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green complex

yeil klliyesi

Yeil Klliyesi
Bursann simgelerinden biri olan Yeil Trbenin de iinde bulunduu; cami, medrese, imaret ve hamamdan oluan Yeil Klliyesi, Sultan Yldrm Bayezidin olu Sultan elebi Mehmed tarafndan 1419 da yaptrlmtr. Kurulduu semte ismini veren yaplar topluluu, Bursada en fazla ziyaret edilen tarihi ve dini mekanlarn banda gelmektedir.

Green Complex (Yeil Klliyesi)

Green Complex which is composed of a mosque, a madarasaa (Moslem theological school), a public soup-kitchen and a Turkish bath and which includes the Green Tomb (Yeil Trbe), one of the symbolic monuments of Bursa, has been constructed in 1419 by Sultan elebi Mehmed, the son of Sultan Yldrm Beyazid. This group of buildings, which gave the name to the region that they are located, is the most visited historical and religious place in Bursa.

Green Mosque (Yeil Cami)

Green Mosque is one of the masterpieces of the early Ottoman architecture; the construction of the Green Mosque has started in 1419 by the order of elebi Sultan Mehmed in Yeil District overlooking the Bursa plain. The architect of this mosque that is covered with domes and constructed with smooth cut stones and marble is Hajji vaz Pasha (Hac vaz Paa). The marble portal covered with scriptures and rich ornaments is one of the most beautiful samples of Ottoman stone works. The surroundings of the main portal are covered with rumi patterns and the low arch is enriched with pendants. Some parts have flower ornaments, which are carved spirally. All lunettes are covered with unique embossed flower ornaments. The surroundings of the door frontal are covered with the Prophet Mohammads deeds. The mosque is based on a reverse T-plan and the faade is made of marble. There are four ornamented windows, which have two mihrabs and four niches with railings. The windows of the Green Mosque are among the most beautiful examples of ornamental stonework in Turkey. There are interesting unfinished scriptures around windows. The entrance to the mosque is via a vestibule that is 2-3 meters long. There are two Byzantine columns inside this vestibule. This vestibule opens to side rooms at the eastern and western parts, which are cross-vaulted, the low entrances opens to the middle chamber. The greater part of the Green Mosque is covered with tiles. The most important feature of the mosque is the tiles. It is called Green Mosque because of the turquoise color used in the ornaments. The gathering place for the muezzin is also covered with tiles to the Bursa arc. The place of the Sultan is also covered with magnificent tiles. The pendant tiles at the place of the Sultan are designed as flowers. The fence of this place made of tiles is also regarded as a masterpiece. In the first part of the main area covered with two domes there is a water fountain made from a single marble block. This fountain had a magnificent and very thin sprinkler, which was unfortunately stolen recently. The mihrab of the mosque decorated with tiles is a masterpiece. The mihrab, which is higher than 10 meters and decorated with geometric motifs and flowers, is regarded as the summit of the tile works. The iron parts used in doors, windows and cupboards are skillfully crafted. There is no final community place in Green Mosque. It is believed that the construction of it had started however was not completed due to the sudden death of the Sultan. There are assertions that the Green Mosque has been constructed as a council of state. The minarets of the mosque have been reconstructed in the 19th century.

Yeil Cami
Yeil semtinde Bursa ovasna bakan srtta Sultan elebi Mehmed tarafndan 1419 ylnda ina ettirilmeye balanan cami, erken Osmanl mimarisinin ba yaptlarndan biridir. zeri kubbelerle rtlm, duvarlar dzgn kesme ta ve mermer kullanlarak ina edilen camin mimar Hac vaz Paadr. Zengin sslemeler ve hatlarla kapl mermer ta

kaps, Osmanl ta iiliinin en gzel rneklerindendir. Ana kapnn etraf rumi motifle bezenmi, bask kemeri sarktlarla zenginletirilmitir. Baz blmleri ise iek dizisi ve sarmal biimli oymaldr. Kemer aynalarnn her birinde farkl olmak zere kabartma iek motifleriyle sslenmitir. Kap alnlnn etraf hadis hatlar ile erevelidir. Ters T planl, kanatl camilerden olan Yeil Caminin cephesi, mermerdendir. Ssl drt pencerede iki ufak mihrapk ve drt korkuluklu ni grlr. Yeil Cami pencereleri, Trkiyedeki antsal ta iiliinin en gzel rneklerindendir. Pencere etrafnda bir blm yarm braklan yazlar dikkati eker. Camiye 2-3 metre uzunluundaki bir koridordan geilerek girilir. Koridorun gerisinde Bizans balkl ikier stun yer alr. Bu koridor dou ve bat ucunda st tonoz rtl yan odalara alrken, alak giriin ardndan orta mekna ulalr. Yeil Caminin byk blm ini ile kapldr. ini sslemeler caminin en nemli zelliidir. Sslemede kullanlan firuze rengi inilerden dolay Yeil Cami adyla anlmaktadr. Caminin mezzin mahfili Bursa kemerlerinin stne kadar ini ile kapldr. Hnkr mahfili de muhteem ini sslemelere sahiptir. Hnkar mahfilindeki sarkt halindeki iniler icek grnmndedir. Mahfilin korkuluu da ini harikas olarak gsterilir. ki kubbe ile rtl ana meknn ilk blmndeki adrvann yekpare mermerden yaplan esiz incelikteki fskiyesi maalesef son yllarda alnmtr. Caminin mihrab ise bir ini aheseridir. Geometrik motiflerle, ieklerin yer ald on metreden yksek olan mihrap camideki ini iiliinin zirvesidir. Camideki kap, pencere ve dolaplardaki ahap iilii ile kullanlan demir aksam da son derece usta iidir. Yeil Camide son cemaat yeri yoktur. Buna inaat srasnda baland fakat Sultann ani lmyle yaplamad sanlmaktadr. Yeil Caminin Divan Meclis Dairesi olarak da dnld ve buna gre yapld konusunda da iddialar vardr. Caminin minareleri 19. yzylda yeniden yaplmtr.

Yeil Trbe
Bursann en nemli simgelerinden biri olan ve kentin sembol haline gelen Yeil Trbe, klliyenin bir baka yaptdr. Yeil Trbe, 1421 ylnda Sultan elebi Mehmet tarafndan yaptrlmtr. Yeile alan inilerle kapl olduu iin bu isimle anlmaktadr. Yeil Caminin olduu gibi trbenin mimar da Hac vaz Paadr. Trbe, sekiz keli plan ve alt kattaki mezar odas ile Seluklu kmbetlerinin devam grnmndedir. En dar yz 8.45 metre, en geni yz 8.87 metre olan sekizgen yapy, sekiz pencereli, yksek bir kasnaa oturan kurun kapl kubbe rtmektedir. Beden yzleri beyaz mermerden yaplmtr. ereve ve ayaklar 3.5 metre akl bulunan zengilerle bota duran sivri kemerleri tamaktadr. Gney ve kuzey cepheleri haricindekilerde dikdrtgen byk pencereler ile sivri kemerli al pencereler vardr. Pencere alnlklarndaki inilerde ayet ve hadisler yazldr. Gnmze ok az deiikliklerle gelen cephe, giriin dousundaki ilk yzdedir. Trbenin ceviz aacndan oyulmu kaps Osmanl ahap iiliinin en muhteem rneklerinden biridir. Rozet, rumi ve geometrik motiflerle oya gibi ilenen kapnn Bursa kemeri cumbas ve evresi ini kapldr. Trbenin iindeki renkli sr ve mozaik ini sslemeleri de esiz gzelliktedir. Trbe gnmze ulaan en muhteem inili mihraba sahiptir. Renkli ve geometrik motifli inilerle bezenmi olan mihrap, bir sanat aheseri olarak kabul edilir. Trbe iinde bulunan elebi Sultan Mehmedin sandukas sekiz keli, yanlar mermer, st ini kaplamadr. Sandukay kaplayan beyaz, mavi, sar, lacivert inilerin zerine yazlar bezenmitir. elebi Sultan Mehmedin sandukasnn etrafnda oullar Mustafa, Mahmud ve Yusuf, kzlar Seluk Hatun ve Sitti Hatun ile Aye Hatun ve dads Daya Hatunnun inili sandukalar bulunmaktadr.

Green Tomb

(Yeil Trbe)

Green Tomb, which is one of the most important symbols of the city, is another monumental building of the complex. Sultan elebi Mehmet got Green Tomb constructed in 1421. It is called Green Tomb because of the greenish tiles that cover the building. The architect of the tomb is Hajji vaz Pasha who also designed the Green Mosque. The tomb is built on an octagonal plan and the burial vault at the lowest floor resembles Seljuk vaults. The narrowest faade is 8,45 meters and the largest faade is 8,87 meters; there are eight windows on the octagonal building and the tomb is crowned with a spherical dome build at a high level and covered with lead. Faades are made of white marble. Frames and feet are carrying sharp pointed arcs, which are 3,5 meters long. There are large rectangle windows and plaster cast windows with lancet arches at the walls excluding the south and northern faades. The tiles used for window pediments are covered with verses of the Koran and Prophet Mohammads deeds. The faade, which has survived with minimum changes, is located at the eastern first part of the entrance. The carved door made of walnut tree is one of the greatest examples of Ottoman wood ornaments. The Bursa fascia pavilion and the surroundings are covered with tiles and the door has rosette, rumi and geometric ornaments. The colored glazing and mosaic tile ornaments in the tomb are uniquely beautiful. The tomb has a mihrab with extraordinary tiles survived to our day. The mihrab with colorful and geometric tiles is considered as an artistic masterpiece. The sarcophagus of elebi Sultan Mehmed located in the tomb is octagonal; the sides are made of marble and the top is covered with glazed tiles. Inscriptions are written on the white, blue, yellow and navy blue tiles of the sarcophagus. Around the sarcophagus of elebi Sultan Mehmed there are sarcophaguses with glazed tiles of his sons Mustafa, Mahmud and Yusuf and his daughters Seluk Hatun, Sitti Hatun and Aye Hatun and also Daya Hatun the governess of elebi Sultan Mehmed.

(Yeil Medrese) (The Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art)

Green Madarasaa, which is one of the first madarasaas (Moslem theological school) of the Ottomans, is also called as the Sultaniye and elebi Mehmed Madarasaa. This building located within the Yeil Complex resembles the madarasaas with patios (iwan) of Anatolian Seljuks. The madarasaa where many famous scholars have attended has been constructed in 1414-1424 by architect Hajji vas Pasha. The madarasaa has been completed after the sudden death of the Sultan. One can reach the courtyard through a door with a lancet arch at the entrance iwan covered by a cross vault and located at the northern part. The porticos located at three sides of the iwan have lancet arches. There is a large courtyard in the building and at the center there is a pool made out of marble. There is a classroom with an open iwan at the south and there are two small iwans at two sides and 13 rooms. The larger iwan is located on a octagonal rim and is covered with a lead dome. Other iwans are covered with roof tiles and have saw-teeth eaves. Two stairs that are 1.2 meters wide at

Green Madarasaa

Yeil Medrese

(Trk slam Eserleri Mzesi)

lk Osmanl medreselerinden olan Yeil Medrese, Sultaniye ve elebi Mehmed Medresesi adyla da anlr. Yeil Klliyesi bnyesinde yer alan bu yapt Anadolu Seluklularnn ak avlulu (eyvanl) medreselerinin devam grnmndedir. Birok nl bilgin yetitiren medrese Mimar Hac vaz Paa tarafndan 14141424 yllar arasnda ina edilmitir. Sultann ani lm zerine sonradan tamamlanmtr. Kuzeydeki yldz tonoz ile rtl giri eyvanndan sivri kemerli bir kap ile avluya girilir. Avluyu taraftan eviren revaklar sivri kemerlidir. Yapnn ortasnda geni bir avlusu, merkezinde ise mermerden bir havuzu bulunmaktadr. Gneyde yksek ak eyvanl bir dershane, iki yanda ise birer ufak eyvan ile 13 oda yer almaktadr. Geni eyvan sekizgen kasnak zerine oturur ve kurun kapl kubbeyle rtldr. Dier eyvanlar ise kiremitle rtl ve kirpi saakldr. Yanlardaki 1.2 metre geniliindeki iki merdiven ve yarm braklan ksmlar medresenin bata iki katl planlandn gstermektedir. Medrese odalarnn nnde avluyu taraftan eviren revaklar yer almaktadr. Odalarn tavanlar apraz tonozludur. Batdaki firuze ve beyaz inilerle kapldr. Tavan beyaz, lacivert ve sar renklerle yaplm geometrik rg motifi ile bezenmi, pencere aynalar ise dama motifi eklinde inilerle sslenmiti. 1975 ylndan beri Trk slam Eserleri Mzesi olarak faaliyet gsteren medresede, 12. yzyldan 20. yzyla kadar uzanan; maden, seramik, ahap, ileme, silah, el yazmas kitaplar, slami sikkeler, slami kitabeler ve mezar talar ile eitli etnografik eserler sergilenmektedir. Medrese 2000li yllarn banda nemli bir onarmdan gemitir.

both sides and unfinished parts show that the madarasaa has been originally planned two-storey. In front of the madarasaa rooms there are porticos that cover the iwan from three sides. The ceilings of the rooms are cross-vaulted. The one of the western part is covered with white and turquoise tiles. The ceiling is covered with a geometrical braiding design in white, navy blue and yellow and the window faces are covered with checker pattern tiles. The madarasaa which is used as the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts since the year 1975 has various materials in exhibition such as metal, ceramic, wooden art pieces, ornaments, weapons, hand written books, Islamic coins, Islamic epigraphs and grave stones and other ethnographic materials. The madarasaa was thoroughly repaired during the beginning of the year 2000.

Yeil mareti
Yeil Caminin gney dousunda yer alan imaretinin byk bir blm gnmze ulaamamtr. elebi Sultan Mehmedin yaptrd imarette kendisinin de bizzat fakirlere yemek datt bilinmektedir. Restore edilen yapnn imaret ve yemekhane blmne ait duvarlar ayakta durmaktadr.

Green Public Soup Kitchen

A large proportion of the soup kitchen located at the southeastern part of the Green Mosque has not survived to our day. It is known that elebi Sultan Mehmed has personally served food to the poor in this building, which was constructed also by his order. The walls of the soup kitchen and the mess hall of the building, which was restored, are standing.

Yeil Hamam
Yeil Caddesinde Yeil Caminin karsnda yer alan hamam Fatih Sultan Mehmed dneminde 1480li yllarda yaptrlmtr. nce soukluk ksmna oradan da ufak, tek kubbeli ve yanlar tonozla rtl eyvanl gbek tana geilir. Gnmzde ticaret merkezi olarak kullanlmaktadr.

Green Bathhouse
The bathhouse located in Yeil Street in front of the Green Mosque was constructed in 1480 during the reign of Fatih Sultan Mehmed. There is a cool room at the entrance and beyond the cool room a central massage platform on a small iwan with squinch supporting a single dome. The bathhouse is used as a commerce center today..

w w w . b u r s a . g o v. t r

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