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It is inevitable, that Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, the constitution provides guarantees

to all its citizens to freely embrace his religion. This fact was received positively by the majority people of Indonesia and by the majority of community leaders and political parties, which currently has a large political influence. This freedom is the result of an agreement between parties that want a secular state and those who want the establishment of an Islamic state the days of preparation for independence. The dream of an Islamic political group forms of the state in which all laws, all public institutions and economic system based on 'Islamic teachings'. Meanwhile, minority religious groups, including Christians, just given the status of 'protected group', in other words second-class citizens. They will not have citizenship rights the same as citizens who are Muslims and this is what is feared. One specific symptoms which now appear in Indonesia is the emergence of various groups of Islamic radicals who are ready to impose his will by force of weapons. One of the serious human rights violations in the conflict HKBP in Bekasi is stabbing Lumbantoruan Sihombing. It should be noted that the present government and its officials in many cases do not fulfill their obligations to protect the rights of religious freedom guaranteed by the constitution. Massacre in areas of conflict, but also the destruction of church buildings in many places in Indonesia is a very sad proof. But the government's inability to provide protection, can not be interpreted as a new politics, but even more so is the result of the chaotic state of the country as a whole. Now the government is not only a lack of financial funds, but also seems to lack people who really are responsible for saving the state law. Because of neglect of the law, then the aggrieved is a weak society groups and religious minorities, who do not get protection in the face of fanatical groups. Faced with this worrying development that the Church did not remain silent. With a firm statement that the Church officially condemned the violence and demanded the government take steps to restore peace. The Church firmly asking people to not do any form of retaliation and for their faithful attention to economic and social difficulties of the surrounding neighbors of other faiths. Church specifically to enter into dialogue with representatives of Islam who are willing to talk to create an atmosphere of openness in opposing all forms of fanaticism. The Church believes, that the church buildings and its institutions can be destroyed, but people of faith can not be destroyed. What is important is not the relationship between the majority and religious minority groups. It is set in the future is, how the tussle between the tolerant Muslim majority group on the one hand and the fanatical Muslim minority and its sympathizers on the other. Whether Indonesia will become an open civil society and all citizens obtained the right to life guaranteed by the constitution to fit his religious beliefs respectively. Or whether the hard-line Islamic parties will work step by step to change the system of government into a religious dictatorship that made society into a closed and neglected. The vast majority of Indonesian people do not want this. We hope that the supporters of religious freedom for all groups managed to gather courage among the people and the political parties to deal with the fanatics firmly so that they can be dammed. Only in an open society and have freedom of religion, religious minorities will have a safe place.

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