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Chemistry is the natural science which explores the composition and properties of substances. Math is essential for chemistry. The necessary mathematical background for the study of chemistry includes basic algebra, some trigonometry, and calculus. The following are some examples. (1) Being able to balance chemical equations is a very important skill for chemistry students. Its a simple mathematical exercise. Balancing a chemical equation refers to establishing the mathematical relationship between the amounts of reactants and products involved in the chemical reaction. Lets go more in detail. A chemical equation is a statement that describes what happens in a chemical reaction. In a chemical equation, we place the reactants (substances undergoing chemical reaction) on the left side of the equation and the products (substances produced in a chemical reaction) on the right side of the equation. We have reactants and products separated by an arrow and the arrow always points in the direction of the products. Consider the reaction of carbon with oxygen gas to produce carbon-dioxide. C + O2 ---> CO2 (2 is subscript)

The above equation is already balanced, because, it has an equal number of atoms of each element in the reactants and the product. One carbon atom (C) and two oxygen atoms (O) on the left side of the equation and its the same on the right side too. Lets look at one more example. Sodium chloride is the common salt. Sodium and chlorine form sodium chloride. Na + Cl2 ---> NaCl (2 is subscript)

The above equation is NOT balanced. It has two chlorine atoms on the left side, but, only one on the right side of the equation. Lets balance this chemical equation. 2Na + Cl2 ---> 2NaCl (2 is subscript only in Cl2)

It works! Notice that now there are equal number of atoms of each element in the reactants and the product. Chemical equations can be balanced conveniently using matrices or simultaneous equations. A number of fields of chemistry use a significant amount of Math. (2) Electrochemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies the chemical action of electricity and the production of electricity by chemical reactions. Diffusion in electrochemistry is completely based on differential equations. (3) Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes in living organisms. Even biochemistry has important topics which depend heavily on binding theory and kinetics. Chemists use math in many ways, but one of the most common is probably in balancing the equation of a chemical reaction. If you want to create a chemical by mixing together raw materials or other chemicals, you need to figure out how much can be produced with how much of each substance to avoid wasting materials. For example, (this is unrealistic but it works) if you wanted to make pure water out of pure hydrogen and oxygen, you would use the equation H + O --> H2O. (See the Discussion page for more details) Chemists work with much more complex chemical equations than the formation of water, so they have to figure out how to make all the numbers match up with a combination of quick mental math and intuition. Once the equation is balanced, they need to do some algebra (made fairly easy with calculators and knowledge of how to "plug in" values) to find the optimal masses to use.

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