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Section 9.

Wall with Moment Applied a t Top

FIG. 17

Ring tensiori
FIG. 18


Whcn the top of the wall and the roof slab are inade continuous, as indicated in Fig. 17, the deflection of the roof slab tends t o rotate the top joint and introduces a moment at the top of the wall. In this section, the wall is investigated for a momenr of M = 6,700 per ft., the origin of which is discussed later in this section. The data in Tables VI and XIIwill be used although they are prepared for moment applied at one end of the wall when the other is free. However, these tables may be used with good degree of accuracy also when the far end is hinged or fixed. For ring tension, multiply coefficients from Table VI by MR/H2 = 6,700 X 27/202 = 450 lb. per ft., and for moments, multiply coefficients from Table XI by M = 6,700 per ft. Select coefficients for w/Dt = 6.

0 . 4 at top----

Mornent added ,

Ring tension
FIG. 19


It should be noted that ri,ng tension and moment plotted in Fig. 18 are for moment applied at top when base is free. But the relatively small values near the base in Fig. 18 indicate that the results near the top will be practically the same whether the base is hinged or fixed. The fact that ring tension and wall moment created by the moment applied a t top diminish so rapidly is due t o the ring elements which exert a strong dampening effect. The ring tension and the moments determined in this section are now added t o those in Section 6.
Point Ringten.,Sec.9 - R - ~ ~ Total ring ten. Mom., Sec. 9 Mom., Sec. 6 Total mom.

The effect of adding a moment of M = 6,700 at the top is shown in Fig. 19. The ring tension is increased near the top. This increase may in some instances become so large that i t affects the design materially. The moments are, of course, large a t the top and are not likely to be ignored, but the more important increase in ring tension may accidentally be overlooked. In Section 12 it is shown that the moment at the fixed edge of a roof slab with center support, R = 27 ft., and a total design load of 650 - 432 = 218 lb. per sq.ft.* equals -7,800 per ft. of periphery.
0.6H 0.7H







+ 5 , 1 0 0 + 5 , 9 0 0 + - , 6 0 0 + 2 , 9 0 0 + 1 , 5 0 0 + 500 3 , 8 0 0 +28,000 +31,500 +33,700 +3:700

~ + 1 1 , 1 0 0 +20,300 (+25,300 +28,400 (+30,900 +33,000 +34,200 +32,700 +26,900 +15,600


+ 6,700 + 3,800 + 1,700 + O O O +










300 - 400 *17,200 +l6,000


400 O

200 500

400 400 - 300 1 , 3 0 , ) + 2,6001 + 4,2001+ 5 , % / +

6,700 + 3,800 + 1,700 +

500 +

300 +

900 + 2,200 + 3,900 + 5,100 + 4,600


1( 11


1.OH 500

*Wcight of thc roof slab and c a n h covcr minus thc surprcssurc o n thc storcd liquid.



Th~s vaiue i s used f o r dzrc:.nn;r.airoi: o/ ::~:I::!C+:T r r a n c mitted frorn the slab thi-oc,yii thc :n.n: inro :kit- t q u; the wall. The roced dure is so mucn Iikc moment distribution appl~ed o contlnuous frames that the explanation t may be brief. The data in Tables XVIII and XIX are stiffnesses which denote moments required t o impart a unit rotation at the edge of the wall and the slab. Only relative values of stiffness are required in this
~1 D P ~ I C ~ ~ I O ~ 2

Section i C

Wall with Moment kpplied at Base

The moirirnr required t o rotate the tangent at the edgc through a given angle is proportional t o the following relati ve stiffness factors. For wall (Table XVIII for H2/Dr = 6): 0.78jt3/H = 0.783 X 153/20 = 132 For slab (Table XIX for C/D = 0.15): 0.332$/R = 0.332 X 123/27 = 21 The distribution factors are For wall: For slab:

FIG. 21

132 21 132




+ 21 = 0.14

The dimensions used for the slab are the saine as in Section 12.

Wal I

l n Sections 4 throueh 9, t h e wall has been assumed t o rest on a footing nor continuous w i t h the bottom slab. The condition t o be investigated in this section is illustrated in Fig. 21. in which the wall is " made continuous w i t h a reinfbrced bottom slab designed for uplift. The desien of t h e slab is discussed in Section 13 in which i t is shown t h a t the moment at the fixed edge is -27,100 per ft. N o surpressure on the liquid is considered in computing this moment and, therefore, i t must also be disregarded in the design of the wall. Accordingly in this section, only triangular load is considered, but if the slab had been designed for u surpressure, trapezoidal load should be used for the wall design. he moment at the base of rhe wall is first computed on the assumption t h a t the edge is fixed, and a correction is then made for rotation of the edge. The fixed end moment a t base of wall is determined for the triangular loading in Section 4 w i t h coeficients selected from Table VI1 for p / D t = 6 Its value is

(a) Fixed end momcnts

FIG. 20

(b) Final moments

Mom. = -0.0187 X wH3 = -0.0187 X 62.5 X 203 = -9,350,say, -9, perft. As long as the base is artificially fixed ngainst any rotation, i t is subject t o t w o moments both of which tend t o rotate the joint in the same direction as shown in Fig. 22(a). One moment is due t o the outward pressure of t h e Jiquid, t h e other due t o the upward reaction from the subgrade. The base joint is not in equilibrium and when t h e artificial restraint is removed, i t will rotate. The rotation induces moments in wall and slab, and the induced moments added t o
Wall I

The moment of -7,800 tends t o rotate t h e fixed joint as shown i n Fig. 20(a). When the artificial restraint is removed, t h e rotation of the joint will induce new moments in wall and slab. The sums of t h e induced moments and t h e original fixed end moments are the final moments. They must be equal but opposite in direction as indicated i n Fig. 20(b). The calculations may be arranged in accordance w i t h the usual moment distribution procedure. Wall 1 Slab Distribution factor 0.86 - 0.14 Fixed end moment O -7,800 Induced moment (distributed moment) -6,700 1,100 6,701: - 6,700 Final moment

+ +

T h e induced moments equal -7,800 times the distribution factors and are recorded w i t h signs opposite t o t h a t of t h e fixed end moment (unbalanced rnoment). Note t h a t t h e wall sriffness is more than six times t h a t of t h e slab.

(a) Fixed en3 morna-~t+

FIG. 22

(O) Final rnomentz


1 1

~ h c c)rjg~n;~,x ~ r .e::( rnoments mus; i; o. -i;-l. ,: fi mapnitude thar the combined moments zre cq:ial hn: of opposite direction as indicated in Fig. 223,). Caiculation of the final momr-irs mAy be arranged in accordanie with the usual mcrnenr distribution procedure.

Moment ~t base



U 7 1 I Distribution factor (same as in Section 9) Fixed end moment Induced moment (distributed moment] Final moment
0.86 - 9,300

0.14 - 27,100

FIG. 23

+ 31,300 + 5,100 + 22,000 - 22,000 +

The induced moments, often denoted as distributed moments, are computed by multiplying the "unbalanced momenr", 9,300 27,100 = 36,400, by the distribution factors The fixed end moments are recorded with the same sign, negative, since they have the same direction. The induced moments both have positive signs.

First, assume the base fixed; and second, apply a moment of 9,300 22,000 = 31,300 per ft. of rhe base. Finally, combine the resulrs of the two steps. The triangular loading is the same as in Section 4, and the value of H2/Dt = 6 is the same as brfore. For ring tension, multiply coefficients by WHR'= 33,750 lb. per ft. (triangular), and by MRIH2 = 31,300 X 27/202 = 2,110 lb. per ft. ( M a t base).

The rotation of the base and the consequent distribution of moment reveal a significant fact. The change in moment is from -27,100 to -22,000 in the

For moments in a vertical strip, 1 ft. wide, multiply bv wH3 = 500,000 per ft. (triangular), and by M = 31,300 per ft. (M at base).

slab but from -9,300 t o +22,000 in the wall. For the wall, the effects of three conditions of restraint a t the base are shown diagrammatically in Fig. 23. T h e a c t u a l c o n d i t i o n is n o t between fixed and hinged but is far beyond the hinged base a s s u m p t i o n . S i n c e the distance between the straight line and the deflection curves in Fig . 23 represents the magnitude of ring tension, it is obviously unsafe to base the design on hinged and especially o n fixed-base assumptions. The wall will now be Ring tension investigated in two steps.

Ring tension and moments both for fixcd base and for actual base condition are plotted in Fig. 24.

FIG. 24


PAGE 1 2

The ni;xirnun! 7:r.g r c n r : ~ ; . :: ;-.4311 i rhc basc is fixcd; bu; actuaIIy i r 1: ~ ; ~ F T o > : ~ I ~ : c Lj5,801) lb.. a. ~\. increase of 117 per cent. ~ o m e n a t ~ i i e r base is changed from -9,300 (tension 1rA insideji to 4-22.00 (tension in outside). l c is clcar that continuity between wall and bottom slab materiaily affects both ring tension and moments. It must be considered in the desirrn. Shear a t base of wall when the base is fixed may be compured as the sum of the products of coefficients takeii from Tatilr XVI multiplied by zuH2 = 67.5 X 202 = 25.00C lh. prr f r . (triangular), and M / H = 31,300/2, = 1,505 1: per f t . (M at base). 1 .

~t.:z2'i,~:cri: i:ur) Tah:t XIT L: P<I:,.-I:I.Wl<:-9 1 : = -I.115 j . f.': > 132 = .-1,.2nO prr f t . U! ll:ri!..h::iinsld: .~I:-:.C,O ~ C:1 L al1 calcu0 shoui? lations k r r : ,ictuall\-. ;i .::-;;. ..\ i . i !..-crr r ~ l u e

:, pi.:: .


4 L

be uscd iur >Gne c j i rhc r.~icr.:::!:.>r,s. 1-roportionin~ of the slab shoulc' he m:ide a r insidr face.of wall.

When basc is fixed: 0.197 X wH2 = 0.197 X 25,00C = 3- 4,930 lb. ERect of M at base: - 4.49 M / H = - 4.49 X 1,565 = - 7,020 lb. - -. V = - 2,090 lb. Shear with base released: The tensile stress on the transformed scction in Section 6 (A, = 2.34 is

Wal l (a)Fixed end moments

(b) ~ i n a inlornents

FIG. 26

The procedure in determining the final moment at the edge has already been illustrated in Sections 9 and 10. The fixed end moments at the edge of the slab in this secrion are shown in Fig. 26(a), and the final moments in Fig. 26(b) are computed below by the ordinary moment distribution procedure. Distribution factor Fixed end moment Induced moment (distributed moment) Final moment 0.93 "11 '

Section 1 1 .

Roof Slab without Center Support


- 13,200 - 12,300

+ 12,300
f 12,300

FIG. 25

The applicatioo of data for design of roof slabs without interior support is illustrated for the tank sketched in Fig. 25 which carrics a superimposed load of 500 lb. per sq.ft. of roof area. The diameter of 54 ft. used in other sections is too large for economical design of this roof slab without center support, so the dimensions in Fig. 25 have been substituted. The total design load is p = 500 125 = 625 lb. per sq.ft. For the wall, H2/Dt = 16.02/26.0 X 1.0 = 9.8, say, 10. From Table XVIII, for @/Dt = 10, the relative stiffness of the wall is 1.010P/H=1.010~123/16= 109. The relative stiffness of a circular plate without interior support (from Table XIX) is 0.104fl/R = 0.104 X 103113 = 8.0. The relative values computed suffice for the calculation of distribution factors which are

It is seen that a large moment is induced in the top of the wall. It has been shown in Section 9 how to determine ring tensions and moments in a wall caused by a moment at top of the wall. The slab only is discussed in this section.

Unir shear: v =


v -= 0.875 4,060 X 8.5 = 45 p.s.i. X 12

109 For wall: - - = 0.93 109 8

+ +

8 - For slab: - - - 0.07 109 8 When the slab is considered fixed at the edge, the edge moment may be computed by multiplying pR2 by

The roof slab in Fig. 25 is first assumed to be fixed and a correction is then added for the effect of a moment applied at the edge. For illustration, consider a tank in which the joint at top of wall is discontinuous so the slab may be assumed to be hinged. Thc moments in the hinged slab may be computed by determining moments in a fixed slab, using coefficients in Table XII, and adding t o them the moments in a slab in which an edge moment of 0.125pR2 per ft. is app!ied. The most convenient way to do t h is to add 0.125 to al1 the coefficients in Table XII, both for radial and tangential momcnts, and then to multiply the modified coeicients by pR2. Note that the coefficient for radial moment at the edge becomes zero by the addition of 0.125, and the tangential moment becomes 0.100. These are the values for a slab hinged at the edge.


ri?,: r:.-*?itm :h: n,::!:,zr: . : slab equals 993 ft.1 b. pc: t : T


. .

. ,.


i ;:,. ..i!i:.

!;I*<cs! ilir:.i>~~ r;lrlial bars fo; p ~ s i i i \ . : ~f





moment cocfficients are thosc fc)r fixcci edge i:: ' I a h i c J5; 1; t o each of which musr be addrd a quAntir!- e q u a l r ; $- 900/pK2 = $- 900/625 X 13? = O.OOy. Thc cclefficirnts and moments are as follows, Point O.OR dcnoring the centcr and Point 1.OR theedge of slab. Multiply c o e ~ c i e n t s fiR2 = 625 X 132 = 105,600 per fr. by


.. . . . . . ..


--p .. ..


, / +

_ -

, .

i O.0Ii 0.111 0.2R '. ~0.075 -0.073 140.067


0.3R -0.057


0.4X +0.043

Add 0.003 Coef.: T ~ ~ IX O I T i n p I ! ~ d c 0.009 - .- .- ---. Ra.1 n m,. per it. tan^. nom. per ft. Ra,!. niom per seg:
p p

hii-:.ct!: T'oirir- :!.?l.:and 0.4R wlirre rhc I:!~C. n:~: l i s ciliximuni value. At Point 0 . 4 R , the i7?o!;>cnris 5,50Ci Fe; fr., and rhr length of t h t soncentric c ~ r c l r t ; r o u y h 0 . 4 R is 7 s ( 0 . 4 R ) = 21; >: 0.a X 13 = 32.7 f[. 3?-7M 32.7 X.5.5 = 13.g sq,in At Point 0 . 4 R : As = --- = ad 1.44X9.0 Use t h i r t y - t w o 0.5R 1 0.6R / 0.7K j 0.81: ( 0.9R ' !.DI( 1 ;a-in. round - hars(A,= 14.06). +o.o~!, ' -0.003 1 -0.023 / -0.053 ; -0.08; - 0.1?5: T h e dash l i n e i n F i g . 27 S ~ O W St h a t t h e radial moment per segment converaes toward " zcro at chr center. Actually, most of the radial bar5 musr bc extended close t o or across the center.


Radial mom. per f t of width

t .




0i4 0 s 0 6 ; :

4 Bars


4 Barc

FIG. 27

Total : 16-5/44 18'-3"long

The solid-line curves in Fig. 27 are for moments per ft. of width. The dash line indicates radial moments for a segment t h a t is 1 fr. wide a t t h e edge. Values on the dash line are obtained by multiplying the radial moment per ft. by the fraction indicating its distance from the center.'For example, multiply 12,300 by 1.0; 8,200 by 0 . 9 ; 4,700 by 0.8; and so forth. The maximum negative moment is 12,300 per ft.

Use S'minimum spacing where bar5 cross at center

FIG. 28

Use 1-in. round bars spaced 9% in. O.C.( A J = 1.00) i n t o p of slab and outside of wall a t corner. Total number required is 2nR,/9.5 = 2 n X 13 X 12/9.5 = 103, say, 104 bars. From Table 4 (Handbook**), for bd = 12 X 8%: F = 0.072, and K = M/F = 12.3/0.072 = 171. K = 236 is allowed for fJ/n/fc' = 20,000/10/3,000. I t is seen from the dash line in Fig. 27 that onehalf of the 104 t o p bars may be discontinued a t a distance from the inside of the wall equal t o 0.13R 12 diameters = 0.13 X 13 12 X 1.0/12 = 1.69 1.00 = 2.69 ft., say, 2 ft. 9 in. The other 52 t o p bars may be 12 diameters = discontinued a t a distance of 0.37R 0.37 X 13 12 X 1.0/12 = 4 . 8 - k 1.0 = 5.8ft., say, 5 ft. 10 in. from the inside of the wall. All these bars are placed radial.]y.

Fig. 28 shows one arrangement w i t h eight radial bars in each quadrant. Sixteen bars, 18 ft. 3 in. long, are required for the whole slab and are bent as shown, the minimum spacing at center being approximately 3 in. If desired, some of t h e bars in Fig. 28 rnay be discontinued in accordance w i t h the steel requirements represented by t h e dash line in Fi-g. 27. Note t h a t there are only t w o layers where the bars cross a t center in Fig. 28 and t h a t onlv four types of bent bars are required. Ring bars are proportioned so as to fit the tangential moment curve in Fig. 27. The radius of the smallest ring bar may be 1 ft. Maximum area is required near t h e center and equals A = - = J = 0.73 ad 1 . 4 4 X 8 . 5 Use ?.$-in. round bars spaced 10 in. O.C. Ring bar areas decrease graduallv roward Point 0 . 9 R . Inside this point, the bars are al1 'n t h e bottom, but outside, thep are in the top. Laps may be spliced in accordance w i t h code requirements, o r t h e joints may be welded.

'1 f r . widc ar cdgc. **RrinforcrdConrrrrr Drsign Handbook o[ rhr

Amrrjcaa Coricrrtr Itlrrzturr.


Section 12.

Rooc 5lab ,*i:b

C e n b e : iup?c.d

.- ;ir: ::lri. ,
J '




:o;.? disrriburioi?. The





si:ih 1s designed



\J. .:

= --. ?,:!:0;t

ir . i h . per fr.

FIG. 29

l n chis secrion the original rank dimensions pven in Secrions 4 through 10 wiIl be used. The rop slab 1s as sketched in Fig. 29. It is designed for a superimposed load of 500 lb. per sq.ft. Its thickness is 12 in., and i r has a drop paneI with 6-in. depth and 12-ft. diameter. The capital of the column has a diameter of r = 8 fr. Slab and wall are assumed t o be continuous. Data are presented in Tables XIR, XIV and XV for slabs with center support for the following ratios of capital to wall diameter: C / D= 0.05,0.10,0.15,0.20, and 0.25. The tables are for fixed and hinged edge as well as for a moment applied ar the edgc. The general procedure in this section is the same as in Secrion 11. First consider the edge fixed and compute fixed end moments. Then, distribute moments a t the edge, and finally, make adjustments for the change in edge moment. Al1 the table values are based on a uniform slab thickness. Adding the drop panel will have some effect, but it is believed that the'chantre is relativelv small " especially since the ratio of panel area t o total slab area is as small as 1 :20. The relative stiffness factors are 0.86 for the wall and 0.14 for the slab ( ~ c cScction 9). The radial fixed end moment equals the coefficient of -0.0490 from Table 'XIII (for C / D = 8/54 = 0.15 a t Point 1.OR) multiplied by pR2. Two values of p will be considered. For the slab, use p = 650, which gives -0.0490 X 650 X 2T2 = -23,200 ft.ib. per ft. Whcn therc is a surpressure on the liquid in the tank of 432 lb. per sq.ft., the combined downward load on the slab is p = ,650 - 432 = 218, and the fixcd cnd moment is -0.0490 X 218 X 272 = -7,800 ft.ib: per ft.

'Th: yrc)cedure is to design the slab for fixed e d ~ r (-23.200 i ~ . l h . ) 2 n d thcn add rhe effect of a rnorricn: . of 23,200 - 20,000 = 3,200 applied at rhe edgc. but first, shearing stresses are investigared. The column load is determined by multiplying coeficienrs taken from Table XVII hv pR2. \i7hen edge is fixed : 1.007 pR2 = 1.0C7 X 650 'b. 27: = 478,0001b. Effect of momrnr ar rdse: 9.29 M = 9.29 X 3,200 = 30,000 lb. Total colurnn load = 508,000 lb. Load on concrete in 30-in. round ried column:
0.225 X 3,000 X 0.8 XAg. = 382,000 lb. Balance: 508,000 - 382,000 = 126,000 lb. Use ten l-in. square bars. Radius of critical section for shear around capital is 48 18 - 1.5 = 64.5 in. = 5.37 ft. Length of this section is 2 r X 64.5 = 405 in. Load on area within the section is 650 X r X 5.372 = 59,000 lb. Unit shear equals v - 508,000 - 59,000 = 77 p.s.i. u=--0.875bd 0.875 X 405 X 16.5 Radius of critical section for shear around drop 12 - 1.5 = 82.5 in. = 6.88 f t . Length of panel is 7 2 rhis secrion is 2 r X 82.5 = 518 in. Load on area wirhin the secrion 1s 650 X r X 6.882 = 96.000 lb. Unir shear equals v 508,000 - 96,000 = 87 p.s.i. 1' = -0.875bd - 0.875 X 518 X 10.5 Shear at edge of wall: V = rpR2 - column load = ?r X650 X 272 - 508,000 = 1,489,000 - 508,000 = 981,000 lb. Unit shear is 981,000 u=-0.87561 - 0.875 X ?r X 2 X 27 X 12 X 10.5 = 52 p.s.i. The radial moments are computed by selecting coefficients for C / D = 0.15 from Tables XIII and XV, and multiplying them by pR2 = 650 X 272 = 474,000 per ft. (for fixed edge), and by M = 3,200 per fr. (for moment at edge).

This is used as basis for the moment distribution in Section 9 which results in a final edgc moment of -7,800 ( 1 - 0.14) = -6,700. The wall is designed for this moment with opposite sign combined with a

Radial moments in the last line are for a segment haring an arc 1 ft. long a t the edge (Point 1.OR). Thcy are obtained by multiplying the original momcnt per fr. by the fraction indicating its distance from the

!;.ni.. slat,. Ti:c rt:icc;ini: \,.,lohe used here for radia!

The rnorncTw ir. ::,c , v ! ? C . ne, c : .st arc plocred in Fig 3. Thc ni;!xirnsi~; ,,,,LaL~ve C ~ I T I L - ~ .-----~I ar the cencer occurs ac [he edge of rhe column capii :. Th circumference of the capital is ir fr., and thc tri:;!; maximum negative momenr around the edge i i 52.73,' X 6r = 1,425,000
:A,. .;,

-.,;)rr:c-n:~ a i r h t cnnir;l c,n>

. ;c;.,:-.i

co~il; prub:l!4!

>c r d ~ ~ ~,r,.: c .

, c..-'.,, r h c

*.-i;cnrial monienci ar hut [he\- are c:,:: .,~,i;hout the rer.:i...



:ii- r:: t! o ! i: ; .4:j.%X,

rhe capital \vili thrii ht r, (1


iiiomenc around - 0.28) 1,026,000 The strel area is


Fig 74 t h e

Use twenty-eight 1'4-in. square bars (AJ = 43.68) and arrange the bars in top of the slah as in Fig. 31.

Edge ofdrop panel

Radial moments ver cegrnent

Total: 14.

The theoretical moment across the section around the capital is larger than the moment that actually exists. It should be remembcred that the m,ment coficients in this section are computed for a slab that is assumed t o be fixed at the edge of the capital. Actually, the edge is not fixed, but it has some rotation and a reduction in the theoretical moment results. The problem of determining the actual moment at the capital is similar to that which exists in regular flat slab design. As a matter of fact, the region around the centcr column in the tank slab is stressed very much as in ordinary flat slab floor construction, so that the design should be practically identical in the column region of both types of structures. Westergaard* has worked out momcnts in flat slab in terms of the quantity: 0.125WL (1 - 2 ~ / 3 L ) ~ . In al1 modern codes, however, the coefficient of 0.125 is vcplaced by 0.09, a reduction of 28 per cent. Other adjustments made in such codcs introduce still greater reductions in some of the theoretical moments a t the column capital. Such modified design moments have been thoroughly investigated by numerous test loadings of flat slab floors and are generally accepted for use in design. In view of the facts discussed, it seems reasonable and conservative t o allow a 28 psr cent reduction in the theoretical moments around the center column of the

FIG. 31

Use 3Mrninimumspacing where bars croir at center

Across thr edge of the drop panel the moment is 20,000 per ft. at Point (6/27)R = 0.22R, or M = 127r X 20,000 X (1 0.28)= 543,000

The twenty-eight 1%-in. square bars are ample. Positive moment per segment is maximuin at Point 0.6R as indicatcd by the dash-line curve in Fig. 30. The total moment a t this point is M = 14,400 X 2 r X 0;6 X 27 = 1,465,000'

Use one hundred sixty B-in. round bars(AJ = 96). 27r X 0.6 X 27 X 12 Spacing a t Point 0.6R is =7.6 in. 160 Positive reinforcement may be discontinued at points 12 diameters beyond sections 0.30 X 27 = 8.1 ft. and 0.83 X 27 = 22.4 ft. from the center as shown by the curves in Fig. 30. The total over-al1 length of positive reinforcement is 22.4 - 8.1 2 X = 16.0 ft. If some of these bars are t o be made shorter [han 16 ft., use the dash-line curvc in Fig. 30 for determining where bars can br discontinued.

'"Morncnrs and Srrcsscs in Slabs", Procctdtng~ oj Amrricrn Co~rcrct, Inrrrrr~rc,1921, pagcs 41 5-538.



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