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Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template

Lauren E. Sullivan
Work/Life Choices Coach and Retreat Facilitator 805-569-2564
Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Life Plan for: ____________________ Date: ________

From your personal journal and picture collage, build a list of words and phrases that represent energizing and exciting aspects of who you are and who you are becoming. Dont be limited by the space on this page, use as many pages as you need to create a comprehensive list.

My Words & Phrases List

Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

I AM____________________________________ _____ _________________________________________ ______ _________________________________________ ______ _________________________________________ ______ _________________________________________ ______ My purpose is_________________________________ _________________________________________ ______ _________________________________________ ______ _________________________________________ ______

Now create a short list

Pick 10-20 words and phrases that are the most energizing for you and list them here.

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
Use scratch paper or flip chart paper to brainstorm ways to use the above words to craft a compelling personal vision statement. When you have created something that makes you want to jump up and say, YES, record that statement below.

My Personal Vision Statement

Choose the building blocks for your life plan: Think of your life as a pie containing eight segments. Label each segment below with a title that best captures the eight most important aspects of your life right now, or the aspects that need the most attention to create a quality of life that inspires you. Ask yourself, If all these aspects of my life are working, will I have a satisfying life? If not, keep revising your pie until the picture of your life feels complete.

Design Your Life Plan

Career Children Vacations Self Business Family Home Self-Care Helpful People Play Creativity Self-Acceptance Friends Fun Lifework Service Passionate Pursuits Relaxation Marriage Contribution Pets Wisdom Creative Expression Prosperity Spirituality Knowledge Hobbies Wealth Body Intellectual Stimulation Extended Family Health Fame Life Partner Personal Growth Emotional Well-Being Recognition Travel Learning Other

Here are some categories to think about when choosing the elements to include in your life plan: Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

1. Create an Intention Statement

Before crafting each intention statement, ask yourself the following questions about this aspect of your life. What do I want to do, be or have?

How do I want to go about achieving it? How will I feel when I have achieved it? With the answers to the above questions in mind, begin drafting your intention statement.. Start with the words, I am or My intention is to? Remember to act ask if when crafting this statement as it becomes a mini-vision statement for the new reality you want to create for yourself.

2. Determine the choices you will make to further your intention.

Create a list of choices you will make for each intention statement in order to carry it out. My Choices: Ask yourself, Now that I am clear about my intention for ______________, what choices will I make in daily life to ensure that I am on track with this intention?

3. List the commitments you will make to actions that will help you achieve what you desire.
Create a list of actions in support of the above choices, that are specific and measurable, that you are willing to commit to in the coming days, weeks, or months. Repeat this process on the following pages, until you have completed your intentions statements, choices, and commitment to action for all eight of the segments of your pie of life. Use your life plan to evaluate new opportunities and requests for your time: Does this decision fit with the vision and intentions I hold for my life? If I make this choice, will it further my progress toward the future I envision? Review your life plan on a regular basis to keep your focus clear and your energy charged. Revisit your intention statements once a year and your choices and action monthly if not weekly to keep your plan current. Treat this as a living document to guide your life on an ongoing basis. Use the Weekly Status Report and/or the Daily Status Report formats provided to help you plan you activities, tack your progress and celebrate your momentum! Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

For each segment you have chosen for your life plan:

Intention Statement for Segment: __________________ My Choices My Commitment to Action

Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

Intention Statement for Segment: __________________

My Choices My Commitment to Action

Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

Intention Statement for Segment: __________________ My Choices My Commitment to Action

Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

Intention Statement for Segment: __________________ My Choices My Commitment to Action

Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

Intention Statement for Segment: __________________ My Choices My Commitment to Action

Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

Intention Statement for Segment: __________________ My Choices My Commitment to Action

Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

Intention Statement for Segment: __________________ My Choices My Commitment to Action

Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

Intention Statement for Segment: __________________ My Choices

My Commitment to Action
Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

My Weekly Status Report Date: ____________

Review of Last Week: Wins/Accomplishments/Insights: Challenges and Obstacles: What needs attention? Plan for Next Week: What do I want to accomplish? What are my top three priorities for the week What will I do to take care of myself?
Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

My Daily Status Report Date: ____________

Regarding Yesterday (or Today): What worked? What didnt work? Insights: Preparing for Today (or Tomorrow): What three things do I want to accomplish? What actions will ensure balance and wellbeing? Other To Do items to capture for later.
Give Wings To Your Dreams Life Plan Template Copyright 2006 Lauren E. Sullivan

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