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MONTH: April 2013 THEME/ TOPIC: 7 Sacraments TIME ALLOTED: 1.

5- 2 HOURS Objectives At the end of the activity, the children should: - Understand the seven sacraments of the Catholic faith. - Be aware of the special graces we receive through the sacraments - Enourage them to practice the sacraments of the church Go therefore and make disiples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age. - Mt 28: 19-20 15 mins Gathering and Teaching of songs 10 mins Opening Prayer / Kids Praise 20 mins Pep Talk 45 mins Activities 15 mins Processing / Conclusion/ Featured saint 10 mins Closing Prayer / KFL HEART Habits / Announcements Every Day Talk Outline: Jesus taught us many things. He taught us how to behave, how to love our parents and siblings and how to share with others. He also built our Church. He gave us a pope to make sure that His words were explained correctly. Jesus is really good! Because of that, we all want to follow Jesus and be like Him. We meet Jesus who is Life when the church welcomes, forgives, teaches, serves and works for justice and peace. Above all the church reveals jesus and makes presents his words and actions in the sacraments. We truly meet and experience Jesus in the sacraments of the

Anchor Bible Verse Schedule

Song for the month: Pep Talk

church. The sacraments of the church are the words and deeds of Jesus made preent to us today through signs and rites. They are the most important way for the church to show Jesus gift and celebration of life. There are seven sacraments the Church offers us. Some of them we only get once but others we can receive many times. They are Baptism , Confession , Confirmation , Holy Eucharist , Holy Matrimony , Holy Orders , Anointing of the Sick Baptism Baptism is the very first sacrament that you can receive. This is where all starts. When we are baptized, we become children of God, members the church, and are given eternal life. A person is only baptized once. A priest is the one baptizes. He pours water over the person that is being baptized. There are two important symbols in the sacrament of baptism: Water - the washing of sins Light - Christ Himself. Baptism washes away Original Sin that we inherited from our first parents, Adam and Eve. That sin keeps us away from God. The sacrament of baptism gives us new life and the chance to restore the grace of God in our lives. Confession This sacrament is a chance for us to confess our sins to God. God knows what sins we have committed and through this sacrament, we admit that we are aware of our sins. it of

When we go to confession, we tell our sins to the priest. This means that we are sorry for committing mistakes and we promise to try our best not to repeat those sins again. Through this, we receive God forgiveness and mercy. Confirmation The Sacrament of Confirmation is when the Holy Spirit comes to you in a special way and making you strong in faith. It means that are ready for the next stage of our Christian life. We receive the sacrament of Confirmation from the Bishop. He places his hands on us, prays, and blesses us with Holy Oil, which is called chrism. Through this sacrament we receive seven gifts, and graces from the Holy Spirit. These are: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and Fear of the Lord. Holy Eucharist The Eucharist is an important Sacrament of Church because it is a very special meal where we receive the body and blood of Christ under the appearance of bread and wine. We also call it the highest form of prayer that brings unity and love. Christians gather together as one family in the church to celebrate the Eucharist. We should receive this sacrament every Sunday and we are encouraged to receive it daily if we can. Holy Matrimony The sacrament of Holy Matrimony is when a man and woman get married. It is a sacrament of commitment that celebrates the presence of Jesus

who joins man and woman in love and friendship for life. It is a sign that blesses the promise of lifelong love and partnership between a man and woman, telling them to imitate the love between Jesus and his Church.

Holy Orders The Sacrament of Holy Orders or Priesthood is the sacrament that confers to baptized men who are chosen by the Church the grace to become bishops, priests or deacons to serve the other members of the Church. Being a sacrament of commitment, bishops, priests and deacons are ordained to become servant leaders in Gods family. They are given a special role to celebrate the sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation and together with the members of Gods Family to worship and pray to God. they are ordained to teach and preach the Good news of Gods love and to lead and serve the members of Gods family the Church, especially the poor and needy. Anointing of the Sick The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament that celebrates Christs healing presence in our lives. Through this sacrament, the risen Jesus through the church reaches out to bring strength, healing and forgiveness of persons who are ill, elderly or dying. This can be done at home, in the hospital or in the church. it is the priest or bishop who can give this sacrament. Game after the pep talk ( for all) Activity: Seven Sacraments True or False Game Materials:

Suggested Activities

2 boxes or 2 plastic pails with label True and False 2 medium size balls 10 or more questions about the 7 sacraments Mechanics: 1. Find big, empty containers such as boxes or plastic pails. 2. Label one container "True" and the other "False." 3. Find two small items that would be hard to put between your knees while walking, such as a medium size balls. Other items such as hair clips or ping pong balls also will do. 4. Divide your students into two groups and have them form two lines. Mark a starting line on which players will position themselves. 5. Place the two containers at least six feet from the starting line. Come up with questions related to the seven sacraments that can be answered true or false. 6. Give the small item to the two players in front of the line. 7. Read your question aloud. The group should choose the correct answer and have the first person in line put the small item between his knees and start walking toward the containers. Players should try their best to not let the item fall between their knees as this would immediately disqualify them. 8. Upon reaching the containers, they should drop the item from their knees into the appropriate container. Read out several questions and repeat the process. The team with the most correct answers wins.

Kids at Play and First Step Activity: Sacrament Bookmarks Materials: Old Folders Clear tape Old magazines Puncher Glue Different Ribbons Scissors Mechanics: 1. Find used folders that you can cut into bookmarks. Any old paper folder will do as long as it has no tears or creases.

2. Cut a 6-inch-x-2-inch rectangle out of the old folder. 3. Find old magazines with a variety of photos in them. 4. Pick a sacrament to interpret using the different pictures found in the old magazines. Use creativity in selecting pictures that relate to your chosen sacrament. 5. Glue the pictures like a collage on the front and back of the bookmark. You can also add text like "Sacrament of Baptism" and glue it on the bookmark. Once you have finished collating the pictures, put a layer of clear tape over the bookmark. 6. Punch a hole in the uppermost center of the bookmark and tie a ribbon onto the hole. You have recycled old materials to create a personalized bookmark that will always
remind you of the seven sacraments.

Foot Steps

Activity: Sacrament Bingo Game Materials: BINGO card Strips of paper Pens 2 fish bowls
Mechanics 1. Imitate the look of a bingo card by drawing five columns and five rows of boxes on a piece of paper. The number of papers will depend on the number of participants. Set these bingo cards aside. 2. Cut small pieces of paper and write down the letters B, I, N, G and O. Roll the papers so that no one can see them and put them in a bowl. 3. Write the seven sacraments on small pieces of paper. Roll them and put them inside another bowl. 4. Give each participant a bingo card and pen. Instruct them to write down a sacrament in each box. Give the children a copy of the seven sacraments to choose from, if needed. 5. Start the game by picking a rolled paper from the bowl where the letters are contained. Then, pick a rolled paper from the bowl where the sacraments are contained. Say the letter out loud and then the sacrament. Have the participants mark the corresponding boxes. Continue calling out letters and sacraments until you have a winner. The first to complete a horizontal

line wins.



Step Up
Activity 1: Match the Sacrament Materials :

2 chairs Pen strips of paper Mechanics: 1. Have the children form a line. Prepare chairs for them to sit on later in the game. 2. Write each of the seven sacraments on a strip of paper. On another set of strips, write down statements corresponding to each sacrament. For example: baptism - beginning of a new life. 3. Have each participant pick a strip of paper. Then instruct them to find their matches (the sacrament and the description) on your go signal. 4. Once they have found their pair, let them sit side by side. Once everyone is seated, tell them that each pair should go in front and read the strips they have. Do this until everyone is finished. If there are more than 14 people joining, you could repeat the sacrament and have several descriptions for it. Activity 2 : Sacrament Charades Mechanics 1. Divide the group into teams of four or five. 2. Choose one person from the first group. Give this person the name of one of the sacraments. 3. The person must act out the sacrament without using any sounds, letters or numbers as teammates guess the sacrament. If they guess the correct sacrament within one minute, that team wins a point. The next team then takes a turn. Choose the number of points needed to win by the amount of time allotted to play the game. Add difficulty by asking the children to define the sacrament once it has been guessed

After the activities gather the step up for a small group sharing. Household Start-up Discussion 1. As a young adult do you put in to practice some of the sacraments? 2. Do you go to confession regularly ? 3. Do you listen atentively to the mass?

Know the Saint ST. Josemaria Escriva

St. Josemara Escriv (1902 - 1975)

He is a Spanish Priest who founded the Opus Dei, which means Work of God. Opus Dei is an organization of laypeople and priests dedicated to the teaching that everyone is called to holiness and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity. When St. Josemara was a teenager, he saw footprints in the snow left by a monk walking barefoot. This inspired him to become a priest! He wrote many books and gave talks, teaching about prayer, mortification and holiness in ordinary life and work. His feast day is on 26 June.

Processing/ Conclusion

Just like the celebrations that are important to us like birthdays, christmas or family reunions, the sacraments are also celebrations of the church that we should look forward to. The church as Gods family has its own celebrations that correspond to the way we grow and mature. Thus we celebrate the sacraments in faith through active, full and conscious participation. Through these sacraments, we receive the grace to become faithful children of God.

Activity for Foot Steps Bingo Card B I

Baptism Anointing of the Sick Holy Orders Holy Eucharist

Holy Eucharist

Holy Eucharist

Anointing of the Sick Baptism

Confessio Holy n Matrimon y

Confess ion Holy Euchari st Holy Matrim ony

Confirma tion Baptism


Confirmat ion


Anointing Baptism of the Sick Confirma tion Anointing of the Sick

Holy Eucharist Confirmati on

Holy Orders

B Baptism Holy Eucharist Confessio n Holy Matrimon y

I Confirmat ion Anointing of the Sick Baptism

N Confessio n Holy Orders FREE

G Holy Eucharist Holy Matrimon y Confirmat ion Anointing of the Sick

O Baptism Anointing of the Sick Holy Orders Confirma tion

Holy Eucharist

Confirmat ion

Confirmat ion

Confessio n


Holy Matrimon y

Confessio n

B Confirmati on Holy Eucharist Confessio n

G Anointing of the Sick Holy Eucharist Confessio n

O Confirmati on Confessio n Baptism

Holy Confessio Matrimony n Anointing of the Sick Confirmati on Baptism



Confessio n

Anointing of the Sick

Confirmati on

Holy Eucharist

Anointing of the Sick

Holy Holy Matrimony Eucharist

Holy Anointing Matrimony of the Sick

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