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St Thomas' Anglican Church

2002 Job Description

Sound System Manapement

Pur~ose: The purpose of the sound system in the church is to enhance the quality of sound throughout all spaces of the sanctuary and to assist in the ability to filly participate in worship for those who are hearing impaired. At the present time, a new sound board is being considered with twice the capacity of the current one. I t will have the ability to have a separate channel for all the ~nicrophonesin the sanctuary including the lectern and portable microphones. As this document would be redundant if the details of the present sound system were included, only general information and philosophy is presented.

General information: All the electronics are pre-set by Lance from Genesis. They need not and should not be changed The sound person must have an aptitude for music and quality of sound On a sound metre, the manager tries to keep the level at about 82 decibels for Tapestry. For the I 1 a.m. service, the sound is kept at about 65-66 decibels. Anyone wanting to work with the sound system MUST first be trained by Kent Heine and / or Neil Assmus. It is recommended that a "sound" person take the sound system course otTered through "Breakforth" each January or an equivalent Anyone wanting to be involved with the sound must also agree to follow a set of instructions and guidelines. Tampering and "fooling around" will not be tolerated.

Tinie Commitment: For Tapestry, the sound person must be at rehearsal on Sunday at 8: 15 a.m. to selections listen to the nuances of sound and determine where and in whicii ~nusical an adjustment be made to the mix or levels. At present the 1 I a.m. choir is not sound enhanced. However, they will be and the technician will have to attend the choir rehearsal to determine the same requirements for the choir as Tapestry. Weekly rehearsal for Tapestry is on Monday beginning at 7 p , m The technician and have all in readiness for rehearsal. To ensure has to set up the ~nicrophones this can happen, they will need to arrive at approximately 6:45 p.m. Following rehearsal, the sound technician puts the equipment away. He is usually there until 9:30 p.m.

St Thomas' Anglican Church

2002 Job Description

Aside from the rehearsals and services, the sound technician may be called upon to assist at weddings, recordings, soios, and special events such as the children's Christmas pageant for both rehearsals and the event. On road trips with Tapestry, the sound person(s) is responsible for all care, maintenance and set-up of the equipment In new environs, the sound person checks the buildings acoustics, electrical outlets, need for extension cords and helps determine the most advantageous configuration of the group. They are front line in doing public relations work.
Future Visions / Dreams: Train some of interested youth in how to manage the sound reproduction. The use of Powerpoint to enhance perfor~nance and professional quality.

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