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College of Bumanities anu Social Sciences

School of Aits, Cultuie anu Enviionment


Pavliuis Aiis


Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject


Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

LH!?#)'+.06)$+#!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! @HR!
AH!;>6Q1'+0#.!=2&+'*!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! @HS!
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! ! AHSHA![C>6&4&#)!>#.!)2$6Q#&((!+,!4>)&'$>C!!!! ! ! ! @HLA!
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! ! AHMHA!?4@&.>#6&!=0/&!:&)2+.! ! ! ! ! ! @HLN!
! AHY!3++4!:+.&(! ! !
AHYHL!<)>#.$#1!\>%&(!! ! ! ! ! ! ! @HLR!
AHYHA!=2&!C+D!,'&F0&#6*!@'+/C&4! ! ! ! ! @HLS!
AHYHN!=2&!E<62'+&.&'G!,'&F0&#6*!U6'+((!7!+%&'W!!! ! ! @HLY!
! NHL!3++4!4+.&!5#>C*($(! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! @HLP!
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! NHN!3++4!3&(+#>#6&(!7!-B@&'$4&#)!L! ! ! ! ! ! @HAL!
! NHR!3&%&'/&'>)$+#!=$4&!7!5/(+'@)$+#!7!-B@&'$4&#)!A!! ! ! @HAM!
! NHS!<011&()$+#(! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! @HNT!
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5@@&#.$B!5! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! @HRP!
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;$/C$+1'>@2*!7!3&,&'&#6&(! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! @HSA!
! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

! LH!?#)'+.06)$+#!
Nowauays, the acoustical tieatment of encloseu spaces becomes moie anu moie
significant than in the past while moie anu moie people aie inteiesteu in that fielu anu they
become moie anu moie uemanuing on what they listen to. Sounu plays a significant iole in
human evolution while it influences almost eveiything. An encloseu space shoulu have a
goou acoustic fielu foi seveial ieasons. The most impoitant ieason is that goou acoustics
help people's communication. Foi instance, a big classioom neeus to have goou acoustics in
oiuei to insuie speech intelligibility anu so eveiyone coulu unueistanu eveiyone in the
ioom URTWH Noieovei, the acoustics of auuitoiiums, big conceit halls, iecoiuing stuuios,
contiol iooms anu so foith, aie veiy impoitant foi musical peifoimance, listening anu
iecoiuing USWH
Lots of subjective anu objective paiameteis influence the acoustics of a ioom, like
claiity, stiength, ieveibeiation, intimacy anu so foith; howevei, the most impoitant pioves
to be ieveibeiation while it influences acoustics in the most significant way ULWH Noieovei,
the natuial iesonances of an encloseu space influence the lowei fiequencies in a significant
way. Although, some people uo not waste money anu time in the tieatment of the ioom
moues while they believe that ioom moues uo not influence much the sounu, the tiuth is
that ioom moues can influence the sounu uiamatically.
In this papei, an untieateu iecoiuing stuuio (stuuio 2) is stuuieu in oiuei to apply
some acoustical tieatment. 0n the fiist pait of the pioject, the natuial iesonances of stuuio
2 aie exploieu. Puie sine waves, cieateu on auuacity, aie geneiateu fiom an omni-
uiiectional speakei in oiuei to excite the noimal moues of the ioom. Seveial positions of
the speakei anu the miciophone aie chosen foi vaiious ieasons. Fiist of all, in oiuei to
excite all ioom moues the speakei anu the miciophone aie placeu into two opposite
coineis. In oiuei to exploie the behavioi of paiticulai axial oi tangential moues, uiffeient
positions aie chosen anu moieovei a uiiectional miciophone is useu foi this ieason. The
iesults piove that the analysis of the noimal moues neeus veiy paiticulai stuuying in oiuei
to come up with paiticulai conclusions. Bowevei, using the coinei positions anu exciting all
the ioom moues, conclusions aie ueiiveu about the fiequencies that aie enhanceu oi
ieuuceu most anu thus tieatment solutions aie suggesteu.
0n the seconu pait, the ieveibeiation time of Stuuio 2 is examineu. Filteieu Pink anu

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

White noise is geneiateu, anu theii uecay cuives aie analyzeu on matlab to calculate the
ieveibeiation times. The absoiption coefficient of the mateiial that coveis the walls of
Stuuio 2 is calculateu by compaiing the ieveibeiation times of Stuuio 2 with Stuuio 1 whose
walls aie totally untieateu. Seveial measuiements aie taken in vaiious positions to insuie
accuiate measuiements. Theoietically, in uiffuse sounu fielus the RT shoulu be the same at
all positions; howevei, in noimal iooms oi even in the ieveibeiation ioom which is much
moie uiffuse than the untieateu stuuios, the RT vaiies fiom point to point.
Special analysis pioceuuie is followeu in oiuei to calculate the ieveibeiation times.
Plotting the Amplituue - Time spectium on matlab, the RT6u is calculateu by exploiting all
the infoimation of the uecay anu not only one pait of it, SuB below the stait of the uecay to
the beginning of the backgiounu noise level. Then the RT that is founu is tiansfoimeu to
RT6u. The same pioceuuie is followeu foi the analysis of the uecay cuives of the
measuiements on the ieveibeiation ioom. Theie the ieveibeiation is much longei,
especially foi the lowei fiequencies anu thus the calculation of the absoiption coefficient of
vaiious mateiials becomes easiei. The absoiption of an acoustical tile is calculateu in oiuei
to be placeu into stuuio 2 to impiove the acoustic behavioi of the stuuio.

Reveibeiance is the most significant acoustical subjective paiametei while can affect
othei paiameteis like claiity, louuness, anu spaciousness ULW. It influences the acoustics of
an encloseu space in a way that no one can neglect its absence oi its existence. Even the
most uneuucateu eai is exciteu when the ieveibeiation effect is applieu to a sounu.
In oiuei to give a goou uefinition about ieveibeiation, fiist someone shoulu
investigate the path that a sounu wave is following at a small oi laige encloseu space.
Assuming that a sounu wave is geneiateu by a sounu souice, this can be a musical
instiument, a louuspeakei, a mouth anu so foith, anu it is tiaveling outwaiu the souice into
uiffeient uiiections thiough the encloseu space. As the sounu wave tiavels, some of its
sounu iays ieflect on the walls anu on vaiious objects loosing aftei each ieflection some of

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

its eneigy. Aftei some time will become completely inauuible. The time that iequiieu foi a
sounu to become completely inauuible uepenus on the amount of the absoibeis anu on
theii absoiption piopeities, within the ioom anu on the magnituue of the louuness of the
geneiateu sounu. A listenei, at a hypothetical position x , heais fiistly the uiiect sounu wave
(which is the sounu that ieaches the listeneis eai without any ieflection) anu then a
succession of ieflections. The sounu will continue its tiip until it is tiansfoimeu into some
othei kinu of eneigy, most of the times heatH!So, the sounu wave following this piocess will
then uie uown to inauuibilityUNWH To sum up, ieveibeiation is in fact the piolongation of
sounu aftei a sounu souice stops geneiating the sounu. Wallace Clement Sabine UAW anu its
S yeais expeiiment into the Fogg Ait Nuseum intiouuce ieveibeiation anu illustiate an
explanation in a ciicumstantial scientific way.
In iooms with a lot of ieflective suifaces anu small absoiption values, the sounu
uecay piocess lasts moie than in moie absoibent iooms wheie the sounu uies away
quickly. The foimei can be uesciibeu as acoustically " live " ioom while the lattei " ueau ".
In fact, the effects of the eailiei anu the latei pait of the uecay piocess aie uiffeient. The
foimei, along with all the initial ieflections affects the impiession of "liveness" while the
latei, affects the sensation of ieveibeiation time length URW!H
In geneial ieveibeiation can make a tone fullei while on the othei hanu can affect
intelligibility. Theiefoie, ieveibeiation can affect music anu speech into vaiious ways. Foi
instance, imagine a guitai playei playing a solo song using a quick aipeggio in a veiy
ieveibeiant space. It woulu be ieally uifficult to uistinguish the sounu of each note while
theii sounu will last much time anu thus they will be mixeu with the othei notes. Aftei a
while a noisy music "hougepouge" will be cieateu. In the same way, it is veiy uifficult to
uistinguish each glottal stop of a speakei in spaces with big ieveibeiation times.
Theie aie no absolute objective values foi an acoustical "goou" ioom oi auuitoiium
while it uepenus on what someone wants to achieve in the paiticulai ioom. Foi instance, a
chuich must have big ieveibeiation values in oiuei to give a supeinatuial anu gloiious
sense while a iecoiuing stuuio must be acoustically "ueau" so as not to affect claiity.
Beianek USW uiu a goou ieseaich on the acoustical piopeities of vaiious halls of all ovei the
woilu. Noieovei, optimum values have been suggesteu foi seveial ieseaicheis foi vaiious
kinu of auuitoiium. UMW . Noieovei, ieveib is not the only paiametei that affects the

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

acoustic chaiacteiistics of a space. Stiength(louuness)UYWJclaiity, waimth, intimacy anu
spaciousness aie some othei subjective paiameteis that influence the quality of a sounu!ULW!

A sounu wave tiavels in a lineai way anu follows a stiaight line until it meets an
obstacle on its way. Sometimes, an obstacle can change the uiiection of the sounu wave anu
cieate in that way the effect of uiffiaction. The uiffiaction effect can altei the acoustic
chaiacteiistics of an object, thus shoulu be taken into account on the calculation of the
absoiption coefficient of an object. The uiffiaction effect is uepenuent on the acoustical size
(wavelength) of an object.
In oiuei to measuie ieveibeiation with in an encloseu space, an objective paiametei
shoulu be useu, the Reveibeiation Time (RT). Sabine hau fiist intiouuceu this paiametei
neaily since 19uu . A lot of acceptable uefinitions have been useu to uesciibe RT. Beianek
USW gave a specific anu cleai uefinition : "(,"-"'&"'.$/01(2/%"(/3($4"(15%&"'(06(3"70183(/$(
#'07"33". Noie ioughly, RT is the time iequiieu foi a louu sounu to uecay to inauuibility
aftei it is stoppeu.
The most common foimula to calculate Reveibeiation Time is Sabine's foimula UPW
, !U>W!
3=: ieveibeiation time , ^: volume of the ioom ( ) , <>: Total suiface absoiption of a
ioom in sabins.
The foimula can be tiansfoimeu to :
, U/W

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

if we aie using meteis .
In fact a moie accuiate foimula woulu be :
, !!!U6W!
4 is an attenuation constant of aii anu ^ the numeiical value of sounu velocity of aii. The
teim R4^ is negligible foi small iooms.
The volume ^ foi a iectangulai ioom is calculateu by multiplying the uimensions of the

In oiuei calculate the aveiage absoiption coefficient of a ioom URSW, ">", someone has to
auu all absoiption coefficients of the ioom .
U.W , wheie #_LJAJNJR` anu !a! the absoiption coefficients anu aieas,
iespectively, of each kinu of bounuing suiface.
Bowevei, theie aie a lot of attempts to mouifieu Sabine's Reveibeiation Time
foimula. Foi instance, Cail F. Eyiing uiu a ieseaich in the acoustics of ueau iooms anu
suggesteu a new ieveibeiation foimula that pioveu to be moie accuiate in these conuitions
UMLWH Some othei Reveibeiation foimula mouifications: UZWJ!ULTWJ!ULLWJ!ULAW
Neveitheless, all those foimulas anu mouifications can not always pieuict the
ieveibeiation time with sufficient accuiacy. The Sabine's foimula makes the assumption
that eneigy is evenly uistiibuteu into the space. Bowevei, ieal conuitions aie not the same
as those of a uiffuse fielu. Especially in iooms with unevenly uistiibuteu sounu absoibeis,
the ieveibeiation time is most of the times obseiveu to be laigei than the foimula -
calculateu ieveibeiation time U13).

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

The louuest ciescenuo of an oichestia music is about 1uuuB while the backgiounu
level of a typical music ioom is 4u uB appioximately. Thus, the 6u uB is the uiop of the
oichestia louu sounu to the ioom's backgiounu level!URZWH!
Bowevei, it is not always necessaiy to measuie the 6uuB uiop. Nusic in small iooms
usually have low moual uensity anu thus can not achieve a uiop of 6uub. Theiefoie, most of
the times, someone has to finu fiist the time that it takes foi a sounu to uecay Su,2u oi 1S
BB anu then calculate the time on the 6uBB uiop. Noieovei it is not always easy to
calculate the uecay iate while fluctuations occuiieu on the cuiveu uecay especially at the
lowei fiequencies, uue to ioom iesonances anu to uiffeient uecay iates associateu with
<>/$#&!ULMW!was the fiist that measuieu ieveibeiation time 1uu yeais ago. Be useu
oigan pipes as a sounu souice anu he measuieu the time that is iequiieu foi the sounu to
become inauuible aftei he stoppeu playing the pipe by just using someone to heai the
sounu. Nowauays, in oiuei to measuie ieveibeiation time someone neeus a sounu souice
(e.g speakei, pistol), a signal (impulse iesponse, tones, noise), an omni - uiiectional
miciophone anu a iecoiuing uevice.

In oiuei to piouuce some accuiate iesults the appiopiiate signal shoulu be useu. 0ne
methou is to use impulse iesponses that have much moie eneigy than the backgiounu
noise. A pistol, a balloon oi electiical spaiks can be useu as impulse iesponses. A limitation
of the impulse iesponse methou is that it is not accuiate enough foi fiequencies below 2Su
hz while the noise level is highei foi low fiequencies . Anothei methou is to use sine - wave
oi ianuom noise souices.
<$#&!D>%&(: A sine wave of a specific fiequency is giving eneigy only on this

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

paiticulai fiequency anu so iiiegulai uecay cuives aie cieateu. Thus, analysis pioves to be
veiy uifficult anu not so accuiate. These fluctuations in amplituue aie piouuceu fiom the
vaiious ieflections fiom the walls anu othei suifaces. Puie sine waves aie moie useful in
measuiements of inuiviuual ioom moues.
\>'/C&!)+#&(: A waible tone is a fiequency mouulateu tone which spieaus its eneigy
ovei a fiequency banu (the exact banuwiuth eveiy time is specifieu) anu in that way it
eliminates space anu time inteifeience phenomena that occui when a single tone is useu
;>#.(!+,!3>#.+4!K+$(& : A ianuom noise signal its eneigy equally ovei a naiiow
banu within a fixeu banuwiuth anu thus a smoothei uecay cuive is cieateu. The two most
populai is white anu pink noise. \2$)&!#+$(& contains fiequencies with equal intensities
while @$#Q!#+$(& has equal eneigy pei octave. In fact, pink noise is anothei veision of white
noise that is calibiateu to how the human eai peiceives louuness ULZWJ!UATWH!To achieve
this, a 6uB uiop to each octave is applieu.

Reveibeiation Time is uiffeient fiom position to anothei in a ioom anu theiefoie, it is
vital to take seveial measuiements on uiffeient positions in oiuei to achieve goou iesults.
Then each one of the iesults must be analyzeu in oiuei to finu the aveiage Reveibeiation
Time. This pioceuuie pioves to be ieally time consuming anu so, uiffeient methous have
been suggesteu fiom time to time. Schioeuei has suggesteu a methou that the all the uecays
can be combineu anu aveiageu in a single uecay ULYWH

Some suggesteu values of Reveibeiation Times foi iecoiuing stuuios foi music anu speech
aie illustiateu on )>/C&!LZ.

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

When sounu is geneiateu fiom a sounu souice, it is tiaveling thiough the aii. Eveiy
time that hits a mateiial (wall, tile etc), some of its eneigy is ieflecteu back anu some is
tiansfoimeu to heat because of the fiictional iesistance of the mateiial. Foi veiy high
fiequencies, theie is also some heat loss because of aii iesistance. As the sounu wave is
tiaveling thiough the conciete blocks of the mateiial, anothei pait of its eneigy is ieflecteu
back again anu some othei is tiansfoimeu to heat again. This pioceuuie is going on until its
eneigy uisappeais. The total absoiption of a ioom can be calculateu using foimula U.WH!In
fact, if 4u% of the eneigy is absoibeu then the absoiption coefficient woulu be u.4u. The
absoiption coefficient woulu be 1.u when all the eneigy is absoibeu. Such an example can
be obseiveu in an anechoic chambei oi thiough an open winuow. Bowevei, sometimes the
absoiption coefficient of a mateiial can be moie than 1.u. This phenomenon uoes not mean
that the absoiptive object absoibs moie than 1uu% of the eneigy. This happens, fiistly
because of the thickness of the mateiial (mainly affects the low fiequencies) anu because of
its euges that have absoiptive piopeities. Someone shoulu take into account these two
cases in oiuei to achieve accuiate iesults. That means that the eneigy that is absoibeu on
the euges of the mateiial has to be calculateu if it is possible anu then auu it to finu the total
sounu absoiption coefficient. Anothei ieason that this might happens is the effects of
uiffiaction that occui on the coineis of the mateiial.

The absoiption coefficient of a mateiial is changing with fiequency anu with angle of
inciuent. Noieovei, the mounting of the mateiial influences the value of the absoiption
coefficient. A mateiial can be mounteu in two ways. Fiistly, a mateiial is mounteu uiiectly
on the wall anu seconuly is mounteu neai the wall having a gap between the wall anu the
mateiial. The absoiption coefficient pioves to be uiffeient, when some aii space exists
between the wall anu the mateiial USSWH Foi instance, foi poious mateiial the absoiption is
smallei when is mounteu uiiecteu on the wall. In paiticulai, this aii space between the wall
anu the mateiial incieases the low - fiequency absoiption.

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

Noieovei, the placement of the mateiial is also a significant factoi. In iectangulai
iooms, the best place to mount an absoiptive mateiial is on the coineis in oiuei all thiee
moues (axial, tangential, oblique) to be influenceu.
Anothei factoi that influences the absoiption is the thickness of a mateiial. The
thickei it is, the biggei absoiption will have, foi low fiequencies. Bowevei, foi fiequencies
Suuhz anu above, only small uiffeiences aie obseiveu. In auuition, the aiea that the
mateiial is placeu influences the apsoiption coefficient of the mateiial. uieatei absoiption
is achievei in smallei aieas USRWH vaiious kinu of mateiials aie useu to inciease the
absoiption with in a space. Some of them aie: fibious mateiial (glass,woou etc), gianulai
mateiial, poious mateiial anu so foith UNMWH They can be caipets, acoustical tiles oi bass
tiaps foi lowei fiequencies, mateiial that coveis the wall oi even people. A list of
absoiption coefficients of uiffeient mateiials aie illustiateu on )>/C&!LSH!
The ieveibeiation chambei shoulu be a laige ioom, whose walls shoulu be as iigiu
as possible anu unifoim in constiuction. The aim is to achieve big ieveibeiation times in
oiuei to measuie the absoiption coefficient in the most effective anu accuiate way. It is
constiucteu in such a way to cieate a uiffuse fielu so that to have unifoim uistiibution of the
eneigy UALW . In oiuei to measuie the absoiption coefficient of a paiticulai mateiial, the
ieveibeiation time of the empty ieveibeiation ioom shoulu be compaieu in the same
foimula with the ieveibeiation time of the ieveibeiation ioom aftei the mateiial is
aumitteu. Thus, the absoiption of the empty ieveibeiation ioom shoulu be calculateu fiist
using the foimula: ,
Then, the absoiptive object shoulu be placeu in the ioom anu the new absoiption is

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

calculateu: ,
Thus, in oiuei to finu the absoiption of the object A shoulu be:
. This yielus the equation: , U&W! anu the
absoiption coefficient is A uiviueu with the suiface aiea of the object: , U,W
It has been founu expeiimentally, that the calculation of the absoiption coefficient
using the ieveibeiation ioom methou can be applieu only foi fiequencies highei than a
paiticulai fiequency that is calculateu fiom the foimula: , U1W
Noieovei, in oiuei to achieve goou iesults anu thus to apply the ieveibeiation time
theoiy, the sounu fielu in the ieveibeiation ioom shoulu be sufficiently uiffuse. If not,
paiticulai methous shoulu be useu to cieate the uesiiable fielu. The best way to test a
mateiial is to place it onto thiee uiffeient walls peipenuiculai to each othei. Bowevei, it is
also goou to test the mateiial by mounting it, in the same way as it is about to be useu in
A weakness UNAW!of this methou is that sometimes uiffiaction effects occui in the
iegion wheie the sample mateiial is mounteu, mainly because of the small size of the
sample. Lot of ieseaich about the "sample size" mattei is uone anu a logical solution that is
suggesteu is to use seveial small samples that aie spaceu some wavelengths apait UNNWJ!

Bowevei, in oiuei to measuie the absoiption coefficient of a sample of a paiticulai
mateiial the impeuance tube methou was suggesteuUPW. This is a pipe with iigiu walls,
which its one enu is usually coveieu with a high absoibent mateiial anu on the othei enu
the sample of the mateiial is mounteu in the same way that it is wanteu to be in piactice.
When a sounu wave is geneiateu, a stanuing wave is foimeu in fiont of the sample anu a
movable piobe miciophone is measuiing the sounu piessuie. The impeuance tube methou
is useless foi mateiial with acoustical piopeitieu uepenuent on the sample size. So,

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

vibiating panels can not be measuieu but only flat samples (poious mateiials, thin foils,
peifoiateu panels e.t.c)
A sounu wave in a laige encloseu space (ioom) acts in a similai way like in a small
encloseu space (closeu tube)UAAW!. In a tube (non zeio intensity) , a sounu wave is tiaveling
towaius the tube anu it is ieflecteu back anu foith until its eneigy uisappeais. So, outwaiu
anu backwaiu tiaveling waves aie cieateu by these ieflections which aie combineu
togethei (auu in magnituue) anu piouuce a stanuing wave. In a ioom, a sounu wave is
tiaveling between two opposite walls anu between paiallel suifaces, cieating stanuing
waves at the natuial fiequencies of the ioom oi theii multiples. Actually each stanuing
wave, is a ioom moue, which that means, a paiticulai noimal moue fiequency. A iesonance
fiequency uepenus on the ioom uimensions anu the shape of the ioom anu also on the
physical piopeities of its bounuaiy. The noimal moues in a iectangulai ioom, aie calleu
eigen fiequencies anu they can be calculateu by the foimula UANW :
, U2W
6: speeu of sounu (S44ms), CBJC*JCO: ioom uimensions , #BJ#*J#O : positive integeis
Actually, the numbeis of #BJ#*J#O inuicate the numbei of the walls that aie
iesponsible foi the paiticulai eigen fiequency anu also the numbei of the contiibuteu
ieflections . So, the noimal moues of vibiation uepenus on the ieflections fiom all thiee
paiis of walls. An inteiesting technique foi contiolling the timbie using the iesonance
fiequencies is pioposeu by Takafumi Bikichi! anu Nasato Niyoshiy!UAPWH

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

Axial Noues UARW: The Axial noimal moues aie cieateu fiom sounu waves that aie tiaveling
between two paiallel walls. Theie aie thiee gioups of axial fiequencies that each one
uepenus on a specific uimension. So, theie is one funuamental axial fiequency foi the
stanuing wave acioss the ioom Length , one acioss the ioom wiuth anu one acioss the ioom
height. Each funuamental fiequency has its own tiain of haimonic moues. Axial moues
piove to be of a significant impoitance while they affect the acoustics of the enclosuie
Tangential Noues: They aie maue up of 4 waves tiaveling paiallel to two axis anu ieflect
fiom foui walls. So, thiee paiis of ioom uimensions aie iesponsible foi the funuamental
fiequencies anu theii haimonic seiies (Length & Wiuth, Length & Beight, Wiuth & Beight).
Although tangential moues have only have the eneigy of the axial moues , they aie still of
significant impoitance.
0blique Noues: They aie the weakei moues while they have only half the eneigy of the
tangential moues anu quaitei the eneigy of the axial ones. They aie foimeu by eight
tiaveling waves fiom all six walls of a ioom.
The fiist stanuing wave of each moue fiequency will ieach a maximum piessuie on
both enus, on the walls (antinoue) , anu will be zeio (noue) at the centei. This howevei, is
not absolutely tiue in ieality. This is because walls aie not absolutely iigiu anu also othei
moue fiequencies of othei paiallel suifaces may contiibute on the fiequency foimation.
In oiuei to estimate the noimal moues of vibiation someone shoulu fiist calculate
the eigen fiequencies using ,+'40C>!U2W anu then take some measuiements on the low
fiequency iegion. Puie sign waves must be useu as a sounu souice foi the measuiements
because paiticulai iesonant fiequencies must be exciteu.

Room iesonances mainly affect low fiequency waves fiom neaily Suuhz anu below. Low
fiequency waves have big lengths anu most of the times biggei the ioom uimensions. In
oiuei to calculate the length of a fiequency someone shoulu use the foimula 6_d, , foi 6!_!
NRR4e( speeu of sounu. So, foi instance, a 6u hz sounu wave is of S.7Sm length. Thus low

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

fiequency waves of laige wavelengths tenu to builu up in ceitain aieas anu in auuition the
uistance between two low fiequency moues is biggei.
:+.>C!X&#($)*!f As the fiequency incieases, the moual uensity is incieaseu. So, foi
highei fiequencies, theie aie noimal moues almost at each fiequency while foi lowei
fiequencies theie aie much less. Theie aie neaily 8 moual fiequencies in the iange of u to
1uuhz (nevei u, usually neaily 4Shz) anu appioximately Suuu fiom 4Shz to 1khz.
encloseu spaces, the sepaiation between two aujacent moues is biggei in lowei fiequencies
than in highei. Theiefoie, peaks anu uips aie cieateu in the fiequency iesponse as the
moual uensity is lowei, which means that some fiequencies will be enhanceu anu some
otheis not. Foi example, if a musical note falls into a gap between wiuely sepaiateu moues
will be weakei than otheis. The iesult is bau acoustic sounu quality in the low fiequency
iange anu special tieatment usually is neeueu.
Two appioximations aie suggesteu by uilfoiu anu Bonello UAZWJUNTWJUNLW that
uefine that uistance between two aujacent moue fiequencies that pioves to cause pioblems
to the sounu. The foimei believes that an axial moue shoulu not be sepaiateu moie than
2uhz fiom the next axial moue because it will boost the paiticulai fiequency with moie
powei. The lattei suggests that a banuwiuth of S% someone shoulu keep foi all kinu of
moues(axial, tangential, oblique) in oiuei to avoiu coloiation. Noieovei, coloiation occuis
when two moues "shaie" the same fiequency anu the usual iesult foi that fiequency is to be
The physical foim of the acoustical sounu fielu of the ioom moues is iepiesenteu as
a "set of elementaiy cuivilineai uucts"H!Although these "uucts" have uiffeient lengths, they
also have the same nominal fiequency because of theii flaie uiffeiences that make them
iesonate in that fiequency by changing theii phase velocity UAYW .

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

The "Schioeuei" fiequency is a paiticulai fiequency that maiks the tiansition fiom
oveilapping ioom iesonances (in the low fiequency iange) to well - sepaiateu moues
(highei fiequency iange). It is calculateu by the foimula: , U$W
The aim of the pioject is to apply acoustic tieatment on <)0.$+!A!>)!8>4&(!9C&'6Q!
:>BD&CC!/0$C.$#1!>)!h$#1i(!/0$C.$#1(!>)!-.$#/0'12i(!"#$%&'($)*. Stuuio 2 is a small ioom
(NHLS4!B!AHLP4!B!NHTA4) that only some fiist tieatment on the walls has been applieu.
The "low fiequency pioblem" is still piesent anu ieveibeiation time values aie still high.
Room iesonances influence the lowest fiequencies sometimes in a significant way;
theiefoie, some special tieatment is vital to be applieu. Noieovei, untieateu iooms give big
ieveibeiation times that piove to be bau foi iecoiuing puiposes. So, special tieatment
shoulu be applieu theie, as well. Bowevei, theie aie no optimum ieveibeiation time values
ieally while it uepenus on what someone wants to heai. Bowevei, in oiuei to achieve
speech intelligibility, anu insuie cleai iecoiuings small ieveibeiation times shoulu be
achieveu. Baving in minu the suggesteu values that aie illustiateu on the theoiy section,
RT6us of u4 to u.6 seconus shoulu be the goal foi Stuuio 2. Thus, ioom iesonances aie going
to be exploieu anu ieveibeiation times aie going to be calculateu in oiuei to suggest some
specific tieatment. Noieovei, absoiption coefficients of some acoustical tiles that aie
available aie going to be calculateu using the ieveibeiation ioom methou.
Small untieateu Stuuios, face the "low fiequency pioblem" mainly because of theii
size anu always neeu some special tieatment. Some fiequencies aie enhanceu moie than
otheis because of the ioom iesonances that aie cieateu fiom the ieflections of the waves
between the paiallel walls. Room iesonances mainly affect low fiequencies anu thus special
tieatment (like placing bass tiaps on the walls) foi the lowei fiequencies is neeueu.
Reveibeiation Time is the most impoitant factoi that influences the acoustic

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

chaiacteiistics of a ioom. It is a piioiity to impiove the ieveibeiation times of a ioom in
oiuei to impiove its acoustics.
Neasuiements aie taken on Stuuio1, Stuuio 2, the Reveibeiation Room anu the
Anechoic Chambei using an omni uiiectional anu a uiiectional miciophone, an omni
uiiectional speakei, a uigital iecoiuei anu a laptop. Stuuio 1 is useu in oiuei to compaie its
ieveibeiation times with the ieveibeiation times of stuuio 2 in oiuei to calculate the
absoiption coefficient of the mateiial that coveis the walls of stuuio 2. The Reveibeiation
Room is useu in oiuei to finu the absoiption coefficients of the available tiles anu the
anechoic chambei to finu the fiequency iesponse of the speakei.
Puie sine waves anu filteieu pink anu white noise with a banuwiuth of 8% is useu
foi the measuiements. Sine waves aie useu foi the ioom moue exploiation because the
excitation of paiticulai fiequencies is neeueu anu pink anu white noise foi Reveibeiation
Time measuiements.
All the analysis is uone on Natlab using the "fouiiei" anu the "levels"

In oiuei to cieate the fiequency spectium of the iecoiuing signal, the fouiiei sciipt
is useu on matlabU5@@&#.$B!5WH!While theie aie a lot of iecoiuings, an attempt is maue to
analyze a gioup of signals simultaneously anu not each signal sepaiately. This attempt is
illustiating on the ,$10'&!unueineath.

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

( A'"B5"17;(C1.:;3/3(!#"7$'5%(01(D.$:.&(E(F'05#(.1.:;3/3(

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

( A'"B5"17;(!#"7$'5%(01(D.$:.&(E(!"#.'.$"(C1.:;3/3(

But, the iesults piove to be not so accuiate while theie is a lot of haimonic uistoition anu
uistoition fiom eveiy pievious signal that affects the next one. The iesults of the gioup
analysis aie illustiateu on )>/C&!M. Thus, in oiuei to avoiu uistoition anu achieve bettei
iesults each signal shoulu be isolateu anu examineu sepaiately. The iesults of this kinu of
analysis aie illustiateu on )>/C&!N. Theie is a significant uiffeience between the methous
anu it is obvious that in the gioup analysis the iesults have unieasonable vaiiations fiom hz
to hz.

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

In oiuei to finu the Reveibeiation Time of a sounu, the "levels" matlab sciipt is useu.
This sciipt cieates a plot of time vs amplituue wheie the Reveibeiation Time can be

A stiaight line must be uiawn in the uppei line(-44.2uB) in oiuei to maik the point when
the sounu staits to uecay anu a line on the bottom (-7S.6uB) that maiks the point when the
sounu has the same amplituue with the backgiounu noise. Analyzing the plot fiom SuB
below the fiist point (stait of uecay) to the point on the bottom (stait of backgiounu noise)
the Reveibeiation Time is calculateu. Foi instance, in this paiticulai example, the time that
the sounu neeus to uecay fiom -49.2uB to -7S.6uB is u.SSs. Thus, in oiuei to finu the RT6u
the time that the sounu neeus to uecay 6uuB shoulu be calculateu.

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject


The aim of this pait of the pioject is to exploie the iesonant fiequencies of the ioom
anu the "low fiequency pioblem" which is veiy common in small encloseu spaces. In oiuei
to finu out which fiequencies aie boosteu most because of the ioom iesonances a special
measuiement anu analysis pioceuuie must be followeu.
Fiist anu foiemost, the ioom uimensions aie measuieu anu the volume of the ioom
is calculateu. As long as, the stuuio has small uimensions, the measuiement is easy to be
achieveu by using just a single iulei. The iesults aie illustiateu on )>/C&!LH!The
measuiement may not be 1uu% accuiate, mainly because of some iiiegulai paits on the
walls neai the uooi anu the winuow. Thus, this inaccuiacy shoulu be taken into account.
The ioom pioves to be significantly small, anu theiefoie big spacing among the
aujoining moues is expecteu. The consequences of the laige spacing among the moues aie
that some fiequencies aie enhanceu moie than otheis anu thus an acoustically "bau" sounu
fielu is cieateu. In
oiuei to finu what is the fiequency iange that must be examineu, the ciossovei fiequency
must be calculateu. In fact the ciossovei fiequency, is a paiticulai fiequency that is
uepenuent on the ioom uimensions anu maiks the shift fiom the highei well- sepaiateu
fiequencies to the lowei oveilapping fiequency moues. It is woith mentioning that this
bounuaiy is not totally stiict anu uoes not mean that eveiy moue below that fiequency
woulu have a pioblem. It is moie like a point that maiks the START of the tiansition.
0sing foimula!U2Wf!!,6_RLR2O.
The value of the ieveibeiation time that is useu foi the calculation is taken fiom the iesults
of the ieveibeiation time expeiiments that will be uiscusseu analytically on the
ieveibeiation analysis chaptei.
Natlab is useu foi the ioom moue calculations in oiuei to avoiu the time consuming
by hanu calculations. The matlab (6'$@)!L uses ,+'40C>!& to calculate the eigen fiequencies
foi n=u,1,2,S,4. The Axial, Tangential anu 0blique moues aie illustiateu fiist by using

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

uiffeient aiiays foi each kinu of moue combinations uepenuing on the ioom uimensions
anu then, aie placeu all togethei in ascenuing oiuei. It is vital to use this kinu of oiuei while
we want to finu the spacing among the moue fiequencies. The iesults aie illustiateu on
)>/C&!A. The Schioeuei fiequency shows appioximately the highei fiequency that shoulu be
inteiesteu in. In piactice, fiequencies fiom 2uuhz anu below will be only exploieu in moie
uetail foi a couple of ieasons. Fiistly because in these fiequencies the effect of oveilapping
is moie fiequent anu thus this iange is moie significant anu also because the exploiation
anu the analysis of the ioom moues aie time consuming pioceuuies anu neeu a moie
explicitly ieseaich . So, paiticulai moues that aie expecteu to cause pioblems on the
acoustics of the ioom will be exploieu , fiom SShz to 178hz. The theoiy suggests foi all
ioom moues to have a banuwiuth of at least S% of theii fiequency apait. Thus, looking at
)>/C&!AJ!the sepaiation of most the aujacent ioom moues aie moie than this ciitical
banuwiuth. Foi example, the S% of 78hz is S.98hz but theie is a uistance of 22hz fiom S6hz
to 78hz. Bowevei, the accuiacy of this theoiy will be testeu in piactice latei.
In oiuei to exploie the stanuing waves that aie cieate among paiallel walls a
paiticulai pioceuuie shoulu be followeu. Two uiffeient positions aie chosen foi the sounu
souice anu S uiffeient positions foi the miciophone. The positions aie chosen in such a way
so that paiticulai moues to be exciteu moie than otheis (theoietically) anu then come with
some inteiesting anu significant conclusions. The fiist iecoiuing is illustiateu on ,$10'&!L.
The miciophone is placeu exactly in the miuule of the ioom anu the speakei on the
miuule of the bottom wall. Thus, moues that uepenu on the Length aie expecteu to be
affecteu most. The fact that the miciophone is placeu exactly in the miuule wheie it is a
noue foi eveiy fiist moue of any uimension gives goou infoimation foi the analysis of the
iesults. All the iesults aie illustiateu on )>/C&!N. In oiuei to have accuiate iesults, each
fiequency moue must be isolateu on the fiequency plot. If not, uistoition occuis on the
signal anu thus inaccuiate iesults may be ueiiveu. g#!)>/C&!M , some inaccuiate iesults aie
Looking at the iesults on )>/C&!N foi this iecoiuing, uiffeient uecibel levels
coiiesponu to uiffeient fiequencies. Bowevei, while the fiequency iesponse of the speakei
is not known, no paiticulai uiscussion can be commenceu. Thus, one moie iecoiuing
pioceuuie must be uone. In oiuei to finu the fiequency iesponse of the speakei the

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

anechoic chambei shoulu be useu wheie theie aie no ieflections, whatsoevei, anu thus the
iesonant fiequencies aie not affect oui iesults as they aie not exist. The same signals on the
same amplituue anu the same equipment aie useu foi both ioom moue measuiements anu
anechoic chambei measuiements. The iesults foi the speakei's fiequency iesponse aie
illustiateu on )>/C&!N as well. The maximum uiffeience among the lowest anu the highei
fiequencies that aie examineu is appioximately P!.&6$/&C(. This uiffeience shoulu be taken
into account on the analysis of the ioom moues. As the speakei's fiequency iesponse has
been estimateu, the ioom moue analysis can stait. All uiffeient iecoiuings foi the uiffeient
positions aie citeu on ,$10'&(!LJAJNJRJSJM anu then each fiequency gioup is uiscusseu
]$10'&!L was uesciibeu in the above lines. 0n ,$10'&!A a miciophone is placeu in the
miuule of the ioom as well, but the speakei is placeu at one coinei of the ioom. When the
sounu souice is locateu on a coinei, has the ability to excite all ioom moues. So, a moie
complex analysis woulu be expecteu foi '&6+'.$#1!S. 0n ,$10'&!N, the speakei is placeu on
one coinei anu the miciophone on its uiagonal coinei in oiuei to excite anu captuie all the
ioom moues. This is the most effective way to investigate the ioom iesonances anu ueciue
wheie some tieatment shoulu be applieu. 0n ,$10'&!R, the speakei is placeu on the coinei
again anu the miciophone on the fiist paiallel wall acioss the wiuth of the ioom. 0n ,$10'&!
S!>#.!MJ!the speakei is placeu on the bottom wall as in '&6+'.$#1!R anu the miciophone on
the opposite wall at miuule height anu on the flooi, iespectively. 0n the wall, an antinoue
exists foi the fiist stanuing wave (acioss the Length) anu when the miciophone is placeu
on the flooi an antinoue exists foi the fiist stanuing wave acioss the height. Bowevei,
stanuing waves of the seconu anu thiiu ieflections must be exploieu while they contiibute
on the uistiibution as well.

The fiist two >B$>C!moues aie at SRHM2O anu SMHZkO anu iesponsible foi these moues aie
the paiallel walls acioss the Length anu acioss the height iespectively. Theii multiples
which aie in fact the axial moues foi the seconu ieflections, occui at LTZHA2O anu LLNHZ2O,
thus, fiequencies fiom SN2O!)+!SY2O anu fiom LTP2O!)+!LLS2O aie chosen to be exploieu.

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

An othei >B$>C moue involving the wiuth of the ioom is at YPHZkO!(the biggei value foi the
wiuth axial moue occuis because of the small uistance of the wiuth uimension), anu the
ueiivative of the seconu ieflection at LSYHP2O. Thus fiequencies fiom YM2O )+ PT2O anu
fiom LSM2O!)+!LSZ2O will be exploieu. Noieovei, some othei fiequencies will be
investigateu wheie )>#1&#)$>C!>#.!+/C$F0& moues aie contiibuteu most. Theie aie two
)>#1&#)$>C moues at ZM2O!>#.!ZYJN2O, so fiequencies fiom ZR2O!)+!ZP2O!aie analyzeu.
Theie aie also +/C$F0& moues at LRMHA2O anu LRPHM2O!anu at!LYMHA2O!anu!LYMHR2O!so
fiequencies on that iange aie exploieu.
While lots of paiameteis influence the moues behavioi, it is not easy to ueiive veiy
paiticulai conclusions. Thus, a compaiison methou of uiscussion among the uiffeient
iecoiuings is followeu.
Stuuying the fiist two axial moues on S4.6 anu S6.9 hz, someone can see that theie
is a boost on the fiequencies between SS anu S7 hz on all iecoiuing positions except of
iecoiuing position 7. Theoietically, the Length uimension is iesponsible foi the fiist axial
moue anu the height foi the seconu. The boost shoulu ieach a maximum then, on the 2 enus
of each uimension while theie is an antinoue anu a minimum on the centei wheie theie is a
noue foi the fiist moue. Bowevei, this pioves to be uiffeient in piactice. 0n iecoiuing
position S foi example, wheie the miciophone is placeu exactly in the centei, o boost of 8 to
12 uB occuis although theie is a noue of each uimension. Theiefoie, the conclusion that can
be ueiiveu fiom this is that othei moues, eithei axial oi tangential anu oblique contiibute to
the boost anu so paiticulai conclusions aie uifficult to be uiscusseu. The fact that, a non
uiiectional miciophone is useu make things moie complicateu while iesonances fiom eveiy
uiiection aie captuieu. 0n )>/C&!SJ!two iecoiuings using a uiiectional miciophone aie
illustiateu. Theie is a small boost foi iecoiuing position 4 as well, but on the othei hanu
theie is a ieuuction foi iecoiuing position 9. These vaiiations piove that the uiiectional
miciophone uoes not captuie eveiy iesonance that contiibutes on the boost but uoes not
give us auequate infoimation about which moues aie contiibute most on the boosts anu the

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject


1 0 0 54.6hz
0 0 1 56.9hz
Rec4 Rec5 Rec6 Rec7 Rec8 Rec9

53hz 10.5dB 8dB 8dB -1dB 8dB 3dB
54hz 9dB 8dB 8dB -1dB 9dB 3dB
55hz 9.5dB 8.5dB 8.5dB 0.5dB 9.5dB 3.5dB
56hz 13dB 9dB 11dB 1dB 12dB 5dB
57hz 12dB 12dB 12dB 1dB 12dB 7dB

Directional microphone measurements

Rec4 Rec9

53hz 2dB - 5.5dB
54hz 3dB - 4dB
55hz 3.5dB - 4dB
56hz 6dB - 2dB
57hz 7dB - 3.5dB

In oiuei to ueiive some useful conclusions fiom the ioom moue analysis expeiiment,
a new iecoiuing is taken anu illustiateu on )>/C&!Y. The speakei is placeu on a coinei of the
ioom in oiuei to excite all the ioom moues anu an omni-uiiectional miciophone is placeu
on the opposite coinei at miuule height (like on iecoiuing position 6). The biggei boost
occuis at S7 anu S8 hz (+12uB) while the biggei weakening at 7Shz ( -SuB). Thus, if
someone plays the sequence of notes U)>/C&!PW!J!it woulu be like someone is
changing the gain of each note by moie than 1u uB.
In oiuei to oveicome this low fiequency pioblem anu ieuuce the iesponse
vaiiations, the placement of bass tiaps pioves to be an effective solution. In fact, a bass tiap
ieuuces the ieflections of some fiequencies anu thus these boosts anu cancellations aie
ieuuceu. So, as some powei of the stanuing waves will be absoibeu insteau of been
ieflecteu a moie flattening ioom fiequency iesponse will be cieateu. In this occasion, a
iesonating absoibei that uamps a naiiow banu on the fiequency iange anu paiticulaily
between 49hz anu 6Shz anu anothei one that uamps fiequencies between 94hz to 1uShz

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

anu moieovei some othei naiiow fiequency gioups fiom 111hz to 116hz , 12Shz to 1S1hz,
1S8hz to 1S1hz anu 17Shz to 18uhz , woulu be useful.

The ultimate aim of this pait of the pioject is the acoustical tieatment of stuuio 2 at
}ames Cleick Naxwell builuing. Reveibeiation Time is the most significant factoi that
influences the acoustic chaiacteiistics of a space. The ieveibeiation Time of Stuuio 2 is
going to be calculateu anu absoiption coefficients of some tiles aie going to be estimateu. In
oiuei to finu the ieveibeiation time, the classical methou is followeu wheie each sounu
uecay of the uiffeient positions is analyzeu sepaiately anu then the values of the
ieveibeiation times aie aveiageu. Neasuiements aie taken on Stuuio 1 anu Stuuio 2 using
an omni-uiiectional miciophone anu a speakei. Pink anu White Noise is geneiateu fiom the
speakei anu a miciophone is placeu on S uiffeient positions. The signals aie analyzeu on
Natlab anu the Reveibeiation Time is calculateu fiom the plots. The iesults aie illustiateu
on )>/C&!P anu )>/C&!ZH!While both iooms aie not uiffuse fielus, moie than one
measuiement shoulu be taken in oiuei to insuie accuiate iesults. Noieovei, two kinu of
Noise signals aie useu in oiuei to compaie them anu finu out which one of them tuins out
to be moie useful foi that puipose. <)0.$+!L anu <)0.$+!A aie of the same size anu aie
constiucteu in an iuentical way. The only uiffeience is that some absoiptive mateiial coveis
the walls of <)0.$+!A.
Looking at the iesults a small ueviation of at most u.S seconus is obseiveu among the
Reveibeiation times of the uiffeient iecoiuing positions on both Noise signals. This
ueviation occuis fiistly because theie is no uiffuse fielu anu also because the calculation of
Reveibeiation Time using the plots is not so accuiate. 0n )>/C&!LT, the aveiage values of
the Reveibeiation Times foi both Stuuios aie calculateu. Reveibeiation Time on <)0.$+!L is
appioximately u.S7s biggei than in <)0.$+!L. This ueviation occuis because the walls of!
<)0.$+!A aie coveieu with some absoiptive mateiial.
In oiuei to finu the absoiption coefficient of the mateiial that coveis the biggei pait
of the walls of <)0.$+!A, the Reveibeiation times of both stuuios aie neeueu, the volume of
the ioom anu the aiea that the mateiial is coveiing. The ieveibeiation times anu the
volume of the ioom weie calculateu befoie. In oiuei to finu the aiea that is coveieu by the

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

mateiial, fiist the aiea of each wall shoulu be calculateu.
Bowevei, theie aie some othei objects within the ioom that theii aiea must be
calculateu as well anu subtiacteu fiom the total aiea of each wall.
Theie is a LHLRBLHLR4 winuow, communicating with the contiol ioom, on wall2, a
AHLYBLHLT4 uooi on wall1 anu a THRLBTHRP4 inuooi vent system on wall1'. The iesults
aie illustiateu on )>/C&!LN. In oiuei to finu the aiea of the mateiial, the aiea of the objects
aie subtiacteu fiom the total aiea of each wall:
\>CCAU4>)&'$>CW!_!\>CCA!7!\$#.+D!_!PHALR ! ! ! ! !
\>CCLU4>)&'$>CW!_!\>CCL!7!X++'!_!RHLZM! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!
\>CCLiU4>)&'$>CW_!\>CCLi!7!^&#)_!MHRLS ! ! ! ! ! !
Thus, auuing all the aieas:
absoiption coefficient of the mateiial can be calculateu fiom foimulas U&W anu U,WH!The
iesults aie illustiateu on )>/C&!LRH!
The total aiea of Stuuio 2 is 4S.927 . 0n )>/C&!LT the total absoiption coefficient of stuuio
1 anu stuuio 2 aie illustiateu.
The ieveibeiation ioom of }CN builuing, is constiucteu in such a way, so that a goou
uiffuse fielu is cieateu. The ioom is big enough to achieve big Reveibeiation Times (fiom 2
to 11 seconus appioximately) that is veiy significant foi the acoustic measuiements. Each
of the walls of the ioom has uiffeient uimensions so that no one of the walls is paiallel to
anothei. In that way, the back anu foith ieflections between two walls aie avoiueu anu thus
fluttei echo is uiamatically ieuuceu. Bowevei, the iiiegulai shape of the ioom makes some
calculations moie uifficult though.
Fiist anu foiemost, the volume of the ieveibeiation ioom is calculateu. While the
ioom is of an iiiegulai shape, the volume cannot be calculateu just by multiplying the aiea
with the height of the ioom, like it happens in iectangulai iooms. In that case, some
geometiical calculations have to be uone. 0n 5@@&#.$B!;J!the calculation of the volume of

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

the Reveibeiation Room is citeu. The uimensions of the ieveibeiation ioom aie illustiateu
on )>/C&!LM.
Anothei paiametei that shoulu be estimateu is the lowest fiequency wheie the
absoiption calculations woulu be accuiate. 0sing foimula U1W that fiequency is .
Thus, theoietically, foi fiequencies below that paiticulai fiequency the absoiption
coefficients of the mateiial shoulu not be taken in account.
Seconuly, measuiements on the empty ieveibeiation ioom anu at seveial positions
aie taken using filteieu pink noise. The wav files aie analyzeu on Natlab anu the
Reveibeiation Times aie calculateu anu can be seen on )>/C&!LAH! The lowei the fiequency
that is geneiateu the highei the ieveibeiation time. Big ieveibeiation times aie achieveu at
all positions with only small ueviations. The aveiage ieveibeiation time is calculateu anu
illustiateu on the same table. In oiuei to test an acoustical tile anu estimate its absoiptive
piopeities, the same measuiements aie taken with the mateiial placeu on the miuule of one
of the walls. The ieveibeiation times of the measuiements aie illustiateu on )>/C&!LA as
well. 0bviously, the absoiptive chaiacteiistics of the mateiial aie stiong enough to ieuuce
the ieveibeiation time neaily Su%.
Baving the volume of the ieveibeiation ioom v=S6.u1 , anu the RT6us of the
empty ioom anu of the ioom with the specimen, the absoiption coefficient of the mateiial is
calculateu. The aiea of the tile mateiial is 1.192*u.6u=u.71S2 . 0sing foimula U&W anu U,W,
the sounu absoiption in sabins anu the absoiption coefficient aie calculateu anu illustiateu
on )>/C&!LY. All the absoiption coefficients have values moie than 1.u. This of couise, uoes
not mean that they absoib moie than 1uu%. These incieaseu values piobably occui
because of the thickness of the tile. The Tile is ALHS64 thick. The thickness of the tile has
been neglecteu fiom the calculations, so the absoiption coefficient is calculateu without it.
But, this thickness incieases the absoiption of the mateiial so a foimula has to be founu in
oiuei to calculate a new absoiption coefficient. The thickness of the mateiial influences two
things. Fiistly, it incieases the uistance between the wall anu the mateiial anu thus the
absoiption will be incieaseu, paiticulaily foi the lowei fiequencies(theoietically), anu
seconuly, the fact that woou coveis the peiimetei of the tile having 21.Sm thickness will
inciease absoiption, especially foi the highei fiequencies. The aiea of this peiimetei is
calculateu. [&'$4&)&'=$C&5'&>=u.7S8 . Auuing the Aiea of the peiimetei anu the aiea of
the mateiial of the tile, the total aiea is 1.47S2 . Thus, using this value as the value of the

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

aiea of the tile, the new absoiption coefficients >i aie calculateu anu illustiateu on )>/C&!LY
as well. Thus, the coiiect absoiption coefficients aie those that the aiea of the peiimetei is
taken into account in the calculations.
If the acoustical tile is placeu on ()0.$+!AJ!the new Reveibeiation Time will be
smallei. The new RT is calculateu anu the iesults aie illustiateu on )>/C&!LPH The foimula
that calculates the new ieveibeiation time is :

: Total Absoiption of stuuio 2 without the tile
: Absoiption of Acoustical Tile
: Reveibeiation Time of Stuuio2 with acoustical tile
: Reveibeiation Time of Stuuio 2 without acoustical tile
Solving the above equation, the new ieveibeiation time is calculateu.
The New RTs piove to be much bettei foi iecoiuing stuuio's puiposes; howevei,
moie measuiements must be taken to insuie the accuiacy of the calculations. That
unfoitunately will not be pait of this pioject but it is of significant impoitance so someone
shoulu take this in account in futuie woiks. Noie Tiles aie available on }CN builuing that
can help foi fuithei tieatment anu ieuuce a bit moie the RT of Stuuio 2.

1. Finu a less time consuming pioceuuie to analyze anu calculate the Reveibeiation
Times on uiffeient positions. A goou solution might be to aveiage the uiffeient uecay
cuives to a single uecay cuive anu calculate the aveiage Reveibeiation Time ULYWH
2. Noie acoustical tile shoulu be testeu on the ieveibeiation ioom. Noie than one tile
can be placeu in the ioom anu finu the absoiption of moie than one tile. Noieovei,
measuiements by keeping uiffeient uistances between the wall anu the tile can be
taken while the aii space changes the absoiption of the ioom.
S. Place the acouctical tiles on stuuio 2 anu finu the new ieveibeiation times.

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

4. Noie exclusive ieseaich on ioom iesonances. Calculate the ieveibeiation time of
each moue. Nake moie paiticulai conclusions.
S. Suggestions of bass tiaps, anu test paiticulai mateiial that can be useu as bass tiaps.


Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject


Length 3.15 m
Width 2.18 m
Height 3.02 m

Volume L*W*H = 20.73

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject


1 0 0 54.6hz Axial
0 0 1 56.9hz Axial
0 1 0 78.9hz Axial
1 0 1 78.9hz Tangential
1 1 0 96hz Tangential
0 1 1 97.3hz Tangential
2 0 0 109.2hz Axial
1 1 1 111.5hz Oblique
0 0 2 113.9hz Axial
2 0 1 123.1hz Tangential
1 0 2 126.3hz Tangential
2 1 0 134.7hz Tangential
0 1 2 138.5hz Tangential
2 1 1 146.2hz Oblique
1 1 2 148.9hz Oblique
0 2 0 157.8hz Axial
2 0 2 157.8hz Tangential
3 0 0 163.8hz Axial
1 2 0 166.9hz Tangential
0 2 1 167.7hz Tangential
0 0 3 170.9hz Axial
3 0 1 173.3hz Tangential
1 2 1 176.2hz Oblique
2 1 2 176.4hz Oblique
1 0 3 179.3hz Tangential
3 1 0 181.8hz Tangential
0 1 3 188.2hz Tangential
2 2 0 191.9hz Tangential
0 2 2 194.6hz Tangential
3 0 2 199.5hz Tangential
2 2 1 200.1hz Oblique
1 2 2 202.1hz Oblique
2 0 3 202.7hz Tangential
4 0 0 218.4hz Axial
2 2 2 223.1hz Oblique
4 0 1 225.7hz Tangential
3 2 0 227.4hz Tangential
0 0 4 227.8hz Axial
4 1 0 232.2hz Tangential
0 2 3 232.5hz Tangential
0 3 0 236.6hz Axial


Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject







REC9 Sp_FrRes

53hz 62.5 60 60 51 60 55 52
54hz 61 60 60 51 61 55 52
55hz 62 61 61 53 62 56 52.5
56hz 65 61 63 53 64 57 52
57hz 65 65 65 54 65 60 53

76hz 50 50 51 55 55 62 55
77hz 50 50 53 56 57 65 55
78hz 48 49 60 60 57 67 55.5
79hz 48 50 61 61.5 59.5 67.5 55.5
80hz 48 50 65 64 60 70 56

94hz 50 53 63 52 44 57 57.5
95hz 52 50 63 51 44 57 57.5
96hz 51 47 65 53 45 58 57.5
97hz 53 45 66 53 45 57.5 58
98hz 52 46 65 54 46 58 58

108hz 65 69 53 63 59 65 59
109hz 69 69 60 65 60 68 59
110hz 69 68 62 66 62 66 59
111hz 64 63 65 62 62 65 59
112hz 65 62 64 59 63 64 59.5
113hz 67 66 68 65 65 66 59.5
114hz 70 69 68 69 68 68 59.5
115hz 69 68 64 68 65 64 59.5

145hz 57 48 65 58 54.5 50 60
146hz 56 46 67 57.5 54 50 60
147hz 56 45 68 59 54 51 60
148hz 57 45 70 58 54 53 60.5
149hz 59 46 73 56 57 53 61

156hz 71 62 54 72.5 64 67 60
157hz 72 66 64 72 65 72 60.5
158hz 71 64 65 71 64 72 60.5
159hz 70 60 62 66.5 60 68 61

175hz 58 53 65 64 60 74 60
176hz 56 56 64 63 58 74 60
177hz 55 58 60 59.5 55 74 60
178hz 58 58 57 58 52 73 60

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

Rec4 Rec5 Rec6 Rec7 Rec8 Rec9

53hz 10.5dB 8dB 8dB -1dB 8dB 3dB
54hz 9dB 8dB 8dB -1dB 9dB 3dB
55hz 9.5dB 8.5dB 8.5dB 0.5dB 9.5dB 3.5dB
56hz 13dB 9dB 11dB 1dB 12dB 5dB
57hz 12dB 12dB 12dB 1dB 12dB 7dB

76hz -5dB -5dB -4dB 0dB 0dB 7dB
77hz -5dB -5dB -2dB 1dB 2dB 10dB
78hz - 7.5dB -6.5dB 4.5dB 4.5dB 2.5dB 11.5dB
79hz -7.5dB -5.5dB 5.5dB 6dB 4dB 12dB
80hz -8dB -6dB 9dB 8dB 4dB 14dB

94hz -7.5dB -4.5dB 5.5dB -5.5dB -13.5dB -0.5dB
95hz -5.5dB -7.5dB 5.5dB -6.5dB -13.5dB -0.5dB
96hz -6.5dB
10.5dB 7.5dB -4.5dB -12.5dB 0.5dB
97hz -5dB -13dB 8dB -5dB -13dB -0.5dB
98hz -6dB -12dB 7dB -4dB -12dB 0dB

108hz 6dB 10dB -6dB 4dB 0dB 6dB
109hz 10dB 10dB 1dB 6dB 1dB 9dB
110hz 10dB 9dB 3dB 7dB 3dB 7dB
111hz 5dB 4dB 6dB 3dB 3dB 6dB
112hz 5.5dB 2.5dB 4.5dB -0.5dB 3.5dB 4.5dB
113hz 7.5dB 6.5dB 8.5dB 5.5dB 5.5dB 6.5dB
114hz 9.5dB 8.5dB 8.5dB 9.5dB 8.5dB 8.5dB
115hz 8.5dB 7.5dB 5.5dB 8.5dB 5.5dB 4.5dB

145hz -3dB -12dB 5dB -2dB -5.5dB -10dB
146hz -4dB -14dB 7dB -2.5dB -6dB -10dB
147hz -4dB -15dB 8dB -1dB -6dB -9dB
148hz -3.5dB
15.5dB 9.5dB -2.5dB -6.5dB -7.5dB
149hz -2dB -15dB 12dB -5dB -4dB -8dB

156hz 11dB 2dB -6dB 12.5dB 4dB 7db
157hz 11.5dB 5.5dB 3.5dB 11.5dB 4.5dB 11.5dB
158hz 10.5dB 3.5dB 4.5dB 10.5dB 3.5dB 11.5dB
159hz 9dB -1dB 1dB 6.5dB -1dB 7dB

175hz -2dB -7dB 5dB 4dB 0dB 14dB
176hz -4dB -4dB 4dB 3dB -2dB 14dB
177hz -5dB -2dB 0dB -0.5dB -5dB 14dB
178hz -2dB -2dB -3dB -2dB -8dB 13dB

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

Rec4 Rec9 Boost Rec4 Boost Rec9

53hz 54dB 46.5dB 2dB - 5.5dB
54hz 55dB 48dB 3dB - 4dB
55hz 56dB 48.5dB 3.5dB - 4dB
56hz 58dB 50dB 6dB - 2dB
57hz 60dB 49.5dB 7dB - 3.5dB

76hz 54dB 58dB - 1dB 3dB
77hz 53.5dB 60dB - 1.5dB 5dB
78hz 53dB 60.5dB - 2.5dB 5dB
79hz 55dB 64dB - 0.5dB 8.5dB
80hz 54.5dB 65dB - 1.5dB 9dB

94hz 50dB 55.5dB - 7.5dB - 2dB
95hz 50dB 57.5dB - 7.5dB 0dB
96hz 51.5dB 56dB - 6dB - 1.5dB
97hz 53.5dB 56dB - 4.5dB - 2dB
98hz 53.5dB 57.5dB - 4.5dB - 0.5dB

108hz 64dB 65.5dB 5dB 6.5dB
109hz 66.5dB 68dB 7.5dB 9dB
110hz 68.5dB 70dB 9.5dB 11dB
111hz 66.5dB 67dB 7.5dB 8dB
112hz 65dB 65.5dB 5.5dB 6dB
113hz 67.5dB 66.5dB 8dB 7dB
114hz 69dB 67.5dB 9.5dB 8dB
115hz 68dB 64dB 9.5dB 4.5dB

145hz 60dB 55dB 0dB - 5dB
146hz 60dB 56.5dB 0dB - 3.5dB
147hz 60.5dB 57.5dB 0.5dB - 2.5dB
148hz 62dB 57dB 1.5dB - 3.5dB
149hz 63dB 57.5dB 2dB - 3.5dB

156hz 75dB 73dB 15dB 13dB
157hz 77dB 75dB 16.5dB 14.5dB
158hz 76.5dB 76dB 16dB 15.5dB
159hz 73dB 74dB 12dB 13dB

175hz 61dB 81dB 1dB 21dB
176hz 61.5dB 81dB 1.5dB 21dB
177hz 64dB 80dB 4dB 20dB
178hz 68dB 80dB 8dB 20dB

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject








53hz 50 46 46 41 52 48 DB
54hz 57 52 52 48 59 52 DB
55hz 62 58 58 54 64 58 DB
56hz 69 63 63 58 69 62 DB
57hz 71 68 68 58 70 66 DB

76hz 55 55 56 58 60 67 DB
77hz 52 55 60 57 58 65 DB
78hz 53 56 61 58 56 66 DB
79hz 46 55 66 56 53 63 DB
80hz 35 54 69 50 46 56 DB

94hz 35 51 65 35 29 42 DB
95hz 41 50 63 42 35 50 DB
96hz 49 43 61 50 41 54 DB
97hz 52 38 56 53 46 59 DB
98hz 55 30 50 58 49 60 DB

108hz 70 50 40 69 62 70 DB
109hz 73 62 51 71 67 72 DB
110hz 73 70 61 70 68 71 DB
111hz 69 69 66 65 66 68 DB
112hz 65 67 69 61 63 63 DB
113hz 65 69 71 61 62 62 DB
114hz 61 66 71 60 59 59 DB
115hz 52 54 69 54 50 50 DB

145hz 40 32 69 44 39 35 DB
146hz 48 38 68 50 44 41 DB
147hz 52 41 65 55 50 48 DB
148hz 58 44 62 58 56 52 DB
149hz 61 49 58 60 60 58 DB

156hz 75 68 40 78 69 73 DB
157hz 78 71 61 78 71 78 DB
158hz 77 68 68 77 69 78 DB
159hz 72 62 68 72 64 75 DB

175hz 60 58 70 69 62 80 DB
176hz 56 58 68 62 58 77 DB
177hz 51 55 60 53 50 72 DB
178hz 47 50 49 44 40 66 DB

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject



Speaker's Frequency
response(dB) Boost(dB)
49hz 58 50.5 7.5dB
50hz 60 50.5 9.5dB
51hz 61.5 51 10.5dB
52hz 63 52 11dB
53hz 60 52 8dB
54hz 60 52 8dB
55hz 61 52.5 8.5dB
56hz 63 52 11dB
57hz 65 53 12dB
58hz 65 53 12dB
59hz 64 53 11dB
60hz 62.5 53 9.5dB
61hz 61.5 53.5 9dB
62hz 60 53.5 6.5dB
63hz 58 53.5 4.5dB
64hz 57.5 53.5 4dB
65hz 56.5 53.5 3dB
66hz 56 54 2dB
67hz 55 54 1dB
68hz 55 54 1dB
69hz 54 54 0dB
70hz 52.5 54 - 1.5dB
71hz 52.5 54.5 - 2dB
72hz 52 54.5 - 2.5dB
73hz 50 54.5 - 5dB
74hz 50 54.5 - 4.5dB
75hz 50 55 - 5dB
76hz 51 55 - 4dB
77hz 53 55 - 2dB
78hz 60 55.5 4.5dB
79hz 61 55.5 5.5dB
80hz 65 56 9dB
81hz 62 56 6dB
82hz 60 56.5 3.5dB
83hz 58 56.5 1.5dB
84hz 57 56.5 0.5dB
85hz 58 56.5 1.5dB
86hz 57 57 0dB
87hz 58 57 1dB
88hz 58 57 1dB
89hz 57 57 0dB

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

90hz 60 57 3dB
91hz 60 57 3dB
92hz 61 57.5 3.5dB
93hz 62.5 57.5 5dB
94hz 63 57.5 5.5dB
95hz 63 57.5 5.5dB
96hz 65 57.5 7.5dB
97hz 66 58 8dB
98hz 65 58 7dB
99hz 67 58 9dB
100hz 66 58 8dB
101hz 65 58 7dB
102hz 64 58 6dB
103hz 62 58 4dB
104hz 59 58 1dB
105hz 57 58.5 - 1.5dB
106hz 56 58.5 - 2.5dB
107hz 55 58.5 - 3.5dB
108hz 53.5 59 - 5.5dB
109hz 60 59 1dB
110hz 62 59 3dB
111hz 65 59 6dB
112hz 64 59.5 4.5dB
113hz 68 59.5 8.5dB
114hz 68 59.5 8.5dB
115hz 64 59.5 4.5dB
116hz 63 59.5 3.5dB
117hz 60 59.5 0.5dB
118hz 58 59.5 - 1.5dB
119hz 57.5 59.5 - 2dB
120hz 57.5 59.5 - 2dB
121hz 57 59.5 - 2.5dB
122hz 57 59.5 - 2.5dB
123hz 57 59.5 - 2.5dB
124hz 63.5 59.5 4dB
125hz 66 59.5 6.5dB
126hz 71 59.5 11.5dB
127hz 70.5 60 10.5dB
128hz 68 60 8dB
129hz 66 60 6dB
130hz 65 60 5dB
131hz 64 60 4dB
132hz 62.5 60 2.5dB
133hz 63.5 60 3.5dB
134hz 63 60 3dB
135hz 60 60 0dB
136hz 59.5 60 - 0.5dB
137hz 60.5 60 0.5dB
138hz 66 60 6dB
139hz 65.5 60 5.5dB
140hz 65 60 5dB
141hz 64 60 4dB

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

142hz 63 60 3dB
143hz 64 60 4dB
144hz 64 60.5 3.5dB
145hz 65 60.5 4.5dB
146hz 67 60.5 6.5dB
147hz 68 60 8dB
148hz 70 60.5 9.5dB
149hz 73 61 12dB
150hz 69 61 8dB
151hz 66 61 5dB
152hz 62.5 60.5 2dB
153hz 60 60.5 - 0.5dB
154hz 55 60.5 - 5.5dB
155hz 52 60 - 8dB
156hz 54 60 - 6dB
157hz 64 60.5 3.5dB
158hz 65 60.5 4.5dB
159hz 62 61 1dB
160hz 57 61 - 4dB
161hz 56.5 61 -4.5dB
162hz 56 61.5 - 5.5dB
163hz 56 60.5 -4.5dB
164hz 54 60.5 - 6.5dB
165hz 54.5 60.5 - 6dB
166hz 55.5 60.5 - 5dB
167hz 56 60 - 4dB
168hz 56 60 - 4dB
169hz 57.5 60 - 2.5dB
170hz 58 60 - 2dB
171hz 59.5 60 - 0.5dB
172hz 60 60 0dB
173hz 62.5 60 2.5dB
174hz 63 60 3dB
175hz 65 60 5dB
176hz 64 60 4dB
177hz 62 60 2dB
178hz 65 60 5dB
179hz 66 60 6dB
180hz 65.5 60 5.5dB

Studio 1

Pink Noise(rec5) Pink Noise(rec6) Pink Noise(rec7)

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

RT60 RT60 RT60
63 Hz 1.62 1.55 1.58
125Hz 1.45 1.58 1.48
250Hz 1.68 1.6 1.55
500Hz 1.51 1.41 1.55
1Khz 1.54 1.55 1.62
2Khz 1.58 1.5 1.61
4Khz 1.29 1.4 1.34
8Khz 1.46 1.45 1.5

White Noise(rec5)
RT60 RT60 RT60
63 Hz 1.66 1.6 1.55
125Hz 1.48 1.45 1.52
250Hz 1.33 1.42 1.45
500Hz 1.22 1.3 1.45
1Khz 1.33 1.44 1.48
2Khz 1.23 1.43 1.39
4Khz 1.3 1.4 1.4
8Khz 1.29 1.32 1.4
Studio 2

Pink Noise(rec5) Pink Noise(rec6) Pink Noise(rec7)
RT60 RT60 RT60
63 Hz 1.1 1.02 0.99
125Hz 1.04 0.9 0.75
250Hz 1.09 1.1 0.88
500Hz 1.12 1.02 0.98
1Khz 0.9 0.83 0.84
2Khz 0.82 0.9 1.08
4Khz 0.69 0.79 0.84
8Khz 0.73 0.76 0.88

White Noise(rec5)
RT60 RT60 RT60
63 Hz 0.88 1.01 0.92
125Hz 0.6 0.64 0.77
250Hz 0.93 0.88 0.93
500Hz 0.86 1 0.88
1Khz 0.9 0.91 0.8

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

2Khz 0.84 0.9 0.89
4Khz 0.82 0.88 1
8Khz 0.9 0.91 0.79

RT60 & Abs.Coef
Studio 1(RT) Studio 2(RT) Studio 1(a) Studio 2(a)
63 Hz 1.59 0.98 0.046 0.075
125Hz 1.49 0.78 0.049 0.094
250Hz 1.5 0.96 0.049 0.076
500Hz 1.4 0.97 0.052 0.075
1Khz 1.49 0.86 0.049 0.085
2Khz 1.45 0.9 0.05 0.081
4Khz 1.35 0.82 0.054 0.089
8Khz 1.4 0.82 0.052 0.089
Average= 1.45
Average =


Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject


Empty Room
1stRec 2ndRec 3rdRec 4thRec Average
RT60 RT60 RT60 RT60

63hz 10.56s 10.48s 10.90s 9.90s 10.46s
125hz 10.4s 10.4s 9s 11.2s 10.25s
250hz 8.85s 8.45s 9.1s 8.7s 8.77s
500hz 6.66s 7.11s 4.6s 5.61s 6.04s
1khz 5.16s 4.92s 5.73s 6.3s 5.52s
2khz 4.23s 4.08s 4.44s 4.98s 4.43s
4khz 3.31s 3.27s 3.65s 3.80s 3.51s
8khz 2.21s 2.18s 2.4s 2.52s 2.32s


Room with material
1stRec 2ndRec 3rdRec 4thRec Average
RT60 RT60 RT60 RT60

63hz 4.6s 5.00s 5.02s 4.32s 4.73s
125hz 4s 4.6s 4.95s 5.2s 4.68s
250hz 4.11s 4.53s 4.68s 5.1s 4.60s
500hz 3.51s 3.27s 4.37s 3.51s 3.66s
1khz 3.12s 2.92s 3.15s 3.00s 3.04s
2khz 2.52s 2.41s 2.69s 2.94s 2.64s
4khz 2.1s 2.15s 2.33s 2.40s 2.24s
8khz 1.68s 1.6s 1.72s 1.78s 1.69s


Length Width Height Area
Wall1 2.18m 3.02m 6.583

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

Wall2 3.15m 3.02m 9.513
Wall1' 2.18m 3.02m 6.583
Wall2' 3.15m 3.02m 9.513
Ceiling 3.15m 2.18m 6.867
Floor 3.15m 2.18m 6.867
Total Area

Window 1.14m 1.14m 1.299
Door 2.17m 1.10m 2.387
Vent 0.41m 0.48m 0.168

A(abs.sabins) a(abs.coef)
63hz 1.323 0.037
125hz 2.065 0.058
250hz 1.269 0.036
500hz 1.07 0.03
1khz 1.661 0.047
2khz 1.424 0.04
4khz 1.618 0.045
8khz 1.707 0.048



Floor Materials
carpet 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.15 0.25 0.45
Concrete(unpainted) 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
Concrete(painted) 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
Marble or glazed tile 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02
Vinyl tile 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02
Wood Parquet on concrete 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.07
Wood flooring on Joists 0.15 0.11 0.1 0.07 0.06 0.07
Wall materials
Brick (Natural) 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

Brick(painted) 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03
Concrete Block(coarse) 0.36 0.44 0.31 0.29 0.39 0.25
Concrete Block(Painted) 0.1 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.08
Doors(Solid wood panels) 0.1 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04
Glass(1/4" plate, large pane) 0.18 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02
Glass(small pane) 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02
Plasterboard(12mm(1/2")paneling on studs) 0.29 0.1 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04
Plaster(gypsum or lime,on masonry) 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Plaster(gypsum or lime,on wood lath) 0.14 0.1 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04
1/4")airspace 0.15 0.25 0.12 0.08 0.08 0.08
1/4")airspace 0.28 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.08 0.08
e 0.38 0.24 0.17 0.1 0.08 0.05
Drapery(10oz/yd2,340gr/m2,flat against wall) 0.04 0.05 0.11 0.18 0.3 0.35
Drapery(14oz/yd2,476gr/m2,flat against wall) 0.05 0.07 0.13 0.22 0.32 0.35
Fiberglass board(25mm(1")thick) 0.06 0.2 0.65 0.9 0.95 0.98
Fiberglass board(50mm(1")thick) 0.18 0.79 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
Fiberglass board(75mm(1")thick) 0.53 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
metal(13%open,over50mm(2")fiberglas) 0.25 0.64 0.99 0.97 0.88 0.92
Ceiling materials
Plasterboard(12mm(1/2")in suspended ceiling
grid 0.15 0.11 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.08
Underlay in perforated metal panels
25mm(1")batts) 0.51 0.78 0.57 0.77 0.9 0.79
Metal deck(perforated channels
25mm(1")batts) 0.19 0.69 0.99 0.88 0.52 0.27
Metal deck(perforated channels
75mm(3")batts) 0.73 0.99 0.99 0.89 0.52 0.31

People(adults)(per 1/10 person) 0.25 0.35 0.42 0.46 0.5 0.5

Down Length 1 5.74m
Down Length 2 6.11m
Up Length 1 5.80m
Up Length 2 6.30m
Down Width 1 1.77m
Down Width 2 2.78m
Up Width 1 1.82m
Up Width 2 2.84m
Height 1 2.44m
Height 2 2.92m

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

A(sabins) a(coef) a'(coef)
63hz 0.679 0.949 0.46
125hz 0.681 0.953 0.46
250hz 0.606 0.848 0.41
500hz 0.635 0.888 0.43
1khz 0.868 1.214 0.59
2khz 0.902 1.262 0.61
4khz 0.948 1.325 0.64
8khz 0.943 1.319 0.64

63hz 0.44s
125hz 0.36s
250hz 0.44s
500hz 0.44s
1khz 0.38s
2khz 0.40s
4khz 0.37s
8khz 0.37s


Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject


Studio 0.2 - 0.6
Classroom 0.6 - 1.0
Room 0.6 - 1.0
Cinemas 0.8 - 1.2
Small Theatres 1.0 - 1.4
Auditoriums 1.4 - 2.0
Churches 1.4 - 2.0
Rock Bands 1.0 - 1.4
Classical Music 1.2 - 1.6
Chamber Music 1.4 - 1.8
Opera 1.4 - 1.8
Secular Choir 1.6 - 2.0
Symphonic 1.6 - 2.2
Orchestra 1.8 - 2.6

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

<6'$@)!L! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
The following matlab sciipt is calculating the ioom moues anu then the iesults aie soiteu in
ascenuing oiuei.

% In that program the normal modes of a room are calculated


c = 344; % speed of sound (m/s)
w = 2.18; % give width
L = 3.15; % give Length
h = 3.02; % give height

% AXIAL MODES (calculation)
n = 1:9;
fL = c/2 .* n/L;
fw = c/2 .* n/w;
fh = c/2 .* n/h;

% Tangential modes (calculation)
nL = 1:4;
nw = 1:4;
nh = 1:4;

fLw = c/2 * sqrt(bsxfun(@plus, (nL.'/L).^2, (nw/w).^2));
fwh = c/2 * sqrt(bsxfun(@plus, (nw.'/w).^2, (nh/h).^2));
fLh = c/2 * sqrt(bsxfun(@plus, (nL.'/L).^2, (nh/h).^2));

% Oblique Modes (calculation)
fLwh = c/2 * sqrt(bsxfun(@plus,(fLw(1:2,1:2) * 2/c).^2,
permute(nh(1:2)/h,[3 1 2]).^2));

fL , fw , fh , fLw, fwh, fLh, fLwh

% ascending order

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject


All the measuiements aie analyzeu using two sciipts that have been wiitten on matlab anu
aie available foi uownloauing fiom the inteinet Uc?KhWH The ,+0'$&' piogiam cieates the
fiequency spectium of the wav file that is loaueu anu the c&%&C( piogiam plots the
amplituue-time giaph. The foimei is useu foi fiequency analysis while the lattei foi
calculating the ieveibeiation time. Two examples aie illustiateu unueineath, along with a
biief uesciiption foi each case.
( A'"B5"17;(C1.:;3/3(06(.(#5'"(3/1"(?.-"(.$(G**4H(
Aftei the wav file is loaueu, specific chaiacteiistics must be ueteimineu. Fiist of all, the fft
iange of the signal must be set up in oiuei to isolate the pait of the wav file that someone is
inteiesteu in. Seconuly, the type of the winuow must be must be ueteimineu which is in fact
the shape of the wav file on the fiequency spectium. Finally, the fiequency axis limits must

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

be specifieu in oiuei to segiegate the peak of the signal fiom the iest of the wav file.
Noieovei, the option of the logaiithmic uecibel axis can be chosen as an alteinative of the
lineai plot.
( (
( C%#:/$58"I8JK(-3(2/%"(#:0$
A wav file is loaueu again anu then the bin size must be customizeu in oiuei to uesign a
smoothei giaph. Theie is no optimum bin size while uiffeient bin sizes ieveal uiffeient
aspects on the giaph. Bowevei, foi a ieveibeiation time analysis a laige bin size ensuies a
smoothei giaph.

Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

In oiuei to calculate the volume of an iiiegulai shape a special pioceuuie shoulu be
followeu. In this occasion, fiistly a uiagonal is uiawn in the flooi in oiuei to uiviue the flooi
into two tiiangles. Then, the aiea of each tiiangle is calculateu anu auueu togethei. The
iesult is multiplieu with the aveiage height of the ioom.
The uiagonal anu the peipenuiculai heights of each tiiangle aie calculateu using the
piogiam >0)+6>. by cieating an image of the ioom using its ieal uimensions.
The aiea of one of the tiiangles is calculateu then: . So,
. The othei one: . So, . The Total aiea
then is: . The volume is calculateu by multiplying the aiea
with the aveiage Beight of the ioom. .


Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

+L 240%.3(ML(,033/1=>(@!#'/1="'(4.18&009(06(.7053$/73N>(O"?(P0'9>(OLPLQ(!#'/1="'>(7)**R(
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Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

+^L P0359"(P.358.>(C;5%/(Y34/;.%.>(!4/1/74/(!.9.%0$0(.18(X/8"9/(2.74/&.1.(>(@`\#"'/%"1$.:(
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Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

)eL AL(C:$01(`-"'"3$>(@24"(D.3$"'(X.18&009(06(C7053$/73N>(2.&(J0093(ID7(F'.?(E(X/::K>(^
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Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

^GL CL(W"-/$.3(.18(DL(W.\>(@!7.$$"'/1=(.18(.&30'#$/01(&;(.1(.7053$/7(3$'/#N>(bL(C7053$L(!07L(C%L>+]G+>(
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Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

e<L Z4/:/#(DL(D0'3">(@(!0%"(.3#"7$3(06($4"($4"0';(06('00%(.7053$/73N>(bL(C7053$L(!07L(C%L>+]^]>(++>(
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Acoustics anu Nusic Technology
Final Pioject

GRL b041(`8?/1(D00'">(@M"3/=1(60'(=008(.7053$/73N>(W01801Q(C'74/$"7$5'.:(Z'"33>(+]<+(
GcL 344#*553.#$%#3.('6(7#3.8-(4%79("7$:"531-($5-6)"(4'65%$&4'073402;6<(
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<*L 4$$#Qqq???L#4;L%$5L"85qt35/$3q10$"6'"B3L4$%:((
<+L T.':(AL(`;'/1=>(@,"-"'&"'.$/01(2/%"(/1(8".8('00%3N>(bL(C7053$L(!07L(C%L>+]^*>(+>(O)>()+Rd)e+(

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