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1. Download bahan kuliah DAC (DAC principle.pdf) !

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Chemistry 464 J. B. Callis, Instructor Spring Quarter, 2002

The Digital to Analog Converter

Definition: The digital to analog converter (DAC) is a device that converts digital numbers (binary) into analog voltages. Applications: In chemistry, these center around controlling or systematically varying one of the independent variables in an experiment. Consider for example the following: Voltammetry: Here the voltage is systematically varied and the resulting electrochemical current is measured. A device known as a potentiostat is used to set the voltage (potential) across two or more electrodes. In a computer controlled potentiostat the voltage is produced by means of a DAC. Mass Spectrometry: For the case of a magnetic sector mass spectrometer, the magnetic field is generated by an electromagnetic, the current through which determines the magnetic field and consequently, which ions traverse the system and reach the detector. Often, the magnet is driven by means of a DAC. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: Two DACs are used in this application to control the x, y position of the sensing tip. Here, the scanning is affected by piezoelectric transducers that convert voltages to position on a scale as fine as Angstroms. Optical spectroscopy: In this case there is a need to insure that the lamp provides a constant source of photons. Often this accomplished by measuring the lamp intensity with an optical transducer such as a photodiode and feeding its signal back to the power supply that controls the output of the lamp. The actual signal is compared to a set point and a proper voltage calculated, often digitally. Then a DAC is used to send the desired voltage to the lamp. The Basic Principle of the DAC (1) Generate a current of magnitude proportional to the value of each bit in the parallel digital word. Then: (2) Sum the currents of all the bits that are logic 1.

Figure 1. Basic Principle of the DAC The Components of a DAC

Figure 2: Schematic Diagram of a DAC Input Register (Latch): Samples the digital data source at appropriate times and holds the data in parallel digital form for a steady input to the DAC. Reference Voltage: Voltage source used to supply power to the current generators.

Basic DAC: The network of current generators (resistors) and switches used to provide the currents proportional to the weight of each bit multiplied by its binary value. Summing Current to Voltage Converter: An operational amplifier used to sum the currents from all the bits and convert them to a voltage. Offset and gain controls are incorporated to adjust the overall binary number to the desired voltage transfer function.

The Binary Weighted Resistor Network DAC Circuit Principle: The resistor of the nth bit is calibrated to be proportional to 1/2 n so that when driven by the constant voltage source, the current is proportional to 2n. The sum of the currents for all the bits that are turned on is proportional to the value of the input datum (binary number).

Figure 3. Binary Resistor Network DAC Circuit Problem: consider a 12 bit DAC. The resistor values must range over 2048:1. The smallest R is set by the need to keep the current low, at least 5 K. This means that the highest R must be 10.24 M? . This consumes high power, places restrictive requirements on the current switches and makes for a difficult calibration.

The Ladder Network DAC Circuit This circuit produces a current at each switch that is proportional to the value of the bit. Only two values of the resistances are needed, R and 2R. Such DACs are very inexpensive because they have proven very easy to construct and calibrate.

Figure 4. The ladder Network DAC Circuit. Limitations in Digital to Analog Conversion Resolution: The fraction of the full-scale range represented by the smallest change of the input number, e.g. 1 part in 212 for a twelve bit DAC. Accuracy: The difference between the expected and measured output voltage in terms of the change caused by changing the least significant bit (LSB). Most converters are specified to be accurate to at least +/- LSB. Linearity: The nearness of the transfer function from binary value to output voltage to a linear function. Usually specified to +/- LSB.

Monotonicity: A DAC is nonmonotonic if there is a momentary reversal in the expected direction of change. Zero Offset: The output for an input code of zero. This is generally within 1/2 LSB for unipolar DACs, but for bipolar DACs an error in the offset circuit can cause considerable zero offset. Stability: The constancy of the full-scale output with age and with variations in temperature and power supply. Settling Time: The time required for the output signal to settle within 1/2 LSB of its final value after a given change in input scale (usually full scale). Settling time is usually limited by the output amplifier rise time. Glitches: Transients that appear at the output when new digital data are applied.

Figure 5. Graphs illustrating the definitions of four common digital conversion errors:
(A) Transfer curve, 1/2 LSB offset at zero. (B) Linear transfer curve, but with 1 LSB error. (C) +/- 1/2 LSB nonlinearity (implies 1 LSB possible error); 1 LSB differential nonlinearity (implies monotonicity). (D) Nonmonotonic (must be > +/+ 1/2 LSB nonlinear).


Tentukan fungsi utama DAC ! Mengkonversi bilangan digital (biner) ke analog. DAC ini menerima masukan digital paralel dan mengubahnya ke nilai tegangan (atau arus) yang disajikan masukan biner. Jika ini diulang untuk masukan digital yang berurutan akan terbentuk gelombang analog. Dalam penerapannya unit ini secara umum digunakan sebagai unit pengendali sistemstis dari salah satu variabel dalam sebuah percobaan, sebagai contoh : - Voltmeter : DAC dapat digunakan untuk pengukuran secara sistematik baik pengukuran tegangan (voltage) dan arus (current). - Spektrometer: Dalam hal ini, medan magnet dibangkitkankan oleh elektromagnetik, arus yang lewat menentukan medan magnet ,dan sebagai akibatnya ion-ion melintasi sistem dan mencapai detector. - Spektroskop optik : Dalam hal ini ada satu keperluan untuk menjamin bahwa lampu membagi sumber konstanta foton. Hal ini sering dilakukan dengan pengukuran intensitas lampu menggunakan sebuah transduser optis seperti fotodiode dan mengumpan sinyal balik ke power supply yang mengendalikan output lampu. Sinyal yang terjadi dibandingkan terhadap setpoint dan tegangannya dihitung. DAC digunakan untuk mengirimkan tegangan lampu sesuai yang dikehendaki.. - Scanning Tunneling Microskop : dua DAC yang digunakan dalam alat ini berfungsi untuk mengontrol posisi sinyal x dan y.


Apa arti gambar 1 : Basic Principle of the DAC di halaman 2 !

a. Membangkitkan besarnya arus propotional ke harga setiap bit pada perintah digital parallel. b. Kemudian, menjumlah semua arus bit-bit bernilai logika 1

4. Jelaskan prinsip kerja masing-masing blok diagram dari gambar 2 di bawah, dimulai dari kiri (masukan) hingga Vo (keluaran) !

Agar masukan berupa sinyal digital dapat diubah ke bentuk sinyal analog maka diperlukan beberapa block berupa input register, DAC dasar, tegangan acuan, pembangkit arus keluar ke bentuk tegangan. Adapun fungsi/ prinsip kerja masing-masing block yaitu:

Input Register : mencuplik data berupa sinyal digital pada saat yang tepat setelah ada pengaturan input strobe dan menahan data dalam bentuk sinyal digital paralel untuk digunakan sebagai masukan pada Basic DAC. Reference Voltage : sumber tegangan yang digunakan untuk mensuplai tenaga ke generator arus. Basic DAC : jaringan generator arus (resistor) dan sakelar-sakelar, yang dipakai untuk membagi proporsi arus ke bobot setiap bit dikalikan nilai binernya. Summing Current to Voltage Converter : penguat operasi yang digunakan untuk menjumlah arus dari semua bit dan mengkonversikan bit-bitnya ke bentuk tegangan. Offset and gain controls digabungkan untuk menyesuaikan jumlah bit berlebih pada fungsi alih tegangan yang dikehendaki.

5. Apa yang dimaksud dengan error 1 LSB atau 1.5 LSB ? jelaskan jawaban anda ! Error + 1 LSB atau + 1.5 LSB adalah perbedaan antara tegangan keluaran yang diharapkan dengan tegangan keluaran yang diukur, yang mana hal ini disebabkan oleh perubahan + 1 LSB (bit terrendah) atau + 1,5 LSB

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