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Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma

PROPERTIES OF MATTER Characteristics 1. Distance between molecules 2. Attraction force between molecules 3. Molecular Motion 4. Compressibility 5. Shape / volume SOLID Very close Very strong LIQUID Farther than solid Less stronger than in solid Translational GAS Very far Weak


Random Compressible Follow shape of container Least

Incompressible Incompressible Definite Follow shape of container Average

6. Total number of particles per unit volume


SPECIFIC PROPERTIES OF MATTER 1. Hardness Ability to oppose change in shape and to scratch other substances 2. Britleness ability crumble when subjected to a blow. 3. Luster ability of a substance to shine 4. Malleability ability of a material to hammered into thin sheets 5. Ductility ability of a material to be drawn into fine wires 6. Elasticity ability of an object to be stretched out can be formed again to its original form 7. Porosity the ability to absorb liquid 8. Flexibility ability to bent without breaking 9. Solubility ability of matter to be dissolved in another material Cohesion-force of attraction between the same kind of molecules Adhesion -force of attraction between unlike molecules Density-total number of particles per unit volume. Unit System Mass Volume Density mks cgs fps Kg g slug m3 Kg / m3

cc/mL/cm3 g / cc or mL ft3 / in3 slug/ft3 / in3

SPECIFIC DENSITY Ratio / relative density; the ratio of the density of a substance to the standard substance Specific gravity (substance) = density (substance) / density (standard substance) Water is the standard substance for SOLID and LIQUID Density Water cgs Mks Fps 1 g / cm3 1000 kg / m 62.4 lb / ft3

water at 4 C (or, more precisely, 3.98 C, which is the temperature at which water reaches its maximum density). In SI units, the density of water is
3 3

(approximately) 1000 kg/m or 1 g/cm ,

AIR is the standard substance for gas. The relative density of gases is often measured with respect to dry air at a temperature of 20 C and a pressure of 101.325 kPa absolute, which has a density of 1.205 kg/m3. Static Fluids Static Fluids Fluids are substances, such as liquids and gases, that have no rigidity. A fluid lacks a fixed shape and assumes the shape of its container. In the liquid state, molecules can flow; they freely move from position to position by sliding over one another. Pressure The pressure P acting on a fluid is the force exerted perpendicularly per unit of the fluids surface area Unit of pressure is the N/m2 or Pascal; 1 N/m2 = 1 Pa (Pascal). Atmospheric pressure at sea level is 1 atmosphere (atm) = 1.013 x 105 Pa. 1 atm = 14.7 lb/in2. Pressure in a Liquid. A liquid in a container exerts forces against the walls and bottom of the container. For a liquid in a container, the pressure the liquid exerts against the bottom of the container is the weight of the liquid divided by the area of the container bottom. Density Density D of a substance is its mass per unit volume; Objects composed of the same substance, whatever the size or mass, have the same density under the same conditions of temperature and pressure. Temperature and pressure affect the density of substances, appreciably for gases, but only slightly for liquids and solids. Density How much a liquid weighs and how much pressure it exerts depends on its density.

P1 = P 2

For the same depth, a denser liquid exerts a greater pressure than a less dense liquid. For liquids of the same density, the pressure will be greater at the bottom of the deeper liquid. Columnar Fluid Pressure (sometimes called gauge pressure) pressure due to a column of fluid of height h and mass density D; The pressure of a liquid at rest depends on the density and depth of the liquid. Liquids are practically incompressible, so except for changes in the temperature, the density of a liquid is normally the same at all depths. Columnar Fluid Pressure At a given depth, a given liquid exerts the same pressure against any surface - the bottom or sides of its container, or even the surface of an object submerged in the liquid to that depth. Pressure a liquid exerts depends only on its density and depth. Total pressure (or absolute pressure) P on a submerged surface equals the pressure the liquid exerts plus the atmospheric pressure Po (1 atm = 1.013 x 105 Pa) . Fluid Pressure Pressure of a liquid does not depend on the amount of liquid. Neither the volume or total weight of the liquid matters. If you sampled water pressure at 1 m beneath a large lake surface and 1 m beneath a small pool surface, the pressure would be the same. The fact that water pressure depends on depth and not on volume is illustrated by Pascal vases. Water surface in each of the connected vases is at the same level. Occurs because the pressures at equal depths beneath the surface are the same. Fluid Pressure At any point within a liquid, the forces that produce pressure are exerted equally in all directions. Forces Exerted By a Fluid When the liquid is pressing against a surface there is a net force directed perpendicular to the surface. If there is a hole in the surface, the liquid initially moves perpendicular to the surface. At greater depths, the net force is greater and the horizontal velocity of the escaping liquid is greater. Transmission of Pressure: Pascals Principle. Pascals Principle: A CHANGE IN PRESSURE IN A CONFINED FLUID IS TRANSMITTED WITHOUT CHANGE TO ALL POINTS IN THE FLUID. Ex. Hydraulic lift. Hydraulic piston apparatus uses an incompressible fluid to transmit pressure from a small cylinder to a large cylinder. According to Pascals Principle, the pressure in the small cylinder resulting from the application of F1 to a frictionless piston is transmitted undiminished to the larger piston. Transmission of pressure: Pascals Principle.

A2 is larger than A1, so the force exerted by the large piston is greater than the force exerted on the small piston. AMA (actual mechanical advantage) for hydraulic lift: Transmission of pressure: Pascals Principle. The figure shows a hydraulic system used with brakes. The force F is applied perpendicularly to the brake pedal. The brake pedal rotates about the axis shown in the drawing and causes a force to be applied perpendicularly to the input piston in the master cylinder. The resulting pressure is transmitted by the brake fluid to the output plungers which are covered with the brake linings. The linings are pressed against both sides of a disc attached to the rotating wheel. Buoyancy Buoyancy: the apparent loss of weight of objects when submerged in a liquid. Easier to lift objects under water surface than to lift it above the water surface. When submerged, water exerts an upward force that is opposite in direction to gravity. Upward force called the buoyant force. Buoyancy Forces exerted by liquid produce pressure against the submerged object. Forces are greater at greater depths; forces are equal at the same depth on opposite sides of the object. Forces acting upward on the bottom of the object greater than those acting downward on top of the object, simply because the bottom of the object is deeper. Difference in upward and downward forces is the buoyant force, B. Fs refers to the force the scale exerts on the mass m. You may also refer to Fs as the tension in a supporting string. Buoyancy If the weight of the object is greater than the buoyant force, the object will sink (as in figure a). If the weight of the object is equal to the buoyant force, the net force on the object is zero and the submerged object will remain at any level (as in figure b). If the weight of the object is less than the buoyant force, the object will rise to the surface and float. Buoyancy When an object is submerged in a liquid, the liquid level will rise. Liquid is displaced or moved elsewhere. The volume of the liquid displaced is equal to the volume of the submerged object. A completely submerged object always displaces a volume of liquid equal to its own volume. Archimedes Principle When an object is immersed in a fluid, it appears to weigh less. Archimedes Principle: THE BUOYANT FORCE EXERTED ON A BODY WHOLLY OR PARTLY IMMERSED IN A FLUID IS EQUAL TO THE WEIGHT OF THE FLUID DISPLACED BY THE BODY. Archimedes Principle applies to both liquids and gases, which are fluids. Immersed refers to either completely or partially submerged. Archimedes Principle Buoyant force: upward force on the object when it is immersed in water.

The buoyant force (BF) is the weight of the displaced fluid - not the weight of the submerged object. BF = (mass in air - mass in fluid)gravity BF = weight of displaced fluid = mg = DVg Apparent weight of a submerged object is its weight in air minus the buoyant force. Apparent weight = mg BF = mg - DVg Flotation Principle of Flotation: A FLOATING OBJECT DISPLACES A WEIGHT OF FLUID EQUAL TO ITS OWN WEIGHT. A simple relationship between the weight of a submerged object and the buoyant force can be found by considering their ratio: Flotation Shipbuilding and the principle of flotation: A solid 1-ton block of iron is nearly 8 times as dense as water, so when it is submerged, it will displace 1/8 ton of water (not an amount equal to 8 tons of water). Reshape the iron block into a bowl and submerge, displaces a greater volume of water. The deeper the bowl is immersed at the surface, the more water is displaced and the greater is the buoyant force exerted on the bowl. Flotation When the weight of the displaced water equals the weight of the bowl - flotation. Flotation occurs when the weight of the bowl equals the buoyant force. Every ship must be designed to displace a weight of water equal to its own weight. Submarines: Displace a weight of water equal to its own weight, it remains at a constant depth. Displaces a weight of water greater than its own weight, rises. Displaces a weight of water less than its own weight, sinks. Buoyancy in Two Liquids of Differing Density If you have an object submerged in two liquids of different density, such that the upper portion of the object is located in the upper liquid and the lower portion of the object is located in the lower liquid, the total buoyant force on the object is equal to the weight of the object (BF = DVg). Ex. A piece of wood floating partially in water and partially in oil. The density of the oil is less than the density of the water. If d is the height of the object, let y = the portion of the object in the more dense liquid and d-y = the portion of the object in the less dense liquid. Buoyancy in Two Liquids of Differing Density Gravity cancels out. This equation can then be solved for the unknown variable. Pressure Example

Water is to be pumped to the top of the Empire State Building, which is 366 m high. What gauge pressure is needed to raise the water to a height of 366 m? The density of water is 1000 kg/m3. Buoyant Force An object weighing 300 N in air is immersed in water after being tied to a string connected to a balance. The scale now reads 265 N. Immersed in oil, the object appears to weigh 275 N. A. Find the density of the object. Buoyant Force B. Determine the density of the oil. The densest element, osmium has a specific gravity of 22.5 a). What is the weight of a cubic inches of Osmium. b). What is the volume of 150 lb of this metal? An electric tin plating process gives a tin coating that is 7. 5 x 10-5 cm thick. How large is an area can be coated in this way? (mass density of tin is 7.3 g/cm3 ).

ELASTICITY Is the property of matter at which a body return to its original size and shape when the force that deformed it are removed. ELASTIC OBJECTS Objects when stretch or compressed return to its original size and shape when the distorting force is removed. NOTE: Cohesion of a substance determine its elasticity. The stronger the cohesive forces between particles in the substance the more elastic it is. BREAKING POINT Condition where solid materials are deformed beyond the elastic limit HOOKES LAW Within the elastic limit the distortion in an object is directly proportional to the distorting force.

Where: K = proportionality constant F = distorting force L = elongation STRESS distorting force applied per unit area.

FORMS OF STRESS: Tension / tensile stress-Force that tends to pull the atoms or molecules of an object apart. Compression or compressive stress - Force that tends to bring the atom or molecules of an object closer together. Shear stress-Force that tends to cause the atoms or molecules to slide over one another. Strain change in dimension (deformation) that the object undergoes as a result of stress.

HOOKES LAW- Strain is directly proportional to stress.

MODULUS OF ELASTICITY The coefficient that relates a particular type of stress to the strain that results.

ELASTIC LIMIT -Smallest value of the stress required to produce a permanent distortion in a body when a stress is excess of this limit is applied. -The body will not return exactly to its original state after the stress is removed.

YOUNG MODULUS () = Length elasticity

BULK MODULUS () = Volume elasticity

SHEAR MODULUS (s) = shape elasticity

BUOYANT FORCE *Loss of weight of an object when submerged to a fluid. *Weight in air weight in fluid Buoyant Force is dependent on the density of the fluid displaced (The higher the density of the fluid, the greater is the buoyant force) BUOYANT FORCE *If gravity is greater than buoyancy, the object sinks. *If gravity is less than buoyancy, the object floats. *Water expands upon freezing by 10% *Density of Ice is 0.9g/cm^3 *Ice floats 10% above the water

Measuring Heat Energy Energy and Nutrition HeatEnergy that flows from something warm to something cooler A hotter substance gives KE to a cooler one When heat is transferred (lost or gained), there is a change in the energy within the substance Questions: A. When you touch ice, heat is transferred from your hand to the ice B. When you drink a hot cup of coffee, heat is transferred from the coffee to your mouth C. When you heat 200 g of water for 1 minute, the water temperature rises from 10C to 18C. If you heat 400 g of water at 10C in the same pan with the same amount of heat for 1 minute, what would you expect the final temperature to be? 14C *Heating twice the mass of water using the same amount of heat will raise the temperature only half as much. Heat is measured in calories or joules 1 kcal = 1000 cal 1 calorie = 4.18J 1 kJ = 1000 J cal/gC water 1.00 aluminum 0.22 copper 0.093 silver 0.057 gold 0.031

J/gC 4.18 0.90 0.39 0.24 0.13

A. A substance with a large specific heat heats up slowly B. When ocean water cools, the surrounding air warms C. Sand in the desert is hot in the day, and cool at night. Sand must have a Measuring Heat Requires: a. Grams of substance b. Temperature change T c. Specific heat of the substance Calculating Heat mass x temp. change x grams x T x LAW OF HEAT EXCHANGE Q = mcT Q loss = Q gain mcT = mcT mc(ti tf) = mc(tf ti) CONVERSION OF UNITS 1 Kcal = 1000 cal 1 BTU = 252 cal = .252 Kcal 1 cal = 4.184 J (mechanical unit of energy) 1 BTU = 778 Effects of heat EFFECTS OF HEAT ON MATTER 1. When it absorbs heat, TEMPERATURE rises. 2. Solid usually MELTS or CHANGE to LIQUID PHASE 3. Liquid will change to VAPOR 4. Almost all objects EXPAND when heated 5. Can cause CHEMICAL CHANGE 6. Causes many changes in BODILY FUNCTION of living organism

specific heat Sp. Ht.

EXPANSION SPECIFIC HEAT Is the heat REQUIRED to raise the temperature of a unit of mass 1 degree HEAT OF CAPACITY Quantity of heat needed to raise its temperature 1 degree. EXPANSION OF SOLID L = L0 T

HEAT OF FUSION - Amount of heat needed to melt 1 gram of ice at 0C Qf = m Hf HEAT OF VAPORIZATION - Amount of heat needed to VAPORIZE 1 gram of water at 100C Qv = m Hv Understanding Heat Transfer, Conduction, Convection and Radiation Heat Transfer Heat always moves from a warmer place to a cooler place. Hot objects in a cooler room will cool to room temperature. Cold objects in a warmer room will heat up to room temperature. Question: If a cup of coffee and a red popsickle were left on the table in this room what would happen to them? Why? The cup of coffee will cool until it reaches room temperature. The popsickle will melt and then the liquid will warm to room temperature. Heat Transfer Methods Heat transfers in three ways: Conduction Convection Radiation Go to ppt on condction convection and radiation

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