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1. Component Name: HITExam. 2. File Name: 3. Internal Name: com_hitexam. 4. Version: 1.0.0. 5. Author: JomExperts. 6. Email: 7. Website: 8. Published Date: 08th December 2009. 9. Copyright: Copyright 2009. All rights reserved. 10. Introduction: HITExam is an online examination component for Joomla 1.5. The admin can create subjects, sections and levels of examination. Questions can be added to the database through "question bank" system. Creating exam is as easy as setting up an exam and selecting the required questions from the question bank. Has option for setting up exam with/without negative markings, allotted time, no of questions, etc. All questions can be setup with multiple choices with more than one option being correct. 11. License: This is a Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License. The warranty and liability information of which is given below. 12. Disclaimer of Warranty: THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 13. Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 14. Interpretation of Sections 12 and 13.

If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a copy of the Program in return for a fee. 15. Installation: Download the module installation file from Login to your Joomla backend and click on Extensions -> Install/Uninstall

Click Browse and select the file from where you have saved it. Click Upload File & Install to upload the file and install the module.

You will be presented with the following screen after a successful upload

After successful Installation, please proceed to the next section. 16. Usage: This section will show you how to use HITExam. Login to your Joomla Backend and click on Components -> HITExam to go to the default page of HITExam.

You will be presented with the default HITExam screens.

The different Menus are explained below. 1. Subjects: Here you can add, edit, delete, publish and unpublished Subjects for your exam. Subjects can be like History, Geography, PHP, Joomla, etc. The following step will explain you how to create a subject. Click on New

In the Subjects: [ New ] screen, type in the Subject Name, Description and Select Yes to publish the Subject. Please note that unpublished subjects will not be listed in the frontend.

After clicking on save, you will be able to see your newly created subject shown in the subject screen. Click on the subject name to edit the subject and follow the same procedure as before.

To, quickly publish, unpublish and delete a subject, select the check box and the click on the respective button in the toolbar as shown in the image below

2. Levels: Here you can add, edit, delete, publish and unpublished Levels for your exam. Levels can be like Beginners, Advance, etc. Levels allow you to distinguish exams and target different groups of users. The following step will explain you how to create a level.

In the Levels: [ New ] screen, enter the Level Name, description and select the subject with which you want this level to associate. Also Select Yes to publish the Level. Please note that unpublished Level will not be listed in the frontend.

After clicking on save, you will be able to see your newly created level shown in the Level screen. Click on the level name to edit the level and follow the same procedure as before.

To, quickly publish, unpublish and delete a level, select the check box and the click on the respective button in the toolbar as shown in the image below

3. Sections: Here you can add, edit, delete, publish and unpublished Sections for your exam. Sections are associated with a Subject. It will allow you to create questions on different sections of a subject. For example, for the subject History, you can have sections like Ancient History, Medieval History, Modern History, etc. The following step will explain you how to create a subject. You can create sections based on subjects and levels. Click on New

In the Sections: [ New ] screen, enter the Section Name, description and select the subject and level with which you want this section to associate. Also Select Yes to publish the Section. Please note that unpublished Section will not be listed in the frontend.

Click Save to Save the Section or Cancel to cancel and go back to previous screen. Click on the Section name to edit it and follow the same procedure as before.

To, quickly publish, unpublish and delete a section, select the check box and the click on the respective button in the toolbar as shown in the image below

4. Questions: Here you can add, edit, delete, publish and unpublished Question Banks. Once you have created a question bank, you can add/edit and delete question from that question bank. This section will explain how to create a question bank and questions to that question bank. Click New to create a Question Bank.

In the Question Bank: [ New ] screen, enter the Question Bank Name, description and select the subject and level with which you want this Question Bank to associate. Also Select Yes to publish the Question Bank.

After clicking on save, you will be able to see your newly created question bank shown in the screen. Click on the question bank name to edit it and follow the same procedure as before.

To, quickly publish, unpublish and delete a question bank, select the check box and the click on the respective button in the toolbar as shown in the image below

Up to this point you would have successfully created a subject, level, section and a question bank. Now the next step will be to add questions to the question bank. In the Question Bank screen, click on View/edit Questions next to your required question bank.

On clicking on the link, you will be presented with Questions screen. Click on New to add a question.

In the Add Question: [ New ] screen, type in the Question. Using the Joomla editor, you can insert images, animation, flash and other media into your question. The length of the question has no limit. It is recommended that you use a good Joomla text editor like JCE editor or FCK editor. Below the question, by default there will two option boxes available to add answer options to you question. You can add more option box by clicking on the Add Option button. There is no limit on the number of answer option you want to add. In the Correct Option(s) box, just enter the corresponding number of the answer which is the correct answer. Example if Option 2 is correct, just enter 2 here. If more than one answer option is correct, then enter the corresponding numbers separated by a (,) comma. Please note if you enter only one option as correct answer, then in the frontend all the options will be presented with radio buttons so that user can select only one option as correct answer. However, if you enter more than one option as correct answer, then in the frontend, the answer options to that question will automatically be presented with check boxes to enable the user select more than one option. Select the Section to which you want to assign the question and finally select yes to publish the question.

After clicking on save, you will be able to see your newly created question shown in the screen. Click on the question to edit the question and follow the same procedure as before.

To, quickly publish, unpublish and delete a question, select the check box and the click on the respective button in the toolbar as shown in the image below

To go back to the Question Bank Screen, just click on the Questions menu.

5. Exam: Here you can add, edit, delete, publish and unpublished Exams. Once you have created an Exam, you can add/edit and delete questions to from the question bank. This section will explain how to create an exam and set it up. Click New to create an Exam.

Creating an Exam is a two step process. Step 1. In the Exams: [ New ] screen, enter Exam Name, Start Date, End Date, select question bank, No Of Questions (Total number questions to be presented in the exam), Exam Duration (Total duration of exam in minutes), Marks Per Question, Negative Marks (if any otherwise keep the value as 0), Qualifying Marks(minimum number of marks to be obtained by a candidate to be considered as successful), Description (a short description on the exam), Instructions (instructions to be given out to the candidates before the start of the exam) and Published. Then click on next to proceed to Step 2

Step 2 In Step 2, you will be able to select questions from your question bank and add it to your exam. Just select the questions from the left list and click on >> button to add to your exam. You can also click on Random button to automatically add the required number of questions randomly from question bank to your exam. To remove a question from the exam, just select the question on the right list to and click on << button to remove it. You can also click on Remove All to remove the entire question from the exam. Once you are done click on save to save the exam. Click on back to go back to step 1 or click on cancel to cancel the exam setup and return to main screen.

After clicking on save, you will be able to see your newly created exam shown in the screen. Click on the exam to edit the question and follow the same procedure as before.

Thats it. You have created your first exam. Please follow the steps below on how to create menu items and setup the frontend.

Setting up the Frontend Go to Menu Manager and click on the required menu where you want the menu item pointing to the exam. Click New to create a new menu item

In the next screen, click on HITExam under internal link

In the next Screen, click on jomExam Default Layout under HITExam

In, the next screen enter a title and alias and click on save

Frontend Usage Go to Joomla Frontend, login and click on the Exam link. You will get the HITExam screen

Click on the required Subject and you will get the level selection screen on that subject

Click on the required level to start the examination. You will be presented with the instruction screen

Click Start exam to view the first question of the exam.

Choose the correct option(s) from the given answer options and click on submit to view the next question. Please note that once a questions answer has been submitted, it cannot be change or view again. Clicking on the browser back button, will refresh the page but will load the next question only. It will NOT load the previous question. Also once the time is over, you will be automatically redirected to the result page irrespective of how many questions you have left as shown in the image below

If you have any other question, suggestions or feedback, please post them in our forum at

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