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Media Article Apples history

13:28, February 16, 2013

As the legendary chairman Jobs died, we feel sad and pity. Although he pass away, those valuable he left to the world will never be forgotten. Then I will lead to review Jobs and his Apple. There is a story that after Apple releasing its new products iPad 2, the sales satisfied the board of directors of Apple, but the price seems to not be satisfactory to many middle-class citizens. After an American bought an iPad back, his wife became furious and commanded him to return back it because of the high price. He had to do what his wife commended, and wrote the reason for return as Wife said no. When the employees escalated something interesting, two of the Vice President got wind of it. Then they sent the guy an iPad 2 with a note on it that said Apple said yes. Just like you see, Apple is that of company full of irregular and crazying. In 1971, 16 years old Steve Jobs and 21 years old Stephen Wozniak know each other by introduction. In 1976, Ron Wayne join them and establish Apple Computer Inc. in April 1st. After their around-the-clock processing, they finish a sum of list including 50 machines named Apple I($500 for each). The funds they obtained help them to pay off the debt for machine parts and they contributed the money to celebrating and their experiment. After officially registered, Apple Computer Inc. get a lot of money and get into the top 500 list of the world in 5 years, which was the fastest record in that time. However potential crisis occurred. IBMs recovery and idea of Jobs became different from others and his computer came to a downturn in sales made him leave Apple. During the time Apple without Jobs, its performance recess and lost a lot of market share. In the end, Apple purchase Next, which caused Jobs return back the board of directors of Apple. After that, Jobs implemented a series of reforms especially on the development of new products such as IMac. After a series of initiatives, Apple recaptured a part of market share. In 2000, iPod music player officially launched with its own iTunes, and it beats Walkman which is a series of Sony, and get the most global market share in music player field. After a series of iPod including iPod mini and iPod Video, Apple consolidated its unshakable position in commercial digital music market. Then it change its name from Apple Computer Inc. to Apple Inc. Jobs said that it is because Apple Computer Inc. was changing from a computer manufacture into a consumer electronics products supplier. As iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad release in succession, Apple has already retained 1st

in the global market capitalization, and it is up to $520 billion in April of 2012. However, when Apple came to the most brilliant time since it is established, Jobs passed away. As if destiny, he could only go through thick and thin with Apple. After leading Apple to the peak, he has completed his mission, leaving a great distressed and regretful. Maybe lengthy history of him and his Apple is not what we mind, but the perseverance and innovation spirit of him concerned me. Jobs who is a legendary leader, has really done what he promised. He really changed our life in to iWorld. Nowadays, people start reading information and play facebook when they are having dinner. He is just that of people described in the advertisement of Apple. The life of Jobs told us which is just Apple told us, that there are some crazy ones who are not found of rules and have no respect for the status quo, just like the VP referred in the first paragraph, you can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you cant do is ignore them, because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do. Like the people in the advertisement, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, Thomas Edison, Picasso, who of them were accepted at first? NOTE: This is from a Consumer Magazine article

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