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Counseling for Managerial Effectiveness

The basic purpose of counseling is to assist individuals to make their own decisions from among the choices available to them for the purpose of enhancing their personal and performance effectiveness. Experience shows that an employees performance is not confined to work related factors alone. It is also found to be intertwined with personal non-job factors. It is imperative therefore that executives focus on professionally helping the employees solves not only their performance related problems but also their personal problems. He or she can use counseling as a behavioral supportive technique to provide relief for the employees from the stresses and strains of organizational life. Managerial counseling can help employees see personal as well as organization related problems more objectively, face them with less anxiety and tension, and thus able to come to terms with some new insights for the betterment of self.

This workshop is designed to help managers take on the role of counselor within the scope of their work and help others realize their own potential. The focus is on helping the participants understand the basics of what counseling is, counseling processes and what skills are required to make counseling practices effective. Further, simulation exercises is expected to help the participants gain the added benefit of - Gaining the respect of others through their understanding & helpful approach; Becoming more aware & accepting of themselves; Being more understanding & patient towards others; Being better able to develop their own personal relationships to a deeper level & being more proactive in resolving their own personal issues.

For Whom
This workshop is designed for middle and senior level executives or manager whose role demands working with a group of young and energetic employees.

Besides a few concept-based sessions, the methodology will include presentation, role-plays, simulations and discussion.

Programme Take Away

This programme will enable the participants to acquire the basic skills of counseling including

Stress Management for Managers: A Biosocial & Psychological perspective; and

Identifying ones own strengths and weaknesses in rendering counseling service & Future plans for one-self.

Programme Content
1. Stage 1: Stage of Relating
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The art of listening EQ in action Role Play Gathering information Types of questions Handling resistance and reluctance Interpersonal dynamics Role Play Use counseling skills to change problem situation Raise red flag: seek professional help Role Play & case study.

2. Stage 2: The stage of understanding

3. Stage 3: The stage of change

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