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Powerful Mind Control Magick

Casting a spell can be very dangerous. It is important to know what you are doing, and to follow these steps very closely. Be warned that spell castings work with the power of THREE. Magic is an individual thing. You may find that you would like to add to the spell by using your own style. Creativity is of the utmost importance! When casting your spell, it is important to find a place that is quiet, private, and with good energy. Before starting your spell, make sure that you have been thorough with your preparations. Gather the right materials (i.e. candles, gemstones, oils, personal belongings), have the right intentions, and find the most appropriate time to do it.

Spells are best performed following the lunar cycle. For a spell of increase (i.e. to gain something new such as love or a new job), do your spell on a waxing moon. For a spell of decrease (i.e. to end financial difficulty, or to end a string of bad luck), do your spell on a waning moon. Spell Casting gets better with practice. Don't get too discouraged if your spell isn't too effective on the first try. The more of yourself that you put in the spell, the better off you will be!

All of the spell collections are from my family book of shadows. Our family has been apart of a secret society of magick practitioners for centuries. Also if you need help casting the spells I will help in any way I can for free. We may also have a coven member in your area that may walk you thru the directions in person. We are here to help. If you are not confident in casting the spells yourself, we also offer spell casting services. we only charge a fee for the supplies we use in casting the spell. Please contact me at Visit us online at

It h[s \__n s[i^ m[ny tim_s, "th_ _y_s [r_ th_ win^ow of th_ soul." Th_ _y_s [r_ th_ only op_ning to th_ \r[in th[t is not _n][s_^ _n][s_^ in \on_. Through th_ opti] n_rv_, th_ _y_s [r_ link_^ to th_ \r[in. Wh_n w_ tr[in our min^s [n^ _l_v[t_ our w_ \io_l_]tri]ity, w_ ][n ^ir_]tly m_sm_riz_ oth_r p_opl_ \y just looking into th_ir _y_s [n^ ][t]hing th_ir g[z_ for s_v_r[l s_]on^s. How this is ^on_: 1. You must h[v_ [ strong willful min^, [\l_ of ]ontrolling oth_rs who [r_ w_[k_r. 2. Th_ ]los_r you [r_ to th_ p_rson, th_ mor_ _ff_]tiv_ this t_]hniqu_. This t[k_s pr[]ti]_. 3. You h[v_ to \_ in [ tr[n]_ yours_lf. @n [^_pt ][n will him/h_rs_lf into [n^ out of [ tr[n]_, [nytim_, [nywh_r_. 4. You h[v_ to ]on]_ntr[t_ [n^ proj_]t your \io_l_]tri]ity [long with your int_ntions out of your own _y_s into th_ p_rson's. oth_r p_rson's. [. Sit in front of [ mirror [n^ r_l[x. Look up for [\out 1-2 1minut_s, this h_lps to g_t you into th_ [lph[ st[t_. D__p_n tr[n]_ your tr[n]_ [s ^__p [s you ][n go. \. Fo]us into your own _y_s in th_ mirror. St[rt proj_]ting your _n_rgy through your _y_s. *Wh_n tr[ining, ^o not fo]us n_g[tiv_ [ny n_g[tiv_ _n_rgy upon yours_lf for o\vious r_[sons! ]. You shoul^ st[rt to f__l your own _n_rgy, [s it is r_fl_]t_^ \[]k through th_ mirror. Do this _v_ry ^[y [n^ your _n_rgy will \_]om_ strong_r. ^. Wh_n you f__l mu]h pow_r [n^ you [r_ ]onfi^_nt _nough, you ][n try this out on oth_r p_opl_. @nim[ls [r_ [lso v_ry sus]_pti\l_. sus]_pti\l_. You will \_ [\l_ to stop [n [tt[]k ^og in its tr[]ks. 5. Wh_n m_sm_rizing som_on_, ]omm[n^ this p_rson, in your min^ wh[t it is you int_n^ for him/h_r to ^o, _xp_ri_n]_, _t]. Th_ s[m_ go_s for ]urs_s th[t shoul^ \_ ^_liv_r_^ with m[ximum h[tr_^ [n^ int_nsity. Th_ ]omm[n^s shoul^ \_ [ short phr[s_. @nim[ls ]ommuni][t_ through m_nt[l im[g_s.

6. Look ^__p into his/h_r _y_s, [lmost p[st th_m into th_ \[]k of th_ir skull, ^ir_]tly proj_]ting your _n_rgy into th_ir \r[in to ^o your will. Fo]us int_ns_ly. This is [ v_ry [^v[n]_^ skill. You ][n [lso pr[]ti]_ with [ ]los_ or trust_^ fri_n^, [s long [s you k__p th_ _n_rgy N_g[tiv_ positiv_. N_g[tiv_ _n_rgy will ][us_ h[rm, so ^on't pl[y [roun^ with this. This skill t[k_s oft_n y_[rs of ]onsist_nt pr[]ti]_ to \_]om_ [^_pt to wh_r_ your st[r_, in just [ f_w s_]on^s will put un^_r oth_rs un^_r your ]ontrol.

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