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HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR SPEACIALIZATION A student specialized in Aerospace Science and Technology will have to be able to use new

theories and methods so as to create and innovate with the tools that he will dispose. The aerospacial industry is the pioneer one so what they do will be exported to other fields of engineer. These students will have to make space more near. I mean that they will have to bring the ways to make easier the travels to space. Satellites, rockets, spacecrafs will be more affordable so that we get closer to space as we got closer to the air some decades ago. A student will have the necessary knowledge to continue his studies beyond the Bachelor Degree in the domain of I+D+i and will be able to lead projects in each aeronautic matter. These students also will have to get acquainted to the ways of solving engineering problems that may appear daily. Each situation is different and all the experience they have will have to be applied. If you study a Bachelor Degree in Engineering- Aerospace Science and Technology you will have the chance to develop every innovative idea that society demands in order to become aerospace industry more and more progressive. A student who earned a Bachelor Degree in Air Transport and Airports has to be able to design a build airports and everything that this task involves like knowing how to configurate airport runways depending on the nature of the wind, control towers, access to the airport... An engineer has to select the most suitable place to build the airport having in consideration all the factors that may affect in the operation like distance to the city that the airport will supply, proximity to protected areas, meteorological phenomena... An engineer has also to plan which materials are the most adecuate to build airports, it is not the same to build an airport in Spain or in Sweden where it snows a lot. The engineer has also to be prepared to solve the problems that will appear when the city gets bigger and the airport has to absorb more people without getting overcrowded. Once the airport is built, the engineer will have the function of innovating so as to adapt the airport to new technologies of signaling runways, combining the air side and land side of the airport in order to make it more efficient... A student who earned a Bachelor Degree in Engineering Aerospace Propusion has to be able to produce engines, understanding and applying his knowledge to build them through its components. Nowadays, our environment requires new manners of designing engines, more eficient and with low fuel consumption. It would be very amazing to find out new engines not dependent on fuel so that aerospace vehicles could operate without harming the nature. Through the use of new materials, engineers should innovate engines to make them less heavy by replacing metals for composites among others. Going on

this idea they would have to look into so as to rethink the ways engines are built. I mean that possibly it would be better to reduce stages or change the existing ones. By the use of new computational methods of analysis, engineers have to find the ways of giving to each aerospace vehicle its most suitable engine, the one that produces the highest strength by consuming very little fuel. Finally, the engineer is the person who has to supervise and mantein this machines so that they are in their best conditions of use. Engineers also lead trials. A student who earned a Bachelor Degree in Engineering Aerospace Vehicles has to understand the design of a plane, which is the most common aerospace vehicle nowadays, so as to be able to build specific components of it. That involves main subjects such as Flight Mechanics or Aerodynamics. Composite materials are a field which is becoming more and more important replacing materials in many applications and components like aluminum so the knowledge and use of these is important. Not only in aerospace vehicles construction the aeronautical techniques and methods are used. Because of the fact that this industry is pioneer and highly innovative, it is being exported to other industries like clean energies in wind mills applying Aerodynamics or Aeroelasticity. A person specialized in Aerospace Vehicles has to be able to look for new ideas in order to find better ways of flying so as to try to reduce time of flight among other. This person has to engineer. Another function that they wold have to carry out is to revise and check aeroplanes, helicopters, satellites... so that these do not have any problems during their use, and if they had, to find the solution to the problems. Having studied a Bachelor Degree in Air Navigation and Aerospace Systems you are prepared to "create" the airspace. You can participate in the management of air paths so as to make the sky more suitable for planes to fly in. If you get specialized in Air Navigation and Aerospace Systems you will be able to operate and check the machines used in ground which are used by planes like radars, VOR, ILS... You will be prepared to undertake the EU directives so as to create the European Unique Sky with other engineers abroad. An engineer has to know how to solve problems which may appear when an airport gets congested in order to be able to redirect air traffic and not to create a mess. Sooner rather than later, Air Navigation is going to experience a significant change. Nowadays, more and more aircrafts are flying in the same space which is getting congested. Engineers will have the aim of making planes not so dependent on ground machines, controllers... Nevertheless, safety is the most important rule in aerospace industry and any change will have to be accompanied by it.

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