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' 1 '
Fourth Semester B. E. Degree Ex:unination, Dcc.08/ .Jan.09
Fluid Mechanics
Max. Marks J 00
f'iote : I. Answer Oil)' Fl VEfu/1 questio11s.
2. NtJ tahles, charts, data book are permitted.
a. Fxpluiu Derive :m equation for compressibility lor an ideal gas unde
isentropic (06
b. A n:locity distnbut10n for flow over a flat plate IS gtven by u = y- where u is lh
veluclly m m!s at a d1stance of y meters abo\c tho: plate. determine the shear stress a
y 0.09 m.:tre. Talo.c dynamic viscosity of the lluid as 8 poise. (OR '\l11rks
c. A cnrillary tube of dianu:tcr 1.5 nun b dipped in i) water ii) mercury. Find the cupillnr
rise J(tr each case. <;urface tension for water and mercury may be taken as 0.075 N/m an
0.5::! :-.1 'm rcspeell\'Ciy 'The contact angle may b.! taken as 0 and no lor lhc two case
respccti"d) (06 Marl.s
2 a. Obtmn m1 cxprcssiou for the force exerted on a submerged plane surface ami lttcatc it
puint nf action. ((1'1
b. A cyhndrical buoy is 2 m in diameter and 2.5 meters long and weighs 2.2 M. l'nns Th
denstl) ofsca-\\at..:r is 1025 kglm' Show lhatthc lwdy docs not Iloat with its axis \Crtica
What mirumum pull should b.: applied to the cha111 attached to the centre of lht t
keep it vertical ? (II Murk
3 a. Expbin centre. Derive an equation for a Metu hight ns C'M = t-- BC
\I arlo
b. An Ill\ crtcd L-tub.: i' connected across two pipes A and 13 call) mg llu1ds a.\ showr
the pressure difference bctwc..:n the centcrlines of the pipes (Refer figure QJ (b)
(06 '1-lartu
Fig. Q3 (b)

a. Explain i) Stream line ii) Path line iii) Streak line.
b. Do the following velocity component represent physically possible flow?
i) u=x
;w=4xyz ii) U=5xi+(3y+ty
2 x
iii) u=- +2x x
y; v = xy -zy- tv) u = xy; v = x
3 3 2
(06 ll&rks)
(08 Mark!)
c. Plot the flow field defined by = x
- y
, calculate the velocity at a point P(l, 2).
(06 Mark.<)
a. Prmc that the supersonic air drag FD of a rocket is given by ,:

where L is the length t)f rocket, V its velocity, P shock angle, p Air density,
)l - Viscosity of air. and K bulk modulus of air. (08 Marks)
b. Explain Raleigh' s method and similitude. (06 Marks)
c. A ptpc carT)ing crude oil of 0.84 is of 25 em diameter at section I and 50 em
diameter at section 2. The rate of flow is 450 Ips. Section I is at an dcvation of 25 m
above the section 2. If the pressures of 11uid at the two sections arc 55 kPa at section I and
320 kPa at section 2. find the direction of flow and head loss between the sections.
a. Sht)W that for n venturi meter.
Q- C d r:

with usual nutmion.
\ /At - /\!
b. 5000 Ips of petrol of 0.79 through a IS em diameter by 7.5 em dtameter
vertical ventunmeter. The flow is in the upward direction, Cd of the meter is 0.98. The
leng01 of the cone of the 1111.:tcr is 30 em. Compute the pressure difference
between the inlet and throat sections and the deflection that would be recorded by a
mercury differential U-tubc manometer connected between these sections. (08 .\1arks)
c. Explain i) Energy line ii) I lydraulic gradient line. Mart-s)
a. For a laminar tlow through a circular pipe. derive Hagen-Poiscuillc equation for head
. . . . 32tuL
du't lncuon gtvcn b) h = (OH Ill ark')
r gD2
b. Expluin Coucttc llow. (04 Marks)
c. Carbon dioxide flows through a diffuser. The pressure velocity and temperature at a
sectton where the area of section is 50 cm
arc 85 kPa (abs). 250 m/s and -sc (268 K)
What be the area at another down stream section to give a pressure of 120 k.Pa
(abs)'l What is the temperature at this section? Calculate the Mach numbers at the two
sections. Assume isentropic flow with R- 287 J/kgK andy= 1.28. (08 Marks)
8 a. Fxplain i) Boundary layer thickness o il) Displacement thickness li* iii) \tomentum
thickness 0. (06
b. If the velocity prolile in a laminar boundary layer is approximated by paraboltc prolile,

\!.'here u is the velocity at y and u-+v as y-+S. Calculate the th1ckness and
the momennun thickness. (06 Marks)
c. Calculate the drag and the power required to tow a smooth flat plate 2 m wide 20 m long
... L :01 .. . .. : I ('I> Ill m/o Ulhol I'll' I hi' c!raD nncJ nnwer reouired if the

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