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Name: Licheng Zheng ID: 30662751 Date: 2/8/13

Chemical Equilibrium Experiment

Purpose: Fe3+(aq) + SCN(aq) FeSCN2+(aq) The color of the solution FeNCS2+(aq) will be red, so Beer's Law must be employed to determine its concentration. The the solution absorb blue light, therefore a Spectrometer will be used to measure absorbance of solutions containing the FeNCS2+ ion. By comparing the absorbance of each equilibrium system, the equilibrium concentration of FeNCS2+ can be determined. So the purpose is to understand how to calculate the equilibrium constant, Kc, for four equilibrium systems containing different concentrations of three ions from knowing only the equilibrium concentration of FeNCS2+.

Materials: 1) Safety goggles 2) Lab apron 3) Lab notebook 4) Nitrile gloves 5) 25 mL volumetric flask 6) Mohr (graduated) pipet 7) Disposable pipet 8) 2 L volumetric flask 9) 4 test tubes 10) 100 mL beaker 11) VIS-NIR spectrometer 12) Curvette 13) 0.0020 M KSCN 14) 0.0020 M Fe(NO3)3 15) 0.200 M Fe(NO3)3 16) Deionized water

Procedure: 1) Using the weighing paper, weight out 2.0 g of Fe(NO3)39H2O and pour the Iron Nitrate into a 25 ml-volumetric flask. 2) Proceed to fill the flask up to a volume of 25 ml with 0.1 M HNO3(aq) 3) Pour the Fe(NO3)3(aq) solution up to the 0.75 ml mark of a 1 ml Mohr pipet 4) Deliver the 0.25 ml solution from the pipet to the 25 ml volumetric flask and fill the flask up to a volume of 25 ml with 0.1 M HNO3(aq) 5) Using the disposable pipet, fill an empty 25 ml volumetric flask up to its 5.0 ml mark with the less concentrated Fe(NO3)3(aq) solution. Pour the solution from the flask into test tube #1. (Repeat for test tubes #2-3) 6) Pour 15 ml of the KSCN solution into an empty 50 ml beaker. Proceed to pipet 2, 3, 4, and 1 ml of KSCN into test tubes #1-4, respectively. 7) Using the disposable pipet, fill an empty 25 ml volumetric flask up to its 3ml mark with deionized water. Then pour the water into test tube #1. (Repeat for test tubes #2-3 with the exception of using 2 and 1 ml of deionized water respectively) 8) Pipet the more concentrated Fe(NO3)3(aq) solution up to the 9 ml mark of an empty 25 ml volumetric flask. Then pour the solution into test tube #4. 9) After setting up the spectrometer and let it warm up for at least three minutes, fill the blank cuvette with deionized water and click ok after inserting it into the cuvette holder compartment of the spectrometer. 10) Empty the cuvette and fill it up to of its volume with the solution from test tube #1. Place it back into the holder of the spectrometer and click on collect then ok. (Repeat with test tubes #2, #3, and #4) Result: The first part of the experiment started with diluting 2.0g Fe(NO3)3 9H2O with 0.1 M HNO3(aq) in a 25 ml volumetric flask. The solution resulted in a red color and from calculation, the solution's concentration came out to be around 0.2 M Fe(NO3)3(aq). A plan was created to carry out the dilution of the Fe(NO3)3(aq) solution and create enough . The equation C1V1=C2V2 was used to find that in order to to make 25 ml of 0.0020 M Fe(NO3)3(aq), 0.25 ml of 0.2 M Fe(NO3)3(aq) is needed. After conducting the absorbance measurement, the results show that the max absorbance increase from test tubes #1 through #4 as the concentration in each test tube increase respectively too.


Conclusion: Four equilibrium systems containing different concentrations of three ions was put under a Spectrometer to determine their max absorbance. By invoking Beer's Law, absorbance can be assumed equivalent to concentration. The equilibrium concentration of FeNCS2+ can then be determined by comparing the absorbance of each equilibrium system. Knowing the equilibrium concentraion of FeNCS2+, it is possible to determine the concentration of the toher two ions at equilibrium. Error: For test tube #4, deionized water was mistakenly added into the solution instead of 1 ml of the KSCN solution.

Calculation: 1)For all three trials, calculate the initial concentrations of the reactants, [Fe3+]i and [SCN]i. Show one sample calculation for each reactant.

2)For all three trials, calculate the equilibrium concentrations of the reactants and products, [Fe3+]eq, [SCN]eq, and [FeNCS2+]eq. Show one sample calculation for each reactant and the product.

3)For all three trials, calculate Kc. Provide the Kc expression and one sample calculation.

4)Determine an average value for Kc and the average deviation.

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