have a modern and reliable
edition [of A Tour thro the Whole Island
of Great Britain]...this edition should
also provide the raw material for a
major advance in our understanding of
Defoes oeuvre in general and his more
specifc contribution to the geographical
culture of the early eighteenth century.
J ou r n a l of His t or ica l Geogr a p h y
The Pickering Masters
Pa r t I : 4 Volume Set
1408pp: 234x156: 2001
978 1 85196 718 6: 350/ $625
Pa r t I I : 4 Volume Set
1600pp: 234x156: 2002
978 1 85196 723 0: 350/ $625
Th e Polit ica l a n d Econ om ic
Wr it in gs of Da n iel Defoe
General Editors: W R Owen s and
P N Fu r ba n k
This extensive selection, running
to almost 100 works, refects the
many facets of Defoes economic and
political thought, and for the frst time
makes these writings available in a
scholarly edition.
Impressive volumes in just about every
respect Th e Age of J oh n s on : A
Sch ola r ly An n u a l
this is a godsend: fnally a reliable and
scholarly edition of the works of this
prolifc scribbler. Br it is h J ou r n a l of
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y St u d ies
The Pickering Masters
8 Volume Set
2960pp: 234x156: 2000
978 1 85196 465 9: 650/ $1150
W or k s of Da n i el
Def oe
General Editors: W R Owen s and
P N Fu r ba n k
The quantity and range of Defoes
writings is unparalleled in English
Literature, and few writers have
made such a lasting impact in so
many literary genres. This is the
most comprehensive collection of
the writings of this extraordinary
man ever attempted.
Ch r is t ia n it y Not a s Old a s
t h e Cr ea t ion : Th e La s t of Def oes
Per f or m a n ces
Editor: G A St a r r
April 1730 saw the publication of
Christianity as Old as the Creation.
Barely a month later, an anonymous
pamphlet appeared in response.
Christianity Not as Old as the
Creation challenged not simply the
author of the volume, Matthew Tindal,
but the religious philosophy of Deism
in general. Starr argues that there is
enough convincing internal evidence
and a concurrent absence of any
conficting external evidence for a
probable attribution to Daniel Defoe.
The Pickering Masters
160pp: 234x156: 2011
HB 978 1 84893 191 6: 75/ $12
Th e Cor r es p on d en ce of Ad a m
Fer gu s on
Editor: Vin cen zo Mer olle
Contains over 400 letters, most
of which have never before been
gives an opportunity to reassess
Fergusons intellectual contribution
while learning a great deal more about
the man himself. Br it is h J ou r n a l for
Eigh t een t h -Cen t u r y St u d ies
The Pickering Masters
2 Volume Set
608pp: 234x156: 1995
978 1 85196 140 5: 160/ $280
Th e Com p let e Pla ys of
Fr a n ces Bu r n ey
General Editor: Pet er Sa bor
This is the frst ever edition of the
complete plays of Frances Burney
(17521840) and is taken from the
original manuscripts of her work.
the frst ever edition of the complete
plays of Frances Burney A full picture
of Burney as a writer is thus made
possible for the frst time, and given
that interest in her is growing, their
publication will be widely welcomed.
En glis h
The Pickering Masters
2 Volume Set
734pp: 234x156: 1995
978 1 85196 073 6: 120
Th e Wor ks of Ap h r a Beh n
Editor: J a n et Tod d
The frst complete Aphra Behn,
including several new attributions.
admirably scholarly Lon d on Review
of Books
The Pickering Masters
7 Volume Set
3600pp: 234x156: 1995
978 1 85196 018 7: 495
Th e Wor ks of Ma r y
Wolls t on ecr a ft
Editors: Ma r ilyn Bu t ler and
J a n et Tod d
[the] defnitive seven-volume collection
of her works Tim es High er Ed u ca t ion
Su p p lem en t
The Pickering Masters
7 Volume Set
2512pp: 234x156: 1989
978 1 85196 006 4: 495
Th e Collect ed Novels a n d
Mem oir s of Willia m God win
Editors: Pa m ela Clem it , Ma u r ice
Hin d le and Ma r k Ph ilp
Thanks to this superb edition, it is
now possible to see Godwin more fully
than ever before. Tim es Lit er a r y
Su p p lem en t
The Pickering Masters
8 Volume Set
2024pp: 234x156: 1992
978 1 85196 007 1: 550/ $975
Th e Wor ks of Th om a s Rober t
Ma lt h u s
Editors: E A Wr igley and
Da vid Sou d en
A superb edition Pop u la t ion a n d
Develop m en t Review
will be an attractive addition to any
library, public, private or simply
personal. I n t er n a t ion a l J ou r n a l of
Econ om ics
The Pickering Masters
8 Volume Set
2068pp: 234x156: 1986
978 1 85196 001 9: 495/ $875
Defoes Review,
170 4 13
Editor: J oh n McVea gh
Defoes Review played a signifcant
role in the birth of the modern
press. This is the frst complete
scholarly edition of the entire run.
It is fully reset and supported by
full editorial apparatus.
indispensable for the study of
Defoes development as a writer of
for an understanding of the political
and cultural issues of his time. Th e
Scr ibler ia n
Defoes Review, 170 4 13 ( s et )
10 Volume Set
3291pp: 234x156: 2011
978 1 84893 278 4: 1755/ $3150
Volu m e 1 ( 170 4 5)
2 Volume Set
896pp: 234x156: 2003
978 1 85196 745 2: 195/ $350
Volu m e 2 ( 170 5)
2 Volume Set
888pp: 234x156: 2004
978 1 85196 794 0: 195/ $350
Volu m e 3 ( 170 6)
2 Volume Set
936pp: 234x156: 2005
978 1 85196 818 3: 195/ $350
Volu m e 4 ( 170 7)
2 Volume Set
992pp: 234x156: 2006
978 1 85196 849 7: 195/ $350
Volu m e 5 ( 170 8 9)
2 Volume Set
3816pp: 234x156: 2007
978 1 85196 867 1: 195/ $350
Volu m e 6 ( 170 9 10 )
2 Volume Set
832pp: 234x156: 2008
978 1 85196 908 1: 195/ $350
Volu m e 7 ( 1710 )
2 Volume Set
752pp: 234x156: 2009
978 1 85196 909 8: 195/ $350
Volu m e 8 ( 1711 12)
2 Volume Set
992pp: 234x156: 2010
978 1 85196 910 4: 195/ $350
Volu m e 9 ( 1712 13)
2 Volume Set
576pp: 234x156: 2011
978 1 85196 911 1: 195/ $350
I n d ex of Tit les
Aboriginal Male in the Enlightenment
World, The 10
Acting Theory and the English
Stage 19
Adam Ferguson: History, Progress
and Human Nature 6
Adam Ferguson: Philosophy, Politics
and Society 6
Adelaide and Theodore 15
Age and Identity in Eighteenth-
Century England 11
American Colonies and the British
Empire, The 18
American Exceptionalism 17
Anatomy and the Organization of
Knowledge 10
Angels and Belief in England 9
Ann Yearsley and Hannah More,
Patronage and Poetry 11
Anti-J acobin Novels 22
Bibliography of Eliza Haywood, A 22
Bluestocking Feminism 25
Breast Cancer in the Eighteenth
Century 9
Brewing Science, Technology and
Print 9
Britain in India 21
British and American Letter
Manuals 20
British Cotton Trade, The 19
British Freemasonry 16
British It-Narratives 18
British Pamphlets on the American
Revolution 20
British Piracy in the Golden Age 20
British Satire 23
The British Transatlantic Slave
Trade 23
British Visions of America 4
Caroline of Lichtfeld 14
The Celebrated Hannah Cowley 11
Charles Lamb, Elia and the London
Magazine 11
Chawton House Library 14
Chawton House Library: Womens
Novels 110 15
Christianity Not as Old as the
Creation 29
Church-State Relations in the Early
American Republic 12
Citizen, The 14
Collected Novels and Memoirs of
William Godwin, The 29
Collected Works of Ann
Yearsley, The 26
Complete Plays of Frances
Burney, The 29
Conduct Literature for Women 23
Continuations to Sidneys Arcadia 26
Correspondence of Adam
Ferguson, The 29
Cosmopolitan Ideal in the Age of
Revolution and
Reaction, The 6
Critical Bibliography of Adam
Smith, A 24
Critical Bibliography of Daniel
Defoe, A 25
Cultures of Radicalism in Britain
and Ireland 8
Debt and Slavery in the Mediterranean
and Atlantic Worlds 13
Defoes Review, 170413 29
Depression and Melancholy 17
Dialogue, Didacticism and the Genres
of Dispute 5
Diaries of Elizabeth Inchbald, The 27
Drink in the Eighteenth and
Nineteenth Centuries 9
Dying to be English 11
Early Biographies of Isaac Newton 22
Ebenezer Hazard, J eremy Belknap
and the American
Revolution 5
Eighteenth-Century British Erotica 22
Eighteenth-Century British
Midwifery 19
Eighteenth-Century Coffee-House
Culture 21
Eighteenth-Century English
Labouring-Class Poets 23
Eighteenth-Century Political
Biographies 3
Eighteenth-Century Women
Playwrights 24
Elizabeth Inchbalds Reputation 11
Empires in Perspective 7
English Catholicism 21
English Convents in Exile 17
English Deists, The 6
Enlightenment and Modernity 5
Enlightenment in America, The 20
Enlightenment World, The 4
Enlightenment World 110, The 7
Evolution of Sympathy in the Long
Eighteenth Century, The 6
Female Education in the Age of
Enlightenment 26
German Soldiers in Colonial India 9
Ghosts: A Social History 18
Gilbert Imlay 13
Global Trade and Commercial
Networks 8
Gothic Novel and the Stage, The 11
Great Bubbles 25
Grub Street J ournal, The 24
Harlequin Empire 7
Histories of Some of the Penitents in
the Magdalen House, The 15
Historiography of the Chemical
Revolution, The 12
History of Lady J ulia
Mandeville, The 14
History of Ned Evans, The 14
History of Old Age in England, The 19
History of Suffrage, The 25
History of Suicide in England, The 17
Hobbes, the Scriblerians and the
History of Philosophy 12
Hume and the Enlightenment 12
India in the French Imagination 7
Indian and Pacifc Correspondence
of Sir J oseph Banks, The 27
Interpreting Sexual Violence 10
Ireland and Empire 7
Ireland in the Age of Revolution 17
J acobite Campaigns, The 9
J ane Austens Civilized Women 11
J ews and the Renaissance of
Synagogue Architecture 9
J ews in the Americas 16
J ohn Thelwall: Radical Romantic
and Acquitted Felon 6
J oseph Banks and the British
Museum 13
J ulia 14
Liberating Medicine 6
Life of Madame Necker, The 10
Literacy and Orality in Eighteenth-
Century Irish Song 8
Literature and Science 22
London Corresponding
Society, The 24
London Opera Observed 17
Major Works 16
Manuscripts of Adam
Ferguson, The 27
Memoirs of Scandalous Women 15
Memoirs of Women Writers 15
Mercantilism and Economic
in Scotland 8
Mercantilist Theory and Practice 20
Merchants and the Military in
Eighteenth-Century Britain 13
I n d ex of Tit les
Migrants and Urban Change 8
Miscellanies in Prose and Verse by
Pope, Swift and Gay 24
Montesquieu and England 5
Narratives of the Poor in Eighteenth-
Century England 22
Nervous Disease in Late Eighteenth-
Century Britain 9
New Foundling Hospital for
Wit, The 21
Nonconformist Women Writers 18
Novels and Selected Plays of
Thomas Holcroft, The 27
Novels of Daniel Defoe, The 28
Pamela Controversy, The 24
Pickering Masters, The 26
Poetic Enlightenment, The 4
Poetry and Song in the Age of
Revolution 8
Political and Economic Writings of
Daniel Defoe, The 28
Political Biography of Alexander
Pope, A 3
Political Biography of Daniel
Defoe, A 4
Political Biography of Delarivier
Manley, A 4
Political Biography of Eliza
Haywood, A 3
Political Biography of Henry
Fielding, A 4
Political Biography of J ohn
Toland, A 3
Political Biography of J onathan
Swift, A 4
Political Biography of J oseph
Addison, A 3
Political Biography of Richard
Steele, A 3
Political Biography of Samuel
J ohnson, A 3
Political Biography of Thomas
Paine, A 3
Political Biography of William
King, A 3
Political Broadside Ballads of
England 18
Political Economy of
Sentiment, The 13
Political Writings of the
1790s, The 26
Prostitution and Eighteenth-Century
Culture 10
Public Execution in England 18
Race and Identity in the
Tasman World 7
Rash Resolve and Lifes
Progress, The 14
Reception of Lockes Politics, The 25
Religious and Didactic Writings of
Daniel Defoe 28
Representing Humanity in the Age of
Enlightenment 4
Robert and J ames Adam, Architects
of the Age of
Enlightenment 5
Samuel Richardsons Published
Commentary on Clarissa 25
Satire, Fantasy and Writings on the
Supernatural by
Daniel Defoe 28
Scottish People and the French
Revolution, The 6
Selected Political Writings of J ohn
Thelwall 27
Selected Works of Delarivier
Manley, The 27
Selected Works of Eliza Haywood 24
Self Control 14
Sex, Identity and Hermaphrodites
in Iberia 10
Slaveholders in J amaica 7
Slavery, Abolition and
Emancipation 25
Slavery in North America 19
Slavery, Memory and Identity 12
Sociability and Cosmopolitanism 5
Stays and Body Image in London 10
Strathallan 15
Sublime Invention, The 5
Tea and the Tea-Table in Eighteenth-
Century England 18
Theatre of Empire, The 7
Theory and Practice in the
Eighteenth Century 12
Thomas Dunckerley and English
Freemasonry 12
Thomas Paine and America 19
Translations and Continuations 14
Travel and Tourism in Britain 16
Travel Writings of J ohn
Moore, The 26
Travels, Explorations and Empires 23
Trials for Treason and Sedition 20
United Islands? The Languages of
Resistance 8
Unpublished Letters of Henry St
J ohn, First Viscount
Bolingbroke, The 26
Victim of Fancy, The 14
Visions of an Unseen World 9
Whore Biographies 21
William Wickham, Master Spy 5
Womens Political Writings 21
Womens Theatrical Memoirs 15
Womens Travel Writings in Italy 16
Womens Travel Writings in
Revolutionary France 16
Works of Aphra Behn, The 29
Works of Daniel Defoe 28
Works of Maria Edgeworth, The 27
Works of Mary Wollstonecraft, The 29
Works of Thomas Robert
Malthus, The 29
Writing the Empire 6
Writings on Travel, Discovery and
History by Daniel Defoe 28
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