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-Has the gramm y Has it's award s


Why don't we have our OWN ? presents

For furthe r



TM World ! !

flSUBURBAN Relapse

are literally undistinguishable from each other . Instead of bands going out of their way t o sound different, we have bands going out o f their way to sound alike . Funny isn't it? In this light we are going to try in the futur e to go out of our way to present bands who don' t quite fit the norm . Let's face it (as much a s I love em') but how many interviews have yo u seen we are guilty I know) of Minor Threat lat ley within the zines? Plenty I'm sure . Zine s should not limit themselves . I strongly fee l zines have a responsibility to present ne w bands, ideas, and music . Grow, learn, and develop . We're gonna try and if we fail maybe I'm an ass but that's another issue so til l then . . . peace, love, anarchy, and paisle y shirt power! -Bo z

c 1983 Suburban Relapse . No material may be use d

SUBURBAN RELAPS E P .O . BOX 61090 6 N . MIAMI, FL . 33261 NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION : Rough Trade, Systematic , Testtube, & Toxic Shock . AD RATES : $30 full page, $20 half page, $1 5 quarter page . Special band rates also . Circul ation=1000 . COMING SOON : MORBID OPERA EP ON SUBLAPSE !

without consent, however consent will be gladly given in almost all instances . Just ask first .

I pause, hands in pockets, stuffed int o emptiness, eyes cas t an anchor rope to th e ground . See m y feet? See how the y nuzzle and ru b one another through the boot leathe r sensually an d affectionate as i f they'd just met . There's a stranger in my shoes . pausing me alway s peeling my impotent gaze, and doubt mas k away . Staring silentl y from within, throug h walls, through laughter . through all that we know with pal e omniscient embryo eyes . - Brian Douglas Clemon s

Sorry bout the delay but that's how it goe s sometimes eh? This is our 10th issue which I suppose is a mini-milestone of sorts . Reall y didn't expect to hang in there that long bu t once you get started it's kind of hard to stop . I certainly want to thank all the people who've supported us over the past coupl e years ; all of our contributors, advertisers , distributors (the ones who have paid- the dead beats know who they are), and all of our readers . Thanks a bunch ! I feel a few explanations and clarifications are in order regarding this issue . Firstly the Dead Kennedys . We aren't out to wage wa r against the DKs and Biafra although it may appear that way . The view expressed in the article are basically mine and do not necessarily represent the views of the rest of th e staff . I would certainly encourage you to examine and weigh other viewpoints equally an d fairly before making your own decision . Basically I feel that in order for punk to gro w one must not be afraid to reject something on e does not or no longer believes in . Don't be afraid to denounce something out of fear tha t your friends or peers won't support you . It' s this continuing process of rejecting the ol d and discovering the new that will keep punk healthy and vital in the future . Let's kee p punk out of the hands of the big media mongrel s and businessmen . It's our music- don't le t punk become the new dinousaur . This brings me to the next topic . . . hardcore . I think it's pretty obvious that thi s issue is HC dominated . Need I repeat that w e are not and never have been strictly a hardcore zine . We are open to all kinds of music . Please don't get me wrong, I love the American HO scene but I feel that there's been too muc h attention latley on this kind of music whic h has resulted in a number of generic bands that

The Avengers


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Tesco Vee (not to be caught Tooling for Anus ) is a n outspoken guy . As editor of one of punk s longest standin g (and finest) fanzines, Touch and Go ; as founder of Touch an d Go Records, as leader and vocalist of the Meatmen and night , he s never been at a loss for words . To put it nicely, th e guy s controversial but hey, isn t that one of the thing s punk was always supposed to be about? The followin g interview was conducted over the phone in June .
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SR : Are the Meatmen over for good? T : Yeah, Over and done . SR : No more reunion gigs? T : No . The whole point of breaking up is I was just fe d up with putting up with other people ' s ideas of . . . . some people, the latest people I worked with had a little trouble dealing with me in terms of . . . I ' m authoritarian when it comes to dealing with a band and that kind of thing . . .so people that are used t o being in a democratic type setting don ' t jive to o well with me . SR : What are your plans now musically ? I'm gonna get a new band together starting in July . I'm gonna be working with John Dunn who used to pla y bass in Iron Cross . He's from England and stuff and has some good ideas about things and he used to b e in that band, the Unwanted, which were like a ' 7 7 Roxy London type thing, so he ' s been around th e whole thing for quite a while . . . and a couple othe r guys, but nothing definite yet . Is it gonna be comparable to what you've done before like with Blight or the Meatmen ? No . It will probably be totally different . It ' s gonna be hard for me at first . . . One thing I don' t want to do which will inevitably happen, will b e people will compare it to the Meatmen . I'd almos t like to do it incognito . I want people to take whatever . l do in the future for what it is . t;4'SR : What about Blight? Who was in that ? T : That was Steve who used to sing for The Fix, he playe d guitar . Mike played bass and this other guy Pat, wh o like never played drums before . Blight was grea t because we were like into practicing all the time and even though our songs, the basic structure of the songs , were simplistic, we practiced them so much that th e power really came out . Live we didn't fare too wel l because the Detroit crowd was really into . . .shave d heads and Negative Approach at the time and we cam e out like . . . I used to . . . we used to have like blac k lights all over the stage and strobe lights and T V sets on test patterns and I would smear myself wit h dayglo paint and like roll around on the stage an d stuff like that . It was a really fun band to be in . We only played out about 4 or 5 times . SR : So getting back to the Meatmen, is " Blow Me Jah " aimed at the Bad Brains ? T : No . It's aimed at . . . it might have been a bi t motivated by it . Let me just say that I think th e Bad Brains musically blow away pretty much any ban d in the country . A lost of their ideology I thin k sucks . Basically, that's an anti-religion song . It was gonna be " Blow Me God " but my sort o f .. s _~.rr~ :dy ffrA'i :ai4>i1,'-,'.bs } )~` / ?'''~~ :! f '"'

Christian reformed upbringing believe it or no t had me sort of second guessing that song title . So we talked about it and we decided that " Blow M e Jah " is a little less flammatory so we'll do tha t and put the reggae people who need a good stab . I might re-record it as " Blow Me God " just to prove to myself that I know I'm gonna burn in hell . Like I'm putting out a solo single . . .(laughs ) Jimmy Pursey here we go and I'm gonna do a coupl e of songs I never got to do like our dance mix o f "Dance to the Music " . . . On " One Down Three to Go " would you really like t o see the Beatles dead or are you just out to destro y the Beatles ' myth ? I'm out to destroy the whole sort of cult-lov e worship kind of thing that got going with them in }4 the 60's and the fact that there's such a fervent . . . that whole sort of subculture and that whole thing . . . anything that reeks of the 60's in my book is prett y much nauseating . That thing was basically a sho t at the Beatles themselves . That song in itself is one of the more tongue-in-cheek ones we do . Obviously, I'm not promoting any Beatlecide or ' whatever someone called it . When I was talking to Ian McKaye he said alot o f your songs are a reaction against the whole 60' s liberalism thing . Definitely . Definitely cause I ' m old enough to have been sort of through the thick of it . . . How old are you ? I'm 27 . I was just a youngster but I definitely got a good whiff and I thought it stunk pretty bad . Now I see alot of it rearing its head, thes e Citizens Against Marijuana Laws are doing alot o f punk ralleys up here . They tried to get Scream to play a show with DOA last week and they tol d Scream we ' re fanatically anti-straight edge an d we wanna bring that whole thing down and th e Scream said no thanks . You know I've been accuse d of ridiculing the punk movement and I think that' s part of my motivation cause I see so much ignoranc e and hypocrisy and so much stupidity--just basi c people . . .50% . . . I don ' t know what the percentage i s of the punk audience are just mindless followers . They ' ll jump on any trend . How come you guys attack gays so much in your songs ? I don't really know why it is because people won ' t believe this but I'm fully supportive of ERA and I' m fully supportive of equal right for homosexuals and that kind of thing . I don ' t know what it is . It ' s kind of a love/hate relationship I have and I full y believe that gays have equal rights and I don ' t know,

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~S,~s.'~c:`7~E3(i i ~ . >~. :~4 _,.+.:t.,`~vt..ft~'r~_~`~~~` .:s~- X it's real hard to describe . That ' s a real hard thin g to take apart, but it's not what it seems How ' s . that for an ambivalent answer ? . Would you say most of your song s SR : Pretty ambivalent are based on shock value or do you have that whol e ideology thing behind it ? . I'm a definite believer in punk as theatre . Punk a s shock value . I think it's become now so complacent , so generic, so boring that when I set out to do th e band I was determined to shock the punk audience . I wanted to show them how passe and boring they ha d become in their little political trips . If you had to choose between Reagan or Biafra for president, who would you vote for ? I'll take Reagan . Who would be the vice president i f Biafra was president? Would it be Timmy? I coul d make a good cabinet, too . Yeah, I ' ll take Reagan . He ' s one of my neighbors here . Ron and I hit i t off pretty well . SR : Would you say that the Meatmen were political to a n extent and not apolitical as some might say ? . I ' d say anti-political more than apolitical cause to me that's like agnostic in a religious setting . I'm not an agnostic . I'd rather be like an atheis t than an agnostic . An agnostic to me is just wishy washy . An apolitical is wishy washy and means you don ' t care either way, and I do care about what happen s and I do care about the punk scene and I want to see it come off looking positive . I don ' t like that there ' s so called communism and this and that and anarchy an d that to me just destroys whatever credibility th e underground scene has . When anybody hears these word s obviously in America it ' s a turnoff . The people in Lansing got real upset at me when last summer they pu t on an MDC show they put on the flyers, Millions o f Dead Cops, with blood on them, and I maintained b y doing that they were blowing their own horn . The y maintained that they were fighting city hall and the y did get this ordinance thrown off the books, bu t subsequently they had trouble doing shows without th e police hassling them . . .
, rsr J


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SR : What kind of person would you say goes out and buy s Meatmen records ? T : Hmmm . . .hard to say . I work at a record store . I ' m surprised at some of the people who buy them, like preppie girls buy them and really young kids who ar e obviously gonna get in trouble when mom hears i t playing in the bedroom . . .and older people . Prett y much everyone . I think the diehard Meatmen fan i s just some kid who ' s just into what we ' re doing and likes the scatalogical side of the whole thing . . . sort of the never properly potty trained kid like us . . . our anal retendant stage still intact . SR : What are your favorite bands ? T : Domestically . . . I ' m really into SS Decontrol, wit h their new sound sort of like a tank with a dirge o f wall of sound, flows down no more thrash . Obviousl y Minor Threat . . .alot of D .C . bands . . . I like heavy metal to 4 certain extent . . .Venom, that kind o f thing . I ' D, also into the sort of sick underbell y of music the SPK, that kind of stuff, the Virgin Prunes - they ' re one of my latest faves caus e they're real sickos . Obviously Throbbing Gristle , Clock DVA, the Cocteau Twins, Sisters of Mercy, an d March Violets . The English have a lock on that kin d of music as far as I'm concerned, but I'm reall y into the American hardcore . SR : What's your favorite porno magazine ? T : Umm . . . I like the real sleazy ones that have the bi g fat girls in them like Dude, Bust and things like that . It's realism to me . I look at Playboy an d Penthouse and its not real . I want to see what

America ' s real women look like . Big bust things wit h stretch marks . I also like real hardcore fuck mag s with scenes from the latest X-rated flicks, too . You know, the $1_5 glossy ones . SR : '.-f St ' s your favorite drug, or are you straight edge ? T : I ' m totally off it . Like when Crucifix were here I was r.. V talking to them and one of the guys goes " What about straightedge " pointing to my beer . What I should have r said is that I'm straight-edge because I am, becaus e you can be straight-edge and drink beer . I haven ' t taken any drugs in six years . I used to be a rea l head and got fucked up . Took too much acid . I realized it wasn't too good for my body . . . SR : Favorite food ? T : Oh God . Crab legs and pizza with anchovies . Vegetable s up the ass . I try not to eat meat cause I know it' s rotting out my lower intestine and by the time I ' m 40 I'll have cancer . SR : So you're gonna become a vegetarian anarchist now, huh ? T : (Laughs) Just leave the last part of it off . I. jus t don't warms be shitting in a bag by the time I'm 50 with all of America on their expense accounts eatin g steaks . Oh, now I sound like Biafra don't I?


A sK Me

MORE INFO. D A.M. 6a37 SA/ 3 A' ST.' M . rAMA r FLA . 330a 3


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The interview toot p lace in Bob's trailer -viLL.e . Maya 25) , surrotrnrl +cr} by c'a:ge ass bird:. , empty beer cads, and the just plain offensiveness of these guy& themselves_ The best part o f the interview was aLL the beer in the refrigerator .


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a-Lloc_ '82. Sa-lihat did you think of your reviews ? R- arty wrote a ruling review, . Jeff4st everyone liked us except Boston Rock . R.-and Max R&Ii_ They wanted more poLyggipa or something . 3-They Liked "Mere Beer'* . cares about Max R&R . . a-They think we hate women, but that's not true Jost ask my girlfriend . (Cindy-nc comment) R-ghee' s sloy . S-14or-e beer: Shier it's not even cold _ W.-!Has, you can't get beer call!! ,- J-Shit_ a -That's your problem. Jeff . one has to learn la to be satisfied with the temperature o f as it is.. S8-merge lobe's your favorite guitar player? (This gve:stittm camse t a let of clamour and J-Johnny Rattefa"_ rte.-Mc,. Jobmuy Ramona rules. _ a-iiEso"s, your fns- bass player? G-um,Rmss, I guess_ R-Ohl George! (stems )
s~i<elrerin g .. )

ash-Hi. Barry : M-tihere was the"Rosch &


45 released? '

SR-Hob,. who's your faav, singer?

Far r of Peals floaters": -LFho' s your fnv. Y . . tar player?

3-(in a Henry voice) Heenry: : I & George Tabb Fromm the Gear, a Tab Experience aid Ken
- --

J-Keith Ri chards_ B-Tad Nugent, c'm+mb_ .. . J-Nah, Ted sucks .. . . The guy in BlackSabbath is pretty gaud_ John ys Ramona sucks .. Sorry George.. Let's ask same real question= George , would you mall out? MINK R-Only if he couldn't give bleed anymore . G-Boh,do you have AIDS? (Bob gent AIDS in Sail): _ R-Bob,whio has. the moat teeth in the baud?' SR-I've been trying to get a tape from you all week. If your head wasn't attached to your body, would you Lose it? B-1 threw that tape out 'cut Morbid Opera was on it. They stole "Creep" froe ea and tbis.y stale our "Squeal Like a Pig" ! G-It's ours .. Jimmy Barf started it badk in '&T . That's it, ask Jeff. (An anonymous squeal here ? J-Barf's been squealing far years . SR-Okay, sa whin has the bta t nose in the ban d EverybodyG 'GEI G-Let's settle this once amid for all l Get a fee"eieg ruler! (Cindy was chosen to measure the incredihT e Roach Motel's tases__ .beig impartial kill ) .-Feeu the tip to the base : and the widest part ' And measure the width too :'_ B-(bein measured) What is it?: This isn't a

J-Besides myself ? SR-Yeah, besides yeuraeLf, Jeff .

,- 4
German audience : mtt't ssaaware in tenti tern . C 135 inches, Bab . B-That' a higy?er than same harts nt any 31wdy . (6'eurge was treat ) dt 3dey ; Don't sack an Tour rinse : -It's Wes:age ,y a hose C aw , Jeff, bay , G-0i vey, Jeff . B-lriy, That's a hi g .mute G-Draomro .11 . . .'This is truly exriti,ng folks : R -So who's the lucky winter ?

B-Ask ; Who slria&s see on stage? Mow this i s wont ors waht to wee : ` 3-Bob awes . . 'Yv ' V,e wed smut Three times on B-ado, Nyasa Ida stage ! 3--ldo, I +do 1 Haan three tames ! 1 xtirhl"t ;los s tut : B 3Ybe mews= -we hither, sat Paul (as- a ;Zap= is :ilezaaae the pt a itmug our levers seer an S :stage . Y' . tee xtitl dumb des with a Aug rn" llmr can . 3- J.e -:-haagl,t he wets .Demo is it.:n asure 2dm e t r) SR-Sinue. :Paul and stow J r= Cal= ea-4w= - 'i a-exist ? are out . what are you gays gamma slo for a J-F,er a =rune the lyrics to that . ztlwye-r ? ..G B-it's about a .partiru ar girl . It's the ttr o-3asm~~ers t--1 ' m Interested in this myself . t( (Temai l Tsui) Syrtdsrame . he rman''t lack a girl wry cress zar. 3101 ) so Amu mss*te a In=ch of songs asdsatrt her . . .~ ._ 3-,~so am .T : t isn't armi~acoamen . . ?It's a snub sung . T'm xis* .. R-3Qali, I'd like to he a fit 3imauh %if it .. r r .a " . a '1,yOZ pl t111-iMg any 913sw sstnyl ? ? ve ' , what sawn I soy? R-'L.'uz they've f! 1r g T-A three album set. . P' ~-~iLt tB 'They .'te totally ia1 's-- . ID . S-:'1`hlat 's us . 2- dmepte mtot acre alien . . . , r . , BliID .still' t-and haven't girt-text any better .. am! all i'miss ever wand to ado is hang taut with them e 3-pmt's .diaguatimg . swell guys and play pass tnr them ante xlT:i9tic 13-It srs .t water . s tat of hear. 3-Bisd =sew . 33-Tmtnk .'ng bird's Y .11'.2 AMUCK: rile =aloft to make l :Lassie) (This was the tatrndmrg win' tt fvs gases ac meet izt 'ytnrr twit, Jeff . title thinks psaa .'re a r,.. r as he hexane the mew moo-an t thee- Tun =hell ;war ham& tansy? , . of his idol hand, the i.nunefdlle 'Hp11 . 1F. . ;-silo way . 3-Ask ms why awe let Shaman (sac-. s. .ennther 3d-Why mto ',toss wea r yuur 'tu fitewiaeeai tune) ?slay bass ? ns:isle ant? SR-and d> -flka y , why did you let 2khansla play Mass ? eorrge, answer this . Itt-''12srs he drops an Inch acid . 6.-3u-h? .Else was mretty incompetent . C-c7ao aytru ales =laws and stuff, oaian? 33-:Trr+ible . SR-YAh1s t weds sir> yesu 3i.iaeJ r? :S,-.We had to athap every tis maz es +&-I thattY mil 3i;tt1 .. Jh strn ? sn is a 9cB-t.r ,P1 e she d it or t^o . _ We said stray . 3a-We had to sent s 1'--maul to ,]L.i've her 3. . .,$-We r-nl e have an ex-der anti ma-daess srrnventitr of es-:&aac . -Where's -your plasma to play ? J--::mii.ty, a (Tallahassee ) 6-C"ool place . 11--Reality Kitt-men . hest -plate in Saimes-vu...J..e. B-Ttank's house . t -Tell me about the cool place you played at Saturday night ,''The Spot . I lowed it . It like a =pat . is It aka ndosted, er tees nameum wri i't ? 41 .-1t ' s across from Whiskey River, a =ahoy *err . There's holes in the floor, broken witalwwa . . . R guy :named army owns it . lie lets bolds play there . 21-,l is of roarhas . ...crol -karthraum . SR-What do you think of the TI-s i'rda scene ? ;G-C.i'chlids rule Y SR-.0h ahit . Next s uestion-What type :af f-allaawimg would you say you have? 3-Eippies, little Skinheads . . . G-People that have two trucks . SR-Who writes the irrrredihle Roach Natal lgzirs ? S-.Geis. e writes allt the FM=b ones . r. `
J_ .

g Beor"ge has the biggest aurae . isle was even . 1 ;ae.dirt 9eorge will buy the. it newt Suburban .~e1 ae . SR -Newt syeatam . . .

I write all the good =sic and :Bob writes sumac lyrics . II--.left writes all the long guitar =liars . B-All the 'nark Sabbath swings . 7G J--All the great music is by me, all sir '}'yd s . l! it. . Prank wrote :a stung anise, but we ib: a And Paul wrote a sung II-But we tramped it . J-It may have beet the Est sang sewer written G-2=b rule.a . SR-Where's ;yes"ur Iirmmmxer, Pik? Still rim the Ae-

do you have aga7nstlde7( i *s z"? anyinually pmt s get a wetback if they sweat arid "Whom the hell's your fucking green r.arflT" . .? : J-It'a all Ricardo Montalhau'a fault . R- if he hadn't brow.61, L Tat= over_ . _ilsrat slimy little . J_I 1:iare,d the "P.rito Bandits" ttitrt all anal he brink 'em off t . v . so . . . .I ,.w-ale them Lt: aan.d Marl-Tab f .ef the S't'y *"stsns ) watte thee words . SR-Iliarreah wrote the l ys-ims? I always ) It -one of y , u guys ;orate it . 3- ato, Dili;-raa-h Sun did .i . SR-Ts "3hsw You're Gtama Ilie" 1mttIId to he


He's in Mesita .


J-War rim's goo . . B-Wif'sm is my favorite local band . . .and Hate d Youth . R- im e J-KrWE-Hated Youth . G-Actually, I do like Terminal Fun, but Joh n McGuigan . . . J-Wargasm is better . They're more original . Terminal Fun sound like Minor Threat . . . a little too much like Minor Threat . G-I like 31' . ime R-I'm glad somebody does .(Russ sings in Slime ) J-Maybe if they did shorter sets . B-If they did "At the Hop" less than ten times . )C?0[ R-"At the Hop" is a good song . ILOCIU0QCIXICKK G-Moral Sex isn't too good . gonna have all sorts of people showin g R- e're up at RM gigs trying to beat your ass, George ! SR-Bob, you also put out Destroy fanzine . Don' t you think you over do your coverage of th e Roach Motel? Roach Motel "propaganda" ? R-YES B=NO : ; R-Yes, Roach Motel has only" been on the cove r of Destroy five or six times . B-Once, last issue, that's it : ` ' 1 SR-Well, who writes the incredible RM review s for Destroy ? : :: B-Jef f J-Yeah, I review ourselves . Big deal . B-What about Morbid Opera and Suburban Relapse ? SR-I never review Morbid Opera . B-Well, we put out Destroy . What can you say ? SR-If you rule, you rule, right ? B-I have a t-shirt that says that . SR-I used to rule . J-I could rule if I wanted to . # SR-Are you planning another slamfest ? R-Yes, son-of-slamfest . q B-Necros might play . SR-A memorial for George ? R-Maybe this summer of early fall . n J-No Burning Dogs ! SR-Why does Frank wear pantyhose with th e B-Don't print this . SR-O .K . R-He'll still respect us . SR-What does everyone do outside the band ? G-Well, I like to surf, ski, hop into my jakuz i watch t .v . R-Bachelor #3, would you swallow or spit ? G-surf,ski . . . R-skank,skate . . . B-I want to find the cure for cancer . R-I want to regenerate the toes I lost . SR-Jeff ? J-I go to school . SR-Your major ? J-Tycoonism . R-I'm a dropout . I haven't had a job for abou t a year . I pay my bills out of deposit bottle s and being a mal e whore . I collect enough t 6 get by . SR-And Bob goes to jail . J-So Bob , how much did you squeal while yb u were i n jail ? B-This i s a short interview, George . Tell u s about your sex life . R-(in fridge) Can I drink this ? B-No! That's my last beer ! J-Hey give it to me : SR-What's the story behind the incredible RM ? G-The Roach Motel started back in the late 50' s J-When Bob was 20,then, when Bob turned 40, h e decided to quit being a hippy . G- the RM has and always will exist . . .th e RM is God . SR-O .K . What's the real story ? B-The first time we played, we played fo r nothing . . .all our friends came out . . . R-Both of them . . . B-We could have beat off and they woul d have gone "God, you're great : " J-Basically, the story is the ban d sucked, unti l I joined . B-We've had some good breaks, lik e playing wit h Black Flag and Sacchirine Trust . J-And the Sluts . . .playing with th e Sluts was a "big" breeik for us . B-They stole my beer ! G-They're weird ! R-Sluts are God ! J-They aren't too talented . G-But they're fun . R-They're still God . KR SR-Was opening for Minor Threat fun ? J-Yeah, they were fun to play with . . .make straightedge jokes . . . B-It was pathetic though . All these people tha t are normally drinkers went straightedge for a week . R-Not me . . .Is ther e a close place for bee r around here ? SR-We drank it all already ? G-I only had one . SR-Are you straightedge? -No . hut- I'm the closest one t o it in the band . B-Closest nerd in the band! (to Jeff) Why don't you cut your hair ? R-Why don't we get more beer ? SR-What do you think of the Florida scene ? B-I can't understand why there's so many hardcores in north Florida and they don' t have a fanzine up there . J-They're in high school . They can't write yet . They're skating and stuff . SR-Yeah the only bands I've heard from nort h Florida are hardcore . Some hardcore is sort s stupid . How do you feel about the mindles s generic stuff ? R-It's fun to get out and hassle the people wh o deserve to be hassled and to play loud an d fast but so man bands sound the same . A m

crotches cut out as shirts ? R-'Cuz he's a sex god . G-He eats the crotch out first .

.' . ~ a . ~ . `~ - +.. . ; ~ . .~ I supposed to give a fuck about these ans that sound identical? When most bands decided ~' to play punk in the first place, they did so .1 ' . they wouldn't sound like Styx, They wer e against conforming . Now hardcore is conform- ' ing . It's like spikes and a leather jacket . G-Hated Youth is pretty generic, but they'r e good musicians . .3-They're about the best hardcore in Florida . SR-How about the scene here in central Florida ? Can you get gigs fairly easily ? ~ J-At Reality Kitchen . B-Every week we had a gig there . J-And the police came . . . , + SR-Yeah, I hear the cops show up at almost all. your shows . B-The first time they showed up was funny . The y said "Shut up or you're going to jail" . Jef f put his guitar against as amp and made lots o f noise . It was a joke . Now they come to ever y fucking gig ; It sucks . You set up a whol e show and sometimes don't get to play . J-At Reality Kitchen the cops show up becaus e they don't like the counter culture there . SR-Is Roach Motel political ? s B-Oh yes, very political . R -We're marxist-anarchist-skum . Jt J-We did all the circle A's on campus, on the business building . I B-Like when we started as a punk band in '7 2 there was no one but us . So when we got hard core in . . .'74 was it ? G-'75 . R-Every punk band in the world should hav e similar politics so I don't see why we shoul d discuss it . B-Don't listen to him . We're not political an d we're damn proud of it . . SR-But all punks don't have the same politics . Some bands are coming out with "moral code " type stuff . . .neo nazis . . . R-That's bullshit . $ J-I'm against that . B-Look at Max .R&R . Kids buy that to read abou t bands and then have to wade through politica l crap . SR-But politics are important . What pisses me of f is the fact tTiat some bands/punks jump on th e leftest bandwagon to be "in" . They may no t understand that anarchy is a good, workabl e alternative, not just a fad . R-If you don't have anything, then you might a s well be an anarchist . The anger is more impor tant to me than the political crap . Might a s well make 'em pissed . Punk began out of anger . B-And humor . It used to be fun . R-What happened to all the fun? It's drainin g out . Now you have to vote the straight part y . .ars line to be punk . That's bullshit . It's becom e Mis its, D .K .'s soon, and the audiences aren' t a fad . a bunch of assholes . I . J-But Max .R&R is a good fanzine . R-We can't help it if we live in the ass end o f B-The argument between MaxR&R and Crawfod i s the U .S . There's a lot of bands down here . We funny . I like it . just need to organize . + SR-Why exploit it though? I'm bored with it . J-Bands are better financed elsewhere . B-I like Fli side and Ripper better . R-You have to work harder in Florida becaus e Igo SR-The best fanzines have always bee n local : New you have to put it out yourself . Florida ha s Order, Mouth of the Rtt, Borington Journal, one of the most original scenes because th e Destroy, Suburban Relapse, venues are so small, you can do whatever wier d R- I agree . The Florida scene is so fragile tha t shit you want . The Florida scene needs to I don't think we can introduce politics int o cohere, get over the petty shit, and we desparately need a strong independent label . it . All these bands are just on the edge of survival . . .just scrambling to stay alive . I f B-Being competitive and fighting between band s we start fighting each other, then that' s is useless . It really is . the end . SR-O .K ., we've established the fact that yo u J-Most bands that so anything political, i n guys aren't psuedo-politicos . . .So what's th e future for the incredible Roach Motel ? north Florida anyway, are merely parrotin g other bands . J-We're planning to break up one day . B-Have fun . B-We're not that isolated down here . We've ha d R-More beer . some greatws ; Black Flag, Minor Threa t

:-' '

baboonaloo[0 ; ~



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Ii4r 164

7 riot

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by I'lichael Koeni g

In between sets at hoe-tans' premier night dub, the self-;rrOrlat evd "rsubts _aerean na :ve~u of lurid vice and glamour , " the "Rat ." band -members and ebrnns alike jovially head over t o reerhy Hagen Dee for cones and milkshakes . That's 'how sink Boston musicians acre . Alcohol, pills, acid, et-nook--or -even whumes or screwmagarines? Nada . Lust text books , mom's homrebaked chordate chips, designer jean s and Boston Crock . You rant even say "aunt " without a zillion treaty, appraising eyes hammering you against the wall . Lack , saang , Trick , one-eyed snake or helmet? Forget it ; in Boston it's (ssshhh) "Penis . " 'Tanned in Boston" is -nc joke . On l y a dumb sticky ggn_mball 'would have you heilieve that the "underground" music :here is mane the worse for its -moral proclivity . The sounds , In the leer U . S . metropolis with blue laws an d safe streets . sufizr dearly for its throngs o f wide-eyed blondes, who roam dormitory after dormitory, with gaped teeth . ruby :cheeks, virgin ear s and ebony lipstick, incessantly babbling I' m graduating! I'm graduating, I gotta find a husband, NOW! ! 1" and the hordes of anxious men wh o race gleeful?y after these twits like :hahnons after bananas . Boston is the nations proverbial .college i(awn ; living and dying between September and May . for this they have never been able to sustain :any purposeful, concerted musical direction . For better or ,worse, they are Bloomed as a transien t college wasteland, blighted with transient moll-age taste . Everything has this temporal :flakiness where

thoughts, sounds and -visi.a n Implode inside a a jangl monolithic 0Te f;'1d; each rilwvs:nnomkerct e of phitremeent lights, eei p+pig mmimm,e n rxeati-a;tg a Tribe of thought and action, mina-fully committingbloodles s arattai :l =ambles . Struts 'suicide at the strike ofdenzetr bell . Onlyof at rin'es omit e x s ,pur nermi = u sir-mS:mdetl s urge 'bands, outcast ifrom psmguilar tremsilen t . , Taste .(eommentlye-Toman Koran ., Tank of iAwi. toluene Cleb, C, Tra&&ne . ) eatractime , Llsrbs eevolve in a aa1fsAand acs 'en copper the tam t ic rrycle, miElksmg latest lad without mo ariag a stranger, enduring so ne . f mmhlem is s m ell Sa m1meu by an a hxolut-e -vnirl of rezor',d wtzuas : closest altemnative Termed .e ce e in or out of 'lost= is a 45 mi strr d L eve, 3imokix 1ierords In 'Raeves . This leaves town hos'.tege to onambitiems radio -Trogranmipg .

Irenirs i ly , the hard am:al lowing truth i s that :must lostonians revel a ,*nowt musly Ae'hsied fantasia : Home is,the !hub of -mui .ral enligl'atmen t that rivals, at least, N . Y . or :Caldiornia m o sweat . Furthermore, the perpetration of this -myth by sheer force of -positive xdciniki mg tax somehow established a -national repotatimn that supports this motion . I}b huh, and would you believe 'Kenmore &,ore's Ciogo sign's elertrarisy is powered by haymow:1 SolIvan and Nutkyy beRimmox' :s f l atuaticm s ? At the onset let's a mthne Tomtmm's = Emmert status by going back to the: la most Frolu i r goerthe roots of 1:97b and tracing tom* d . from . '76r"79 -Boston was lbristling o:1th asmanithentent bur .. Their-now famous col :ge radio stations ne geoniagg :untapped fhorimmns as 'tffT'a W R &PA the way Out of the Zara ages . Among sst s , their I . J . 's Oedipus and Blowfish pro -.dut ed and :played a wide variety of -crew music , supporting the local. scene ; The Teal Rids, D ;ffi.Z_ hare Thor, iP;abys .Arm, tisnjtsirr Aviators, :N coaus Tatars , 11tie


Alexander, Thundertrain, Richard Nolan and Thir d Rail, the Infliktors, Mission of Burma, the Atlantics, Pastiche, Tracks, the Girls, the Bimbos , Reddy Teddy, Bloody Virgins and more were all in their hey day and raving up singles at a dizzyin g rate . Fanzines like Frenzy, Boston Groupie News , Subway News, Miscarriage and Hardcore carried th e momentum beyond the clubs . Seering times . All good things end, time passed, and th e worst of these bands, the Cars cut a major labe l record that whacked the blubber out of Billboar d and instantly legitimized the entire "punk" scene . Exploitation laps at the entails of success ; Oedipus was hired at the giant commercial station , WBCN ; major labels courted the bands they ha d rejected demo tapes from just a few months earlier . Absolutely the crappiest of bands wer e signed : the Rings, Human Sexual Response, th e Elevators, etc . From all corners of the country , Florida, California, D .C ., etc ., bands flocked t o Boston faster than they could write songs, draw n by the smell of money and the rationale that Boston was easier and less frightening to break int o than the big-bad apple was . More time flys and the clubs succumb to thi s shit and slam the brakes on booking "risky " groups . "Safe" corrupt clubs opened, like th e Channel, and small but cherished dives opened , like the Underground, to collect misfit and out cast bands ; the Rat hired Thrills "vocalist" Bar b Kitson to book bands, the club has yet to recove r save for 50% of the shows booked by Julie Farman . While this transpired, luminary radio personalities from WMBR rode the wave of popularit y and found paying D . J . positions ; MBR weened Cras s the town groupie, became program director an d instantly ruined commercially funded WLYN ; MBR' s Greg Reibman took over the awe inspiring reins o f editorship at Boston Crock magazine . And whic h was then hailed as the most important developmen t of all, Oedipus was promoted to music director a t WBCN . His promotion started an avalanche of rodent D . J .'s impoverishing the radio, on bot h commercial and college stations . If the shit hadn't hit the fan by then, th e crap rolled like dice now . Boston's only cuttin g edge club, the Underground, closed . Streets , another good club, opened down the "street" an d shut doors soon thereafter . Rebop, the citie s only responsible independent record store, close d for good . Doug Simmons came to regurgitate weekl y in the towns only regular music column . Othe r college stations gained listeners ; WZBC (Boston College) became powerful playing the worst bran d of syntho-swill imaginable . Mike Dreese and New bury Comics capitalized at the expense of th e young punkette "BIB" club members . And most disapointing, Oedipus, a gutless diarrhea turd wh o still to this day colors his hair blue, announce d to his blind and eager brown nosed followers wh o vollunteered at his station "EVOLUTION NOT REVOLUTION," a fuckless sellout excuse, delaying an y positive change on the air . This proved not t o be a procrastinating slogan, but a sly, vulga r camouflage for an out of touch aging poseur in tending to keep his job by playing a lame demente d catch up game to the country's #1 rated, dun g flinging dinosaur rock of WCOZ . That's how things stand now . To this day th e only golden boy from MBR to keep his integrity i s Albert Oram . Currently, Albert has a regular spo t on BCN and trys to squeeze in as many Boston band s into the format as possible . Who are Boston's current bands? By virtue o f their nature and sheep mentality they'v e herded themselves into three easily distinguish able groups and two others that keep away from th e rest . They are : 1) The Modern Method/WMBR powerpa p contingent 2) the Propellor Records/Allston ar t band collective 3) the highschool hardcore gang . And keeping their distance : 4) the turned off an d turned on garage bands and 5) Non-aligned groups . MODERN METHOD/MBR POWER PA P (With this incestuous group we find MB R supplying D . J .'s, Newbury Comics hiring them an d all conspiring to sell what they play . Proble m here is what sells sucks coupled with D . J .' s Reynolds Wrap ear drums .)

GOOD--None . ALRIGHT--Someone and the Somebodies . . .Bass heavy group not unlike the Grateful Dead on reds . . .Tri s Lozaw, bass extraordinare, pens Take It! Magazin e local column . . .bands moment came while tourin g with U2 . FUCKIN' TERRIBLE--The Dark . . .Considered by mos t as Boston's worst band . . .every member would giv e their left testicle to be John Travolta clones . . . stay clear of all records and they ' re worse live . Primitive Romance . . .A native FLA band that move d to Beantown to capture "wealth" and success unatainable in FLA ; that was their first mistake . PeterDayton . . .Formerly of Boston's late, grea t '77 band La Peste . . .solo effort is blatant sel l out . . .might've broken up if their manager ha s squandered her $6 million inheritance yet . . .ban d owns lotsa pairs of pointy toe shoes . BoysLife . . .Young cockless brats, stupid an d sassy . . .lots of flugelhorns . Outlets . . .Same,though not bad when more garag e than glitz . Till Tuesday . . .Winner of this years Battle of th e " Bands," that oughta tell ya something . . .lik e Kate Bush singing lead for Duran Duran . . .wit h former Dark members, Amy Mann apparently clinche d 'Battle' title when her "boob" popped out of he r A-cup . NovemberGroup . . .Gay disco too bad to be calle d trash . . .Recently signed with MCA ; Gerard Cosloy tells how Rick Harte warned MCA not to sign " be cause their singer and manager (Joan ' Iris h Setter' Martin) are gay and what if they have a fight?" PROPELLER/ALLSTON ART BANDS (The best Propeller had, left for Ace o f Hearts Records . In sum, much integrity here , but little else . ) GOOD--Christmas . . .A modern day "Girls" . . .sinc e booting synth "player" and adding bassist Da n Salzman this eclectic foursome is one of Boston ' s best bands . . .everything is uphill from name on , and they've a single out and a cut on a Propello r sampler . . .sounds like the Cramps led by Sumne r Crane . DangerousBirds . . .recently split up as singer / guitarist Thalia quit . . .Thalia Zedek is bes t female musician in town . . .manic, rambling guitar backed by traditional new wave snore-rhythm . . . on various Propeller product . ALRIGHT--Wild Stares . . .When sick and sloppy they are King G-od, when not, just another Clash clone . FUCKIN' TERRIBLE--Sale m 66 . . .Led by Persian Cat woman Judy Grunwald, her heart arresting set o f knockers would've made band popular if soun d wasn't so anemic . NativeTongue . . .Mission of Burma clones with records . NewModels . . .more Allston than Propeller . . .start ed at Underground, but spread cheeks wide enoug h and now the per of Ric Ocasek . V ; . . .not a bad art band, spawned at Underground . . . broke up recently . GENERIC HARDCORE BARBAND S (Boston's most overrated jive . These knight s in black stains, while dressing alike and takin g straight edge vows, regally posit that D . C . wen t staight edge and L . A . donned combat boots foll owing their example . ) GOOD--S .S . Decontrol . . .Led by Lethal (guitar) an d Springa (voice,) they're Boston's only h . cor e band with an ounce of integrity or brains . . .Two albums out and maybe they'll lean more on thei r original durge-sound than the slam dance shtick . . . Debuted only 2 years ago at a Take It! Magazin e wrestling extravaganza, marking the first local h . core show ever . . .should tour West Coast soon , good catch . ALRIGHT--Uncalled Four . . .Funny as hell, cove r "Girl from Ipanema" . . .never accepted as part o f the gang (good) . FUCKIN' TERRIBLE--Proletariat . . .gotta hand it t o 'em, they pulled the wool over the eyes of Boston s b .c . clique-they ' re commies!! The skin heads

would flip out! if they only understood th e lyrics!!! . . .band preys to Gang of Four poster s when not masturbating, but still find it withi n their Marxist hearts to accept money for gigs . F .U .'s . . .2nd most popular h .c . band next to S .S .D . -any at times, but mostly humor escapes me . . . 2nd L .P . coming soon . GangGreen . . .broke up, thank G-od . Negative FX . . .broke up, thank ratan . Jerry'sKids . . .on stage their hypnotizing . LouMiami . . .hardcore for fags . . .slam butt fuckin g at gigs (woo!) . . .since AIDS scare . they hand out rubbers with each paid admission . GARAGE BAND S (Only group that includes retugees trom '77 . Bands are generally hot shit but only a few ar e new ; mostclub goers shun garage groups (too loud ) in favor of less ambitious ass squating music . Cantones (old bar) gave birth and supported mos t of these bands for 6 years up till it closed a few months ago . ) UNFUCKIN ' REAL!--The Lyres . . .#1 Boston ban d period . . .evolved from Mono Man's '76 DMZ . . . they've a new single on Boston's hands dow n best record label, Ace of Hearts, and lots o f other vinyl including a soon to be released LP . . . Greatest dance band I've seen anywhere--anytime ; lots of obscure nuggets primarily from '60's N . Western punk (Sonics, Wailers . ) ClassicRuins--Evolved from Baby ' s Arm . . .wis h Frank Rowe still sang "I'm a Wimp" . . .one rec out . HopelesslyObscure . . .Ken 'Gizmo' Highland's new one . . .a ton of originals and covers, they do ove r 600 songs ; catch 'em when they come to town, wil l play forever if permitted . Willie Alexander . . .The 'King' of Boston RnR' . . .ha s great nights and so so ones these days . KilSlug . . .Nosiest stuff in city . . .I used to man age them, but have lost touch . . .excellent tape ou t Mission ofBurma . . .Classic band, great to the end , broke up 6 months ago . . .live EP expected though . MightyIons . . .Broke up too, but were a hefty 1- 2 punch when billed with the Lyres ; guitarist Dann y McCormick now plays for Lyres with rest of DMZ . . . heavy Dictators and pro wrestling influence . Customs . . .Legendary street bum, Bill Tupper, lead s Lyres rhythm section, with Mono on drums . . .ga g band better than 99% of towns serious ones . Motherfuckinshitheads . .My band with Kenne High land (what's point of writing for no $ if y a can't toot yr own horn?) . . .broke up when I moved but recorded original studio material t o be released one day . . . " Edgeway of Fizz" destine d to replace " Freebird" at dorm parties . . .acheive d nonpareil success, as John Martin of Boston Roc k said "Most of our 30,000 readers have seen you r band . " RealKids . . .Primal Boston band . . .John Felice an d Alpo the dog rave on . JonathanRichman . . .Used to play with Felice an d has recently moved to California cause he wa s sick of the butterflies and ice cream at Fenwa y Park . BlindOrphans . . .only for cornersewers of noise . . . Depraved Dave ' s horror aesthetic . ALRIGHT--Neats . . .Used to be one of the best, bu t have grown sickeningly slick . . .if you catch the m on tour and tired, they're likely to be slopp y and that's likely to prove matchless . . .Ace o f Hearts LP in the can . Last Ones . . .D .M .Z . offshoot . . .Cantones favorite . TheOdds . . .same as above . billyGoons . . .everybody in town on stage ; sort o f extension of Mighty Ions . Del Fuegos . . .when on, their ON ; when off jus t wait'l next time . . .a mono single on Ace of Heart s is expected . Eric Lindgren/Birdsongsof the Mesozoic . . .wax now out on Ace of Hearts . . .experimental microchi p meanderings ; alter ego of Roger Miller . FUCKIN' TERRIBLE--Neighborhoods . . .forget wha t you've read before, as Willie A's back-up ban d they cut the mustard, now they squirt it . 007 . . .replaced Dee Rail with another black bassist ; Fc7w're ya gonna do that? . . .Motown pop is vunderbar ; the rests not . FutureDads . . .broke up . . .Richie Parsons third band , T hear, is his worst . MIA's . . .right idea, but synthesized stuff comes ot t Ilk beer farts . -NON ALIGNED BAND S (Time to time a band comes out of the blu e with a terrible record ; never playing out, no r are they heard from again . They value thei r independence and are smugly insensitive to al l music, which shows, and who'd certainly b e better equipt to play if they learned to stea l licks . The best of the unattached bands are fro m the suburbs or Rhode Island . Fanzine diletente , Gerard Cosloy, whom I'm indebted to for the up t o the minute details herein,claims two brand spank in' new bands, with horrible names, "Sorry" an d "Moving Targets" are the future rage . ) GOOD--G .G . Allin . . .A ton of singles . . .an anima l who is banned from every club in town . . .on stag e at a Take It!show he winged a beer bottle an d smashed some kid in the forehead at the back o f the club . . .music's every bit as violent . Plan9 . . .Ten hillbillies from Providence chur n out garage classics . . .get any record and walk a mile for a show . ForeignObjects . . .From Amherst, with a single . . . if they moved to Boston they'd catch on, but a s is sheepish dj's stay clear of their excellen t garage/wrestling stuff . ALRIGHT--Rubber Rodeo . . .You'll get to hear thi s twisted country mulch on their forthcoming Poly gram rec . . .time has eroded much of their origina l humor . Men &Volts . . :Destined for obscurity (unfairly ) as a Beetheart deranged crew . . .look for their LP . Red . . .Nimble fingered guitarist, Ottmar, come s From Germany, they do avante different there . Shutup . . .If they only played out or put ou t records they might become Boston's finest . . .weir. d offshoot of Robin Amos, from the Girls . FUCKIN' AWFUL--The Angry YoungBees . . .Queer pop . . . bands day came when dj toungetied them the Angr y Sams . Trademarks . . .Stupid, unethical uniformed popsters . DigneyFignus . . .Like his name . E .dieWalker . . .If he didn't evoke shades of Elvi s Costello he'd be okay . DYS . . .A hardcore joke band of Boston College dj' s ;MO hyped themselves to obscure fame, canned thei r dreams at graduation, then moved back to Ma an d Pa's country homes to become principals, ministers , and all-round goo samaritans . And that's how it goes in Boston : Bogus hype , obscure fame, and graduation to greener pastures . But hey, don't get me wrong, while you're here , you can have lots of fun . As my pal Tina Borott o says, "We had the best time that you can have i n Boston without being out of town . " ** * Curious for more Boston vitriol? Get a subscriptio n to Boston's own Take It! Magazine and read abou t local, national and inter-gallactic blip ; 6 issue s $10 and 12 issues $18 . All issues complete wit h free flexi-records . Send to : Take It! .Magazine , 4734 Jefferson Street, Hollywood, FLA 33021 . And read the first 6 issues now, before they ge t all time warped in 1984 .


The MINOR THREAT Interview :Including Wha t To Do With A Frozen Rat . By : David Camp, Bob Fetz, and Boz .

Minor Threat need no introduction to th e readers of this rag, so we won't bother . Th e following interview has been greatly edite d for various reasons . Recently there's been a flux of interviews with the band in a numbe r of different fanzines . Since many of the questions and responses were similar, we didn' t feel the need to reproduce everything again . The interview was conducted with the whol e band present . Time :Spring 1983 . Place :Gainesville, Florida . Key :Sublapsers : (D) David Camp, (B) Boz , (F) Bob Fetz . Minor Threat : (I) Ian, (J) Jef f D : Do you think that the American hardcore scen e is healthy or do you feel it's stagnating? I: It's healthy and it's stagnating . It's aort a like the human race . B: As it becomes bigger, would you say it ha s become more diluted ? J: As you go along, there's bands that come along that later you can draw upon all the differen t stuff from before, like the '77 stuff . I: There's slot of bands replacing energy wit h speed . We call it paddle thrash . There's s o many bands that do that, it takes away from some of the impact . F : What did you think of the crowd last night ? J: All I can say was people certainly didn' t know our songs . People were just crowdin g around the stage looking around . . . I : . .they didn't come up and look at the othe r bands like that . I think people were interested . I wasn't offended by it, but it' s certainly frustrating, especially for me , when you put out so much . . .One thing I hat e is when a band says, "Come on, you fuckers , dance :" If they dance, it's fine . But, actually , we have more trouble where there is incredibl e amounts of action . . .I mean New York, an d Boston, and even Washington, when there's s o many people on stage . . . D : How do you control that? All : We don't : I : We make a point not to . One thing we do i s try to keep them away from the equipment . I have this great want to beat the shit ou t of people like last night, but I fight it bac k real well now . It's frustration . . .it's not hate . D : Do you think people really get anything ou t of your lyrics ? I : I think slot of them do . I think slot of m y lyrics, as opposed to being instructions o r information about the government, are a littl e bit more along the lines of something peopl e can apply themselves to . I have one song , "Little Friend", that I think people have a little trouble understanding . It's a reall y personal thing . But as far as the messag e thing goes . . .just the fact that we come of f as . . .we are like pretty normal and generall y pretty nice . Maybe there's a message in that . Last night we were talking with that littl e tyke from Sector 4 . (Note : as rumor has it , the drummer from Sector 4 went up to the band

and said, "Hey, what is it with you straight edge homos anyway?") . He could not even fatho m the idea that we didn't drink . He said, do you smoke joints? and we said no, and h e couldn't believe that . He said, of course yo u drink . . .I don't think it could have occure d to him that there could be a straight band . That's not our only thing, but just the fac t that we can just go out and put out that muc h without having to cover up with anything els e and maybe there is a message in that . Also , we try to be freindly, smile, and have a laugh . Do you get much sarcasm from people when you go on tour ? Sure, like in San Francisco when we stayed i n this house . We walked in and they had this huge horse syringe and they left bongs every where . It was like a big joke to them . Anywa y they were trying to fuck with us and tryin g to offend us . That's the kind of sarcasm F e dealt with . I think the big joke is on them in the end anyway . Our whole thing is no t just the straight edge thing . It's not eve n necessarily the most important thin . I know that we don't just sit around and discuss how we're straight . After the band broke up the 'first time, wha t made you decide to bring Minor Threat bac k together instead of starting a new band ? Well, we did start a new band, but, it didn' t work out . Brien was in the GI's . Why did w e decide to get back together instead of some thing else? The rgason os we are Minor Threa t and we worked hard to be Minor Threat . Say if we got back together as, say, the Four Fags . No matter what, forever and forever people would say ex-Minor Threat, Minor Threat, Minor Threat . . .it didn't make a whole lot of difference . The point was . . .I had a very stron g feeling . . .it was like an incomplete thing w e didn't finish . We just sort of stopped .

D: I:

D: I:

B : What about Max . R&R and the new punk morality ? I : Umm . We don theany aspiration for govern ment and that's just our personal beliefs . B : What about John Crawford whose . . . I : Read Max .R&R, but also read John Crawford' s All the Drugs You Can Eat . I personally foun d that 100,000 times more interesting tha n Max .R&R, just because it's a turnaround, a shock to read . I read it and just poure d through it . I think it's good to have a goo d war like that . D : One more question ; tell us about Henry' s (Rollins) rat . . . I : What about it ? D : I heard rumors about it having a wierd tim e with Jello Biafra one night . I : Henry's had many rats . There's alot of stories about rats . Let me know which one you'r e talking about . . .give me a hint . D : Did he let a rat melt on Jello Biafra on e night ? I : Yeah . Henry had a rat . First we dyed it blac k and put a mohawk stripe on it and it got a tomonr from the dye and it died . Instead o f burying it, we made a coffin out of a mil k carton and we froze it in the freezer an d Biafra was staying there and Henry took th e rat and put it on him and let it melt down on him . D : While he was sleeping? I : Yeah . I could tell you stories about pets . . . We used to play badminton with a real dea d birdie . We've done some cruel stuff, I promise .

Out of IIL

26 .

Bury the dead . This was all theproof I needed as to how boring . .id stale much o f the scene down here has become . Both F and th e Gay Cowboyc demonstrated this to me by doin g the exact opposite . That's right . These bands are about having fun . Both bands fuck the sacred hardcore cow and the end result for m e was as close to a religious awakening as I'l l probably ever experience in my lifetime . Thes e kids are assuridly crazed (and that goes out t o the entire F-Troop/Gay Cowboy contingent)-no t a sane one out of the bunch which of cours e is a sure sign of greatness . If the Gay Cowboy s play your town don't miss em' and that's al l y .mgonasy I' theater - .~lliReesr :mnnss+ : . ... .



ROCK AGAINST REAGAN on Boston Common, May 15

by Scott Con n

Live jive for the masses . . .MDC and the " Rock aginast Reaga n " tour (Stupid band name, stupid tour name, stupid tour) pul l into Boston Common for a free show to liberate the oppresse d and entertain the liberated and clothe and feed the poor an d hungry and . . .huh? Well, Jesus, it's for their own good . . . I guess that's the reasoning, or the excuse . Whoops, no need for excuses or apologies when you're doing the RIGH T (righteous) THING . Well, they set up and blast " The Message " over the P .A . to bring in the minori :i1s (slick move that one ) too bad it was the highlight of the afternoon . First up ar e those radicall current-events rockers themselves---MDC . Actually, they do a pretty good set (too bad they ' ll neve r match their first single) . Now after that it gets pathetic . . . They must have dragged every burned-out reactionary politica l hack they saw off every street corner and let 'em spew fort h their tired party-line shit, in between this parade of wannab e Batmans (ya know, crusaders for justice) . A few bands play , but by this time it ' s getting dark and the crowd has thinne d to the point it isn ' t a crowd anymore and this guy start s singing a song about the evil wonder bread and I know I hav e to leave, even though the Crucifucks have yet to play (whic h is the only reason I was there in the first place) . Now please, don't put me on the " against" side of the politica l debate, that ' s not the point of this review, I think both sides are almost unbearably boring . This is just meant to b e yet another example of how ridiculous things have become . Yes, indeed .

Saturday Night!

Charlie Pickett Live at Blitz !

For those of you who were n ' t at the Blitz Saturday nigh t (most of the punk rock heads were) here ' s the lowdown :

The cover was $3, but we got in free which was n o bargain . The drinks were fairly high considering that I drank so many . The joint was a typical Big ')vddys, excep t for the clientele . The polyester crowd was replaced by something worse : the "Can ' t make up their mind " crowd . Attire ranged from leather bound punks to Echo and th e I think the club should provic e Bunnymen look alikes . name tage for their patrons . I was quite embarrassed whe n I asked David Camp for a Tampax (even more shocked when h e gave me one) . But for those of you who want to go to cool places , tease your hair and get over to the Blitz . Oh yeah! I almost forgot there was a band there, too . Charlie Picket t They , and the Eggs, known to their families as the Picketts . didn ' t have funny hairdos, well . . . not that funny . The y played a good hard set, they were in tune, and they were al l They ' re a good R & B band . I personall y there at once . can ' t get excited over them, but they are a talented lot . Darla Hay Even if the guitarist only has one pickup!

D .A .M . at the Rockin' Robin . Ft .Lauderdale . June 26, 1983 . Real rough sound . Bad jokes . Basaguitar solos . Not real fast . Stupid skat e jokes . Role playing . More pokes at jokes . Lous y amplification . It was the most fun I've had a t a gig in a long time . A great start for these four guys . But will they get fucked up befor e they get famous? Don't Ask Me : (CRAIG VAGUE)

I must =sew tunnalry wont. that sentiment, anti; also add that virtually) ail oSY the Ittresians santiments; cart he aplied: to stre-i-p,lism and communism, only =Maws, =ea sa . Femrle are not =shines, ham axis they c-sortyl:e.. Amy- system . which, regards hum= beings as "tsmemes " cannot bare muh , respect ion- that human: ratedam't. sag Mawr Al:WM cam harms rmszn resmat. fat- the Case human race of late, butt-- ..that' s a story) irt tub rum down some imfcamation =out lm=peprimtt. Trots= Remarat?' ,13)y cm release 11%. is am entity whir= I created mu. ' that I wants& to, see waist, anti it is still that weiralbum was teles=M art UR. for the followduag E .=)SE mplete nmmomt : a): it. wan tine omjiy, wary, we could: haws co ,rldistic: contrult. mama whit we didi h.); =kin* else, would) dim wham we saute& trn_ Al at pmcrttlts =die from sales of. the recrmnb ass split: be amen hat= roam as and LP, with 119R "s alkaline gGdng. tD%aXtek finMita pth,j)eirtirk teTTi I
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Wks= art/in- aide/lidlaes must integrate anal aUi3 v beenare, am part of the actisr/mutirmEam/rdtilomophas' s 11featrie, Salvage sm=eedecb. Smrpmtse,, a n. .l .+g+F,le amount ad hypocrisy Via tempted: to =clams that at long last a gm= of =mat with guitars hart =du= culture (from PtL mmmumadmh =sat etemycrae else to the teat Irammedimr)) lwrmla to think they do) . _ Riving alili ye= =m are ff-FIllea =t suorsh=e- - . Straw Raeabiiii), liaise our album, "Tragic tg sr an& various cuir, on, chum= of compilations to their- =matt.. They, hare dome somas Mat emumsMwe, thumb= along, t= West Coast, im.4n,'hirr,g a =tut sithl RiL_ (a= Eruct. I-ithsar to rl..l1 you about that)) an& & pmrftcmmnmcm inn-, a dry liaise- lit the Irbjlape Dessmt.. For a more =temiiva list of the cornprilatiams auk pscujects they ' re irntalmea im, se= a- S ..A .S .E. to diem


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VARIOUS "WE CAN"T HELP IT IF WE'RE FROM FLORIDA " (DESTROY 7"EP)--- The definitive Flavoid comp to date (I admit that's not sayin' much) . Five bands here from various parts of the stat e (Roach Motel, Hated Youth, Morbid Opera, Secto r 4, and Rat Cafeteria) along with 13 songs whic h spells a bargain to me . Four loud n' fast ri p em' up HC bands plus one (Morbid Opera) wit h their own "weirder than normal" spew . My fave s beside the afforemented M .O . are ector 4 and Roach Motel who earn my vote for g ong titl e of the year with 'My Dog's Into Anarchy" . Political consciousness to the max! If yo u couldn't guess already . . highly recommended . (POB 4927 Ft . Laud, F1 33338) (BOZ ) VARIOUS "MINUTES TO GO' (MINISTRY OF CULTUR E cassette)---- Larry 6's anti- nuke cassett e compActually it's more a forum of ideas (a s . opposed to a conceptual statement) since Larr y looks disdainfully on mass movements (wants t o avoid liberal guilt) . Huh? Sure . . . ah what eve r you say Larry . Well regardless of whateve r Larry's intentions may be this is one of th e better cassette comps around . Post- holocaus t music with Attrition, Savage Republic, Reaga n Youth, Minimal Man, Arsenal, and more than I can mention . Side two features a reading o f the Strategic Bombing Survey and the effect s of the A-Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki . Instead of spending $4 on your next six pac k send it off quick before it's too late (onl y minutes to go remember?) to MOC, Rockefelle r Center Sta . POB 1088, NY, NY 10185) .(BOZ ) L-SEVEN (TOUCH & GO 7 " EP)---- Non HC band on Touch & Go's Special Forces subsidary so som e narrow minded skinhead won't buy this expectin g Negative Approach . Pretty female vocalist fronting this progresso punk/psychedelic band . Fans of Siouxsie, Penetration, Mood of Defianc e 45 Grave, Cocteau Twins . . . will probably like this as much as I do . Recommended . (BOZ ) MARC RILEY "FAVOURITE SISTER" "CARRY MI CAR D -- or all you out ther e that like the Velvet Underground and love tha t jingle-jangle 60's sound, this single is fo r you . Marc Riley's (late of the Fall) vocal slip s in front of then behind the guitar and drums . The drum sound is really special . It's big an d really BOOMS . The timing of the songs is righ t on . They dust sound sloppy and that is thei r charm . (LESLIE WIMMER ) OMEGA TRIBE "ANGRY SONGS" (CRASS 7"EP)---Decent , but not outstanding . Some strong sentiments ar e expressed, but the music's not particularly overwhelming . "Time for Change" fares the best wit h its powerful drums, but there's a ballad her e straight out of Moody Blues/Jethro Tull land . (BOZ) GAY COWBOYS IN BONDAGE "WE'RE NOT GAY BUT TH E MUSIC IS!" (YOU'RE A WEEN cassette)--- Onl y Florida could produce something as tasteles s and trashy (read : great, incredible, etc . . . . ) as this . GCIB are a bunch of bored suburban tyke s that churn out some of the greatest fast foo d garbage induced- not give a fuck puke roc k this side of Red Kross . Too bad they're strait edge (har har) . I'll get right to the point these guys are my new cult heroes and for th e cheap price of $2 .50 you all should be sending away for this . Write to 3613 Lime Hill Rd . , Lauderhill, F1 . 33319 . (BOZ ) CH3 "AFTER THE LIGHTS GO OUT" (POSH BOY LP)-- Mare punch n' power than last year's "Fear o f Life' which despite the presence of some good tunes was lackin' in the guts department . Thi s rock n' punk disc delivers the goods with mor e force and conviction . Actually it reminds me o f old Clash without soundin' too muck like em . Not as crucial as the Posh EP but this one wil l gain she band more fans . (BOZ ) ANDY T"WEARY OFTHE FLESH" SCRASS7")--- Aye maties, it's Andy T . A political John Coope r Clarke? All kidding aside, a great record . Ton s of political observations backed with noise , music, and voice . The only downfall is th e (British) one-sidedness when he speaks abou t "dirty squatters . A record well worth the investment . (CRAIG VAGUE ) PYLON "CHOMP" (DB LP)---One of the few decen t bands to come out or the greatly over-rate d Athens scene . This isn't bad, but it's not a s tough sounding as their first, a minor classi c of sorts . You can probably put the blame o n producer Chris Stamey, the wimpy guy from the dB's (the group, not the label) . I still like this however ('cause I like Pylon), but the y (BOZ) should dump Stamey next time . MEATMEN "WE'RE THE MEATMEN . . . AND YOU SUCK " (TOUCH AND GOLP)--- The cover ain't no bi g poop but that's irrelevant to the grunge waiting for you inside . Included (for those o f you who missed out the first time) is the complete " Blood Sausage" EP remixed and remastere d that comes off sounding slot more powerful . The rest of this is live Meat showing off th e Meatmen's scatalogical humour to good advantage . Pass the meat! (BOZ ) LEPERS "GOD'S INHUMANE" (UNCLEAN 7" EP)---No t quite as primal as their "Evil Music" single . The Lepers go for a more direct HC sound on thi s EP foresaking the psychedelic tinged punk o f before . Regare'ess this is still swell, thei r raw tough sound really shows . Fave tunes : "Bitc h and Moan" and "Christmas in Reverse" . ($2 .50 to 1310 College Ave . #1133 Boulder, CO 80302 )


PENIS HYMERS (DEMO TAPE)--- Makes the Gay Cowboys seem like mature adults . . . well maybe . As legend has it, this was recorded over tw o years ago . The Penis Hymers never existed a s a band as such, they were just a bunch of lit tle kids recording songs in their bedroo m for their own listening enjoyment . Try to imagine Jad and David Fair age 11 loose in thei r rooms with a $30 Radio Shack recorder and yo u will have an idea as to what this sounds like . Immaturity rules! Fave tunes include "I'm Gonn a Pull Down My Pants", "Bah! Happy Things? The y Make Me Mad Moo" "Reagan is Your Lord" an d "My Girl Has Balls" . Not for sale but you ca n try writing Ken Decter 690 Estate Way, Atlantis , FL . 33462 . (BOZ ) FACTION "YESTERDAY IS GONE" (IM 7"EP)-- Another sports oriented hardcore band . . . yo u know . . . another bunch of hardcore skaters . How come none of these bands do other sports ? Like raquetball or golf? (beats me?) Anywa y this is a pretty good record . It kicks ass in most of the right places but it won't totally blow you away . (2349 Carlton Av, San Jose , CA 95123) . (BOZ ) CHARLES MANSON "LIE" (ESPLP)--- I found thi s rarity at a local record swap . Expecting som e terrifying hallucinagenic babble I was sort o f dissapointed to find out that this is nothin g more than typical hippy dippy folk music . Stil l there's something odd about the way Chuck sing s them tunes like "People Say I'm No Good", "Sic k City", and of course that ole Red Kross fav e "Cease to Exist" . Accompanied by the family . (BOZ ) Do the creepy crawl! RUBBER RODEO "SHE HAD TO GO . . ." (EAT12' EP)-Wavey record for wavey people . The wavest! (BOZ ) SPANISH DOGS "DON'T SWEAT THE PETTY THINGS . (RASTA DOG 7 " EP)--- File this record with Rubber Rodeo . More wavey sounds . I like the girl' s breasts on the back cover,that's about it . (275 E Oakland Pk Blvd, Ft Laud, F1 ) (BOZ ) BIRDSONGS OF THE MESOZOIC (ACE OF HEARTS 12 " EP --- A Mission of Burma spin-off band . If yo u were expecting a continuation of where th e former unit left off forget it . This 14 more out of the Phillip Glass/Eno school of ambien t cosmic nothingness . I'll file it in my back ground music pile . (BOZ) __ MODERN INDUSTRY (TOXIC SHOCK7"EP)--- Goo d HC disc mixing in touches of 60's punkadelicia and a harder HM sound . I like the snarl y vocals best . (Box 242 Pomona CA 91769) (BOZ )


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SONIC YOUTH CONFUSION IS SEX" (NEUTRAL LP)--Great LP from these NY noise mongers . One of the best things to come out of that big vacant cesspool in a while . Hard droning thumpin g beat crap that's guaranteed to wreck havo c somewhere . Fans of Flipper, 13 13, and the Birth day Party take note . Get this one fast befor e they make records like this illegal . (BOZ ) VARIOUS TRY ADULL KNIFE" (VERSION SOUND CASSETTE)--- Another great cassette comp from Bo b Moore . This comp focuses on the bands fro m Riverside, California- a simple musical document . Diverse styles are represented ; HC, noise , punk, art . . . . My favorites include the thras h like HM of White Flag, Chaluenga who cove r Pink Floyd's classic Astronomy Domine", Deat h Patrol, and the Sins . Comes with an informativ e fanzine . (POB 174 Xenia, Ob 45385) (BOZ ) LARRY JOE MILLER & HIS ROCKABILLY ROCKETS (BY MY 7"EP)--_ More authentic rockabill y sounds on this . The emphasis is on the pri marily acoustic instrumentation and th e slow rockin' groove . I find this 50 time s more appealing than all the pseudo rockabill y bands out there . A good single but th e cover's queer . (225 SW 19 St, Ft . Laud, F 1 (BOZ) 33315)





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LYRES "I REALLY WANT YOU RIGHT NOW" "HELP YO U ANN' ACE OF HEART 7 --- More Pebblesqu e raunch from the Lyres . This is oatoky 60' s inspired garage punk that doesn't sound tke least bit dated . One of the best bands aroun d "-)rkiho. in this genre Reccumen'se . 1O ' WHIP"riau 601 *THE SOUNDS OF' NO HANDS uLAPPiNG ' (CFYLP)--- Mostly dudsville . Predictable thrash nothing really manages to"rise above" to produc e much of a reaction . No danger, no purpose, g ,Q fun . (POB 6271 Stanford . CA 94305) (BOZ ) U-BOATS "DEAD AND DESPERATE" (CROW 7 " EP)-- - Th e second U-Boats EP is an improvement over thei r first in terms of general production and son g quality . "America Unemployed" is the best thin g here- a pretty tough power basher . (3126 Eas t 54, Z-.,,hyrhille, F1 34248' (BOZ ) VARIOUS "POSH HITS VOL . 1" (POSH BOYLP)--A good retrospective from this importan t West Coast label . It's kind of hard to go wrong with CH3, Black Flag, Agent Orange, Re d Cross, Social Distortion, etc . . . . Unfortunetly most of the material has been previously released but it'll make a great gift fo r someone who's just gettin' into punk rock . K-Tel should be makin' records like this . (BOZ )

uREATURES "FEAST".WONDERLANDLP)-- - Dreamy and exotic sounds within . . . the Creatures are textural music utilizing unusual percussion and other instrumentation . Martin Denny meets Siouxsie Sioux . An interesting diversion but certainly not a substitute for the Banshees .. (BOZ ) NO DIRECTION "REGANOMICS"/''WHERE'S THE BEACH? " Straight foward punk on (NO DIRECTION d the Reagan sgT' e . Muddy sound . (POB 46 Sioux Fl s SD 57101) (BOZ ) VARIOUS "RISING FROM THE RED SAND" (THIRD MIN D double cassette comp)--- Excellent intro to the European progresso/ industrial scene . Good variety of styles from the more approachabl e (at least within this context) Five or Six an d Section 25 to the ghastly other-worldy scenarios of Nurse With Wound and Nocturnal Emissions . The only thing (noticeably) missing are linea r n tes . . mry a**s t ung th-nu"' Rnuvh -side . (BOZ ) METHOD ACTORS "LIVE IN A ROOM" (PRESS 12" EP) -- The Method Boys go for the funk train on this outing . I say where's the Pop Group no w that we need them? (BOZ ) PSYCHO (AX/CTION 12"EP)--- The cover of thi s reeks of generic HC but don't let that foo l you cause this is one hot monster disc . Firs t off any band that can turn in a scorchin ' version of the Sonic's 60's garage staple , "Psycho" is A-0K by me . The rest of this i s also ace- plenty of strong thrash and sharpedged punk . Along with the new S .S . Decontrol , the FU's and this, the Beantown scene has neve r looked so good . (POB 57 Kenmore Sta ., Boston , MA 02215) (BOZ ) NOCTURNAL EMISSIONS "DEATHDAY" (STERILE cassette ) --- Demanding of your attention . Unremittingl y harsh industrial music . Guaranteed to strike an emotional nerve somewhere and that's what thi s form of music's all about . (90 Lilford Rd . , London ENG . 5E5) (BOZ ) SIN 34 "DO YOU FEEL SAFE?" (SPINHEADLP)-- Big boss sound on this elpee . Better than thei r EP which suffered from crummy production . Fas t thrash par-tee music and Julie can be my ne w girlfriend if she wants to be . Thumbs up on thi s (especially the Devo cover) . (2265 Westwood Blvd #541, L .A ., CA 90064) (BOZ ) MENSTRUALCYCLES "SKIN/PUNX" (CYCr .FS 7"EP)-- Alas . The leaders of the Hialeah of contingen t come forth . 0i mate! Fuck those American wankers! Fuck the U .S .A .! Well . . . no accountin g for brains but this poorly produced (sorry Dav e - no matter whose fault it was) piece of tras h ain't half bad and sort of appeals to my garage/noise minded aesthetics . Actually it sound s like how I would imagine S .S . Decontrol soundin ' after getting drunk for the first time . Funnie r than the new Monty Python movie . (BOZ ) (1056 W 43 P1 ., Hialeah, Fl . 33012 )



WHITE FLAG "S IS FOR SPACE"(GASA-TANKALP)--Outragous, satirical, imaginative, and funny as hell . The punk equivalent to Zappa's satirical stab at the hippie culture, We're Only In It For The Money" . Besides the heavy socia l significance here, this LP is a marvel both musically (plenty of bone-crunching riffs) and technically (watch out for the trick grooves) . White Flag are a band that are setting up thei r own rules and I respect them for it highly . Undoubtably one of the most original and imaginative punk bands to come along in quite awhile . "We don't care if it's a drag . . . . surrende r now raise the white flag!" (1241 N . Harper , Suite 6, Hllyd, CA 90046)

A compilation of various South Florida bands . Ever y thing from hardcore to synthopop are represented which is the main problem I see wit h this . So in order to get to Crank we have t o put up with the M-TV bound Radio Berlin . Regard less there are some very worthwhile things in here (unfortunetly some of the better band s suffer from inadequate production especiall y the Eat whose stuff is way too clean- the y never sound like this live) . Also included ar e Larry Joe Miller, Cichlids, Gay Cowboys i n Bondage (doin' a goofball country tune) , Charlie & the Eggs and more . ($3 .50 to Jo e (BOZ) Harris 226 NE 5 Av, Dania F1 33004)
VARIOUS" .TITF. BOX"(nassette)---





(INDEF . CASSETTE--A band that continually teeter s between experimental and avant-pop . All electronic s and done well . Sometimes vocals and tape loops . Sometimes these are smart and appropriate an d sometimes they are stupid . The tape cover i s stupid . Overall, a great tape if you can get by some of the wacky vocals and words . What els e can I tell you? (P .O .Box 8146, Shawnee Mission , KS, 66208) Oh yeah, they're from Kansas . (CRAIG VAGUE) THE WOLFGANG PRESS "THE BURDEN OF MULES" (4A D j--- A 4AD supergroup! The Wolfgangs are comprised of past and current nembers of Rema Rema, In Camera, Dif Juz, and Mass . A variet y of moods and sounds within- sometimes quiet . . . othertimes more abrasive . Some of this work s while some of it doesn't . An album to liste n to . Certainly not one of the strongest piece s on 4AD but just like everything else on the label you will find something recommendable within . (BOZ ) JOHANNA WENT "HYENA" (POSH BOYLP)-- - Sound s like Lene Lovich having an abortion . I suppos e you have to see her live performance art t o really appreciate this . I'll hold judgemen t till then . (BOZ) VARIOUS "RODNEY ON THE ROQ VOL . 3" (POSH BO Y LP)--- The weakest of the Rodney series . Th e punk side fares the best primarily the Vandal s (included on latter pressings) with "Urban Struggle", J .F .A ., CH3, and Red Scare . Th e new wave side blows except for the Bangle s who turn out a cool surfin' instrumental . (BOZ ) SLIME "WHY CAN'T GUYS BE SLUTS" (OUR OWN cassette)--- A last minute lame review since th e person who was supposed to review this spli t town forgetting to mail me her reviews . Weir d garage punk with a 60's flavor on some of th e tunes . They're supposed to be real obnoxiou s live . (B-22 1015 SW 9th St, Gainesville, Fl . 32601) (BOZ ) UK DECAY "RISING FROM THE DREAD" CORPUS CHRISTI 12"EP)---Rather overblown piece of progresso-pun k pretension . Regardless, the powerful productio n and dynamics help save this from becoming a sapp y mess . Actually, it sounds pretty good cranke d up loud with your ear glued next to your speaker . (BOZ ) NECROS "CONQUEST FOR DEATH" (TOUCH & GO LP)-- A brutal stellar attack from start to finish . This is straight overdrive all the way an d if you're a noise monger like myself you'l l have to agree that this is loud raucou s greatness . Instead of blowing your hard earned cash on the next DK's 2 song twelve inche r (spell : rip-off) buy this instead . The Necro s are bad, brutal, and ugly! (BOZ ) CONFLICT "IT'S TIME TO SEE WHO'S WHO" (CORPU S CHRISTILP)--- Pretty decent rockin' pun k disc .Unfortunetly this doesn't quite matc h the power and originality they displayed o n their debut EP for the Crass label . Nontheless this is still recommended and Conflic t are one British pork outfit worth watching . (BOZ ) INTROVERTS "TWENTIETH CENTURY" CIA cassette)-- Progresso post punk . Lacks a sense of dram a and danger to make much of a notable impression . (3603 Avie Houston, Tx 77007) (BOZ ) FLESHEATERS "A HARD ROAD TO FOLLOW" (UPSETTE R Pj --- Direct from the "darkest cave of hell " comes the new Flesheater's LP and it's a good one . Chris D's lyrics are typically unsettlin g and with that voice of his that goes SCREEC H you know things ain't right somewhere . The band' s demonic heavy metal drunken swagger adds further fire to the proceedings . Album number 4 an d still happenin! (BOZ)

GOD'S GIFT "DISCIPLINE"/"THEN CAME CALM AGAIN " 4NEW HORMONES 7")--- Fallish sloppy drunk sound on "Discipline" . Of course I like it . B side is OK . (BOZ ) CHAMELEONS "A PERSON ISN'T SAFE ANYWHERE THES E DAYS"/"THURSDAY'S CHILD" (STATIK7")---The Cham eleons make moody, slightly spooky, well crafte d music . Fans of the Cure, Psychedelic Furs, an d Wire will be delighted to find another ban d carrying on the style of swirling echoy guitars , slightly off key vocals, and pulsating heartbea t drums . The A side concerns itself with mystery , madness, despair, and violence . "Thursday' s Child", while a bit more up tempo, is stil l rather morbid . "Please leave my mind intact as I slowly grow older" the singer begs . A singl e good for grey, overcast days . (LESLIE WIMMER ) SLEEPING DOGS "BEWARE" (CRASS 7"EP)---Cras s label's first American outfit . The Sleeping Dogs are in tune with the Crass family politics, bu t with an American perspective, naturally . Musically , this is twisted and dangerous sounding . Guarantee d to make an impression . (BOZ )

HALF JAPANESE "HORRIBLE" PRESS 12" -- ts f Japan ese! Take a song like "Walk Through Walls " and turn it way up and put a gun to your head . You'll find out how easy it is to pul l the trigger . There's five (literally) monster songs here from one of America's origina l authorities on noise rock . Not all these selections are like the aforementioned . Side on e is rather likeable after you listen to it a couple times . But if I see one more skull on a record cover : (CRAIG VAGUE ) YOUTH BRIGADE"SOUND ANDFURY" (BYOLP)---If there can be such a thing as American 0i, this may be it . Not that Youth Brigade are coppin g from their British counterparts, it's just tha t some of the slower tempos, the sing-a-lon g chanting choruses, and some of the youth unit y themes on this record lends itself to comparision . Good job . I like this . (BOZ )





ALTERNATIJE "IN NOMINE PATRI" (CRASS 7" EP)--Great! Excellent Brit punk played with mucho fury, aggression, and style . An unrelentin g musical attack that hammers forth a messag e worth listen' .ng to . Pick it up : (BOZ ) RF7 'SUt3MIa TO THEM FREELY" (SMOKE 77")-- A side is great punk/thrash/HM played the wa y you'll like it . Certainly consistent in quality with their other releases . The two song s on side B I'm not particuarly crazy about , especially the Creedence cover of "Fortunat e Son" . Worth buying for the A side . (BOZ )
Interview with Spit Sti x by Russ Leo n I was seated in Rich Evac's (Contagion) living room in L .A . , when in walked Spit Stix of FEAR . It seems he has a lot o f spare time to pursue solo projects these days .

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SPIT : I ' ve been producing a rap group called ' The Red Ho t Chili Peppers . ' They ' re all white Europeans . Whe n you hear their stuff it's really hard to believe . They ' ve got that ethnic feeling down to perfection . There are a few L .A . clubs that are just for rap and the people into it . RUSS : Are you doing anything on your own these days ? SPIT : Believe it or not, I'm doing some reggae . I've alway s wanted to, but I couldn ' t find anyone who was capabl e enough to help me or who was interested . RUSS : Really, no one was interested ? SPIT : Oh, there was interest, but not enough talent . S o I ' ve been obliged to do it all myself . Spit put on a new tape for me . It was one of the slickes t reggae dubs I have ever heard . I'd even buy it . SPIT : I've been able to get into the production side o f reggae . RUSS : What about your own tunes ? Spit played a sort of PiL/Reggaesque number called Brainwash .

THE REPLACEMENTS "HOOTENANNY" (TWINTONE LP)-- The Replacements continue to refuse classifica tion as they plow through a variety of rock n ' punk n' folk stylings . Informally recorded in a warehouse somewhere in Minnesota, the rawnes s comes through to make this record what it is : a good ole' time hootenanny . Long live garages , basements, ''d warehwees (ROZ ' NEW ORDER "POWER . JJRRUPTION, Aai,DIES" (ROUGH TRADELP)--- I'll probably never feel the sam e about this band . Technically brillant but emotionally cold . Comparasions to Joy Division are useless at this point but where's the fire? Act ually I rather prefer their dance stuff lik e "Blue Monday" . Can't wait for the scratch version . (BOZ)

RUSS : Who backed you up on this song, Spit ? SPIT : That ' s FEAR, believe it or not . (It is hard t o believe, its reggaessence is so rich and cohesive . ) Since I couldn't get any other help, they al l pitched in . I guess necessity really is the mothe r of invention . But they don't really want to go in that direction . It was just to help me out . Listening to two cuts from the tape, it is plain to see tha t FEAR are truly professional musicians capable of going of f in an entirely new direction, for them, with a great deal o f style and form . SPIT : The Rastas are calling me Brainwash these days, bu t the punks still call me Spit . RUSS : What does your mom call you ? SPIT : Uh . . . .


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