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ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:00:28 ukedchat

20:00:36 web20education

20:01:13 ChrisChivers2

20:01:13 EngChatUK

20:02:07 cparkie

20:02:07 GillDeCosemo 20:02:42 aangeli 20:02:50 MrsThorne

20:03:16 ChrisChivers2

20:03:52 mikallaane

20:04:23 headguruteacher

20:04:26 MrsThorne

20:04:49 carlgomb

20:04:55 SurreyICTeam

20:05:22 ChrisChivers2 20:06:14 dan_bowen

Its 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @MrsThorne Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom. #rabblebrowser free #ipad app during #sxswedu a #curation and collaborative browser to #mlearning #edchat #ukedchat #ukedchat First rule of planning~ all groups are mixed ability, even sets~ know your learners well. RT @ukedchat: Its 8pm. Time for #ukedchat with @MrsThorne Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom. RT @ChrisChivers2: #ukedchat First rule of planning~ all groups are mixed ability, even sets~ know your learners well. RT @headguruteacher: My top ten Bill Rogers behaviour management strategies. #ukedchat RT @headguruteacher: My top ten Bill Rogers behaviour management strategies. #ukedchat #ukedchat 1st question: what do you think your strength is when planning for progression? Who do you do best with? #ukedchat Thinking differentiation, by outcome, support, task or expectation; and what about individual targetting? RT @ukedchat: Before #ukedchat gets going, have you heard about our #teachtweet session planned for the 28th March? #ukedchat. See every student as being on their own journey with lessons as landing points on the way: @ChrisChivers2 when do you think differentiation by outcome is most appropriate? #ukedchat RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat. See every student as being on their own journey with lessons as landing points on the way: ... RT @MrsThorne: #ukedchat 1st question: what do you think your strength is when planning for progression? Who do you do best with? #ukedchat Create clear expectations of progress for different groups, then engage. Expectatation guides engagement. RT @ChrisChivers2: #ukedchat First rule of planning~ all groups are mixed ability, even sets~ know your learners

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ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:06:49 butlerleeds

20:06:51 vicgoddard

20:06:52 MrsThorne

20:07:09 ChrisChivers2

20:07:44 MrsThorne

20:07:57 sentechnology

20:08:23 MrsThorne

20:08:24 slyssymarshall

20:08:55 rashush2 20:08:56 fod3 20:09:15 skoorBttaM 20:09:20 ICT_MrP

20:09:32 ChrisChivers2

20:09:41 MrsThorne

20:10:08 ChrisChivers2

well. My broad overview of current National #Curriculum and secondary #school accountability reforms #ukedchat @ChrisChivers2: #ukedchat First rule of planning~ all groups are mixed ability, even sets~ know your learners well. Definitely @ChrisChivers2 sometimes I would like them all to reach the same point, if we're having a particularly knowledgebased lesson #ukedchat @MrsThorne Diff by outcome useful as a starter activity, or as a test. Usually tells you what you should already know! #ukedchat @Hon_Holla #ukedchat I use top-down planning: plan for my most able and create scaffolding for those who need it. Ensures challenge! #ukedchat SEN Technology focusses on 'unique abilities' rather than 'disabilities' when supporting mixed ability classroom needs. RT @Hon_Holla: @MrsThorne Hi, How do you incorporate a blended learning approach when you have a mixed ability class? #ukedchat RT @DTWillingham: Willingham blog: How *not* to praise a child with low self-esteem. #edchat #ukedchat diff by outcome good for independent writing - too much scaffolding puts a ceiling on achievement #ukedchat effective seating plans to group ss of similar abilities together to give targeted support. #ukedchat TeachMeet Wirral is happening on Wed 5th June. It'd be great to see you there! #ukedchat @mikeherrity this is how we showed some of our learning about space #ukedchat #ipaded @MrsThorne Teaching all chn the same point is usual; in reality interactions likely to be differentiated, overtly or intuitively. #ukedchat #ukedchat sometimes differentiation by outcome doesn't lead to good progress for all: it's possible to hide in the pack. Not every time tho! RT @MrsThorne: #ukedchat sometimes differentiation by outcome doesn't lead to good progress for all: it's possible to hide in the pack. ...

2 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:10:36 lizzie_h18

20:10:38 MrsThorne 20:10:39 fod3 20:10:59 CyborgStu

20:11:31 LearningSpy 20:11:34 carolinekewley 20:11:48 headguruteacher 20:11:49 KEGS_Chelmsford

20:11:52 mrpeel

20:11:53 DebbieHolley1

20:12:06 DebbieHolley1

20:12:08 LearningSpy 20:12:24 MrsThorne

20:12:34 web20education

20:12:55 joelittlewood

20:13:05 DebbieHolley1

20:13:07 mrpeel 20:13:12 ChrisChivers2

RT @rashush2: "diff by outcome good for independent writing - too much scaffolding puts a ceiling on achievement" totally agree #Ukedchat RT @fod3: effective seating plans to group ss of similar abilities together to give targeted support. #ukedchat more able ss to coach less able ss #ukedchat RT @skoorBttaM: TeachMeet Wirral is happening on Wed 5th June. It'd be great to see you there! #ukedchat @ChrisChivers2 @MrsThorne That's more diagnostic assessment isn't it? #ukedchat RT @headguruteacher: My top ten Bill Rogers behaviour management strategies. #ukedchat #ukedchat My thoughts on planning for progression: Great Lessons 4: Differentiation #ukedchat My thoughts on planning for progression: Great Lessons 4: Differentiation #ukedchat @LearningSpy on grit vs flow has a relevance to this discussion... too often group tasks result in stnts avoiding grit.. RT @headguruteacher: My top ten Bill Rogers behaviour management strategies. #ukedchat RT @GuardianTeach: Play musical chairs with your class to find the best seating plan for learning #edchat #ukedchat @fod3 That can be pretty tedious for the more able #ukedchat @mrpeel @LearningSpy #ukedchat we try and get round this now by assigning roles within groups #boundless #startup #oer #curation tool,free learning and #elearningplatform 4 #education #edchat #ukedchat #sxswedu #ukedchat - so hard to answer, so many variables. Differentiate by outcome, support, task, VAK learning style, subject spiky profile etc RT @vicgoddard: @ChrisChivers2: #ukedchat First rule of planning~ all groups are mixed ability, even sets~ know your learners well. De ... @MrsThorne #ukedchat, we do, but it is not universal and is not always successful #ukedchat Differential expectation embeds AoL, then offers opportunities for AfL, based on engagement with leraning,

3 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:13:14 DebbieHolley1 20:13:18 LearningSpy 20:13:24 MrsThorne

20:13:36 DebbieHolley1

20:13:51 mrpeel

20:14:12 ChrisChivers2

20:14:13 LearningSpy 20:14:57 MrsThorne

20:15:07 fod3

20:15:23 Jivespin

20:15:39 joelittlewood

20:15:48 MrAColley

20:15:53 LearningSpy

20:16:09 C_Farr0w 20:16:10 c0rvuscorvus

20:16:12 cardiffscience 20:16:18 carolinekewley

within tasking. RT @sentechnology: #ukedchat SEN Technology focusses on 'unique abilities' rather than 'disabilities' when supporting mixed ability clas ... @MrsThorne @mrpeel How does that help? #ukedchat @joelittlewood #ukedchat which is your preferred method? Have you had a really successful outcome recently you can share? RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat My thoughts on planning for progression: Great Lessons 4: Differentiation I noticed an earlier post #ukedchat and agree uttelry: vitalto know ones class well to make informed judgement @LearningSpy @MrsThorne Could be diagnostic, if developed well, but demands an analytical mindset. #ukedchat Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat RT @LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat co-constructing lessons with the ss + in knowing ss well give different ss different sections of the lesson to be responsibile for #ukedchat I use tapas plenaries to give students different ways of showing their learning and progress. Works well when tasks are varied #ukedchat @MrsThorne again, had to say. In numeracy I prefer diff by VAK activities with diff intended outcomes according to ability (1/2) #ukedchat RT @LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat @ChrisChivers2 @MrsThorne It does? Checking prior knowledge is the ONLY way to tell if they've learned anything #ukedchat #ukedchat scaffolded task sheets, support materials, strong with weak seating plan. RT @LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat RT @vicgoddard: @ChrisChivers2: #ukedchat First rule of planning~ all groups are mixed ability, even sets~ know your learners well. De ... RT @ChrisChivers2: #ukedchat Thinking differentiation, by

4 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:16:25 fod3

20:16:32 ChrisChivers2

20:16:38 Jivespin

20:16:55 joelittlewood

20:17:03 MrsThorne

20:17:18 MrsThorne

20:17:34 LearningSpy

20:17:44 Mrs___F

20:17:51 PetersonJK 20:18:12 andrewwarnerkms

20:18:25 Ramsay71

20:18:32 MrsThorne

20:18:43 ChrisChivers2

20:19:32 batttuk 20:19:37 BBarrington

outcome, support, task or expectation; and what about individual targetting? h ... ensuring there is a variety of group, paired and individual work each lesson to foster confidence at the lower end #ukedchat @LearningSpy All groups able to operate independently within personal capacities, then with defined challenge. Vygotsky? #ukedchat 'A rising tide carries all ships' is my mantra. Skill up not dumb down #ukedchat @MrsThorne (2/2) In Lit my diff tends to be based on level of support coupled with level of intended outcome & shades in between #ukedchat #ukedchat we started doing a lot of group work at school last year after having TEEP training - my AGT students got a bit sick of it! RT @Jivespin: 'A rising tide carries all ships' is my mantra. Skill up not dumb down #ukedchat Here are my thoughts on planning for progression: Long term - Short term #ukedchat #ukedchat clear use of targets gives kids immediate personalised aims even without obvious differentiation! Give their levels to achieve! @C_Farr0w what does 'strong with weak seating plan' mean? #ukedchat RT @LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat @ukedchat: Before #ukedchat gets going, have you heard about our #teachtweet session planned for the 28th March? @joelittlewood this sounds good. Do you work your way around the room to support, or provide additional materials/use a TA? #ukedchat @LearningSpy @MrsThorne Usual to start with recap of prior learning, develop, then challenge accordingly across all abilities. #ukedchat To all new followers, we will follow back and say hello busy one tonight. Give us a minute... #ukedchat RT @Mrs___F: #ukedchat clear use of targets gives kids immediate personalised aims even without obvious

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ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:19:39 Educ_job_please

20:19:39 UKLiteracy

20:19:46 MrsThorne

20:20:09 fod3

20:20:27 solution4school

20:20:36 Manarlie 20:20:40 BBarrington

20:20:58 carolinekewley

20:21:09 joelittlewood

20:21:12 MrsThorne

20:21:17 mrpeel

20:21:25 fod3

20:21:25 headguruteacher 20:21:29 danpo_

20:21:35 kevbartle 20:21:45 BeeJVee82

differentiation! Give their leve ... @chrischivers2 #ukedchat. Agreed - to optimise progression and performance the drivers & barriers to student engagement need understanding @emmagal5 follow and read @headguruteacher: #ukedchat My thoughts on planning for progression: Differentiation @LearningSpy @ChrisChivers2 for the purposes of my Q, am assuming we all plan for progress based on prior knowledge! #naivemaybe #ukedchat personalised learning sessions so ss can target their own areas of weakness. #ukedchat TOP BLOGS: The best way to engage staff in school improvement is by talking #ukedchat #schools #teachers Going to have some ribbing from the pupils tomorrow. Oh dear #cfc disaster! #thfc #ukedchat @Jivespin "tapas plenaries" - can you explain how this works? #ukedchat RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat. See every student as being on their own journey with lessons as landing points on the way: ... @MrsThorne Tend to focus on mixed ability reluctant writers who need persistent encouragement, whilst TA floats - or vise versa #ukedchat @fod3 #ukedchat think co-constructing the learning objectives is a great idea: doesn't have to take long but makes intended outcome clear #ukedchat I find a big hurdle is persuading LAs to take risks and dare to respond... I am not convinced scafolds and groups help this @Tech_Stories similar to ensuring group, paired and individual work - range of learning styles should be targeted across lessons. #ukedchat "@LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat" Yup...definitely this. ;) Sometimes #ukedchat is an alternate teaching universe. 'Skill up' FFS. RT @headguruteacher: "@LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat" Yup...definitely this. ;) Embedding Challenge and support from our ace A,G and T

6 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:21:52 mikallaane

20:22:01 MrsThorne 20:22:05 danielharvey9 20:22:28 davestacey 20:22:36 JobinaTwig

20:22:44 davestacey

20:22:54 HeyMissSmith

20:22:59 Jivespin

20:23:06 BBarrington

20:23:16 MrsThorne

20:23:30 ChrisChivers2

20:23:51 JobinaTwig

20:23:53 davestacey



20:24:08 MissJLud 20:24:11 ragazza_inglese

Leader. #ukedchat @FKAEnglish RT @vicgoddard: @ChrisChivers2: #ukedchat First rule of planning~ all groups are mixed ability, even sets~ know your learners well. De ... @joelittlewood #ukedchat differentiation by encouragement! I love it. I know exactly which students this works with, too. RT @LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat Coming late to #ukedchat but some great ideas here! RT @Jivespin: 'A rising tide carries all ships' is my mantra. Skill up not dumb down #ukedchat #ukedchat Important to include 'open' projects from time to time - let the lid off and let them surprise you (and themselves!) Anything but the most minimal planning is counterproductive. Teach individuals extending and scaffolding as needed #ukedchat 1/2 @BBarrington Give the students the opp. to complete a plenary from a list. The plenaries show progress but in different ways #ukedchat RT @MrsThorne: @fod3 #ukedchat think co-constructing the learning objectives is a great idea: doesn't have to take long but makes intend ... @Hon_Holla #ukedchat I like ability partnerships sometimes: it's good sometimes for bright to teach what they've learned. Reinforces it. @MrsThorne @LearningSpy #ukedchat Essential to look at expectation over times, seeking progress, by week, month, term. Checking. RT @davestacey: #ukedchat Important to include 'open' projects from time to time - let the lid off and let them surprise you (and themse ... RT @MrsThorne: @fod3 #ukedchat think co-constructing the learning objectives is a great idea: doesn't have to take long but makes intend ... @MrsThorne @ChrisChivers2 You would, clearly, be surprised. #ukedchat Today was all about the link between writer-text-reader. Some useful stuff and some notes now as a picture. #ukedchat RT @headguruteacher: "@LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat"

7 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:24:28 ChrisRaynerd

20:24:40 iffypifs

20:24:52 ChrisChivers2

20:24:54 Jivespin



20:25:10 MrsThorne 20:25:31 davestacey

20:25:32 Educ_job_please

20:25:58 Janetteww

20:26:24 danielharvey9

20:26:33 cherrylkd

20:26:40 mikallaane

20:26:54 ICTEvangelist

20:26:54 Jivespin

20:26:58 Gorgeous51

Yup...definitely this. ;) RT @headguruteacher: "@LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat" Yup...definitely this. ;) RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat My thoughts on planning for progression: Great Lessons 4: Differentiation #ukedchat Analyse, plan, do, review, record cycle. 2/2 @BBarrington For ex., 1 plenary could be to write a Facebook status, another could be to create a word cloud or write a tweet #ukedchat @Jivespin: Give the students the opp. to complete a plenary from a list. Plenaries show progress but in different ways #ukedchat < nice!! @TenaciousHead yes, I use bronze/silver/gold too! Allows for playing of cheesy Going for Gold music #ukedchat RT @LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat <something I need to do more. #ukedchat Of course always important to understand the starting point. Don't assume you know the performance point of pupils. Find out! RT @Primary_Ed: To prove how many teachers use twitter, RETWEET IF YOU ARE A TEACHER! #ukedchat #poweroftwitter RT @ukedchat: Before #ukedchat gets going, have you heard about our #teachtweet session planned for the 28th March? RT @LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat @MissKMcD I ask the pupils 2 reflect on my teaching & if I'v helped them learn & improve They critique my lessons #ukedchat Aim high. Aspirations set to the top end. Then provide strategies to scaffold those who are find it more challenging #ukedchat @BBarrington Thanks - it is a really good structure to deliver plenaries. Trust the students to make a choice and they deliver #ukedchat RT @Primary_Ed: To prove how many teachers use twitter, RETWEET IF YOU ARE A TEACHER! #ukedchat #poweroftwitter

8 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:27:11 joelittlewood

20:27:29 ASTsupportAAli

20:27:36 sociopsychopath

20:27:43 ChrisChivers2

20:28:01 ChrisRaynerd

20:28:05 web20education

20:28:12 johntomsett

20:28:31 OuthwaiteTt

20:28:34 eyebeams

20:28:43 ASTsupportAAli

20:28:54 MrsThorne

20:29:17 mikallaane

20:29:46 magicalmaths

20:29:52 ChrisRaynerd

20:30:19 Primary_Ed 20:30:46 LearningSpy

@MrsThorne @TenaciousHead Brilliant! Every level is still a success (remember to bin the red/amber/green target board tomorrow) #ukedchat Updated display board. Finishing touches tnrw! #ukedchat #elearning QR codes- useful websites! #edchat Updated display board. Finishing touches tnrw! #ukedchat #elearning QR codes- useful websites! #edchat RT @MissJLud: Today was all about the link between writer-text-reader. Some useful stuff and some notes now as a picture. #ukedchat http ... #ukedchat how much of your differentiation is by outcome or by task? #MOOC is Next BigThing in XXI Century #Education #sxswedu #edchat #tlchat #elearning #eltchat #ukedchat #ntchat One of our best thinkers...David Didau talks common sense: "@LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat" Great day today; 2GTPs & 2NQTs hired ready for September! Brilliant to give someone the first crack of the whip! #ukedchat #NQT #GTP RT @danielharvey9: RT @ukedchat: Before #ukedchat gets going, have you heard about our #teachtweet session planned for the 28th March? h ... @gill_ann loved delivering NQT training on #SEN today! #ukedchat @ChrisRaynerd #ukedchat have been trying quite hard not to use outcome - enjoy playing with new strategies. By questioning, especially RT @tes: Does the government's announcement today about voc quals represent another u-turn? #ukedchat @johntomsett @LearningSpy I have always applied the principal "pitch to the top and scaffold down" #ukedchat #ukedchat Is the idea of using higher ability students to support others not unfair? Should we not be pushing those students further still? 10 Best Powerpoint alternatives: #ukedchat #edchat #edtech @magicalmaths @johntomsett I think that's probably the

9 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:30:52 MrsThorne

20:31:16 GilchristGeorge

20:31:34 ChrisRaynerd

20:31:39 davestacey

20:31:53 boylerfinbar

20:32:11 fod3

20:32:42 headguruteacher

20:32:47 ChrisChivers2

20:33:13 davidhunter

20:33:27 Primary_Ed

20:33:30 ChrisChivers2

20:33:39 MrsThorne

20:33:59 ChrisRaynerd

20:34:39 davestacey

20:34:56 MrsThorne

same - was just being pithy. #ukedchat @ChrisRaynerd #ukedchat I think the key is to not do it too often. Sometimes, explaining to someone else helps cement knowledge RT @Primary_Ed: To prove how many teachers use twitter, RETWEET IF YOU ARE A TEACHER! #ukedchat #poweroftwitter @MrsThorne Yes, I'm also doing more by task but takes more time in prep. Just trying to get a bank of more strategies for tasks #ukedchat @ChrisRaynerd Strategy of using all students to support others v.valuable. Coaching / Explaining helps understanding #ukedchat RT @Primary_Ed: 10 Best Powerpoint alternatives: #ukedchat #edchat #edtech @MrsThorne @ChrisRaynerd Agree. That is just one strategy of many that you would embed across a longer period of time. #ukedchat #ukedchat This post Learning Arcs suggests we should allow different learners to show progress in their own time. #ukedchat Are you the scriptwriter, or the director of the education show in the room? #ukedchat an African teacher was bemused when asked what differentiation he provided. "But I love all the children equally,"he replied. Over 100 teachers have retweeted this link in the last 24 hours. #ukedchat #edchat RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat This post Learning Arcs suggests we should allow different learners to show progre ... @ChrisRaynerd #ukedchat yes, me too! Picking up some great ideas here though. More planning ideas, please! @fod3 @mrsthorne would agree with that. Just concerns me it happens too often sometimes but appreciate the idea of it. ! #ukedchat #ukedchat Make sure learning can be shown by other things than writing. Some students explain better verbally @ChrisRaynerd @fod3 I think sometimes we can over-rely on something that has been successful before. Variety is key #ukedchat

10 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:34:57 jackieschneider

20:35:11 holliecross

20:35:26 davestacey

20:35:55 ICTEvangelist



20:36:29 clairecmac

20:36:51 Mrs___F

20:37:09 GillDeCosemo

20:37:15 renoonog37

20:37:29 ChrisChivers2

20:37:56 kcaffers

20:38:01 davidhunter

20:38:14 davestacey

20:38:18 kcaffers 20:38:19 MrsThorne

@ChrisChivers2: #ukedchat Are you the scriptwriter, or the director of the education show in the room? >> I try to be the teacher?! @Primary_Ed: To prove how many teachers use twitter, RETWEET IF YOU ARE A TEACHER! #ukedchat #poweroftwitternot for work though :s RT @MrsThorne: @ChrisRaynerd @fod3 I think sometimes we can over-rely on something that has been successful before. Variety is key #ukedchat Expectation too. Very important. Expect homework in on time. Expect your standards to be met. Expect them to do their level best #ukedchat @johntomsett @LearningSpy and support the aspirations of those too easily overlooked in the middle. #ukedchat RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat My thoughts on planning for progression: Great Lessons 4: Differentiation RT @davidhunter: #ukedchat an African teacher was bemused when asked what differentiation he provided. "But I love all the children equa ... RT @davestacey: #ukedchat Make sure learning can be shown by other things than writing. Some students explain better verbally RT @Primary_Ed: To prove how many teachers use twitter, RETWEET IF YOU ARE A TEACHER! #ukedchat #poweroftwitter @jackieschneider The mindset will determine the way the lesson will go. Great teachers are the directors, can adapt and improvise! #ukedchat RT @LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat #ukedchat when I was at school we completed workbooks at our own pace and sought help from the teacher when needed.That was differentiation #ukedchat Good transfer of info from one yr to next important. Both strategies that worked & working level to avoid coasting at start of yr RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat My thoughts on planning for progression: Great Lessons 4: Differentiation @Mrs___F #ukedchat this reminds me of my Q2: how do you plan for progress of your "stuck-in-the-middle"

11 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:38:22 Educ_job_please

20:38:34 RachelKimberxxx 20:38:42 frogphilp 20:38:46 ChrisChivers2 20:39:06 SugaredPill

20:39:18 LearningSpy

20:39:30 MrMacPE

20:39:36 ufasarah

20:39:57 HamLit9

20:40:08 davidhunter

20:40:09 Lauren_K_Wright

20:40:32 joelittlewood

20:40:50 jackieschneider

20:40:50 frogphilp

20:41:05 mgcjusa 20:41:25 davidhunter

students? #hummingstealerswheel #ukedchat Get all aiming high to engage the best. Peer groups of students working together to bring along all, no matter the ability #ukedchat Planning for student progression. Always great to show them how far they've already travelled. @davidhunter Some people call that "flipped learning" now. #ukedchat @Mrs___F @johntomsett @LearningSpy The middle is the critical mass. Challenge up? #ukedchat @jackieschneider @andrew_cowley23 few weeks and considerably less smug than #ukedchat @davidhunter When I was at school we copied off the board and tutted at the slowest writer. Was that differentiation? #ukedchat RT @MrWickensPE: Fantastic presentation at #INTPETM @MrMacPE. Will be sharing this with colleagues #ukedchat #pegeeks Expectations are so powerful. I often worry when we talk about children's 'ability'. A person's potential is unknowable. #ukedchat RT @headguruteacher: "@LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat" Yup...definitely this. ;) @frogphilp flipped? It's back to the future! Great Scott #ukedchat RT @LearningSpy: @ChrisChivers2 @MrsThorne It does? Checking prior knowledge is the ONLY way to tell if they've learned anything #ukedchat #ukedchat After mulling it over,think I can paraphrase my Diff thus:Plan by VAK;SC by level;Sup material by ability;personal sup by attitude @Tech_Stories @chrischivers2 - you forgot babysitter, Goves hench man & entertainer #ukedchat @ufasarah Unknowable is an helpful word for potential. I don't like it when children are asked to "exceed their potential" #ukedchat RT @Primary_Ed: To prove how many teachers use twitter, RETWEET IF YOU ARE A TEACHER! #ukedchat #poweroftwitter @LearningSpy haha. probably not very effective, although I read that shaming is an effective practice in China

12 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:41:26 ICTEvangelist

20:41:26 ChrisChivers2

20:41:28 Jivespin

20:41:29 beckxbrown73

20:41:41 MrsThorne



20:42:25 Educ_job_please

20:42:26 davidhunter

20:42:36 headguruteacher

20:42:46 Mrs___F

20:42:58 davidhunter

20:43:15 Educ_job_please

20:43:28 mgcjusa

20:43:35 ChrisChivers2

20:43:48 MrsThorne

#ukedchat RT @PE_MrHepworth: @ICTEvangelist And if they repeatedly fail to do so? Can you be expecting too much? << not at all - support! #ukedchat @LearningSpy @davidhunter Differentiation by peer pressure? #ukedchat Give the students a choice of tasks. The skill is that it doesn't matter what choice student makes so long as they make progress #ukedchat @MrsThorne @TenaciousHead Hadn't thought of the music, great idea! #ukedchat @ufasarah agree, but knowing where they are starting from & planning effectively is key to facilitate developing that potential #ukedchat The way we inspire and motivate our students has a huge impact on progression and performance #ukedchat #ukedchat And of course make the links between education and employment, to answer the "Why am I at school again?" question. #careersadvice @ChrisRaynerd I'm no advocate. #justsayin but it was highly effective with me, probably less so with other classmates #ukedchat #ukedchat. This says a bit more about teaching to the top: a total philosophy of G&T Never let anyone say 'too easy' #ukedchat Top, middle and bottom? If we're really being effective let's ditch the jargon and just deal with the needs of the individuals. @ChrisChivers2 @LearningSpy differentiation by guilt #ukedchat RT @urban_teacher: The way we inspire and motivate our students has a huge impact on progression and performance #ukedchat #engagetoperform RT @Primary_Ed: 10 Best Powerpoint alternatives: #ukedchat #edchat #edtech RT @Mrs___F: #ukedchat Top, middle and bottom? If we're really being effective let's ditch the jargon and just deal with the needs of th ... @Educ_job_please #ukedchat saw a great addition to WALT at #tmclevedon: "We are learning that.." easy way to make links to workplace

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ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:44:10 mrpeel

20:44:16 urban_teacher

20:44:32 Jivespin

20:44:38 Educ_job_please

20:44:53 mikallaane



20:45:01 mrpeel

20:45:03 jackieschneider 20:45:15 tmeeky

20:45:22 familysimpson

20:45:29 frogphilp

20:45:32 davidhunter

20:45:38 tmeeky

20:45:47 Veidey

20:45:57 MrsThorne 20:46:16 ChrisChivers2

@Mrs___F @johntomsett @LearningSpy #ukedchat a good point too much pushing and shoving to appease the league table gods... Its the way we motivate which is the key! Check these attributes #ukedchat Labelling by ability is so damaging. If you call a bottom set a bottom set, then students will act according to the label given #ukedchat RT @mrsthorne: @Educ_job_please #ukedchat saw a great addition to WALT at #tmclevedon: "We are learning that.." easy way to make... U hav 2 kno understand & hav a rapport wit ur pupils & effectively use AfL strategies 2 get the best out of the pupils learnin #ukedchat Crimewatch Website Template - Resources - #TES #engchatuk #ukedchat @Mrs___F @johntomsett @LearningSpy #ukedchat can leave the middle very under supported, because "they can cope and are alright" @Tech_Stories @chrischivers2 - I'm not really a total cynic! :-) #ukedchat Pressure on kids to > SATs lowers self Es and enj + leads to a vicious downwd spiral... #ukedchat RT @davestacey: #ukedchat Make sure learning can be shown by other things than writing. Some students explain better verbally @MrsThorne I get the children to feel ownership for their learning by using a shared spreadsheet for contributions to planning #ukedchat #ukedchat I find differentiation by task highly effective although I have issues with what happens to self esteem of weakest groups. ... focus on enj, boost self Es and fun leads to a +virtuous spiral #ukedchat #ukedchat using prior knowledge to progress learning, then develop feedback and critique process so they can take ownership of progression @Mrs___F @jivespin worry that if you ignore ability groupings, it's easier to get away with little or no differentiation #ukedchat RT @MrsThorne: @Educ_job_please #ukedchat saw a great addition to WALT at #tmclevedon: "We are learning

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ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:46:40 MrsThorne

20:46:48 davestacey 20:46:53 LearningSpy 20:47:09 amanderson66

20:47:32 Dark_Blue_Box

20:47:34 MrsThorne

20:47:43 jackieschneider

20:47:52 TechNinjaTodd

20:47:54 Jivespin

20:47:57 mrpeel



20:48:04 frogphilp

20:48:17 commaficionado 20:48:18 LearningSpy

20:48:30 tmeeky

20:48:59 MrsThorne that.." easy way to make ... @Mrs___F @jivespin has to be a starting point somewhere! Personalised learning requires excellent knowledge of class: takes time #ukedchat @MrsThorne #ukedchat That idea that we should be able to answer 'so that...' was a really powerful idea for me. I'm a massive fan of differentiation by marking #ukedchat RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat. This says a bit more about teaching to the top: a total philosophy of G&T Nev ... @Jivespin @jackieschneider #ukedchat not if the teacher enthuses them to improve.Methinks the teacher labels the 'bottom set' not the pupils @LearningSpy #ukedchat we've been doing scaffolded marking this year, in class: easy to target extra to those who need a push @Jivespin - agreed. I detest " Gifted & Talented" labels too. Schools drive me insane with their obsessive labels #ukedchat RT @DaveGuymon: Get "If You Can't Fail, It Doesn't Count" for FREE on @Kindle today only! #edchat #ukedchat @MrsThorne @mrs___f Even in a group that has been set the ability range is wide. Poor teachers ignore this + don't differentiate #ukedchat #ukedchat however I differentiate, i hope i never lose sight of the need to challenge... it can motivate and develop. RT @LearningSpy: I'm a massive fan of differentiation by marking #ukedchat <Another one of your ideas I'm trying to adopt! @LearningSpy Whereas I am looking forward to the robot that automates marking. I prefer to talk to the children. #ukedchat RT @LearningSpy: I'm a massive fan of differentiation by marking #ukedchat 2 posts on differentiation: and #ukedchat If we are 'facilitators' differentiation is the subtleties on our interactions... thus computers can't differentiate effectively #ukedchat @Jivespin @mrs___f yes, agree. The ideal is personalised but sometimes that's too big a jump #ukedchat

15 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:49:06 yearinthelifeof

20:49:10 davidhunter

20:49:10 headguruteacher

20:49:19 Jivespin

20:49:23 Educ_job_please

20:49:23 MrsThorne

20:49:30 jackieschneider

20:49:33 tmeeky 20:49:35 Mrs___F 20:49:41 urban_teacher

20:50:22 LearningSpy 20:50:30 tmeeky 20:51:06 MrsThorne

20:51:07 digitaldaisies

20:51:15 ChrisRaynerd

20:51:25 ChrisChivers2 20:51:34 MrsThorne

RT @LearningSpy: 2 posts on differentiation: and #ukedchat RT @LearningSpy: I'm a massive fan of differentiation by marking #ukedchat #ukedchat Showing what might be possible with exemplars makes ambitious goals seem real These can be differentiated. @Dark_Blue_Box The teacher and the school give the label of 'bottom set'. Good teachers use this as a starting point #ukedchat @mrsthorne #ukedchat even at my ripe old (middle!) age, I ask why I'm in the room regularly. Students will do the same. RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat Showing what might be possible with exemplars makes ambitious goals seem real Thes ... @Dark_Blue_Box @jivespin - there is NO bottom set in my classroom. Why on earth should I create one? #ukedchat oops, meant If we are 'facilitators' diff is the subtleties of our interactions... thus computers can't differentiate effectively #ukedchat @MrsThorne #ukedchat from them, you plan from them! Sometimes i tell my students 'Who told you can't achieve that..Practice makes perfect' differentiation gone out the window! #ukedchat @Jivespin @MrsThorne @Mrs___F All teaching is group work: #ukedchat practice doesn't make perfect, it makes permanent #ukedchat @davestacey yes, agree - it still makes me think when I am putting together me learning objectives #ukedchat @LearningSpy: I'm a massive fan of differentiation by marking #ukedchat yes-where we have individual conversations which make a difference @davestacey:@LearningSpy: massive fan of differentiation by marking #ukedchat;Another one of your ideastrying to adopt! More details pls? RT @LearningSpy: @Jivespin @MrsThorne @Mrs___F All teaching is group work: #ukedchat RT @ChrisRaynerd: @davestacey:@LearningSpy: massive fan of differentiation by marking #ukedchat;Another

16 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:51:39 Educ_job_please

20:52:03 LearningSpy

20:52:19 Gail_Howe

20:52:21 LearningSpy

20:52:24 Dark_Blue_Box

20:53:05 EliseStJohn

20:53:06 LearningSpy

20:53:18 davidhunter

20:53:23 Dark_Blue_Box

20:53:38 MrsThorne

20:53:51 NZ_Rod

20:54:06 MrsThorne

20:54:06 gaillimhxx

20:54:09 Jivespin

20:54:20 ChrisChivers2 20:54:23 MrG_ICT

one of your ideastrying to adop ... #ukedchat @mrsthorne Got to sign off - thank you for a great session. Speak soon RT @headguruteacher: #ukedchat Showing what might be possible with exemplars makes ambitious goals seem real Thes ... RT @LearningSpy: Pitch to the top, support at the bottom. The only way. #ukedchat RT @jackieschneider: @Dark_Blue_Box @jivespin - there is NO bottom set in my classroom. Why on earth should I create one? #ukedchat @jackieschneider @jivespin #ukedchat no idea of personal circumstances,but teaching to a narrower ability range usual improves comprehension RT @ethinking: @Primary_Ed: To prove how many teachers use twitter, RETWEET IF YOU ARE A TEACHER! #ukedchat #poweroftwitter attention ... RT "@tmeeky practice doesn't make perfect, it makes permanent #ukedchat" Ooh - like that. Ta @eltvasconcelos kids know & ustand the hierarchy.but yes,phrasing is important.competition also seems to be maligned but has scope #ukedchat @Jivespin I agree, so long as it is approached in that way #ukedchat Just under 10 minutes to go on #ukedchat - hope everybody has something they can take away and use tomorrow #ukedchat Differentiate by giving really specific, totally personal targets in students' books. If they work to these tasks are irrelevant. RT @NZ_Rod: #ukedchat Differentiate by giving really specific, totally personal targets in students' books. If they work to these tasks ... RT @Primary_Ed: To prove how many teachers use twitter, RETWEET IF YOU ARE A TEACHER! #ukedchat #poweroftwitter @Dark_Blue_Box @jackieschneider S #re but n the age of cuts and larger group sizes this is difficult #ukedchat @LearningSpy Marking an essential part of developing personalised approaches, link to clear progress targets, support next steps #ukedchat RT @tmeeky: practice doesn't make perfect, it makes

17 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:54:34 frogphilp

20:54:40 EngChatUK 20:55:02 commaficionado 20:55:28 ukedchat 20:55:34 ufasarah 20:55:34 ufasarah 20:55:52 Mr_Comp_Sci

20:55:58 amanderson66

20:55:58 ChrisRaynerd

20:56:25 MissHocken 20:56:41 MrsThorne

20:56:54 SarahLearns

20:56:54 JeanEd70

20:56:56 tmeeky

20:57:07 MrsThorne

20:57:19 frogphilp

20:57:23 misscedge

permanent #ukedchat @MrsThorne Teaching scratch to Year 6 tomorrow. No idea of prior knowledge. Not particular good at it myself. Could be a disaster. #ukedchat RT @LearningSpy: @Jivespin @MrsThorne @Mrs___F All teaching is group work: #ukedchat Differentiation by questioning - different pitches and lasertargeting of key students/groups? #ukedchat Just 5 minutes of #ukedchat remain. Final thoughts? @MrsThorne absolutely but I still think we probably unconsciously limit ourselves and others #ukedchat @frogphilp or that we think we can help them reach it? None of us know what it is! #ukedchat @frogphilp @MrsThorne All part of the fun of using Scratch! #ukedchat RT @digitaldaisies: @LearningSpy: I'm a massive fan of differentiation by marking #ukedchat yes-where we have individual conversations ... @magicalmaths Made my own personal one first at home but we got the school one moving last wk. #reprap #ukedchat Looking for some ideas for teaching Urban Myths. Thoughts? #ukedchat #ukengchat @frogphilp #positivethinking - it's Friday - how could it possibly be a bad day?! #ukedchat Have your say on Cultural Education in the East Midlands. Please RT! #ukedchat #edchat RT @SparkyTeaching: The Book of the Future (see pic!) #worldbookday #wbd #ukedchat Differentiation happens naturally through skilled interventions and 'in time' support. Don't over complicate or force it #ukedchat @commaficionado I plan questions for different levels now simple answer, developing other students' answers, providing a rebuff #ukedchat @Mr_Comp_Sci @MrsThorne It's not even proper Scratch it's something I found called Snap: #ukedchat RT @Primary_Ed: To prove how many teachers use twitter, RETWEET IF YOU ARE A TEACHER! #ukedchat #poweroftwitter

18 of 19

ukedchat Archive 7th March 2013 Hosted by @MrsThorne

Planning for the progression of all students in a mixed ability classroom

20:57:29 ukedchat

20:57:35 Baggerrs

20:57:36 taffwatts

20:57:38 MrsThorne

20:58:03 cparkie 20:58:23 amanderson66

20:58:30 JeanEd70

20:58:46 mr_macmac

20:58:57 PetersonJK

20:59:09 Mr_Comp_Sci

20:59:11 joelittlewood 20:59:58 lotjohn 21:00:04 doccarpenter

21:00:17 tmeeky

21:00:28 ukedchat

21:00:29 ukedchat

#UKedchat has a special #TeachTweet Session on 28th March hosted by @UKedchat & @ICTmagic - See for details. RT @Primary_Ed: To prove how many teachers use twitter, RETWEET IF YOU ARE A TEACHER! #ukedchat #poweroftwitter @frogphilp @MrsThorne #ukedchat ...or could be a great lesson where everyone learns something! RT @ukedchat: #UKedchat has a special #TeachTweet Session on 28th March hosted by @UKedchat & @ICTmagic - See ... Is #VisibleLearning a new era for education? #ukedchat RT @LearningSpy: RT "@tmeeky practice doesn't make perfect, it makes permanent #ukedchat" Ooh - like that. Ta RT @ukedchat: #UKedchat has a special #TeachTweet Session on 28th March hosted by @UKedchat & @ICTmagic - See ... This is one way I use iPads with Google Apps in Big writing. Looking for more tomorrow #ittip13 #ukedchat Having used @mathspaceAU now for 6 lessons I think it is going to be a game changer when launched in the UK. #ukedchat #mathchat #edtech @frogphilp @MrsThorne It's virtually identical. Nice to see any form of programming in primary school. #ukedchat #ukedchat speaks volumes that you can't paraphrase all types of differentiation used in to one tweet. One heavy topic. Great ideas though #ukedchat. Is anyone teaching CE English ? #ukedchat folks can u plz help our study on how& why educators use Twitter by doing & RTing/sharing our survey? thx! Any parents of kids that might like to give 'mum' an alternative mother's day lunch #ukedchat Next week's #ukedchat poll is live at & the session will be hosted by @ukcreativeed It's 9pm. Huge thanks to @MrsThorne for hosting tonights #ukedchat. The archive will be at soon.

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