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Cultura II John Locke

The main ideas in John Locke's theory of natural rights and revolution are: "All

men are created equal": all individuals are equal. They are born with certain "Inalienable rights" which are the natural rights given by God and can never be
taken or given away, and "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness": individuals should be free to make choices about their own lives without interfering with the liberty of others and property was related with be the owner of one's self. According to revolution, he claimed that the purpose of government is to secure and protect the God-given inalienable natural rights of the societys members who must obey the laws. In case that a government persecutes them with abuses, they have the right to resist that government, alter or abolish it, and create a new political system. John Locke Similarities Theory of natural rights: "All men are created equal" "Inalienable rights" "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness A tyrant government can be resisted, altered or abolished by people who can create a new political system. All men are created equally means that all human beings are equal. They shared the same rights and duties. There must be respect among them because anyone has the power to control other peoples life. Although they may be powerful, they dont have the right to govern others in order to satisfy their own pleasures. In those times in which slavery was very common between the prestige social classes of America and owners of huge lands, this idea was not accepted by the society. There was a strong distinction between whites and blacks. Nowadays, we can see that this phrase of T. Jefferson is still being just a nice utopia because not all of us are considered equal. There are some social, economical, politics and ethnics differences which led to discrimination. For God we are all the same, he doesnt make differences among women and men. Thomas Jefferson

Cultura II John Locke

Dear Ms. Jefferson, The purpose of this letter is to let you know my opinion about equality and slavery. I agreed with you in many aspects, such as, slavery is wrong because nobody has the right to control the life of the members of the society and consider them as inferior people. There should not be ethnic or racial discrimination between human beings. As you have said All men are created equally. All of us having or not the same conditions should have the same opportunities. Also, I believe that people have the possibility to abolish a government which has been abusive for a long period of time. They can finish with this tyranny by creating a new political system which respect each member of the community and establish rights, laws and duties to achieve a well relationship not only between them, but also, between society and government. One of the things that I dont like is your behaviuor. It is not necessary to be rude when you are expressing the abusive actions. I can assume that you are against those abuses because it has affected many people of all ages but you dont have to be so aggressive. Remember that only with another attitude different from those tyrants we will change this situation plenty of violence. I hope this can be useful for you. Yours sincerely,

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