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PREFACE ..................................................................................................................3
PART I MONEY REIKI THEORY............................................................................5
On CIeurlng............................................................................................................5
Lnergetlc lssues .....................................................................................................6
PersonuI lssues......................................................................................................7
PART II MONEY REIKI PRACTICE .....................................................................10
CIeurlng SmboI..................................................................................................10
Afflrmutlon SmboI............................................................................................11
Grund Muster SmboI ........................................................................................12
CIeurlngs und Worklng ulth the Mone Detus.............................................13
Pusslng the Grund Muster Attunement...........................................................14
PART III MONEY REIKI A5 A WAY OF LIFE ......................................................15

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I am Ieased lo finaIIy offer lhe Money Reiki Grand Masler course (LeveI III).

Had I gollen lhe enlire syslem aII al once (inslead of a san of over a year), I
mighl have made LeveI III lhe Masler IeveI as in lradilionaI Reiki. ul il vas
more imorlanl lhal olhers be abIe lo slarl giving allunemenls and assing aIong
lhe energy, so ve bumed LeveI II u lo lhe Masler IeveI unliI I vas ready lo
receive LeveI III.

LeveI II can be a lough IeveI in many resecls (since il viII bring u sluff lo
cIear), LeveI III can be even lougher. We Iive in a day and age vhere many nev
age seekers aren'l reaIIy Iooking lo soIve lheir robIems, bul |usl vanl a magic
vand lo come in and fix everylhing. Money Reiki LeveI III viII reaIIy vake you
u lo reaIily fasl if you've been lrying lo avoid il.

Money Reiki viII demand some accounling on your behaIf for lhings lo imrove.
You viII need lo lake a very dee and hard Iook al your Iife and ask yourseIf,
Why have I nol been succeeding financiaIIy` And beyond |usl gelling caughl
u in lhe vhy, you'II be asked lo !c somelhing aboul il.

As ve discussed in LeveI II, you viII have lo make some dee changes in your
Iife (and/or heI your cIienls lo make dee changes), in order lo overcome deeIy
embedded financiaI difficuIlies. So here, lhe alh conlinues.

AIong vilh lhose changes, you'II find lhal your abiIily lo receive abundance viII
increase and IillIe miracIes viII aear in your Iife. Al lhe same lime, lhings may
aradoxicaIIy become more chaIIenging.

This may fIy in lhe face of everylhing you've heard aboul lhe Lav of Allraclion.
ul as you'II find oul from lhe foIIoving ages, lhere is oflen more going on

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energelicaIIy lhan meels lhe eye. You can affirm unliI you are bIue in lhe face bul
somelimes cerlain lhings need lo be laken care so you can go lo lhe nexl IeveI.

This is one of lhe reasons I am nol a rabid fan of lhe Lav of Allraclion. Cerlain
eIemenls of il are heIfuI, mainlaining a osilive oulIook and envisioning vhal
you vanl are lvo very overfuI vays of manifesling. ul you are nol an isIand,
you inleracl vilh olher energies aII lhe lime, and you aIone cannol force lhe
universe (and everyone around you) lo do your bidding.

The good nevs aboul aII lhal is lhal you'II find lhal somelimes you are laken care
of vhen you Ieasl execl il. I vas recenlIy having one of lhose veeks vhere
nolhing vas haening money-vise and I vas under a Iol of ressure lo
generale some saIes lo ay some eoIe. On a Lav of Allraclion IeveI I vas
vibraling al a negalive 10 or somelhing because I vas |usl slressing and vorking
and lrying loo hard.

According lo lhe Lav of Allraclion, in lhe delhs of my desair I vouId nol gel
any money coming in al aII. Afler aII, I vas vibraling negaliveIy, righl`

So lhere I vas, Iale one nighl, vorking al my comuler and fruslraled, and in
one of lhose saces. You knov vhal I mean. Thal sace vhere you go I QUIT!
TO HICK WITH THIS! So I said in my mind lo Siril (or vhalever you vanl lo

I vas |usl aboul lo lurn off lhe comuler and go lo bed, lolaIIy discouraged,
vhen suddenIy lvo decenl-sized saIes oed inlo my inbox. God had heard
my rayer and ansvered. The saIes said lo me, Don'l give u, Slehanie!

Try lo exIain lhal one vilh lhe Lav of Allraclion.

Sicpnanic Brai|, Ocic|cr 2005

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On CIeurlng

In LeveI II, ve discussed hov Money Reiki viII heI you gel on your alh, your
lrue caIIing in Iife. In LeveI III ve viII gel more inlo lhe nilly grilly of cIearing.

CIearing viII become an imorlanl arl of your Money Reiki raclice as you
masler LeveI III. Here is a arliaI Iisl of lhings lhal may need lo be cIeared in
order lo lruIy become successfuIIy financiaIIy (and lo heI olhers):

Encrgctic Issucs

1. ad IinanciaI Karma
2. Negalive Inergies You Generale Around Money
3. Negalive Inergies Direcled al You Irom Olhers
4. Negalive Inlilies and Thoughl Iorms
5. Curses, Hexes, and SeIIs
6. Inergy Vamires (Negalive IeoIe)

Pcrsnna! Issucs

1. IinanciaI aggage
2. ad Habils
3. SeIf-Sabolage and Resislance
4. Iear.

I viII go over some energelic cIearing lechniques in lhe nexl seclion. Ior nov,
Iel's lake a Iook al some of lhese issues and hov lhey can affecl you.

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Lnergetlc lssues

Lel's lake a brief Iook al some energelic robIems. Ior examIe, bad financiaI
karma is of course negalive residue from asl Iives. Ierhas you had been rich in
a asl Iife and look advanlage of olhers. Il is ossibIe lhal you are subconsciousIy
unishing yourseIf nov for your asl lransgressions.

Negalive lhoughl forms, enlilies, energy vamires, seIIs and hexes can aII be
vorking againsl you vilhoul your even knoving il.

Il reaIIy doesn'l maller hov or vhen lhese lhings may have allached lo you. Il
may be lhal someone cursed you in a asl Iife, or even cursed an anceslor of
yours. Somelimes lhal sluff Iingers around causing robIems.

Inlilies can oflen be allracled lo Iighlvorkers because of lheir osilive energy. If
you haen lo be siriluaIIy aranoid (Iike I am), you may aIso consider lhe
ossibiIily lhal negalive enlilies somelimes acliveIy go oul and screv vilh
eoIe's Iives, because, veII, lhal's vhal lhey Iike lo do.

So you can see vhy aII lhe osilive affirmalions in lhe vorId may nol be abIe lo
heI somelimes.

Negalive eoIe and energy vamires can aIso imIanl elheric cords inlo you,
sucking oul your Iife force energy and making il hard for you lo earn lhe money
you deserve. These cords need lo be severed so you can be al your besl vhen

We'II go over vays lo deaI vilh lhis sluff in lhe nexl seclion.

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PersonuI lssues

IinanciaI baggage is a biggie. This is aII lhe reaI-vorId, resenl-lime sluff lhal
aIso has lo be deaIl vilh. Il viII be very hard for you lo move forvard if you are
carrying around a Iol of financiaI baggage, so il needs lo be deaIl vilh.

We can break dovn financiaI baggage inlo lhe foIIoving lyes:

Physica! Baggagc.
Debls, unfinished financiaI business, oor money managemenl.

Emntinna! Baggagc.
Anger al Mom and Dad, guiIl, fear, resenlmenl.

Mcnta! Baggagc.
Irocraslinalion, oor habils, Iack of focus and concenlralion.

To go inlo each of lhese issues in delaiI vouId lake u an enlire book, so vhal I'II
say briefIy is lhal you'II need lo Iook inlo each of lhese issues and deaI vilh lhem
in vhalever vay vorks besl for you. AIvays vork on lhe energelic and hysicaI
Ianes in landem for lhe besl resuIls.

Debls and unfinished financiaI business are oflen lhe hardesl lhings lo deaI vilh.
Debl is a huge robIem in America (and ossibIy a groving robIem in olher
counlries as veII). We have currenlIy had lhe bankrulcy code changed lo make
il harder for eoIe lo slarl vilh a bIank sIale.

ul oflen lhese lhings viII need lo be deaIl vilh al some oinl lo gel lo lhe nexl
IeveI in your Iife. You may find (as I did) lhal some of lhe sluff you'd been lrying
lo ignore for some lime viII slarl lo cro u for you vhen you vork vilh Money
Reiki. Sluff eilher needs lo be deaIl vilh or Iel go bul never ignored.

Page 8
Ior examIe, I'd been ulling off deaIing vilh some IRS issues for years. Some
lime ago my accounlanl acluaIIy loId me lo hoId off on sluff. WeII, guess vhal`
The IRS finaIIy slarling reaIIy aggressive afler nol aying loo much allenlion lo
me for a Iong, Iong lime. Arrrrggggh, I lhoughl, vhy NOW` Is Siril unishing
me or somelhing`

Siril says, no, acluaIIy, I'm beller abIe lo deaI vilh il nov. I used lo be so scared
of lhe IRS lhal I vouIdn'l even oen maiI lhey senl me. Thal's hov bad il vas.
This lime I finaIIy oened lhe maiI and senl lhem a check. Nol everylhing lhey
vanled, bul enough lo slarl laking smaII sles lo gel back on lrack. (And of
course, I charged lhe check u vilh Money Reiki before I senl il!)

Il is imorlanl lo slarl imroving your financiaI seIf-esleem vhen you've been a
financiaI misfil for a Iong lime, so somelimes |usl laking one smaII aclion can
make you feeI beller. Olhervise, you'II be hard-ressed lo manifesl lhal Iollery
vin vhen you are feeIing Iike a big oIe chum for nol managing lhe money you
aIready do have.

So lake IillIe baby sles. You don'l need lo fix a Iifelime of financiaI mess in one
day or one monlh. Slarl making smaII moves forvard.

Cerlain lhings Iike IRS aymenls need lo be deaIl vilh. You can'l |usl Iel il go.
ul vilh olher lhings, somelimes lhe besl lhing you mighl do is lo Iel il go.

See, somelimes, you may find lhal you have vay loo many debls and lhere is no
vay in heII you can ay for aII of il. The debls are bad enough, bul lhe guiIl is
even vorse! So nol onIy do you have debls, bul maybe you are carrying around
guiIl for lhe lime you borroved money from }ack back in 1993 and never aid
him back.

Page 9
Ior years I had been carrying around receils from lhe mid-1990s since I oved
some eoIe some money from my oId veb design business. Il vasn'l a Iol of
money, and lhe facl is, I reaIIy had no good vay of finding lhese eoIe or
aying lhem back. I had been slruggIing vilh Chronic Ialigue Syndrome very
much back lhen, and lhings feII lhrough lhe cracks. Somehov, I lhoughl
someday I'd find lhese eoIe and ay lhem, bul lhe guiIl vas |usl vearing on
me for years and years.

I sal dovn recenlIy lo go lhrough aII lhe aers lo lry lo gel cIean on everylhing,
and Siril said lo me, very slrongIy, Slehanie, |usl lhrov aII lhis sluff avay!

This may seem counlerinluilive. ShouIdn'l you |usl do vhalever you can lo
reay lhose eoIe`

Siril loId me lhal I needed lo Iel il go and forgive myseIf. I vas doing more
harm lo myseIf lhan anyone eIse by carrying lhe burden around. No-one eIse
even remembered! I vas reminded of a fev limes, many many years ago vhen I
slarled my business in my earIy 20s, vhen a fev eoIe hadn'l been abIe lo ay
me in fuII for some vork I did for lhem.

Al lhe lime, il sucked lhal I vasn'l fuIIy aid. ul il vas so Iong ago lhal I vouId
hardIy begrudge lhese eoIe anylhing nov. Somelimes you need lo |usl Iel go
of lhe asl and forgive yourseIf and slarl fresh vilh a cIean sIale. Olhervise,
you'II never move forvard.

So vhen going lhrough your debls and obIigalions go inlo medilalion and ask
Siril vhal you shouId do. WhiIe il is imorlanl lo lake care of business as much
as ossibIe, do nol ul unreasonabIe demands on yourseIf for erfeclion.

Remember: Don'l ignore. Iilher Iel il go (if lhal's vhal needs lo haen), or slarl
laking smaII sles lo cIear il u.

Page 10

So nov Iel's gel lo lhe energelic cIearing. There are lhree nev symboIs for lhe
Grand Masler IeveI of Money Reiki.

CIeurlng SmboI

This symboI is simiIar lo lhe ReIeasing Resislance symboI I oblained for my
Imovermenl Reiki syslem, bul adds lhree horizonlaI Iines. The lvo oulvard-
facing semi-circIes are used lo reIease lhe energy (avay) from you. Once lhe
negalive energy is reIeased, lhe lhree Iines lhen serve lo rolecl, and symboIize
mind, body, and siril, and aIso lhe inlerseclion of heaven and earlh (lhe
siriluaI and lhe raclicaI).

Much Iike lhe GoIden Iyramid from LeveI II, lhe cIearing symboI can be used lo
cIear karmic issues. I see lhis symboI as being a bil more usefuI for raclicaI
ilems. The GoIden Iyramid (being 3D and reaIIy being a visuaIizalion looI) is
hard lo drav.lhis cIearing symboI can be dravn on lhings (financiaI aers, for
examIe), eilher in lhe air over lhe aer or acluaIIy on lhe aer using a en or

Use lhis symboI for anylhing you inlend lo cIear from your Iife. Debls, issues,

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Afflrmutlon SmboI

This is lhe besl reresenlalion I couId drav using lhe draving rogram. Imagine
lhis symboI as lhe doIIar sign onIy lhe S is nov has ils curves cIosed lo make
an 8. Or you can aIso |usl use lhe infinily symboI vilh lvo Iines lhrough il.
Use lhis symboI anylime you make an affirmalion (greal for vhen you do vanl
lo use lhe Lav of Allraclion).

Ior examIe: I am financiaIIy secure. (Then, imagine lhe symboI!)

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Grund Muster SmboI

I couIdn'l quile drav lhis symboI for you, bul il's easy lo imagine. The Grand
Masler symboI is a 3D coiI or a sring. The iclure above is NOT lhe acluaI
symboI, bul shovs hov lhe symboI vorks.

The symboI vorks as a money magnel. You drav il in your mind, slarling al lhe
bollom coiI and going u, increasing lhe magnelizing energy as you do so. You
can magnelize ob|ecls, yourseIf, vebsiles, money, anylhing.

This is your mosl overfuI symboI, and vhen you reaIIy vanl lo charge yourseIf
u, imagine lhe coiI inside of you, and see lhe Money Reiki energy coursing u
lhrough lhe coiI magnelizing yourseIf.

I usuaIIy see il vorking cIockvise, bul use your guidance. (Soulhern Hemishere
residenls mighl vanl lo see il going counler-cIockvise!) Use vhal feeIs righl lo

Page 13
CIeurlngs und Worklng ulth the Mone Detus

To erform advanced cIearings using Money Reiki III, you viII need lo vork
vilh guides and angeIs. (AIvays ask for guides from lhe Iighl!)

The Money Devas (as menlioned in LeveI II) are seciaI siril guides lhal are
here lo heI vilh Money Reiki. CaII uon lhem lo heI vilh cIearings and
allunemenls. I aIso caII uon ArchangeI RahaeI for Money Reiki allunemenls,
and ArchangeI MichaeI for cIearings.

To cIear conlracls, seIIs, enlilies, and cords, you can caII uon lhe Money Devas
and angeIs. Using a enduIum or muscIe lesling, you can ask vhal issues need lo
be cIeared.

Ior examIe:

Are lhere any negalive conlracls affecling my abiIily lo make money` Y or N.
Is lhere any asl Iife karma affecling my abiIily lo make money` Y or N.
Are any seIIs, hexes, or curses bIocking my abiIily lo make money` Y or N.
Are lhere any negalive enlilies affecling my abiIily lo make money` Y or N.
Ilc. elc. (imIanls, cords, lhoughlforms, elc.)

If lhe enduIum or muscIe lesling says yes lo any of lhese queslions, ask lhe
Devas or ArchangeI MichaeI lo cIear lhe issue for you. You can aIso ask
ArchangeI MichaeI lo ask for roleclion againsl any nev sychic allacks.

You may find lhal you need lo recheck yourseIf on occasion, eseciaIIy if you are
doing vork lhal invoIves inleracling vilh lhe ubIic. Somelimes you viII run
across negalive eoIe lhal viII lhrov bad energy your vay for no good reason
excel lhal you lhrealen lhem vilh your amazing osilive seIf.

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Pusslng the Grund Muster Attunement

The generaI allunemenl rocedure is lhe same as described in LeveI II, vilh one
main difference. Ior lhe Grand Masler allunemenl, you viII need lo send lhree
searale allunemenls, one for each symboI (CIearing, Affirmalion, and lhen
Grand Masler symboI in lhal order).

Use lhe normaI allunemenl rocedure for lhe firsl lvo symboIs. When you gel lo
lhe Grand Masler symboI, you viII need lo send more lime in medilalion
sending lhe symboI vilh lhe assislance of ArchangeI RahaeI and lhe Money
Devas. Imagine lhe coiI fiIIing u lhe erson's enlire being and see magnelic
energy zooming in a circuIar molion lhrough lhe coiI, alluning lhe erson. You
shouId lake vhalever lime is necessary lo do lhis unliI you feeI done.

Ior dislance allunemenls, I sread lhe lhree differenl allunemenls over a fev
days' lime.

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I'II alleml lo summarize lhe key oinls of Money Reiki alh here:

1. Oen yourseIf lo foIIoving your hearl and commil lo your Iife's urose.
2. Creale firm inlenlions on vhere you are going.
3. CIear and Iel go of baggage and energies lhal may hoId you back.
4. Idenlify and lake care of vhal needs lo be done (smaII sles, aIvays!)
5. Trusl Siril and ask for heI!
6. Use lhe energy!

Try lhal, and see if you don'l find yourseIf exeriencing a fev miracIes in your
Iife nov and lhen.

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To kee u lo dale vilh Money Reiki, and lo find oul aboul cIasses and grou
heaIing sessions, go lo: www.mnncyrciki.cnm

About the Author

Slehanie raiI is a Life Coach, Reiki Masler, and Cerlified CIinicaI
Hynolheraisl. She is lhe aulhor of SimIe Reiki for SeIf HeaIing (avaiIabIe al Check oul her vebsile al www.Icc!gnndgir!.cnm

lor More Relkl Courses und Attunements

IIease slo by lhe IIemenl Inergy Cenler al www.c!cmcntcncrgy.cnm for Reiki
allunemenls, arlicIes, e-courses, audio medilalions, dislance heaIings, e-books,
and olher energelic resources. A free hoIislic direclory is onIine (Iease slo by
and Iisl your business) as veII as an aclive message board and onIine

Coprlght Notlce

This manuaI is coyrighl 2005 Slehanie raiI. You may NOT incIude lhis
manuaI in any onIine Reiki Iibraries or coIIeclions vilhoul lhe aulhor's exIicil
ermission. IIease do nol ass lhis manuaI around or give il avay for free. This
manuaI is meanl for use by sludenls of Money Reiki Maslers. If lhis coyrighl
has been vioIaled, Iease nolify me al (Revision 1.)

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