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T or F 1) In order to generate motion the system must overcome the force of friction False: In order to generate motion the

system must overcome the maximum static friction 2) The position of the center of mass on the body is in a stationary position around the belly button False: The position of the center of mass on the body is constantly moving and dependant on the position of the body 3) Work that is performed with the assistance of gravity so that the muscular effort required involves only control of the load is an example of negative work TRUE 4) Balance relates to maintaining position when satnding on one foot whereas stability TRUE 5) Total body angular momentum can be increased during a dive by forcefully swinging the arms downward. False: Total body angular momentum remains unchanged during a dive despite forcefully swinging the arms 6) Momentum, the quantity of motion, reflects how much effort is required to stop a body in motion TRUE 7) A motive force will produce positive accelerations 8) As an object falls from the sky and height decreases, the systems mechanical energy will also decrease False: As an object falls from the sky and height decreases, the systems mechanical energy will remain constant OR As an object falls from the sky and height decreases, the systems potential energy will also decrease

Section 2: Matching Power: E, not P Centripetal Force: G, not S Moment of Inertia: O, not D Plastic Impact: M, not N Internal Work:A, not L Torque: Radius of Gyration: R not H Second Class Lever: I, not K Mechanical Advantage: T, not Q Ergometry: C, not F Section 3: 1. What is a torque? (1 mark) Describe the factors that influences the effect a torque has on a system. (3 marks) Torque is a rotational force The magnitude of the force The angle at which the force is applied 2. Explain what is happening in the following situation: a football player pushes with a positive force but generates negative work (2 marks) A positive occurs to the right Negative work means that the direction of motion is occurring to the left 3. Use the following picture etc (4 marks) Position 1 : Momentum will be zero as the athlete is stationary Positions 2-6: Momentum will be increasing as athlete applies a force to propel the body Positions 7-9: Momentum will be constant as the athlete travels through the air

Position 10: Momentum will be zero as the athlete comes to a stop Diagram for each of the following: A centric force applied to a system (2 marks) An eccentric force applied to a system (2 marks) The forces in a couple acting on a system If James had to walk over an icy surface, what could he do to maximize his stability (3 marks) Walk with a wider base of support Lower his stance (or his center of gravity) Wear a backpack (or increase his mass to increase friction) Wear better shoes that grip the ice (i.e. increase the coefficient of friction) Briefly explain (do not use formulas) The law of momentum states that a force applied over time changes momentum A change in momentum means that there is a change in velocity of the system The law of acceleration states that a force will change the state of a system If there is a change in the state of the system, then there must be a change in velocity Bobby etc F= R W= Fd F = 0.6 (80 x 9.81) = 470.88 W = 470.88 (4) = 1883.52 J Free body diagram

A free body diagram shows all forces of all types acting on this body The diagram is used by researchers to analyze the forces acting on a body of interest Draw a free body diagram Box.jpg A 55kg figure skater A torque is required to produce a change in angular momentum Tt= H2-H1 T(0.25) = 50-0 =200 Nm What is the final velocity at the end of the 0.25 s = 200 (0.25)/4.95 = 10.10 rad/s

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