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"Language" "norwegian" "Tokens" { "WelcomeToSteamTitle" "VELKOMMEN TIL STEAM" "[english]WelcomeToSteamTitle" "WELCOME TO STEAM" "WelcomeToSteamInfo" " Spille de siste spillene

Finn dine venner Finne de beste serverne F oppdateringer automatisk Snakke med venner, selv nr du spiller Motta spesialtilbud som bare gjelder p Steam" "[english]WelcomeToSteamInfo" " Play the latest games Find your Friends Find the best servers Get automatic updates Chat with Friends, even when in-game Receive Steam-only special offers " "SteamUI_SecretQuestionExplanation" "Som en ekstra sikkerhetsforanstaltning br du velge et hemmelig sprsml og oppgi svaret nedenfor. Dette skal brukes hvis du glemmer passordet." "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestionExplanation" "As an additional security measu re, please select a secret question and provide the answer below. This will be used if you ever forget your password." "SteamUI_SecretQuestion" "Hemmelig sprsml" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion" "Secret question" "SteamUI_Answer" "Svar" "[english]SteamUI_Answer" "Answer" "SteamUI_YourAnswer" "Ditt svar" "[english]SteamUI_YourAnswer" "Your Answer" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion1" "Hva er din mors pikenavn?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion1" "What is your mother's maiden name?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion2" "Hva er navnet p kjledyret ditt?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion2" "What is the name of your pet?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion3" "Hvem var barndomshelten din?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion3" "Who was your childhood hero?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion4" "Hvilken by ble du fdt i?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion4" "What city were you born in?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion5" "Hvilken skole gr du p?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion5" "What is the name of your school?" "SteamUI_SecretQuestion6" "Hva er favorittlaget ditt?" "[english]SteamUI_SecretQuestion6" "What is your favorite team?" "WelcomeToSteamCreateAccount" "Opprett en ny konto" "[english]WelcomeToSteamCreateAccount" "Create new account" "WelcomeToSteamLogin" "Logg p en eksisterende konto" "[english]WelcomeToSteamLogin" "Login to an existing account" "SteamUI_AccountNameInfo" "Skriv inn e-postadressen. Hvis du glemmer\npas sordet, blir du kontaktet via e-postadressen for \nbekrefte identiteten din." "[english]SteamUI_AccountNameInfo" "Please enter your email address. If yo u forget your\npassword, you will be contacted via this address to\nverify your identity." "SteamUI_WelcomeNameInfo" "Skriv inn et kallenavn. Dette er navnet som ven nene dine \nser nr du er tilkoblet. Du kan ogs skrive inn ditt egentlige \nnavn, s lik at det blir lettere for vennene dine finne deg." "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeNameInfo" "Please enter a profile name. This is th e name your Friends \nwill see when you're online. You can also enter your real \nname to help your Friends find you."

"SteamUI_WelcomeNameOptional" "(valgfritt)" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeNameOptional" "(optional)" "SteamUI_ConvertExistingInfo" "Konverterer den eksisterende spillinstallasjone n. Dette kan ta noen minutter." "[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingInfo" "Converting existing game installation. This may take several minutes." "SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfo" "Forhndslastingen av Steam er fullfrt." "[english]SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfo" "Steam pre-loading complete." "SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfoFailed" " " "[english]SteamUI_ConversionCompleteInfoFailed" " " "SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus1" "Forhndslaster %s1 filer fra disken." "[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus1" "Pre-loading %s1 files from disk ." "SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus2" "Forhndslaster %s1 filer fra disken.." "[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus2" "Pre-loading %s1 files from disk .." "SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus3" "Forhndslaster %s1 filer fra disken..." "[english]SteamUI_ConvertExistingStatus3" "Pre-loading %s1 files from disk ..." "WelcomeToSteamNameLabel" "Navn" "[english]WelcomeToSteamNameLabel" "Name" "WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel1" "E-postadresse" "[english]WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel1" "Email address" "WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel2" "(m vre en gyldig konto)" "[english]WelcomeToSteamEmailLabel2" "(must be a valid account)" "WelcomeToSteamEmailRepeat" "Skriv inn e-postadressen p nytt" "[english]WelcomeToSteamEmailRepeat" "Re-enter your email address" "WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo1" "Se Valves" "[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo1" "See Valve's" "WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo2" "retningslinjer for personvern" "[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo2" "Privacy Policy" "WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo3" "for mer informasjon." "[english]WelcomeToSteamPrivacyInfo3" "for more information." "Underline" " _________________" "[english]Underline" " _________________" "Underline2" " _________________" "[english]Underline2" " _________________" "WelcomeToSteamPasswordInfo" "Skriv inn et passord. Srg for at du velger et pa ssord som er vanskelig gjette. Bruk minst 8 tegn." "[english]WelcomeToSteamPasswordInfo" "Please provide a password. Be sure to c hoose something hard to guess - use at least 8 characters." "WelcomeToSteamPassword" "Passord" "[english]WelcomeToSteamPassword" "Password" "WelcomeToSteamRetypePassword" "Skriv inn passordet p nytt" "[english]WelcomeToSteamRetypePassword" "Retype password" "WelcomeAccountCreateComplete" "Dermed er du klar! Takk for at du bruker Steam. Programmet kjrer i systemstatusfeltet, som vanligvis finnes nederst til hyre p skjermen. Du fr tilgang til Steam ved hyreklikke p spillikonet." "[english]WelcomeAccountCreateComplete" "You're all set! Thanks for using Steam. The program runs in the Notification Tray -- usually at the lower right of your screen. To access Steam, right-click on its icon." "SteamRoot_Title" "Steam" "[english]SteamRoot_Title" "Steam" "SteamRootGames" "Start spill" "[english]SteamRootGames" "Play games" "SteamRootFriends" "Venner"

"[english]SteamRootFriends" "Friends" "SteamRootServers" "Servere" "[english]SteamRootServers" "Servers" "SteamRootAccount" "Konto" "[english]SteamRootAccount" "Account" "SteamRootSettings" "Innstillinger" "[english]SteamRootSettings" "Settings" "SteamRootMonitor" "Skjerm" "[english]SteamRootMonitor" "Monitor" "SteamRootNews" "Nyheter" "[english]SteamRootNews" "News" "SteamRootClose" "Lukk" "[english]SteamRootClose" "Close" "SteamRootLabel1" "Velg et spill og start spille!" "[english]SteamRootLabel1" "Choose a game and start playing!" "SteamRootLabel2" "Finn venner, snakk og spill sammen" "[english]SteamRootLabel2" "Find Friends, chat, play together" "SteamRootLabel3" "Bla gjennom flerspillerspill som er i gang" "[english]SteamRootLabel3" "Browse multiplayer games-in-progress" "SteamRootLabel4" "Studer nettverksaktiviteten for Steam" "[english]SteamRootLabel4" "Watch Steam network activity" "SteamRootLabel5" "Endre alternativene i Steam" "[english]SteamRootLabel5" "Change Steam options" "SteamRootLabel6" "Hold deg oppdatert med de siste nyhetene om Steam" "[english]SteamRootLabel6" "Keep up with the latest Steam news" "SteamRootBrowse" "Bla gjennom spill" "[english]SteamRootBrowse" "Browse games" "SteamRootLabel7" "Finn nye spill du kan spille" "[english]SteamRootLabel7" "Find new games to play" "Steam_trayHint" "Steam kjrer i systemstatusfeltet. Du fr tilgang til Steam eller avslutter spillet ved hyreklikke p spillikonet." "[english]Steam_trayHint" "Steam runs in the Notification Tray. To access Steam or to quit, right-click on its icon." "Steam_SubscribeUserInfo" "Skriv inn for- og etternavn, akkurat som de vis es p kredittkortet." "[english]Steam_SubscribeUserInfo" "Please enter your first and last names, exactly as they appear on your credit card." "Steam_EmailAddress" "E-postadresse" "[english]Steam_EmailAddress" "Email address" "Steam_EmailAddressVerification" "(for kjpsinformasjon og kvittering)" "[english]Steam_EmailAddressVerification" "(for purchase confirmation and receipt)" "Steam_FirstName" "Fornavn" "[english]Steam_FirstName" "First name" "Steam_LastName" "Etternavn" "[english]Steam_LastName" "Last name" "Steam_SubscribeCardInfo" "Skriv inn kortnummeret og utlpsdatoen som de vis es p kredittkortet." "[english]Steam_SubscribeCardInfo" "Please enter the card number and expira tion date as they appear on your credit card." "Steam_CreditCardType" "Kredittkorttype" "[english]Steam_CreditCardType" "Credit card type" "Steam_CreditCardNumber" "Kredittkortnummer for %cardtype%" "[english]Steam_CreditCardNumber" "%cardtype% credit card number" "Steam_CreditCardExpiration" "Kortets utlpsdato" "[english]Steam_CreditCardExpiration" "Card expiration" "Steam_SubscribeBillingInfo" "Skriv inn adressen din slik den vises p fakturer ingsoversikten for kredittkortet." "[english]Steam_SubscribeBillingInfo" "Please enter your address as it appears on your credit card billing statement."

"Steam_City" "By" "[english]Steam_City" "City" "Steam_StateOrProvince" "Stat eller provins" "[english]Steam_StateOrProvince" "State or Province" "Steam_Country" "Land" "[english]Steam_Country" "Country" "Steam_PostCode" "Postnummer" "[english]Steam_PostCode" "Postal (or Zip) code" "Steam_CountryOfResidence" "Jeg bor i yeblikket i landet som er valgt ovenfo r" "[english]Steam_CountryOfResidence" "I currently live in the country selecte d above" "Steam_SubscribeReviewInfo" "Se gjennom ordren din. Hvis det finnes feil ned enfor, klikker du p Tilbake for fikse dem. Ellers klikker du p Kjp for fullfre trans aksjonen." "[english]Steam_SubscribeReviewInfo" "Please review your order. If there are any errors below, click 'Back' to fix them. Otherwise, click 'Purchase' to compl ete your transaction." "Steam_ProductCostLabel" "Kostnad" "[english]Steam_ProductCostLabel" "Cost" "Steam_TaxLabel" "Ansltt avgift" "[english]Steam_TaxLabel" "Estimated tax" "Steam_TotalLabel" "Totalsum" "[english]Steam_TotalLabel" "Total" "Steam_ProcessingSubscriptionInfo" "Behandler transaksjonen. Dette br ta under ett minutt." "[english]Steam_ProcessingSubscriptionInfo" "Processing your subscription. This should take less than a minute." "Steam_SubscribeCompleteInfo" "Takk skal du ha! Kjpet av %s1 er fullfrt. \n\nI listen over spill kan du n dobbeltklikke p et spill for spille det (eller hyreklikk e p spillets tittel og velge Spill p hurtigmenyen)." "[english]Steam_SubscribeCompleteInfo" "Thank you! Your purchase of %s1 is comp lete. \n\nIn your Games Library, you can now double click the game to play (or r ight-click on the game's title and select 'Play' in the menu.)" "Steam_PreorderCompleteInfo" "Takk skal du ha! Forhndsbestillingen av %s1 er f ullfrt. \n\nDu kan spille spillet med en gang det er offisielt utgitt!" "[english]Steam_PreorderCompleteInfo" "Thank you! Your pre-order for %s1 is co mplete. \n\nYou'll be able to play the game the minute it's officially released! " "Steam_SubscribeFailedInfo" "Kjpet er ikke fullfrt. Kreditt- \nkortinformasjon en du oppgav, ble avsltt.\n\nDet ble sendt en e-postmelding til deg med mer detal jert \ninformasjon. Hvis du vil oppgi mer \nkredittkortinformasjon, forsker du kjp e p nytt." "[english]Steam_SubscribeFailedInfo" "Your purchase has not been completed. T he credit \ncard information you provided has been rejected.\n\nAn email has bee n sent to you with more detailed \ninformation. If you would like to provide dif ferent \ncredit card information, try your purchase again." "Steam_ErrorPasswordNotSet" "Passordet ble ikke riktig angitt.\nDu svarte fe il p sprsmlet, eller den angitte kontoen finnes ikke." "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordNotSet" "Your password was not successfully set. \nYou either answered the secret question wrong, or the specified account does n ot exist." "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort" "Det nye passordet m best av minst 8 tegn." "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort" "Your new password must be at least 8 ch aracters long." "Steam_ErrorPasswordsDontMatch" "Passordet du skrev inn, er ugyldig.\nSkriv inn det samme passordet i hvert felt." "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordsDontMatch" "The passwords you entered do no t match.\nPlease enter the same password in each field." "Steam_ErrorCantStartGame" "Dette spillet er for yeblikket utilgjengelig.\nP

rv p nytt senere." "[english]Steam_ErrorCantStartGame" "This game is currently unavailable.\nPl ease try again at another time." "Steam_ErrorUsernameTooShort" "Du m skrive inn et navn som bestr av minst 3 tegn ." "[english]Steam_ErrorUsernameTooShort" "You must enter a name at least 3 charac ters long." "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort2" "Passordet m best av minst 8 tegn." "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort2" "Your password must be at least 8 charac ters long." "Steam_ErrorAnswerTooShort" "Svaret p det hemmelige sprsmlet\nm best av minst 3 t egn." "[english]Steam_ErrorAnswerTooShort" "The answer to the secret question\nmust be at least 3 characters long." "Steam_UserNameTooShort" "Kontonavnet m best av minst 3 tegn." "[english]Steam_UserNameTooShort" "Your account name must be at least 3 ch aracters long." "Steam_UserNameInvalid" "Kontonavnet inneholder ugyldige tegn.\nBare bokstaver, tall og tegnet _ er tillatt." "[english]Steam_UserNameInvalid" "Your account name contains invalid char acters.\nOnly letters, numbers and _ are allowed." "Steam_UserNameInvalidSpaces" "Kontonavnet inneholder kanskje ikke mellomrom." "[english]Steam_UserNameInvalidSpaces" "Your account name may not contain any s paces." "Steam_UserNameTooLong" "Ditt brukernavn m inneholde mindre enn 64 tegn." "[english]Steam_UserNameTooLong" "Your account name must be less than 64 characters long." "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong" "Ditt nye passord m inneholde mindre enn 64 tegn. " "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong" "Your new password must be less than 64 characters long." "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong2" "Ditt passord m inneholde mindre enn 64 tegn." "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooLong2" "Your password must be less than 64 char acters long." "Steam_NewPassword_Enter" "Skriv inn et nytt passord.\nDet m best av minst 8 tegn." "[english]Steam_NewPassword_Enter" "Please enter a new password.\nIt must b e at least 8 characters in length." "Steam_NewPassword_Label" "Nytt passord" "[english]Steam_NewPassword_Label" "New password" "Steam_NewPassword_Confirm" "Bekreft passord" "[english]Steam_NewPassword_Confirm" "Confirm password" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_Title" "Hent kontoinformasjon Steam" "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_Title" "Retrieve Account Info - Steam" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_VerifyIdentity" "Fr passordet kan endres, m du bek refte identiteten din. Skriv inn navnet p kontoen din." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_VerifyIdentity" "Before we can change yo ur password, we first need to verify your identity. Please enter your account na me." "Steam_ForgottenPassword_AskSecretQuestion" "Nr du opprettet Steam-kontoen, s purte vi\ndeg om et svar p et hemmelig sprsml, som bare\ndu vet. Skriv inn svaret n edenfor:" "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_AskSecretQuestion" "When you created your S team account, we asked\nyou for an answer to a 'secret' question, which only\nyo u would know. Please enter your answer below:" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_Incorrect" "Passordet ditt ble ikke endret.\nEnten skrev du inn valideringskoden feil,\neller s er det nye passordet ugyldig.\nVennl igst klikk p 'Tilbake' og prv p nytt. \n\n" "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_Incorrect" "Your password was not changed.\ nEither you entered the validation code incorrectly,\nor your new password is in

valid.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and try again. \n" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_Success" "Passordet er endret.\n\nKlikk p Fullfr ne denfor for returnere til ploggingsvinduet." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_Success" "Your password has been changed. \n\nPlease click 'finish' below to return to the login screen." "Steam_Login_Title" "Plogging Steam" "[english]Steam_Login_Title" "Steam Login" "Steam_Login_CreateNewAccount" "Opprett en ny konto..." "[english]Steam_Login_CreateNewAccount" "Create a new account..." "Steam_Login_RetrievePassword" "Gjenopprett en tapt konto..." "[english]Steam_Login_RetrievePassword" "Retrieve a lost account..." "Steam_Login_NoAccount" "Har du ingen Steam-konto?" "[english]Steam_Login_NoAccount" "Don't have a Steam account?" "Steam_Login_ForgotPassword" "Har du glemt ploggingsinfoen?" "[english]Steam_Login_ForgotPassword" "Forgot your login info?" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_Title" "Steam opprett konto" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Title" "Create a Steam Account" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_Nickname" "Kallenavn" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Nickname" "Profile name" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_FirstName" "Fornavn" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_FirstName" "First name" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_LastName" "Etternavn" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_LastName" "Last name" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_Error" "Steam feil under oppretting av konto" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Error" "Steam - Create account error" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_CacheDir" "Velg hvor du vil at Steam skal lagre sp illene dine.\nDet anbefales at du har minst 1 GB med diskplass ledig\np stasjonen du velger." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_CacheDir" "Please choose where you want St eam to store your games.\nIt is recommended to have at least 1GB of disk space f ree\non the drive that you select." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_ContactEmail" "Kontakt-e-postadresse" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_ContactEmail" "Contact email address" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_ContactEmailConfirm" "Bekreft e-postadresse" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_ContactEmailConfirm" "Confirm email address" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_ValidationCode" "Valideringskode" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_ValidationCode" "Validation code" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_CopyAndPaste" "Kopier og lim inn denne koden i feltet nedenfor." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_CopyAndPaste" "Please copy and paste this code into the field below." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_Response" "Om et par minutter fr du en\nsvarmelding fra Steam, og den inneholder en valideringskode." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Response" "Within a few minutes, you will receive a response\nemail from Steam, containing a validation code." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_SentTo" "En bekreftelsesmelding er sendt til din e-postk onto:" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_SentTo" "A confirmation email has been sent to:" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_EnterCodeAgain" "Klikk p Tilbake for angi koden p nytt, el ler for angi\nen annen e-postadresse." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_EnterCodeAgain" "Click 'Back' to enter the code again, or to provide\na different email address." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_DoesNotMatch" "Denne koden tilsvarer ikke koden i vrt r egister.\nSjekk e-postmeldingen p nytt, og kontroller\nat du har skrevet inn kode n riktig.\nVi sendte deg denne koden i en e-postmelding med tittelen\n\"Steam-ko nto Vennligst bekreft din e-postadresse\".\nKoden bestr av 8 tegn." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_DoesNotMatch" "This code does not match the on e in our records.\nPlease check the email message again and make\nsure that you have type the code correctly.\nWe sent you this code in an email titled\n\"Steam account - Please verify your email address\".\nThe code is 8 characters long."

"SteamUI_SteamProgress_Title" "Steam arbeider" "[english]SteamUI_SteamProgress_Title" "Steam - Working" "SteamUI_CreatingAccount" "Oppretter konto..." "[english]SteamUI_CreatingAccount" "Creating account..." "SteamUI_InstallServiceTitle" "Installerer Steam-tjeneste" "[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceTitle" "Installing Steam Service" "SteamUI_InstallServiceText" "Hvis du vil kjre Steam p riktig mte med denne vers jonen av Windows, m Steam-tjenestekomponenten vre installert.\nInstalleringsproses sen for tjenesten krever administratorrettigheter." "[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceText" "In order to run Steam properly on this version of Windows, the Steam service component must be installed.\nThe service installation process requires administrator privileges." "SteamUI_InstallServiceOk" "Installer tjenesten" "[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceOk" "Install Service" "SteamUI_InstallServiceCancel" "Avbryt" "[english]SteamUI_InstallServiceCancel" "Cancel" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyGames" "MINE SPILL" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyGames" "MY GAMES" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyMedia" "MEDIER" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_MyMedia" "MEDIA" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_ThirdParty" "TREDJEPARTSSPILL" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_ThirdParty" "THIRD PARTY GAMES" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_AvailableGames" "TILGJENGELIGE SPILL" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_AvailableGames" "AVAILABLE GAMES" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "KOMMER SNART" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "COMING SOON" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchGames" "Start spill... " "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchGames" "Play Game... " "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchMediaApp" "Spill medier..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchMediaApp" "Play Media..." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Lag snarvei p skrivebord et" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Create Desktop Shortcut" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Properties" "Egenskaper " "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Properties" "Properties " "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_InstallGame" "Installer spill..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_InstallGame" "Install Game..." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_PurchaseGame" "Kjp spill..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_PurchaseGame" "Purchase Game..." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewStorePage" "Vis butikksiden" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewStorePage" "View Store Page" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewForumPage" "Vis forum" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewForumPage" "View Forum" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewDLC" "Vis nedlastbart innhold" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewDLC" "View Downloadable Conte nt" "Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewGuide" "Vis guide" "[english]Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewGuide" "View Guide" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription_Title" "Steam" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription_Title" "Steam" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription" "Du har ikke abonnert p dette spillet.\nV il du g til abonnementssiden n?" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_NoSubscription" "You are not subscribed to this game.\nDo you want to go to the subscriptions page now?" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_ErrorTitle" "Steam feil" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ErrorTitle" "Steam - Error" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=game" "Start spill" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=game" "Play game" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=tool" "Start verkty"

"[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=tool" "Launch tool" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=media" "Spill" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=media" "Play" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_Cancel_Btn" "Avbryt" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_Cancel_Btn" "Cancel" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=game" "Start spillet med en ga ng det er klart" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=game" "Launch game as soon as it's ready" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=tool" "Start verktyet med en ga ng det er klart" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=tool" "Launch tool as soon as it's ready" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=media" "Spill medier med en gan g det er klart" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=media" "Play media as s oon as it's ready" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlayTime" "Klar til starte om cirka:" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlayTime" "Ready to launch in approximatel y:" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_ContentHosting" "Leverandr av innhold:" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ContentHosting" "Content hosting provided by:" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlay" "Klar til starte" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_ReadyToPlay" "Ready to launch" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_KeyRequestFailed_Title" "Steam feil" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_KeyRequestFailed_Title" "Steam - Error" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_KeyRequestFailed_Text" "Kunne ikke kontakte nkkelserver" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_KeyRequestFailed_Text" "Failed to contact key s erver" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequest_Text" "Fullfrer installasjon ... %progress%%%" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequest_Text" "Completing installation ... %pr ogress%%%" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequestFailed_Title" "Steam feil" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequestFailed_Title" "Steam - Error" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequestFailed_Text" "Steam-serverne er for opptatt t il behandle foresprselen for %game%. Feilkode (%error%)" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequestFailed_Text" "The Steam servers are t oo busy to handle your request for %game%. Error Code (%error%)" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_CloudSyncFailed_Title" "Steam advarsel" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_CloudSyncFailed_Title" "Steam - Warning" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_CloudSyncFailed_Text" "Steam kunne ikke synkronisere f ilene dine for %game% med Steam Cloud" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_CloudSyncFailed_Text" "Steam was unable to syn c your files for %game% with the Steam Cloud" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_CloudSyncFailed_Detail" "Hvis du har startet dette progr ammet fr p en annen datamaskin, vil dine innstillinger og/eller fremgang for progr ammet kanskje ikke vre synkronisert med hva som er lagret i Cloud. Hvis du starte r programmet n, kan du disse endringene eller fremgang." "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_CloudSyncFailed_Detail" "If you have launched th is application from another computer, your application settings and/or progress may not be in sync with what is stored in the Cloud. If you launch the applicati on now, you may lose those changes or progress." "Steam_CloudConflict_Title" "Steam - Synkroniseringskonflikt med Cloud" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Title" "Steam - Cloud Sync Conflict" "Steam_CloudConflict_Text" "Dine lokale filer for %game% samsvarer ikke med de som allerede er lagret i Steam Cloud." "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Text" "Your local %game% files conflict with t he ones stored in the Steam Cloud." "Steam_CloudConflict_CloudFiles" "Cloud-filer" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_CloudFiles" "Cloud Files"

"Steam_CloudConflict_CloudFiles_Time" "Sist endret: %remotetime%" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_CloudFiles_Time" "Last modified: %remotetime%" "Steam_CloudConflict_LocalFiles" "Lokale filer" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_LocalFiles" "Local Files" "Steam_CloudConflict_LocalFiles_Time" "Sist endret: %localtime%" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_LocalFiles_Time" "Last Modified: %localtime%" "Steam_CloudConflict_Accept_Remote" "Last ned til datamaskinen" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Accept_Remote" "Download to this machine" "Steam_CloudConflict_Accept_Local" "Last opp til Steam Cloud" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Accept_Local" "Upload to the Steam Cloud" "Steam_CloudConflict_Cancel" "Avbryt - ikke kopier noe n" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Cancel" "Cancel - don't copy anything now" "Steam_CloudConflict_Note" "MERK: Du m ha valgt en av de to valgene ovenfor for starte dette programmet." "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Note" "NOTE: You'll have to choose one of the other two options above in order to launch the application." "SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_DontShow" "Ikke vis denne dialogboksen flere gange r" "[english]SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_DontShow" "Don't show this dialog again" "SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_Close" "Lukk" "[english]SteamUI_NotifyTrayHintDialog_Close" "Close" "SteamUI_SpecialOffersDialog_Close" "Lukk" "[english]SteamUI_SpecialOffersDialog_Close" "Close" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_LaunchOptions" "Startinnstillinger" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_LaunchOptions" "Launch options" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_StatusLabel" "Status:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_StatusLabel" "Status:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_AcquiredLabel" "Oppspart belp:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_AcquiredLabel" "Amount acquired:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_HostingBy" "Leverandr av innhold:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_HostingBy" "Content hosting provide d by:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Updating" "Oppdaterer, %s1" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Updating" "Updating, %s1" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_ReadyToPlay" "Klar til spille" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_ReadyToPlay" "Ready to play" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Launching" "Starter..." "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_Launching" "Launching..." "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_CacheAcquired" "%cache_usage%%%" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_CacheAcquired" "%cache_usage%%%" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DiskUsageLabel" "Diskbruk:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DiskUsageLabel" "Disk usage:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DeveloperLabel" "Utvikler:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_DeveloperLabel" "Developer:" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesVersion_GameVersionLabel" "Informasjon om spillver sjon" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesVersion_GameVersionLabel" "Game version in formation" "SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Title" "Steam abonner" "[english]SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Title" "Steam - Subscribe" "SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Cancel_Btn" "Avbryt" "[english]SteamUI_SubscribeProgress_Cancel_Btn" "Cancel" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Title" "Steam opprett konto" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Title" "Steam - Create Account" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failure_Title" "Steam feil under oppretting av konto" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failure_Title" "Steam - Create Account Failed" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failed" "Feil under oppretting av konto.\nKlikk

p Tilbake for forske p nytt, eller Avbryt for avslutte." "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccount_Failed" "Create account failed.\ nHit Back to try again or Cancel to quit." "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountAccountName" "Kontonavn" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountAccountName" "Account Name" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountEnterName" "Angi et kontonavn og et passord .\nSrg for at du velger et passord som er vanskelig\n gjette. Bruk minst 8 tegn." "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountEnterName" "Please provide an accou nt name and password.\nBe sure to make your password something hard\nto guess, a nd use at least 8 characters." "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountPassword" "Passord" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountPassword" "Password" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountRetypePassword" "Skriv inn passordet p nytt" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountRetypePassword" "Retype password" "SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountVerifyEmailFailed" "Kan ikke be om bekrefte lses-e-post." "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeCreatingAccountVerifyEmailFailed" "Failed to reque st verification email." "SteamUI_SubscribeWizard_Title" "Steam abonner" "[english]SteamUI_SubscribeWizard_Title" "Subscribe" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Title" "Steam konto" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Title" "Account" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Subscribe_Btn" "Abonner" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Subscribe_Btn" "Subscribe" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Unsubscribe_Btn" "Opphev abonnement" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Unsubscribe_Btn" "Unsubscribe" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_MySubscribe_Hdr" "MINE ABONNEMENTER" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_MySubscribe_Hdr" "MY SUBSCRIPTIONS" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Price_Hdr" "PRIS" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Price_Hdr" "PRICE" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_AvailableSubs_Hdr" "TILGJENGELIGE ABONNEMENTER" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_AvailableSubs_Hdr" "AVAILABLE SUBSCRIPTIONS " "SteamUI_Subscriptions_SubscriptionTo" "Steam abonnement for %s1" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_SubscriptionTo" "Steam - Subscription to %s1" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Successful" "Du har ftt godkjent abonnementet for %s1 ." "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Successful" "You have been successfully subs cribed to %s1." "SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnsubscribeFrom" "Steam opphever abonnementet for %s1" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnsubscribeFrom" "Steam - Unsubscribing f rom %s1" "SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnSub_Successful" "Du har ftt opphevet abonnementet for %s1." "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_UnSub_Successful" "You have been successfu lly unsubscribed from %s1." "SteamUI_Subscriptions_Error_Title" "Steam feil" "[english]SteamUI_Subscriptions_Error_Title" "Steam - Error" "SteamUI_WelcomeToSteam_Title" "Steam" "[english]SteamUI_WelcomeToSteam_Title" "Steam" "SteamUI_AccountDialog_Subscriptions" "Abonnementer" "[english]SteamUI_AccountDialog_Subscriptions" "Subscriptions" "SteamUI_AccountDialog_AccountDetails" "Konto" "[english]SteamUI_AccountDialog_AccountDetails" "Account" "Steam_LogoutDialogTitle" "Steam Logg av" "[english]Steam_LogoutDialogTitle" "Logout" "Steam_LogoutDialogMsg" "Dermed logges du av Steam. Du m \nskrive inn kontonavnet \nog passordet p nytt for bruke Steam igjen.\n\nVil du fortsette?" "[english]Steam_LogoutDialogMsg" "This will log you out of Steam. You wil l need to re-enter\nyour account name and password to use Steam again.\n\nDo you

wish to continue?" "Steam_LogoutDialogOKButton" "Logg av" "[english]Steam_LogoutDialogOKButton" "Logout" "Steam_LogoutDialogLabel" "Kontonavn:" "[english]Steam_LogoutDialogLabel" "Account Name:" "Steam_AccountDialog_Logout" "Logg av..." "[english]Steam_AccountDialog_Logout" "Logout..." "Steam_RunGame_Title_Error" "Steam feil" "[english]Steam_RunGame_Title_Error" "Steam - Error" "Steam_RunGame_AnotherGameIsBeingRan" "Kan ikke kjre spill. Et annet spill er i ferd med starte.\nVent til den prosessen er fullfrt." "[english]Steam_RunGame_AnotherGameIsBeingRan" "Cannot run game. You currently have another game launch in progress,\nplease wait until that is complete." "Steam_PurchaseProductIntroTitle" "Steam kjp %subscription%" "[english]Steam_PurchaseProductIntroTitle" "Steam - purchase %subscription% " "Steam_ScanCDKey_NoRetailProduct" "Den gyldige produktkoden gir deg tilgan g til et\nabonnement p flgende spill:" "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_NoRetailProduct" "Your valid product code entitle s you to a\nsubscription to the following games." "Steam_ScanCDKey_RetailProductFound" "En eksisterende installasjon av %s1 ble \nfunnet p datamaskinen. Produktkoden gir deg tilgang til et \nabonnement p flgend e spill:" "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_RetailProductFound" "An existing installation of %s1 has been \nfound on your computer. Your product code entitles you to a \nsubscr iption to the following games." "Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceRequired" "Ndvendig diskplass:" "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceRequired" "Disk space required:" "Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceAvailable" "Tilgjengelig diskplass:" "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_SpaceAvailable" "Disk space Available:" "Steam_ScanCDKey_SelectGames" "Velg hvilke spill du vil legge til i Mine spill -listen." "[english]Steam_ScanCDKey_SelectGames" "Select which games to add to your libra ry." "Steam_UncheckAnyGamesNotConvert" "Fjern merket for spillene du ikke vil k onvertere." "[english]Steam_UncheckAnyGamesNotConvert" "Uncheck any games you don't wan t converted." "Steam_ConvertCustomMaps" "Egne kart ble oppdaget i Counter-Strike- \nmapp en din. Valgte kart blir kopiert til den nye \nSteam-installasjonen av Counter-S trike." "[english]Steam_ConvertCustomMaps" "Custom maps have been detected in your Counter-Strike \nfolder. Selected maps will be copied into your new \nSteam inst allation of Counter-Strike." "Steam_ConvertCustomMODs" "Egne spillmoduser ble oppdaget i Half-Life- \nm appen din. Valgte moduser blir kopiert til den nye \nSteam-installasjonen av Hal f-Life." "[english]Steam_ConvertCustomMODs" "Custom game MODs have been detected in your Half-Life \nfolder. Selected MODs will be copied into your new \nSteam inst allation of Half-Life." "Steam_ConvertCleanUpOptions" "Steam konverterer spillfiler fra den eksisteren de \nHalf-Life-mappen til Steams buffermapper. Du kan spare disk- \nplass ved sl ette de gamle filene fra datamaskinen. \n\nMerk: Dine lagrede spill og egne ove rfringsbilder (hvis du har noen) \nbeholdes." "[english]Steam_ConvertCleanUpOptions" "Steam is converting game files from you r existing \nHalf-Life folder to the Steam cache folders. To save disk \nspace, you can delete the old files from your computer. \n\nNote: your saved games and custom decals (if any) \nwill be preserved." "Steam_ConvertDeleteOldFiles" "Rens gamle filer (anbefales)" "[english]Steam_ConvertDeleteOldFiles" "Clean up old files (recommended)"

"Steam_ConvertLeaveFilesIntact" "La gamle filer vre som de er (krever mer diskpla ss)" "[english]Steam_ConvertLeaveFilesIntact" "Leave old files intact (more di sk space required)" "Steam_Working_Title" "Steam arbeider" "[english]Steam_Working_Title" "Steam - working" "Steam_Working_ConvertingCDKeyToSteam" "Kommuniserer med Steam..." "[english]Steam_Working_ConvertingCDKeyToSteam" "Communicating with Steam..." "Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmation" "Half-Life-installasjonen ble \nkonverte rt til kjre under Steam." "[english]Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmation" "Your Half-Life installation has been successfully \nconverted to run under Steam." "Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmList" "Dine valgte spill er n tilgjengelige i S teams \nMine spill-liste." "[english]Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmList" "Your selected games are now acc essible in the Steam \n'library." "Steam_ChoosePaymentMethod" "Velg en betalingsmetode." "[english]Steam_ChoosePaymentMethod" "Please select a payment method." "Steam_PaymentMethod" "Betalingsmetode" "[english]Steam_PaymentMethod" "Payment method" "Steam_PayWithCreditCard" "Kredittkort" "[english]Steam_PayWithCreditCard" "Credit card" "Steam_PayWithPayPal" "PayPal" "[english]Steam_PayWithPayPal" "PayPal" "Steam_IAlreadyOwnThisProduct" "Jeg eier allerede dette produktet" "[english]Steam_IAlreadyOwnThisProduct" "I already own this product" "Steam_Working_PurchasingProduct" "Kjper..." "[english]Steam_Working_PurchasingProduct" "Purchasing..." "Steam_Working_PreorderingProduct" "Forhndsbestiller..." "[english]Steam_Working_PreorderingProduct" "Pre-ordering..." "Steam_Working_InitTxn" "Initialiserer kjp..." "[english]Steam_Working_InitTxn" "Initializing purchase..." "Steam_Working_GetFinalPrice" "Kalkulerer totalpris..." "[english]Steam_Working_GetFinalPrice" "Getting final price..." "Steam_PurchaseFailedTitle" "Steam feil" "[english]Steam_PurchaseFailedTitle" "Steam - Error" "Steam_PurchaseFailedMessage" "Kjpet kunne ikke fullfres p grunn av en feil\n med transaksjonen. Prv p nytt senere." "[english]Steam_PurchaseFailedMessage" "Purchase could not be completed due to an error while processing\n your transaction. Please try again later." "Steam_CVV2_Info" "Skriv inn kredittkortets sikkerhetsnummer." "[english]Steam_CVV2_Info" "Please enter your credit card's security number ." "Steam_CardSecurityInstruction" "Dette nummeret finner du p baksiden av kortet i signaturomrdet. Det er de siste tre tallene (etter kontonummeret)." "[english]Steam_CardSecurityInstruction" "This number is located on the b ack of the card in the signature area. It's the last three digits (after the acc ount number)." "Steam_Working_ContactingSvr" "Kontakter server..." "[english]Steam_Working_ContactingSvr" "Contacting server..." "Steam_PayPalIntroToBrowser" "%provider%-transaksjonene godkjennes gjennom ne ttsidene til %provider%. Klikk p knappen nedenfor for pne nettleseren og starte tr ansaksjonen." "[english]Steam_PayPalIntroToBrowser" "%provider% transactions are authorized through the %provider% web site. Click the button below to open your web browser and initiate the transaction." "Steam_PayPalOpenBrowserButton" "Start %provider%-kjp" "[english]Steam_PayPalOpenBrowserButton" "Begin %provider% purchase" "Steam_PayPalWaiting" "Nettleseren gr n til nettsidene til %provider%. Logg p og opprett en konto for vise kjpsdetaljer og godkjenne transaksjonen."

"[english]Steam_PayPalWaiting" "Your web browser has been directed to the %prov ider% web site. Please login or create an account there to review your purchase details and authorize the transaction." "Steam_PayPalNotAcceptedInGermany" "PayPal er for tiden ikke godkjent i Tys kland. Velg en annen betalingsmetode." "[english]Steam_PayPalNotAcceptedInGermany" "PayPal is not currently accepte d in Germany. Please choose another payment method." "Steam_CancelPurchase_Title" "Kjp %subscription%" "[english]Steam_CancelPurchase_Title" "Purchase - %subscription%" "Steam_CancelPurchase_Info" "Kjpet er ikke fullfrt. Hvis du avbryter n, fr du ik ke tilgang til %subscription%, og kontoen blir ikke belastet.\n\nEr du sikker p a t du vil avbryte kjpet?" "[english]Steam_CancelPurchase_Info" "Your purchase has not been completed. I f you cancel now, you will not have access to %subscription% and you will not be charged.\n\nAre you sure you wish to cancel your purchase?" "Steam_CancelPurchase_ContinueButton" "Fortsett kjpet" "[english]Steam_CancelPurchase_ContinueButton" "Resume purchase" "Steam_CancelPurchase_CancelButton" "Avbryt kjpet" "[english]Steam_CancelPurchase_CancelButton" "Cancel purchase" "Steam_CardSecurityInstruction_Amex" "P American Express-kort finnes dette num meret p forsiden av kortet, over hovedkortnummeret. Det bestr av fire tegn." "[english]Steam_CardSecurityInstruction_Amex" "On American Express cards, this number is located on the front of the card, above the primary card number. It's four digits long." "Steam_CardSecurityLabel" "Sikkerhetsnummer" "[english]Steam_CardSecurityLabel" "Security Number" "Steam_MonitorTitle" "Steam-skjerm" "[english]Steam_MonitorTitle" "Steam Monitor" "Steam_Game" "Spill" "[english]Steam_Game" "Game" "Steam_Status" "Status" "[english]Steam_Status" "Status" "Steam_Status_OfflineMode" "Offline-modus" "[english]Steam_Status_OfflineMode" "Offline Mode" "Steam_Status_NoConnection" "Ingen tilkobling" "[english]Steam_Status_NoConnection" "No Connection" "Steam_Status_OneItemDownloading" "1 gjenstand lastes ned " "[english]Steam_Status_OneItemDownloading" "1 Item Downloading " "Steam_Status_OneItemPaused" "1 gjenstand pauset" "[english]Steam_Status_OneItemPaused" "1 Item Paused " "Steam_Status_OneItemComplete" "1 gjenstand fullfrt " "[english]Steam_Status_OneItemComplete" "1 Item Complete " "Steam_Status_ItemsDownloading" "%numdown% gjenstander lastes ned " "[english]Steam_Status_ItemsDownloading" "%numdown% Items Downloading " "Steam_Status_ItemsPaused" "%numpause% gjenstander pauset" "[english]Steam_Status_ItemsPaused" "%numpause% Items Paused " "Steam_Status_ItemsComplete" "%numcompl% gjenstander fullfrt" "[english]Steam_Status_ItemsComplete" "%numcompl% Items Complete " "Steam_Time_ShowMostRecent" "Vis seneste" "[english]Steam_Time_ShowMostRecent" "Show most recent" "Steam_Time_5Minutes" "5 minutter" "[english]Steam_Time_5Minutes" "5 minutes" "Steam_Time_1Hour" "1 time" "[english]Steam_Time_1Hour" "1 hour" "Steam_Time_1Day" "1 dag" "[english]Steam_Time_1Day" "1 day" "Steam_Properties" "Egenskaper" "[english]Steam_Properties" "Properties" "Steam_PauseAllUpdates" "Stopp alle oppdateringer midlertidig" "[english]Steam_PauseAllUpdates" "Pause all updates"

"Steam_LimitNetworkUsageTo" "Begrens nettverksbruk til" "[english]Steam_LimitNetworkUsageTo" "Limit network usage to" "Steam_NetworkUsageInfo" "Steam-nettverksbruk: %s1" "[english]Steam_NetworkUsageInfo" "Steam network usage: %s1" "Steam_NoGamesUpdating" "Steam oppdaterer ingen spill i yeblikket." "[english]Steam_NoGamesUpdating" "Steam is not currently updating any gam es." "Steam_SteamErrorTitle" "Steam feil" "[english]Steam_SteamErrorTitle" "Steam - Error" "Steam_UpdatingTitle" "Steam" "[english]Steam_UpdatingTitle" "Steam" "Steam_UpdatingSteamPlatformFiles" "Oppdaterer Steam-plattformen ..." "[english]Steam_UpdatingSteamPlatformFiles" "Updating Steam platform files.. ." "Steam_CheckingForUpdates" "Ser etter oppdateringer..." "[english]Steam_CheckingForUpdates" "Checking for updates..." "Steam_LaunchingSteam" "Kobler til Steam-konto: %s1..." "[english]Steam_LaunchingSteam" "Connecting Steam account: %s1..." "Steam_ExitingSteam" "Avslutter..." "[english]Steam_ExitingSteam" "Exiting ..." "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_RequiresUpdate" "Krever oppdatering" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_RequiresUpdate" "Requires update" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_NotReleased" "Ikke utgitt" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_NotReleased" "Not Released" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_MayRequireUpdate" "Krever kanskje oppdater ing" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_MayRequireUpdate" "May require upd ate" "Steam_ErrorCacheMissing_Title" "Steam advarsel" "[english]Steam_ErrorCacheMissing_Title" "Steam - Warning" "Steam_ErrorCacheMissing" "Steam har oppdaget at bufferfilen for dette spi llet \ner slettet fra harddisken. \n\nSteam m n hente inn igjen alle ndvendige dat a fra \ninnholdsserveren. Prv p nytt om noen sekunder.\n" "[english]Steam_ErrorCacheMissing" "Steam has detected that the cache file for this game \nhas been deleted from your hard drive. \n\nSteam must now re-acq uire all necessary game data from \nthe content server. Please try again in a fe w seconds.\n" "Steam_ErrorDataInvalid_Title" "Steam" "[english]Steam_ErrorDataInvalid_Title" "Steam" "Steam_PurchaseUserInfoInvalid" "Alle felt m fylles ut for fortsette." "[english]Steam_PurchaseUserInfoInvalid" "All fields must be filled out t o continue." "Steam_PurchaseUserEmailInvalid" "Krever en gyldig e-postadresse." "[english]Steam_PurchaseUserEmailInvalid" "A valid email address is requir ed." "Steam_CreditCardInfoInvalid" "Kredittkortnummeret du har skrevet inn, er ugyl dig." "[english]Steam_CreditCardInfoInvalid" "The credit card number you have entered is invalid." "Steam_CreditCardExpired" "Kredittkortet du har registrert, har lpt ut." "[english]Steam_CreditCardExpired" "The credit card you have entered has ex pired." "Steam_CreditCardCVV2Invalid" "Kredittkortets sikkerhetsnummer m best av 3 sifre ." "[english]Steam_CreditCardCVV2Invalid" "Credit card security number must be 3 n umbers long." "Steam_PurchaseAddressInfoInvalid" "Alle adressefelt m fylles ut." "[english]Steam_PurchaseAddressInfoInvalid" "All the address fields need to be filled out." "Steam_PurchasePhoneInfoInvalid" "Skriv inn et gyldig tisifret telefonnum

mer." "[english]Steam_PurchasePhoneInfoInvalid" "Please enter a valid 10-digit p hone number." "Steam_PurchasePhoneInfoEmpty" "Telefonnummerfeltet m ogs fylles ut for fortsette ." "[english]Steam_PurchasePhoneInfoEmpty" "The phone number field needs to be fill ed out to continue." "Steam_CountryLivedNotSameAsBillingAddress" "Du m bo i samme land som fakture ringsadressen for kunne fortsette dette kjpet." "[english]Steam_CountryLivedNotSameAsBillingAddress" "In order to complete th is purchase, you must live in the same country as your billing address." "Steam_WizardNext_Purchase" "Kjp" "[english]Steam_WizardNext_Purchase" "Purchase" "Steam_PurchasingProgress_Title" "Steam arbeider" "[english]Steam_PurchasingProgress_Title" "Steam - working" "Steam_LaunchSteamOnStartup_Option" "Kjr Steam nr datamaskinen starter" "[english]Steam_LaunchSteamOnStartup_Option" "Run Steam when my computer star ts" "Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam feil" "[english]Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "Du har ikke nok diskplass tilgjengelig for kjre dette spillet.\nVennligst frigi diskplass og prv p nytt." "[english]Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "You do not have enough disk spa ce available to run this game.\nPlease free up some disk space and then try agai n." "Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Title" "Slette spillfilene?" "[english]Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Title" "Delete Game Files?" "Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Text" "Dette vil slette alt spillinnhold for % s1\nfra denne datamaskinen.\n\nSpillet blir vrende i Spill-listen, men\nhvis du v il spille det senere, m du frst\nlaste ned innholdet p nytt." "[english]Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all %s1 game c ontent\nfrom this computer.\n\nThe game will remain in your Games Library, but\n to play it in the future you'll have to first\nre-download its content." "Steam_DeleteFreeCacheConfirmation_Text" "Dette vil slette alt spillinnho ld for %s1\nfra denne datamaskinen." "[english]Steam_DeleteFreeCacheConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all %s 1 game content\nfrom this computer." "Steam_CantDeleteCache_Title" "Steam kan ikke slette %s1" "[english]Steam_CantDeleteCache_Title" "Steam - Cannot delete %s1" "Steam_CantDeleteCache_Info" "Kan ikke slette %s1, fordi dataene brukes av flg ende spill: %s2" "[english]Steam_CantDeleteCache_Info" "Cannot delete %s1, since its data is us ed by the following games: %s2" "Steam_CantDeleteAppItsRunning_Info" "Kan ikke slette %s1, fordi det kjrer for yeblikket. Vennligst avslutt %s1 fr du forsker slette det." "[english]Steam_CantDeleteAppItsRunning_Info" "Cannot delete %s1, since it's c urrently running. Please close %s1 before attempting to delete it." "Steam_DeleteCache_Button" "Slett" "[english]Steam_DeleteCache_Button" "Delete" "Steam_DiskUsageNone" "Diskbruk: ingen" "[english]Steam_DiskUsageNone" "Disc usage: none" "Steam_Games_Purchase" "Kjp" "[english]Steam_Games_Purchase" "Purchase" "Steam_Games_PreOrder" "Forhndsbestill" "[english]Steam_Games_PreOrder" "Pre-order" "Steam_Games_MoreInfo" "Mer info" "[english]Steam_Games_MoreInfo" "More Info" "Steam_Games_AddToMyGames" "Installer" "[english]Steam_Games_AddToMyGames" "Install" "Steam_Games_PreDownload" "Start forhndslasting"

"[english]Steam_Games_PreDownload" "Start pre-loading" "Steam_Games_PreLoading" "Status for forhndslasting" "[english]Steam_Games_PreLoading" "Pre-loading status" "Steam_Games_DonePreLoading" "Status for forhndslasting" "[english]Steam_Games_DonePreLoading" "Pre-loading status" "Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Title" "Steam installer program" "[english]Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Title" "Steam - Install Application" "Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Info" "%s1 bruker %s2 MB p disken.\nSteam laster ned in nholdet eller\nkonverterer en eksisterende installasjon av spillet." "[english]Steam_ReAddToMyGames_Info" "%s1 will use %s2 MB on disk.\nSteam wil l now download the content or\nconvert an existing installation of the game." "Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam ikke tilstrekkelig diskpl ass" "[english]Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Steam - Not enough disk space" "Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Info" "Du har ikke tilstrekkelig diskp lass til installere de valgte spillene.\nFrigi diskplass, eller trykk p Tilbake o g velg bort noen spill." "[english]Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpace_Info" "You do not have enough disk space to install the selected games.\nPlease free up some disk space, or pr ess 'Back' and de-select some items." "Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpaceForConversion_Info" "Det er ikke tilstrekkel ig diskplass til konvertere de valgte spillene til Steam.\nFrigi %s1 MB med disk plass og prv p nytt." "[english]Steam_ConversionNotEnoughDiskSpaceForConversion_Info" "There is not en ough disk space available to convert the selected games to Steam.\nPlease free u p %s1 Mb of disk space and try again." "Steam_Interface" "Grensesnitt" "[english]Steam_Interface" "Interface" "Steam_SetJumplistOptions" "Still p oppgavelinje-innstillingene" "[english]Steam_SetJumplistOptions" "Set Taskbar Menu / Jumplist Preferences " "Steam_ShowOnlineStatusOptions" "Velg hvilke online alternativer du vil vise" "[english]Steam_ShowOnlineStatusOptions" "Select online options to displa y" "Steam_ShowDestinationOptions" "Velg hvilke ml som skal vises" "[english]Steam_ShowDestinationOptions" "Select destinations to display" "Steam_MustRestartToTakeEffect" "Denne innstillingen trer ikke i kraft fr\ndu har startet Steam p nytt." "[english]Steam_MustRestartToTakeEffect" "This setting will not take effe ct until\nyou have restarted Steam." "Steam_LanguageSelect" "Velg sprket du vil at Steam skal bruke (krever at Steam m startes p nytt)" "[english]Steam_LanguageSelect" "Select the language you wish Steam to use (requ ires Steam to restart)" "Steam_SelectSkinToUse" "Velg bakgrunnen du vil at Steam skal bruke (krever at S team m startes p nytt)" "[english]Steam_SelectSkinToUse" "Select the skin you wish Steam to use ( requires Steam to restart)" "Steam_CreateShortcut_Title" "Steam lag snarvei" "[english]Steam_CreateShortcut_Title" "Steam - Create Shortcut" "Steam_CreateShortcut_Info" "En snarvei ble laget og plassert p skrivebordet. " "[english]Steam_CreateShortcut_Info" "A shortcut has been created and placed on your desktop." "Steam_CreateShortcut_FailedInfo" "Kunne ikke lage snarvei.\nEn snarvei ti l dette spillet finnes sannsynligvis allerede p skrivebordet." "[english]Steam_CreateShortcut_FailedInfo" "Could not create shortcut.\nA s hortcut to this game is probably already on the desktop." "Steam_CDKeyLabel" "Produktkode"

"[english]Steam_CDKeyLabel" "Product Code" "Steam_GetCDKeyError_Title" "Steam ugyldig produktkode" "[english]Steam_GetCDKeyError_Title" "Steam - Invalid product code" "Steam_GetCDKeyError_Info" "Produktkoden du har skrevet inn, er ugyldig. \ n\nDobbeltsjekk for kontrollere om du har skrevet inn nkkelen riktig.\nI, L og 1 kan se like ut, og det kan ogs V og Y, og 0 og O. \nSe http://www.steampowered.c om for hjelp." "[english]Steam_GetCDKeyError_Info" "The product code you've entered is not valid. \n\nPlease double check to see if you've mistyped your key.\nI, L, and 1 can look alike, as can V and Y, and 0 and O. \nSee f or help." "Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue_Title" "Steam skriv inn passord" "[english]Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue_Title" "Steam - Please enter pa ssword" "Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue" "Steam-passordet m oppgis for fortsette." "[english]Steam_PasswordRequiredToContinue" "Your Steam password is required to continue." "Steam_InvalidPassword_Title" "Steam feil" "[english]Steam_InvalidPassword_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_InvalidPassword_Info" "Passordet du har skrevet inn, er ugyldig." "[english]Steam_InvalidPassword_Info" "The password you have entered is invali d." "Steam_MonitorScanning" "Skanner..." "[english]Steam_MonitorScanning" "Scanning..." "Steam_NoCacheDetails_Title" "Steam feil" "[english]Steam_NoCacheDetails_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_NoCacheDetails_Info" "Bufferen er i yeblikket ikke i en tilstand der s tatusen kan hentes\n.\nAktiver automatisk innholdsoppdatering, og prv p nytt." "[english]Steam_NoCacheDetails_Info" "The cache is not currently in a state w here status can be retrieved .\nPlease enable automatic content updates and try again." "Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Title" "Steam feil" "[english]Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "Ett eller flere Steam-programmer kjrer i yeblikket.\nDu kan avslutte Steam ved frst avslutte alle Steam-programmer." "[english]Steam_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "One or more Steam applications are currently running.\nTo exit Steam, you must first shut down all Steam applic ations." "Steam_AppMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "Lukk %game% fr du avslutter Steam." "[english]Steam_AppMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "Please close %game% before exit ing Steam." "Steam_ExitSteam" "Avslutt" "[english]Steam_ExitSteam" "Exit" "Steam_ExitLogoutSteam" "Avslutt og logg av" "[english]Steam_ExitLogoutSteam" "Exit and logout" "Steam_ChangePassword" "Endre passord, hemmelig sprsml..." "[english]Steam_ChangePassword" "Change password or secret question..." "Steam_ChangePasswordWizard_Title" "Steam endre passord" "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordWizard_Title" "Steam - Change Password Wizard" "Steam_ChangePasswordError_Title" "Steam feil" "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordError_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_ChangePasswordOrSecret" "Du kan endre Steam-passordet, eller du kan endre det hemmelige sprsmlet (som vi lagrer i arkivet i tilfelle du ikke husker passordet)." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordOrSecret" "Which item would you like to change?" "Steam_ChangePasswordOldPassword" "Skriv inn det gamle passordet" "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordOldPassword" "Enter your old password" "Steam_ChangePasswordNewPassword" "Skriv inn et nytt passord" "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordNewPassword" "Enter a new password" "Steam_ChangePasswordConfirmNewPassword" "Skriv inn det nye passordet p ny

tt" "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordConfirmNewPassword" "Enter your new password again" "Steam_ChangePasswordMismatchedNewPasswords" "Bekreftelsespassordet tilsvarer ikke det nye passordet du skrev inn. Skriv inn nsket passord p nytt." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordMismatchedNewPasswords" "Sorry, your two passwor d entries don't match. Please re-enter your desired password." "Steam_ChangePasswordPasswordNotNew" "Det nvrende passordet er det samme som de t nye du har skrevet inn.\nSkriv inn nsket passord p nytt." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordPasswordNotNew" "The current password is the sam e as the new password you have entered.\nPlease re-enter desired password." "Steam_ChangePasswordFailed" "Kunne ikke endre passord.\nKontroller at du har skrevet inn det opprinnelige passordet riktig." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordFailed" "Failed to change password.\nPlease chec k that you have entered your original password correctly." "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionFailed" "Kunne ikke endre det hemmelige sprsmlet.\ nKontroller at du har skrevet inn det opprinnelige passordet riktig." "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionFailed" "Failed to change secret questio n.\nPlease check that you have entered your original password correctly." "Steam_IWantToChangePassword" "Jeg vil endre passordet mitt." "[english]Steam_IWantToChangePassword" "I want to change my password." "Steam_IWantToChangeSecretQuestion" "Jeg vil endre mitt hemmelige sprsml." "[english]Steam_IWantToChangeSecretQuestion" "I want to change my secret ques tion." "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSuccessful" "Hemmelig sprsml og hemmelig svar\nhar bli tt endret." "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSuccessful" "Secret question and secret answ er\nhave been successfully changed." "Steam_ChangePasswordSuccessful" "Passordet har blitt endret.\nNeste gang du logger p Steam, m du\nbruke det nye passordet." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordSuccessful" "Your password has been successf ully changed.\nPlease use this new password each time you log into Steam." "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionPassword" "Skriv inn passordet" "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionPassword" "Please enter your password" "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSelect" "Velg et hemmelig sprsml" "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionSelect" "Select a secret question" "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionAnswer" "Svar p det hemmelige sprsmlet" "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestionAnswer" "Answer your secret question" "Steam_CacheDirError_Title" "Steam feil" "[english]Steam_CacheDirError_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_CacheDirError_NotRoot" "Steam-bufferfiler kan ikke plasseres i rotkatal ogen p noen av stasjonene.\nVelg en annen plassering." "[english]Steam_CacheDirError_NotRoot" "Steam cache files cannot be put in the root directory of any drive.\nPlease choose another location." "Steam_CacheDirError_NotWithOtherApps" "Steam-bufferfiler kan ikke plasseres i samme mappe som et annet program.\nVelg en annen plassering." "[english]Steam_CacheDirError_NotWithOtherApps" "Steam cache files cannot be put in same directory as another application.\nPlease choose another location." "Steam_CacheSize" "Bufferstrrelse p disken:" "[english]Steam_CacheSize" "Cache size on disk:" "Steam_CacheReserved" "Del av bufferen som er reservert for oppdateringer:" "[english]Steam_CacheReserved" "Portion of cache reserved for updates:" "Steam_CacheFileSize" "Total programstrrelse:" "[english]Steam_CacheFileSize" "Total application size:" "Steam_CacheFilesAcquired" "Del av program som er ndvendig:" "[english]Steam_CacheFilesAcquired" "Amount of application acquired:" "Steam_CacheReadySize" "Klar-til--spille-strrelse:" "[english]Steam_CacheReadySize" "Ready-to-play size:" "Steam_CacheReadyAcquired" "Klar-til--spille anskaffet:"

"[english]Steam_CacheReadyAcquired" "Ready-to-play acquired:" "Steam_MustRestart_Title" "Steam krever omstart" "[english]Steam_MustRestart_Title" "Steam - Restart required" "Steam_MustRestart_Info" "Steam m startes p nytt for kunne motta den siste oppdateringen.\nDu kan ikke fortsette bruke Steam fr programmet er startet p nytt. " "[english]Steam_MustRestart_Info" "Steam must now be restarted in order to receive the latest update.\nYou won't be able to continue using Steam until it has restarted." "Steam_MustRestart_Button" "Start p nytt" "[english]Steam_MustRestart_Button" "Restart Steam" "Steam_MustRestart_Language" "Du m starte Steam p nytt n for endre sprkinnstillin gene." "[english]Steam_MustRestart_Language" "You must restart Steam now to change yo ur language settings." "Steam_CSConnectionLost_Title" "Steam tilkobling brutt" "[english]Steam_CSConnectionLost_Title" "Steam - Connection Lost" "Steam_CSConnectionLost_Info" "Tilkoblingen til Steams innholdsservere ble bru tt,\nnoe som gjr det umulig fortsette kjre Steam.\nDette kan skyldes et problem me d Internett-tilkoblingen, eller med \nSteam-serverne. G til for mer informasjon." "[english]Steam_CSConnectionLost_Info" "The connection to the Steam content ser vers has been lost,\nmaking it impossible to continue running Steam.\nThis could be due to a problem with your Internet connection, or with the \nSteam servers. Please check for more info." "Steam_CSConnectionLost_Button" "Avslutt Steam" "[english]Steam_CSConnectionLost_Button" "Exit Steam" "Steam_ErrorCouldNotConnect" "Kunne ikke koble til Steam-nettverket.\nDette k an skyldes et problem med Internett-tilkoblingen din, eller med\nSteam-nettverke t. Vennligst besk for mer informasjon." "[english]Steam_ErrorCouldNotConnect" "Could not connect to Steam network.\nTh is could be due to a problem with your Internet connection, or with the \nSteam network. Please visit for more info." "steam_preload_title" "Forhndslast %game%" "[english]steam_preload_title" "Pre-Load %game%" "steam_preloading_title" "Forhndslaster %game% (%preload_amount%%% fullfrt) " "[english]steam_preloading_title" "Pre-Loading %game% (%preload_amount%%% complete)" "steam_sellpage_title" "%subscription%" "[english]steam_sellpage_title" "%subscription%" "Steam_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "KOMMER SNART" "[english]Steam_GamesDialog_ComingSoon" "COMING SOON" "Steam_ErrorEnteredEmailMismatch" "E-postadressene samsvarer ikke.\nSrg for at e-postadressen og den bekreftede e-postadressen samsvarer." "[english]Steam_ErrorEnteredEmailMismatch" "The email addresses did not mat ch.\nPlease ensure the email address and confirmation email address match exactl y." "Steam_ReenterEmailAddress" "Bekreft e-postadresse" "[english]Steam_ReenterEmailAddress" "Confirm email address" "Steam_PurchaseProgress_Title" "Steam arbeider" "[english]Steam_PurchaseProgress_Title" "Steam - Working" "Steam_PurchaseProgress_Info" "Aktiverer nkkel med Steam..." "[english]Steam_PurchaseProgress_Info" "Activating key with Steam..." "Steam_PurchaseFailedBadCDKey" "Steam kunne ikke registrere CD-nkkelen din.\n\nP roduktets CD-nkkel tilsvarer en nkkel som allerede bruks i databasen, eller nkkelen er ugyldig. Dobbeltsjekk for kontrollere om du har skrevet inn nkkelen riktig. I , L og 1 kan se like ut, og det kan ogs V og Y, og 0 og O." "[english]Steam_PurchaseFailedBadCDKey" "Steam was unable to register your CD-Ke y.\n\nEither your product's CD-Key matches one already used in our database, or

is invalid. Please double check to see if you've mistyped your key. I, L, and 1 can look alike, as can V and Y, and 0 and O." "Steam_PleaseVisitSupportPage" "Du kan f ytterligere hjelp eller produktsttte ved g til:" "[english]Steam_PleaseVisitSupportPage" "For further help or product support, pl ease visit:" "Steam_SteamPoweredURL" "" "[english]Steam_SteamPoweredURL" "" "Steam_PurchaseCDKeySuccess" "Gratulerer! Din kopi av %subscription% har bli tt aktivert med kontoen %account%.\n\nDu kan spille %game% ved logge p Steam ved hjelp av denne kontoen." "[english]Steam_PurchaseCDKeySuccess" "Congratulations! Your copy of %subscri ption% has been successfully activated with the account %account%.\n\nIn order t o play %game%, you will have to login to Steam with this account." "Steam_PurchaseAccount" "%account%" "[english]Steam_PurchaseAccount" "%account%" "Steam_PurchaseCDKeyIncomplete" "P grunn av stor ettersprsel etter %subscription% kunne ikke ditt abonnement aktiveres fullstendig denne gangen. Du kan spille %ga me% mens transaksjonen sluttfres." "[english]Steam_PurchaseCDKeyIncomplete" "Due to high demand for %subscri ption% your subscription could not be fully activated at this time. You will be allowed to play %game% while your transaction is being finalized." "Steam_PreLoadingDescription" "Du har valgt forhndsbestille %game%. Steam behan dler forhndsbestillinger i tre enkle trinn:" "[english]Steam_PreLoadingDescription" "You have chosen to pre-order %game%. St eam handles pre-orders in three easy steps:" "Steam_PreLoading1" "1. Forhndslast spillinnholdet" "[english]Steam_PreLoading1" "1. Pre-load the game content" "Steam_PreLoading1Detail" "Last ned spillet uten forpliktelser." "[english]Steam_PreLoading1Detail" "Download the game, with no obligation." "Steam_PreLoading2" "2. Fullfr bestillingen ved hjelp av et kredittkort" "[english]Steam_PreLoading2" "2. Complete your order with a credit card" "Steam_PreLoading2Detail" "Etter at spillinnholdet er lastet ned til datam askinen, kan du fullfre bestillingen." "[english]Steam_PreLoading2Detail" "After the game content is on your compu ter, you can complete your order." "Steam_PreLoading3" "3. Spill det den dagen spillet utgis!" "[english]Steam_PreLoading3" "3. Play the game on release day!" "Steam_PreLoading3Detail" "Nr %game% er offisielt utgitt, blir din kopi lst opp og kan spilles." "[english]Steam_PreLoading3Detail" "When %game% is officially released, you r copy will be unlocked and ready to play." "Steam_StartPreloading" "Start forhndslasting n" "[english]Steam_StartPreloading" "Start Pre-loading Now" "Steam_PreloadGameName" "%game%" "[english]Steam_PreloadGameName" "%game%" "Steam_PreloadInProgress" "Forhndslasting pgr" "[english]Steam_PreloadInProgress" "Pre-loading in progress" "Steam_PreloadPause" "Stopp midlertidig" "[english]Steam_PreloadPause" "Pause" "Steam_PreloadContinue" "Fortsett" "[english]Steam_PreloadContinue" "Continue" "Steam_PreloadCancel" "Du har valgt avbryte forhndslastingen.\nDette frer til at dataene du allerede har lastet ned, blir slettet.\nTrykk p OK for fortsette, ell er Avbryt for beholde dataene." "[english]Steam_PreloadCancel" "You have chosen to cancel preloading. This will cause any data you have already downloaded to be deleted.\n\nSelect \"OK\" to c ontinue or \"Cancel\" to keep the data." "Steam_CancelPreloading" "Avbryt forhndslasting" "[english]Steam_CancelPreloading" "Cancel Pre-Loading"

"Steam_PreloadProgressNotes" "%game% blir forhndslastet til datamaskinen.\n\nH vis du forhndsbestiller spillet n, lses det opp og kan spilles p den offisielle utgi velsesdatoen." "[english]Steam_PreloadProgressNotes" "%game% is being pre-loaded onto your co mputer.\n\nIf you pre-order the game now, it will be unlocked and ready for play on the official release day." "Steam_PreloadProgressNotesPayed" "%game% blir forhndslastet til datamaskin en.\n\nVr tlmodig. Forhndslastingen kan ta en stund. Du kan lukke dette vinduet, me n la Steam kjre og sjekk igjen senere." "[english]Steam_PreloadProgressNotesPayed" "%game% is being pre-loaded onto your computer.\n\nPlease be patient, pre-loading may take a long time. You can close this window, but leave Steam running and check back later." "Steam_PreloadProgressNotesStart" "%game% kan forhndslastes til datamaskine n.\n\nHvis du forhndsbestiller spillet n, lses det opp og kan spilles p den offisiel le utgivelsesdatoen." "[english]Steam_PreloadProgressNotesStart" "%game% is ready to be pre-loade d onto your computer.\n\nIf you pre-order the game now, it will be unlocked and ready for play on the official release day." "Steam_PreloadProgressNotesStartPayed" "%game% kan forhndslastes til datamaskine n." "[english]Steam_PreloadProgressNotesStartPayed" "%game% is ready to be pre-loade d onto your computer." "Steam_PreloadDescription" "Merk: Du forhndsbestiller %subscription%. Spille t lses opp og kan spilles p den offisielle utgivelsesdatoen." "[english]Steam_PreloadDescription" "Note: You are pre-ordering %subscriptio n%. It will be unlocked and ready for play on its official release day." "Steam_PreloadComplete_Title" "Forhndslasting av %game% er fullfrt" "[english]Steam_PreloadComplete_Title" "%game% preloading complete" "Steam_PreloadComplete" "Forhndslasting er fullfrt" "[english]Steam_PreloadComplete" "Pre-loading is complete" "Steam_PreloadCompletePreOrder" "En lst kopi av %game% finnes n p datamaskinen din. Forhndsbestill spillet n, og spill det umiddelbart etter at det er offisielt utgi tt!" "[english]Steam_PreloadCompletePreOrder" "A locked copy of %game% is now on your computer. Pre-order the game now and play it immediately after it's offi cially released!" "Steam_PreloadPrePayNow" "Fullfr forhndsbestillingen n..." "[english]Steam_PreloadPrePayNow" "Complete my pre-order now..." "Steam_PreOrderNow" "Forhndsbestill n..." "[english]Steam_PreOrderNow" "Pre-order now..." "Steam_PreloadCompletePurchase" "En lst kopi av %game% er allerede installert p da tamaskinen. Kjp spillet n og begynn spille umiddelbart!" "[english]Steam_PreloadCompletePurchase" "A locked copy of %game% has alr eady been installed on your computer. Purchase it now and start playing immediat ely!" "Steam_PreloadBuyNow" "Kjp dette spillet n..." "[english]Steam_PreloadBuyNow" "Purchase this game now..." "Steam_PreloadAndPurchaseComplete_Title" "Forhndsbestillingen av %game% er fullfrt" "[english]Steam_PreloadAndPurchaseComplete_Title" "%game% Pre-Order Comple te" "Steam_PreorderComplete" "Forhndsbestillingen av %subscription% er fullfrt! Nr spillet er offisielt utgitt, kan du spille det umiddelbart.\n\nTakk for din b estilling!" "[english]Steam_PreorderComplete" "Your pre-order for %subscription% is co mplete! When the game is officially released, you'll be able to play it immediat ely.\n\nThank you for your order!" "Steam_PreloadCompletePlay" "Nr spillet er offisielt utgitt, kan du spille de t umiddelbart." "[english]Steam_PreloadCompletePlay" "When the game is officially released, y

ou'll be able to play it immediately." "Steam_Monitor_AppAcquiredPercentage" "Oppspart belp" "[english]Steam_Monitor_AppAcquiredPercentage" "Amount acquired" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailLabel" "Kontakt-e-postadresse:" "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailLabel" "Contact Email:" "Steam_ChangeContactEmail" "Endre e-postadresse ..." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmail" "Change contact email address..." "Steam_VerifyContactEmaill" "Bekreft e-postadresse..." "[english]Steam_VerifyContactEmaill" "Verify email address..." "Steam_EmailAddressUnverified" "Ikke angitt" "[english]Steam_EmailAddressUnverified" "Not specified" "Steam_VerifyContactEmail_Working" "Sender bekreftelses-e-postmelding..." "[english]Steam_VerifyContactEmail_Working" "Sending verification email..." "Steam_NagValidateEmailYourAddress" "Din e-postadresse" "[english]Steam_NagValidateEmailYourAddress" "Your email address" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Title" "Endre e-postadresse" "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Title" "Change Contact Email Address" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAbout" "Du kan endre e-postadressen Steam bruke r til kontakte deg nr du glemmer passordet eller kjpskvitteringer osv." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAbout" "Your email address is used to c onfirm purchases and help you manage access to your Steam account." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAddressEntry" "Ny e-postadresse" "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAddressEntry" "Enter a new contact ema il address" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAddressConfirmEntry" "Skriv inn den nye e-pos tadressen igjen" "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizardAddressConfirmEntry" "Enter your new address again" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Changed" "E-postadressen din er endret." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Changed" "Your contact email addr ess has been changed." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Contact" "Denne adressen blir n brukt nr de n er ndvendig for kontakte deg via e-post." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_Contact" "This new address will b e used to confirm future purchases and help you manage access to your Steam acco unt." "Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForPassword" "Trykk 'Neste' for begynne oppdateringsp rosessen av ditt passord. En e-post med en bekreftelseskode vil bli sendt til: % s1." "[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForPassword" "Click 'Next' to begin t he process of updating your password. An email message containing a confirmation code will be sent to: %s1." "Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForEmail" "Trykk 'Neste' for begynne oppdateringsp rosessen av e-postadressen din. En e-post med bekreftelseskode vil bli sendt til : %s1." "[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForEmail" "Click 'Next' to begin the proce ss of updating your contact email address. An email message containing a confirm ation code will be sent to: %s1." "Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForSecretQA" "Trykk \"Neste\" for begynne oppdatering sprosessen av ditt hemmelige sprsml. En e-post med en bekreftelseskode vil bli sen dt til: %s1." "[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EmailCodeForSecretQA" "Click 'Next' to begin t he process of updating your secret question. An email message containing a confi rmation code will be sent to: %s1." "Steam_ChangeCred_EmailProgress" "Kontakter Steam-servere for sende en be kreftelse til %s1." "[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EmailProgress" "Contacting Steam servers to sen

d a confirmation message to %s1." "Steam_ChangeCredCurrentPassword" "Skriv inn ditt nvrende passord" "[english]Steam_ChangeCredCurrentPassword" "Enter your current password" "Steam_ChangeCred_EnterCode" "Skriv inn bekreftelseskoden som ble sendt til: %s1" "[english]Steam_ChangeCred_EnterCode" "Enter the confirmation code sent to: %s 1" "Steam_ChangeCredEnterPassword" "Skriv inn ditt nvrende passord" "[english]Steam_ChangeCredEnterPassword" "Enter your current password" "Steam_ChangeCred_IncorrectPassword" "Passordet var feil. Skriv inn passordet ditt p nytt." "[english]Steam_ChangeCred_IncorrectPassword" "Password was incorrect. Please enter your password." "Steam_ChangePassword_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Kunne ikke endre passor det.\nVennligst sjekk at du har skrevet verifiseringskoden riktig." "[english]Steam_ChangePassword_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Failed to chang e password.\nPlease check that you have entered the verification code correctly. " "Steam_ChangeSecretQuestion_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Kunne ikke endre det he mmelige sprsmlet.\nVennligst sjekk at du har skrevet verifiseringskoden riktig." "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQuestion_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Failed to chang e secret question.\nPlease check that you have entered the verification code cor rectly." "Steam_ChangeEmail_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Kunne ikke endre kontakt e-post en.\nVennligst sjekk at du har skrevet verifiseringskoden riktig." "[english]Steam_ChangeEmail_IncorrectVerificationCode" "Failed to change contac t email.\nPlease check that you have entered the verification code correctly." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_Title" "Feil under bekreftelse av e-post" "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_Title" "Email Validation Error" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_MismatchedEmails" "Skriv inn samme adresse to ganger.\nDisse adressene samsvarer ikke." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_MismatchedEmails" "Sorry, your two address entries don't match.\nPlease re-enter your desired contact email addres s." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_InvalidEmail" "E-postadressen du skrev inn, er ikke i \ngyldig adresseformat. Prv p nytt." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_InvalidEmail" "The email address you e ntered is not in the \nformat of a valid address. Please try again." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_SteamNotAvailable" "Steam kan ikke behandle foresprselen din akkurat n. Prv p nytt senere." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_SteamNotAvailable" "Steam cannot cu rrently process your request. Please try again later." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_SteamNotAvailable2" "Steam kan ikke behandle foresprselen din akkurat n.\nPrv p nytt senere." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_SteamNotAvailable2" "Steam cannot cu rrently process your request.\nPlease try again later." "Steam_ProductUnavailableForPurchase" "Dette produktet er i yeblikket ikke tilg jengelig for nedlasting eller kjp." "[english]Steam_ProductUnavailableForPurchase" "This product is currently not a vailable for download or purchase." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_SameEmail" "Adressen du skrev inn, er den s amme som din \ngjeldende kontakt-e-postadresse. Du kan endre den ved \nskrive in n et nytt passord." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailError_SameEmail" "The address you entered is the same as your \ncurrent contact email address. To change it, \nplease ent er a new address." "Steam_CZDeletedScenesMustBeBoughtWithCZ" "Condition Zero: Slettede scener kan ikke kjpes separat.\nKjp Condition Zero for f dem." "[english]Steam_CZDeletedScenesMustBeBoughtWithCZ" "Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes cannot be bought seperately.\nPurchase Condition Zero to get it."

"Steam_RequestingEmailVerificationFailed" "Kan ikke be om bekreftelses p epost. Prv p nytt senere." "[english]Steam_RequestingEmailVerificationFailed" "Failed to request email verification. Please try again later." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_TheName" "Navnet" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_TheName" "The name" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_AlreadyTaken" "er allerede registrert av en annen Stea m-bruker." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_AlreadyTaken" "has already been registered by another Steam user." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_DifferentNames" "Klikk p Tilbake for prve et annet navn, e ller velg ett\nav de foresltte navnene nedenfor, og klikk deretter p Neste." "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_DifferentNames" "Click 'Back' to try a different name, or select one\nof the suggested names, below, and click 'next'." "SteamUI_CreateAccount_SuggestedNames" "Foresltte kontonavn:" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_SuggestedNames" "Suggested account names:" "SteamUI_CreateAccount_Names" "Navn" "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccount_Names" "Names" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_Authorization" "En e-postmelding som inneholder en bekr eftelseskode\nog et hemmelig sprsml, ble nylig sendt til\nadressen du oppgav. Sjek k innboksen din,\nog registrer deretter den obligatoriske informasjonen nedenfor ." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_Authorization" "An email message contai ning a verification code\nand a secret question has just been sent to the\naddre ss you provided. Please check your email,\nthen enter the requested information below." "Steam_ForgottenPassword_VerificationCode" "Bekreftelseskode" "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_VerificationCode" "Verification code" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_SecretAnswer" "Hemmelig svar" "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_SecretAnswer" "Secret answer" "Steam_PurchaseEmail_Add" "Du har valgt legge til" "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_Add" "You have chosen to add" "Steam_PurchaseEmail_MyGames" "flere spill i Mine spill-listen. Klikk p Neste f or fortsette." "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_MyGames" "to your Games Library. Click 'Next' to continue." "Steam_PurchaseEmail_EnterCurrentAddress" "Steam har enn ikke en e-postadre sse klar\nfor deg. Skriv inn din nvrende e-postadresse nedenfor." "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_EnterCurrentAddress" "Steam does not yet have an email address\nfor you. Please enter a current email address below." "Steam_PurchaseEmail_ContactEmail" "Kontakt-e-postadresse" "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_ContactEmail" "Contact email address" "Steam_PurchaseEmail_ValidationCode" "Valideringskode" "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_ValidationCode" "Validation Code" "Steam_PurchaseEmail_Confirmation" "En bekreftelsesmelding er sendt til din e-postkonto:" "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_Confirmation" "A confirmation email has been s ent to:" "Steam_PurchaseEmail_Response" "Om et par minutter fr du en\nsvarmelding fra Ste am, og den inneholder en valideringskode.\n\nKopier og lim inn denne koden i fel tet nedenfor." "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_Response" "Within a few minutes, you will receive a response\nemail from Steam, containing a validation code.\n\nPlease copy and p aste this code into the field below." "Steam_PurchaseEmail_BadCode" "Denne koden tilsvarer ikke koden i vrt register. \nKontroller at du har skrevet inn koden\nriktig. Vi sendte deg denne koden i en e-postmelding med tittelen\n\"Steam-konto Vennligst bekreft din e-postadresse\" .\nKoden bestr av 8 tegn.\n\nKlikk p Tilbake for angi koden p nytt, eller\nfor angi en annen e-postadresse." "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_BadCode" "This code does not match the one in our

records.\nPlease make sure that you have typed the code\ncorrectly. We sent you this code in an email titled\n\"Steam account - Please verify your email addres s\".\nThe code is 8 characters long.\n\nClick 'Back' to enter the code again, or \nto provide a different email address." "Steam_PurchaseEmail_Code" "Valideringskoden du skrev inn, er:" "[english]Steam_PurchaseEmail_Code" "The validation code you entered is:" "Steam_Logout_Exit" "Avslutt og logg av" "[english]Steam_Logout_Exit" "Exit and logout" "Steam_Logout_DontShowAgain" "Ikke vis meg dette igjen" "[english]Steam_Logout_DontShowAgain" "Don't show me this again" "Steam_Logout_ExitOff" "Hvis du avslutter Steam p denne mten, kan du bruke\n'Offl ine-modus' neste gang du starter Steam." "[english]Steam_Logout_ExitOff" "Exiting Steam this way will allow you to use\n' Offline Mode' the next time you start Steam." "Steam_Logout_PersonalInfo" "Deler av dine personlige opplysninger blir lagr et\np denne datamaskinen. Hvis du bruker en offentlig\ndatamaskin, br du kanskje b ruke det sikrere\nalternativet Avslutt og logg av i stedet." "[english]Steam_Logout_PersonalInfo" "Some of your personal information will be saved\non this computer. If you're using a public\ncomputer, you may want to use the more secure\n'Exit and Logout' option instead." "Steam_Logout_Secure" "'Avslutt og logg av' er den sikreste mten avslutte\nStea m p (anbefales for bruk p offentlige\ndatamaskiner). Men du kan ikke bruke\n'Offli ne-modus' fr du logger inn p Steam igjen." "[english]Steam_Logout_Secure" "'Exit and logout' is the most secure way to qui t\nSteam (recommended for use on public\ncomputers). But you won't be able to us e\n'Offline Mode' until you login to Steam again." "Steam_Logout_AllowOffline" "Du kan gjre 'Offline-modus' tilgjengelig neste g ang du starter\nSteam ved klikke p 'Avbryt' og velge 'Avslutt' fra\n Steam-menyen ." "[english]Steam_Logout_AllowOffline" "To allow 'Offline Mode' the next time y ou start\nSteam, click 'Cancel' and choose 'Exit' from\nthe Steam menu." "Steam_Logout_Title" "Avslutt" "[english]Steam_Logout_Title" "Exit" "Steam_Logout_TitleLogout" "Avslutt og logg av" "[english]Steam_Logout_TitleLogout" "Exit and Logout" "Steam_OptionsForAdvancedUsersOnly" "Disse alternativene er bare ment for er farne brukere." "[english]Steam_OptionsForAdvancedUsersOnly" "These options are for advanced users only." "Steam_Homepage" "Startside:" "[english]Steam_Homepage" "Homepage:" "Steam_AccessToAllValvesContent" "Gratulerer! N har du tilgang til alt in nholdet hos VALVe." "[english]Steam_AccessToAllValvesContent" "Congratulations! You now have access to all of VALVe's content." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_CouldNotConnect" "Kan ikke koble til Steam-nettverket." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_CouldNotConnect" "Could not connect to the Steam network." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_AppearOffline" "Det viser seg at du ikke er koblet til\ nInternett, eller at Internett-tilkoblingen\nikke er konfigurert riktig for Stea m." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_AppearOffline" "It appears that you are not cur rently connected\nto the Internet, or that your Internet connection\nis not conf igured correctly for Steam." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_ChosenOffline" "Steam er for yeblikket satt til offlinemodus. Mange funksjoner, slik som venner og serverleseren, vil ikke vre tilgjenge lig i offline-modus." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_ChosenOffline" "Steam is currently set to be in Offline Mode. Many features, such as Friends and the Server Browser, will not b e available while offline."

"SteamUI_OfflineMode_Choose" "Enten kontroller tilkoblingen din og klikk p 'Prv p nytt',\neller start Steam i 'Offline-modus'." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_Choose" "Either check your connection and click 'Retry',\nor start Steam in 'Offline Mode'." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnlineButton" "G online" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnlineButton" "Go Online" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_Retry" "Prv tilkobling p nytt" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_Retry" "Retry connection" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_StartInOffline" "Start i offline-modus" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_StartInOffline" "Start in Offline Mode" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline_Title" "Steam Koble fra" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline_Title" "Steam - Go Offline" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline_Title" "Steam G online" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline_Title" "Steam - Go Online" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline" "Koble fra..." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOffline" "Go Offline..." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline" "G online..." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnline" "Go Online..." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_ErrorTitle" "Tilkoblingsfeil" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_ErrorTitle" "Connection Error" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_RestartOnline" "Start p nytt, og g online" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_RestartOnline" "Restart and go online" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_RestartOffline" "Start p nytt i offline-modus" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_RestartOffline" "Restart in Offline Mode" "Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Title" "Steam Offline-modus" "[english]Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Title" "Steam - Offline Mode" "Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Info" "Steam krever at du har kontodet aljene bufret lokalt for kunne g i offline-modus.\n\nSiden du har aktivert altern ativet 'Ikke lagre kontodetaljene p denne datamaskinen',\nhar du for yeblikket ing en bufret informasjon.\n\nVil du reaktivere bufrede kontodetaljer lokalt, slik a t du kan g offline?\n\n" "[english]Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Info" "Steam requires you to h ave your account credentials cached locally to enter Offline Mode.\n\nSince you have the 'Don't save account credentials on this computer' option enabled,\nyou currently have no cached information.\n\nDo you wish to re-enable caching accoun t credentials locally, so you can go Offline?\n\n" "Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_DoItAnyway" "Aktiver lagring av kont oreferanser" "[english]Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_DoItAnyway" "Enable saving a ccount credentials" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_Title" "Steam - Nedlastinger deaktivert" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_Title" "Steam - Downloads Disabled" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOfflineDesc" "Offline-modus brukes nr du er i ferd med koble fra den brbare PCen,\neller nr du regner med at du ikke skal vre koblet til Internett.\n\nMange funksjoner, for eksempel Venner og serverleseren, vil ikke\n vre tilgjengelig i offline-modus. Bare spill som er fullstendig oppdatert\nvil vre tilgjengelig." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOfflineDesc" "Offline Mode is used when you'r e about to unplug your laptop,\nor are otherwise expecting to not be connected t o the Internet.\n\nMany features, such as Friends and the Server Browser, will n ot\nbe available while offline. Only games that are fully up-to-date\nwill be av ailable." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnlineDesc" "Vil du g online igjen?\n\nDette krever a t Steam m startes p nytt.\n" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GoOnlineDesc" "Do you want to go back online?\ n\nThis will require Steam to restart.\n" "SteamUI_GameProperties_Status" "Status" "[english]SteamUI_GameProperties_Status" "Status" "SteamUI_GameProperties_UpdateNews" "Nyhetsoppdateringer" "[english]SteamUI_GameProperties_UpdateNews" "Update news"

"SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_OfflineMode" "Offline-modus:" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_OfflineMode" "Offline Mode:" "SteamUI_Steam_Menu" "Steam-meny" "[english]SteamUI_Steam_Menu" "Steam menu" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_Quit" "Avslutt" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_Quit" "Quit" "SteamUI_OfflineMode_CannotLoadNewGame" "Du kan ikke laste ned et spill nr du er frakoblet." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_CannotLoadNewGame" "You cannot download a n ew game when offline." "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_ReadyForOffline" "Klar" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_ReadyForOffline" "Ready" "SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_NotReadyForOffline" "Ikke klar" "[english]SteamUI_GamePropertiesContent_NotReadyForOffline" "Not Ready" "Steam_ErrorOffline" "Denne operasjonen kan ikke fullfres nr Steam er i offline -modus." "[english]Steam_ErrorOffline" "This operation cannot be completed when Steam i s in Offline Mode." "Steam_MonitorTitle_Offline" "Skjerm frakoblet" "[english]Steam_MonitorTitle_Offline" "Monitor - Offline" "SteamRootGames_Offline" "Spill frakoblet " "[english]SteamRootGames_Offline" "Games - Offline " "Steam_MonitorScanning_Offline" "Steam er i offline-modus, og derfor kan ingen o ppdateringer lastes ned." "[english]Steam_MonitorScanning_Offline" "Steam is in Offline Mode so no updates can be downloaded." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GameNotReady" "Dette spillet er ikke klart til spilles i offline-modus." "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GameNotReady" "This game is not ready to be pl ayed in Offline Mode." "SteamUI_OfflineMode_GameNotReady_Title" "Spill ikke tilgjengelig" "[english]SteamUI_OfflineMode_GameNotReady_Title" "Game unavailable" "SteamUI_5_kb" "5 kB/s" "[english]SteamUI_5_kb" "5 kb/s" "SteamUI_50_kb" "50 kB/s" "[english]SteamUI_50_kb" "50 kb/s" "SteamUI_100_kb" "100 kB/s" "[english]SteamUI_100_kb" "100 kb/s" "SteamUI_250_kb" "250 kB/s" "[english]SteamUI_250_kb" "250 kb/s" "SteamUI_1_Mb" "1 MB/s" "[english]SteamUI_1_Mb" "1 Mb/s" "SteamUI_10_Mb" "10 MB/s" "[english]SteamUI_10_Mb" "10 Mb/s" "SteamUI_b_s" "b/s" "[english]SteamUI_b_s" "b/s" "SteamUI_kb_s" "kB/s" "[english]SteamUI_kb_s" "kb/s" "SteamUI_Mb_s" "MB/s" "[english]SteamUI_Mb_s" "Mb/s" "SteamUI_Skins_DefaultSkin" "< standardskall >" "[english]SteamUI_Skins_DefaultSkin" "< default skin >" "SteamUI_English" "Engelsk" "[english]SteamUI_English" "English" "SteamUI_Spanish" "Spansk" "[english]SteamUI_Spanish" "Spanish" "SteamUI_French" "Fransk" "[english]SteamUI_French" "French" "SteamUI_Italian" "Italiensk" "[english]SteamUI_Italian" "Italian"

"SteamUI_German" "Tysk" "[english]SteamUI_German" "German" "SteamUI_Korean" "Koreansk" "[english]SteamUI_Korean" "Korean" "SteamUI_Simplified_Chinese" "Forenklet kinesisk" "[english]SteamUI_Simplified_Chinese" "Simplified Chinese" "SteamUI_Traditional_Chinese" "Tradisjonell kinesisk" "[english]SteamUI_Traditional_Chinese" "Traditional Chinese" "SteamUI_Russian" "Russisk" "[english]SteamUI_Russian" "Russian" "SteamUI_Thai" "Thailandsk" "[english]SteamUI_Thai" "Thai" "SteamUI_Japanese" "Japansk" "[english]SteamUI_Japanese" "Japanese" "SteamUI_Portuguese" "Portugisisk" "[english]SteamUI_Portuguese" "Portuguese" "SteamUI_Polish" "Polsk" "[english]SteamUI_Polish" "Polish" "SteamUI_Danish" "Dansk" "[english]SteamUI_Danish" "Danish" "SteamUI_Dutch" "Nederlandsk" "[english]SteamUI_Dutch" "Dutch" "SteamUI_Finnish" "Finsk" "[english]SteamUI_Finnish" "Finnish" "SteamUI_Norwegian" "Norsk" "[english]SteamUI_Norwegian" "Norwegian" "SteamUI_Swedish" "Svensk" "[english]SteamUI_Swedish" "Swedish" "SteamUI_Czech" "Tsjekkisk" "[english]SteamUI_Czech" "Czech" "SteamUI_Hungarian" "Ungarsk" "[english]SteamUI_Hungarian" "Hungarian" "SteamUI_Romanian" "Rumensk" "[english]SteamUI_Romanian" "Romanian" "SteamUI_Selection_English" "English (Engelsk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_English" "English" "SteamUI_Selection_Spanish" "Espaol (Spansk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Spanish" "Espaol (Spanish)" "SteamUI_Selection_French" "Franais (Fransk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_French" "Franais (French)" "SteamUI_Selection_Italian" "Italiano (Italiensk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Italian" "Italiano (Italian)" "SteamUI_Selection_German" "Deutsch (Tysk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_German" "Deutsch (German)" (Koreansk)" "SteamUI_Selection_Korean" " "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Korean" " (Korean)" "SteamUI_Selection_Simplified_Chinese" " (Forenklet kinesisk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Simplified_Chinese" " (Simplified Chinese)" "SteamUI_Selection_Traditional_Chinese" " (Tradisjonell kinesisk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Traditional_Chinese" " (Traditional Chinese)" "SteamUI_Selection_Russian" " (Russisk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Russian" " (Russian)" "SteamUI_Selection_Thai" " (Thai)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Thai" " (Thai)" "SteamUI_Selection_Japanese" " (Japansk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Japanese" " (Japanese)" "SteamUI_Selection_Portuguese" "Portugus (Portugisisk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Portuguese" "Portugus (Portuguese)" "SteamUI_Selection_Polish" "Polski (Polsk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Polish" "Polski (Polish)"

"SteamUI_Selection_Danish" "Dansk (Dansk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Danish" "Dansk (Danish)" "SteamUI_Selection_Dutch" "Nederlands (Nederlandsk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Dutch" "Nederlands (Dutch)" "SteamUI_Selection_Finnish" "Suomi (Finsk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Finnish" "Suomi (Finnish)" "SteamUI_Selection_Norwegian" "Norsk (Norsk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Norwegian" "Norsk (Norwegian)" "SteamUI_Selection_Swedish" "Svenska (Svensk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Swedish" "Svenska (Swedish)" "SteamUI_Selection_Czech" "etina (Tsjekkisk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Czech" "etina (Czech)" "SteamUI_Selection_Hungarian" "Magyar (Ungarsk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Hungarian" "Magyar (Hungarian)" "SteamUI_Selection_Romanian" "Romn (Rumensk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Romanian" "Romn (Romanian)" "SteamUI_Modem_33_6k" "Modem 33,6kbps" "[english]SteamUI_Modem_33_6k" "Modem - 33.6kbps" "SteamUI_ISDN_112k" "ISDN 112kbps" "[english]SteamUI_ISDN_112k" "ISDN - 112kbps" "SteamUI_T1" "T1 > 1Mbps" "[english]SteamUI_T1" "T1 > 1Mbps" "SteamUI_LAN" "LAN > 10Mbps" "[english]SteamUI_LAN" "LAN > 10Mbps" "SteamUI_PrivacyButton" "Vis Valves retningslinjer for personvern" "[english]SteamUI_PrivacyButton" "View Valve Privacy Policy" "Steam_ChangeContactEmail_Working" "Endrer kontakt-e-postadresse..." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmail_Working" "Changing contact email address. .." "SteamUI_Preload_GameNotReady_Title" "Ikke tilgjengelig enn" "[english]SteamUI_Preload_GameNotReady_Title" "Not Yet Available" "SteamUI_PreLoad_GameNotReady" "Dette spillet er ikke utgitt enn. Det blir lst op p,\nog det kan spilles p den offisielle utgivelsesdatoen." "[english]SteamUI_PreLoad_GameNotReady" "This game is not yet released. It will be unlocked\nand available for play on its official release day." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Title" "Valves maskin- og programvareunderskelse" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Title" "Valve Hardware and Software Survey" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_OverviewTitle" "Bruk litt tid p gjennomfre den korte unde rskelsen nedenfor. Hver mned samler Steam inn data om hvilken maskin- og programva re vre kunder bruker. Data vi samler inn er svrt nyttig for forsikre oss om at vi gjr riktige valg om hvilke teknologier vi investerer i, og hvilke produkter vi ti lbyr.\nDatainnsamlingen er anonym, og vil ikke knyttes til kontoen din." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_OverviewTitle" "Please take a moment to complet e the following short survey. Each month, Steam collects data about what kinds o f computer hardware and software our customers are using. The survey data is in credibly helpful to us in that it ensures that we're making good decisions about what kinds of technology investments to make and products to offer.\nThe data w e collect is anonymous and wont be associated with your account." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_YesParticipate" "Ja, jeg vil bli med p denne underskelsen. " "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_YesParticipate" "Yes, I would like to participat e in the survey." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_NoParticipate" "Nei, takk." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_NoParticipate" "No, thanks." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_PrivacyButton" "Vis Valves retningslinjer for personver n" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_PrivacyButton" "View Valve Privacy Policy" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InternetLabel" "Takk for at du deltok i denne underskels en.\n\nDet frste vi vil vite, er hastigheten p Internett-tilkoblingen du bruker. V elg hastigheten du bruker, blant valgene nedenfor.\n\nHastighet p Internett-tilko

bling:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InternetLabel" "Thank you for participating in this survey.\n\nThe first piece of information we would like to know is the spee d of your Internet connection. Please select yours from the choices below.\n\nIn ternet Connection Speed:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InternetDontKnow" "Vet ikke" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InternetDontKnow" "Don't Know" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_SummaryLabel" "Denne underskelsen har samlet inn diagno seinformasjon om datamaskinen din, som du kan se nedenfor.\n\n(Nr du klikker p Nes te-knappen, overfres denne informasjonen til Valve.)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_SummaryLabel" "This survey has gathered some d iagnostic information about your computer, which you can see below.\n\n(When you click the 'Next' button, this information will be transmitted to Valve.)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Processor" "Prosessorinformasjon:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Processor" "Processor Information:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_IP" "Nettverksinformasjon:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_IP" "Network Information:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersion" "Operativsystem-versjon:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersion" "Operating System Versio n:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoCard" "Skjermkort:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoCard" "Video Card:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Memory" "Minne:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Memory" "Memory:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Audio" "Lydkort:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Audio" "Sound card:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_ResultsLabel" "Denne underskelsen er fullfrt. Igjen takk for at du deltok.\n\nHvis du vil se hvordan datamaskinen din gjr det i forhold t il andre Steam-abonnenter, kan du vise samlede resultater ved klikke p koblingen nedenfor.\n\n (Ellers kan du klikke p Fullfr for lukke dette vinduet.)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_ResultsLabel" "This survey is complete. Thank you again for participating.\n\nIf you'd like to see how your computer compares to those of other Steam subscribers, you can view the compiled results of the su rvey by clicking on the link below.\n\n (Otherwise, you can just click 'Finish' to close this window.)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_ResultsButton" "G til underskelsens resultatside." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_ResultsButton" "Visit survey results page." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HardwareModel" "Modell:%s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HardwareModel" "Model: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUVendor" "Leverandr: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUVendor" "Vendor: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUSpeed" "Hastighet: %s1 Mhz" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CPUSpeed" "Speed: %s1 Mhz" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RAM" "RAM: %s1 MB" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RAM" "RAM: %s1 Mb" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeUnk" "Ukjent" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeUnk" "Unknown" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeSoftware" "Programvare" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeSoftware" "Software" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeGL" "OpenGL" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeGL" "OpenGL" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeD3D" "Direct3D" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RenderModeD3D" "Direct3D" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName" "Driver: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName" "Driver: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverName" "DirectX-drivernavn: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverName" "DirectX Driver Name: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverVersion" "Driverversjon: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverVersion" "Driver Version:

%s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverVersion" "DirectX-driverversjon: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverVersion" "DirectX Driver Version: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DriverDate" "Driverdato: %day_number% %month _name% %year_number%" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DriverDate" "Driver Date: %day_numbe r% %month_name% %year_number%" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_ColorDepth" "Dybde p skrivebordsfarge: %s1 bi ter per piksel" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_ColorDepth" "Desktop Color Depth: %s 1 bits per pixel" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RefreshRate" "Skjermoppdateringsfrekvens: %s1 Hz" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RefreshRate" "Monitor Refresh Rate: % s1 Hz" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXCard" "DirectX-kort: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXCard" "DirectX Card: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoVendorID" "Leverandr-ID: 0x%s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoVendorID" "VendorID: 0x%s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDeviceID" "Enhets-ID: 0x%s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDeviceID" "DeviceID: 0x%s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors" "Antall skjermer: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors" "Number of Monitors: %s 1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters" "Antall logiske skjermko rt: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters" "Number of Logic al Video Cards: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SLIEnabled" "SLI oppdaget (%s1 GPUer)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SLIEnabled" "SLI Detected (%s1 GPUs) " "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CrossfireEnabled" "Crossfire oppdaget (%s1 GPUer)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CrossfireEnabled" "Crossfire Detected (%s1 GPUs)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution" "Opplsning p hovedskjerm: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution" "Primary Display Resolution: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DesktopResolution" "Skrivebordsopplsning: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DesktopResolution" "Desktop Resolut ion: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorPhysicalSize" "Strrelse p hoveds kjerm: %width_inches%\" x %height_inches%\" (%diagonal_inches%\" diag)\n %width_cm%cm x %height_cm%cm (%diagonal_cm %cm diag)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorPhysicalSize" "Primary Display Size: %width_inches%\" x %height_inches%\" (%diagonal_inches%\" diag)\ n %width_cm%cm x %height_cm%cm (%dia gonal_cm%cm diag)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DisplayType" "Hovedskjermtype: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DisplayType" "Primary Display Type: % s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Bus" "Hovedbuss: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Bus" "Primary Bus: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART" "Hoved-AGP GART: %s1 MB" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART" "Primary AGP GART: %s1 MB" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize" "Hoved-VRAM: %s1 MB" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize" "Primary VRAM: %s1 MB"

"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorVendor" "Leverandr av hovedskjerm: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorVendor" "Primary Monitor Vendor: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorModel" "Hovedskjermmodell: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorModel" "Primary Monitor Model: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MSAAModes" "MSAA-moduser som stttes: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MSAAModes" "Supported MSAA Modes: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName_Unknown" "Driver ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverName_Unknown" "Driver Not Dete cted" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverName_Unknown" "DirectX-drivernavn ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverName_Unknown" "DirectX Driver Name Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverVersion_Unknown" "Driverversjon i kke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDriverVersion_Unknown" "Driver Version Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverVersion_Unknown" "DirectX-driverv ersjon ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXDriverVersion_Unknown" "DirectX Driver Version Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DriverDate_Unknown" "Driverdato ikke oppdage t" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DriverDate_Unknown" "Driver Date Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_ColorDepth_Unknown" "Dybde p skrivebordsfarge ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_ColorDepth_Unknown" "Desktop Color D epth Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RefreshRate_Unknown" "Skjermoppdateringsfrekv ens ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RefreshRate_Unknown" "Monitor Refresh Rate Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXCard_Unknown" "DirectX-kort ikke oppda get" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DirectXCard_Unknown" "DirectX Card No t Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoVendorID_Unknown" "Leverandr-ID ikke oppdag et" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoVendorID_Unknown" "VendorID Not De tected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDeviceID_Unknown" "Enhets-ID ikke oppdaget " "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VideoDeviceID_Unknown" "DeviceID Not De tected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors_Unknown" "Antall skjermer ikke op pdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfMonitors_Unknown" "Number of Monit ors Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters_Unknown" "Antall skjermko rt ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NumberOfDisplayAdapters_Unknown" "Number of Video Cards Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution_Unknown" "Opplsning p hoved skjerm ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorResolution_Unknown" "Primary Display Resolution Not Detected"

"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DesktopResolution_Unknown" "Skrivebordsopplsning ikk e oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DesktopResolution_Unknown" "Desktop Resolution Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorPhysicalSize_Unknown" "Strrelse p hovedskjerm ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PrimaryMonitorPhysicalSize_Unknown" "Primary Display Size Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DisplayType_Unknown" "Hovedskjermtype ikke op pdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DisplayType_Unknown" "Primary Display Type Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Bus_Unknown" "Hovedbusstype ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Bus_Unknown" "Primary Bus Type Not De tected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART_Unknown" "Hoved-AGP GART ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGPGART_Unknown" "Primary AGP GART Not De tected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize_Unknown" "Hoved-VRAM ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_VRAMSize_Unknown" "Primary VRAM Not Detect ed" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorVendor_Unknown" "Leverandr av hovedskjerm ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorVendor_Unknown" "Primary Monitor Vendor Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorModel_Unknown" "Hovedskjermmodell ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MonitorModel_Unknown" "Primary Monitor Model Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MSAAModes_Unknown" "MSAA-moduser som stttes, ikke op pdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_MSAAModes_Unknown" "Supported MSAA Modes Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SLICrossfireNotDetected" "Ingen SLI eller Crossfi re oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SLICrossfireNotDetected" "No SLI or Cross fire Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_1" "Jan" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_1" "Jan" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_2" "Feb" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_2" "Feb" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_3" "Mar" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_3" "Mar" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_4" "Apr" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_4" "Apr" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_5" "Kanskje" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_5" "May" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_6" "Juni" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_6" "June" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_7" "Juli" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_7" "July" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_8" "Aug" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_8" "Aug" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_9" "Sep" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_9" "Sept" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_10" "Okt" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_10" "Oct" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_11" "Nov" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_11" "Nov" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_12" "Des"

"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Month_12" "Dec" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Game_Display_Settings" "Innstillinger for spill skjerm" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Game_Display_Settings" "Game Display Se ttings" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Opplsning for Go ldSrc-spill: %s1 x %s2 (vinduer)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_ScreenSize_Windowed" "GoldSrc Game Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Opplsning for Go ldSrc-spill: %s1 x %s2 (fullskjerm)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "GoldSrc Game Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_Renderer" "Modus for gjengivelse av GoldSr c-spill: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_Renderer" "GoldSrc Game Render Mod e: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_BPP" "Bitdybde for GoldSrc-spill: %s1 " "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GoldSrc_BPP" "GoldSrc Game Bit Depth: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Half-Life: Kild eopplsning: %s1 x %s2 (vinduer)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Half-Li fe: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Half-Life: Kild eopplsning: %s1 x %s2 (fullskjerm)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Half-Li fe: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_Renderer" "Half-Life: Modus for ki ldegjengivelse: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_Renderer" "Half-Life: Sour ce Render Mode: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA" "Half-Life: MSAA-niv for kilde: % s1x" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA" "Half-Life: Source MSAA Level: %s1x" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Disabled" "Half-Life: MSAA deaktiv ert for kilde" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Disabled" "Half-Life: Sour ce MSAA Disabled" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Unknown" "Half-Life: MSAA-innstil ling ikke oppdaget for kilde" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL1Source_MSAA_Unknown" "Half-Life: Sour ce MSAA Setting Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Opplsning for Half-Life 2: %s1 x %s2 (vinduer)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Half-Life 2 Res olution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Opplsning for Half-Life 2: %s1 x %s2 (fullskjerm)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Half-Li fe 2 Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_Renderer" "Modus for gjengivelse av Half-L ife 2: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_Renderer" "Half-Life 2 Render Mode : %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA" "MSAA-niv for Half-Life 2: %s1x" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA" "Half-Life 2 MSAA Level: %s1x" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA deaktivert for Half-Life 2

" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Disabled" "Half-Life 2 MSA A Disabled" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Unknown" "MSAA-innstilling ikke oppdaget for Half-Life 2" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2_MSAA_Unknown" "Half-Life 2 MSAA Settin g Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_ScreenSize_Windowed" "HL2DM-opplsning: %s1 x % s2 (vinduer)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_ScreenSize_Windowed" "HL2DM R esolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "HL2DM-opplsning: %s1 x %s2 (fullskjerm)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "HL2DM R esolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_Renderer" "Modus for gjengivelse av HL2DM: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_Renderer" "HL2DM Render Mode: %s1 " "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_MSAA" "MSAA-niv for HL2DM: %s1x" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_MSAA" "HL2DM MSAA Level: %s1x " "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA deaktivert for HL2 DM" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_MSAA_Disabled" "HL2DM MSAA Disa bled" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_MSAA_Unknown" "MSAA-innstilling for HL 2DM ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HL2MP_MSAA_Unknown" "HL2DM MSAA Sett ing Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Counter-Strike: Kildeop plsning: %s1 x %s2 (vinduer)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Counter-Strike: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Counter-Strike: Kildeop plsning: %s1 x %s2 (fullskjerm)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Counter -Strike: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_Renderer" "Counter-Strike: Modus for kilde gjengivelse: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_Renderer" "Counter-Strike: Source Render Mode: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA" "Counter-Strike: MSAA-niv for kilde: %s1x " "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA" "Counter-Strike: Source MSAA Lev el: %s1x" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Disabled" "Counter-Strike: MSAA deaktivert for kilde" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Disabled" "Counter-Strike: Source MSAA Disabled" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Unknown" "Counter-Strike: MSAA-innstillin g for kilde ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CSS_MSAA_Unknown" "Counter-Strike: Source MSAA Setting Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Day of Defeat: Kildeopp lsning: %s1 x %s2 (vinduer)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Day of Defeat: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Day of Defeat: Kildeopp lsning: %s1 x %s2 (fullskjerm)"

"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Day of Defeat: Source Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_Renderer" "Day of Defeat: Modus for kildeg jengivelse: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_Renderer" "Day of Defeat: Source R ender Mode: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA" "Day of Defeat: MSAA-niv for kilde: %s1x" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA" "Day of Defeat: Source MSAA Leve l: %s1x" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Disabled" "Day of Defeat: MSAA deaktivert for kilde" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Disabled" "Day of Defeat: Source MSAA Disabled" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Unknown" "Day of Defeat: MSAA-innstilling for kilde ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DOD_MSAA_Unknown" "Day of Defeat: Source M SAA Setting Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Lost Coast-oppls ning: %s1 x %s2 (vinduer)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_ScreenSize_Windowed" "Lost Co ast Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Windowed)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Lost Coast-oppls ning: %s1 x %s2 (fullskjerm)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_ScreenSize_Fullscreen" "Lost Co ast Resolution: %s1 x %s2 (Fullscreen)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_Renderer" "Modus for gjengivelse a v Lost Coast: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_Renderer" "Lost Coast Rend er Mode: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA" "MSAA-niv for Lost Coast: %s1x" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA" "Lost Coast MSAA Level: %s1x" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Disabled" "MSAA deaktivert for Los t Coast" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Disabled" "Lost Coast MSAA Disabled" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Unknown" "MSAA-innstilling for Lo st Coast ikke oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LostCoast_MSAA_Unknown" "Lost Coast MSAA Setting Not Detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersionString" "%s1 (%s2 biter)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSVersionString" "%s1 (%s2 bit)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SoundCard" "Lydenhet: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SoundCard" "Audio device: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GameController" "Spill kontroller: %s1 funnet" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GameController" "Game Controller: %s1 de tected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GameController_None" "Spill kontroller: Ingen funnet" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_GameController_None" "Game Controller : None detected" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Supported" "Som stttes" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Supported" "Supported" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Unsupported" "Som ikke stttes" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Unsupported" "Unsupported" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RDTSC" "RDTSC: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_RDTSC" "RDTSC: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CMOV" "CMOV: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CMOV" "CMOV: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_FCMOV" "FCMOV: %s1"

"[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_FCMOV" "FCMOV: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE" "SSE: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE" "SSE: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE2" "SSE2: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE2" "SSE2: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE3" "SSE3:%s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE3" "SSE3: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSSE3" "SSSE3:%s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSSE3" "SSSE3: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE4a" "SSE4a:%s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE4a" "SSE4a: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE41" "SSE41:%s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE41" "SSE41: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE42" "SSE42:%s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SSE42" "SSE42: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_3DNOW" "3DNOW: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_3DNOW" "3DNOW: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NTFS" "NTFS: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NTFS" "NTFS: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LogicalSingular" "%s1 logisk prosessor" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LogicalSingular" "%s1 logical processor" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LogicalPlural" "%s1 logiske prosessorer" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LogicalPlural" "%s1 logical processors" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalSingular" "%s1 fysisk prosessor" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalSingular" "%s1 physical processor" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalPlural" "%s1 fysiske prosessorer" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PhysicalPlural" "%s1 physical processors " "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HyperThreading" "Hypertrdkjring: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HyperThreading" "HyperThreading: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGP" "Innstilling for AGP-buss: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_AGP" "AGP Bus Setting: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PCIBusSpeed" "Busshastighet: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_PCIBusSpeed" "Bus Speed: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_IPAddress" "IP-adresse: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_IPAddress" "IP Address: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NoIP" "Ingen IP-adresse" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NoIP" "No IP Address" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NetworkSpeed" "Nettverkshastighet: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NetworkSpeed" "Network Speed: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadFailed" "Opplasting mislyktes" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadFailed" "Upload Failed" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadFailedText" "Vi kunne ikke motta dataene din e. Prv p nytt senere." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadFailedText" "We weren't able to succ essfully receive your data. Please try again later." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadProgress" "Opplastingsfremdrift:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UploadProgress" "Upload Progress:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NoCSERServers" "Kan ikke finne en statistikkrap porteringsserver p dette tidspunktet. Prv p nytt senere." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_NoCSERServers" "Unable to find a statis tics reporting server at this time. Please try again later." "Steam_UnableToPreload_NotSubscribed" "Kan ikke forhndslaste dette programmet f ordi du ikke har abonnert p det" "[english]Steam_UnableToPreload_NotSubscribed" "Unable to preload this applicat ion because you are not subscribed to it" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Misc" "Diverse:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Misc" "Miscellaneous:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LanguageId" "Grensesnittsprk: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_LanguageId" "UI Language: %s1"

"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Media" "Medietype: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Media" "Media Type: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DVD" "DVD" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_DVD" "DVD" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CDROM" "CD-Rom" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_CDROM" "CD-Rom" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UnknownMedia" "Ikke bestemt" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_UnknownMedia" "Undetermined" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HDAvail" "Total harddiskplass tilgjengelig: %s1 M B" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_HDAvail" "Total Hard Disk Space Available : %s1 Mb" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_FreeHDBlock" "Strste ledige harddiskblokk: %s1 MB" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_FreeHDBlock" "Largest Free Hard Disk Block: %s1 Mb" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_InstallDate" "Installeringsdato for OS: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_InstallDate" "OS Install Date: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InvalidLanguage" "Ugyldig sprk" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_InvalidLanguage" "Invalid Language" "SteamUI_CZ_SellPage" "" "[english]SteamUI_CZ_SellPage" " czero/" "SteamUI_CZ_ReleasedPage" " czero/released.html" "[english]SteamUI_CZ_ReleasedPage" " me_info/czero/released.html" "SteamUI_CZ_InitialPage" "steam/html/condition-zero_preorder.html" "[english]SteamUI_CZ_InitialPage" "steam/html/condition-zero_preorder.html " "SteamUI_CZ_PreloadPage" "steam/html/condition-zero_preloaded.html" "[english]SteamUI_CZ_PreloadPage" "steam/html/condition-zero_preloaded.htm l" "Steam_PackageChoice" "%game% er tilgjengelig for kjp som del av to ulike pakke r. Velg pakken du vil bestille." "[english]Steam_PackageChoice" "%game% is available for purchase as part of two different packages. Choose the one you would like to order." "Steam_PackageIncludes" "Inkluderer:" "[english]Steam_PackageIncludes" "Includes:" "Steam_CreditCardEncrypted" "Kredittkortinformasjonen krypteres under overfri ng og behandling." "[english]Steam_CreditCardEncrypted" "Your credit card information will be en crypted during transmission and processing." "SteamUI_AccountNameInUse" "Kunne ikke opprette en konto.\nKontonavnet er a llerede i bruk.\nPrv p nytt senere ved hjelp av et annet kontonavn." "[english]SteamUI_AccountNameInUse" "Failed to create account.\nThat account name is already in use.\nPlease try again using a different account name." "Steam_ErrorValidEmailRequired" "Krever en gyldig e-postadresse." "[english]Steam_ErrorValidEmailRequired" "A valid email address is requir ed." "Steam_ForgottenPassword_CouldNotFindEmail" "Den kontoen ble ikke funnet.\nS kriv inn kontonavnet du bruker for logge deg p Steam." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_CouldNotFindEmail" "That account was not fo und.\nPlease enter the account name you use to log into Steam." "SteamUI_ChosenCreateNewAccountHeadline" "Steam-kontoen er viktig!" "[english]SteamUI_ChosenCreateNewAccountHeadline" "Your Steam account is i mportant!" "SteamUI_ChosenCreateNewAccount" "Srg for at du husker brukernavn og passo rd. Du m logge p for f tilgang til spillene. Steam laster ned spillene til en annen datamaskin du bruker."

"[english]SteamUI_ChosenCreateNewAccount" "Be sure to remember your userna me and password - you will need to log in to access your games. Steam will downl oad your games to any computer you use." "SteamUI_ForMoreInformation" "Du fr mer informasjon ved g til:" "[english]SteamUI_ForMoreInformation" "For more information visit:" "SteamUI_ChosenCreateMultipleHeadline" "Viktig informasjon om Steam-kontoer" "[english]SteamUI_ChosenCreateMultipleHeadline" "Important information about Ste am accounts" "SteamUI_ChosenCreateDuplicate" "Opprett bare en ny Steam-konto hvis du ikke all erede har en. Hvis du allerede har opprettet en Steam-konto, er spill du abonner er p, bare tilgjengelige nr du logger p den eksisterende kontoen.\n\nHvis du ikke a llerede har en Steam-konto, trykker du p Neste for fortsette." "[english]SteamUI_ChosenCreateDuplicate" "Please only create a new Steam account if you don't already have one. If you have already created a Steam accou nt, then any games to which you've subscribed will only be accessible when you l og in to the existing account.\n\nIf you don't already have a Steam account, pre ss \"Next\" to continue." "SteamUI_CCWarning_Duplicate" "Fr du sender denne kjpsforesprselen:\n\nDet viser seg at dette kjpsforsket inneholder identisk (eller nesten identisk) informasjon s om et kjp du allerede har foretatt. Du br bare gjenta kjpsforsket hvis du er sikker p at kredittkortinformasjonen ble avsltt p feilaktig grunnlag.\n\nVIKTIG MELDING! H vis kjpsforsket avsls av kredittkortleverandren, kan leverandren midlertidig \"lse\" p engene p kontoen i en angitt periode." "[english]SteamUI_CCWarning_Duplicate" "Before you submit this purchase request :\n\nIt appears that this purchase attempt contains identical (or nearly identic al) information to one you already submitted. You should only repeat this purcha se attempt if you're sure that your credit card information was improperly denie d.\n\nIMPORTANT NOTE: If your purchase attempt is denied by your credit card com pany, they may temporarily \"lock\" funds in your account for some period of tim e." "SteamUI_CCWarning" "Steam advarsel" "[english]SteamUI_CCWarning" "Steam - Warning" "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordResetType" "Du henter ploggingsinformasjon for Steam -kontoen ved starte med kontonavnet." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordResetType" "To retrieve the login informati on for your Steam account, we need to start with your account name." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordGetAccountName" "Jeg vet ikke navnet p kontoen mi n." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordGetAccountName" "I don't know my account name." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordResetPassword" "Jeg vet navnet p kontoen min." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordResetPassword" "I know my account name. " "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEmailAddress" "Jeg husker kontakt-e-postadressen jeg b rukte." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEmailAddress" "I remember the contact email address I used." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordCDKey" "Jeg husker produktkoden jeg brukte." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordCDKey" "I remember the product code I u sed." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordOther" "Jeg har ingen av disse." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordOther" "I don't have either of these." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordAccountName" "Du henter kontonavnet ved bruke kontakt -e-postadressen du brukte da du opprettet kontoen, eller produktkoden du registr erte for kontoen." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordAccountName" "To retrieve your account name y ou need either the contact email address you used when creating your account or the product code you registered to the account." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEnterEmailAddr" "Skriv inn kontakt-e-postadresse n du brukte da du opprettet Steam-kontoen."

"[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEnterEmailAddr" "Please enter the contac t email address you used when you created your Steam account." "Steam_CDKey" "Produktkode" "[english]Steam_CDKey" "Product code" "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEnterCDKey" "Du henter kontonavnet ved skrive inn pr oduktkoden du aktiverte for Steam-kontoen." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordEnterCDKey" "To retrieve your account name p lease enter the product code you activated to your Steam account." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordOtherText" "Du henter kontoinformasjonen du trenger , ved bruke kontakt-e-postadressen eller produktkoden du brukte da du aktiverte kontoen." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordOtherText" "To retrieve your account inform ation you need to either know the contact email address or the product code you used when activating the account." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordSentEmailEmail" "En e-postmelding med Steam-kont onavnet er sendt til deg.\n\nNr du mottar e-postmeldingen, kan du klikke p knappen Gjenopprett tapt konto for tilbakestille passordet." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordSentEmailEmail" "An email containing you r Steam account name has been sent to you.\n\nOnce you receive the email, you ca n click the \"Retrieve lost account\" button again to reset your password." "SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordSentEmailCDKey" "En e-postmelding er sendt til e ieren av produktkoden du skrev inn. Nr du mottar dette kontonavnet, kan du bruke knappen Gjenopprett tapt konto p nytt for tilbakestille passordet." "[english]SteamUI_ForgottenPasswordSentEmailCDKey" "An email has been sent to the owner of the product code you entered. Once you get this account name you can use the \"Retrieve lost account\" button again to reset your password." "Steam_ForgottenPassword_RequestFailed" "Operasjonen mislyktes. Prv p nytt." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_RequestFailed" "The operation failed. P lease try again." "Steam_CreateNewAccount_EmailAddrAlreadyInUse" "En Steam-konto finnes allerede med den kontakt-e-postadressen. Hvis du har opprettet en Steam-konto tidligere, br du bruke den eksisterende kontoen i stedet for opprette en ny." "[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_EmailAddrAlreadyInUse" "A Steam account already exists with that contact email address. If you have previously created a Steam account, you should use the existing account rather than creating a new one." "Steam_CreateNewAccount_AccountsFAQ" "Vanlige sprsml om Steam-kontoer" "[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_AccountsFAQ" "The Steam Accounts FAQ" "Steam_CreateNewAccount_CDFAQ" "Vanlige sprsml om Steams CD-nkkel" "[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_CDFAQ" "The Steam CD Key FAQ" "Steam_CreateNewAccount_CreateAccount" "Opprett en ny konto" "[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_CreateAccount" "Create new account" "Steam_CreateNewAccount_FindOldAccount" "Finn min gamle konto" "[english]Steam_CreateNewAccount_FindOldAccount" "Find my old account" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Homepage" "Startside" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Homepage" "Homepage" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Manual" "Vis spillerhndbok" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Manual" "View player manual" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Title" "Steam kjpsfeil" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Title" "Steam - Purchase Error" "Steam_TroubleshooterLink" "Se kundestttesiden for Steam for mer informasjon " "[english]Steam_TroubleshooterLink" "See the Steam support site for more inf ormation" "Steam_SubscriptionPrintConfirmation" "Forhndsbestilling av utskrift " "[english]Steam_SubscriptionPrintConfirmation" "Print Preorder " "Steam_SubscriptionPrintReceipt" "Utskriftskvittering" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionPrintReceipt" "Print Receipt" "Steam_SubscriptionCardHolder" "Kortholder" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCardHolder" "Card holder" "Steam_SubscriptionCardType" "Korttype"

"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCardType" "Card type" "Steam_SubscriptionCardLast4" "Siste 4 sifre" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCardLast4" "Last 4 digits" "Steam_SubscriptionPriceTotal" "Totalsum" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionPriceTotal" "Total" "Steam_SubscriptionApprovalCode" "Godkjenning" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionApprovalCode" "Authorization" "Steam_SubscriptionConfirmation" "Bekreftelseskode" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionConfirmation" "Confirmation code" "Steam_TroubleshooterURL_CDKey" " wered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=276" "[english]Steam_TroubleshooterURL_CDKey" " /cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=276" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_CDKey_Headline" "Aktivering vellykket!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_CDKey_Headline" "Activation Successful!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_CDKey" "Produktkoden for %subscription% ble akt ivert. Dette produktet er n permanent knyttet til Steam-kontoen din. Du m logge de g p denne kontoen for f tilgang til produktene du nettopp har aktivert p Steam.\n\n Skriv ut en kvittering p denne transaksjonen, slik at du husker kontoen for fremt idig bruk." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_CDKey" "Your product activation code ha s successfully been activated. This product or products listed below are now per manently associated with your Steam account. You must login to this account to h ave access to the items you've just activated on Steam.\n\nPrint a receipt of th is transaction in order to remember your account for future use." "Steam_Subscription_Rejected_Cdkey_Headline" "Identisk produktkode" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Rejected_Cdkey_Headline" "Duplicate Product Code" "Steam_Subscription_Rejected_Cdkey" "Produktkoden du har skrevet inn, er all erede aktivert av en eksisterende Steam-konto, og derfor er den ugyldig. Aktiver ingen av %subscription% er ikke fullfrt." "[english]Steam_Subscription_Rejected_Cdkey" "The product code you've entered has already been activated by an existing Steam account, and is therefore inval id. Your activation of %subscription% has not been completed." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_InvalidCDKey_Headline" "Ugyldig produktkode" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_InvalidCDKey_Headline" "Invalid Product Code" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_InvalidCDKey" "Produktkoden du har skrevet inn , er ugyldig. \n\nDobbeltsjekk for kontrollere om du har skrevet inn nkkelen rik tig.\nI, L og 1 kan se like ut, og det kan ogs V og Y, og 0 og O." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_InvalidCDKey" "The product code you've entered is not valid. \n\nPlease double check to see if you've mistyped your ke y.\nI, L, and 1 can look alike, as can V and Y, and 0 and O." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustOwnOtherApp_Headline" "Vennligst aktiv er det originale spillet frst" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustOwnOtherApp_Headline" "Please first activate the original game" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustOwnOtherApp" "Produktet koden du har angitt krever eierskap av et annet produkt for kunne aktiveres. \n\nHvis du prver aktivere en tilleggspakke eller nedlastbart innhold, vennligst aktiver det orig inale spillet frst, deretter aktiverer du ekstrainnholdet." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustOwnOtherApp" "The product cod e you've entered requires ownership of another product before activation.\n\nIf you are trying to activate an expansion pack or downloadable content, please fir st activate the original game, then activate this additional content." "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Headline" "Takk transaksjonen er fullfrt." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Headline" "Thank you - Your transaction is complete." "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=regular" "Ditt abonnement p %subsc ription% er fullfrt. Abonnementet ditt er registrert p denne Steam-kontoen: %accou ntname%. I fremtiden m du logge p denne kontoen for f tilgang til spillene dine. Ta

kk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=regular" "Your subscripti on to %subscription% has been completed successfully. Your subscription is regis tered to this Steam account: %accountname%. In the future, you must login to thi s account to have access to your games. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=gift" "%subscription%-gaven er blitt s endt til %giftee%. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=gift" "Your gift of %subscript ion% has been sent to %giftee%. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=unknown" "Kjpet av %subscription% er fullfrt. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess$purchasetype=unknown" "Your purchase o f %subscription% has been completed successfully. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_Headline" "Kredittkortet b le avsltt" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_Headline" "Credit card declined" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined" "Ditt abonnement p %subsc ription% er ikke fullfrt. Kredittkortinformasjonen er avsltt av kredittkortleveran dren.\n\nVr oppmerksom p at i noen tilfeller kan kredittkortleverandren blokkere pen gene dine p kontoen, men du blir ikke belastet. Etter at du har sett gjennom info rmasjonen nedenfor, forsker du kjpe p nytt hvis du tror at kortet ble avsltt p grunn av en feil." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined" "Your subscripti on to %subscription% has not been completed. Your credit card information has be en declined by your credit card company.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not be cha rged. After reviewing the information below, if you believe your card has been d eclined in error please try your purchase again." "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder_Headline" "Bestilling fullfrt kortet er ikk e belastet enn" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder_Headline" "Order complete - card n ot yet charged" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder" "Forhndsbestillingen av %subscription% bl e fullfrt.\nBetalingen blir ikke behandlet fr spillet er offisielt utgitt. Du mott ar en kvittering nr kortet er belastet. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Preorder" "Your preorder of %subscription% has been completed successfully.\nYour payment will not be processed until the game is officially released. You will receive a full receipt when your card is p rocessed. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccess_Headline" "Forhndsbestillingen er g jennomfrt." "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccess_Headline" "Your preorder h as been processed" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccess" "Du forhndsbestilte %subscription % nylig. Spillet er offisielt utgitt, og derfor har kredittkortet ditt blitt bel astet. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccess" "Recently you preordered %subscription%. The game has been officially released, so your credit card has been processed and charged. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardDeclined_Headline" "Forhndsbestilling kredit tkort avsltt" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardDeclined_Headline" "Preorder - cred it card declined" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardDeclined" "Du forskte forhndsbestille %subsc ription% nylig. Spillet er n offisielt utgitt, og derfor har Steam behandlet kred ittkortinformasjonen.\n\nKortet er avsltt, men det er ikke belastet. Etter at du har sett gjennom informasjonen nedenfor, forsker du abonnementet p nytt hvis du tr or at kortet ble avsltt p grunn av en feil." "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardDeclined" "Recently you attempted

to pre-order %subscription%. The game has now been officially released, so Steam has processed your credit card information.\n\nYour card has been declined, and your card has not been charged. After reviewing the information below, if you b elieve your card has been declined in error please attempt your subscription aga in." "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_Headline" "Forhndsbestillingen ble behandlet." "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_Headline" "Your pre-order has been processed" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess" "Forhndsbestillingen av %subscrip tion% er fullfrt, og spillet blir snart offisielt utgitt. Betalingen er behandlet .\n\nDu fr beskjed med en gang du kan spille spillet. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess" "Your pre-order for %sub scription% has been completed, and the game will be officially released soon. Yo ur payment has been processed.\n\nWe'll let you know as soon as the game is avai lable to play. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_PayPal_Headline" "Forhndsbestillin gen ble behandlet." "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_PayPal_Headline" "Your pr e-order has been processed" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_PayPal" "Forhndsbestillingen av %subscrip tion% er fullfrt, og spillet blir snart offisielt utgitt. %provider%-kontoen er b elastet.\n\nDu fr beskjed med en gang du kan spille spillet. Takk for din bestill ing!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcess_PayPal" "Your pre-order for %subscription% has been completed, and the game will be officially released soon. Your %provider% account has been charged.\n\nWe'll let you know as soon as the game is available to play. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout_Headline" "Forhndsbestilling venter" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout_Headline" "Pre-order pending" "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout" "Forhndsbestillingen av %subscription% er ikke fullfrt fordi Steam i yeblikket er opptatt med behandle transaksjonen.\n\nDu fr beskjed om resultatene av transaksjonen med en gang vi har mulighet til behan dle dem." "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_Timeout" "Your pre-order for %subscriptio n% has not been completed, because Steam is currently too busy to process the tr ansaction.\n\nWe will get back to you with the results of your transaction as so on as we are able to process it." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Cancelled_Headline" "Abonnementet er avbrutt " "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Cancelled_Headline" "Subscription ca ncelled" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Cancelled" "Abonnementet p %subscription% er avbrutt . Denne avbrytingen skjedde p oppfordring fra eieren av Steam-kontoen eller fra V alve p bakgrunn av Steams abonnementsavtale." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_Cancelled" "Your subscription to %s ubscription% has been cancelled. This cancellation was either at the request of the Steam account owner, or a cancellation by Valve in accordance with the Steam Subscriber Agreement." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailed_Headline" "Steam-serveren er for ye blikket opptatt." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailed_Headline" "The Steam Serve r is currently too busy." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailed" "Ditt abonnement p %subscription% er ikke fullfrt. Steam-serverne er for opptatt til behandle foresprselen akkurat n. \n\nVi beklager eventuelle problemer det mtte medfre. Prv gjennomfre transaksjone n p nytt om noen timer." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailed" "Your subscription to %s ubscription% has not been completed. The Steam servers are currently too busy to process your request. \n\nWe apologize for the inconvenience. Please try your t

ransaction again in a few hours." "Steam_Subscription_ContactSupport_Headline" "Kjpsfeil" "[english]Steam_Subscription_ContactSupport_Headline" "Purchase error" "Steam_Subscription_ContactSupport" "Det oppstod en uventet feil. Ditt abonn ement p %subscription% er ikke fullfrt. \n\nKontakt Steams kundesttte ved hjelp av koblingen nedenfor." "[english]Steam_Subscription_ContactSupport" "An unexpected error has occurre d. Your subscription to %subscription% has not been completed. \n\nPlease contac t Steam Support using the link below." "Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_Headline" "Abonnement venter" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_Headline" "Subscription pending" "Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout" "Abonnementet p %subscription% er ikke fu llfrt fordi Steam i yeblikket er opptatt med behandle transaksjonen. \n\nDu kan i midlertid spille %subscription% i mellomtiden, og du fr beskjed om resultatene av transaksjonen med en gang vi har muligheten til behandle dem." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout" "Your subscription to %subscript ion% has not been completed, because Steam is currently too busy to process the transaction. \n\nHowever, you can play %subscription% in the meantime, and we wi ll get back to you with the results of your transaction as soon as we are able t o process it." "Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry_Headline" "Ikke tilgjengelig" "[english]Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry_Headline" "Not Available" "Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry" "Beklager, men %subscription% er ikke ti lgjengelig for kjp i dette landet. Kjpet ditt er opphevet." "[english]Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountry" "Sorry, but %subscription% is no t available for purchase in this country. Your purchase has been cancelled." "Steam_Subscription_Refunded_Headline" "Kjpesum refundert" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Refunded_Headline" "Purchase Refunded" "Steam_Subscription_Refunded" "Ditt kjp av %subscription% er refundert. Kreditt en br vises p kontoen om noen virkedager." "[english]Steam_Subscription_Refunded" "Your purchase of %subscription% has bee n refunded. The credit should appear in your account within a couple business da ys." "Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_Used_Headline" "Identisk registrering" "[english]Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_Used_Headline" "Duplicate Regis tration" "Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_Used" "Dette tilbudet er allerede aktivert med en annen Steam-konto." "[english]Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_Used" "This offer has already been activated using a different Steam account." "Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoIneligible" "Beklager, denne datamaskinen op pfyller ikke systemkravene for %subscription%-tilbudet." "[english]Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoIneligible" "Sorry, this computer do es not meet the system requirements for the %subscription% offer." "Steam_HardwarePromo_SupportURL" " /steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=628" "[english]Steam_HardwarePromo_SupportURL" " /cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=628" "Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_AlreadyPurchased_Headline" "Produktet er al lerede kjpt" "[english]Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_AlreadyPurchased_Headline" "Product Already Owned" "Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_AlreadyPurchased" "Denne Steam-kontoen eie r allerede produktet eller produktene i\ndette tilbudet. pne Mine spill-listen fo r f tilgang til dem." "[english]Steam_Subscription_HardwarePromo_AlreadyPurchased" "This Steam acco unt already owns the product(s) contained in\nthis offer. To access them, visit your Games Library." "Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoNeedDirectX" "Beklager. Vi krever DirectX 9 e ller nyere for bekrefte at du oppfyller kravene for %subscription%-tilbudet."

"[english]Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoNeedDirectX" "Sorry! We require Direc tX 9 or above to verify the eligibility requirements for the %subscription% offe r." "Steam_HardwarePromoInstallDirextX_Link" "Nedlastingsomrde for Microsoft D irectX" "[english]Steam_HardwarePromoInstallDirextX_Link" "Microsoft DirectX downlo ad site" "Steam_HardwarePromoInstallDirextX_URL" " x/" "[english]Steam_HardwarePromoInstallDirextX_URL" " m/windows/directx/" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_HardwarePromo_Headline" "Registreringen er fullfr t." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_HardwarePromo_Headline" "Registration su ccessful" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_HardwarePromo" "Du har benyttet deg av %subscri ption%-tilbudet. Abonnementet ditt er registrert p denne Steam-kontoen: %accountn ame%. I fremtiden m du logge p denne kontoen for f tilgang til spillene dine." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_HardwarePromo" "Your redemption of the %subscription% offer has been completed successfully. Your subscription is regis tered to this Steam account: %accountname%. In the future, you must login to thi s account to have access to your games." "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_HardwarePromo2" "Du fr tilgang til spillene i det te tilbudet fra en hvilken som helst datamaskin s lenge du logger deg p Steam-kont oen %accountname%." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_HardwarePromo2" "You will be able to acc ess the games contained in this offer from any computer, as long as you log in t o the Steam account '%accountname%'." "Steam_PreorderCancelled_Headline" "Forhndsbestilling avbrutt" "[english]Steam_PreorderCancelled_Headline" "Preorder Cancelled" "Steam_PreorderCancelled" "Som du ba om, er forhndsbestillingen av %subscri ption% via Steam avbrutt. Kontoen blir ikke belastet." "[english]Steam_PreorderCancelled" "As you requested, your pre-order throug h Steam for %subscription% has been cancelled. Your account will not be charged. " "Steam_PleaseWait" "Vennligst vent" "[english]Steam_PleaseWait" "Please wait" "Steam_Printing" "Skriver ut..." "[english]Steam_Printing" "Printing..." "Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked_Title" "Steam feil" "[english]Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked" "Denne funksjonen er i yeblikket lst.\nDu fr tilgan g ved logge inn p Steam p nytt ved hjelp av kontoen for Internett-kaf,\nog du m kont rollere at det er merket av for Husk mitt passord." "[english]Steam_CyberCafe_FeatureLocked" "This feature is currently locke d.\nTo access, log in again into Steam using your cybercafe account,\nmaking sur e that 'remember my password' is checked." "Steam_RegisterCDKey_Info" "Skriv inn produktkoden du vil aktivere." "[english]Steam_RegisterCDKey_Info" "Please enter the product code you wish to activate." "Steam_RegisterCDKey_Example" "Nkler ser slik ut:\n AAAAA-BBBBB-CCC CC\n AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE\n 237ABCDGHJLPRST 23" "[english]Steam_RegisterCDKey_Example" "Keys look like the following:\n AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC\n AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE\n 237ABCDGHJLPRST 23" "Steam_InstallAppWizard_Title" "Installer %game%" "[english]Steam_InstallAppWizard_Title" "Install - %game%" "Steam_PreloadAppStatus1" "Klargjr %s1-filer for installasjon." "[english]Steam_PreloadAppStatus1" "Preparing %s1 files for install." "Steam_PreloadAppStatus2" "Klargjr %s1-filer for installasjon.."

"[english]Steam_PreloadAppStatus2" "Preparing %s1 files for install.." "Steam_PreloadAppStatus3" "Klargjr %s1-filer for installasjon..." "[english]Steam_PreloadAppStatus3" "Preparing %s1 files for install..." "Steam_CDKeyAlreadyRegistered_Title" "Steam produktkodeadvarsel" "[english]Steam_CDKeyAlreadyRegistered_Title" "Steam - product code warning" "Steam_CDKeyCafe" "Du kan ikke registrere produktnkler p denne kontoen." "[english]Steam_CDKeyCafe" "You are unable to register product keys on this account." "Steam_BrowseGames" "Bla gjennom spill..." "[english]Steam_BrowseGames" "Browse games..." "Steam_Storefront_Title" "Steam bla gjennom spill" "[english]Steam_Storefront_Title" "Steam - Browse Games" "Steam_RegisterProductCode" "Aktiver et produkt i Steam..." "[english]Steam_RegisterProductCode" "Activate a Product on Steam..." "Steam_PurchaseError_SubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "Du eier allerede %subscription% ." "[english]Steam_PurchaseError_SubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "You already own %subscr iption%." "Steam_UpdateNews_Title" "Steam nyhetsoppdateringer" "[english]Steam_UpdateNews_Title" "Steam - Update News" "Steam_SettingsNotification_Info" "Gi meg beskjed (ved hjelp av Steams hur tigmeldinger) om tillegg eller endringer i:" "[english]Steam_SettingsNotification_Info" "Notify me (with Steam instant m essages) about additions or changes to:" "Steam_SettingsNotification_MyGames" "Mine spill" "[english]Steam_SettingsNotification_MyGames" "My Games" "Steam_SettingsNotification_UpcomingReleases" "Kommende og nye utgivelser" "[english]Steam_SettingsNotification_UpcomingReleases" "Upcoming and new releas es" "Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoAlreadyOwned" "Du har allerede benyttet deg av %subscription%-tilbudet med denne Steam-kontoen." "[english]Steam_PurchaseError_HardwarePromoAlreadyOwned" "You have alread y redeemed the %subscription% offer using this Steam account." "Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_UpdateNews" "Vis nyheter" "[english]Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_UpdateNews" "View News" "Steam_ContentServersBusy_Title" "Steam feil" "[english]Steam_ContentServersBusy_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_ContentServersBusy_Info" "Steam-serverne er for opptatt til behandle fore sprselen akkurat n.\nPrv p nytt om noen minutter." "[english]Steam_ContentServersBusy_Info" "The Steam servers are currently too busy to handle your request.\nPlease try again in a few minutes." "Steam_NoContentServers_Info" "Ingen av Steams innholdsservere er for yeblikket konfigurert til levere innhold til dette spillet.\nDette vil bli rettet snart. Vennligst prv igjen om et par minutter." "[english]Steam_NoContentServers_Info" "No Steam content servers are currently configured to deliver content for this game.\nThis will be corrected soon. Pleas e try again in a few minutes." "Steam_UpdateNewsButton" "Nyheter ..." "[english]Steam_UpdateNewsButton" "Update news..." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_JustReleased" "NYLIG UTGITT" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_JustReleased" "JUST RELEASED" "Steam_ErrorAccountDisabled" "Steams kundesttte har suspendert denne kontoen.\ n\nKontoer blir vanligvis suspendert nr en annen har ftt\ntilgang til kontoen, ell er en fakturadisputt er under behandling." "[english]Steam_ErrorAccountDisabled" "Steam Support has suspended this accoun t.\n\nAccounts typically become suspended when an account has been accessed\nby someone else, or a payment dispute is in progress." "Steam_PurchaseInfo" "Dette tilbudet inneholder artiklene i listen nedenfor." "[english]Steam_PurchaseInfo" "This offer contains the items listed below." "Steam_PurchaseInfo_Preorder" "Du forhndsbestiller denne pakken. Betalingen bli

r ikke behandlet fr pakken blir offisielt utgitt." "[english]Steam_PurchaseInfo_Preorder" "You are pre-ordering this package; Your payment will not be processed until the package becomes playable on its officia l release day." "Steam_InstallGameInfo" "Du er i ferd med installere %game%.\n" "[english]Steam_InstallGameInfo" "You are about to install %game%.\n" "Steam_Install_WillConvertExistingFiles" "Filer fra den lokale installasj onen (ogs lagrede spill og konfigurasjon) kopieres slik at de kan brukes i Steam. Filer som ikke finnes lokalt vil lastes ned fra Steam-serverne." "[english]Steam_Install_WillConvertExistingFiles" "Files from your local i nstallation (including any saved games and config files) will be copied for use in Steam. Any files not present locally will be downloaded from the Steam server s." "Steam_PreloadCompleteNoPreorderAvailable" "En lst kopi av %game% finnes n p d atamaskinen din." "[english]Steam_PreloadCompleteNoPreorderAvailable" "A locked copy of %game% is now on your computer." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_Headline" "Grensen for bru k av kredittkort er overskredet" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_Headline" "Credit Card Use Limit Exceeded" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_Info" "Denne transaksj onen ble ikke behandlet fordi kredittkortet nedenfor er brukt for mange ganger i Steam.\n\nDenne policyen eksisterer for beskytte vre kunder mot kredittkortsvind el. Vi reiser tiltale ved svindelforsk, og saken blir kjrt gjennom alle rettsinsta nser." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_Info" "This tr ansaction was not processed because the credit card below has been used too many times in Steam.\n\nThis policy exists in order to protect our customers from cr edit card fraud. We will prosecute fraud to the fullest extent of the law." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardAlert_Headline" "Kort avsltt" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardAlert_Headline" "Card De clined" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardAlert_Info" "Denne transaksjonen ble ikke behandlet fordi kredittkortbanken har identifisert bruk av kredittkortet s om kan vre forbundet med svindel.\n\nVr oppmerksom p at vi reiser tiltale ved svind elforsk, og saken blir kjrt gjennom alle rettsinstanser." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardAlert_Info" "This transactio n was not processed because your credit card bank has identified use of this cre dit card as potentially fraudulent.\n\nPlease note that we will prosecute fraud to the fullest extent of the law." "Steam_InstallDirectXDialog_Title" "Steam nyeste versjon av DirectX kreves" "[english]Steam_InstallDirectXDialog_Title" "Steam - latest DirectX required " "Steam_InstallDirextX_Info" "Den nyeste versjonen av Microsoft DirectX(r) kr eves for spille %game%." "[english]Steam_InstallDirextX_Info" "The latest version of Microsoft DirectX (r) is required to play %game%." "Steam_InstallDirextX_Link" "Nedlastingsomrde for Microsoft DirectX(r)" "[english]Steam_InstallDirextX_Link" "Microsoft DirectX(r) download site" "Steam_PurchaseError_AllAppsInSubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "Du har allerede disse s pillene.\nDu fr tilgang til dem via Mine spill-listen i Steam." "[english]Steam_PurchaseError_AllAppsInSubscriptionAlreadyOwned" "You alr eady have all these games.\nYou can access them in your Steam Games Library." "SteamUI_ProductRegistrationWizard_Title" "Veiviser for aktivering av prod ukt" "[english]SteamUI_ProductRegistrationWizard_Title" "Product Activation" "Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGame" "Spill %game% n" "[english]Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGame" "Play %game% now" "Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGamesList" "Vis Steam-biblioteket"

"[english]Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGamesList" "View Steam Library" "Steam_UnableToPreload" "Steam-serverne er i yeblikket for opptatt til kunne beha ndle flere forhndslastinger av %game%.\nPrv p nytt om noen timer." "[english]Steam_UnableToPreload" "The Steam servers are currently too bus y to handle any more preloads of %game%.\nPlease try again in a few hours." "Steam_Error_Preload_Title" "Forhndslasting feil" "[english]Steam_Error_Preload_Title" "Preloading - Error" "Steam_PreloadProgress" "%preload_amount%%% forhndslastet" "[english]Steam_PreloadProgress" "%preload_amount%%% pre-loaded" "Steam_PurchaseFraudWarning" "Kredittkortsvindel er straffbart, og Valve sama rbeider med myndighetene for hindre ulovlige kredittkortaktiviteter." "[english]Steam_PurchaseFraudWarning" "Credit card fraud is a crime, and Valve cooperates with law enforcement to prosecute illegal activity." "Steam_CacheValidation_Title" "Validerer Steam-filer %progress%%% fullfrt" "[english]Steam_CacheValidation_Title" "Validating Steam files - %progress%%% c omplete" "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches" "Validerer %cache_name%-filen (%cache_number% av %cache_total%)" "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches" "Validating %cache_name% file (%cache_nu mber% of %cache_total%)" "Steam_CacheDecryption_Title" "Dekrypterer Steam-filer %progress%%% fullfrt" "[english]Steam_CacheDecryption_Title" "Decrypting Steam files - %progress%%% c omplete" "Steam_DecryptingSteamCaches" "Dekrypterer %cache_name%-spillfiler" "[english]Steam_DecryptingSteamCaches" "Decrypting %cache_name% game files" "Steam_DecryptingSteamCaches_Label" "Vennligst vent mens Steam lser opp spill filer." "[english]Steam_DecryptingSteamCaches_Label" "Please wait while Steam unlocks game files." "SteamUI_VidDriverDetailsLabel" "Driveropplysninger" "[english]SteamUI_VidDriverDetailsLabel" "Your Driver details" "SteamUI_VidDriverOS" "OS-versjon:" "[english]SteamUI_VidDriverOS" "OS Version:" "SteamUI_VidDriverDescription" "Beskrivelse:" "[english]SteamUI_VidDriverDescription" "Description:" "SteamUI_VidDriverVersion" "Versjon:" "[english]SteamUI_VidDriverVersion" "Version:" "SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Title" "Grafikkdriver utdatert" "[english]SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Title" "Video Driver Outdated" "SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Info" "Grafikkdriveren viser seg vre utdatert, og den k an forrsake problemer hvis du velger fortsette kjre spillet. Det anbefales p det st erkeste at du klikker p koblingen nedenfor og oppdaterer grafikkdriverne til den siste versjonen som er tilgjengelig fra driverleverandren." "[english]SteamUI_DriverOutdated_Info" "Your video drivers appear to be out of date and could cause problems if you choose to continue and run the game. We st rongly recommend that you follow the link below and update your video drivers to the latest version available from your driver vendor." "SteamUI_OutdatedUrlLabel" "G til siden for driveroppdatering..." "[english]SteamUI_OutdatedUrlLabel" "Go to driver update page..." "SteamUI_ContinueOutdated" "Fortsett likevel" "[english]SteamUI_ContinueOutdated" "Continue Anyway" "SteamUI_SuppressOutdated" "Ikke vis denne advarselen flere ganger" "[english]SteamUI_SuppressOutdated" "Don't show this warning again" "SteamUI_DriverUnsupported_Title" "Skjermkortet stttes ikke" "[english]SteamUI_DriverUnsupported_Title" "Unsupported Video Card" "SteamUI_DriverUnsupported_Info" "Grafikkmaskinvaren oppfyller ikke minst ekravene som er definert for spillet. Hvis du velger fortsette kjre spillet likev el, kan du f problemer med stabiliteten eller ytelsen i spillet. Det anbefales p d et sterkeste at du klikker p koblingen nedenfor og oppdaterer grafikkdriverne til den siste versjonen som er tilgjengelig fra driverleverandren."

"[english]SteamUI_DriverUnsupported_Info" "Your video hardware does not me et the minimum requirements that we have set for the game. If you choose to con tinue and run the game anyway, you could have problems with stability or perform ance in the game. We strongly recommend that you follow the link below and upda te your video drivers to the latest version available from your driver vendor." "SteamUI_UnsupportedUrlLabel" "Vis minstekrav..." "[english]SteamUI_UnsupportedUrlLabel" "Show minimum requirements..." "SteamUI_ContinueUnsupported" "Fortsett likevel" "[english]SteamUI_ContinueUnsupported" "Continue Anyway" "SteamUI_SuppressUnsupported" "Ikke vis denne advarselen flere ganger" "[english]SteamUI_SuppressUnsupported" "Don't show this warning again" "SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Title" "Ukjent skjermkort" "[english]SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Title" "Unknown Video Card" "SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Info" "Skjermkortet som du bruker finnes ikke i databa sen. Det betyr at du kanskje ikke kan spille spillet med tilstrekkelig stabilite t eller ytelse. Vi setter pris p om du gir oss informasjonen vi trenger for gjenk jenne skjermkortet og driveren i fremtiden. Ved trykke p 'Last opp detaljer' hjel per du oss finne ut hvilke skjermkort som mangler i databasen." "[english]SteamUI_DriverUnknown_Info" "Your video card does not appear in our database. Consequently, you may or may not be able to the play game with suffic ient stability or performance. We would appreciate your help in ensuring that w e have sufficient information to address your video card and driver in the futur e. By clicking the Upload Details button you will help us track which video car ds are currently missing from our database." "SteamUI_UnknownUrlLabel" "Vis Valves retningslinjer for personvern..." "[english]SteamUI_UnknownUrlLabel" "View Valve Privacy Policy..." "SteamUI_UnknownUpload" "Last opp detaljer" "[english]SteamUI_UnknownUpload" "Upload Details" "SteamUI_ContinueUnknown" "Fortsett likevel" "[english]SteamUI_ContinueUnknown" "Continue Anyway" "SteamUI_SuppressUnknown" "Ikke vis denne advarselen flere ganger" "[english]SteamUI_SuppressUnknown" "Don't show this warning again" "SteamUI_OSVersionUnknown" "Ukjent Windows-versjon" "[english]SteamUI_OSVersionUnknown" "Unknown Windows Version" "SteamUI_OSVersionWin98" "Windows 98/98 SE/ME" "[english]SteamUI_OSVersionWin98" "Windows 98/98 SE/ME" "SteamUI_OSVersion2000" "Windows 2000" "[english]SteamUI_OSVersion2000" "Windows 2000" "SteamUI_OSVersionXP" "Windows XP" "[english]SteamUI_OSVersionXP" "Windows XP" "SteamUI_DriverUpdateURL" " er_update/index.php" "[english]SteamUI_DriverUpdateURL" " ges/driver_update/index.php" "SteamUI_DriverUnsupportedURL" " mum_req/index.php" "[english]SteamUI_DriverUnsupportedURL" " ges/minimum_req/index.php" "SteamUI_UnknownDriverURL" "" "[english]SteamUI_UnknownDriverURL" " m" "SteamUI_Syscheck_Success_Title" "Systemkravssjekk godkjent." "[english]SteamUI_Syscheck_Success_Title" "System Requirements Check Passe d" "SteamUI_Syscheck_Success" "Denne datamaskinen mter minimumskravet for %game %." "[english]SteamUI_Syscheck_Success" "This computer meets the minimum system requirements for %game%." "SteamUI_MBPGPUWarning_Title" "Steam - Flere GPUer oppdaget" "[english]SteamUI_MBPGPUWarning_Title" "Steam - Multiple GPUs detected"

"Steam_MBPGPUWarning_Info" "Din MacBook Pro har to grafikkort og er konfigu rert for strmsparing, ikke hastighet. For den beste opplevelsen, anbefaler vi at du bytter til kortet med bedre ytelse, ved pne Strmsparing-innstillingene, og velg e \"Hyere Ytelse\"-grafikk. Du m logge av OSX for at endringen skal tre i kraft." "[english]Steam_MBPGPUWarning_Info" "Your MacBook Pro has two Graphics cards and is currently configured for power efficiency, not speed. For the best experience, we suggest you switch to the card with better performan ce, by opening the Energy Saver system preferences pane, and choosing 'Higher Performance' graphics . You'll need to log out of OSX for the change to take effect." "SteamUI_MBPEnegySaverLinkText" "Klikk her for pne Strmsparer-valgpanelet." "[english]SteamUI_MBPEnegySaverLinkText" "Click here to open the Energy S aver preference pane." "SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Title" "CD/DVD kreves" "[english]SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Title" "CD / DVD required" "SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Info" "Sett inn CD-ROMen eller DVDen for %subs cription% i stasjonen." "[english]SteamUI_PleaseInsertRetailCDRom_Info" "Please insert your %subscriptio n% CD or DVD into your drive." "Steam_ErrorPurchasePending_Title" "Steam kjp venter" "[english]Steam_ErrorPurchasePending_Title" "Steam - Purchase pending" "Steam_ErrorPurchasePending_Info" "Kjpet blir fortsatt behandlet. Du fr besk jed fra Steam nr transaksjonen er fullfrt.\nFrem til da kan du ikke spille spillet ." "[english]Steam_ErrorPurchasePending_Info" "Your purchase is still being pr ocessed - Steam will notify you when the transaction has been completed.\nUntil then, this game is not available to play." "SteamUI_FSMode_ShortExplanation" "Steam er kun tilgjengelig i offline-mod us." "[english]SteamUI_FSMode_ShortExplanation" "Steam available in Offline Mode only" "SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation" "Steam-nettverket tillater for yeblikket at Steam bare kan brukes i offline-modus. Dette betyr at du har tilgang til spillene din e, men mange tjenester p Steam-nettverket vil vre utilgjengelige." "[english]SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation" "The Steam network currently allows Stea m to be used in Offline Mode only. This means you'll have access to your games, but many Steam network services will be unavailable." "SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation2" "Steam-gruppen arbeider med gjre alle nettverkstj enester tilgjengelige igjen s snart som mulig. Takk for at du venter imens." "[english]SteamUI_FSMode_Explanation2" "The Steam team is working on restoring full network services as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience during th is time." "SteamUI_FSMode_StartInOffline" "Start Steam i offline-modus" "[english]SteamUI_FSMode_StartInOffline" "Start Steam in Offline Mode" "SteamUI_FSMode_Title" "Starte i offline-modus?" "[english]SteamUI_FSMode_Title" "Start in Offline Mode?" "Steam_ShippingAddressSameAsBillingAddress_Check" "Min leveringsadresse er den samme som faktureringsadressen." "[english]Steam_ShippingAddressSameAsBillingAddress_Check" "My shipping add ress is the same as my billing address." "Steam_ShippingName" "Navn" "[english]Steam_ShippingName" "Name" "Steam_SubscribeShippingInfo" "Angi gjeldende leveringsadresse." "[english]Steam_SubscribeShippingInfo" "Please provide your current shipping ad dress." "Steam_ChangeUser" "Logg p som en annen bruker..." "[english]Steam_ChangeUser" "Login as a different user..."

"Steam_NoSavePersonalInfoCheck" "Ikke lagre kontodetaljene p denne datamaskinen" "[english]Steam_NoSavePersonalInfoCheck" "Don't save account credentials on this computer" "Steam_NoSavePersonalInfoCheckDescription" "Dette alternativet anbefales fo r offentlige datamaskiner.\nMerk at dette vil deaktivere 'Offline-modus'." "[english]Steam_NoSavePersonalInfoCheckDescription" "This option is recommen ded for public computers.\nNote that this will disable Offline Mode." "Steam_PurchaseZipCodeInfoInvalid" "Angi et gyldig femsifret postnummer" "[english]Steam_PurchaseZipCodeInfoInvalid" "Please enter a valid 5-digit zi p code" "Steam_PurchaseStateInfoInvalid" "Angi en gyldig tobokstavskombinasjon fo r en stat" "[english]Steam_PurchaseStateInfoInvalid" "Please enter a valid 2-letter s tate" "Steam_InternetSpeedDescription" "Omtrentlig hastighet p Internett-tilkobl ingen" "[english]Steam_InternetSpeedDescription" "Approximate speed of your Inter net connection" "Start_Server_FSMount_Error_Title" "Dedikert server - Feil i filsystem" "[english]Start_Server_FSMount_Error_Title" "Dedicated Server - Filesystem E rror" "Start_Server_FSMount_Error" "Kunne ikke starte Steam-filsystem." "[english]Start_Server_FSMount_Error" "Failed to mount Steam filesystem." "Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=regular" "Ditt abonnement p %subscription% er fullfrt.\n\nDu kan spille alle spill som er utgitt, ved klikk e p dem i Steams Spill-liste. Du mottar ogs en e-postbekreftelse s snart produktdel en av bestillingen din er sendt. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=regular" "Your su bscription to %subscription% has been completed successfully.\n\nYou can play an y of the currently released games by clicking on them in your Steam Games Librar y. Also, you'll receive an email confirmation as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=gift" "%subscription%gaven er blitt sendt til %giftee%. Du mottar en e-postbekreftelse s snart produkt delen av bestillingen din er sendt. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=gift" "Your gi ft of %subscription% has been sent to %giftee%. You'll receive an email confirma tion as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=unknown" "Kjpet av %subscr iption% er fullfrt. Du mottar en e-postbekreftelse s snart produktdelen av bestill ingen din er sendt. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping$purchasetype=unknown" "Your pu rchase of %subscription% has been completed. You'll receive an email confirmatio n as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for yo ur order!" "Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping_Headline" "Takk transaksjonen er f ullfrt." "[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShipping_Headline" "Thank you - You r transaction is complete." "Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay_Headline" "Abonnement venter" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay_Headline" "Subscription pe nding" "Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay" "Abonnementet p %subscription% er ikke fullfrt fordi Steam i yeblikket ikke kan behandle transaksjonen.\n\nDu kan i kke spille %subscription% fr abonnementsprosessen er fullfrt. Vi beklager eventuel le problemer det mtte medfre. Steam-gruppen arbeider for lse dette problemet, og du fr beskjed med en gang transaksjonen er fullfrt." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlay" "Your subscription to %s ubscription% has not been completed, because Steam servers are currently unable

to process the transaction.\n\nYou won't be able to play %subscription% until th e subscription process is complete. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. The Steam team is working to rectify this situation, and will notify you as soon as the transaction is complete." "Steam_CannotStartSecondPurchase" "Det er allerede et kjp p gang, s du kan ik ke starte et nytt kjp akkurat n. Du m enten fullfre eller avbryte kjpet som allerede er i gang." "[english]Steam_CannotStartSecondPurchase" "There is already a purchase in progress, so you can't initiate another one right now. Please either complete or cancel the purchase already in progress." "SteamUI_PleaseInstallRetailFiles_Title" "Installer %subscription% fr du f ortsetter." "[english]SteamUI_PleaseInstallRetailFiles_Title" "Please install %subscri ption% before continuing." "SteamUI_PleaseInstallRetailFiles_Info" "Installasjonen av %subscription% m fullfr es fr du kan fortsette.\nSett inn CD-ROMen/DVDen for %subscription% i stasjonen o g velg Installer p hurtigmenyen." "[english]SteamUI_PleaseInstallRetailFiles_Info" "Installation of %subscr iption% is required before continuing.\nPlease insert your %subscription% CD/DVD into the drive and select 'install' from the autorun menu." "Steam_PhoneNumber" "Telefonnummer" "[english]Steam_PhoneNumber" "Phone number" "Steam_GamePurchaseableWhenReleased" " *" "[english]Steam_GamePurchaseableWhenReleased" " *" "Steam_ShippingGoods" "Half-Life 2-effekter" "[english]Steam_ShippingGoods" "Half-Life 2 Merchandise" "Steam_ShippingAndHandling" "Forsendelse og hndtering" "[english]Steam_ShippingAndHandling" "Shipping & Handling" "Steam_DutyNote" "Effekter sendes fra USA. Du er ansvarlig for betale eve ntuell toll." "[english]Steam_DutyNote" "Merchandise will be shipped from the United Sta tes. You are responsible for any applicable duty charges." "Steam_AgreeToTheTerms" "Jeg er enig i vilkrene i" "[english]Steam_AgreeToTheTerms" "I agree to the terms of the" "Steam_SteamSubscriberAgreement" "Steams abonnementsavtale" "[english]Steam_SteamSubscriberAgreement" "Steam Subscriber Agreement" "Steam_ComplianceRequired_Title" "Steam advarsel" "[english]Steam_ComplianceRequired_Title" "Steam - Warning" "Steam_ComplianceRequired_Info" "Du m vre enig i vilkrene i Steams abonnementsavtal e for kunne fortsette." "[english]Steam_ComplianceRequired_Info" "Agreement to the terms of the S team subscriber agreement is required to continue." "Steam_Legal_UnreleasedProduct" "*Dette er et produkt som enn ikke er utgitt, og det blir gjort tilgjengelig for kjp p utgivelsesdatoen. Utgivelsesdatoen for dett e produktet er ubestemt, og kjpere br ikke stole p en ansltt utgivelsesdato." "[english]Steam_Legal_UnreleasedProduct" "* This is an unreleased product and will be made available to purchasers upon its release. The release date fo r this product is uncertain and purchasers should not rely on any estimated rele ase date." "Steam_Legal_TimeToShipGoods" "**Det kan ta fra 68 uker levere effektene, inklu dert pakken Half-Life 2 Gold." "[english]Steam_Legal_TimeToShipGoods" "** Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of mer chandise included in the Half-Life 2 gold package." "Steam_Legal_SSACheckbox" "Jeg godtar at Steams abonnementsavtale og vilkre ne i tilbudet som beskrives her, gjelder for dette kjpet." "[english]Steam_Legal_SSACheckbox" "I agree that the Steam Subscriber Agree ment and the terms of the offer described here will apply to this purchase." "Steam_Legal_SSANext" "Jeg godtar" "[english]Steam_Legal_SSANext" "I Agree" "SteamUI_HardwarePromoWizard_Title" "Registrer kampanjetilbud"

"[english]SteamUI_HardwarePromoWizard_Title" "Register Promotional Offer" "Steam_HardwarePromo_Intro" "Gratulerer! Datamaskinen din oppfyller kravene for dette tilbudet. Du kan benytte deg av tilbudet ved registrere det p n, og bare n, Steam-konto. Du kan spille spillene i tilbudet fra en hvilken som helst datam askin s lenge du logger deg p denne Steam-kontoen." "[english]Steam_HardwarePromo_Intro" "Congratulations! Your computer qualifie s for this offer. You may redeem the offer by registering it to one, and only on e, Steam account. You'll be able to play the games contained in the offer from a ny computer, as long as you login to this Steam account." "Steam_Legal_HardwarePromo_Unreleased" "Noen av produktene i denne pakken er en n ikke utgitt, og er derfor ikke tilgjengelige enn. Disse produktene blir automati sk gjort tilgjengelige for deg via Steam p utgivelsesdatoen. Utgivelsesdatoen for disse produktene er ubestemt, og kjpere br ikke stole p en ansltt utgivelsesdato. A ndre vilkr og betingelser vises ved klikke p Neste." "[english]Steam_Legal_HardwarePromo_Unreleased" "Some of the products in this pa ckage have not yet been released and are not currently available. These products will automatically be made available to you via Steam upon their release. The r elease date for these products is uncertain and purchasers should not rely on an y estimated release date. Additional terms and conditions will be shown by click ing 'Next'." "Steam_Working_HardwarePromo" "Registrerer tilbud..." "[english]Steam_Working_HardwarePromo" "Registering offer..." "SteamUI_OEMTicketWizard_Title" "Registrer OEM-lisens." "[english]SteamUI_OEMTicketWizard_Title" "Register OEM License" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupGame" "Sikkerhetskopier spillfiler..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupGame" "Backup Game Files..." "Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Title" "Steam sikkerhetskopi" "[english]Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Title" "Steam - Backup" "Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Info" "%game% kan ikke sikkerhetskopieres fr de t er ferdig oppdatert." "[english]Steam_BackupRequiresFullCache_Info" "%game% cannot be backed up unti l it has finished updating." "Steam_BackupSelectGames_Info" "Velg programmene du vil inkludere i denne sikke rhetskopieringen.\nBare programmer som er fullstendig lastet ned og oppdatert, k an sikkerhetskopieres." "[english]Steam_BackupSelectGames_Info" "Select the programs you wish to include in this backup.\nOnly programs which are fully downloaded and up-to-date are av ailable to be backed up." "Steam_BackupStartText" "Hva vil du gjre?" "[english]Steam_BackupStartText" "What would you like to do?" "Steam_BackupChooseRestore" "Gjenopprette en tidligere sikkerhetskopi" "[english]Steam_BackupChooseRestore" "Restore a previous backup" "Steam_BackupChooseBackup" "Sikkerhetskopier installerte program" "[english]Steam_BackupChooseBackup" "Backup currently installed programs" "Steam_BackupWizard_Title" "Sikkerhetskopier og gjenopprett program" "[english]Steam_BackupWizard_Title" "Backup and Restore Programs" "Steam_BackingUpFile" "Sikkerhetskopierer %fil%" "[english]Steam_BackingUpFile" "Backing up %file%" "Steam_TotalBackupProgress" "Tid som gjenstr:" "[english]Steam_TotalBackupProgress" "Time remaining:" "Steam_complete" "utfrt" "[english]Steam_complete" "complete" "Steam_ChooseRestoreDirectory_Info" "Finn katalogen som inneholder sikkerhet skopifilene du vil gjenopprette fra. Hvis du har lagret sikkerhetskopien p Steams standardplassering, ligger den i en mappe i katalogen Backups." "[english]Steam_ChooseRestoreDirectory_Info" "Locate the directory containing the backup files from which you wish to restore. If you've saved your backup to Steam's default location, this will be a folder inside the directory called 'Ba ckups.'" "Steam_RestoreDirectory" "Gjenopprett program fra mappe:"

"[english]Steam_RestoreDirectory" "Restore program from folder:" "Steam_RestoreGameFound" "Sikkerhetskopier av program funnet:" "[english]Steam_RestoreGameFound" "Program backups found:" "Steam_RestoreNoneFound" "ingen" "[english]Steam_RestoreNoneFound" "none" "Steam_SelectRestoreDirectory_Title" "Finn sikkerhetskopifilene dine" "[english]Steam_SelectRestoreDirectory_Title" "Locate your Backup Files" "Steam_ChooseBackupDirectory_Info" "Velg en mappe der du vil lagre de sikke rhetskopierte filene." "[english]Steam_ChooseBackupDirectory_Info" "Choose a directory where you wi sh to create the backup files." "Steam_BackupDirectory" "Plassering av sikkerhetskopi" "[english]Steam_BackupDirectory" "Backup destination" "Steam_ChangeDirectory" "Bla gjennom..." "[english]Steam_ChangeDirectory" "Browse..." "Steam_BackingUpFiles_Info" "Vent mens sikkerhetskopiene komprimeres og lagr es..." "[english]Steam_BackingUpFiles_Info" "Please wait while the backup archives a re being compressed and saved..." "Steam_BadBackupDir_Title" "Steam sikkerhetskopi" "[english]Steam_BadBackupDir_Title" "Steam - Backup" "Steam_CannotBackupToRootDirectory" "Kan ikke sikkerhetskopiere filer til sy stemmapper." "[english]Steam_CannotBackupToRootDirectory" "Cannot backup files to system d irectories." "Steam_CannotBackupNoEnoughDiskSpace" "Ikke tilstrekkelig diskplass p denne sta sjonen." "[english]Steam_CannotBackupNoEnoughDiskSpace" "Not enough disk space free on t his drive." "Steam_BackupNameAndSize_Info" "Om ndvendig deles sikkerhetskopien opp i flere f iler for enklere lagring p CD-R eller DVD-R." "[english]Steam_BackupNameAndSize_Info" "If necessary, your backup will be split into multiple files for easy storage on CD-R or DVD-R." "Steam_BackupFileSize" "Filstrrelse" "[english]Steam_BackupFileSize" "File size" "Steam_BackupSize_CD" "CD [640 MB]" "[english]Steam_BackupSize_CD" "CD [640 MB]" "Steam_BackupSize_DVD" "DVD [4,7 GB]" "[english]Steam_BackupSize_DVD" "DVD [4.7 GB]" "Steam_BackupFileName" "Navn p sikkerhetskopifil" "[english]Steam_BackupFileName" "Backup file name" "Steam_SelectBackupDirectory_Title" "Velg sikkerhetskopimappe" "[english]Steam_SelectBackupDirectory_Title" "Select backup folder" "Steam_DisksRequiredApprox" "Omtrentlig antall komprimerte\nfiler som skal s krives:" "[english]Steam_DisksRequiredApprox" "Approximate number of compressed\nfiles which will be written:" "Steam_BackupWizard_OpenFolder" "pne sikkerhetskopimappe" "[english]Steam_BackupWizard_OpenFolder" "Open Backup Folder" "Steam_BackupComplete_Info" "Sikkerhetskopieringen er n fullfrt. Hvis du har e n CD-R- eller DVD-R-stasjon, kan du bruke den til lagre sikkerhetskopifiler.\n\n Bruk Steams sikkerhetskopiering- og gjenopprettingsveiviser for gjenopprette sik kerhetskopierte spill." "[english]Steam_BackupComplete_Info" "Backup is now complete. If you have a C D-R or DVD-R drive, you can use it to save your backup file(s).\n\nUse Steam's B ackup and Restore wizard to restore your backed-up games." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_Tools" "VERKTY" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_Tools" "TOOLS" "Steam_InstallExplanation_Install" "Last ned og installer" "[english]Steam_InstallExplanation_Install" "Download and Install"

"Steam_InstallExplanation_Title" "Steam verkty" "[english]Steam_InstallExplanation_Title" "Steam - Tools" "Steam_CreditCardAmexInvalid" "Kredittkortets sikkerhetsnummer m best av 4 sifre ." "[english]Steam_CreditCardAmexInvalid" "Credit card security number must be 4 n umbers long." "Steam_CreditCardDinersInvalid" "[temp]" "[english]Steam_CreditCardDinersInvalid" "[temp]" "Steam_UnlockAppStatus1" "Dekrypterer %s1 spillfiler." "[english]Steam_UnlockAppStatus1" "Decrypting %s1 game files." "Steam_UnlockAppStatus2" "Dekrypterer %s1 spillfiler.." "[english]Steam_UnlockAppStatus2" "Decrypting %s1 game files.." "Steam_UnlockAppStatus3" "Dekrypterer %s1 spillfiler..." "[english]Steam_UnlockAppStatus3" "Decrypting %s1 game files..." "Steam_ConnectionIssues_Title" "Steam advarsel" "[english]Steam_ConnectionIssues_Title" "Steam - Warning" "Steam_ConnectionIssues_Info" "Steam har problemer med koble til Steam-servern e." "[english]Steam_ConnectionIssues_Info" "Steam is having trouble connecting to t he Steam servers." "Steam_ConnectionIssues_LinkText" "Feilskingstips" "[english]Steam_ConnectionIssues_LinkText" "Troubleshooting tips" "Steam_RetryConnection" "Prv tilkobling p nytt" "[english]Steam_RetryConnection" "Retry connection" "Steam_GamePropertiesContent_Scanning" "Skanner..." "[english]Steam_GamePropertiesContent_Scanning" "Scanning..." "Steam_Install_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Lag snarvei p skrivebordet til %game%" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Create desktop shortcut to %gam e%" "Steam_Install_CreateMultipleDesktopShortcut" "Lag snarvei p skrivebordet for h vert spill" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateMultipleDesktopShortcut" "Create desktop shortcut for each game" "Steam_Install_CreateGameExplorerShortcut" "Legg til i Spillutforsker" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateGameExplorerShortcut" "Add to Games Explorer" "Steam_Install_ViewGameManual" "Vis hndbok for %spillhndbok%" "[english]Steam_Install_ViewGameManual" "View %game_manual% manual" "Steam_Account_Link" "Vis kontologg" "[english]Steam_Account_Link" "View Account History" "Steam_SteamAccount" "Steam-konto" "[english]Steam_SteamAccount" "Steam account" "Steam_Cost" "Kostnad" "[english]Steam_Cost" "Cost" "Steam_EstimatedTax" "Ansltt avgift" "[english]Steam_EstimatedTax" "Estimated tax" "Steam_ShippingDutyNotice" "Effekter sendes fra USA. Du er ansvarlig for be tale eventuell toll." "[english]Steam_ShippingDutyNotice" "Merchandise will be shipped from the Un ited States. You are responsible for any applicable duty charges." "Steam_TotalCost" "Totalsum" "[english]Steam_TotalCost" "Total" "Steam_CardHolderName" "Navn p kortholder" "[english]Steam_CardHolderName" "Card holder name" "Steam_CardType" "Korttype" "[english]Steam_CardType" "Card type" "Steam_CardNumber" "Kortnummer" "[english]Steam_CardNumber" "Card number" "Steam_CardExpiration" "Kortets utlpsdato" "[english]Steam_CardExpiration" "Card expiration" "Steam_BillingAddress" "Faktureringsadresse"

"[english]Steam_BillingAddress" "Billing address" "Steam_BillingAddressLine2" "Linje 2 p faktureringsadresse" "[english]Steam_BillingAddressLine2" "Billing address line 2" "Steam_BillingCity" "By" "[english]Steam_BillingCity" "City" "Steam_BillingPostCode" "Postnummer" "[english]Steam_BillingPostCode" "Postal code" "Steam_BillingState" "Stat" "[english]Steam_BillingState" "State" "Steam_BillingCountry" "Land" "[english]Steam_BillingCountry" "Country" "Steam_ShippingAddress" "Leveringsadresse" "[english]Steam_ShippingAddress" "Shipping address" "Steam_ShippingAddressLine2" "Leveringsadresse, linje 2" "[english]Steam_ShippingAddressLine2" "Shipping address line 2" "Steam_ShippingCity" "By" "[english]Steam_ShippingCity" "City" "Steam_ShippingPostCode" "Postnummer" "[english]Steam_ShippingPostCode" "Postal code" "Steam_ShippingState" "Stat" "[english]Steam_ShippingState" "State" "Steam_ShippingCountry" "Land" "[english]Steam_ShippingCountry" "Country" "Steam_ShippingPhone" "Telefonnummer" "[english]Steam_ShippingPhone" "Phone number" "Steam_InvalidLoginTitle" "Krever gyldig Steam-plogging" "[english]Steam_InvalidLoginTitle" "Valid Steam Login Required" "Steam_InvalidLoginDetail" "Steam finner ingen gyldig plogging.\n\nLogg p for fortsette bruke Steam." "[english]Steam_InvalidLoginDetail" "Steam cannot detect a valid login.\n\nP lease log in to continue using Steam." "Steam_LoginElipsis" "Plogging..." "[english]Steam_LoginElipsis" "Login..." "Steam_QuitButton" "Avslutt" "[english]Steam_QuitButton" "Quit" "Steam_ConnectionFailureTitle" "Tilkoblingsfeil" "[english]Steam_ConnectionFailureTitle" "Connection Failure" "Steam_ConnectionFailureDetail" "Steam kan ikke koble til nettverket. Dette kan skyldes et problem med Internett-tilkoblingen." "[english]Steam_ConnectionFailureDetail" "Steam cannot connect to the net work. This may be due to a problem with your Internet connection." "Steam_ConnectionSupportLink" "Feilsk min tilkobling" "[english]Steam_ConnectionSupportLink" "Troubleshoot my connection" "Steam_ConnectionSupportURL" " wered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=11" "[english]Steam_ConnectionSupportURL" " /steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=11" "SteamUI_NetworkTroubleshootingTips" "Tips til nettverksfeilsking" "[english]SteamUI_NetworkTroubleshootingTips" "Network troubleshooting tips" "SteamUI_PerfWarningTitle" "Ytelsesadvarsel" "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningTitle" "Performance Warning" "SteamUI_PerfWarning" "Systemet oppfyller ikke ett eller flere av systemkraven e for %game% nr det gjelder CPU, minne eller videokort." "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarning" "Your system does not meet one or more of %game% 's system recommendations for CPU, Memory or Video Card." "SteamUI_PerfWarningLostCoast" "Lost Coast er en gratis oppdatering for eiere a v Half-Life 2, som er utviklet til vre en forsmak p det siste innen sanntidsgrafik k, inkludert HDR-lyssetting (HighDynamic Range). Derfor har spillet uvanlig hye s ystemkrav." "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningLostCoast" "Lost Coast is a free update for owners

of Half-Life 2 which has been built to showcase the latest in real-time graphics , including HighDynamic Range lighting. As such, it has unusually high system re quirements." "SteamUI_PerfWarningRecommended" "ANBEFALT:" "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningRecommended" "RECOMMENDED:" "SteamUI_PerfWarningYourSystem" "DITT SYSTEM:" "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningYourSystem" "YOUR SYSTEM:" "SteamUI_PerfWarningBuyStuff" "En kobling til videokort med hy ytelse finnes ne denfor. Kontakt datamaskinleverandren for andre artikler." "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningBuyStuff" "A link to high-performance video cards is below. For the other items, please consult your favorite computer store." "SteamUI_PerfWarningLink" "Klikk her for kjpe et HDR-kompatibelt videokort fra" "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningLink" "Click here to shop for an HDR-capable v ideo card at" "Steam_InstallGameAnyway" "Installer %game%" "[english]Steam_InstallGameAnyway" "Install %game%" "Steam_RunGameAnyway" "Start %game%" "[english]Steam_RunGameAnyway" "Launch %game%" "Steam_PurchaseAnyway" "Kjp %game%" "[english]Steam_PurchaseAnyway" "Purchase %game%" "SteamUI_PerfWarningVideo" "Se Lost Coast-videoen" "[english]SteamUI_PerfWarningVideo" "Watch the Lost Coast video" "SteamUI_OSWarningTitle" "Systemkravene ble ikke oppfylt" "[english]SteamUI_OSWarningTitle" "System Requirements failed" "SteamUI_OSWarning" "Du m kjre %os% eller senere for kunne kjre dette spillet" "[english]SteamUI_OSWarning" "You must be running %os% or later to run this g ame" "SteamUI_OSWarningContinueAnyway" "Fortsett likevel" "[english]SteamUI_OSWarningContinueAnyway" "Continue Anyway" "SteamUI_OSWarningOkay" "OK" "[english]SteamUI_OSWarningOkay" "OK" "SteamUI_SSA_Agree" "Les denne avtalen i sin helhet. Du m godta vilkrene i Ste ams abonnementsavtale for kunne fortsette." "[english]SteamUI_SSA_Agree" "Please read this agreement in its entirety. You must agree with the terms of the Steam Subscriber Agreement to continue." "SteamUI_SSA_CybercafeAgree" "Jeg har lisens for drive en Internett-kaf, og je g godtar disse vilkrene" "[english]SteamUI_SSA_CybercafeAgree" "I am a Licensed Cybercafe Operator and agree to these terms" "SteamUI_SSA_ActivateProduct" "Du registrerer spillet fra Steam ved skrive inn produktkoden som fulgte med CD-ROMen eller DVDen, eller en annen Steam-produktnk kel her. Klikk p Neste for fortsette." "[english]SteamUI_SSA_ActivateProduct" "To register your product with Steam, en ter the product code distributed with a retail CD/DVD or other Steam product key here. Click 'Next' to continue." "Steam_IconsColumn" "Ikoner" "[english]Steam_IconsColumn" "Icons" "Steam_GamesColumn" "Spill" "[english]Steam_GamesColumn" "Games" "Steam_ToolsColumn" "Tittel" "[english]Steam_ToolsColumn" "Title" "Steam_StatusColumn" "Status" "[english]Steam_StatusColumn" "Status" "Steam_UpdateColumn" "Oppdater" "[english]Steam_UpdateColumn" "Update" "Steam_DeveloperColumn" "Utvikler" "[english]Steam_DeveloperColumn" "Developer" "Steam_CloudColumn" "Steam Cloud" "[english]Steam_CloudColumn" "Steam Cloud"

"Steam_MyGames_TabTitle" "Mine spill" "[english]Steam_MyGames_TabTitle" "My games" "Steam_Store_TabTitle" "Butikk" "[english]Steam_Store_TabTitle" "Store" "Steam_Tools_TabTitle" "Verkty" "[english]Steam_Tools_TabTitle" "Tools" "Steam_Root_Title" "STEAM %account%" "[english]Steam_Root_Title" "Steam" "Steam_Root_Title_Internal" "STEAM [%universe%] %account%" "[english]Steam_Root_Title_Internal" "Steam" "Steam_Account_Name" "%account%s konto" "[english]Steam_Account_Name" "%account%'s Account" "Steam_Universe_Internal" "[%universe%]" "[english]Steam_Universe_Internal" "[%universe%]" "Steam_News" "Nyheter" "[english]Steam_News" "News" "Steam_Friends" "Venner" "[english]Steam_Friends" "Friends" "Steam_Servers" "Servere" "[english]Steam_Servers" "Servers" "Steam_Settings" "Innstillinger" "[english]Steam_Settings" "Settings" "Steam_Support" "Sttte" "[english]Steam_Support" "Support" "Steam_News_Upper" "NYHETER" "[english]Steam_News_Upper" "NEWS" "Steam_Friends_Upper" "VENNER" "[english]Steam_Friends_Upper" "FRIENDS" "Steam_Servers_Upper" "SERVERE" "[english]Steam_Servers_Upper" "SERVERS" "Steam_Settings_Upper" "INNSTILLINGER" "[english]Steam_Settings_Upper" "SETTINGS" "Steam_Support_Upper" "KUNDESTTTE" "[english]Steam_Support_Upper" "SUPPORT" "Steam_Launch" "Start" "[english]Steam_Launch" "Play" "Steam_Install" "Installer" "[english]Steam_Install" "Install" "Steam_Preload" "Forhndslast" "[english]Steam_Preload" "Pre-load" "Steam_Purchase" "Kjp" "[english]Steam_Purchase" "Purchase" "Steam_Details" "Detaljer" "[english]Steam_Details" "Details" "steam_menu_file" "Fil" "[english]steam_menu_file" "Steam" "steam_menu_view" "Vis" "[english]steam_menu_view" "View" "steam_menu_games" "Spill" "[english]steam_menu_games" "Games" "steam_menu_view_games" "Vis spillbibliotek" "[english]steam_menu_view_games" "View Games Library" "steam_menu_help" "Hjelp" "[english]steam_menu_help" "Help" "steam_menu_account" "Steam" "[english]steam_menu_account" "Steam" "steam_menu_window" "Vindu" "[english]steam_menu_window" "Window" "steam_menu_games_details" "Spill - detaljer" "[english]steam_menu_games_details" "Games Details"

"steam_menu_games_list" "Spill - liste" "[english]steam_menu_games_list" "Games List" "steam_menu_games_grid" "Spill - rutenett" "[english]steam_menu_games_grid" "Games Grid" "steam_store" "Butikk" "[english]steam_store" "Store" "steam_mygames" "Mine spill" "[english]steam_mygames" "Games" "steam_tools" "Verkty" "[english]steam_tools" "Tools" "steam_about" "Om Steam" "[english]steam_about" "About Steam" "steam_menu_minigameslist" "Bytt til liste over minispill" "[english]steam_menu_minigameslist" "Switch to Mini Games List" "steam_menu_fullgameslist" "Bytt til fullskjermsvisning" "[english]steam_menu_fullgameslist" "Switch to Full View" "steam_menu_backupgames" "Sikkerhetskopier og gjenopprett spill..." "[english]steam_menu_backupgames" "Backup and Restore Games..." "steam_menu_changeuser" "Bytt bruker..." "[english]steam_menu_changeuser" "Change User..." "steam_menu_support" "Brukersttte" "[english]steam_menu_support" "Steam Support" "steam_menu_community" "Samfunn" "[english]steam_menu_community" "Community" "Steam_NotYetReleased" "Ikke utgitt enn" "[english]Steam_NotYetReleased" "Not yet released" "Steam_NotInstalled" "Ikke installert" "[english]Steam_NotInstalled" "Not installed" "Steam_NotAvailable" "Ikke tilgjengelig" "[english]Steam_NotAvailable" "Not available" "Steam_UpdatePaused" "Oppdatering midlertidig stoppet" "[english]Steam_UpdatePaused" "Update paused" "Steam_PreloadPaused" "Forhndslasting midlertidig stoppet" "[english]Steam_PreloadPaused" "Pre-load paused" "Steam_PreloadStarting" "Forhndslast starter..." "[english]Steam_PreloadStarting" "Pre-load starting..." "Steam_PreloadStopping" "Forhndslast stopper..." "[english]Steam_PreloadStopping" "Pre-load stopping..." "Steam_GameReady" "100 % klar" "[english]Steam_GameReady" "Ready to play" "Steam_GamePreloadReady" "Forhndslasting fullfrt ikke utgitt" "[english]Steam_GamePreloadReady" "Pre-load complete; unreleased" "Steam_GamePreorderReady" "Forhndslasting fullfrt ikke utgitt" "[english]Steam_GamePreorderReady" "Pre-load complete; unreleased" "steam_gamepurchaseready" "Forhndslasting fullfrt" "[english]steam_gamepurchaseready" "Pre-load complete" "Steam_ThirdPartyGameReady" "100 % tredjepartsmodell" "[english]Steam_ThirdPartyGameReady" "Mod ready to play" "Steam_GamePreloading" "Forhndslaster:" "[english]Steam_GamePreloading" "Pre-loading:" "Steam_GameUpdating" "Oppdaterer:" "[english]Steam_GameUpdating" "Updating:" "Steam_GameDownloading" "Laster ned:" "[english]Steam_GameDownloading" "Downloading:" "Steam_GameDownloadStarting" "Nedlasting starter..." "[english]Steam_GameDownloadStarting" "Download starting..." "Steam_GameDownloadStopping" "Nedlasting stopper..." "[english]Steam_GameDownloadStopping" "Download stopping..." "steam_gamecalculating" "Beregner..." "[english]steam_gamecalculating" "Calculating..."

"steam_gamepreloaded" "Forhndslasting fullfrt" "[english]steam_gamepreloaded" "Pre-load complete" "Steam_GameSyncing" "Synkronisering" "[english]Steam_GameSyncing" "Syncing" "Steam_CloudSyncConflict" "Synkroniserings konflikt" "[english]Steam_CloudSyncConflict" "Sync conflict" "Steam_BackupRequiresFullyDownloadedGames_Title" "Steam sikkerhetskopi" "[english]Steam_BackupRequiresFullyDownloadedGames_Title" "Steam - Backup" "Steam_BackupRequiresFullyDownloadedGames_Info" "Du har i yeblikket ingen spill k lar til sikkerhetskopiering." "[english]Steam_BackupRequiresFullyDownloadedGames_Info" "You don't curre ntly have any games ready to backup." "Steam_WebBrowser_Back" "< Tilbake" "[english]Steam_WebBrowser_Back" "< Back" "Steam_WebBrowser_Home" "^ Startside" "[english]Steam_WebBrowser_Home" "^ Home" "Steam_WebBrowser_Reload" "~ Last inn p nytt" "[english]Steam_WebBrowser_Reload" "~ Reload" "Steam_WebBrowser_Loading" "Laster..." "[english]Steam_WebBrowser_Loading" "Loading..." "Steam_WebBrowser_TextSize" "Tekststrrelse" "[english]Steam_WebBrowser_TextSize" "Text size" "Steam_MiniGamesColumn_Installed" "INSTALLERT" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesColumn_Installed" "INSTALLED" "Steam_MiniGamesColumn_NotInstalled" "IKKE INSTALLERT" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesColumn_NotInstalled" "NOT INSTALLED" "Steam_minigamescolumn_tools" "VERKTY" "[english]Steam_minigamescolumn_tools" "TOOLS" "Steam_MiniGamesList_UpdatePaused" "(oppdatering midlertidig stoppet)" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_UpdatePaused" "(update paused)" "Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStarting" "nedlasting starter..." "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStarting" "download starting..." "Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStopping" "nedlasting stopper..." "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_DownloadStopping" "download stopping..." "Steam_MiniGamesList_PreloadPaused" "(forhndslasting midlertidig stoppet)" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_PreloadPaused" "(pre-load paused)" "Steam_MiniGamesList_PreloadStarting" "forhndslasting starter..." "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_PreloadStarting" "pre-load starting..." "Steam_MiniGamesList_Unreleased" "(ikke utgitt)" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_Unreleased" "(unreleased)" "Steam_MiniGamesList_Preloaded" "(forhndslastet)" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_Preloaded" "(preloaded)" "Steam_MiniGamesList_Synchronizing" "(synkronisering)" "[english]Steam_MiniGamesList_Synchronizing" "(syncing)" "Steam_RightClick_PauseUpdating" "Stopp oppdatering midlertidig" "[english]Steam_RightClick_PauseUpdating" "Pause Updating" "Steam_RightClick_ResumeUpdating" "Gjenoppta oppdatering" "[english]Steam_RightClick_ResumeUpdating" "Resume Updating" "Steam_RightClick_DeleteLocalContent" "Slett lokalt innhold..." "[english]Steam_RightClick_DeleteLocalContent" "Delete Local Content..." "Steam_RightClick_PausePreloading" "Stopp forhndslasting midlertidig" "[english]Steam_RightClick_PausePreloading" "Pause Pre-loading" "Steam_RightClick_ResumePreloading" "Gjenoppta forhndslasting" "[english]Steam_RightClick_ResumePreloading" "Resume Pre-loading" "Steam_RightClick_ViewPreloadInfo" "Vis info om forhndslasting..." "[english]Steam_RightClick_ViewPreloadInfo" "View Pre-load Info..." "Steam_About_Title" "Om Steam" "[english]Steam_About_Title" "About Steam" "Steam_About_Info" "Steam klientprogram" "[english]Steam_About_Info" "Steam client application"

"Steam_About_Build" "Byggedato: %build_date%, %build_time%" "[english]Steam_About_Build" "Built: %build_date%, at %build_time%" "Steam_About_InterfaceVer" "Steam API: v%build_interface%" "[english]Steam_About_InterfaceVer" "Steam API: v%build_interface%" "Steam_DeveloperUnknownThirdParty" "Tredjepart" "[english]Steam_DeveloperUnknownThirdParty" "Third-party" "Steam_SteamSubscriberAgreement_Title" "Steams abonnementsavtale" "[english]Steam_SteamSubscriberAgreement_Title" "Steam Subscriber Agreement" "Steam_CybercafeSubscriberAgreement_Title" "Steam opprett konto p Internettkaf" "[english]Steam_CybercafeSubscriberAgreement_Title" "Steam - Create Cybercaf e Account" "Steam_LaunchOptions_Title" "Startinnstillinger %game%" "[english]Steam_LaunchOptions_Title" "Launch Options - %game%" "Steam_GameProperties_Title" "%game% egenskaper" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_Title" "%game% - Properties" "Steam_GameProperties_Close" "Lukk" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_Close" "Close" "Steam_GameProperties_GeneralTab" "Generelt" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_GeneralTab" "General" "Steam_GameProperties_UpdatesTab" "Oppdateringer" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_UpdatesTab" "Updates" "Steam_GameProperties_LocalFilesTab" "Lokale filer" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_LocalFilesTab" "Local files" "Steam_GameProperties_DLCTab" "DLC" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_DLCTab" "DLC" "Steam_Game_Homepage" "Startside" "[english]Steam_Game_Homepage" "Homepage" "Steam_Game_Developer" "Utvikler" "[english]Steam_Game_Developer" "Developer" "Steam_Game_Manual" "Hndbok" "[english]Steam_Game_Manual" "Manual" "Steam_Game_NoManual" "[ ikke tilgjengelig ]" "[english]Steam_Game_NoManual" "[ none available ]" "Steam_Game_DefaultManual" "%game%-hndbok" "[english]Steam_Game_DefaultManual" "%game% manual" "Steam_Game_SetLaunchOptions" "Angi startinnstillinger ..." "[english]Steam_Game_SetLaunchOptions" "Set launch options..." "Steam_Game_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Lag snarvei p skrivebordet" "[english]Steam_Game_CreateDesktopShortcut" "Create desktop shortcut" "Steam_Game_DLC_Title" "Du har flgende nedlastbart innhold for %game%.\n\nAlt ne dlastbart innhold installeres og avinstalleres automatisk sammen med dette produ ktet, og du fr tilgang til innholdet ved starte det." "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_Title" "You have the following downloadable content for %game%.\n\nAll downloadable content is automatically installed and uninstalled along with this product, and can be accessed by launching it." "Steam_Game_FindDLC_URL" "Vis tilgjengelig nedlastbart innhold for dette produktet" "[english]Steam_Game_FindDLC_URL" "View available downloadable content for this product" "Steam_Game_DLC_NameColumn" "Vare" "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_NameColumn" "Item" "Steam_Game_DLC_AcquisitionColumn" "Anskaffelsesmetode" "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_AcquisitionColumn" "Acquisition Method" "Steam_Game_DLC_NoContent" "Du har for tiden ikke noe nedlastbart innhold f or dette produktet." "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_NoContent" "You currently have no downloadable cont ent for this product." "Steam_Game_FreeWeekend" "Gratishelg" "[english]Steam_Game_FreeWeekend" "Free Weekend"

"Steam_Game_Retail" "Utsalg" "[english]Steam_Game_Retail" "Retail" "Steam_Game_Complimentary" "Gratis" "[english]Steam_Game_Complimentary" "Complimentary" "Steam_Game_HardwarePromo" "Maskinvarepromo" "[english]Steam_Game_HardwarePromo" "Hardware Promo" "Steam_Game_SteamStore" "Steam-butikken" "[english]Steam_Game_SteamStore" "Steam Store" "Steam_Game_SteamStorePage" "Butikksiden" "[english]Steam_Game_SteamStorePage" "Store Page" "Steam_Automatic_Updates" "Automatiske oppdateringer" "[english]Steam_Automatic_Updates" "Automatic updates" "Steam_Game_UpdateHistory" "Vis oppdateringslogg for %game%" "[english]Steam_Game_UpdateHistory" "View %game% update history" "Steam_Game_DiskUsage" "Diskbruk" "[english]Steam_Game_DiskUsage" "Disk usage" "Steam_Game_UpdateNewsURL" "Vis oppdateringslogg for %game%" "[english]Steam_Game_UpdateNewsURL" "View %game% update history" "steam_menu_PrivacyPolicy" "Personvern" "[english]steam_menu_PrivacyPolicy" "Privacy Policy" "steam_menu_LegalInformation" "Juridisk informasjon" "[english]steam_menu_LegalInformation" "Legal Information" "steam_menu_SteamSubscriberAgreement" "Steams abonnementsavtale" "[english]steam_menu_SteamSubscriberAgreement" "Steam Subscriber Agreement" "steam_menu_bandwidthmonitor" "Bndbreddeoversikt" "[english]steam_menu_bandwidthmonitor" "Bandwidth monitor" "Steam_BandwidthMonitor_Title" "Steam bndbreddeskjerm" "[english]Steam_BandwidthMonitor_Title" "Steam - Bandwidth monitor" "steam_monitor_usage" "Nedlastingshastighet" "[english]steam_monitor_usage" "Current download rate" "steam_monitor_peakusage" "Hyeste nedlastingshastighet" "[english]steam_monitor_peakusage" "Peak download rate" "steam_monitor_totaldownloaded" "Totalt antall byte lastet ned i denne kten" "[english]steam_monitor_totaldownloaded" "Total bytes downloaded this ses sion" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_InsufficientFunds" "Ditt ab onnement p %subscription% er ikke fullfrt. Kredittkortinformasjonen er avsltt av kr edittkortleverandren p grunn av manglende dekning p kontoen.\n\nVr oppmerksom p at i noen tilfeller kan kredittkortleverandren blokkere pengene dine p kontoen, men du blir ikke belastet." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_InsufficientFunds" "Your subscription to %subscription% has not been completed. Your credit card in formation has been declined by your credit card company due to insufficient fund s in the account.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not be charged." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_AVSFailure" "Ditt abonnement p %subscription% er ikke fullfrt. Kredittkortinformasjonen er avsltt av kredittkor tleverandren p grunn av at en ugyldig adresse ble angitt.\n\nVr oppmerksom p at i no en tilfeller kan kredittkortleverandren blokkere pengene dine p kontoen, men du bl ir ikke belastet. Etter at du har sett gjennom informasjonen nedenfor, forsker du kjpe p nytt hvis du tror at kortet ble avsltt p grunn av en feil." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_AVSFailure" "Your su bscription to %subscription% has not been completed. Your credit card informatio n has been declined by your credit card company due to an incorrect address bein g entered.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not be charged. After reviewing the info rmation below, if you believe your card has been declined in error please try yo ur purchase again." "ServerBrowser_ModNotInstalled" "Du har ikke denne tredjepartsmodellen installer t"

"[english]ServerBrowser_ModNotInstalled" "You do not have this 3rd party mod installed" "ServerBrowser_AppNotFound" "Kan ikke koble til serveren.\n Program-IDen som er angitt, er ugyldig." "[english]ServerBrowser_AppNotFound" "Unable to connect to server,\n app id s pecified by server is invalid" "ServerBrowser_NotInitialized" "Steam er ikke initialisert. Prv p nytt" "[english]ServerBrowser_NotInitialized" "Steam is not initialized. Please try ag ain" "SteamUI_SSAUpdatedInfo" "Steams abonnementsavtale er oppdatert fra den % SSA_date%. Ved bruk av Steam og Steam-spillene erklrer du at du har lest og godkj ent disse endringene." "[english]SteamUI_SSAUpdatedInfo" "The Steam Subscriber Agreement has been updated as of %SSA_date%. By using Steam and Steam games you are stating that y ou have read and agree with these changes." "Steam_SSAUpdated_Link" "Klikk her for vise den oppdaterte avtalen." "[english]Steam_SSAUpdated_Link" "Click here to view the updated agreemen t." "Steam_Settings_Title" "Innstillinger Steam" "[english]Steam_Settings_Title" "Settings" "Steam_MediaColumn" "Tittel" "[english]Steam_MediaColumn" "Title" "Steam_ProducerColumn" "Produsent" "[english]Steam_ProducerColumn" "Producer" "Steam_MediaTypeColumn" "Type" "[english]Steam_MediaTypeColumn" "Type" "Steam_MediaFile_TabTitle" "Mine medier" "[english]Steam_MediaFile_TabTitle" "My media" "SteamUI_MediaType_Movie" "Film" "[english]SteamUI_MediaType_Movie" "Movie" "SteamUI_AppTypeGame" "spill" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGame" "game" "SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCaps" "Spill" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCaps" "Game" "SteamUI_AppTypeGamePlural" "spill" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGamePlural" "games" "SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCapsPlural" "Spill" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCapsPlural" "Games" "SteamUI_AppTypeTool" "verkty" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeTool" "tool" "SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCaps" "Verkty" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCaps" "Tool" "SteamUI_AppTypeToolPlural" "verkty" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeToolPlural" "tools" "SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCapsPlural" "Verkty" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCapsPlural" "Tools" "SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFile" "medier" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFile" "media" "SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCaps" "Medier" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCaps" "Media" "SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFilePlural" "medier" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFilePlural" "media" "SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCapsPlural" "Medier" "[english]SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCapsPlural" "Media" "Steam_DeleteMediaCacheConfirmation_Title" "Vil du slette mediefilen?" "[english]Steam_DeleteMediaCacheConfirmation_Title" "Delete media file?" "Steam_DeleteMediaCacheConfirmation_Text" "Dette vil slette alt innhold fo r %s1\nfra denne datamaskinen.\n\nDu kan spille av denne mediefilen senere ved fr st \nlaste ned innholdet p nytt." "[english]Steam_DeleteMediaCacheConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all %s

1 content\nfrom this computer.\n\nTo play this media in the future you'll have t o first\nre-download its content." "Steam_DeleteMediaCache_Button" "Slett" "[english]Steam_DeleteMediaCache_Button" "Delete" "Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=game" "Hold alltid dette spillet oppda tert" "[english]Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=game" "Always keep thi s game up to date" "Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=media" "Hold alltid dette medie t oppdatert" "[english]Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=media" "Always keep thi s media up to date" "Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=tool" "Hold alltid dette verktyet oppda tert" "[english]Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=tool" "Always keep thi s tool up to date" "Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=game" "Ikke oppdater dette spillet aut omatisk" "[english]Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=game" "Do not automatically up date this game" "Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=media" "Ikke oppdater dette mediet auto matisk" "[english]Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=media" "Do not automatically up date this media" "Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=tool" "Ikke oppdater dette verktyet aut omatisk" "[english]Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=tool" "Do not automatically up date this tool" "Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=game" "(Dette spillet og dets oppdateringer vil bli automatisk\nanskaffet s fort de er tilgjengelige.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=game" "(This game and its updates will be automatically\nacquired as soon as they are available.)" "Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=media" "(Dette mediet og dets o ppdateringer vil bli automatisk\nanskaffet s fort de er tilgjengelige.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=media" "(This m edia and its updates will be automatically\nacquired as soon as they are availab le.)" "Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=tool" "(Dette verktyet og dets oppdateringer vil bli automatisk\nanskaffet s fort de er tilgjengelige.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=tool" "(This tool and its updates will be automatically\nacquired as soon as they are available.)" "Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=game" "(Innhold for dette spil let vil ikke bli anskaffet automatisk.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=game" "(Content for th is game will not be automatically acquired.)" "Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=media" "(Innhold for dette medi et vil ikke bli anskaffet automatisk.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=media" "(Content for th is media will not be automatically acquired.)" "Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=tool" "(Innhold for dette verk tyet vil ikke bli anskaffet automatisk.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=tool" "(Content for th is tool will not be automatically acquired.)" "Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=game" "Bekreft integriteten for spillb ufferen..." "[english]Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=game" "Verify integrity of gam e cache..." "Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=media" "Bekreft integriteten for medieb ufferen..." "[english]Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=media" "Verify integrity of med

ia cache..." "Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=tool" "Bekreft integriteten for verktyb ufferen..." "[english]Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=tool" "Verify integrity of too l cache..." "Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=game" "Slett lokalt spillinnhold..." "[english]Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=game" "Delete local game conte nt..." "Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=media" "Slett lokalt medieinnhold..." "[english]Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=media" "Delete local media cont ent..." "Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=tool" "Slett lokalt verktyinnhold..." "[english]Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=tool" "Delete local tool conte nt..." "Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=game" "Sikkerhetskopier spillfiler..." "[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=game" "Backup game files..." "Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=media" "Sikkerhetskopier mediefiler..." "[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=media" "Backup media files..." "Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=tool" "Sikkerhetskopier verktyfiler..." "[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=tool" "Backup tool files..." "Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=game" "Alle filene for dette s pillet vil n bli lastet ned gjennom Steam." "[english]Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=game" "All files for t his game will now be downloaded through Steam." "Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=media" "Alle filene for dette m ediet vil n bli lastet ned gjennom Steam." "[english]Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=media" "All files for t his media will now be downloaded through Steam." "Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=tool" "Alle filene for dette v erktyet vil n bli lastet ned gjennom Steam." "[english]Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=tool" "All files for t his tool will now be downloaded through Steam." "Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=game" "Oppretter lokale hurtiglagerfil er for spillet..." "[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=game" "Creating local game cac he files..." "Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=media" "Oppretter lokale hurtiglagerfil er for mediet..." "[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=media" "Creating local media cache files..." "Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=tool" "Oppretter lokale hurtiglagerfil er for verktyet..." "[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=tool" "Creating local tool cac he files..." "Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmListMedia" "Dine valgte mediefiler er n tilgjengelig e i Steams \nMine medier-liste." "[english]Steam_CDKeyConversionConfirmListMedia" "Your selected media fil es are now available in your Steam \ngames library." "Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=game" "Forbereder liste over Steam-spill%progr ess%" "[english]Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=game" "Preparing list of Steam games%progress%" "Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=media" "Forbereder liste over Steam-med ia%progress%" "[english]Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=media" "Preparing list of Steam media%progress%" "Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=tool" "Forbereder liste over Steam-verkty%progr ess%" "[english]Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=tool" "Preparing list of Steam tools%progress%"

"Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=license" "Forbereder liste over Steam-lis enser%progress%" "[english]Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=license" "Preparing list of Steam licenses%progress%" "Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=game" "Sker etter oppdateringer av Steam-spill% progress%" "[english]Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=game" "Scanning for Steam game s updates%progress%" "Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=media" "Sker etter oppdateringer av Stea m-media%progress%" "[english]Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=media" "Scanning for Steam medi a updates%progress%" "Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=tool" "Sker etter oppdateringer av Steam-verkty% progress%" "[english]Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=tool" "Scanning for Steam tool s updates%progress%" "Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=license" "Sker etter oppdateringer av Stea m-lisenser%progress%" "[english]Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=license" "Scanning for Steam lice nses updates%progress%" "SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=game" "Ingen Steam-spill vise." "[english]SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=game" "No Steam games to displ ay." "SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=media" "Ingen Steam-medier vise." "[english]SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=media" "No Steam media to displ ay." "SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=tool" "Ingen Steam-verkty vise." "[english]SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=tool" "No Steam tools to displ ay." "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=game" "Vennligst vent mens Ste am bekrefter spillfiler." "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=game" "Please wait whi le Steam verifies game files." "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=media" "Vennligst vent mens Ste am bekrefter mediefiler." "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=media" "Please wait whi le Steam verifies media files." "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=tool" "Vennligst vent mens Ste am bekrefter verktyfiler." "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=tool" "Please wait whi le Steam verifies tool files." "Steam_ValidationResults_NoFailures" "Alle filer har blitt vellykket validert ." "[english]Steam_ValidationResults_NoFailures" "All files successfully validate d." "Steam_ValidationResults_Failures" "%num% filer klarte ikke valideres og vi l bli skaffet p nytt." "[english]Steam_ValidationResults_Failures" "%num% files failed to validate and will be reacquired." "steam_mymedia" "Mine medier" "[english]steam_mymedia" "Media" "Steam_minigamescolumn_media" "MEDIER" "[english]Steam_minigamescolumn_media" "MEDIA" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupMedia" "Sikkerhetskopier mediefiler..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupMedia" "Backup media files..." "SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToOSVersion" "Kan ikke starte %game% fordi operativsy stemet %osversion% ikke stttes." "[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToOSVersion" "Can't launch %game% because ope rating system %osversion% is not supported." "SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerVersion" "Kan ikke starte %game% fordi Wi

ndows Media Player-versjonen er [%detectedVersion%], men versjon [%requiredVersi on%] kreves for spille mediet.\nInstaller siste versjon av Windows Media Player fra:" "[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerVersion" "Can't launch %game% bec ause Windows Media Player is version [%detectedVersion%], but version [%required Version%] is required to play the media.\nPlease install the latest version of W indows Media Player from:" "SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalled" "Kan ikke starte %game% fordi Windows Media Player ikke er installert.\nInstaller siste versjon av Windo ws Media Player fra:" "[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalled" "Can't launch %g ame% because Windows Media Player is not installed.\nPlease install the latest v ersion of Windows Media Player from:" "SteamUI_WindowsMediaPlayerInstallURL" " smedia/default.mspx" "[english]SteamUI_WindowsMediaPlayerInstallURL" " s/windowsmedia/default.mspx" "SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalledOSX" "Kan ikke starte %game% fordi Windows Media Components for QuickTime ikke er installert.\nInstaller sist e versjon av Windows Media Components for QuickTime fra:" "[english]SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalledOSX" "Can't launch %g ame% because Windows Media Components for QuickTime are not installed.\nPlease i nstall the latest version of Windows Media Components for QuickTime from:" "SteamUI_WindowsMediaPlayerInstallURLOSX" " s/windowsmedia/player/wmcomponents.mspx" "[english]SteamUI_WindowsMediaPlayerInstallURLOSX" " m/windows/windowsmedia/player/wmcomponents.mspx" "Steam_UnknownErrorLaunchingMedia" "Ukjent feil under start av media." "[english]Steam_UnknownErrorLaunchingMedia" "Unknown error launching media." "Steam_HiDefPack_Title" "Hydefinisjonspakke av Half-Life Steam" "[english]Steam_HiDefPack_Title" "Half-Life HiDef Pack - Steam" "Steam_HiDefPack_Installed" "Hydefinisjonspakken av Half-Life er aktivert.\nV il du starte Half-Life n?" "[english]Steam_HiDefPack_Installed" "The Half-Life HiDef Pack has been activ ated.\nLaunch Half-Life now?" "Steam_HiDefPack_Removed" "Hydefinisjonspakken av Half-Life er deaktivert." "[english]Steam_HiDefPack_Removed" "The Half-Life HiDef Pack has been deact ivated." "Steam_HiDefPack_AlreadyInstalled" "Hydefinisjonspakken av Half-Life er alle rede aktiv." "[english]Steam_HiDefPack_AlreadyInstalled" "The Half-Life HiDef Pack is alr eady active." "Steam_HiDefPack_AlreadyRemoved" "Hydefinisjonspakken av Half-Life er ikke aktiv for yeblikket." "[english]Steam_HiDefPack_AlreadyRemoved" "The Half-Life HiDef Pack is not currently active." "Steam_HiDefPack_LaunchHalfLifeNow" "Start Half-Life" "[english]Steam_HiDefPack_LaunchHalfLifeNow" "Launch Half-Life" "Steam_Purchase_AddressShouldNotBeCardholderName" "Frste linje i adressefel tet br bare vre gateadressen din, ikke navnet p kortholderen." "[english]Steam_Purchase_AddressShouldNotBeCardholderName" "The first line of the address field should just be your street address, not the cardholder name ." "Steam_Purchase_CardholderName" "Navn: %name%" "[english]Steam_Purchase_CardholderName" "Name: %name%" "Steam_Address" "Gateadresse" "[english]Steam_Address" "Street address" "Steam_Purchase_StreetAddressLine2" "Linje 2 i gateadresse (valgfri)" "[english]Steam_Purchase_StreetAddressLine2" "Street address line 2 (optional )"

"Steam_LaunchGame" "Start spill" "[english]Steam_LaunchGame" "Play" "Steam_Countdown_Days" "Dager" "[english]Steam_Countdown_Days" "Days" "Steam_Countdown_Hours" "Timer" "[english]Steam_Countdown_Hours" "Hours" "Steam_Countdown_Minutes" "Minutter" "[english]Steam_Countdown_Minutes" "Minutes" "Steam_Countdown_Seconds" "Sekunder" "[english]Steam_Countdown_Seconds" "Seconds" "Steam_PreloadCountdown_UnlockTime" "%game% blir lst opp om:" "[english]Steam_PreloadCountdown_UnlockTime" "%game% will be unlocked in:" "Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_BeginsIn" "Day of Defeat-gratishelgen begynner om:" "[english]Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_BeginsIn" "Day of Defeat Free Weekend will begin in:" "Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_Info" "Nr klokken kommer til null, starter de 72 timene med gratis spilling." "[english]Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_Info" "When the clock reaches zero, 72 hours o f free play will begin." "Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_URL" "Les mer om Day of Defeat-gratishelgen" "[english]Steam_DoDFreeWeekend_URL" "Read more info about Day of Defeat Free Weekend" "Steam_FreeWeekend_BeginsIn" "%game%-gratishelgen begynner om:" "[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_BeginsIn" "%game% Free Weekend will begin in:" "Steam_FreeWeekend_Info" "Nr klokken kommer til null, starter %time% med g ratis spilling." "[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_Info" "When the clock reaches zero, %time% of free play will begin." "Steam_FreeWeekend_URL" "Les mer om %game%-gratishelgen" "[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_URL" "Read more info about %game% Free Weeken d" "Steam_FreeWeekend_48H" "48 timer" "[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_48H" "48 hours" "Steam_FreeWeekend_72H" "72 timer" "[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_72H" "72 hours" "Steam_FreeWeekend_1W" "1 uke" "[english]Steam_FreeWeekend_1W" "1 week" "Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Title" "Steam %game%" "[english]Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Title" "Steam - %game%" "Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Info" "Dette spillet er ikke lenger tilgjengelig grati s." "[english]Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Info" "This game is no longer available for fr ee." "steam_menu_systeminfo" "Systeminformasjon" "[english]steam_menu_systeminfo" "System Information" "steam_systeminfo_title" "Steam systeminformasjon" "[english]steam_systeminfo_title" "Steam - System Information" "steam_systeminfo_info" "Steam har oppdaget flgende maskin- og programvare i syst emet ditt:" "[english]steam_systeminfo_info" "Steam has detected the following hardwa re and software in your system:" "steam_systeminfo_surveylink" "Sammenlign maskinvaren med andre Steam-brukere" "[english]steam_systeminfo_surveylink" "Compare your hardware to that of other Steam users" "Steam_P2P" "P2P" "[english]Steam_P2P" "P2P" "Steam_P2POptions_FolderLabel" "Mappe for node-til-node-nedlastinger (\"Freload s\"):" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_FolderLabel" "Peer-to-peer downloads (\"Freloads\") f older:"

"Steam_P2POptions_UploadSpeedLabel" "Begrens opplastingshastighet til:" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_UploadSpeedLabel" "Limit upload speed to:" "Steam_P2POptions_SharingLabel" "Node-til-node-deling:" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingLabel" "Peer-to-peer sharing:" "Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_StopImmediately" "(Nr du har lastet opp 10 0% av en fil, stopper opplastingen umiddelbart.)" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_StopImmediately" "(When you have 100% of a file, uploading will stop immediately.)" "Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_UntilRatio" "(Nr du har lastet opp 100% av en fil, fortsetter opplastingen til du har delt filen n gang.)" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_UntilRatio" "(When you have 100% of a file, uploading will continue until you've shared the file one time.)" "Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_Manual" "(Nr du har gjennomfrt delingen av en fil 100%, fortsetter delingen til du manuelt deaktiverer den eller blir med i et spill.)" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingHelpText_Manual" "(When you have 100% of a file, sharing will continue until you manually disable it or join a game.)" "Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_StopImmediately" "Stopp deling av hver fil med en gang den er lastet ned" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_StopImmediately" "Stop sharing each file as soon as it is downloaded" "Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_UntilRatio" "Del hver fil til delingsforholdet nr 1:1 " "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_UntilRatio" "Share each file until i ts sharing ratio reaches 1:1" "Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_Manual" "Del hver fil til jeg slr av delingsfunks jonen" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_SharingCB_Manual" "Share each file until I turn sh aring off" "Steam_P2POptions_ChooseFolder" "Velg mappe..." "[english]Steam_P2POptions_ChooseFolder" "Chose folder..." "Steam_P2POptions_OpenFolder" "pne mappe" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_OpenFolder" "Open Folder" "Steam_P2POptions_ChooseFolderTitle" "Velg mappe" "[english]Steam_P2POptions_ChooseFolderTitle" "Choose Folder" "Steam_RightClick_P2PStatus" "Node-til-node-status" "[english]Steam_RightClick_P2PStatus" "Peer-to-peer status" "Steam_P2P_ReadAbout" "Les om Steam P2P" "[english]Steam_P2P_ReadAbout" "Read about Steam P2P" "Steam_P2P_LaunchButton" "Start" "[english]Steam_P2P_LaunchButton" "Launch" "Steam_P2P_ExploreButton" "Utforsk" "[english]Steam_P2P_ExploreButton" "Explore" "Steam_P2P_AboutURL" "" "[english]Steam_P2P_AboutURL" "" "Steam_P2P_StatusTitle" "%game%-nedlasting Steam P2P" "[english]Steam_P2P_StatusTitle" "%game% download - Steam P2P" "Steam_P2P_DownloadLabel" "Laster ned: %game%" "[english]Steam_P2P_DownloadLabel" "Downloading: %game%" "Steam_P2P_SharingLabel" "Deler: %game%" "[english]Steam_P2P_SharingLabel" "Sharing: %game%" "Steam_P2P_PausedLabel" "Stoppet midlertidig: %game%" "[english]Steam_P2P_PausedLabel" "Paused: %game%" "Steam_P2P_DownloadLabel_Complete" "%game%" "[english]Steam_P2P_DownloadLabel_Complete" "%game%" "Steam_P2P_ProgressLabel" "%percentcomplete% fullfrt, %remainingtime% gjens tr" "[english]Steam_P2P_ProgressLabel" "%percentcomplete% complete; %remainingt ime% remaining" "Steam_P2P_ProgressLabel_Complete" "100% fullfrt"

"[english]Steam_P2P_ProgressLabel_Complete" "100% complete" "Steam_P2P_ProgressLabel_Paused" "%percentcomplete% fullfrt" "[english]Steam_P2P_ProgressLabel_Paused" "%percentcomplete% complete" "Steam_P2P_DownloadRateLabel" "Nedlastingshastighet: %dlrate% (maks: %dlpeak%) " "[english]Steam_P2P_DownloadRateLabel" "Download rate: %dlrate% (peak: %dlpeak% )" "Steam_P2P_UploadRateLabel" "Opplastingsfrekvens: %ulrate% (topp: %ulpeak%)" "[english]Steam_P2P_UploadRateLabel" "Upload rate: %ulrate% (peak: %ulpeak%)" "Steam_P2P_PeerCountLabel" "Tilkoblede noder:" "[english]Steam_P2P_PeerCountLabel" "Peers connected:" "Steam_P2P_PeerCountValue" "%peercount%" "[english]Steam_P2P_PeerCountValue" "%peercount%" "Steam_P2P_SharingColumnLabel" "Deler" "[english]Steam_P2P_SharingColumnLabel" "Sharing" "Steam_P2P_Sharing_Suffix" "%s1 K/s" "[english]Steam_P2P_Sharing_Suffix" "%s1 K/s" "Steam_P2P_Download_Suffix" "Laster ned: %s1% %s2 K/s" "[english]Steam_P2P_Download_Suffix" "Downloading: %s1% %s2 K/s" "Steam_P2P_FileSizeLabel" "Filstrrelse:" "[english]Steam_P2P_FileSizeLabel" "File Size:" "Steam_P2P_FileSizeValue" "%filesize%" "[english]Steam_P2P_FileSizeValue" "%filesize%" "Steam_P2P_SharingRatioLabel" "Delingsforhold:" "[english]Steam_P2P_SharingRatioLabel" "Sharing ratio:" "Steam_P2P_SharingRatioValue" "%sharingratio% : 1" "[english]Steam_P2P_SharingRatioValue" "%sharingratio% : 1" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Tooltip" " Klikk for endre varigheten for grafikk" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Tooltip" " Click to change duration of graph" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration1" "1 minutt" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration1" "1 minute" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration2" "2 minutter" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration2" "2 minutes" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration5" "5 minutter" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration5" "5 minutes" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration10" "10 minutter" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration10" "10 minutes" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration15" "15 minutter" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration15" "15 minutes" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration30" "30 minutter" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration30" "30 minutes" "Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration60" "1 time" "[english]Steam_P2P_Graph_Duration60" "1 hour" "Steam_P2P_OfflineWithoutAllData_Title" "Offline-modus" "[english]Steam_P2P_OfflineWithoutAllData_Title" "Offline Mode" "Steam_P2P_OfflineWithoutAllData_Message" "Kan ikke spille %game%. Ikke al le dataene ble lastet ned fr Frakoblet modus ble aktivert" "[english]Steam_P2P_OfflineWithoutAllData_Message" "Can't play '%game%', no t all data was downloaded before going off-line" "Steam_RightClick_StopSharing" "Stopp deling" "[english]Steam_RightClick_StopSharing" "Stop sharing" "Steam_RightClick_ResumeSharing" "Gjenoppta deling" "[english]Steam_RightClick_ResumeSharing" "Resume sharing" "Steam_RightClick_StopChecking" "Stopp sket" "[english]Steam_RightClick_StopChecking" "Stop checking" "Steam_AllAppsInstalled_Title" "Steam installer" "[english]Steam_AllAppsInstalled_Title" "Steam - Install" "Steam_Install_SelectGames" "Velg hvilke spill du vil installere." "[english]Steam_Install_SelectGames" "Select which games to install." "Steam_InsertNextDisk_Title" "Steam sett inn ny disk"

"[english]Steam_InsertNextDisk_Title" "Steam - Insert next disk" "Steam_InsertNextDisk_Info" "Sett inn ny disk %disk%" "[english]Steam_InsertNextDisk_Info" "Please insert disk %disk%" "Steam_InstallingFromDisk" "Disk %disk%" "[english]Steam_InstallingFromDisk" "Disk %disk%" "Steam_InstallingWithTimeRemaining" "Installerer: %time% gjenstr" "[english]Steam_InstallingWithTimeRemaining" "Installing: %time% remaining" "Steam_InstallDownloadTime" "Ansltt nedlastingstid:" "[english]Steam_InstallDownloadTime" "Estimated download time:" "Steam_InstallDownloadTime_Info" "%time% med %rate%" "[english]Steam_InstallDownloadTime_Info" "%time% at %rate%" "Steam_InstallBytesProgress" "Installert: %mb_installed% / %mb_to_install% MB " "[english]Steam_InstallBytesProgress" "Installed: %mb_installed% / %mb_to_inst all% MB" "Steam_Install_CreateStartMenuShortcut" "Lag snarvei til startmenyen for %game%" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateStartMenuShortcut" "Create start menu short cut to %game%" "Steam_Install_CreateMultipleStartMenuShortcut" "Lag snarvei til startmenyen for hvert spill" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateMultipleStartMenuShortcut" "Create start me nu shortcut for each game" "Steam_Install_InstallRetailFiles" "Steam begynner installere spillinnholde t." "[english]Steam_Install_InstallRetailFiles" "Steam will now begin installing game content." "Steam_Install_WillVerifyExistingFiles" "Steam bekrefter installasjonen av spill et." "[english]Steam_Install_WillVerifyExistingFiles" "Steam will now verify y our game install." "Steam_MoreInfoLink" "Fortell meg mer om Steam" "[english]Steam_MoreInfoLink" "Tell me more about Steam" "Steam_RegisterCDKey_ExampleRetail" "Produktkoder bruker:\n AAAA A-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE" "[english]Steam_RegisterCDKey_ExampleRetail" "Product codes use :\n AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEE" "Steam_RegisterCDKey_InfoRetail" "Skriv inn produktkoden du vil aktivere. Koden finner du p DVD-esken, omslaget til brukerhndboken, et innlegg i DVD-esken eller inne i esken under DVD-platen." "[english]Steam_RegisterCDKey_InfoRetail" "Please enter the product code y ou wish to activate. This can be found on the DVD jewel case, manual cover, disc insert or inside the case under the disc." "Steam_DownloadPaused" "Nedlasting stoppet midlertidig" "[english]Steam_DownloadPaused" "Download paused" "Steam_Decrypting" "Dekrypterer" "[english]Steam_Decrypting" "Decrypting" "Steam_CDKeyAlreadyRegistered_Info" "Du har allerede aktivert produktet/prod uktene som er knyttet til denne koden.\nDu trenger ikke skrive inn produktkoden p nytt, du behver bare logge deg p denne Steam-kontoen for f tilgang til disse produ ktene." "[english]Steam_CDKeyAlreadyRegistered_Info" "You have already activated the product(s) associated with this code.\nYou don't need to re-enter your product c ode, you simply need to log into this Steam account to access these items." "Steam_InstallComplete_RetailInstall" "Dine valgte spill er n tilgjengelige i M ine Spill-listen i Steam. Oppdateringer blir lastet ned i bakgrunnen." "[english]Steam_InstallComplete_RetailInstall" "Your selected games are now acc essible in the Steam Games Library. Any updates have begun downloading in the ba ckground." "Steam_InstallComplete_RetailInstall_GamesAlwaysAvailable" "Du fr tilgang ti l disse spillene igjen nr som helst fra en datamaskin ved logge p Steam-kontoen %a

ccount%." "[english]Steam_InstallComplete_RetailInstall_GamesAlwaysAvailable" "You can access these games again at any time, from any computer, by logging into your S team account '%account%'." "Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGameStart" "Start n" "[english]Steam_Install_AutoLaunchGameStart" "Launch now" "Steam_InstallComplete_DownloadInfo" "Steam laster n ned %game%. Du kan flge me d p fremdriften av nedlastingen i Mine spill-listen i Steam.\n\nDu kan lukke og s tarte Steam p nytt, og nedlastingen gjenopptas automatisk." "[english]Steam_InstallComplete_DownloadInfo" "Steam is now downloading %game% . You can track the progress of this download in the Steam Downloads view.\n\nYo u can safely exit and restart Steam, and the download will automatically resume. " "Steam_FindContent$appType=game" "Bla gjennom spill..." "[english]Steam_FindContent$appType=game" "Browse games..." "Steam_FindContent$appType=media" "Bla gjennom medier..." "[english]Steam_FindContent$appType=media" "Browse media..." "Steam_FindContent$appType=tool" "Bla gjennom verkty..." "[english]Steam_FindContent$appType=tool" "Browse tools..." "Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=game" "Vi kom opp med ingenting! Prv tmme skefelt et eller velg en annen kategori fra valgboksen ovenfor." "[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=game" "We've come up empty! Try cleari ng your search field or selecting another category from the dropdown above." "Steam_NoGamesOfThisTypeFiltered" "Vi kom opp med ingenting! Prv tmme skefelt et eller velg en annen kategori fra valgboksen ovenfor." "[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisTypeFiltered" "We've come up empty! Try cleari ng your search field or selecting another category from the dropdown above." "Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=media" "Vi kom opp med ingenting! Prv endre p vis ningsfilteret ovenfor, eller <a href=steam://browsemedia>bla gjennom tilgjengeli ge videoer</a> i Steam-butikken." "[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=media" "We've come up empty! Tr y changing your view filters above, or <a href=steam://browsemedia>browse availa ble videos</a> in the Steam store." "Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=tool" "Vi kom opp med ingenting! Prv endre visn ingsfilteret ovenfor." "[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=tool" "We've come up empty! Try changi ng your view filters above." "Steam_MetascoreColumn" "Metapoeng" "[english]Steam_MetascoreColumn" "Metascore" "Steam_CancelInstall_Title" "Steam avbryt installasjon" "[english]Steam_CancelInstall_Title" "Steam - Cancel install" "Steam_CancelInstall_Info" "Vil du avbryte installasjonen av %game%?" "[english]Steam_CancelInstall_Info" "Do you wish to cancel installation of % game%?" "Steam_CancelInstall_ContinueButton" "Fortsett installere" "[english]Steam_CancelInstall_ContinueButton" "Continue installing" "Steam_CancelInstall_CancelButton" "Avbryt installasjon" "[english]Steam_CancelInstall_CancelButton" "Cancel installation" "Steam_MediaAdded_Title" "%media% Steam" "[english]Steam_MediaAdded_Title" "%media% - Steam" "Steam_MediaAdded_Info" "%media% er lagt til i kategorien Mine medier." "[english]Steam_MediaAdded_Info" "%media% has been added to your Steam me dia library." "Steam_OpenMyMedia" "Vis mediabibliotek" "[english]Steam_OpenMyMedia" "View media library" "Steam_ContinueBrowsingMedia" "Fortsett bla" "[english]Steam_ContinueBrowsingMedia" "Continue browsing" "Steam_Uninstall_Title" "Steam vil du slette spillbuffere?" "[english]Steam_Uninstall_Title" "Steam - Delete game caches?" "Steam_Uninstall_Info" "Dette vil slette flgende spillinnhold fra denne datamask

inen:\n\n%games%\nSpillene vil bli vrende i spillbiblioteket ditt, men for spille dem senere\nm du frst installere eller laste ned innholdet p nytt." "[english]Steam_Uninstall_Info" "This will delete the following game content fro m this computer:\n\n%games%\nThe games will remain in your Games Library, but to play it in the future\nyou'll have to first re-install or re-download their con tent." "Steam_Uninstall_ButtonText" "Slett spillbuffere" "[english]Steam_Uninstall_ButtonText" "Delete game caches" "SteamUI_SecuROM_Revoke_Error_Title" "Steam avinstallering mislyktes" "[english]SteamUI_SecuROM_Revoke_Error_Title" "Steam - Uninstall failed" "SteamUI_SecuROM_Revoke_Error_Text" "Du m vre koblet til Internett for avinsta llere dette programmet." "[english]SteamUI_SecuROM_Revoke_Error_Text" "Uninstalling this application r equires an internet connection." "Steam_status_installing" "Installerer" "[english]Steam_status_installing" "Installing" "steam_status_decrypting" "Dekrypterer: " "[english]steam_status_decrypting" "Decrypting: " "Steam_status_validating" "Validerer: " "[english]Steam_status_validating" "Validating: " "steam_status_launching" "Starter" "[english]steam_status_launching" "Launching" "steam_status_launching_progress" "Starter: " "[english]steam_status_launching_progress" "Launching: " "SteamUI_Modem_56k" "Modem - 56kbps" "[english]SteamUI_Modem_56k" "Modem - 56kbps" "SteamUI_DSL_256k" "DSL > 256kbps" "[english]SteamUI_DSL_256k" "DSL > 256kbps" "SteamUI_DSL_768k" "DSL > 768kbps" "[english]SteamUI_DSL_768k" "DSL > 768kbps" "SteamUI_CABLEDSL_2M" "DSL/kabel > 2Mbps" "[english]SteamUI_CABLEDSL_2M" "DSL/Cable > 2Mbps" "SteamUI_CABLEFIBER_10M" "Kabel/fiber > 10Mbps" "[english]SteamUI_CABLEFIBER_10M" "Cable/Fiber > 10Mbps" "Steam_RetailAccountActivating" "Aktiverer %product% i Steam" "[english]Steam_RetailAccountActivating" "Activating %product% on Steam" "Steam_RetailAccountChoices" "Nr spillene er aktivert, kan du f tilgang til dem nr som helst fra en datamaskin ved logge p Steam-kontoen." "[english]Steam_RetailAccountChoices" "Once activated, you will be able to acc ess your games at any time, from any computer just by logging into your Steam ac count." "Steam_RetailInstallLocked_Title" "Steam spill lst" "[english]Steam_RetailInstallLocked_Title" "Steam - Game locked" "Steam_RetailInstallLocked_Info" "%product% er ikke offisielt utgitt, og kan ikke lses opp n. Referer til Steam-nyhetene for finne nyaktig utgivelsesdato.\n Steam gir deg beskjed nr spillet lses opp." "[english]Steam_RetailInstallLocked_Info" "%product% has not been official ly released, and cannot be unlocked at this time. Please check the Steam news to find out the release time.\nSteam will notify you when the game becomes unlocke d." "Steam_RetailInstallLocked_LinkText" "G til webomrdet for %product%" "[english]Steam_RetailInstallLocked_LinkText" "See more about %product%" "Steam_SystemRebootRequired_Title" "Steam omstart kreves" "[english]Steam_SystemRebootRequired_Title" "Steam - Reboot required" "Steam_SystemRebootRequired_Info" "P grunn av endringer i den siste oppdate ringen m systemet startes p nytt for kunne starte dette spillet." "[english]Steam_SystemRebootRequired_Info" "Due to changes in the recent up date, your system needs to be restarted in order to launch this game." "Steam_SystemRebootRequired_Button" "Start p nytt n" "[english]Steam_SystemRebootRequired_Button" "Restart now"

"Steam_Game_Developer$appType=game" "Utvikler" "[english]Steam_Game_Developer$appType=game" "Developer" "Steam_Game_Developer$appType=media" "Produsent" "[english]Steam_Game_Developer$appType=media" "Producer" "Steam_Game_Developer$appType=tool" "Utvikler" "[english]Steam_Game_Developer$appType=tool" "Developer" "Steam_Forums" "Forumene" "[english]Steam_Forums" "Forums" "Steam_ForumsURL" "" "[english]Steam_ForumsURL" "" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchMediaAppWithAssociatedViewer" "Spill m edier med tilknyttet visning..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchMediaAppWithAssociatedViewer" "Play media with associated viewer..." "Steam_CCDeclined_SupportLink" "Du finner mer informasjon p nettsiden til Steams kundesttte" "[english]Steam_CCDeclined_SupportLink" "Visit the Steam support web site for mo re information" "Steam_RetailInstall_InstallingFromDisk" "Installerer fra disk..." "[english]Steam_RetailInstall_InstallingFromDisk" "Installing from disk... " "Steam_PlayMedia" "Spill" "[english]Steam_PlayMedia" "Play" "Steam_BackupBytesProgress" "%bytes% / %total% MB" "[english]Steam_BackupBytesProgress" "%bytes% / %total% MB" "Steam_FragmentationLabel" "%type%-fragmentering: %frag%" "[english]Steam_FragmentationLabel" "%type% Fragmentation: %frag%" "Steam_FileFragmentationType" "Fil" "[english]Steam_FileFragmentationType" "File" "Steam_DataFragmentationType" "Interne data" "[english]Steam_DataFragmentationType" "Internal Data" "Steam_FragmentationClustersLabel" "Klynger: %clusterscompleted% / %cluster stotal%" "[english]Steam_FragmentationClustersLabel" "Clusters: %clusterscompleted% / %clusterstotal%" "Steam_GamePropertiesDefragment" "Defragmenter bufferfiler" "[english]Steam_GamePropertiesDefragment" "Defragment cache files" "Steam_GamePropertiesFragmentation" "Fragmentering" "[english]Steam_GamePropertiesFragmentation" "Fragmentation" "Frame_Defragment" "Defrag %game%" "[english]Frame_Defragment" "Defrag - %game%" "Frame_DefragmentComplete" "Defrag %game%" "[english]Frame_DefragmentComplete" "Defrag - %game%" "Steam_DefragNotSupported" "Defragmentering krever Windows 2000 eller sener e." "[english]Steam_DefragNotSupported" "Defragmentation requires Windows 2000 o r newer." "Steam_DefragDebriefSuccess" "Defragmentering er fullfrt. Spillfilene er n full stendig optimalisert." "[english]Steam_DefragDebriefSuccess" "Defragmentation is complete. Your game files are now fully optimized." "Steam_DefragDebriefModerateSuccess" "Defragmentering er fullfrt. Spillfilene er n tilstrekkelig defragmentert for f en god spillopplevelse.\n\nDu kan redusere fragmenteringen ytterligere ved kjre verktyet for defragmentering av systemet." "[english]Steam_DefragDebriefModerateSuccess" "Defragmentation is complete. Yo ur game files are now defragmented enough to provide a good experience.\n\nIn or der to reduce fragmentation further, run the system defragmentation tool." "Steam_DefragDebriefFailure" "Defragmentering er fullfrt. Steam klarte ikke de fragmentere spillfilene fullstendig fordi harddisken din inneholder for mye frag mentering.\n\nDet anbefales at du kjrer verktyet for defragmentering av systemet."

"[english]Steam_DefragDebriefFailure" "Defragmentation is complete. Steam coul d not fully defragment your game files because your hard disk has too much fragm entation.\n\nIt is recommended that your run the system defragmentation tool." "Steam_DefragDebriefForLaunch" "Defragmentering er fullfrt. Spillet er n klar til startes." "[english]Steam_DefragDebriefForLaunch" "Defragmentation is complete. Your game is now ready to play." "Steam_InstallAppWizard_RestoreBackup_Title" "Gjenopprett sikkerhetskopi %gam e%" "[english]Steam_InstallAppWizard_RestoreBackup_Title" "Restore Backup - %game% " "Steam_BackupSize_Custom" "Egen..." "[english]Steam_BackupSize_Custom" "Custom..." "Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Title" "Steam sikkerhetskopi" "[english]Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Title" "Steam - Backup" "Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Info" "Kan ikke opprette Steam-sikkerhetskopif iler i:\n\n%path%\n\nDet finnes allerede en mappe med det navnet." "[english]Steam_BackupFileAlreadyExists_Info" "Cannot create Steam backup file s in:\n\n%path%\n\nA directory already exists with that name." "Steam_Games" "Spill" "[english]Steam_Games" "Games" "Steam_RegionRestricted_Title" "Steam spill ikke tilgjengelig" "[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_Title" "Steam - Game unavailable" "Steam_RegionRestrictedPurchase_Info" "Dette spillet ble aktivert med en produ ktkode som bare er gyldig for en spesifikk geografisk region. Siden du ikke befi nner deg i denne regionen for yeblikket, kan du ikke spille %game%." "[english]Steam_RegionRestrictedPurchase_Info" "This game was activated with a product code that is valid only in a specific geographic region. Since you are n ot currently in that region, %game% is not available to play." "Steam_RegionRestricted_SupportLink" "Du finner mer informasjon p nettsiden ti l Steams kundesttte" "[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_SupportLink" "Visit the Steam support web sit e for more information" "Steam_RegionRestrictedPurchase_SupportURL" " /cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=461" "[english]Steam_RegionRestrictedPurchase_SupportURL" "http://support.steampow" "Steam_RegionRestricted_Info" "%game% er ikke tilgjengelig i ditt territorium. " "[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_Info" "%game% is not available in your territo ry." "Steam_RegionRestricted_SupportURL" " /steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=461" "[english]Steam_RegionRestricted_SupportURL" " /cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=461" "Steam_CountryRestricted_Info" "Dette abonnementet er ikke tilgjengelig for kjp i landet du bor i." "[english]Steam_CountryRestricted_Info" "This subscription is not available for purchase in your country." "Steam_CountryRestricted_SupportURL" " /steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=488" "[english]Steam_CountryRestricted_SupportURL" " /cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=488" "Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_Title" "Steam produkt ikke tilgjengelig" "[english]Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_Title" "Steam - Product unavailable" "Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_Info" "Denne produktkoden kan ikke aktiveres i din region." "[english]Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_Info" "This product code cannot be act ivated in your region." "Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_SupportURL" "

/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=463" "[english]Steam_RegionRestrictedCode_SupportURL" "http://support.steampow" "Steam_FragmentationBad_Title" "Steam advarsel om diskfragmentering" "[english]Steam_FragmentationBad_Title" "Steam - Disk fragmentation warning" "Steam_FragmentationBad_Info" "Spillfilene er spredt rundt om p disken. Dette k an fre til langsom nedlasting og drlig ytelse i spillet. \n\nSteam kan optimalise re spillfilene for deg n.\n" "[english]Steam_FragmentationBad_Info" "Your game files have a high level of on -disk fragmentation. This can cause slow load times and poor performance in the game. \n\nSteam can optimize your game files for you now.\n" "Steam_FragmentationBad_RunDefrag" "Kjr defrag" "[english]Steam_FragmentationBad_RunDefrag" "Run defrag" "Steam_FragmentationBad_RunGame" "Start spill" "[english]Steam_FragmentationBad_RunGame" "Play game" "Steam_UserColumn" "Brukersnarveier" "[english]Steam_UserColumn" "User Shortcuts" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchShortcut" "Start..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchShortcut" "Launch..." "Steam_GameProperties_ShortcutTab" "Snarvei" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_ShortcutTab" "Shortcut" "SteamUI_GameExplorer_Title" "Windows Spillutforsker" "[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_Title" "Windows Games Explorer" "SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Success" "Det er lagt til et spill i Spillutforsk er" "[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Success" "Game has been added to Games Ex plorer" "SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Failure" "Kunne ikke legge til spill i Spillutfor sker" "[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame_Failure" "Failed adding game to Games Exp lorer" "SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame" "Legg til i Spillutforsker" "[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_AddGame" "Add to Games Explorer" "SteamUI_GameExplorer_RemoveGame" "Fjern fra Spillutforsker" "[english]SteamUI_GameExplorer_RemoveGame" "Remove from Games Explorer" "SteamUI_ParentalControl_Title" "Sperrefunksjoner i Windows" "[english]SteamUI_ParentalControl_Title" "Windows Parental Control" "SteamUI_ParentalControl_Blocked" "Spill blokkert for gjeldende bruker av sperrefunksjoner i Windows." "[english]SteamUI_ParentalControl_Blocked" "Game blocked for current user b y Windows Parental Control." "SteamUI_ShortcutName" "Navn:" "[english]SteamUI_ShortcutName" "Name:" "SteamUI_ShortcutTarget" "Ml:" "[english]SteamUI_ShortcutTarget" "Target:" "SteamUI_ShortcutStartIn" "Start i:" "[english]SteamUI_ShortcutStartIn" "Start In:" "SteamUI_PickShortcutApp" "Endre..." "[english]SteamUI_PickShortcutApp" "Change..." "SteamUI_PickShortcutChooseIcon" "Velg ikon..." "[english]SteamUI_PickShortcutChooseIcon" "Choose Icon..." "SteamUI_PickShortcutTitle" "Velg program" "[english]SteamUI_PickShortcutTitle" "Add a Game" "SteamUI_StatusShortcutReady" "Snarvei klar" "[english]SteamUI_StatusShortcutReady" "Shortcut" "Steam_RightClick_CreateShortcut" "Lag snarvei" "[english]Steam_RightClick_CreateShortcut" "Create shortcut" "Steam_RightClick_DeleteShortcut" "Slett snarvei" "[english]Steam_RightClick_DeleteShortcut" "Delete shortcut" "Steam_minigamescolumn_shortcuts" "SNARVEIER"

"[english]Steam_minigamescolumn_shortcuts" "SHORTCUTS" "Steam_menu_AddShortcut" "Legg til et spill som ikke er fra Steam i Mitt bibliotek..." "[english]Steam_menu_AddShortcut" "Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library..." "steam_desktop" "Skrivebord" "[english]steam_desktop" "Desktop" "steam_startmenu" "Startmeny" "[english]steam_startmenu" "Start Menu" "steam_addshorcuts_column_program" "Program" "[english]steam_addshorcuts_column_program" "Program" "steam_addshorcuts_column_location" "Plassering" "[english]steam_addshorcuts_column_location" "Location" "steam_addshortcuts_browse" "Bla gjennom..." "[english]steam_addshortcuts_browse" "Browse..." "steam_addshortcuts_AddSelectedPrograms" "Legg til valgte programmer" "[english]steam_addshortcuts_AddSelectedPrograms" "Add selected programs" "steam_addshortcuts_searching" "Sker..." "[english]steam_addshortcuts_searching" "Searching..." "SteamUI_AddGameLabel" "Velg et program som skal legges til i spillbiblioteket ditt." "[english]SteamUI_AddGameLabel" "Select a program to add it to your Games Librar y." "Steam_LaunchShortcutFailed_Title" "Steam start av snarvei mislyktes" "[english]Steam_LaunchShortcutFailed_Title" "Steam - Shortcut launch failed" "Steam_LaunchShortcutFailed_Info" "Kunne ikke starte %game%." "[english]Steam_LaunchShortcutFailed_Info" "Failed to launch %game%." "SteamUI_PlatformMenu_Shortcuts_Cascading" "Snarveier" "[english]SteamUI_PlatformMenu_Shortcuts_Cascading" "Shortcuts" "SteamUI_PlatformMenu_NoShortcuts" "(Ingen snarveier)" "[english]SteamUI_PlatformMenu_NoShortcuts" "(No Shortcuts)" "Steam_Country_US" "USA" "[english]Steam_Country_US" "United States" "Steam_Country_AF" "Afghanistan" "[english]Steam_Country_AF" "Afghanistan" "Steam_Country_AX" "land" "[english]Steam_Country_AX" "Aland Islands" "Steam_Country_AL" "Albania" "[english]Steam_Country_AL" "Albania" "Steam_Country_DZ" "Algerie" "[english]Steam_Country_DZ" "Algeria" "Steam_Country_AS" "Amerikansk Samoa" "[english]Steam_Country_AS" "American Samoa" "Steam_Country_AD" "Andorra" "[english]Steam_Country_AD" "Andorra" "Steam_Country_AO" "Angola" "[english]Steam_Country_AO" "Angola" "Steam_Country_AI" "Anguilla" "[english]Steam_Country_AI" "Anguilla" "Steam_Country_AQ" "Antarktis" "[english]Steam_Country_AQ" "Antarctica" "Steam_Country_AG" "Antigua og Barbuda" "[english]Steam_Country_AG" "Antigua and Barbuda" "Steam_Country_AR" "Argentina" "[english]Steam_Country_AR" "Argentina" "Steam_Country_AM" "Armenia" "[english]Steam_Country_AM" "Armenia" "Steam_Country_AW" "Aruba" "[english]Steam_Country_AW" "Aruba" "Steam_Country_AU" "Australia" "[english]Steam_Country_AU" "Australia"

"Steam_Country_AT" "sterrike" "[english]Steam_Country_AT" "Austria" "Steam_Country_AZ" "Aserbajdsjan" "[english]Steam_Country_AZ" "Azerbaijan" "Steam_Country_BS" "Bahamas" "[english]Steam_Country_BS" "Bahamas" "Steam_Country_BH" "Bahrain" "[english]Steam_Country_BH" "Bahrain" "Steam_Country_BD" "Bangladesh" "[english]Steam_Country_BD" "Bangladesh" "Steam_Country_BB" "Barbados" "[english]Steam_Country_BB" "Barbados" "Steam_Country_BY" "Hviterussland" "[english]Steam_Country_BY" "Belarus" "Steam_Country_BE" "Belgia" "[english]Steam_Country_BE" "Belgium" "Steam_Country_BZ" "Belize" "[english]Steam_Country_BZ" "Belize" "Steam_Country_BJ" "Benin" "[english]Steam_Country_BJ" "Benin" "Steam_Country_BM" "Bermuda" "[english]Steam_Country_BM" "Bermuda" "Steam_Country_BT" "Bhutan" "[english]Steam_Country_BT" "Bhutan" "Steam_Country_BO" "Bolivia" "[english]Steam_Country_BO" "Bolivia" "Steam_Country_BA" "Bosnia-Hercegovina" "[english]Steam_Country_BA" "Bosnia and Herzegovina" "Steam_Country_BW" "Botswana" "[english]Steam_Country_BW" "Botswana" "Steam_Country_BV" "Bouvetya" "[english]Steam_Country_BV" "Bouvet Island" "Steam_Country_BR" "Brasil" "[english]Steam_Country_BR" "Brazil" "Steam_Country_IO" "Det britiske territoriet i Indiahavet" "[english]Steam_Country_IO" "British Indian Ocean Territory" "Steam_Country_BN" "Brunei Darussalam" "[english]Steam_Country_BN" "Brunei Darussalam" "Steam_Country_BG" "Bulgaria" "[english]Steam_Country_BG" "Bulgaria" "Steam_Country_BF" "Burkina Faso" "[english]Steam_Country_BF" "Burkina Faso" "Steam_Country_BI" "Burundi" "[english]Steam_Country_BI" "Burundi" "Steam_Country_KH" "Kambodsja" "[english]Steam_Country_KH" "Cambodia" "Steam_Country_CM" "Kamerun" "[english]Steam_Country_CM" "Cameroon" "Steam_Country_CA" "Canada" "[english]Steam_Country_CA" "Canada" "Steam_Country_CV" "Kapp Verde" "[english]Steam_Country_CV" "Cape Verde" "Steam_Country_KY" "Caymanyene" "[english]Steam_Country_KY" "Cayman Islands" "Steam_Country_CF" "Den sentralafrikanske republikk" "[english]Steam_Country_CF" "Central African Republic" "Steam_Country_TD" "Tsjad" "[english]Steam_Country_TD" "Chad" "Steam_Country_CL" "Chile" "[english]Steam_Country_CL" "Chile"

"Steam_Country_CN" "Kina" "[english]Steam_Country_CN" "China" "Steam_Country_CX" "Christmas-ya" "[english]Steam_Country_CX" "Christmas Island" "Steam_Country_CC" "Kokosyene" "[english]Steam_Country_CC" "Cocos (Keeling) Islands" "Steam_Country_CO" "Colombia" "[english]Steam_Country_CO" "Colombia" "Steam_Country_KM" "Komorene" "[english]Steam_Country_KM" "Comoros" "Steam_Country_CG" "Kongo" "[english]Steam_Country_CG" "Congo" "Steam_Country_CD" "Den demokratiske republikk Kongo" "[english]Steam_Country_CD" "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" "Steam_Country_CK" "Cookyene" "[english]Steam_Country_CK" "Cook Islands" "Steam_Country_CR" "Costa Rica" "[english]Steam_Country_CR" "Costa Rica" "Steam_Country_CI" "Elfenbenskysten" "[english]Steam_Country_CI" "Cote d'Ivoire" "Steam_Country_HR" "Kroatia" "[english]Steam_Country_HR" "Croatia" "Steam_Country_CY" "Kypros" "[english]Steam_Country_CY" "Cyprus" "Steam_Country_CZ" "Tsjekkia" "[english]Steam_Country_CZ" "Czech Republic" "Steam_Country_DK" "Danmark" "[english]Steam_Country_DK" "Denmark" "Steam_Country_DJ" "Djibouti" "[english]Steam_Country_DJ" "Djibouti" "Steam_Country_DM" "Dominica" "[english]Steam_Country_DM" "Dominica" "Steam_Country_DO" "Den dominikanske republikk" "[english]Steam_Country_DO" "Dominican Republic" "Steam_Country_EC" "Ecuador" "[english]Steam_Country_EC" "Ecuador" "Steam_Country_EG" "Egypt" "[english]Steam_Country_EG" "Egypt" "Steam_Country_SV" "El Salvador" "[english]Steam_Country_SV" "El Salvador" "Steam_Country_GQ" "Ekvatorial-Guinea" "[english]Steam_Country_GQ" "Equatorial Guinea" "Steam_Country_ER" "Eritrea" "[english]Steam_Country_ER" "Eritrea" "Steam_Country_EE" "Estland" "[english]Steam_Country_EE" "Estonia" "Steam_Country_ET" "Etiopia" "[english]Steam_Country_ET" "Ethiopia" "Steam_Country_FK" "Falklandsyene (Islas Malvinas)" "[english]Steam_Country_FK" "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)" "Steam_Country_FO" "Fryene" "[english]Steam_Country_FO" "Faroe Islands" "Steam_Country_FJ" "Fiji" "[english]Steam_Country_FJ" "Fiji" "Steam_Country_FI" "Finland" "[english]Steam_Country_FI" "Finland" "Steam_Country_FR" "Frankrike" "[english]Steam_Country_FR" "France" "Steam_Country_GF" "Fransk Guyana" "[english]Steam_Country_GF" "French Guiana"

"Steam_Country_PF" "Fransk Polynesia" "[english]Steam_Country_PF" "French Polynesia" "Steam_Country_TF" "Franske sydlige landomrder" "[english]Steam_Country_TF" "French Southern Territories" "Steam_Country_GA" "Gabon" "[english]Steam_Country_GA" "Gabon" "Steam_Country_GM" "Gambia" "[english]Steam_Country_GM" "Gambia" "Steam_Country_GE" "Georgia" "[english]Steam_Country_GE" "Georgia" "Steam_Country_DE" "Tyskland" "[english]Steam_Country_DE" "Germany" "Steam_Country_GH" "Ghana" "[english]Steam_Country_GH" "Ghana" "Steam_Country_GI" "Gibraltar" "[english]Steam_Country_GI" "Gibraltar" "Steam_Country_GR" "Hellas" "[english]Steam_Country_GR" "Greece" "Steam_Country_GL" "Grnland" "[english]Steam_Country_GL" "Greenland" "Steam_Country_GD" "Grenada" "[english]Steam_Country_GD" "Grenada" "Steam_Country_GP" "Guadeloupe" "[english]Steam_Country_GP" "Guadeloupe" "Steam_Country_GU" "Guam" "[english]Steam_Country_GU" "Guam" "Steam_Country_GT" "Guatemala" "[english]Steam_Country_GT" "Guatemala" "Steam_Country_GN" "Guinea" "[english]Steam_Country_GN" "Guinea" "Steam_Country_GW" "Guinea-Bissau" "[english]Steam_Country_GW" "Guinea-Bissau" "Steam_Country_GG" "Guernsey" "[english]Steam_Country_GG" "Guernsey" "Steam_Country_GY" "Guyana" "[english]Steam_Country_GY" "Guyana" "Steam_Country_HT" "Haiti" "[english]Steam_Country_HT" "Haiti" "Steam_Country_HM" "Heardya og McDonaldyene" "[english]Steam_Country_HM" "Heard and Mc Donald Islands" "Steam_Country_VA" "Vatikanstaten" "[english]Steam_Country_VA" "Holy See(Vatican City State)" "Steam_Country_HN" "Honduras" "[english]Steam_Country_HN" "Honduras" "Steam_Country_HK" "Hongkong" "[english]Steam_Country_HK" "Hong Kong" "Steam_Country_HU" "Ungarn" "[english]Steam_Country_HU" "Hungary" "Steam_Country_IS" "Island" "[english]Steam_Country_IS" "Iceland" "Steam_Country_IN" "India" "[english]Steam_Country_IN" "India" "Steam_Country_ID" "Indonesia" "[english]Steam_Country_ID" "Indonesia" "Steam_Country_IE" "Irland" "[english]Steam_Country_IE" "Ireland" "Steam_Country_IM" "Isle of Man" "[english]Steam_Country_IM" "Isle of Man" "Steam_Country_IL" "Israel" "[english]Steam_Country_IL" "Israel"

"Steam_Country_IT" "Italy" "[english]Steam_Country_IT" "Italy" "Steam_Country_JM" "Jamaica" "[english]Steam_Country_JM" "Jamaica" "Steam_Country_JP" "Japan" "[english]Steam_Country_JP" "Japan" "Steam_Country_JE" "Jersey" "[english]Steam_Country_JE" "Jersey" "Steam_Country_JO" "Jordan" "[english]Steam_Country_JO" "Jordan" "Steam_Country_KZ" "Kasakhstan" "[english]Steam_Country_KZ" "Kazakhstan" "Steam_Country_KE" "Kenya" "[english]Steam_Country_KE" "Kenya" "Steam_Country_KI" "Kiribati" "[english]Steam_Country_KI" "Kiribati" "Steam_Country_KR" "Republikken Sr-Korea" "[english]Steam_Country_KR" "Korea, Republic of" "Steam_Country_KW" "Kuwait" "[english]Steam_Country_KW" "Kuwait" "Steam_Country_KG" "Kirgisistan" "[english]Steam_Country_KG" "Kyrgyzstan" "Steam_Country_LA" "Den demokratiske folkerepublikken Laos" "[english]Steam_Country_LA" "Lao People's Democratic Republic" "Steam_Country_LV" "Latvia" "[english]Steam_Country_LV" "Latvia" "Steam_Country_LB" "Libanon" "[english]Steam_Country_LB" "Lebanon" "Steam_Country_LS" "Lesotho" "[english]Steam_Country_LS" "Lesotho" "Steam_Country_LR" "Liberia" "[english]Steam_Country_LR" "Liberia" "Steam_Country_LI" "Liechtenstein" "[english]Steam_Country_LI" "Liechtenstein" "Steam_Country_LT" "Litauen" "[english]Steam_Country_LT" "Lithuania" "Steam_Country_LU" "Luxemburg" "[english]Steam_Country_LU" "Luxembourg" "Steam_Country_MO" "Macao" "[english]Steam_Country_MO" "Macau" "Steam_Country_MK" "Makedonia" "[english]Steam_Country_MK" "Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of" "Steam_Country_MG" "Madagaskar" "[english]Steam_Country_MG" "Madagascar" "Steam_Country_MW" "Malawi" "[english]Steam_Country_MW" "Malawi" "Steam_Country_MY" "Malaysia" "[english]Steam_Country_MY" "Malaysia" "Steam_Country_MV" "Maldivene" "[english]Steam_Country_MV" "Maldives" "Steam_Country_ML" "Mali" "[english]Steam_Country_ML" "Mali" "Steam_Country_MT" "Malta" "[english]Steam_Country_MT" "Malta" "Steam_Country_MH" "Marshallyene" "[english]Steam_Country_MH" "Marshall Islands" "Steam_Country_MQ" "Martinique" "[english]Steam_Country_MQ" "Martinique" "Steam_Country_MR" "Mauritania" "[english]Steam_Country_MR" "Mauritania"

"Steam_Country_MU" "Mauritius" "[english]Steam_Country_MU" "Mauritius" "Steam_Country_YT" "Mayotte" "[english]Steam_Country_YT" "Mayotte" "Steam_Country_MX" "Mexico" "[english]Steam_Country_MX" "Mexico" "Steam_Country_FM" "Mikronesiafderasjonen" "[english]Steam_Country_FM" "Micronesia, Federated States of" "Steam_Country_MD" "Republikken Moldova" "[english]Steam_Country_MD" "Moldova, Republic of" "Steam_Country_MC" "Monaco" "[english]Steam_Country_MC" "Monaco" "Steam_Country_MN" "Mongolia" "[english]Steam_Country_MN" "Mongolia" "Steam_Country_MS" "Montserrat" "[english]Steam_Country_MS" "Montserrat" "Steam_Country_MA" "Marokko" "[english]Steam_Country_MA" "Morocco" "Steam_Country_MZ" "Mosambik" "[english]Steam_Country_MZ" "Mozambique" "Steam_Country_NA" "Namibia" "[english]Steam_Country_NA" "Namibia" "Steam_Country_NR" "Nauru" "[english]Steam_Country_NR" "Nauru" "Steam_Country_NP" "Nepal" "[english]Steam_Country_NP" "Nepal" "Steam_Country_NL" "Nederland" "[english]Steam_Country_NL" "Netherlands" "Steam_Country_AN" "De nederlandske Antillene" "[english]Steam_Country_AN" "Netherlands Antilles" "Steam_Country_NC" "Ny-Caledonia" "[english]Steam_Country_NC" "New Caledonia" "Steam_Country_NZ" "New Zealand" "[english]Steam_Country_NZ" "New Zealand" "Steam_Country_NI" "Nicaragua" "[english]Steam_Country_NI" "Nicaragua" "Steam_Country_NE" "Niger" "[english]Steam_Country_NE" "Niger" "Steam_Country_NG" "Nigeria" "[english]Steam_Country_NG" "Nigeria" "Steam_Country_NU" "Niue" "[english]Steam_Country_NU" "Niue" "Steam_Country_NF" "Norfolkya" "[english]Steam_Country_NF" "Norfolk Island" "Steam_Country_MP" "Nord-Marianene" "[english]Steam_Country_MP" "Northern Mariana Islands" "Steam_Country_NO" "Norge" "[english]Steam_Country_NO" "Norway" "Steam_Country_OM" "Oman" "[english]Steam_Country_OM" "Oman" "Steam_Country_PK" "Pakistan" "[english]Steam_Country_PK" "Pakistan" "Steam_Country_PW" "Palau" "[english]Steam_Country_PW" "Palau" "Steam_Country_PS" "Det okkuperte palestinske territorium" "[english]Steam_Country_PS" "Palestinian Territory, Occupied" "Steam_Country_PA" "Panama" "[english]Steam_Country_PA" "Panama" "Steam_Country_PG" "Papua Ny-Guinea" "[english]Steam_Country_PG" "Papua New Guinea"

"Steam_Country_PY" "Paraguay" "[english]Steam_Country_PY" "Paraguay" "Steam_Country_PE" "Peru" "[english]Steam_Country_PE" "Peru" "Steam_Country_PH" "Filippinene" "[english]Steam_Country_PH" "Philippines" "Steam_Country_PN" "Pitcairn" "[english]Steam_Country_PN" "Pitcairn" "Steam_Country_PL" "Polen" "[english]Steam_Country_PL" "Poland" "Steam_Country_PT" "Portugal" "[english]Steam_Country_PT" "Portugal" "Steam_Country_PR" "Puerto Rico" "[english]Steam_Country_PR" "Puerto Rico" "Steam_Country_QA" "Qatar" "[english]Steam_Country_QA" "Qatar" "Steam_Country_RE" "Runion" "[english]Steam_Country_RE" "Reunion" "Steam_Country_RO" "Romania" "[english]Steam_Country_RO" "Romania" "Steam_Country_RU" "Den russiske fderasjonen" "[english]Steam_Country_RU" "Russian Federation" "Steam_Country_RW" "Rwanda" "[english]Steam_Country_RW" "Rwanda" "Steam_Country_SH" "St. Helena" "[english]Steam_Country_SH" "Saint Helena" "Steam_Country_KN" "St. Kitts og Nevis" "[english]Steam_Country_KN" "Saint Kitts and Nevis" "Steam_Country_LC" "St. Lucia" "[english]Steam_Country_LC" "Saint Lucia" "Steam_Country_PM" "Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon" "[english]Steam_Country_PM" "Saint Pierre and Miquelon" "Steam_Country_VC" "St. Vincent og Grenadinene" "[english]Steam_Country_VC" "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" "Steam_Country_WS" "Samoa" "[english]Steam_Country_WS" "Samoa" "Steam_Country_SM" "San Marino" "[english]Steam_Country_SM" "San Marino" "Steam_Country_ST" "So Tom og Prncipe" "[english]Steam_Country_ST" "Sao Tome and Principe" "Steam_Country_SA" "Saudi-Arabia" "[english]Steam_Country_SA" "Saudi Arabia" "Steam_Country_SN" "Senegal" "[english]Steam_Country_SN" "Senegal" "Steam_Country_CS" "Serbia og Montenegro" "[english]Steam_Country_CS" "Serbia and Montenegro" "Steam_Country_SC" "Seychellene" "[english]Steam_Country_SC" "Seychelles" "Steam_Country_SL" "Sierra Leone" "[english]Steam_Country_SL" "Sierra Leone" "Steam_Country_SG" "Singapore" "[english]Steam_Country_SG" "Singapore" "Steam_Country_SK" "Slovakia" "[english]Steam_Country_SK" "Slovakia" "Steam_Country_SI" "Slovenia" "[english]Steam_Country_SI" "Slovenia" "Steam_Country_SB" "Solomonyene" "[english]Steam_Country_SB" "Solomon Islands" "Steam_Country_SO" "Somalia" "[english]Steam_Country_SO" "Somalia"

"Steam_Country_ZA" "Sr-Afrika" "[english]Steam_Country_ZA" "South Africa" "Steam_Country_GS" "Sr-Georgia og South Sandwich-yene" "[english]Steam_Country_GS" "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" "Steam_Country_ES" "Spania" "[english]Steam_Country_ES" "Spain" "Steam_Country_LK" "Sri Lanka" "[english]Steam_Country_LK" "Sri Lanka" "Steam_Country_SR" "Surinam" "[english]Steam_Country_SR" "Suriname" "Steam_Country_SJ" "Svalbard og Jan Mayen" "[english]Steam_Country_SJ" "Svalbard and Jan Mayen" "Steam_Country_SZ" "Swaziland" "[english]Steam_Country_SZ" "Swaziland" "Steam_Country_SE" "Sverige" "[english]Steam_Country_SE" "Sweden" "Steam_Country_CH" "Sveits" "[english]Steam_Country_CH" "Switzerland" "Steam_Country_TW" "Taiwan" "[english]Steam_Country_TW" "Taiwan" "Steam_Country_TJ" "Tadsjikistan" "[english]Steam_Country_TJ" "Tajikistan" "Steam_Country_TZ" "Tanzania" "[english]Steam_Country_TZ" "Tanzania, United Republic of" "Steam_Country_TH" "Thailand" "[english]Steam_Country_TH" "Thailand" "Steam_Country_TL" "Timor-Leste" "[english]Steam_Country_TL" "Timor-Leste" "Steam_Country_TG" "Togo" "[english]Steam_Country_TG" "Togo" "Steam_Country_TK" "Tokelau" "[english]Steam_Country_TK" "Tokelau" "Steam_Country_TO" "Tonga" "[english]Steam_Country_TO" "Tonga" "Steam_Country_TT" "Trinidad og Tobago" "[english]Steam_Country_TT" "Trinidad and Tobago" "Steam_Country_TN" "Tunisia" "[english]Steam_Country_TN" "Tunisia" "Steam_Country_TR" "Tyrkia" "[english]Steam_Country_TR" "Turkey" "Steam_Country_TM" "Turkmenistan" "[english]Steam_Country_TM" "Turkmenistan" "Steam_Country_TC" "Turks- og Caicosyene" "[english]Steam_Country_TC" "Turks and Caicos Islands" "Steam_Country_TV" "Tuvalu" "[english]Steam_Country_TV" "Tuvalu" "Steam_Country_UG" "Uganda" "[english]Steam_Country_UG" "Uganda" "Steam_Country_UA" "Ukraina" "[english]Steam_Country_UA" "Ukraine" "Steam_Country_AE" "Forente arabiske emirater" "[english]Steam_Country_AE" "United Arab Emirates" "Steam_Country_GB" "Storbritannia" "[english]Steam_Country_GB" "United Kingdom" "Steam_Country_UM" "USA, mindre og avsidesliggende yer" "[english]Steam_Country_UM" "United States Minor Outlying Islands" "Steam_Country_UY" "Uruguay" "[english]Steam_Country_UY" "Uruguay" "Steam_Country_UZ" "Usbekistan" "[english]Steam_Country_UZ" "Uzbekistan"

"Steam_Country_VU" "Vanuatu" "[english]Steam_Country_VU" "Vanuatu" "Steam_Country_VE" "Venezuela" "[english]Steam_Country_VE" "Venezuela" "Steam_Country_VN" "Vietnam" "[english]Steam_Country_VN" "Viet Nam" "Steam_Country_VG" "Jomfruyene, De britiske" "[english]Steam_Country_VG" "Virgin Islands, British" "Steam_Country_VI" "Jomfruyene" "[english]Steam_Country_VI" "Virgin Islands, U.S." "Steam_Country_WF" "Wallis og Futuna" "[english]Steam_Country_WF" "Wallis and Futuna" "Steam_Country_EH" "Vest-Sahara" "[english]Steam_Country_EH" "Western Sahara" "Steam_Country_YE" "Jemen" "[english]Steam_Country_YE" "Yemen" "Steam_Country_ZM" "Zambia" "[english]Steam_Country_ZM" "Zambia" "Steam_Country_ZW" "Zimbabwe" "[english]Steam_Country_ZW" "Zimbabwe" "Steam_HL2Russian_Title" "Russisk Half-Life 2-pakke Steam" "[english]Steam_HL2Russian_Title" "Half-Life 2 Russian Pack - Steam" "Steam_HL2Russian_Installed" "Hydefinisjonspakken av russisk Half-Life 2 er ak tivert.\nVil du starte Half-Life 2 n?" "[english]Steam_HL2Russian_Installed" "The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack has been a ctivated.\nLaunch Half-Life 2 now?" "Steam_HL2Russian_Removed" "Hydefinisjonspakken av russisk Half-Life 2 er de aktivert." "[english]Steam_HL2Russian_Removed" "The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack has been d eactivated." "Steam_HL2Russian_AlreadyInstalled" "Hydefinisjonspakken av Half-Life 2 er al lerede aktiv." "[english]Steam_HL2Russian_AlreadyInstalled" "The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack is already active." "Steam_HL2Russian_AlreadyRemoved" "Hydefinisjonspakken av Half-Life 2 er ik ke aktiv." "[english]Steam_HL2Russian_AlreadyRemoved" "The Half-Life 2 Russian Pack is not currently active." "Steam_HL2Russian_LaunchHalfLifeNow" "Start Half-Life 2" "[english]Steam_HL2Russian_LaunchHalfLifeNow" "Launch Half-Life 2" "Steam_GameLaunchOptions_Title" "%game% Steam" "[english]Steam_GameLaunchOptions_Title" "%game% - Steam" "Steam_LaunchOption_Game" "Start %game%" "[english]Steam_LaunchOption_Game" "Play %game%" "Steam_LaunchOption_SetupUtility" "Start konfigurasjonsredigering" "[english]Steam_LaunchOption_SetupUtility" "Launch Configuration Editor" "Steam_Media_GenericFailure" "Kunne ikke legge til medier i listen." "[english]Steam_Media_GenericFailure" "Failed to add media to list." "Steam_Media_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "Du har ikke nok diskplass tilgjengelig for avspille dette mediet.\nVennligst frigi diskplass og prv p nytt." "[english]Steam_Media_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "You do not have enough disk spa ce available to play this media.\nPlease free up some disk space and then try ag ain." "Steam_UserNameReserved" "Kontonavnet inneholder kanskje ikke Valve eller Steam." "[english]Steam_UserNameReserved" "Your account name may not contain 'Valv e' or 'Steam'." "SteamUI_SendEmail" "E-postadresse (valgfri)" "[english]SteamUI_SendEmail" "Email address (optional)" "Steam_PurchaseError_MissingRequiredApp" "%subscription% krever at du eie

r %app%,\n Klikk p OK for vise kjpsalternativer for %app%." "[english]Steam_PurchaseError_MissingRequiredApp" "%subscription% requires that you own %app%,\n click OK to view purchase options for %app%." "Steam_Ubisoft_EmailPrompt" "Ubisoft, utgiveren av %subscription%, vil gjern e holde kontakten med deg. Ved oppgi opplysningene nedenfor, vil du av og til f t ilsendt informasjon om kommende spill." "[english]Steam_Ubisoft_EmailPrompt" "Ubisoft, publisher of %subscription%, w ould like to stay in touch with you. By providing your information below you wil l occasionally be sent information about upcoming games." "Steam_TellTale_EmailPrompt" "Telltale, utgiveren av %subscription%, vil gjer ne holde kontakten med deg. Skriv inn e-postadressen din under for registrere de g for Telltales nyhetsbrev, som inneholder kunngjringer om nye spill, innblikk ba k kulissene under utviklingsprosessen, tegneserier, matoppskrifter og sprrespalte r og fra tid til annen spesialtilbud. Det vil du ikke angre p!" "[english]Steam_TellTale_EmailPrompt" "Telltale, the publisher of %subscriptio n%, would like to stay in touch with you. Please enter your email address below to sign up for Telltale's newsletter, which includes new game announcements, beh ind-the-scenes peeks into the development process, comics, cooking and advice co lumns, and the occasional special offer. You'll be glad you did!" "Steam_ManageGuestPasses" "Administrer gaver og gjestepass..." "[english]Steam_ManageGuestPasses" "Manage Gifts and Guest Passes..." "Steam_GuestPasses_Title" "Gaver og gjestepass" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Title" "Gifts and Guest Passes" "Steam_GuestPasses_Description" "En gave er en fullstendig versjon av spillet so m du kan gi til en venn.\n\nMed gjestepass kan du sende midlertidige spilltester til venner, slik at de kan prve spillet og spille sammen med deg online." "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Description" "A gift is a full version of the game you can give to a friend.\n\nGuest passes can allow you to send temporary game trials to your friends, so that they can try out the game and join you in o nline play." "Steam_GuestPasses_NoneAvailable" "Du har for tiden ingen tilgjengelige ga ver eller gjestepass." "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_NoneAvailable" "You currently have no gifts or guest passes available." "Steam_GuestPasses_LoadingList" "Steam laster inn gavelisten. Vennligst vent..." "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LoadingList" "Steam is loading your gifts lis t. Please wait..." "Steam_GuestPasses_Offline" "Gaver er ikke tilgjengelig i offline-modus." "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Offline" "Gifts are not available in Offline Mode ." "Steam_GuestPasses_PackageNameColumn" "Spill" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_PackageNameColumn" "Game" "Steam_GuestPasses_StatusColumn" "Status" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_StatusColumn" "Status" "Steam_GuestPasses_RecipientColumn" "Mottaker" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_RecipientColumn" "Recipient" "Steam_GuestPasses_ExpirationColumn" "Utlpsdato" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ExpirationColumn" "Expiration" "Steam_GuestPasses_ExpirationNone" "Ingen" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ExpirationNone" "None" "Steam_GuestPasses_Send" "Send" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Send" "Send" "Steam_GuestPasses_Resend" "Send p nytt" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Resend" "Resend" "Steam_GuestPasses_Close" "Lukk" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Close" "Close" "Steam_SendGuestPass_Title$type=guestpass" "Send et gjestepass" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_Title$type=guestpass" "Send a Guest Pass" "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSentHeadline$type=guestpass" "Gjestepass ble sendt!"

"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSentHeadline$type=guestpass" "Guest p ass successfully sent!" "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSent$type=guestpass" "%search% har ftt tilsend t en e-postinvitasjon om benytte seg av %package%-gjestepasset.\n\nSe p vennelist en du kan se vennen din spille online." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSent$type=guestpass" "%search% has be en sent an email invitation to redeem your %package% guest pass.\n\nWatch your F riends list -- you'll be able to see your friend playing online." "Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "Gjestepasset bl e ikke sendt" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "Guest pass was not successfully sent" "Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteError$type=guestpass" "Beklager, det oppstod e t problem under sending av et gjestepass til %search%." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteError$type=guestpass" "Sorry, there was a problem sending a guest pass to %search%." "Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "Du kan ikke gi et gjestepass til deg selv!" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "You can't give a guest pass to yourself!" "Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameError$type=guestpass" "Det virker som om du prv er sende et pass til deg selv. Gjestepass brukes til dele spillene dine med venn er. Prv invitere noen du kjenner til spille %package% gratis!" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameError$type=guestpass" "You app ear to be trying to send a pass to yourself. Guest passes are for sharing your g ames with friends. Try inviting someone you know to play %package% for free!" "Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "Gjestepass er a llerede sendt" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingErrorHeadline$type=guestpass" "Guest p ass already sent" "Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingError$type=guestpass" "Du har allerede sendt e t gjestepass til %search% i lpet av de siste 24 timene. Du kan ikke sende gjestep ass til denne adressen fr det har gtt 24 timer etter siste gang du forskte.\n\nKlik k p Tilbake nedenfor hvis du vil angi en annen mottaker." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingError$type=guestpass" "You have alread y sent a guest pass to %search% within the past 24 hours. You cannot send any gu est passes to this address until 24 hours after your most recent attempt.\n\nCli ck 'back' below to specify a different recipient." "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriendHeadline$type=guestpass" "Sender et gjest epass..." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriendHeadline$type=guestpass" "Sending guest pass..." "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriend$type=guestpass" "Gjestepasset sendes til %search%.\nVennligst vent..." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriend$type=guestpass" "Your guest pass is being sent to %search%.\nPlease wait..." "Steam_SendGuestPass_NoFriends" "Du har ingen venner i Steam-samfunnet enn. Skaff deg en n ved sende en gave via e-post til noen du kjenner." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_NoFriends" "You don't have any Steam Commun ity Friends yet! Make one now by emailing a gift to someone you know." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleOK$type=guestpass" "Gjestepass klart" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleOK$type=guestpass" "Guest Pass Ready" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleFailed$type=guestpass" "Godkjenning av gjestepa ss mislyktes" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleFailed$type=guestpass" "Guest Pass Acce ptance Failure" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Ugyldig gjestepass" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Invalid Guest P ass"

"Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextFailed$type=guestpass" "Gjestepasset du har prvd godta, er ikke lenger gyldig. Dette passet kan allerede har vrt brukt av noen an dre, det kan vre utgtt, eller det kan vre tilbakekalt av avsenderen." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextFailed$type=guestpass" "The guest pass you have attempted to accept is no longer valid. This pass maybe have already be en used by someone else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the sender." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineAlreadyRedeemed" "Hvis du allerede har aktivert d ette gjestepasset" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineAlreadyRedeemed" "You have alread y activated this guest pass" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextAlreadyRedeemed" "Hvis passet er utgtt og du nsker fortsette spille %package%, kan du vurdere kjpe spillet." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextAlreadyRedeemed" "If your pass has expire d and you wish to continue playing %package%, please consider purchasing." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkTextAlreadyRedeemed" "Klikk her for g til Steam-butikk en." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkTextAlreadyRedeemed" "Click here to v isit the Steam store." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkURLAlreadyRedeemed" "steam://store" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkURLAlreadyRedeemed" "steam://store" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=guestpass" "Gjestep ass kunne ikke godtas" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=guestpass" "Guest pass acceptance failed" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextServiceUnavailable" "Datamaskinen er for tiden enten ute av stand til koble til Steam-serverne, eller tjenesten kan vre midlertidig u tilgjengelig. Prv p nytt senere." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextServiceUnavailable" "Your computer is either currently unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily disabled. Please try again later." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkTextServiceUnavailable" "Hvis du vil ha informas jon om feilsking av gaver, kan du se denne kundestttesiden." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkTextServiceUnavailable" "For troubleshoo ting information about gifts, see this support page." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkURLServiceUnavailable" "http://support.steampow" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_LinkURLServiceUnavailable" "http://support." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineRevoked$type=guestpass" "Dette gjestepasset er b litt tilbakekalt" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineRevoked$type=guestpass" "This guest pass has been revoked" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextRevoked$type=guestpass" "Vennen som sendte deg d ette gjestepasset, har tilbakekalt det og sendt en nyere kode til deg. Hvis den nye versjonen ble sendt til deg, vil du motta en e-post med den oppdaterte koden ." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextRevoked$type=guestpass" "The friend who sent you this guest pass has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code . If the new version was sent to you, you'll receive another email with the upda ted code." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineExpired" "Dette gjestepasset er utgtt" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineExpired" "This guest pass has exp ired" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextExpired" "Du kan ikke godta dette gjestepasset et tersom det er utgtt p dato." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextExpired" "You cannot accept this guest pa ss, because its expiration date has passed." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineSelfRedeem$type=guestpass" "Du kan ikke gi et gjestepass til deg selv!"

"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineSelfRedeem$type=guestpass" "You can 't give a guest pass to yourself!" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextSelfRedeem$type=guestpass" "Det virker som om du prv er godta et pass du sendte til deg selv. Gjestepass brukes til dele spillene din e med venner. Prv invitere noen du kjenner, til spille et spill gratis!" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextSelfRedeem$type=guestpass" "You appear to b e trying to accept a pass you sent to yourself. Guest passes are for sharing you r games with friends. Try inviting someone you know to play a new game for free! " "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TitleFailed$type=guestpass" "Aktivering av gjestepas s mislyktes" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TitleFailed$type=guestpass" "Guest Pass Acti vation Failure" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Ugyldig gjestepass" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineFailed$type=guestpass" "Invalid Guest Pass" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextFailed$type=guestpass" "Gjestepasset du har prvd bruke, er ikke lenger gyldig. Dette passet kan allerede har vrt brukt av noen an dre, det kan vre utgtt, eller det kan vre tilbakekalt av avsenderen." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextFailed$type=guestpass" "The guest pass you have attempted to redeem is no longer valid. This pass maybe have already be en used by someone else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the sender." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=guestpass" "Aktiver ing av gjestepass mislyktes" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=guestpass" "Guest pass activation failed" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextServiceUnavailable" "Datamaskinen er for tid en enten ute av stand til koble til Steam-serverne, eller tjenesten kan vre midle rtidig utilgjengelig. Prv p nytt senere." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextServiceUnavailable" "Your computer i s either currently unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temp orarily disabled. Please try again later." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkTextServiceUnavailable" "Hvis du vil ha informas jon om feilsking av gjestepass, kan du se denne kundestttesiden." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkTextServiceUnavailable" "For troubleshoo ting information about guest passes, see this support page." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkURLServiceUnavailable" "http://support.steampow" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkURLServiceUnavailable" "http://support." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineLimitExceeded" "Du har allerede brukt et gjeste pass for dette produktet" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineLimitExceeded" "You have alread y used a guest pass for this product" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextLimitExceeded" "Ettersom du allerede har godtat t et gjestepass for %package%, kan du ikke godta et til. Hvis du nsker fortsette med spillet, kan du vurdere kjpe det." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextLimitExceeded" "Because you have alread y accepted a guest pass for %package%, you can't accept another one. If you wish to continue playing the game, please consider purchasing." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkTextLimitExceeded" "Klikk her for g til Steam-butikk en." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkTextLimitExceeded" "Click here to v isit the Steam store." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkURLLimitExceeded" "steam://store" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_LinkURLLimitExceeded" "steam://store" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineAlreadyOwned$type=guestpass" "Du eier allered e dette spillet" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineAlreadyOwned$type=guestpass" "You alr

eady own this game" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextAlreadyOwned$type=guestpass" "Du kan ikke god ta et gjestepass for %package%, ettersom du allerede eier det fullstendige spill et! Hvis du vil spille hele spillet, installerer du og starter det fra listen Mi ne spill." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextAlreadyOwned$type=guestpass" "You can 't accept a guest pass for %package%, because you already own the full game! To play the full game, install and launch it from your Games Library." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineRevoked$type=guestpass" "Dette gjestepas set er blitt tilbakekalt" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineRevoked$type=guestpass" "This gu est pass has been revoked" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextRevoked$type=guestpass" "Vennen som sendte deg d ette gjestepasset, har tilbakekalt det og sendt en nyere kode til deg. Hvis den nye versjonen ble sendt til deg, vil du motta en e-post med den oppdaterte koden ." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextRevoked$type=guestpass" "The friend who sent you this guest pass has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code . If the new version was sent to you, you'll receive another email with the upda ted code." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineExpired" "Dette gjestepasset er utgtt" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineExpired" "This guest pass has exp ired" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextExpired" "Du kan ikke godta dette gjestepasset et tersom det er utgtt p dato." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextExpired" "You cannot accept this guest pa ss, because its expiration date has passed." "Steam_MinutesLeft" "minutter igjen" "[english]Steam_MinutesLeft" "minutes left" "Steam_HoursLeft" "timer igjen" "[english]Steam_HoursLeft" "hours left" "Steam_DaysLeft" "dager igjen" "[english]Steam_DaysLeft" "days left" "Steam_SubscriptionExpired" "Lisensen er utgtt" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionExpired" "License Expired" "Steam_GuestPassesColumn" "Gaver" "[english]Steam_GuestPassesColumn" "Gifts" "Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGift" "Ekstra kopi" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGift" "Extra copy" "Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGuestPass" "Gjestepass" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGuestPass" "Guest pass" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ActivateGuestPass" "Aktiver gjestepass" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ActivateGuestPass" "Activate Guest Pass" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ActivateGift" "Aktiver gave" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ActivateGift" "Activate Gift" "Steam_ActivateGuestPass" "Aktiver" "[english]Steam_ActivateGuestPass" "Activate" "Steam_GuestPassPending" "Klar til aktivere" "[english]Steam_GuestPassPending" "Ready to activate" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneLabel" "Har du en mikrofon koblet til PC-en?" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneLabel" "Do you have a microphone connec ted to your computer?" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneDontKnow" "Vet ikke." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneDontKnow" "Don't know" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneYes" "Ja, jeg har en mikrofon." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneYes" "Yes, I have a microphone." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneNo" "Nei, jeg har ikke en mikrofon." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_MicrophoneNo" "No, I do not have a microphone. "

"SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Microphone" "Mikrofon: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Microphone" "Microphone: %s1" "Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable_Headline" "Steam-serveren er utilg jengelig" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable_Headline" "Steam s erver is unavailable" "Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable" "Datamaskinen er for tiden enten ute av stand til koble til Steam-serverne, eller tjenesten kan vre midlertidig u tilgjengelig. Prv p nytt senere." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_ServiceUnavailable" "Your computer is either currently unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily disabled. Please try again later." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_InvalidShippingAddress" "Kjpet av %subscription% er ikke fullfrt.\n\n%provider% har rapportert et problem med adre ssen som er knyttet til %provider%-kontoen. Du kan enten lse dette problemet gjen nom %provider% eller klikke p Tilbake for velge en annen betalingsmetode." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_InvalidShippingAddress" "Your purchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has repor ted a problem with the address associated with your %provider% account. You can either correct this problem through %provider%, or click 'back' to select a diff erent payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherFundingSource" "Kjpet av %subscription% er ikke fullfrt.\n\n%provider% har rapportert et problem med beta lingskilden som er knyttet til %provider%-kontoen. Du kan enten lse dette problem et gjennom %provider% eller klikke p Tilbake for velge en annen betalingsmetode." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherFundingSource" "Your purchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has repor ted a problem with the funding source associated with your %provider% account. Y ou can either correct this problem through %provider%, or click 'back' to select a different payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherPaymentMethod" "Kjpet av %subscription% er ikke fullfrt.\n\n%provider% har rapportert en godkjenningsfeil . Klikk p Tilbake for velge en annen betalingsmetode." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherPaymentMethod" "Your purchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has repor ted an authorization failure. Please click 'Back' to choose an alternate payment method." "Steam_PayPalDeclined_SupportLink" "Du finner mer informasjon p nettsiden ti l Steams kundesttte" "[english]Steam_PayPalDeclined_SupportLink" "Visit the Steam support web sit e for more information." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupported_Headline" "Betalingsmetode n stttes ikke" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupported_Headline" "Payment method not supported" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupported" "Kjpet av %subscription% er ikke fullfrt.\n\nDen valgte betalingsmetoden er ikke tilgjengelig i ditt land. Klikk p Tilbake og velg en annen betalingsmetode." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupported" "Your purchase o f %subscription% has not been completed.\n\nYour chosen payment method is curren tly unavailable in your country. Please click 'back' and choose a different paym ent method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_Headline" "%provider%-godkjenning mislyktes." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_Headline" "%provider% auth orization failed." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined" "Kjpet av %subscription% er ikke fullfrt.\n\n%provider% har rapportert en godkjenningsfeil. Klikk p Tilbake og velg en annen betalingsmetode." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined" "Your purchase of %subsc

ription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported an authorization fai lure. Please click 'back' to select a different payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_ContactProvider" "Kjpet av %subscr iption% er ikke fullfrt.\n\n%provider% har rapportert et problem med %provider%-k ontoen din. Ta kontakt med kundesttten til %provider%, eller klikk p Tilbake for v elge en annen betalingsmetode." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_ContactProvider" "Your pu rchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported a pr oblem with your %provider% account. Please contact %provider% support or click ' Back' to choose an alternate payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_AcctNotVerified" "Kjpet av %subscr iption% er ikke fullfrt.\n\n%provider% har rapportert at %provider%-kontoen din m bekreftes, eller du m legge til midler for fullfre kjpet. Ta kontakt med kundesttten til %provider%, eller klikk p Tilbake for velge en annen betalingsmetode." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_AcctNotVerified" "Your pu rchase of %subscription% has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported that your %provider% account needs to be verified or funded to complete the purchase . Please contact %provider% support or click 'Back' to choose an alternate payme nt method." "Steam_TroubleshooterURL_VfyAcct" " /steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=687" "[english]Steam_TroubleshooterURL_VfyAcct" " /cgi-bin/steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=687" "Steam_PaymentMethodNotAvailable_Generic" "Beklager, men den betalingsmeto den er ikke tilgjengelig for yeblikket." "[english]Steam_PaymentMethodNotAvailable_Generic" "Sorry, but that payment method is not available right now." "Steam_LaunchEULA_Title" "%game%" "[english]Steam_LaunchEULA_Title" "%game%" "Steam_LaunchEULA_Info" "Lisensavtale for sluttbrukere for %game%" "[english]Steam_LaunchEULA_Info" "%game% End User License Agreement (EULA )" "Steam_LaunchEULA_Agree" "Jeg godtar" "[english]Steam_LaunchEULA_Agree" "I Agree" "Steam_LaunchEULA_Decline" "Avbryt" "[english]Steam_LaunchEULA_Decline" "Cancel" "Steam_LaunchEULA_Text" "Les denne avtalen i sin helhet. Du m godta vilkrene i lis ensavtalen for sluttbrukere for spille %game%." "[english]Steam_LaunchEULA_Text" "Please read this agreement in its entir ety. You must agree with the terms of the EULA to play %game%." "Steam_GuestPasses_LinkText" "Klikk her for f mer informasjon om gaver og gjes tepass." "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LinkText" "More info about gifts and guest passes" "Steam_GuestPasses_LinkURL" " wered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=549" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LinkURL" " /steampowered.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=549" "Steam_AlreadyRunningError_Title" "Steam kan ikke starte" "[english]Steam_AlreadyRunningError_Title" "Steam - Unable to launch" "Steam_AlreadyRunningError_Info" "Det kjrer allerede en forekomst av Steam p denne maskinen, med en annen brukerkonto. Avslutt Steam fra den andre brukerko ntoen fr du prver starte p nytt." "[english]Steam_AlreadyRunningError_Info" "An instance of Steam is already running on this computer, under a different user account. Please shutdown Steam on the other user account before trying to launch again." "Steam_AlreadyRunningError_SupportLink" "Se kundestttesiden for Steam for mer inf ormasjon" "[english]Steam_AlreadyRunningError_SupportLink" "See the Steam support s ite for more information" "Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Title" "Steam logget p et annet sted"

"[english]Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Title" "Steam - Logged In Elsewhere" "Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Info" "Denne Steam-kontoen er plogget p en annen datamas kin." "[english]Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Info" "This Steam account has been logged in o n another computer." "Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Reconect" "Koble til Steam p nytt" "[english]Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Reconect" "Reconnect to Steam" "Steam_GamesSection_Favorites" "MINE FAVORITTER" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_Favorites" "FAVORITES" "Steam_GamesSection_Games" "SPILL" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_Games" "GAMES" "Steam_GamesSection_Tools" "VERKTY" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_Tools" "TOOLS" "Steam_GamesSection_Installed" "INSTALLERT" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_Installed" "INSTALLED" "Steam_GamesSection_NotInstalled" "IKKE INSTALLERT" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_NotInstalled" "NOT INSTALLED" "Steam_GamesSection_NotAvailable" "IKKE TILGJENGELIG" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_NotAvailable" "NOT AVAILABLE" "Steam_FavoritesColumn" "Favoritter" "[english]Steam_FavoritesColumn" "Favorites" "Steam_LogoColumn" "Bilder" "[english]Steam_LogoColumn" "Images" "Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_AddToFavorites" "Legg til i Mine favoritter" "[english]Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_AddToFavorites" "Add to Favorites" "Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_RemoveFromFavorites" "Fjern fra Mine favoritt er" "[english]Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_RemoveFromFavorites" "Remove from Fav orites" "steam_menu_checkforupdates" "Sk etter oppdateringer for Steam-klienten ..." "[english]steam_menu_checkforupdates" "Check for Steam Client Updates..." "steam_checkforupdates_title" "Steam automatisk oppdatering" "[english]steam_checkforupdates_title" "Steam - Self Updater" "steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloading" "En Steam-oppdatering er tilgjen gelig, og lastes ned n." "[english]steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloading" "A Steam client update i s available, and is now being downloaded." "steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloaded" "Det er lastet ned en oppdatering for St eam-klienten." "[english]steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloaded" "A Steam client update h as been downloaded." "steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloadedInfo" "Vil du starte Steam p nytt n for bruke oppdateringen?" "[english]steam_ClientUpdateAvailableDownloadedInfo" "Would you like to resta rt Steam now to apply the update?" "Steam_NoClientUpdateAvailable" "Steam-klienten er allerede oppdatert." "[english]Steam_NoClientUpdateAvailable" "Your Steam client is already up -to-date." "Steam_InOfflineModeButNeedToLogIn" "Kan ikke koble til Steam-nettverket. Fr akoblet \nmodus er ikke tilgjengelig fordi det ikke finnes Steam-\nploggingsinfor masjon lagret p denne datamaskinen.\n\nDu kan ikke bruke Steam fr du er \nkoblet t il Steam-nettverket." "[english]Steam_InOfflineModeButNeedToLogIn" "Unable to connect to the Steam network. 'Offline \nMode' is unavailable because there is no Steam\nlogin inform ation stored on this computer.\n\nYou will not be able to use Steam until you ca n \nconnect to the Steam network again." "Steam_InOfflineModeButNeedToLogIn_Link" "Klikk her for sjekke statusen f or Steam-nettverket" "[english]Steam_InOfflineModeButNeedToLogIn_Link" "Click here to check the status of the Steam network"

"Skin_By_Random_n" "Steam-bakgrunn basert p design av random_n" "[english]Skin_By_Random_n" "Steam skin based on design by random_n" "Steam_PackageVersion" "Steam-pakkeversjoner: %boostrapper_version% / %package_ version%" "[english]Steam_PackageVersion" "Steam package versions: %boostrapper_version% / %package_version%" "Steam_UpdateNewsMultiple_Title" "Steam nyheter (%item% av %total%)" "[english]Steam_UpdateNewsMultiple_Title" "Steam - Update News (%item% of %total%)" "Steam_P2PAvailability" "Tilgjengelighet:" "[english]Steam_P2PAvailability" "Availability:" "Steam_P2PAvailabilityValue" "%availability%" "[english]Steam_P2PAvailabilityValue" "%availability%" "Steam_P2PDownloaded" "Lastet ned:" "[english]Steam_P2PDownloaded" "Downloaded:" "Steam_P2PDownloadedValue" "%percentcomplete%" "[english]Steam_P2PDownloadedValue" "%percentcomplete%" "Steam_P2PSwarmPeersLabel" "Sverm-noder:" "[english]Steam_P2PSwarmPeersLabel" "Swarm Peers:" "Steam_P2PSwarmPeersValue" "%swarmpeers%" "[english]Steam_P2PSwarmPeersValue" "%swarmpeers%" "Steam_P2PSwarmSeedersLabel" "Sverm-seedere:" "[english]Steam_P2PSwarmSeedersLabel" "Swarm Seeders:" "Steam_P2PSwarmSeedersValue" "%swarmseeders%" "[english]Steam_P2PSwarmSeedersValue" "%swarmseeders%" "SteamUI_P2P_Simple" "Info" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Simple" "Info" "SteamUI_P2P_Detail" "Detalj" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Detail" "Detail" "SteamUI_P2P_Peers" "Noder" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Peers" "Peers" "SteamUI_P2P_Files" "Filer" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Files" "Files" "SteamUI_P2P_Options" "Innstillinger" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Options" "Options" "SteamUI_P2P_MetaData" "MetaData" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_MetaData" "MetaData" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_PeerId" "Node" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_PeerId" "Peer" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Choke" "L R " "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Choke" "L R " "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Status" "Status" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Status" "Status" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Outbound" "T" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Outbound" "T" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BytesOut" "MB ut" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BytesOut" "MB Out" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BytesIn" "MB inn" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BytesIn" "MB In" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthOut" "Kbps ut" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthOut" "Kbps Out" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthIn" "Kbps inn" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_BandwidthIn" "Kbps In" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Blocks" "Blokker" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_Blocks" "Blocks" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_State" "Stat" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerList_Col_State" "State" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_PeerId" "Node-ID\nDen eksterne nodens SteamID" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_PeerId" "Peer Id\nThe remote peer's Stea m ID"

"SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Choke" "Undertrykke / interesse\nViser om lokale og eks terne noder undertrykker hverandre eller om de er interesserte i motta data fra hverandre." "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Choke" "Choke / Interest\nShows whether local and remote peers are choking each other or are interested in receiving da ta from each other" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Status" "Prosentandel av fullfrt fil som den ekst erne noden har" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Status" "Percentage of complete file whi ch the remote peer has" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Outbound" "tilkoblingstype\n(L)okal tilkobling ble startet av denne noden, (R)emote (ekstern) tilkobling ble startet av en ekstern node" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Outbound" "Connection Type\n(L)ocal connec tion was initiated by this peer, (R)emote connection was initiated by remote pee r" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BytesOut" "MB ut" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BytesOut" "MB Out" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BytesIn" "MB inn" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BytesIn" "MB In" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthOut" "Kbps ut" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthOut" "Kbps Out" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthIn" "Kbps inn" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_BandwidthIn" "Kbps In" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Blocks" "Blokker\nVisuell status for den ekstern e nodens datasett" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_Blocks" "Blocks\nVisual status of remote peer's data set" "SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_State" "Tilkoblingsstatus" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_PeerListTip_State" "Connection state" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_FileName" "Navn" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_FileName" "Name" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Size" "Strrelse" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Size" "Size" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Status" "Status" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Status" "Status" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Downloaded" "Lastet ned" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Downloaded" "Downloaded" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_ToGo" "Gjenstr" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_ToGo" "To Go" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_StartBlock" "Start" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_StartBlock" "Start" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_EndBlock" "Slutt" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_EndBlock" "End" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_NumBlocks" "Blokker" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_NumBlocks" "Blocks" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Remaining" "Gjenstr" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Remaining" "Remaining" "SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Progress" "Progresjon" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileList_Col_Progress" "Progress" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_FileName" "Filnavn" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_FileName" "File Name" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Size" "Filstrrelse" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Size" "File Size" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Status" "Progresjon for denne filen" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Status" "Progress for this file" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Downloaded" "Datamengde som er lastet ned" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Downloaded" "Amount of data downloaded" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_ToGo" "Datamengde som gjenstr av nedlastingen" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_ToGo" "Amount of data remaining to be download

ed" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_StartBlock" "Startblokk for fil" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_StartBlock" "Starting block for file" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_EndBlock" "Sluttblokk for fil" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_EndBlock" "Ending block for file" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_NumBlocks" "Totalblokker for fil" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_NumBlocks" "Total blocks for file" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Remaining" "Antall blokker som gjenstr av nedlasting en" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Remaining" "Number of blocks remaining to b e downloaded" "SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Progress" "Fullfringsstatus" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_FileListTip_Progress" "Completion status" "SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Unknown" "I/T" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Unknown" "N/A" "SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Connecting" "Kobler til" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Connecting" "Connecting" "SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Handshake" "Hndtrykk" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Handshake" "Handshaking" "SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Active" "Aktiv" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Active" "Active" "SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Dead" "Dd" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_ClientState_Dead" "Dead" "Steam_P2P_StateActive" "Aktiv" "[english]Steam_P2P_StateActive" "Active" "Steam_P2P_StateInactive" "Ikke aktiv" "[english]Steam_P2P_StateInactive" "Inactive" "Steam_P2P_StateComplete" "Fullfrt" "[english]Steam_P2P_StateComplete" "Complete" "Steam_P2P_StateIncomplete" "Ikke fullfrt" "[english]Steam_P2P_StateIncomplete" "Incomplete" "Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Unknown" "I/T" "[english]Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Unknown" "N/A" "Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Checking" "Sjekker..." "[english]Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Checking" "Checking..." "Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Waiting" "Venter..." "[english]Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Waiting" "Waiting..." "Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Ready" "Klar" "[english]Steam_P2P_TorrentState_Ready" "Ready" "SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesList_Col_Key" "Innstilling" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesList_Col_Key" "Setting" "SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesList_Col_Value" "Verdi" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesList_Col_Value" "Value" "SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesListTip_Key" "Navn p innstilling" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesListTip_Key" "Name of setting" "SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesListTip_Value" "Verdi for innstilling" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_KeyValuesListTip_Value" "Value of setting" "SteamUI_P2P_GlobalOptionsButtonLabel" "Avansert..." "[english]SteamUI_P2P_GlobalOptionsButtonLabel" "Advanced..." "SteamUI_P2P_GlobalOptionsTitle" "Globale innstillinger" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_GlobalOptionsTitle" "Global Options" "SteamUI_P2P_Update_CheckPending" "Venter p validere" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Update_CheckPending" "Waiting to Validate" "SteamUI_P2P_Update_Checking" "Validerer [%s1%]" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Update_Checking" "Validating [%s1%]" "SteamUI_P2P_Logging_Enable" "Aktiver logging" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_Logging_Enable" "Enable Logging" "SteamUI_P2P_LogWarnings" "Logg advarsler" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogWarnings" "Log Warnings" "SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolBase" "Logg base node-til-node-melding"

"[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolBase" "Log base peer-to-peer message" "SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolPieces" "Logg node-til-node blokker overfring-meldinger" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolPieces" "Log peer-to-peer block transfer messages" "SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolTracker" "Logg node-til-node sporing-meldinger" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolTracker" "Log peer-to-peer tracker messag es" "SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolIntroducer" "Logg base node-til-node tilkobling-hend elser" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolIntroducer" "Log base peer-to-peer connectio n events" "SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolVerbose" "Logg vanlige node-til-node-meldingshend elser" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_LogProtocolVerbose" "Log common peer-to-peer message events" "SteamUI_P2P_CumulativeOut" "Kumulativt utgende:" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_CumulativeOut" "Cumulative Outgoing:" "SteamUI_P2P_CumulativeIn" "Kumulativt innkommende:" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_CumulativeIn" "Cumulative Incoming:" "SteamUI_P2P_TotalTime" "Total tid:" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_TotalTime" "Total Time:" "SteamUI_P2P_DownloadTime" "Nedlastingstid:" "[english]SteamUI_P2P_DownloadTime" "Download Time:" "Steam_Win98Warning_Title" "Steam slutt p sttte for operativsystem" "[english]Steam_Win98Warning_Title" "Steam - Operating system support ending " "Steam_Win98Warning_Info" "Sttte for Steam p din versjon av Windows vil opphr e 31. august 2012. For fortsette bruke Steam p denne datamaskinen m du oppgradere din versjon av Windows til Windows XP Service Pack 2 eller hyere." "[english]Steam_Win98Warning_Info" "Support for Steam on your version of Wi ndows will end on August 31st 2012. In order to continue running Steam on this computer, you must upgrade your version of Windows to Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher." "Steam_CPUSSEWarning_Title" "Steam oppdaget CPU uten sttte" "[english]Steam_CPUSSEWarning_Title" "Steam - unsupported CPU detected" "Steam_CPUSSEWarning_Info" "I lpet av de neste mnedene kan ikke %game% lenger kjres p denne datamaskinen. Dette er fordi %game%-sttte for CPUer som ikke inkluderer SSE-instruksjoner, er i ferd med avsluttes. Hvis du vil fortsette kjre %game%, m du bruke en annen datamaskin eller oppgradere systemet." "[english]Steam_CPUSSEWarning_Info" "Within the next few months, %game% will no longer be able to run on this computer. This is because %game% support for CPUs which do not include the SSE instruction set is ending. In order to continue running %game%, you will need to use a different computer o r upgrade your system." "SteamUI_InstallScript_Failed_Title" "Steam installasjon mislyktes" "[english]SteamUI_InstallScript_Failed_Title" "Steam - Setup failed" "SteamUI_InstallScript_Failed_Text" "Spillinstallasjon kunne ikke installere systemkomponentene. Nr du kjrer dette spillet for frste gang, m du vre logget p Windows som en administrator. Hvis du fortsetter, kan du f problemer med kjre spillet." "[english]SteamUI_InstallScript_Failed_Text" "Game setup failed to install sy stem components. When running this game for the first time, it is necessary to be logged into Windows as an administrato r. If you continue, you might experience problems running the game."

"SteamUI_InstallScript_Continue" "Fortsett likevel" "[english]SteamUI_InstallScript_Continue" "Continue anyway" "Steam_CPUSSERequired_Title" "Steam oppdaget CPU uten sttte" "[english]Steam_CPUSSERequired_Title" "Steam - unsupported CPU detected" "Steam_CPUSSERequired_Info" "%game% krever et CPU med sttte for SSE-instruksj onssettet. Hvis du vil spille dette spillet, m du oppgradere systemet eller bruke en annen d atamaskin." "[english]Steam_CPUSSERequired_Info" "%game% requires a CPU which supports th e SSE instruction set. In order to play this game you must either upgrade your system or use a differen t computer." "Steam_AccountPage_BetaParticipation" "Betatesting:" "[english]Steam_AccountPage_BetaParticipation" "Beta participation:" "Steam_NoBetaAvailable" "(Ikke tilgjengelig for yeblikket)" "[english]Steam_NoBetaAvailable" "(None currently available)" "Steam_NoBetaChosen" "Deltar ikke\n(%numbetas% tilgjengelig for yeblikket)" "[english]Steam_NoBetaChosen" "Not participating\n(%numbetas% currently availa ble)" "Steam_BetaReportBug" "Rapporter en feil" "[english]Steam_BetaReportBug" "Report a bug" "Steam_ChooseBetaDlgTitle" "Betatesting Steam" "[english]Steam_ChooseBetaDlgTitle" "Beta Participation - Steam" "Steam_ChooseBetaExplanation" "Steam tilbyr deg ofte muligheten til prve ut spi lloppdateringer eller Steam-oppdateringer fr de lanseres offisielt. Hvis du vil bli med i ett av disse betaprogrammene, m du velge det fra listen ned enfor og klikke p OK. (Hvis du vil fjerne deg selv fra alle betaprogrammer, velge r du INGEN.)" "[english]Steam_ChooseBetaExplanation" "Steam often offers the opportunity to t ry out game updates or Steam updates before they're officially released. To join one of these beta programs, select it from the list below and click 'OK' . (To remove yourself from all beta programs, select NONE.)" "Steam_ReadMoreAboutBetas" "Les mer om betatesting p Steam" "[english]Steam_ReadMoreAboutBetas" "Read more about how betas on Steam work " "Steam_SelectNoBeta" "INGEN Avslutt bruken av alle betaprogrammer" "[english]Steam_SelectNoBeta" "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs" "Steam_BetaIsOver" "Takk for at du deltok i betatestingen av %betaname% p St eam. Betatestingen er n avsluttet. Start Steam p nytt for g tilbake til den gjeldende ut gaven." "[english]Steam_BetaIsOver" "Thank you for participating in the %betaname% b eta on Steam. The beta has now ended - please restart Steam to return to the current release." "Steam_ChooseGameLanguage" "Velg sprket du vil spille dette spillet i:" "[english]Steam_ChooseGameLanguage" "Select the language you wish to play th is game in:" "Steam_GameProperties_LanguageTab" "Sprk" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_LanguageTab" "Language" "Steam_SpokenLanguageTestTitle" "Left 4 Dead - talesprk" "[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestTitle" "Left 4 Dead - Spoken audio lang uage" "Steam_SpokenLanguageTestExplanation" "Sprket til stemmene i Left 4 Dead kan bl i endret til <current language>, eller engelsk med <current language> undertekst

er. Hva foretrekker du?\n(Du kan alltids endre disse innstillingene senere i spi llet)" "[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestExplanation" "The spoken audio in Left 4 Dead can be played in <current language>, or in English with <current language> subt itles. Which would you prefer?\n(You can always change these settings later with in the game.)" "Steam_SpokenLanguageTestRadioButtonCurrent" "Spill med stemmene p <current la nguage>" "[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestRadioButtonCurrent" "Play spoken audio in <c urrent language>" "Steam_SpokenLanguageTestRadioButtonEnglish" "Ha stemmene originalt p Engelsk med valgfri <current language> undertekster \n(Krever en nedlastning p 1GB)" "[english]Steam_SpokenLanguageTestRadioButtonEnglish" "Play spoken audio in th e original English with optional <current language> subtitles\n(Requires a 1GB d ownload)" "Steam_Settings_NotifyMeWithSteamInstantMessages" "Gi meg beskjed om tille gg eller endringer i mine spill, nye utgivelser og kommende utgivelser." "[english]Steam_Settings_NotifyMeWithSteamInstantMessages" "Notify me about additions or changes to my games, new releases, and upcoming releases." "Steam_Settings_DownloadsTitle" "Nedlasting + Cloud" "[english]Steam_Settings_DownloadsTitle" "Downloads + Cloud" "Steam_P2PMoreInfoLink" "Hva er dette?" "[english]Steam_P2PMoreInfoLink" "What is this?" "Steam_CDKeyDisplayReason" "Dette er din aktiveringsnkkel for %game%. Du m sk rive inn denne nkkelen nr programmet har startet. Skriv ned nkkelen, eller trykk p k nappen \"Kopier nkkel til utklippstavle\" n." "[english]Steam_CDKeyDisplayReason" "This is your activation key for %game%. You will need to enter this key after the application has launched. Write the k ey down or press the 'Copy to clipboard' button now." "Steam_CDKeyDisplayReasonNoCopy" "Dette er din aktiveringsnkkel for %game% . Du m skrive inn denne nkkelen nr programmet har startet. Skriv ned nkkelen, slik a t du kan skrive den inn senere." "[english]Steam_CDKeyDisplayReasonNoCopy" "This is your activation key for %game%. You will need to enter this key after the application has launched. Wri te the key down so you can enter it later." "Steam_RequestingLegacyKey" "Ber om nkkel..." "[english]Steam_RequestingLegacyKey" "Requesting key..." "Steam_LegacyCDKey_Title" "CD-nkkel for %game%" "[english]Steam_LegacyCDKey_Title" "%game% CD key" "Steam_CopyLegacyKey_ToClipboard" "Kopier nkkel til utklippstavle" "[english]Steam_CopyLegacyKey_ToClipboard" "Copy key to clipboard" "Steam_CityLifeDeluxe_LaunchBuildingEditor" "Start Building Customization Ed itor" "[english]Steam_CityLifeDeluxe_LaunchBuildingEditor" "Launch Building Customi zation Editor" "Steam_SteamID_TabTitle" "Samfunn" "[english]Steam_SteamID_TabTitle" "Community" "Steam_PayWithClickAndBuy" "ClickandBuy" "[english]Steam_PayWithClickAndBuy" "ClickandBuy" "Steam_UseThisCBAccount" "Bruk denne kontoen" "[english]Steam_UseThisCBAccount" "Use this account" "Steam_UseOtherCBAccount" "Bruk en annen ClickandBuy-konto" "[english]Steam_UseOtherCBAccount" "Use a different ClickandBuy account" "Steam_ChooseAnotherPaymentMethod" "Velg en betalingsmetode" "[english]Steam_ChooseAnotherPaymentMethod" "Choose a different payment meth od" "Steam_LabelPrevClickAndBuy" "Vre registre indikerer at du har brukt den flgend e ClickandBuy-kontoen ved tidligere Steam-kjp:" "[english]Steam_LabelPrevClickAndBuy" "Our records indicate you have used the following ClickandBuy account for previous Steam purchases:"

"Steam_PrevCBAccountNum" "%accountnum%" "[english]Steam_PrevCBAccountNum" "%accountnum%" "Steam_AddNonSteamGame" "Legg til spill som ikke er fra Steam..." "[english]Steam_AddNonSteamGame" "Add non-Steam game..." "Steam_ViewCDKey" "Vis CD-nkkel" "[english]Steam_ViewCDKey" "View CD key" "Steam_SendGuestPass_Title$type=gift" "Send en gave" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_Title$type=gift" "Send a Gift" "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSentHeadline$type=gift" "Gaven er sendt!" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSentHeadline$type=gift" "Gift succesfull y sent!" "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSent$type=gift" "%search% har ftt tilsendt en e-p ostinvitasjon om benytte seg av %package%-gaven.\n\nSe p vennelisten du kan se ve nnen din spille online." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitationSent$type=gift" "%search% has been sent an email invitation to redeem your %package% gift.\n\nWatch your Friends list -you'll be able to see your friend playing online." "Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteErrorHeadline$type=gift" "Gaven ble ikke sendt" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteErrorHeadline$type=gift" "Gift wa s not successfully sent" "Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteError$type=gift" "Beklager, det oppstod e t problem under sending av en gave til %search%." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DefaultInviteError$type=gift" "Sorry, there wa s a problem sending a gift to %search%." "Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameErrorHeadline$type=gift" "Du kan ikke gi en gave til deg selv." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameErrorHeadline$type=gift" "You can 't give a gift to yourself!" "Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameError$type=gift" "Det virker som om du prv er sende en gave til deg selv. Gaver brukes til dele spillene dine med venner. P rv invitere noen du kjenner til spille %package% gratis!" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_DuplicateNameError$type=gift" "You appear to b e trying to send a gift to yourself. Gifts are for sharing your games with frien ds. Try inviting someone you know to play %package% for free!" "Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingErrorHeadline$type=gift" "Gaven er allerede sendt " "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingErrorHeadline$type=gift" "Gift already se nt" "Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingError$type=gift" "Du har allerede sendt en gave t il %search% i lpet av de siste 24 timene. Du kan ikke sende gaver til denne adres sen fr det har gtt 24 timer etter siste gang du forskte.\n\nKlikk p Tilbake nedenfor hvis du vil angi en annen mottaker." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_PendingError$type=gift" "You have already sent a gift to %search% within the past 24 hours. You cannot send any gifts to this ad dress until 24 hours after your most recent attempt.\n\nClick 'back' below to sp ecify a different recipient." "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriendHeadline$type=gift" "Sender gave..." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriendHeadline$type=gift" "Sending gift... " "Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriend$type=gift" "Gaven din blir sendt til %searc h%.\nVennligst vent..." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_InvitingFriend$type=gift" "Your gift is being sent to %search%.\nPlease wait..." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleOK$type=gift" "Gaven er klar" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleOK$type=gift" "Gift Ready" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Feil ved gavemottak" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Gift Acceptance Failure " "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineFailed$type=gift" "Ugyldig gave"

"[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineFailed$type=gift" "Invalid Gift" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextFailed$type=gift" "Gaven du har prvd godta, er ikke lenger gyldig. Dette passet kan allerede har vrt brukt av noen andre, det kan vre utgtt, eller det kan vre tilbakekalt av avsenderen." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextFailed$type=gift" "The gift you have attem pted to accept is no longer valid. This pass may have already been used by someo ne else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the sender." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Gavemottak misl yktes" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Gift ac ceptance failed" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineRevoked$type=gift" "Gaven er blitt tilbakek alt" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineRevoked$type=gift" "This gift has b een revoked" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextRevoked$type=gift" "Vennen som sendte deg denne gav en, har tilbakekalt den og sendt en nyere kode til deg. Hvis den nye versjonen b le sendt til deg, vil du motta en e-post med den oppdaterte koden." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextRevoked$type=gift" "The friend who sent you this gift has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code. If the new v ersion was sent to you, you'll receive another email with the updated code." "Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineSelfRedeem$type=gift" "Du kan ikke gi en gave til deg selv." "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_HeadlineSelfRedeem$type=gift" "You can't give a gift to yourself!" "Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextSelfRedeem$type=gift" "Det virker som om du prv er godta et pass du sendte til deg selv. Gaver brukes til dele spillene dine med venner. Prv invitere noen du kjenner, til spille et spill gratis!" "[english]Steam_GuestPassAccept_TextSelfRedeem$type=gift" "You appear to b e trying to accept a pass you sent to yourself. Gifts are for sharing your games with friends. Try inviting someone you know to play a new game for free!" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Feil ved aktivering av gave" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TitleFailed$type=gift" "Gift Activation Failure" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineFailed$type=gift" "Ugyldig gave" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineFailed$type=gift" "Invalid Gift" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextFailed$type=gift" "Gaven du har prvd lse inn, er ikk e lenger gyldig. Denne gaven har allerede blitt brukt av noen andre, den kan vre utgtt, eller den kan vre tilbakekalt av avsenderen." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextFailed$type=gift" "The gift you have attem pted to redeem is no longer valid. This gift may have already been used by someo ne else, it may have expired, or it may have been revoked by the sender." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Gaveaktivering mislyktes" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineServiceUnavailable$type=gift" "Gift ac tivation failed" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineAlreadyOwned$type=gift" "Du eier allered e dette spillet" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineAlreadyOwned$type=gift" "You alr eady own this game" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextAlreadyOwned$type=gift" "Du kan ikke godta en ga ve for %package%, ettersom du allerede eier spillet! Hvis du vil spille dette sp illet, installerer du og starter det fra listen Mine spill." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextAlreadyOwned$type=gift" "You can't accep t a gift for %package%, because you already own the game! To play the game, inst all it and launch it from the Games Library." "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineRevoked$type=gift" "Gaven er blitt tilbakek alt" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineRevoked$type=gift" "This gift has b een revoked"

"Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextRevoked$type=gift" "Vennen som sendte deg denne gav en, har tilbakekalt den og sendt en nyere kode til deg. Hvis den nye versjonen b le sendt til deg, vil du motta en e-post med den oppdaterte koden." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextRevoked$type=gift" "The friend who sent you this gift has cancelled it and has resent a newer redemption code. If t he new version was sent to you, you'll receive another email with the updated co de." "Steam_SendGuestPass_RefreshingList" "Oppdaterer liste..." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_RefreshingList" "Refreshing list..." "Steam_SendGuestPass_AllFriendsOwnProduct" "Alle vennene dine i Steam-samfu nnet har allerede dette produktet. Skaff deg en ny venn p Steam ved sende en gave til noen du kjenner." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_AllFriendsOwnProduct" "All of your Steam Commu nity Friends already own this product. Make a new Friend on Steam by emailing a gift to someone you know." "Steam_GuestPass_GiftSection" "GAVER" "[english]Steam_GuestPass_GiftSection" "GIFTS" "Steam_GuestPasses_GuestPassesSection" "GJESTEPASS" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_GuestPassesSection" "GUEST PASSES" "Steam_GuestPasses_ExtraCopiesSection" "EKSTRA KOPIER" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ExtraCopiesSection" "EXTRA COPIES" "Steam_Purchase_Total" "TOTALSUM" "[english]Steam_Purchase_Total" "TOTAL" "Steam_Purchase_VAT" "MVA" "[english]Steam_Purchase_VAT" "VAT" "Steam_Purchase_SubTotal" "DELSUM" "[english]Steam_Purchase_SubTotal" "SUBTOTAL" "Steam_Purchase_IncludesDiscount" "(inkluderer rabatt)" "[english]Steam_Purchase_IncludesDiscount" "(includes discount)" "Steam_Purchase_YourSteamAccount" "DIN STEAM-KONTO" "[english]Steam_Purchase_YourSteamAccount" "YOUR STEAM ACCOUNT" "Steam_Purchase_GamePackage" "SPILLPAKKE" "[english]Steam_Purchase_GamePackage" "GAME PACKAGE" "Steam_Purchase_PleaseReviewYourOrder" "Se gjennom ordren din" "[english]Steam_Purchase_PleaseReviewYourOrder" "Please review your order" "Steam_Purchase_IsGift" "Er dette en gave?" "[english]Steam_Purchase_IsGift" "Is this a gift?" "Steam_Purchase_YesItIsGift" "Ja, det er en gave." "[english]Steam_Purchase_YesItIsGift" "Yes, it's a gift." "Steam_Purchase_PlusTax" "Totalsummen beregnes for inkludere avgifter i lp et av kjpsprosessen." "[english]Steam_Purchase_PlusTax" "Your total will be calculated to includ e taxes during the purchase process." "Steam_Purchase_PlusTaxAndShipping" "Totalsummen beregnes for inkludere avgi fter, frakt og ekspedisjon i lpet av kjpsprosessen." "[english]Steam_Purchase_PlusTaxAndShipping" "Your total will be calculated t o include taxes, shipping and handling during the purchase process." "Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Unreleased_Shipping" "Noen av produktene i de nne pakken er enn ikke utgitt, og er derfor ikke tilgjengelige enn. Disse produkte ne blir automatisk gjort tilgjengelige for deg via Steam p utgivelsesdatoen. Utgi velsesdatoen for disse produktene er ubestemt, og kjpere br ikke stole p en ansltt u tgivelsesdato. Det kan ta fra 68 uker levere effektene som er inkludert i %subscr iption%-pakken." "[english]Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Unreleased_Shipping" "Some of the pro ducts in this package have not yet been released and are not currently available . These products will automatically be made available to you via Steam upon thei r release. The release date for these products is uncertain and purchasers shoul d not rely on any estimated release date. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of the me rchandise included in the %subscription% package." "Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Unreleased" "Noen av produktene i denne pakken er en

n ikke utgitt, og er derfor ikke tilgjengelige enn. Disse produktene blir automati sk gjort tilgjengelige for deg via Steam p utgivelsesdatoen. Utgivelsesdatoen for disse produktene er ubestemt, og kjpere br ikke stole p en ansltt utgivelsesdato." "[english]Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Unreleased" "Some of the products in this package have not yet been released and are not currently available. These products will automatically be made available to you via Steam upon their releas e. The release date for these products is uncertain and purchasers should not re ly on any estimated release date." "Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Shipping" "Det kan ta fra 68 uker levere effektene som er inkludert i %subscription%-pakken." "[english]Steam_Legal_PackageDetails_Shipping" "Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of the merchandise included in the %subscription% package." "Steam_ForcedGiftPurchase_Next" "Hvis du vil kjpe dette elementet som en gave, tr ykker du p Neste for fortsette." "[english]Steam_ForcedGiftPurchase_Next" "To purchase this item as a gift , click 'Next' to continue." "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_BestWishes" "Vennlig hilsen" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_BestWishes" "Best Wishes" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_BuckleUp" "Gjr deg klar" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_BuckleUp" "Buckle Up" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_Enjoy" "Kos deg" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_Enjoy" "Enjoy" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_GameOn" "Spillet kan begynne" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_GameOn" "Game On" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_HaveFun" "Ha det moro" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_HaveFun" "Have Fun" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_KerBlam" "Ka-pow" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_KerBlam" "Ker Blam" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_OverAndOut" "Over og ut" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_OverAndOut" "Over n' Out" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_YouOweMe" "Du skylder meg en" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_YouOweMe" "You Owe Me" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_YourTurn" "Din tur" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_YourTurn" "Your Turn" "Steam_Gift_Sentiment_XOXOXO" "XOXOXO" "[english]Steam_Gift_Sentiment_XOXOXO" "XOXOXO" "Steam_Purchase_Gift_AlreadyOwn" "Denne varen er allerede tilgjengelig me d Steam-kontoen din. Du fr tilgang til spillene dine fra spillbiblioteket i Steam ." "[english]Steam_Purchase_Gift_AlreadyOwn" "This item is already available with your Steam account. You can access your games from the Steam Games Library. " "Steam_SendGuestPass_RecipientQuestion$type=gift" "Hvem vil du gi %package % til?" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_RecipientQuestion$type=gift" "To whom would y ou like to give '%package%'?" "Steam_SendGuestPass_RecipientQuestion$type=guestpass" "Hvem vil du gi et %pack age%-gjestepass til?" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_RecipientQuestion$type=guestpass" "To whom would y ou like to give a '%package%' guest pass?" "SteamUI_Gift_RecipientName" "Mottakerens navn" "[english]SteamUI_Gift_RecipientName" "Recipient's name" "SteamUI_Gift_Message" "Gavemelding (kun 160 tegn)" "[english]SteamUI_Gift_Message" "Your gift message (160 character limit)" "Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftRecipientName" "Mottakerens navn" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftRecipientName" "Recipient's name" "Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftMessage" "Gavemelding (kun 160 tegn)" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftMessage" "Your gift message (160 characte r limit)" "Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftSentiment" "Meldingen din"

"[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftSentiment" "Your sentiment" "Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftSignature" "Signaturen din" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftSignature" "Your signature" "Steam_Gift_DefaultMessage$subtype=single" "Jeg hper du liker dette spillet. " "[english]Steam_Gift_DefaultMessage$subtype=single" "I hope you enjoy this g ame!" "Steam_Gift_DefaultMessage$subtype=package" "Jeg hper du liker disse spillene ." "[english]Steam_Gift_DefaultMessage$subtype=package" "I hope you enjoy these games!" "Steam_Purchase_PaymentExplanation" "Steam godtar de flgende sikre betalingsmt ene:" "[english]Steam_Purchase_PaymentExplanation" "Steam accepts the following sec ure payment methods:" "Steam_PurchaseReview_IsGift" "Gave til" "[english]Steam_PurchaseReview_IsGift" "Gift for" "Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftMsgExplanation" "Skriv inn en melding som skal s endes med gaven din." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_GiftMsgExplanation" "Please enter a message to send with your gift." "Steam_SendGuestPass_AlreadyOwnsGame" "%s1 har allerede dette spillet" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_AlreadyOwnsGame" "%s1 already owns this game" "Steam_GiftRevoked_Title" "Steam - gave tilbakekalt" "[english]Steam_GiftRevoked_Title" "Steam - Gift Revoked" "Steam_GiftRevoked" "%package%-gaven som du nylig fikk fra %gifter%, har bli tt tilbakekalt p grunn av et problem med behandlingen av betalingen for dette ele mentet.\n\nSpillene som er tilknyttet denne gaven, kan derfor ikke lenger spille s. Hvis du nsker kjpe dette elementet, kan du g til Steam-butikken. Du kan ogs velge slette det lokale innholdet som er tilknyttet denne gaven." "[english]Steam_GiftRevoked" "Your recent gift of %package% from %gifter% has been revoked due to a problem processing payment for this item.\n\nThe games as sociated with this gift can no longer be played as a result. If you would like t o purchase this item, visit the Steam Store. Otherwise, you may choose to delete the local content associated with this gift." "Steam_GiftRevoked_SupportLink" "Du finner mer informasjon p nettsiden til Steams kundesttte" "[english]Steam_GiftRevoked_SupportLink" "Visit the Steam support web sit e for more information" "Steam_ExternalSignupButton" "G til %game%-nettstedet n" "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupButton" "Go to %s1 web site now" "Steam_ExternalSignupHeadline" "Din %game%-konto" "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupHeadline" "Your %game% account" "Steam_ExternalSignupHeadlineMulti" "Dine eksterne kontoer" "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupHeadlineMulti" "Your external accounts" "Steam_ExternalSignupInfo" "For ferdiggjre din installasjon m du linke ditt k jp opp mot din %game% konto.\n\nBesk deres offisielle nettside n for logge inn til din eksisterende %game% konto eller for lage en ny en." "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupInfo" "To complete your install, you need to l ink your Steam purchase with your %game% account.\n\nVisit their official web si te now to login to your existing %game% account or to create a new one." "Steam_ExternalSignupInfoMulti" "For ferdiggjre dine installasjoner m du linke dit t kjp opp mot din eksterne konto.\n\nBesk deres offisielle nettside n for logge inn til dine eksterne kontoer eller for lage nye." "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupInfoMulti" "To complete your installations, you need to link your Steam purchases with your external account.\n\nVisit thei r official web sites now to login to your external accounts or to create a new o nes." "Steam_ExternalSignupFinish" "Nr du har opprettet kontoen for %game%, kan du k likke for fullfre og starte spillet."

"[english]Steam_ExternalSignupFinish" "Once you have made your account for %ga me% click finish and start playing." "Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesLabel" "Det kreves en aktiv %game%-konto." "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesLabel" "An active %game% account is req uired" "Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesButton" "G til nettstedet for %game%-kontoen" "[english]Steam_ExternalSignupPropertiesButton" "Visit %game% account web site" "Steam_GameAlreadyInAccount" "Spillet finnes allerede i kontoen" "[english]Steam_GameAlreadyInAccount" "Game already in account" "Steam_FullGameAlreadyInAccount" "Det fullstendige spillet finnes allered e i kontoen" "[english]Steam_FullGameAlreadyInAccount" "Full game already in account" "Steam_AlreadyInAccountInfo" "Du eier allerede alle disse spillene. Du fr tilg ang til spillene dine fra Mine spill-listen i Steam." "[english]Steam_AlreadyInAccountInfo" "You already own all of these games. You can access your games from the Steam Games Library." "SteamUI_OldClient_Title" "Steam Utdatert" "[english]SteamUI_OldClient_Title" "Steam - Out of date" "SteamUI_OldClient" "Klienten m oppdateres for kjre dette spillet." "[english]SteamUI_OldClient" "Your client needs to be updated to run this gam e." "SteamUI_WrongPlatform_Title" "Steam - Spill Utilgjengelig" "[english]SteamUI_WrongPlatform_Title" "Steam - Game Unavailable" "SteamUI_WrongPlatform" "%game% er ikke tilgjengelig p din nvrende plattform." "[english]SteamUI_WrongPlatform" "%game% is not available on your current platform." "SteamUI_AgeOver17" "Ja, jeg er over 17 r." "[english]SteamUI_AgeOver17" "Yes, I am over 17 years of age." "SteamUI_RootDialog_Start_Problem_Title" "Steam start av spill mislyktes" "[english]SteamUI_RootDialog_Start_Problem_Title" "Steam - Game Launch Fai led" "SteamUI_RootDialog_Start_Problem_Text" "%game% startet ikke (feilkode %error%). " "[english]SteamUI_RootDialog_Start_Problem_Text" "%game% failed to start (error code %error%)." "Steam_ExternalSignup" "Administrer spillkonto ..." "[english]Steam_ExternalSignup" "Manage game account..." "Steam_ExternalRegistrationURL" "Registrer spillet ditt ..." "[english]Steam_ExternalRegistrationURL" "Register your game..." "Steam_RetailInstallTitle" "Steam installer %product%" "[english]Steam_RetailInstallTitle" "Steam - Install %product%" "Steam_RetailInfo" "Du kan f tilgang til spillene dine nr som helst fra en da tamaskin ved logge p Steam-kontoen." "[english]Steam_RetailInfo" "You'll be able to access your games at any time , from any computer just by logging in to your Steam account." "Steam_RetailChooseCreateNewAccount" "Opprett en ny Steam-konto..." "[english]Steam_RetailChooseCreateNewAccount" "Create a new Steam account" "Steam_RetailChooseLoginToExistingAccount" "Logg p en eksisterende Steam-kon to" "[english]Steam_RetailChooseLoginToExistingAccount" "Log into an existing St eam account" "Steam_WaitingForCloudSyncTitle" "Steam Cloud synkronisering" "[english]Steam_WaitingForCloudSyncTitle" "Steam Cloud - Syncing" "Steam_WaitingForCloudSyncDebrief" "Steam synkroniserer n spillfilene dine m ed Steam Cloud. Steam avsluttes automatisk nr dette er fullfrt.\n\nHvis du vil tvi nge Steam til avslutte uten synkronisere filene, klikker du p Avslutt n." "[english]Steam_WaitingForCloudSyncDebrief" "Steam is currently syncing your game files with the Steam Cloud. Steam will automatically exit when this is com pleted.\n\nTo force Steam to exit without syncing your files, click 'Exit Now'." "Steam_CloudSyncForceQuit" "Avslutt n"

"[english]Steam_CloudSyncForceQuit" "Exit Now" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Promo_Headline" "Aktivering vellykket!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Promo_Headline" "Activation Successful!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Promo" "Kampanjekoden for %subscription% ble ak tivert. Du fr tilgang til dette innholdet nr du har aktivert hele spillet p Steam. Dette innholdet er n permanent knyttet til Steam-kontoen. Du m logge p denne kontoe n for f tilgang til produktene du nettopp aktiverte p Steam." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccess_Promo" "Your %subscription% promotion c ode has successfully been activated. This content will become available to you o nce you've activated the full game on Steam. This content is now permanently ass ociated with your Steam account. You must login to this account to have access t o the items you've just activated on Steam." "Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Title" "Steam kan ikke installere %game%" "[english]Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Title" "Steam - Cannot install %game%" "Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Info" "%game% er en modifikasjon, og krever at du eier en versjon av hovedspillet." "[english]Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Info" "%game% is a mod, and requires you to ow n a version of the base game." "Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Button" "F mer informasjon" "[english]Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Button" "Get more info" "Steam_AccountEmail_Title" "Steam-kontoinformasjon" "[english]Steam_AccountEmail_Title" "Steam Account Information" "Steam_AccountEmail_Info" "Det anbefales at du skriver ut denne informasjo nen og oppbevarer den p et sikkert sted. Konto- og ploggingsinformasjonen din for Steam er viktig fra n av vil du trenge den for f tilgang til spillene dine og andr e Steam-funksjoner." "[english]Steam_AccountEmail_Info" "It is recommended that you print this i nformation and keep it in a safe place. Your Steam account and login information is important--from now on, you'll need it to access your games and other Steam features." "Steam_AccountEmail_AccountName" "Kontonavn:" "[english]Steam_AccountEmail_AccountName" "Account Name:" "Steam_AccountEmail_Password" "Passord:" "[english]Steam_AccountEmail_Password" "Password:" "Steam_AccountEmail_Email" "Kontaktadresse:" "[english]Steam_AccountEmail_Email" "Contact email address:" "Steam_AccountEmail_Print" "Klikk her for skrive ut denne siden n" "[english]Steam_AccountEmail_Print" "Click here to print this page now" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclinedCart" "Abonnementet ditt p flgen de produkter har ikke blitt fullfrt. Kredittkortinformasjonen er avsltt av kreditt kortleverandren.\n\nVr oppmerksom p at i noen tilfeller kan kredittkortleverandren b lokkere pengene dine p kontoen, men du blir ikke belastet. Etter at du har sett g jennom informasjonen nedenfor, forsker du kjpe p nytt hvis du tror at kortet ble av sltt p grunn av en feil." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclinedCart" "Your subscripti on to the following items has not been completed. Your credit card information h as been declined by your credit card company.\n\nNote that in some cases, your c redit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not b e charged. After reviewing the information below, if you believe your card has b een declined in error please try your purchase again." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_AVSFailureCart" "Abonnem entet ditt p flgende produkter har ikke blitt fullfrt. Kredittkortinformasjonen er avsltt av kredittkortleverandren p grunn av at en ugyldig adresse ble angitt.\n\nVr oppmerksom p at i noen tilfeller kan kredittkortleverandren blokkere pengene dine p kontoen, men du blir ikke belastet. Etter at du har sett gjennom informasjonen nedenfor, forsker du kjpe p nytt hvis du tror at kortet ble avsltt p grunn av en feil ." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_AVSFailureCart" "Your subscription to the following items has not been completed. Your credit ca rd information has been declined by your credit card company due to an incorrect

address being entered.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not be charged. After revie wing the information below, if you believe your card has been declined in error please try your purchase again." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_InsufficientFundsCart" "Abonnem entet ditt p flgende produkter har ikke blitt fullfrt. Kredittkortinformasjonen er avsltt av kredittkortleverandren p grunn av manglende dekning p kontoen.\n\nVr oppmer ksom p at i noen tilfeller kan kredittkortleverandren blokkere pengene dine p konto en, men du blir ikke belastet." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardDeclined_InsufficientFundsCart" "Your subscription to the following items has not been completed. Your credit ca rd information has been declined by your credit card company due to insufficient funds in the account.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not be charged." "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcessCart" "Forhndsbestillingen er fullfrt, o g spillet blir snart offisielt utgitt. Betalingen er behandlet.\n\nDu fr beskjed med en gang du kan spille spillet. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_PreProcessCart" "Your pre-order has been completed, and the game will be officially released soon. Your payment has been processed.\n\nWe'll let you know as soon as the game is available to play. Than k you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=regular" "Abonnementet ditt p flgen de produkter har blitt fullfrt. Abonnementet ditt er registrert p denne Steam-kont oen: %accountname%. I fremtiden m du logge p denne kontoen for f tilgang til spille ne dine. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=regular" "Your subscripti on to the following items has been completed successfully. Your subscription is registered to this Steam account: %accountname%. In the future, you must login t o this account to have access to your games. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=gift" "Gaven som inneholder flg ende varer, har blitt sendt til %giftee%. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=gift" "Your gift of th e following items has been sent to %giftee%. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=unknown" "Kjpet ditt av flgende pro dukter har blitt fullfrt. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionSuccessCart$purchasetype=unknown" "Your purchase o f the following items has been completed successfully. Thank you for your order! " "Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccessCart" "Du har nylig forhndsbestilt flgen de varer. Disse varene er offisielt utgitt, og derfor har kredittkortet ditt bli tt belastet. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Preorder_CcardSuccessCart" "Recently you preordered the following items. These items have been officially released, so your credit card has been processed and charged. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=regular" "Abonnem entet ditt p flgende produkter er fullfrt.\n\nDu kan spille alle spill som er utgit t, ved klikke p dem i Spill-listen p Steam. Du mottar ogs en e-postbekreftelse s sna rt produktdelen av bestillingen din er sendt. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=regular" "Your subscription to the following items has been completed successfully.\n\nYo u can play any of the currently released games by clicking on them in your Steam Games Library. Also, you'll receive an email confirmation as soon as the mercha ndise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for your order!" "Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=gift" "Gaven som inneh older flgende varer, har blitt sendt til %giftee%. Du mottar en e-postbekreftelse s snart produktdelen av bestillingen din er sendt. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=gift" "Your gift of the following items has been sent to %giftee%. You'll receive an e mail confirmation as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Thank you for your order!"

"Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=unknown" "Kjpet di tt av flgende produkter har blitt fullfrt. Du mottar en e-postbekreftelse s snart p roduktdelen av bestillingen din er sendt. Takk for din bestilling!" "[english]Steam_Subscription_Success_WithShippingCart$purchasetype=unknown" "Your purchase of the following items has been completed. You'll receive an emai l confirmation as soon as the merchandise portion of your order has shipped. Tha nk you for your order!" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_InfoCart" "Denne transaksj onen ble ikke behandlet fordi kredittkortet nedenfor er brukt for mange ganger i Steam.\n\nDenne policyen eksisterer for beskytte vre kunder mot kredittkortsvind el. Vi reiser tiltale ved svindelforsk, og saken blir kjrt gjennom alle rettsinsta nser." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PaymentCardUseLimitHit_InfoCart" "This tr ansaction was not processed because the credit card below has been used too many times in Steam.\n\nThis policy exists in order to protect our customers from cr edit card fraud. We will prosecute fraud to the fullest extent of the law." "Steam_Subscription_ContactSupportCart" "Det oppstod en uventet feil. Abonnement et ditt p flgende produkter har ikke blitt fullfrt. \n\nKontakt Steams kundesttte v ed hjelp av koblingen nedenfor." "[english]Steam_Subscription_ContactSupportCart" "An unexpected error has occurred. Your subscription to the following items has not been completed. \n\n Please contact Steam Support using the link below." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclinedCart" "Kjpet av flgende produkte r er ikke fullfrt.\n\n%provider% har rapportert en godkjenningsfeil. Prv gjennomfre kjpet igjen med en annen betalingsmetode." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclinedCart" "Your purchase o f the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported an auth orization failure. Please try your purchase again using a different payment meth od." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_InvalidShippingAddressCart" "Kjpet av flgende produkter er ikke fullfrt.\n\n%provider% har rapportert et problem med ad ressen som er knyttet til %provider%-kontoen. Du kan enten lse dette problemet gj ennom %provider% eller forske gjennomfre kjpet p nytt ved bruke en annen betalingsme tode." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_InvalidShippingAddressCart" "Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported a problem with the address associated with your %provider% account. You can either correct this problem through %provider%, or try your purchase again using a different payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherFundingSourceCart" "Kjpet av flgende produkter er ikke fullfrt.\n\n%provider% har rapportert et problem med be talingskilden som er knyttet til %provider%-kontoen. Du kan enten lse dette probl emet gjennom %provider% eller forske gjennomfre kjpet p nytt ved bruke en annen beta lingsmetode." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherFundingSourceCart" "Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported a problem with the funding source associated with your %provider% accou nt. You can either correct this problem through %provider%, or try your purchase again using a different payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherPaymentMethodCart" "Kjpet av flgende produkter er ikke fullfrt.\n\n%provider% har rapportert en godkjenningsfe il. Prv gjennomfre kjpet igjen med en annen betalingsmetode." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PayPalDeclined_UseOtherPaymentMethodCart" "Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported an authorization failure. Please try your purchase again using a differ ent payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_ContactProviderCart" "Kjpet av flgende produkter er ikke fullfrt.\n\n%provider% har rapportert et problem med %p rovider%-kontoen din. Ta kontakt med brukersttte hos %provider% eller forsk gjenno mfre kjpet p nytt ved bruke en annen betalingsmetode."

"[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_ContactProviderCart" "Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported a problem with your %provider% account. Please contact %provider% suppo rt or try your purchase again using a different payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_AcctNotVerifiedCart" "Kjpet av flgende produkter er ikke fullfrt.\n\n%provider% har rapportert at %provider%-kon toen din m bekreftes, eller du m legge til midler for fullfre kjpet. Ta kontakt med brukersttte hos %provider% eller forsk gjennomfre kjpet p nytt ved bruke en annen be alingsmetode." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_PuchaseDeclined_AcctNotVerifiedCart" "Your purchase of the following items has not been completed.\n\n%provider% has reported that your %provider% account needs to be verified or funded to complete the purchase. Please contact %provider% support or try your purchase again usin g a different payment method." "Steam_Subscription_RefundedCart" "Du har blitt refundert for kjpet av flgen de produkter. Kreditten br vises p kontoen om noen virkedager." "[english]Steam_Subscription_RefundedCart" "Your purchase of the following items has been refunded. The credit should appear in your account within a coupl e business days." "Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountryCart" "Beklager, men flgende varer er i kke tilgjengelig for kjp i dette landet. Kjpet ditt er opphevet." "[english]Steam_Subscription_RestrictedCountryCart" "Sorry, but the followin g items are not available for purchase in this country. Your purchase has been c ancelled." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailedCart" "Abonnementet ditt p flgende produ kter har ikke blitt fullfrt. Steam-serverne er for opptatt til behandle foresprsel en akkurat n. \n\nVi beklager eventuelle problemer det mtte medfre. Prv gjennomfre t ransaksjonen p nytt om noen timer." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_ServerFailedCart" "Your subscription to th e following items has not been completed. The Steam servers are currently too bu sy to process your request. \n\nWe apologize for the inconvenience. Please try y our transaction again in a few hours." "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupportedCart" "Kjpet av flgende produkte r er ikke fullfrt.\n\nDen valgte betalingsmetoden er ikke tilgjengelig i ditt lan d. Prv gjennomfre kjpet igjen med en annen betalingsmetode." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_RegionNotSupportedCart" "Your purchase o f the following items has not been completed.\n\nYour chosen payment method is c urrently unavailable in your country. Please try your purchase again using a dif ferent payment method." "Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlayCart" "Abonnementet p flgende pr odukter er ikke fullfrt fordi Steam-serverne for yeblikket ikke kan behandle trans aksjonen.\n\nDu kan ikke spille disse spillene fr abonnementsprosessen er fullfrt. Vi beklager eventuelle problemer det mtte medfre. Steam-gruppen arbeider for lse d ette problemet, og du fr beskjed med en gang transaksjonen er fullfrt." "[english]Steam_SubscriptionFailure_Timeout_CantPlayCart" "Your subscripti on to the following items has not been completed, because Steam servers are curr ently unable to process the transaction.\n\nYou won't be able to play these game s until the subscription process is complete. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. The Steam team is working to rectify this situation, and will n otify you as soon as the transaction is complete." "Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Unsent" "Ikke sendt" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Unsent" "Unsent" "Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Sent" "Sendt" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Sent" "Sent" "Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Redeemed" "Lst inn" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Redeemed" "Redeemed" "Steam_SendGuestPass_SendInfo$type=gift" "Hvordan vil du at %package%-gav en din skal bli sendt?" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendInfo$type=gift" "How would you like your gift of %package% to be sent?"

"Steam_SendGuestPass_SendInfo$type=guestpass" "Hvordan vil du at %package%-gje stepasset ditt skal bli sendt?" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendInfo$type=guestpass" "How would you like your %package% guest pass to be sent?" "Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendTitle$type=gift" "Tilbakekalle og sende en gave p nytt" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendTitle$type=gift" "Revoke and Resend a Gif t" "Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendTitle$type=guestpass" "Tilbakekalle og sende e t gjestepass p nytt" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendTitle$type=guestpass" "Revoke and Rese nd a Guest Pass" "Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendInfo$type=gift" "Hvis du sender denne gaven p nyt t, kan ikke den forrige mottakeren godta den. Hvis du nsker fortsette, m du skrive inn en gyldig e-postadresse for den nye mottakeren av %package%-gaven." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendInfo$type=gift" "Resending this gift wil l make the previous recipient unable to accept it. If you wish to continue, plea se enter a valid email address for the new recipient of your %package% gift." "Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendInfo$type=guestpass" "Hvis du sender dette gjestepass et p nytt, kan ikke den forrige mottakeren bruke passet. Hvis du nsker fortsette, m du skrive inn en gyldig e-postadresse for den nye mottakeren av %package%-gjest epasset." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_ResendInfo$type=guestpass" "Resending this guest pass will make its previous recipient unable to redeem the pass. If you wi sh to continue, please enter a valid email address for the new recipient of your %package% guest pass." "Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailRadio$type=gift" "Send gaven via e-post" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailRadio$type=gift" "Email my gift" "Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailRadio$type=guestpass" "Send gjestepasset via e-post" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailRadio$type=guestpass" "Email my guest pass" "Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailAddressLabel" "Mottakerens e-postadresse" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_EmailAddressLabel" "Recipient's email addre ss" "Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectRadio$type=gift" "Send gaven min direkte gjennom Steam" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectRadio$type=gift" "Send my gift di rectly through Steam" "Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectRadio$type=guestpass" "Send gjestepasset mitt direkte via Steam" "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectRadio$type=guestpass" "Send my guest p ass directly through Steam" "Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectLabel$type=gift" "Send vennen min en gavemelding direkte til Steam-kontoen hans eller hennes." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectLabel$type=gift" "Send my Friend a gift message directly to their Steam account." "Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectLabel$type=guestpass" "Send vennen min en gjes tepassmelding direkte til Steam-kontoen hans eller hennes." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_SendDirectLabel$type=guestpass" "Send my Friend a guest pass message directly to their Steam account." "Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGiftPlural" "Ekstra kopier" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGiftPlural" "Extra copies" "Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGuestPassPlural" "Gjestepass" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_LeftGuestPassPlural" "Guest passes" "Steam_InstallAborted_Title" "Steam installer" "[english]Steam_InstallAborted_Title" "Steam - Install" "Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoInfo" "Dette spillet kan ikke installeres." "[english]Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoInfo" "This game cannot be installed." "Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppUnreleased" "%game% kan ikke installeres enn, da det ikke er utgitt enn."

"[english]Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppUnreleased" "%game% cannot be instal led yet, because it is not yet released." "Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoDemo" "%game% kan ikke installeres fordi det e r en demo, og du eier fullversjonen av produktet. Vennligst installer fullversjo nen av produktet." "[english]Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoDemo" "%game% cannot be installed, bec ause it is is a demo, and you own the full version of the product. Please instal l the full version of the game." "Steam_ValidateGame_GameRunning" "Avslutt alle spill som kjrer, eller verk ty fr du prver bekrefte spillbufferen." "[english]Steam_ValidateGame_GameRunning" "Please exit any running games o r tools before attempting to verify your game cache." "Steam_RegionLabel" "Nedlastingsregion" "[english]Steam_RegionLabel" "Download region" "Steam_RegionInfo" "Denne regionen oppdages jevnlig automatisk basert p hvil ke Steam-innholdsservere som er i nrheten. Det kan endres etter hvert som nye inn holdsservere legges til, gamle servere tas ut av bruk eller Internett-topologien endres. Hvis du ikke ser landet ditt p listen, velger du regionen som er nrmest d eg." "[english]Steam_RegionInfo" "This region is periodically auto-detected based on which Steam content servers are nearby. It can change as new content servers are placed, old servers retired, or as internet topology changes. If you don't see your country in the list, just select the region closest to you." "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay1" "Gjr klar til starte %game%." "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay1" "Preparing to launch %game%." "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay2" "Gjr klar til starte %game% .." "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay2" "Preparing to launch %game%.." "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay3" "Gjr klar til starte %game% ..." "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay3" "Preparing to launch %game%..." "SteamUI_JoinDialog_Title" "%game% Steam" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_Title" "%game% - Steam" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_Updating_Title" "Oppdaterer %game%" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_Updating_Title" "Updating %game%" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_Ready_Title" "Klar %game%" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_Ready_Title" "Ready - %game%" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_InstallScriptInfo" "Utfrer frstegangsinstallasjon...\n\nInsta llerer: %stepname% (trinn %step% av %steptotal%)" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_InstallScriptInfo" "Performing first time setup...\ n\nInstalling: %stepname% (step %step% of %steptotal%)" "SteamUI_Game_Requires_NTFS" "Spillet krever NTFS" "[english]SteamUI_Game_Requires_NTFS" "Game requires NTFS" "SteamUI_GameRequires_NTFS_Detail" "Spillet du installerer krever en disk m ed NTFS-filsystem og \nkan ikke installeres p et FAT32 filsystem. For mer informa sjon se\nhjelpeartikkelen linket nedenfor." "[english]SteamUI_GameRequires_NTFS_Detail" "The game you are installing req uires a drive with the NTFS file system and\ncannot be installed on a FAT32 file system. For more information see the\nsupport article linked below." "SteamUI_NTFS_Required_SupportArticle" "Filsystem hjelpeartikkel" "[english]SteamUI_NTFS_Required_SupportArticle" "Filesystem Support Article" "SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityTitle" "Steam - Spill Overlegg Tilgang" "[english]SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityTitle" "Steam - Game Overlay Access" "SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityText" "I spill-overlegget i Steam krever at alternativ et for aktivere tilgang til hjelpemidler sls p i innstillingsruten for universaltilgang." "[english]SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityText" "The in-game Steam overlay requires acce ss for assistive devices to be enabled. To enable to the in-game overlay, open the Universal Access preference pane and check 'Enable access for assistive devices'" "SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityLinkText" "Klikk her for pne innstillingsruten for

universaltilgang." "[english]SteamUI_OSXAccessibilityLinkText" "Click here to open the Universa l Access preference pane." "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SteamHDUsedMB" "Steam harddisk-bruk:%s1 Mb" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SteamHDUsedMB" "Steam Hard Disk Usage: %s1 Mb" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_GatheringSystemInformation" "Samler inn systeminform asjon..." "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_GatheringSystemInformation" "Gathering syste m information..." "SteamUI_ValidateEmailDescription" "Klikk 'Neste' for bekrefte e-postadress en med Steam. \nDen bekreftede adressen vil bli brukt som legitimasjon for bekre fte alle endringer p din Steam-konto, slik at du og bare du kan endre p det hemmel ige sprsmlet eller passordet." "[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailDescription" "Click Next to verify your email a ddress with Steam.\nA verified address will be used to confirm any changes to yo ur Steam account credentials, so you and only you can change your secret questio n or password." "SteamUI_ValidateEmailSent" "En melding har blitt sendt til: %s1.\nVennligst sjekk din e-post og trykk p linken vedlagt for fullfre verifiseringen av din e-po st med Steam." "[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailSent" "A message has been sent to: %s1.\nPleas e check your mail and click the link within to complete email address verificati on with Steam." "SteamUI_ValidateEmailNotReceived" "Fikk du ikke meldingen vr?" "[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailNotReceived" "Didn't receive our message?" "SteamUI_VisitSteamSupport" "Besk Steams kundesttte for f hjelp" "[english]SteamUI_VisitSteamSupport" "Visit Steam support for assistance" "SteamUI_ValidateEmailWorking" "Kontakter Steam-servere for sende e-post." "[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailWorking" "Contacting Steam Servers to send email. " "SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Title" "Verifiser e-post" "[english]SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Title" "Verify Email" "SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Verified" " | Verifisert" "[english]SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Verified" " | Verified " "SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Unverified" " | Ikke verifisert" "[english]SteamUI_VerifyEmail_Unverified" " | Unverified " "Steam_CannotInstallInOfflineMode" "Spill kan ikke installeres nr Steam er i offline-modus.\nAvslutt og start Steam p nytt, og velg 'G online'.\n" "[english]Steam_CannotInstallInOfflineMode" "Games cannot be installed when Steam is in Offline Mode.\nExit and restart Steam, and choose 'Go Online'.\n" "steam_community" "Samfunn" "[english]steam_community" "Community" "steam_library" "Bibliotek" "[english]steam_library" "Library" "steam_library_games" "Spill" "[english]steam_library_games" "Games" "steam_library_media" "Media" "[english]steam_library_media" "Media" "steam_library_tools" "Verkty" "[english]steam_library_tools" "Tools" "steam_library_downloads" "Nedlastinger" "[english]steam_library_downloads" "Downloads" "steam_library_zoom" "Zoom" "[english]steam_library_zoom" "Zoom" "steam_library_show" "Vis" "[english]steam_library_show" "Show" "steam_library_views" "Vis" "[english]steam_library_views" "View" "steam_library_filter_allgames" "Alle spill"

"[english]steam_library_filter_allgames" "All Games" "steam_library_filter_allplatform" "Mac-spill" "[english]steam_library_filter_allplatform" "Mac Games" "steam_library_filter_recentgames" "Nylig" "[english]steam_library_filter_recentgames" "Recent" "steam_library_filter_installedgames" "Installert" "[english]steam_library_filter_installedgames" "Installed" "steam_library_filter_favorites" "Favoritter" "[english]steam_library_filter_favorites" "Favorites" "steam_library_filter_addtag" "Legg til en ny kategori..." "[english]steam_library_filter_addtag" "Add a New Category..." "steam_downloads_networkusage" "Nettverksbruk" "[english]steam_downloads_networkusage" "Current Network Usage" "steam_downloads_downloadrate" "Nedlastingshastighet" "[english]steam_downloads_downloadrate" "Download Rate " "steam_downloads_thissession" "Denne kten" "[english]steam_downloads_thissession" "This Session" "steam_downloads_peakdownloadrate" "Strste nedlastingshastighet" "[english]steam_downloads_peakdownloadrate" "Peak Download Rate " "steam_downloads_peakuploadrate" "Strste opplastingshastighet" "[english]steam_downloads_peakuploadrate" "Peak Upload Rate " "steam_downloads_totaldownloaded" "Lastet ned totalt " "[english]steam_downloads_totaldownloaded" "Total Downloaded " "steam_downloads_pause" "Stopp midlertidig" "[english]steam_downloads_pause" "Pause" "steam_downloads_resume" "Fortsett" "[english]steam_downloads_resume" "Resume" "steam_downloads_pauseall" "Stopp alle midlertidig" "[english]steam_downloads_pauseall" "Pause All" "steam_downloads_resumeall" "Gjenoppta alle" "[english]steam_downloads_resumeall" "Resume All" "steam_downloads_remove" "Lukk" "[english]steam_downloads_remove" "Close" "steam_downloads_updating" "Oppdaterer" "[english]steam_downloads_updating" "Updating" "steam_downloads_downloading" "Laster ned" "[english]steam_downloads_downloading" "Downloading" "steam_downloads_paused" "Pause" "[english]steam_downloads_paused" "Paused" "steam_downloads_suspended" "Midlertidig stoppet" "[english]steam_downloads_suspended" "Suspended" "steam_downloads_ready" "Klar til spille" "[english]steam_downloads_ready" "Ready to Play" "steam_downloads_initiated" "Tid startet" "[english]steam_downloads_initiated" "Time Initiated " "steam_downloads_downloadcompleted" "Nedlastingen er fullfrt " "[english]steam_downloads_downloadcompleted" "Download completed " "steam_downloads_gamesize_update" "Oppdatert " "[english]steam_downloads_gamesize_update" "Updated " "steam_downloads_gamesize_download" "Lastet ned " "[english]steam_downloads_gamesize_download" "Downloaded " "steam_downloads_updateacquired" "Mengde av gjeldende oppdatering som er hentet " "[english]steam_downloads_updateacquired" "Amount of current update acquir ed " "steam_downloads_timeremaining" "Tid som gjenstr" "[english]steam_downloads_timeremaining" "Time Remaining " "steam_downloads_sessiontotal" "Totalt for kt " "[english]steam_downloads_sessiontotal" "Session Total " "steam_downloads_currentrate" "%download_rate% - nvrende hastighet"

"[english]steam_downloads_currentrate" "%download_rate% - Current Rate" "steam_downloads_launch" "Spill %name% " "[english]steam_downloads_launch" "Play %name% " "steam_downloads_updatenews" "Vis nyheter" "[english]steam_downloads_updatenews" "View News" "steam_downloads_showinlibrary" "Vis detaljer" "[english]steam_downloads_showinlibrary" "View Details" "steam_client_add_game" "Legg til et spill..." "[english]steam_client_add_game" "Add a Game..." "steam_addgame_addshortcut" "Legg til et spill som ikke er fra Steam..." "[english]steam_addgame_addshortcut" "Add a Non-Steam Game..." "steam_addgame_activate" "Aktiver et produkt i Steam..." "[english]steam_addgame_activate" "Activate a Product on Steam..." "steam_addgame_browse" "Se etter spill i Steam-butikken..." "[english]steam_addgame_browse" "Browse the Steam Store for Games..." "steam_lastplayedcolumn" "Sist spilt" "[english]steam_lastplayedcolumn" "Last played" "steam_details_lastplayedheader" "Sist spilt %last_played_date%" "[english]steam_details_lastplayedheader" "Last played %last_played_date%" "steam_details_totalplaytimeheader_minutes" "%minutes% minutter spilt" "[english]steam_details_totalplaytimeheader_minutes" "%minutes% minutes playe d" "steam_details_totalplaytimeheader_hours" "%hours% timer spilt" "[english]steam_details_totalplaytimeheader_hours" "%hours% hours played" "steam_details_achievementsheader" "%achieved_achievements%/%available_achi evements% prestasjoner" "[english]steam_details_achievementsheader" "%achieved_achievements%/%availa ble_achievements% achievements" "steam_friendsplayingnow" "Du har %friendsplayingnow% venner som spiller % gamename% akkurat n!" "[english]steam_friendsplayingnow" "You have %friendsplayingnow% Friends pl aying %gamename% right now!" "steam_friendplayingnow" "Du har %friendsplayingnow% venn som spiller %ga mename% akkurat n!" "[english]steam_friendplayingnow" "You have %friendsplayingnow% Friend pla ying %gamename% right now!" "steam_morefriendswhoplay" "Du har %friendswhoplay% flere venner som spille r %gamename%" "[english]steam_morefriendswhoplay" "You have %friendswhoplay% more Friends who play %gamename%" "steam_morefriendwhoplays" "Du har %friendswhoplay% venn til som spiller %g amename%" "[english]steam_morefriendwhoplays" "You have %friendswhoplay% more Friend w ho plays %gamename%" "steam_friendswhoplay" "Du har %friendswhoplay% venner som spiller %gamename%" "[english]steam_friendswhoplay" "You have %friendswhoplay% Friends who play %gam ename%" "steam_friendwhoplays" "Du har %friendswhoplay% venn som spiller %gamename%" "[english]steam_friendwhoplays" "You have %friendswhoplay% Friend who plays %gam ename%" "steam_nofriendswhoplay" "Du har ingen venner som spiller %gamename%" "[english]steam_nofriendswhoplay" "You don't have any Friends who play %ga mename%" "steam_openfriendslist" "pne venneliste" "[english]steam_openfriendslist" "Open Friends List" "steam_viewallfriends" "Vis alle venner som spiller dette spillet" "[english]steam_viewallfriends" "View All Friends Who Play This Game" "steam_RecentNews" "Siste nyheter" "[english]steam_RecentNews" "Recent News" "steam_Achievements" "Prestasjoner"

"[english]steam_Achievements" "Achievements" "steam_YouHaveAchieved" "Du har oppndd %achieved_achievements%/%available_achieve ments%" "[english]steam_YouHaveAchieved" "You have achieved %achieved_achievement s%/%available_achievements%" "steam_ViewAllAchievements" "Vis alle prestasjoner" "[english]steam_ViewAllAchievements" "View All Achievements" "Steam_MoreAchievements" "+%moreachievements_notshown%" "[english]Steam_MoreAchievements" "+%moreachievements_notshown%" "Steam_AchievementsNeeded" "Du har fremdeles %moreachievements% prestasjone r du kan lse opp!" "[english]Steam_AchievementsNeeded" "You still have %moreachievements% achie vments to unlock!" "Steam_MoreFriends" "+%morefriends_notshown%" "[english]Steam_MoreFriends" "+%morefriends_notshown%" "steam_viewallnews" "Vis alle nyheter" "[english]steam_viewallnews" "View All News" "steam_newscontinued" "Les mer" "[english]steam_newscontinued" "Read More" "steam_NonSteam" "Modifikator eller snarvei som ikke er fra Steam" "[english]steam_NonSteam" "Non-Steam Mod or Shortcut" "steam_NonSteamMessage" "En del detaljert informasjon om %gamename% er utilgjeng elig fordi modifikatoren eller snarveien ikke er fra Steam. Steam kan likevel st arte spillet for deg, og overlappingen i spillet vil for det meste vre tilgjengel ig." "[english]steam_NonSteamMessage" "Some detailed information on %gamename% is unavailable because it is a non-Steam mod or shortcut. Steam will still man age launching the game for you and in most cases the in-game overlay will be ava ilable." "steam_welcome" "Spillinfo" "[english]steam_welcome" "Game Info" "steam_welcomemessage_basic" "%welcome_action%" "[english]steam_welcomemessage_basic" "%welcome_action%" "steam_welcomeaction_launch" "Klikk p Spill-knappen ovenfor for starte %gamena me%." "[english]steam_welcomeaction_launch" "To launch %gamename%, click the Play bu tton above." "steam_welcomeaction_install" "Klikk p Installer-knappen ovenfor for installere %gamename%." "[english]steam_welcomeaction_install" "To install %gamename%, click the Instal l button above." "steam_welcomeaction_preload" "Klikk p Forhndslast-knappen ovenfor for forhndslas te %gamename%, slik at du er klar til spille det med n gang det er utgitt." "[english]steam_welcomeaction_preload" "To pre-load %gamename% so you'll be rea dy to play it the moment it's released, click the Pre-load button above." "steam_welcomeaction_comingsoon" "%gamename% kommer snart." "[english]steam_welcomeaction_comingsoon" "%gamename% is coming soon." "steam_welcomeaction_platformwrong" "%gamename% er ikke tilgjengelig p din nvre nde plattform." "[english]steam_welcomeaction_platformwrong" "%gamename% is not available on your current platform." "steam_welcomemessage_nofriends" "Hvis du vil finne andre som spiller %ga mename%, kan du bli med i <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearc h%>en beslektet Steam-samfunnsgruppe</a>. Hvis du vil se hvilke spill vennene di ne spiller, kan du <a href=steam://friends/add/>legge til en venn</a> i Steam-ve nnelisten din." "[english]steam_welcomemessage_nofriends" "To find others who play %gamena me%, join <a href=steam://url/CommunityGroupSearch/%encodedsearch%>a related Ste am Community group</a>. To see what games your friends are playing, <a href=stea m://friends/add/>Add a Friend</a> to your Steam Friends list."

"steam_welcomemessage_help" "Hvis du trenger teknisk sttte for dette spillet, kan du beske <a href= d%>Steam-forumene for %gamename%</a> eller <a href=http://support.steampowered.c om/>Steams kundesttte</a>." "[english]steam_welcomemessage_help" "If you need technical support with this game, check out the <a href= Id=%appid%>%gamename% Steam Forums</a> or visit <a href=http://support.steampowe>Steam Support</a>." "steam_hidewelcomemessage" "Skjul denne meldingen" "[english]steam_hidewelcomemessage" "Hide This Message" "steam_achievement_mostrecent" "Seneste" "[english]steam_achievement_mostrecent" "Most Recent" "steam_achievement_unlockedsofar" "Du har lst opp %achieved_achievements%/% available_achievements% (%achieved_percent%%)" "[english]steam_achievement_unlockedsofar" "You have unlocked %achieved_ach ievements%/%available_achievements% (%achieved_percent%%)" "steam_achievementslocked" "Lste prestasjoner" "[english]steam_achievementslocked" "Locked achievements" "steam_everythingachieved" "Du har lst opp hver eneste prestasjon. Gratulere r!" "[english]steam_everythingachieved" "You've unlocked every single achievemen t. Congratulations!" "steam_edittags_menuitem" "Angi kategori..." "[english]steam_edittags_menuitem" "Set Category..." "steam_edittags_addtag" "Legg til kategori" "[english]steam_edittags_addtag" "Add Category" "steam_edittags_title" "%game% kategori" "[english]steam_edittags_title" "%game% - Category" "steam_usertag_favorites" "Favoritter" "[english]steam_usertag_favorites" "Favorites" "steam_tags" "Kategori" "[english]steam_tags" "Category" "steam_details_tags" "Kategorier" "[english]steam_details_tags" "Categories" "steam_details_edittags" "Angi kategori..." "[english]steam_details_edittags" "Set Category..." "steam_client_edit_categories" " Angi en kategori for dette spillet for hjelpe deg med finne det raskt og organis ere biblioteket. Kategoriserte spill grupperes sammen i spillisten. " "[english]steam_client_edit_categories" " Set a category for this game to help you find it quickly and organize your Libra ry. Categorized games will be grouped together in your games list. " "steam_topmenu_friends" "Venner (%friends_online%)" "[english]steam_topmenu_friends" "Friends (%friends_online%)" "steam_menu_set_profile" "Endre profilnavn..." "[english]steam_menu_set_profile" "Change Profile Name..." "steam_menu_set_avatar" "Endre profilbilde..." "[english]steam_menu_set_avatar" "Change Avatar..." "steam_menu_friends_view" "Venner" "[english]steam_menu_friends_view" "Friends" "steam_menu_friends_tools" "Verkty" "[english]steam_menu_friends_tools" "Tools" "steam_menu_friends_sortbyname" "Sorter etter navn" "[english]steam_menu_friends_sortbyname" "Sort by Name" "steam_menu_friends_showavatars" "Vis profilbilder" "[english]steam_menu_friends_showavatars" "Show Avatars" "steam_menu_friends_hideoffline" "Vis kun tilkoblede venner" "[english]steam_menu_friends_hideoffline" "Show Online Friends Only" "steam_menu_friends_add" "Legg til en venn..." "[english]steam_menu_friends_add" "Add a Friend..."

"steam_menu_friends_settings" "Vis innstillinger" "[english]steam_menu_friends_settings" "View Settings" "steam_menu_friends_players" "Spillere" "[english]steam_menu_friends_players" "Players" "friends_searchOnline" "Sk i medlemmene i Steam-samfunnet" "[english]friends_searchOnline" "Search members of the Steam Community" "steam_send_guestpass" "Send gjestepass" "[english]steam_send_guestpass" "Send Guest Pass" "steam_links" "Koblinger" "[english]steam_links" "Links" "steam_ogg" "Beslektede grupper" "[english]steam_ogg" "Related Groups" "steam_stats" "Statistikk" "[english]steam_stats" "Stats" "steam_dlc" "Nedlastbart innhold" "[english]steam_dlc" "DLC" "steam_cdkeylink" "CD-nkkel" "[english]steam_cdkeylink" "CD Key" "steam_guide" "Guide" "[english]steam_guide" "Guide" "steam_menu_media" "Media" "[english]steam_menu_media" "Media" "steam_menu_tools" "Verkty" "[english]steam_menu_tools" "Tools" "steam_menu_downloads" "Nedlastinger" "[english]steam_menu_downloads" "Downloads" "steam_menu_friends" "Venner" "[english]steam_menu_friends" "Friends" "steam_menu_servers" "Servere" "[english]steam_menu_servers" "Servers" "steam_menu_settings" "Innstillinger" "[english]steam_menu_settings" "Settings" "steam_menu_view_friends" "Vis venneliste (%friends_online% tilkoblet)" "[english]steam_menu_view_friends" "View Friends List (%friends_online% Onl ine)" "steam_menu_view_players" "Spillere" "[english]steam_menu_view_players" "Players" "steam_menu_add_friend" "Legg til en venn..." "[english]steam_menu_add_friend" "Add a Friend..." "steam_menu_friendsstatus" "Angi vennestatus" "[english]steam_menu_friendsstatus" "Set Friends Status" "steam_viewfriends" "VIS VENNELISTE" "[english]steam_viewfriends" "VIEW FRIENDS LIST" "steam_onlinefriends" "%friends_online% tilkoblet" "[english]steam_onlinefriends" "%friends_online% Online" "Steam_Tooltip_Steam" "Steam" "[english]Steam_Tooltip_Steam" "Steam" "Steam_Tooltip_Working" "Steam - jobber" "[english]Steam_Tooltip_Working" "Steam - working" "Steam_Tooltip_Offline" "Steam - ikke tilkoblet" "[english]Steam_Tooltip_Offline" "Steam - offline" "Steam_Tooltip_Syncing" "Steam - synkroniserer" "[english]Steam_Tooltip_Syncing" "Steam - synchronizing" "Steam_Tooltip_Downloading" "Steam - laster ned med %s1/s" "[english]Steam_Tooltip_Downloading" "Steam - downloading at %s1/s" "Friends_online" "Tilkoblet" "[english]Friends_online" "Online" "Friends_away" "Borte" "[english]Friends_away" "Away" "Friends_busy" "Opptatt"

"[english]Friends_busy" "Busy" "Friends_snooze" "Slumre" "[english]Friends_snooze" "Snooze" "Friends_offline" "Frakoblet" "[english]Friends_offline" "Offline" "tooltip_view_details" "Detaljvisning" "[english]tooltip_view_details" "Detail View " "tooltip_view_list" "Listevisning" "[english]tooltip_view_list" "List View " "tooltip_view_grid" "Rutenettvisning" "[english]tooltip_view_grid" "Grid View " "steam_menu_setcategory" "Angi kategori" "[english]steam_menu_setcategory" "Set Category" "steam_menu_newcategory" "Opprett ny..." "[english]steam_menu_newcategory" "Create new..." "steam_details_changetag" "Endre kategori..." "[english]steam_details_changetag" "Change category..." "steam_recentlyplayed_today" "I dag" "[english]steam_recentlyplayed_today" "Today" "steam_recentlyplayed_yesterday" "I gr" "[english]steam_recentlyplayed_yesterday" "Yesterday" "steam_recentlyplayed_lastweek" "Denne uken" "[english]steam_recentlyplayed_lastweek" "This Week" "steam_recentlyplayed_lastmonth" "Denne mneden" "[english]steam_recentlyplayed_lastmonth" "This Month" "steam_recentlyplayed_previously" "Tidligere" "[english]steam_recentlyplayed_previously" "Previously" "steam_menu_minimode" "Kompakt-modus" "[english]steam_menu_minimode" "Small mode" "steam_menu_largemode" "Stor modus" "[english]steam_menu_largemode" "Large mode" "Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Title" "Feil" "[english]Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Title" "Error" "Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Body" "Du har deaktivert Steam-samfunnet i spi ll i de utstrakte innstillingene for Steam.\n\nVennligst aktiver det om du nsker endre innstillingene for hvert enkelt spill." "[english]Overlay_GlobalSettingDisabled_Body" "You have disabled Steam Communi ty In-Game in your Steam wide settings.\n\nPlease re-enable it there first if yo u wish to modify the setting on a per-game basis." "Steam_UseDirectWrite_Option" "Bruk DirectWrite for bedre tekstvisning og tegn avstand" "[english]Steam_UseDirectWrite_Option" "Enable DirectWrite for improved font sm oothing and kerning" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SignatureSupport" "Krypterte leveransekoder: %s1 % s2 %s3 %s4 %s5" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SignatureSupport" "Crypto Provider Codes: %s1 %s2 %s3 %s4 %s5" "SteamUI_DriverDenied_Info" "Din videomaskinvare mter ikke minimumskravet som vi har satt p dette spillet. Dette spillet kan ikke spilles p denne maskinvaren." "[english]SteamUI_DriverDenied_Info" "Your video hardware does not meet the m inimum requirements that we have set for the game. This game cannot be run on t his hardware." "Steam_Install_CreateApplicationShortcut" "Opprett en snarvei for %game%" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateApplicationShortcut" "Create an application s hortcut for %game%" "Steam_Install_CreateMultipleApplicationShortcut" "Lag en snarvei p hvert s pill" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateMultipleApplicationShortcut" "Create an appli cation shortcut for each game" "Steam_Preferences_Title" "Egenskaper"

"[english]Steam_Preferences_Title" "Preferences" "steam_menu_preferences" "Egenskaper" "[english]steam_menu_preferences" "Preferences" "Steam_InternetSpeedLabel" "Internett-tilkobling" "[english]Steam_InternetSpeedLabel" "Internet Connection" "Steam_CloudLabel" "Steam Cloud" "[english]Steam_CloudLabel" "Steam Cloud" "Steam_CloudInfo" "Steam Cloud oppbevarer informasjon slik at du kan ha en konsekvent produktopplevelse selv om du bruker flere datamaskiner." "[english]Steam_CloudInfo" "The Steam Cloud stores information so your prod uct experience is consistent across computers." "Steam_EnableCloud" "Bruk Steam Cloud-synkronisering for program som sttter d et" "[english]Steam_EnableCloud" "Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for applicat ions which support it" "Steam_EnableCloudForApp" "Bruk Steam Cloud-synkronisering for %game%" "[english]Steam_EnableCloudForApp" "Enable Steam Cloud synchronization for %game%" "Steam_CloudUsage" "%used% lagret / %available% tilgjengelig" "[english]Steam_CloudUsage" "%used% stored / %available% available" "Steam_CloudEnableLink" "G til Innstillinger / Nedlasting + Cloud" "[english]Steam_CloudEnableLink" "Visit Settings / Downloads + Cloud" "Steam_CloudEnableLinkContinued" "for skru p Steam Cloud for kontoen din i gjen." "[english]Steam_CloudEnableLinkContinued" "to re-enable the Steam Cloud fo r your account." "Steam_CannotCreateBackupDirectory" "Den valgte mappen fins ikke, og Steam k larte ikke opprette mappen." "[english]Steam_CannotCreateBackupDirectory" "The chosen directory does not e xist and Steam was unable to create the directory." "Steam_NoBetaChosenNonAdmin" "%numbetas% er tilgjengelig\n(Bare brukeren som installerte Steam kan endre beta-deltakelse.)" "[english]Steam_NoBetaChosenNonAdmin" "%numbetas% currently available\n(Only t he user who installed Steam can change Beta participation.)" "Steam_UserCantSetBeta" "%electedbeta%\n(Bare brukeren som installerte Steam kan endre beta-deltakelse.)" "[english]Steam_UserCantSetBeta" "%electedbeta%\n(Only the user who insta lled Steam can change Beta participation.)" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Software" "Installert programvare:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Software" "Installed software:" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSWineString" "Wine-versjon: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_OSWineString" "Wine version: %s1" "Steam_Uninstall_Games_Dialog_Title" "Steam - Avinstallere" "[english]Steam_Uninstall_Games_Dialog_Title" "Steam - Uninstall" "Steam_Uninstall_Games_Dialog_Text" "Avinstallerer %game% ..." "[english]Steam_Uninstall_Games_Dialog_Text" "Uninstalling %game% ..." "steam_menu_updatevendorgraphicscard" "Oppdater grafikkdrivere for %graphics_v endor% ..." "[english]steam_menu_updatevendorgraphicscard" "Update %graphics_vendor% Video Drivers..." "steam_menu_checkforvideodriverupdates" "Sk etter oppdateringer for grafikkdriver ..." "[english]steam_menu_checkforvideodriverupdates" "Check for Video Driver Updates..." "Steam_CheckForVideoDriverUpdates_Title" "Steam - oppdateringer til grafi kkdriver" "[english]Steam_CheckForVideoDriverUpdates_Title" "Steam - Video Driver Up dates" "Steam_NoVideoDriverUpdateAvailable" "Grafikkdriverne er allerede oppdaterte. "

"[english]Steam_NoVideoDriverUpdateAvailable" "Your video drivers are already up-to-date." "Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloading" "En grafikkdriver-oppdatering er tilgjen gelig, og lastes ned n." "[english]Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloading" "A video driver update i s available, and is now being downloaded." "Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloaded" "En grafikkdriver-oppdatering er lastet ned." "[english]Steam_VideoDriverAvailableDownloaded" "A video driver update has been downloaded." "Steam_InstallVideoDriverNow" "Installer n" "[english]Steam_InstallVideoDriverNow" "Install Now" "Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Title" "Steam - Advarsel" "[english]Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Title" "Steam - Warning" "Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Text" "Datamaskinen er enten ikke i stand til n Steam-serverne, eller tjenesten kan vre midlertidig avsltt.\n\nPrv igjen senere." "[english]Steam_VideoDriverDownloadFailed_Text" "Your computer is either current ly unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily disabled .\n\nPlease try again later." "Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Title" "Steam - Feil" "[english]Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Text" "Et problem oppstod ved start av grafikk driver-oppdateringen." "[english]Steam_VideoDriverInvokeFailed_Text" "There was a problem launching t he video driver updater." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Recommend" "Anbefal til venner..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_Recommend" "Recommend to Friends... " "Steam_Game_RecommendGame" "Anbefal..." "[english]Steam_Game_RecommendGame" "Recommend..." "Steam_Screenshots" "Skjermbilder" "[english]Steam_Screenshots" "Screenshots" "Steam_ViewAllScreenshots" "Vis skjermbildebibliotek" "[english]Steam_ViewAllScreenshots" "View screenshot library" "Steam_MoreScreenshots" "+%morescreenshots_notshown%" "[english]Steam_MoreScreenshots" "+%morescreenshots_notshown%" "Steam_ForgottenPassword_SamePassword" "Det nye passordet er det samme som det nvrende passordet. Trykk tilbake og velg et nytt passord eller avbryt og logg inn med det passordet\n" "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_SamePassword" "The new password matches the cu rrent password. Hit back to choose a new password or cancel and log in with that password\n" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewScreenshots" "Vis skjermbilder" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewScreenshots" "View Screenshot s" "Steam_ShowUrlBar_Option" "Vis Steam URL-adresse nr tilgjengelig" "[english]Steam_ShowUrlBar_Option" "Display Steam URL address bar when avai lable" "Steam_ForceChangePassword" "Kontoen din har blitt flagget av Steams kundestt te, som krever et nytt passord. Dette kan enten vre fordi den gamle kontoen var m istenkt for vre kompromittert, eller fordi Steams kundesttte hadde gjenopprettet e n tapt konto og hadde laget et midlertidig passord.\n\nVi vil hjelpe deg med lag e et nytt passord n." "[english]Steam_ForceChangePassword" "Steam Support has flagged your account as requiring a new password to be set. This can either be because your old accou nt was suspected of being compromised, or because Steam Support had recovered yo ur lost account and had set a temporary password.\n\nWe'll walk you through sett ing a new password now." "Steam_ForceChangeSecretQuestion" "Du m endre ditt hemmelig sprsml og svar n." "[english]Steam_ForceChangeSecretQuestion" "You must change your secret que

stion and answer now." "Steam_ChangePasswordFailedIllegal" "Kunne ikke endre passord.\nDet passorde t kunne ikke tilfredsstille ytterligere kompleksitetskrav. Vennligst velg igjen. " "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordFailedIllegal" "Failed to change password.\nTha t password did not satisfy additional complexity requirements. Please choose aga in." "Steam_ChangePasswordFailedReuse" "Kunne ikke endre passord.\nDu kan ikke bruke ditt gamle passord. Vennligst velg igjen." "[english]Steam_ChangePasswordFailedReuse" "Failed to change password.\nYou may not reuse an old password. Please choose again." "Steam_ChangeSecretQAFailedSame" "Dette sprsmlet og svaret er det samme som den gjeldende innstillingen.\nVennligst velg et annet sprsml og svar." "[english]Steam_ChangeSecretQAFailedSame" "That question and answer is the same as the current setting.\nPlease choose a different question and answer." "Steam_PasswordStrength" "Passordstyrke:" "[english]Steam_PasswordStrength" "Password strength:" "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_NotChangedYet" "Kontakter Steam-serverne for se nde en bekreftelseskode til din foresltte nye e-postadresse." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_NotChangedYet" "Contacting Steam Server s to send a confirmation code to your proposed new email address." "Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_WaitingForVerify" "Denne endringen vil vre fullfrt med en gang du har bekreftet kvitteringen ved klikke p linken i e-posten." "[english]Steam_ChangeContactEmailWizard_WaitingForVerify" "This change wil l be complete once you have acknowledged the receipt of that email by clicking t he link within." "SteamUI_Selection_Turkish" "Trke (Tyrkisk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Turkish" "Trke (Turkish)" "SteamUI_CreateAccountFailedPasswordIllegal" "Kunne ikke opprette konto.\nPas sordet tilfredsstiller ikke ytterligere kompleksitetskrav. Vennligst velg igjen. " "[english]SteamUI_CreateAccountFailedPasswordIllegal" "Failed to create accoun t.\nThat password did not satisfy additional complexity requirements. Please cho ose again." "Steam_EnableCloudScreenshots" "pne skjermbildeopplasteren etter ha lukket et sp ill hvis skjermbilder ble tatt" "[english]Steam_EnableCloudScreenshots" "Open the screenshot uploader after a cl osing game if screenshots were taken" "SteamUI_ValidateEmailDescriptionAlt" "E-postadressen din er ikke bekreftet.\n Trykk 'Neste' for bekrefte din e-postadresse med Steam.\nEn verifisert adresse v il bli brukt til bekrefte endringer i din Steam-kontoinformasjon, slik at det er bare du som kan endre det hemmelige sprsmlet eller passordet." "[english]SteamUI_ValidateEmailDescriptionAlt" "Your email address is not verif ied.\nClick Next to verify your email address with Steam.\nA verified address will be used to confirm any changes to your Steam account credentials, so you and on ly you can change your secret question or password." "SteamUI_ManageSecurityButton" "Administrer Steam Guards kontosikkerhet..." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurityButton" "Manage Steam Guard Account Security..." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Title" "Administrer Steam Guard" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Title" "Manage Steam Guard" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_DoNothing" "Godt valg! Siden du m logge inn p e-postk ontoen din for logge inn p Steam p en annen datamaskin, vil kontoen din vre mer sik ker med Steam Guard sltt p." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_DoNothing" "Good choice! While you will nee d access to your email to login to Steam on another computer, your account will be more secure with Steam Guard enabled." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_DoNothing2" "For din egen sikkerhet, vennligst srg fo r at passordene til Steam-kontoen din og e-postkontoen din er forskjellige." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_DoNothing2" "For your security, please be su re your Steam account and email address passwords differ."

"SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockAccount_Success" "Enhver datamaskin eller nettles er kan n f tilgang til din Steam-konto, forutsatt at kontonavnet og passordet ditt blir gitt." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockAccount_Success" "Any computer or browser may now have access to your Steam account, provided your account name and passw ord are provided." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Reenable" "Hvis du vil aktivere Steam Guard p nytt, klikk 'Administrer Steam Guards kontosikkerhet' i Steams innstillinger." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Reenable" "To re-enable Steam Guard, click 'Manage Steam Guard Account Security' in Steam Settings." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_CodeSent" "En e-post med en kode har blitt sendt t il din e-postadresse.\nBruk denne koden nr du logger inn p en ny datamaskin." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_CodeSent" "An email with a code has been s ent to your email address.\nUse this code when you login on a new computer." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied" "Alle andre datamaskiner er ikke lenger autorisert for f tilgang til denne Steam-kontoen uten ditt samtykke via e -post." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied" "All other computers are no longer authorized to access this Steam account without your prior consent vi a email." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied2" "For logge inn p Steam p en annen datamaskin, vil du bli bedt om angi en unik tilgangskode som vi sender til din e -postadresse nr du prver logge inn." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_OtherComputersDenied2" "To login to Steam on an other computer, you'll be required to enter a unique access code which we'll sen d to your email address when you attempt to login." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Working" "Kontakter Steam-serverne for utfre fores prsel..." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_Working" "Contacting Steam Servers to per form request..." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel" "Steam-kontoen din er n beskyttet av Stea m Guard, for beskytte kontoen din mot komme i feil hender." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel" "Your Steam account is now prote cted by Steam Guard, to protect your account from falling into the wrong hands." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel2" "Dette betyr at du m ha tilgang til din e -postkonto for f tilgang til Steam-kontoen din fra en ukjent datamaskin eller net tleser." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel2" "This means you will need access to your contact email account in order to access your Steam account from an unr ecognized computer or browser." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel3" "Steam vil sende en melding til e-postad ressen din frste gang du prver f tilgang til Steam-kontoen fra en ukjent datamaskin eller nettleser. Denne meldingen vil inneholde en spesiell tilgangskode, som er ndvendig for f tilgang til Steam-kontoen din." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel3" "Steam will send a message to yo ur contact email address the first time you attempt to access your Steam account from an unrecognized computer or browser. This message will include a special a ccess code, which will be required in order to access your Steam account." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NothingRadio" "Hold kontoen min beskyttet med Steam Gu ard" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NothingRadio" "Keep my account protected by St eam Guard" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockRadio" "Deaktiver Steam Guard (ikke anbefalt)" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_UnlockRadio" "Disable Steam Guard (Not Recomm ended)" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_RemoveOtherComputersButton" "Fjern tilgang for alle andre datamaskiner n" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_RemoveOtherComputersButton" "Deauthorize all other computers now" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo" "Steam-kontoen din kan vre beskyttet av S

team Guard, for beskytte kontoen din fra falle i gale hender." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo" "Your Steam account can be prote cted by Steam Guard, to protect your account from falling into the wrong hands." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo2" "Med Steam Guard, vil Steam sende en mel ding til e-postadressen din frste gang du prver f tilgang til Steam-kontoen fra en ukjent datamaskin eller nettleser. Denne meldingen vil inneholde en spesiell til gangskode, som er ndvendig for f tilgang til Steam-kontoen din." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_NotLockedInfo2" "With Steam Guard, Steam will send a message to your contact email address the first time you attempt to access your Steam account from an unrecognized computer or browser. This messag e will include a special access code, which will be required in order to access your Steam account." "SteamUI_LockAccountButton" "Beskytt kontoen min med Steam Guard (anbefales) " "[english]SteamUI_LockAccountButton" "Protect my account with Steam Guard (Re commended)" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel_LockedWithIPT" "Denne kontoen har Intel Identity Protection og kan kun ns fra denne datamaskinen." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_InfoLabel_LockedWithIPT" "This account ha s Intel Identity Protection and may only be accessed from this computer." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_AddComputerRadio" "Legg til en ny autorisert datam askin i listen" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_AddComputerRadio" "Add a new computer to a uthorized list" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_EnableIPT" "Aktiver Intel Identity Protection" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_EnableIPT" "Enable Intel Identity Protectio n" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_RemoveIPT" "Fjern Intel Identity Protection" "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_RemoveIPT" "Remove Intel Identity Protectio n" "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_SandybridgeActivated" "Intel Identity Protection-bekre ftet.\nKontakter n serveren for registrere denne datamaskinen." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_SandybridgeActivated" "Intel Identity Protecti on verified.\nNow contacting server to register this computer." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_SandybridgeFailed" "Det oppsto en feil ved initiali sering av Intel Identity Protection.\nVennligst bekreft programvareinstallasjon. " "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_SandybridgeFailed" "Intel Identity Protecti on failed to initialize.\nPlease verify software installation." "SteamUI_ManageSecurity_IPTRegistrationComplete" "Intel Identity Protecti on er n aktiv.\nKun denne datamaskinen vil ha adgang til denne Steam-kontoen." "[english]SteamUI_ManageSecurity_IPTRegistrationComplete" "Intel Identity Protection is now active.\nOnly this computer may access this steam account." "Steam_LockedAccountRecover_Title" "Steam - Datamaskingodkjenning kreves" "[english]Steam_LockedAccountRecover_Title" "Steam Guard - Computer Authoriz ation Required" "Steam_RecoverLocked_Info" "Hallo! Vi ser at du logger p fra en ny datamaski n." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_Info" "Hello! We see you're logging in from a new computer." "Steam_RecoverLocked_Details" "Som et ekstra sikkerhetstiltak, m du gi tilgang til denne datamaskinen ved taste inn den spesielle koden vi nettopp har sendt ti l din e-postadresse, %s1." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_Details" "As an additional security measure, you' ll need to grant access to this computer by entering the special code we've just sent to your email address at %s1." "Steam_RecoverLocked_UseCode" "Jeg har mottatt en melding fra Steams kundesttte og jeg er klar til legge inn min spesielle tilgangskode." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_UseCode" "I've received the message from Steam Su pport and am ready to enter my special access code."

"Steam_RecoverLocked_MustRecover" "Hvilken melding? Jeg har den ikke..." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_MustRecover" "What email message? I don't hav e it..." "Steam_RecoverLocked_WhyIsThisHappening" "Hvorfor skjer dette?" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_WhyIsThisHappening" "Why is this happening?" "Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCode" "Min spesielle tilgangskode er:" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCode" "My special access code is:" "Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCodeDetails" "Nr koden er blitt bekreftet, vil Steam G uard legge til denne datamaskinen til en liste over maskiner som har lov til log ge inn med Steam-kontoen din." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_EnterCodeDetails" "Once your code has been verifie d, Steam Guard will add this computer to the list of machines that are allowed t o access your Steam account." "Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCode" "Beklager, det er ikke helt riktig." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCode" "Sorry, that isn't quite right." "Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCodeDetails" "G tilbake for prve igjen, eller klikk p Ne ste for f den hjelpen du trenger for f tilgang til Steam-kontoen din fra denne dat amaskinen." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_WrongCodeDetails" "Go back to try again, or click Next to get the help you'll need to access your Steam account from this computer ." "Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmail" "Sjekket du spam-mappen din?" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmail" "Did you check your spam folder?" "Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails" "Hvis du ikke ser en nylig melding fra S teams kundesttte i innboksen din, prv se i spam-mappen." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails" "If you don't see a recent messa ge from Steam Support in your inbox, try looking in your email account's spam fo lder." "Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails2" "G tilbake for skrive inn koden om du har funnet den, eller klikk p Neste for f den hjelpen du trenger for f tilgang til Ste am-kontoen din fra denne datamaskinen." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_NoEmailDetails2" "Go back to enter your code if y ou've found it, or click Next to get the help you'll need to access your Steam a ccount from this computer." "Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery" "Beklager at du har trbbel - la oss hjelp e!" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery" "Sorry you're having trouble - l et us help!" "Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery2" "Vi vet at Steam-kontoen din er verdiful l for deg, og vi er bestemt p hjelpe deg med holde tilgangen til den i rette hend er." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery2" "We know your Steam account is v aluable to you, and we're committed to helping you keep access to it in the righ t hands." "Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery3" "Vennligst kontakt Steams kundesttte for assistanse fra en av vre ansatte. Legitime krav om hjelp med kontotilgangen er vr frsteprioritet." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_StartRecovery3" "Please contact Steam Support to have a member of our staff assist you. Legitimate claims for help with account access are our number one priority." "Steam_RecoverLocked_RecoverySupportLink" "Kontakt Steams kundesttte" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_RecoverySupportLink" "Contact Steam Support" "Steam_RecoverLocked_LearnMore" "Lr mer om Intel Identity Protection Technology" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_LearnMore" "Learn more about Intel Identity Protection Technology" "Steam_RecoverLocked_CannotAccess" "Beklager, denne kontoen kan ikke ns fra denne datamaskinen uten ytterligere tillatelse." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_CannotAccess" "Sorry, this account can't be ac cessed from this computer without additional authorization." "Steam_RecoverLocked_Success" "Suksess!"

"[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_Success" "Success!" "Steam_RecoverLocked_SuccessDetails" "Du har n tilgang til Steam-kontoen din f ra denne datamaskinen. Steam Guard har lagt til denne datamaskinen i en liste ov er maskiner som har tilgang til Steam-kontoen din i fremtiden." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_SuccessDetails" "You now have access to your Ste am account from this computer. Steam Guard has added this computer to the list o f machines that are allowed to access your Steam account in the future." "Steam_RecoverLocked_ResultWorking" "Steam - arbeider..." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_ResultWorking" "Steam - working..." "Steam_RecoverLocked_ResultFailure" "Kunne ikke kontakte Steam-serverne" "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_ResultFailure" "Failed to contact Steam servers " "Steam_RecoverLocked_ResultFailureDetails" "Steam-serverne kunne ikke bli k ontaktet p dette tidspunkt. Vennligst prv igjen senere." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_ResultFailureDetails" "The Steam servers could not be contacted at this time. Please try again later." "steam_library_search" "Sk" "[english]steam_library_search" "Search" "Friends_game_on_PS3" "%s1 p PlayStation3" "[english]Friends_game_on_PS3" "%s1 on PlayStation3" "steam_voice_unknowncodec" "Ukjent stemme-kodek som brukes av en ekstern en de - legger p. De kjrer nok en nyere versjon av Steam-klienten." "[english]steam_voice_unknowncodec" "Unknown voice codec used by remote end - hanging up. They must be running a newer version of the Steam client." "steam_voice_datacorrupted" "Drlig taledata mottatt av en ekstern ende - legg er p." "[english]steam_voice_datacorrupted" "Bad voice data received by remote end hanging up." "steam_voice_disconnect" "Stemmetilkoblingen til ekstern ende ble frakobl et." "[english]steam_voice_disconnect" "Voice connection to remote end disconne cted unexpectedly." "steam_statuslabel" "Status" "[english]steam_statuslabel" "Status" "steam_screenshotsupload_title" "Skjermbilde-opplastning" "[english]steam_screenshotsupload_title" "Screenshot Upload" "steam_screenshotsuploading_title" "Laster opp..." "[english]steam_screenshotsuploading_title" "Uploading..." "steam_upload_a_screenshot" "Last opp et skjermbilde?" "[english]steam_upload_a_screenshot" "Upload a screenshot?" "steam_upload_screenshots" "Last opp %upload_screenshot_count% skjermbilder ?" "[english]steam_upload_screenshots" "Upload %upload_screenshot_count% screen shots?" "steam_upload_size" "Opplastningsstrrelse:" "[english]steam_upload_size" "Upload size:" "steam_upload_size_info" "%screenshot_upload_size%" "[english]steam_upload_size_info" "%screenshot_upload_size%" "steam_selected_screenshot_size" "Strrelse til sammen:" "[english]steam_selected_screenshot_size" "Total size:" "steam_selected_screenshot_size_info" "%screenshot_upload_size%" "[english]steam_selected_screenshot_size_info" "%screenshot_upload_size%" "steam_remaining_storage" "Lagringsplass igjen:" "[english]steam_remaining_storage" "Remaining storage:" "steam_remaining_storage_info" "%screenshot_remaining_storage%" "[english]steam_remaining_storage_info" "%screenshot_remaining_storage%" "steam_visibility" "Synlighet" "[english]steam_visibility" "Visibility" "steam_upload" "Last opp" "[english]steam_upload" "Upload"

"steam_private" "Privat" "[english]steam_private" "Private" "steam_published" "Publisert" "[english]steam_published" "Published" "steam_public" "Offentlig" "[english]steam_public" "Public" "steam_friendsonly" "Kun venner" "[english]steam_friendsonly" "Friends only" "steam_screenshot_upload_info" "Laster opp skjermbilde til Steam Cloud" "[english]steam_screenshot_upload_info" "Uploading screenshot to Steam Cloud" "steam_screenshots_upload_info" "Laster opp %upload_screenshot_count% skjermbild er til Steam Cloud" "[english]steam_screenshots_upload_info" "Uploading %upload_screenshot_co unt% screenshots to Steam Cloud" "steam_also_delete_from_cloud" "Slett ogs fra Steam Cloud" "[english]steam_also_delete_from_cloud" "Delete from Steam Cloud as well" "steam_screenshots_error_info" "Det oppstod en feil under opplasting av %Screen shotsErrors% skjermbilder. Steam Cloud kan vre midlertidig utilgjengelig." "[english]steam_screenshots_error_info" "There was an error uploading %Screensho tsErrors% screenshots. Steam Cloud may be temporarily unavailable." "steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshot" "Er du sikker p at du vil slette disse sk jermbildene fra harddisken din for alltid?" "[english]steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshot" "Are you sure you want to perman ently delete this screenshot from your hard disk?" "steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshots" "Er du sikker p at du vil slette disse %d elete_screenshot_count% skjermbildene fra harddisken din for alltid?" "[english]steam_are_you_sure_delete_screenshots" "Are you sure you want t o permanently delete these %delete_screenshot_count% screenshots from your hard disk?" "steam_screenshotdelete_title" "Sletting av skjermbilde" "[english]steam_screenshotdelete_title" "Screenshot Delete" "steam_delete" "Slett" "[english]steam_delete" "Delete" "steam_screenshots_selected" "Du har valgt %selected_screenshot_count% skjerm bilder." "[english]steam_screenshots_selected" "You've selected %selected_screenshot_co unt% screenshots." "steam_screenshots_select_all" "Velg alle" "[english]steam_screenshots_select_all" "Select all" "steam_screenshots_deselect_all" "Fjern alle valg" "[english]steam_screenshots_deselect_all" "Deselect all" "steam_view_screenshots" "Vis mine skjermbilder..." "[english]steam_view_screenshots" "View my screenshots..." "steam_screenshot_not_loaded" "Skjermbilde kunne ikke lastes: %file_not_loaded _filename%" "[english]steam_screenshot_not_loaded" "Screenshot could not be loaded: %file_n ot_loaded_filename%" "steam_screenshots_no_selection_title" "Del skjermbilder fra dine favorittspill p nettet" "[english]steam_screenshots_no_selection_title" "Share screenshots of your favor ite games on the web" "steam_screenshots_no_selection_instructions" "Trykk %screenshot_hotkey% mens du er i spill for ta et skjermbilde\n\nVelg skjermbildene du vil laste opp til d itt bibliotek p nettet\n\nVelg flere skjermbilder ved holde Shift og CTRL-tasten\ n\nSett synligheten til dine skjermbilder til offentlig for dele dem p nettet" "[english]steam_screenshots_no_selection_instructions" "Press %screenshot_hotke y% while in-game to take a screenshot\n\nSelect the screenshots you want to uplo ad to your library online\n\nSelect multiple screenshots by holding the Shift or Control key\n\nSet your screenshots visibility to Public to share them on the we b"

"Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustLoginPS3_Headline" "Din konto har i kke spilt %gamename% p PlayStation3-systemet" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustLoginPS3_Headline" "Your ac count has not played %gamename% on the PlayStation3 system" "Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustLoginPS3" "Produktkoden du har lag t inn krever at du frst spiller %gamename% p PlayStation3-systemet fr den kan bli re gistrert.\n\nVennligst:\n\n- Start %gamename% p ditt PlayStation3-system\n\n- Tilk nytt Steam-kontoen din til din PlayStation3 Network-konto\n\n- Koble deg til Stea m mens du spiller %gamename% p PlayStation3-systemet\n\n- Registrer denne produktk oden gjennom Steam" "[english]Steam_SubscriptionCancelled_CDKey_MustLoginPS3" "The product cod e you have entered requires that you first play %gamename% on the PlayStation3 sy stem before it can be registered.\n\nPlease:\n\n- Start %gamename% on your PlayS tation3 system\n\n- Link your Steam account to your PlayStation3 Network account\n \n- Connect to Steam while playing %gamename% on the PlayStation3 system\n\n- Reg ister this product code through Steam" "Steam_Game_DLC_Title2" "Du har flgende nedlastbart innhold til %game%" "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_Title2" "You have the following downloadable con tent for %game%" "Steam_Game_DLC_InstallState" "Status" "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_InstallState" "State" "Steam_Game_DLC_Installed" "Installert" "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_Installed" "Installed" "Steam_Game_DLC_NotInstalled" "Ikke installert" "[english]Steam_Game_DLC_NotInstalled" "Not installed" "Steam_AlreadyRunningError_SupportTicket" "Vennligst ta kontakt med Steams kundesttte s snart som mulig" "[english]Steam_AlreadyRunningError_SupportTicket" "Please contact Steam Su pport as soon as possible" "SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_Label" "Sikkerhetsstatus:" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_Label" "Security Status:" "SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_0" "E-postadresse er ikke enn bekref tet" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_0" "Email address not yet v erified" "SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_1" "Beskyttet av Steam Guard" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_1" "Protected by Steam Guar d" "SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_2" "Steam Guard deaktivert" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_2" "Steam Guard disabled" "SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_3" "Ukjent, frakoblet" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_3" "Unknown, offline" "steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_RemoveFromCategory" "Fjern fra '%category%'" "[english]steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_RemoveFromCategory" "Remove from '%c ategory%'" "steam_AppSupport_Title" "Applikasjonssttte-problem" "[english]steam_AppSupport_Title" "Application Support Issue" "steam_AppSupport_Info" "Denne applikasjonen har spesielle krav til installasjon en, klikk p linken under for detaljer." "[english]steam_AppSupport_Info" "This application has special requiremen ts for your installation environment, click the URL below to see details." "steam_ClosedBeta_Title" "Uautorisert" "[english]steam_ClosedBeta_Title" "Unauthorized" "steam_ClosedBeta_Message" "Denne versjonen av Steam er for yeblikket i en l ukket beta.\nLogg p med en beta-konto for fortsette." "[english]steam_ClosedBeta_Message" "This version of Steam is currently in c losed beta.\nLogin with an enrolled account to continue." "steam_tryoutvoicechat" "Psst, prv vr nye & forbedrede stemmeprat!" "[english]steam_tryoutvoicechat" "Psst, try our new & improved voice chat !"

"WelcomeToSteamPSNAccountSetup" "PS3-spillere: Logger inn p Steam for frste gang?" "[english]WelcomeToSteamPSNAccountSetup" "PS3 Players: First time signing into Steam?" "Steam_Login_PS3Players" "PlayStationNetwork-spillere" "[english]Steam_Login_PS3Players" "PlayStationNetwork Players" "Steam_Login_PSNAccountSetup" "PS3 - Frste gang du logger p?" "[english]Steam_Login_PSNAccountSetup" "PS3 - First time signing in?" "Steam_NoGamesOfThisType" "Vi kom opp med ingenting! Prv tmme skefeltet eller velg en annen kategori fra valgboksen ovenfor." "[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType" "We've come up empty! Try clearing your search field or selecting another category from the dropdown above." "Steam_Login_ErrorTitle" "Steam - Feil" "[english]Steam_Login_ErrorTitle" "Steam - Error" "Steam_Login_DisabledTitle" "Steam - Kontakt oss" "[english]Steam_Login_DisabledTitle" "Steam - Contact us" "Steam_Login_ContactSupport" "Vennligst kontakt Steams kundesttte for ordne op p i dette." "[english]Steam_Login_ContactSupport" "Please contact Steam Support to resolve this issue." "Steam_PSNAccountSetup_Title" "Logg p gjennom PlayStationNetwork" "[english]Steam_PSNAccountSetup_Title" "Sign in through the PlayStationNetwork" "Steam_GuestPasses_ShowGift" "Vis" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_ShowGift" "Show" "steam_guestpass_ignore" "Ignorer denne gaven" "[english]steam_guestpass_ignore" "Ignore this gift" "steam_guestpass_dealwiththislater" "Spr meg igjen senere" "[english]steam_guestpass_dealwiththislater" "Ask me again later" "Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Incoming" "Ikke akseptert enda" "[english]Steam_GuestPasses_Status_Incoming" "Not yet accepted" "steam_tradedialog_title" "Bytte" "[english]steam_tradedialog_title" "Trade" "SteamUI_Brazilian" "Brasiliansk-portugisisk" "[english]SteamUI_Brazilian" "Portuguese-Brazil" "SteamUI_Bulgarian" "Bulgarsk" "[english]SteamUI_Bulgarian" "Bulgarian" "SteamUI_Turkish" "Tyrkisk" "[english]SteamUI_Turkish" "Turkish" "SteamUI_Selection_Brazilian" "Portugus-Brasil (Brasiliansk-portugisisk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Brazilian" "Portugus-Brasil (Portuguese-Brazil)" "SteamUI_Selection_Bulgarian" " (Bulgarsk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Bulgarian" " (Bulgarian)" "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label" "Validerer Steam-cachefiler (%cache_numb er% of %cache_total%)" "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label" "Validating Steam cache files (% cache_number% of %cache_total%)" "Steam_RecoverLocked_ExpiredCode" "Den koden er for gammel og har utgtt." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_ExpiredCode" "That code is too old and has ex pired." "Steam_RecoverLocked_ExpiredCodeDetails" "Sjekk e-postkontoen din for en nylig e-post og klikk tilbake for prve igjen, eller klikk neste-knappen for f en n y e-post med en ny kode." "[english]Steam_RecoverLocked_ExpiredCodeDetails" "Check your email folder for a more recent email and click back to try again, or click the next button t o request a new email with a new code." "Steam_RunGame_Title_ConvertingToSteam3Content" "Steams innholdsystem" "[english]Steam_RunGame_Title_ConvertingToSteam3Content" "Steam Content S ystem" "Steam_RunGame_ConvertingToSteam3Content" "Dette spillet blir konvertert t il Steams nye innholdsystem" "[english]Steam_RunGame_ConvertingToSteam3Content" "This game is being conv

erted to Steam's new content system" "Steam_PreallocateAppStatus" "Tildeler diskplass for %s1 ..." "[english]Steam_PreallocateAppStatus" "Allocating disk space for %s1 ..." "Steam_ValidateAppStatus" "Oppdager eksisterende filer for %s1 ..." "[english]Steam_ValidateAppStatus" "Discovering existing files for %s1 ..." "Steam_App_Install_Failed_Title" "Steam - Feil" "[english]Steam_App_Install_Failed_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_App_Install_Failed_Text" "En feil oppstod under installasjon av %game% (% reason%)" "[english]Steam_App_Install_Failed_Text" "An error occurred while install ing %game% (%reason%)" "Steam_UpdateSuspended" "Oppdatering suspendert" "[english]Steam_UpdateSuspended" "Update suspended" "Steam_UpdateRequired" "Oppdatering ndvendig" "[english]Steam_UpdateRequired" "Update required" "Steam_GameUninstalling" "Avinstallerer..." "[english]Steam_GameUninstalling" "Uninstalling..." "Steam_GameRunning" "Kjrer" "[english]Steam_GameRunning" "Running" "Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Title" "Steam - Avsluttes" "[english]Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Title" "Steam - Shutdown" "Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Text" "Avslutter Steam ..." "[english]Steam_Shutdown_Dialog_Text" "Shutting down Steam ..." "Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Game" "Venter p at %game% avsluttes ..." "[english]Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Game" "Waiting for %game% to shut down ..." "Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Download" "Stopper nedlasting for %game% ..." "[english]Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Download" "Stopping download for %game% .. ." "Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Cloud" "Ferdiggjr Steam Cloud-synkronisering ... " "[english]Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Cloud" "Finishing Steam cloud sync ..." "Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Logoff" "Logger av ..." "[english]Steam_Shutdown_Waiting_For_Logoff" "Logging off ..." "Steam_Shutdown_ForceQuit" "Avslutt n" "[english]Steam_Shutdown_ForceQuit" "Exit Now" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineMustOwnApp$type=guestpass" "Dette gjestepas set har tilleggskrav" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineMustOwnApp$type=guestpass" "This gu est pass has additional requirements" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextMustOwnApp$type=guestpass" "Fr du innlser gjestepasse t for %package%, m du eie %appname%. Nr eid, vennligst prv innls dette gjestepasset igjen." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextMustOwnApp$type=guestpass" "Before redeeming a guest pass for %package%, you must own %appname%. Once owned, please try to redeem this guest pass again." "Steam_GameProperties_BetasTab" "Betaer" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_BetasTab" "Betas" "Steam_ChooseGameBeta" "Velg betaen du nsker melde deg inn i:" "[english]Steam_ChooseGameBeta" "Select the beta you would like to opt into:" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineMustOwnApp$type=gift" "Denne gaven har tillegg skrav" "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_HeadlineMustOwnApp$type=gift" "This gift pass has additional requirements" "Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextMustOwnApp$type=gift" "Fr du aksepterer en gave for %package%, m du eie %appname%. Nr eid, vennligst prv akseptere denne gaven igj en." "[english]Steam_GuestPassRedeemed_TextMustOwnApp$type=gift" "Before acceptin g a gift for %package%, you must own %appname%. Once owned, please try to accept this gift again."

"steam_downloads_installing" "Installerer" "[english]steam_downloads_installing" "Installing" "steam_downloads_starting" "Starter" "[english]steam_downloads_starting" "Starting" "steam_downloads_validating" "Validerer" "[english]steam_downloads_validating" "Validating" "steam_downloads_preallocating" "Forhndstildeler" "[english]steam_downloads_preallocating" "Preallocating" "steam_downloads_stopping" "Stopper" "[english]steam_downloads_stopping" "Stopping" "steam_menu_friends_showtagged" "Vis alle i VENNER-seksjonen" "[english]steam_menu_friends_showtagged" "Show everyone in the FRIENDS se ction" "Steam_ErrorAccountIPLoginRestricted" "Denne kontoen kan ikke ns fra denne plas seringen.\n" "[english]Steam_ErrorAccountIPLoginRestricted" "This account can not be accesse d from this location.\n" "Friends_lookingtotrade" "nsker bytte" "[english]Friends_lookingtotrade" "Looking to Trade" "Friends_lookingtoplay" "nsker spille" "[english]Friends_lookingtoplay" "Looking to Play" "Steam_Convert_Content_Dialog_Title" "Konvertere spillinnhold" "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Dialog_Title" "Game content conversion" "Steam_Convert_Content_Text" "Steam behver konvertere spillinnholdet for \"%ga me%\" til et nytt og mer effektivt format. Dette vil kreve en internett-tilkobli ng og et par minutter." "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Text" "Steam needs to convert the game content for \"%game%\" to a new, more efficient format. This will require an Internet c onnection and a few minutes time." "Steam_Convert_Content_Start" "Ok" "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Start" "Ok" "Steam_Convert_Content_Cancel" "Avbryt" "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Cancel" "Cancel" "Steam_Convert_Content_Removing_Old" "Sjekker eksisterende innhold ..." "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Removing_Old" "Checking existing content ..." "Steam_Convert_Content_Reconfiguration" "Rekonfigurerer nytt innhold ..." "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Reconfiguration" "Reconfiguring new conte nt ..." "Steam_Convert_Content_Validation" "Konverterer eksisterende innhold ... %p rogress%" "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Validation" "Converting existing content ... %progress%" "Steam_Convert_Content_Preallocation" "Forbereder nytt innhold ... %progress%" "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Preallocation" "Preparing new content ... %prog ress%" "Steam_Convert_Content_Done" "Konvertering fullfrt. Manglende innhold blir las tet ned..." "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Done" "Conversion complete. Missing content is being downloaded..." "Steam_Convert_Content_Error" "Konvertering mislyktes (%error%)" "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Error" "Conversion failed (%error%)" "CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Title" "Steam Cloud - Fjern fil" "[english]CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Title" "Steam Cloud - Remove File" "CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Info" "Er du sikker p at du vil fjerne %filename% fra S team Cloud? Dette vil ogs slette din lokale kopi av filen permanent.\n\n(Denne ha ndlingen kan ikke omgjres.)\n" "[english]CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Info" "Are you sure you want to remove %filena me% from your Steam Cloud? This will also permanently delete your local copy of the file.\n\n(This action cannot be reversed.)\n" "CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Button" "Fjern"

"[english]CloudFiles_RemoveFile_Button" "Remove" "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_Title" "Underskelsesfeil" "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_Title" "Survey Error" "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_InvalidID" "Ugyldig underskelses-ID" "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_InvalidID" "Invalid survey ID" "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_TryAgain" "Det oppstod et problem med kommunikasjo nen til Steam-serverne. Vennligst prv igjen senere." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_TryAgain" "There was a problem communicati ng with the Steam servers. Please try again later." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_NotOnline" "Du m vre tilkoblet for ta denne underskels en." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_NotOnline" "You must be online to t ake this survey." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_SurveyUnavailable" "Underskelsen du prver ta finnes i kke eller er ikke tilgjengelig lenger." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_SurveyUnavailable" "The survey you are trying to take does not exist or is no longer available." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_Denied" "Du har ikke blitt invitert til ta denne underskelsen." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_Denied" "You have not been invited to ta ke this survey." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_AlreadyComplete" "Du har allerede tatt denne unde rskelsen. Takk for din deltakelse." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Error_AlreadyComplete" "You have already taken this survey. Thank you for your participation." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome" "%surveyname%\n\nTakk for at du tar denne undersk elsen. Denne underskelsen har to trinn.\n\nFrst vil vi samle informasjon om maskin en din. Denne informasjonen er ikke anonym, og vil bli delt med den som laget de nne underskelsen.\n\nP trinn 2, vil vi videresende deg til en nettside for samle f lere demografiske data.\n\nFor begynne klikk p \"Neste\"" "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome" "%surveyname%\n\nThank you for a greeing to take this survey. This survey has two steps.\n\nFirst we will gather information about your machine. This data is not anonymous and will be shared wi th the author of this survey.\n\nFor step 2, we will forward you to a website to gather additional demographic data.\n\nTo get started click \"Next\"" "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome_HW_Complete" "%surveyname%\n\nTakk for at du tar denne underskelsen.\n\nDet ser ut til at du startet denne underskelsen tidlige re, s vi slipper samle informasjon om maskinen din igjen. Trykk \"Fullfr\" for pne en nettside hvor du kan fullfre resten av underskelsen." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome_HW_Complete" "%surveyname%\n\nThank y ou for agreeing to take this survey.\n\nIt looks like you started this survey ea rlier so we do not have to gather information about your machine again. Press \" Finish\" to open a web page where you can complete the rest of the survey." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_ForwardToWeb" "Trinn 1, samle maskinvareinformasjon, e r fullfrt.\n\nKlikk p \"Fullfr\" for pne en nettside for begynne trinn 2. Underskels n vil ikke bli ferdig fr du har fullfrt trinn 2." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_ForwardToWeb" "Step 1, gathering hardware info rmation, is complete.\n\nClick \"Finish\" to open a web page to begin step 2. Th e survey will not be finished until you complete step 2." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Sending_Data" "Sender samlet data..." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Sending_Data" "Sending gathered data..." "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Cancel" "Avbryt" "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Cancel" "Cancel" "Steam_RightClick_OpenCloudFile" "pne fil" "[english]Steam_RightClick_OpenCloudFile" "Open file" "Steam_RightClick_PublishCloudFile" "Publiser '%filename%'" "[english]Steam_RightClick_PublishCloudFile" "Publish '%filename%'" "Steam_RightClick_DeleteCloudFile" "Slett..." "[english]Steam_RightClick_DeleteCloudFile" "Delete..." "Steam_PublishFile_Title" "Del fil med samfunn: %filename%"

"[english]Steam_PublishFile_Title" "Share File With Community: %filename%" "Steam_PublishFile_Description" "Dele denne filen med Steam-samfunnet?" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Description" "Share this file with the Steam Community?" "Steam_PublishFile_TitleLabel" "Tittel:" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_TitleLabel" "Title:" "Steam_PublishFile_DescriptionLabel" "Beskrivelse:" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_DescriptionLabel" "Description:" "Steam_PublishFile_VisibilityLabel" "Synlighet:" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_VisibilityLabel" "Visibility:" "Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Private" "Privat" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Private" "Private" "Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_FriendsOnly" "Bare venner" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_FriendsOnly" "Friends Only" "Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Public" "Offentlig" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Visibility_Public" "Public" "Steam_PublishFile_TargetAppLabel" "Publiser for:" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_TargetAppLabel" "Publish For:" "Steam_PublishFile_ConfirmButton" "Legg ut" "[english]Steam_PublishFile_ConfirmButton" "Post" "Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPrivate" "Gratulerer! Du har lagt ut file n din i cloud. Du kan n dele lenken til filen din med andre, men den vil ikke vre offentlig delt med resten av Steam-samfunnet." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPrivate" "Congratulations! You h ave posted your file into the cloud. You may now share the link to your file wi th anyone, but it will not be publically shared with the rest of the Steam commu nity." "Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityFriendsOnly" "Gratulerer! Du har delt filen din med dine venner, og andre du har delt lenken til filen din med." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityFriendsOnly" "Congratulations ! You have shared your file with your friends and anyone who you've shared the link to your file with." "Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPublic" "Gratulerer! Du har delt filen d in med resten av Steam-samfunnet." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Success_VisibilityPublic" "Congratulations! You h ave shared your file with the rest of the Steam Community." "Steam_PublishFile_Success" "Vr oppmerksom p at du har lagt ut denne filen p de tte tidspunktet. Eventuelle nye endringer som du vil dele m publiseres om igjen. Hvis du bruker samme tittel vil alle som flger denne filen automatisk f den nylig publiserte versjonen." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Success" "Please note that you've posted this fil e at this point in time. Any new changes that you wish share must be re-publish ed again. If you use the same title, anyone following this file will automatica lly get the newly published version." "Steam_PublishFile_Progress" "Publiserer fil til Steam-samfunnet..." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Progress" "Publishing file to the Steam Community. .." "Steam_PublishFile_Failed" "Det oppstod et problem med publisere filen din til Steam-samfunnet. Vennligst prv igjen senere." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Failed" "There was a problem publishing your fil e to the Steam Community. Please try again later." "Steam_PublishFile_Failed_DuplicateName" "En fil finnes allerede med titt elen du har oppgitt. Vennligst velg en annen tittel, eller merk 'overskriv' i pu bliseringsinnstillingene." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Failed_DuplicateName" "A file already exists w ith the title you provided. Please select a different title, or check 'overwrit e' in the publishing options." "Steam_PublishFile_Failed_AccessDenied" "Du m eie dette programmet for publisere filer for det. Vennligst kjp dette produktet fr du prver publisere en fil." "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Failed_AccessDenied" "You must own this progr

am in order to publish files for it. Please purchase this product before attemp ting to publish a file." "Steam_PublishFile_Failed_SyncError" "Det oppstod en synkroniseringsfeil med oppdatere filen din med Steam Cloud. Det er mulig du trenger lse konflikter mello m din lokale kopi og kopien lagret i Steam Cloud fr du kan forske publisere igjen. " "[english]Steam_PublishFile_Failed_SyncError" "There was a synchronization err or updating your file with the Steam Cloud. You may need to resolve conflicts b etween your local copy and the copy stored in the Steam Cloud before you can att empt to publish again." "steam_cloud" "Steam Cloud" "[english]steam_cloud" "Steam Cloud" "steam_fileincloud" "Du har %cloud_files% fil som er lagret i cloud for dett e spillet" "[english]steam_fileincloud" "You have %cloud_files% file saved in the cloud for this game" "steam_filesincloud" "Du har %cloud_files% filer som er lagret i cloud for de tte spillet" "[english]steam_filesincloud" "You have %cloud_files% files saved in the cloud for this game" "steam_viewallcloud" "Vis alle filer i Cloud" "[english]steam_viewallcloud" "View All Files In Cloud" "Steam_MoreCloud" "Vis alle filer" "[english]Steam_MoreCloud" "View All Files" "steam_community_files" "Workshop" "[english]steam_community_files" "Workshop" "steam_community_files_info" "Lag, oppdag og spill innhold skapt av Steam-sam funnet." "[english]steam_community_files_info" "Create, discover, and play content crea ted by the Steam Community." "steam_community_files_view_all" "Bla gjennom Workshopen" "[english]steam_community_files_view_all" "Browse the Workshop" "steam_paginationtext" "Viser %start%-%end% av %total%" "[english]steam_paginationtext" "Showing %start%-%end% of %total%" "Steam_App_Update_Failed_Title" "Steam - Feil" "[english]Steam_App_Update_Failed_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_App_Update_Failed_Text" "En feil oppstod under oppdatering av %game% (%r eason%)" "[english]Steam_App_Update_Failed_Text" "An error occurred while updating %game% (%reason%)" "steam_downloads_preloading" "Forhndslaster" "[english]steam_downloads_preloading" "Preloading" "steam_downloads_unpacking" "Pakker ut" "[english]steam_downloads_unpacking" "Unpacking" "steam_community_files_info_error" "Kan ikke koble til Steam Workshop-serve rne p dette tidspunktet." "[english]steam_community_files_info_error" "Unable to connect to the Steam Workshop servers at this time." "Steam_SupportAlert" "Du har et varsel fra Steams kundesttte" "[english]Steam_SupportAlert" "You have an alert from Steam Support" "Steam_BackupComplete_Error" "Sikkerhetskopiering mislyktes. Vennligst bekref t spillets cache-filer." "[english]Steam_BackupComplete_Error" "Backup failed. Please verify your game cache files. " "Steam_ForgottenPassword_AuthorizationNoQuestion" "En e-post som inneholde r en bekreftelseskode\nble nylig sendt til adressen du oppgav.\nVennligst sjekk innboksen din,\nskriv deretter inn den forespurte informasjonen nedenfor." "[english]Steam_ForgottenPassword_AuthorizationNoQuestion" "An email messag e containing a verification code\nhas just been sent to the address you provided .\nPlease check your email,\nthen enter the requested information below."

"Steam_SendGuestPass_AccountLockedError$type=guestpass" "Kontoen din er sperret, og kan ikke sende eller motta gjestepass." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_AccountLockedError$type=guestpass" "Your ac count is locked, and cannot send or receive guest passes." "Steam_SendGuestPass_AccountLockedError$type=gift" "Kontoen din er sperret, og kan ikke sende eller motta gaver." "[english]Steam_SendGuestPass_AccountLockedError$type=gift" "Your account is locked, and cannot send or receive gifts." "steam_inventory" "Lager" "[english]steam_inventory" "Inventory" "steam_inbox_item" "1 ny gjenstand i lageret ditt" "[english]steam_inbox_item" "1 new item in your inventory" "steam_inbox_items" "%items% nye gjenstander i lageret ditt" "[english]steam_inbox_items" "%items% new items in your inventory" "steam_inbox_invite" "1 ny invitasjon" "[english]steam_inbox_invite" "1 new invite" "steam_inbox_invites" "%invites% nye invitasjoner" "[english]steam_inbox_invites" "%invites% new invites" "steam_inbox_gift" "1 ny gave" "[english]steam_inbox_gift" "1 new gift" "steam_inbox_gifts" "%gifts% nye gaver" "[english]steam_inbox_gifts" "%gifts% new gifts" "Steam_BetaRequiresPassword" "Denne betaen er en privat beta, som krever et p assord." "[english]Steam_BetaRequiresPassword" "This beta is a private beta, requiring a password." "Steam_ContentBetaCheckPassword" "Kontroller passord" "[english]Steam_ContentBetaCheckPassword" "Check Password" "Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordSuccessful" "Vellykket kontroll av passord. Du er n meldt inn i '%betaname%'-betaen." "[english]Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordSuccessful" "Password checked succes sfully. You are now opted into the '%betaname%' beta." "Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordUnsuccessful" "Mislykket kontroll av passord. Vennligst skriv inn passordet p nytt, og prv igjen." "[english]Steam_ContentBetaResultsPasswordUnsuccessful" "Password check failed. Please retype the password and try again." "Steam_ContentBetaOK" "Vellykket innmelding til '%betaname%'-innholdsbetaen." "[english]Steam_ContentBetaOK" "Successfully opted into the '%betaname%' conten t beta." "Steam_ContentBetaProblem" "Det oppstod et problem med innmelding til '%bet aname%'-innholdsbetaen." "[english]Steam_ContentBetaProblem" "There was a problem opting into the '%b etaname%' content beta." "Steam_ContentBetaOptOutOK" "Vellykket utmelding av '%betaname%'-innholdsbet aen." "[english]Steam_ContentBetaOptOutOK" "Successfully opted out of content betas ." "Steam_ContentBetaOptOutProblem" "Det oppstod et problem med utmelding av innholdsbetaene." "[english]Steam_ContentBetaOptOutProblem" "There was a problem opting out of the content beta." "Steam_ErrorCantStartGame2" "Dette spillet er for yeblikket utilgjengelig ( % error% )." "[english]Steam_ErrorCantStartGame2" "This game is currently unavailable ( %e rror% )." "Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateLabel" "Spillserver-leser: maks ping / minutt" "[english]Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateLabel" "Game server browser: max pings / minute" "Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateInfo" "Hvis du opplever med Internett-tilkobli ng problemer mens du surfer for spillservere, prv senke denne verdien."

"[english]Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateInfo" "If you experience Internet conn ection problems while browsing for game servers, try lowering this value." "Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateDefault" "Automatisk basert p Internett-tilkobling (%PingsPerMin%)" "[english]Steam_ServerBrowserPingRateDefault" "Automatic based on Internet Con nection (%PingsPerMin%)" "Steam_HelpUsTranslate" "Flytende i et annet sprk? Hjelp oss oversette Steam." "[english]Steam_HelpUsTranslate" "Fluent in another language? Help us tra nslate Steam." "Friends_mobile_device_only" "%s1 p mobilenhet" "[english]Friends_mobile_device_only" "%s1 on Mobile Device" "Friends_mobile_device_extra" "%s1, mobil" "[english]Friends_mobile_device_extra" "%s1, Mobile" "SteamUI_Greek" "Gresk" "[english]SteamUI_Greek" "Greek" "SteamUI_Selection_Greek" " (Gresk)" "[english]SteamUI_Selection_Greek" " (Greek)" "steam_emailaddress_query" "Er dette din nvrende e-postadresse?" "[english]steam_emailaddress_query" "Is this still your current email addres s?" "steam_emailaddress_query_yes" "Ja" "[english]steam_emailaddress_query_yes" "Yes" "steam_emailaddress_query_no" "Nei, oppdater" "[english]steam_emailaddress_query_no" "No, update" "steam_emailaddress_query_info" "Din e-postadresse brukes for bekrefte kjp og hje lpe deg med hndtere tilgang til din Steam-konto." "[english]steam_emailaddress_query_info" "Your email address is used to c onfirm purchases and help you manage access to your Steam account." "steam_emailaddress_query_info_link" "Lr mer" "[english]steam_emailaddress_query_info_link" "Learn more" "steam_emailaddress_query_info_url" " icle.php?ref=5151-RUAS-1543" "[english]steam_emailaddress_query_info_url" " m/kb_article.php?ref=5151-RUAS-1543" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Eyefinity" "Eyefinity oppdaget (%s1 skjermer)" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_Eyefinity" "Eyefinity Detected (%s1 Displays)" "SteamUI_SteamGuardProviderEmail" "E-post" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardProviderEmail" "Email" "SteamUI_SteamGuardProviderMobile" "Steam-mobilklienten" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardProviderMobile" "Steam Mobile Client" "SteamUI_SteamGuardDontRemember" "Du m skrive inn koden p nytt hvis du vil logge inn p kontoen din fra denne datamaskinen igjen. " "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardDontRemember" "You will need to enter the code again if you want to log in to your account on this computer again." "SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobile" "Bruk Steam mobil-applikasjonen for angi din Ste am Guard-kode" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobile" "Use the Steam Mobile application to pro vide your Steam Guard code" "SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobile2" "Jeg har min mobilenhet klar" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobile2" "I have my mobile device ready" "SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobile3" "Jeg har ikke lenger min mobile enhet med Steam mobil-applikasjonen.." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardUseMobile3" "I no longer have my mobile device with the Steam Mobile application.." "Steam_Rejected_Cdkey_Recover_Account" "Hvis du tidligere har registrert denne CD-nkkelen til en Steam-konto og ikke husker brukernavnet, vennligst klikk p 'Hent konto' for motta en e-post som inneholder ditt Steam-brukernavn." "[english]Steam_Rejected_Cdkey_Recover_Account" "If you have previously register

ed this CD Key to a Steam account and do not remember the account name, please c lick 'Retrieve Account' to receive an email containing your Steam account name." "Steam_Rejected_Cdkey_Recover_Button" "Hent konto" "[english]Steam_Rejected_Cdkey_Recover_Button" "Retrieve Account" "Steam_Rejected_Cdkey_Recover_Feedback" "En e-post har blitt sendt til eieren av produktkoden du tastet inn." "[english]Steam_Rejected_Cdkey_Recover_Feedback" "An email has been sent to the owner of the product code you entered." "Steam_Receipt_AlreadyPurchased" "Denne Steam-kontoen har allerede produk tet tilknyttet aktiveringskoden. Klikk neste for fortsette med installering." "[english]Steam_Receipt_AlreadyPurchased" "This Steam account already owns the product(s) associated with this activation code. Click next to proceed to i nstallation." "Steam_Receipt_AlreadyPurchased_Headline" "Produkt allerede eid" "[english]Steam_Receipt_AlreadyPurchased_Headline" "Product Already Owned" "steam_inbox_commentnotification" "1 ny kommentar" "[english]steam_inbox_commentnotification" "1 new comment" "steam_inbox_commentnotifications" "%comments% nye kommentarer" "[english]steam_inbox_commentnotifications" "%comments% new comments" "Steam_RedeemWalletVoucher" "Innls en kode for Steam-lommebok..." "[english]Steam_RedeemWalletVoucher" "Redeem a Steam Wallet Code..." "Steam_RightClick_OpenWithCloudFile" "pne i" "[english]Steam_RightClick_OpenWithCloudFile" "Open with" "Steam_RightClick_ExploreCloudFile" "pne filplassering" "[english]Steam_RightClick_ExploreCloudFile" "Open file location" "Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Synced" "Synkronisert" "[english]Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Synced" "Synced" "Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Syncing" "Synkroniserer" "[english]Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Syncing" "Syncing" "Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_ChangesLocal" "Klar til synkronisere" "[english]Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_ChangesLocal" "Ready to Sync" "Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_ChangesRemote" "Klar til synkronisere" "[english]Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_ChangesRemote" "Ready to Sync" "Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Conflict" "Konflikt" "[english]Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Conflict" "Conflict" "Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Unknown" "Ukjent" "[english]Steam_CloudFile_SyncState_Unknown" "Unknown" "tooltip_view_fullscreen" "Big Picture-modus" "[english]tooltip_view_fullscreen" "Big Picture Mode " "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_SetCustomImage" "Bruk egendefinert bilde..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_SetCustomImage" "Set Custom Imag e..." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_RemoveCustomImage" "Fjern egendefinert bild e..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_RemoveCustomImage" "Remove Custom I mage..." "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Title" "%gamename% - Bruk egendefinert bilde" "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Title" "%gamename% - Set Custom Image" "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_ChooseImage" "Velg et bilde til representere %gamenam e% i Steam sin rutenettvisning." "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_ChooseImage" "Choose an image to represent %g amename% in Steam's grid view." "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_ImagePrescription" "Denne filen m vre et JPEG-, PNGeller TGA-bilde, rundt 460x215 piksler i strrelse." "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_ImagePrescription" "This file should be a J PEG, PNG, or TGA image approximately 460x215 pixels in size." "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_ThisFile" "Egendefinert bildefil:" "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_ThisFile" "Custom Image File:" "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Browse" "Bla gjennom..." "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Browse" "Browse..."

"SteamUI_SetCustomImage_TryAgain" "Vennligst skriv inn et gyldig filnavn." "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_TryAgain" "Please enter a valid filename." "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_LocateImage" "Finn bildet ditt" "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_LocateImage" "Locate Your Image" "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_SetImage" "Bruk bilde" "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_SetImage" "Set Image" "SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Cancel" "Avbryt" "[english]SteamUI_SetCustomImage_Cancel" "Cancel" "SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Title" "%gamename% - Fjern egendefinert bilde" "[english]SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Title" "%gamename% - Remove Custom Imag e" "SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Confirm" "Fjern det egendefinerte bildet du har b rukt p %gamename%?" "[english]SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Confirm" "Remove the custom image you hav e applied to %gamename%?" "SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Continue" "Fortsett" "[english]SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Continue" "Continue" "SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Cancel" "Avbryt" "[english]SteamUI_DeleteCustomImage_Cancel" "Cancel" "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome_No_Web" "%surveyname%\n\nTakk for at du ville bl i med i denne underskelsen. \n\nUnderskelsen vil samle inn informasjon om din mask in. Disse dataene er ikke anonyme og vil bli delt med forfatteren av underskelsen .\n\nFor begynne, klikk p \"Neste\"" "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Welcome_No_Web" "%surveyname%\n\nThank you for a greeing to take this survey. \n\nThis survey gathers information about your mach ine. This data is not anonymous and will be shared with the author of this surve y.\n\nTo get started click \"Next\"" "SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Complete" "Takk for at du deltok i underskelsen. Di ne svar er blitt lagret." "[english]SteamUI_SpecialSurvey_Complete" "Thank you for completing this s urvey. Your response has been recorded." "Steam_PreloadSuspended" "Forhndslast suspendert" "[english]Steam_PreloadSuspended" "Pre-load suspended" "Steam_Legal_SSADisagree" "Jeg er uenig" "[english]Steam_Legal_SSADisagree" "I Disagree" "SteamUI_PPA_Agree" "Les denne avtalen i sin helhet. Du m godta vilkrene i Val ves retningslinjer for personvern for kunne fortsette." "[english]SteamUI_PPA_Agree" "Please read this agreement in its entirety. You must agree with the terms of the Valve Privacy Policy to continue." "steam_library_filter_allplatform_linux" "Linux-spill" "[english]steam_library_filter_allplatform_linux" "Linux Games" "steam_menu_profile_view" "Min profil" "[english]steam_menu_profile_view" "My Profile" "steam_menu_view_profile" "Min profil" "[english]steam_menu_view_profile" "My Profile" "steam_menu_view_groups" "Mine grupper" "[english]steam_menu_view_groups" "My Groups" "steam_menu_view_inventory" "Mitt lager" "[english]steam_menu_view_inventory" "My Inventory" "steam_menu_view_screenshots" "Mine skjermbilder" "[english]steam_menu_view_screenshots" "My Screenshots" "steam_menu_view_videos" "Mine videoer" "[english]steam_menu_view_videos" "My Videos" "steam_menu_view_recommendations" "Mine anbefalinger" "[english]steam_menu_view_recommendations" "My Recommendations" "steam_menu_view_workshop" "Min workshop" "[english]steam_menu_view_workshop" "My Workshop" "steam_menu_account_details" "Kontodetaljer" "[english]steam_menu_account_details" "Account Details" "steam_menu_account_view_profile" "Vis profil"

"[english]steam_menu_account_view_profile" "View Profile" "Steam_ClickToPrint" "Klikk her for skrive ut" "[english]Steam_ClickToPrint" "Click here to print" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewGameHub" "Vis samfunnssentral" "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewGameHub" "View Community Hub" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_KernelName" "Kjernenavn: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_KernelName" "Kernel Name: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_KernelVersion" "Kjerneversjon: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_KernelVersion" "Kernel Version: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_XServerVendorName" "X Serverleverandr: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_XServerVendorName" "X Server vendor : %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_XServerVendorRelease" "X Serverutgave: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_XServerVendorRelease" "X Server releas e: %s1" "steam_menu_view_badges" "Mine merker" "[english]steam_menu_view_badges" "My Badges" "Steam_Game_GameHub" "Samfunnssentral" "[english]Steam_Game_GameHub" "Community Hub" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchApplication" "Start program... " "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_LaunchApplication" "Launch App... " "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_InstallApplication" "Installer program..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_InstallApplication" "Install App..." "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_PurchaseApplication" "Kjp program..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_PurchaseApplication" "Purchase App... " "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=application" "Start" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=application" "Launch" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=application" "Start programme t med en gang det er klart" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=application" "Launch application as soon as it's ready" "SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupApplication" "Sikkerhetskopier progra mfiler..." "[english]SteamUI_GamesDialog_RightClick_BackupApplication" "Backup App File s..." "Steam_Launch_App" "Start" "[english]Steam_Launch_App" "Launch" "Steam_ApplicationReady" "Klar til starte" "[english]Steam_ApplicationReady" "Ready to launch" "Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=application" "Hold alltid dette progr ammet oppdatert" "[english]Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=application" "Always keep thi s application up to date" "Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=application" "Ikke oppdater dette programmet automatisk" "[english]Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=application" "Do not automati cally update this application" "Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=application" "(Dette programm et og dets oppdateringer vil bli automatisk\nanskaffet s fort de er tilgjengelige .)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=application" "(This a pplication and its updates will be automatically\nacquired as soon as they are a vailable.)" "Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=application" "(Innhold for de tte programmet vil ikke bli anskaffet automatisk.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=application" "(Conten t for this application will not be automatically acquired.)" "Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=application" "Bekreft integriteten fo r programbufferen..."

"[english]Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=application" "Verify integrit y of application cache..." "Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=application" "Slett lokalt programinn hold..." "[english]Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=application" "Delete local ap plication content..." "Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=application" "Sikkerhetskopier programfiler.. ." "[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=application" "Backup application file s..." "Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=application" "Alle filene for dette programmet vil n bli lastet ned gjennom Steam." "[english]Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=application" "All fil es for this application will now be downloaded through Steam." "Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=application" "Oppretter lokale hurtig lagerfiler for programmet..." "[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=application" "Creating local application cache files..." "Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=application" "Forbereder liste over Steam-pro grammer%progress%" "[english]Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=application" "Preparing list of Steam applications%progress%" "Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=application" "Sker etter oppdateringer av Stea m-programmer%progress%" "[english]Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=application" "Scanning for Steam appl ication updates%progress%" "SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=application" "Ingen Steam-programmer vise." "[english]SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=application" "No Steam applic ations to display." "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=application" "Vennligst vent mens Ste am bekrefter programfiler." "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=application" "Please wait while Steam verifies application files." "Steam_LaunchApp" "Start" "[english]Steam_LaunchApp" "Launch" "Steam_FindContent$appType=application" "Bla gjennom programvarer..." "[english]Steam_FindContent$appType=application" "Browse software..." "Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=application" "Vi kom opp med ingenting! Prv tmm e skefeltet eller velg en annen kategori fra valgboksen ovenfor." "[english]Steam_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=application" "We've come up empty! Tr y clearing your search field or selecting another category from the dropdown abo ve." "Steam_Game_Developer$appType=application" "Utvikler" "[english]Steam_Game_Developer$appType=application" "Developer" "Steam_LaunchOption_Application" "Start %game%" "[english]Steam_LaunchOption_Application" "Launch %game%" "Steam_GamesSection_Applications" "PROGRAMVARE" "[english]Steam_GamesSection_Applications" "SOFTWARE" "steam_library_filter_allapplications" "All programvare" "[english]steam_library_filter_allapplications" "All Software" "steam_downloads_preloaded" "Forhndslasting fullfrt" "[english]steam_downloads_preloaded" "Pre-load complete" "steam_downloads_application_ready" "Klar til starte" "[english]steam_downloads_application_ready" "Ready to Launch" "steam_downloads_launch_app" "Start %app% " "[english]steam_downloads_launch_app" "Launch %app% " "steam_details_lastlaunchedheader" "Sist startet %last_played_date%" "[english]steam_details_lastlaunchedheader" "Last launched %last_played_date %" "steam_details_totalusetimeheader_minutes" "%minutes% minutter med bruk"

"[english]steam_details_totalusetimeheader_minutes" "%minutes% minutes of us e" "steam_details_totalusetimeheader_hours" "%hours% timer med bruk" "[english]steam_details_totalusetimeheader_hours" "%hours% hours of use" "steam_friendsplayingnowapplication" "Du har %friendsplayingnow% venner som b ruker %gamename% akkurat n!" "[english]steam_friendsplayingnowapplication" "You have %friendsplayingnow% Fr iends using %gamename% right now!" "steam_friendplayingnowapplication" "Du har %friendsplayingnow% venn som bru ker %gamename% akkurat n!" "[english]steam_friendplayingnowapplication" "You have %friendsplayingnow% Fr iend using %gamename% right now!" "steam_morefriendswhoplayapplication" "Du har %friendswhoplay% flere venner so m bruker %gamename%" "[english]steam_morefriendswhoplayapplication" "You have %friendswhoplay% more Friends who use %gamename%" "steam_morefriendwhoplaysapplication" "Du har %friendswhoplay% venn til som br uker %gamename%" "[english]steam_morefriendwhoplaysapplication" "You have %friendswhoplay% more Friend who uses %gamename%" "steam_friendswhoplayapplication" "Du har %friendswhoplay% venner som bruk er %gamename%" "[english]steam_friendswhoplayapplication" "You have %friendswhoplay% Frien ds who use %gamename%" "steam_friendwhoplaysapplication" "Du har %friendswhoplay% venn som bruker %gamename%" "[english]steam_friendwhoplaysapplication" "You have %friendswhoplay% Frien d who uses %gamename%" "steam_nofriendswhoplayapplication" "Du har ingen venner som bruker %gamenam e%" "[english]steam_nofriendswhoplayapplication" "You don't have any Friends who use %gamename%" "steam_viewallfriendsapplication" "Vis alle venner som bruker dette progra mmet" "[english]steam_viewallfriendsapplication" "View All Friends Who Use This A pplication" "steam_fileincloudapplication" "Du har %cloud_files% fil som er lagret i cloud for dette programmet" "[english]steam_fileincloudapplication" "You have %cloud_files% file saved in th e cloud for this application" "steam_filesincloudapplication" "Du har %cloud_files% filer som er lagret i clou d for dette programmet" "[english]steam_filesincloudapplication" "You have %cloud_files% files sa ved in the cloud for this application" "steam_nav_workshop" "Workshop" "[english]steam_nav_workshop" "Workshop" "steam_nav_greenlight" "Greenlight" "[english]steam_nav_greenlight" "Greenlight" "steam_nav_marketplace" "Marked" "[english]steam_nav_marketplace" "Market" "steam_nav_profile" "Profil" "[english]steam_nav_profile" "Profile" "steam_nav_gamehubs" "Spillsentraler" "[english]steam_nav_gamehubs" "Game Hubs" "steam_nav_friends" "Venner" "[english]steam_nav_friends" "Friends" "steam_gamehub" "Samfunnssentral" "[english]steam_gamehub" "Community Hub" "steam_details_contributioncount" "Bidrag" "[english]steam_details_contributioncount" "Contributions"

"steam_nav_forums" "Forum" "[english]steam_nav_forums" "Forums" "steam_nav_discussions" "Diskusjoner" "[english]steam_nav_discussions" "Discussions" "steam_nav_groups" "Grupper" "[english]steam_nav_groups" "Groups" "Steam_DeleteApplicationConfirmation_Title" "Slett programfiler?" "[english]Steam_DeleteApplicationConfirmation_Title" "Delete Application File s?" "Steam_DeleteApplicationConfirmation_Text" "Dette vil slette alt programinn hold for %s1\nfra denne datamaskinen.\n\nProgrammet blir vrende i programbibliote ket, men\nhvis du vil spille det senere, m du frst\nlaste ned innholdet p nytt." "[english]Steam_DeleteApplicationConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all %s 1 application content\nfrom this computer.\n\nThe application will remain in you r Software Library, but\nto play it in the future you'll have to first\nre-downl oad its content." "NoBigPicture_Title" "Big Picture-modus" "[english]NoBigPicture_Title" "Big Picture mode" "NoBigPicture_Explanation" "Steam Big Picture-modus er ikke stttet p din plat tform." "[english]NoBigPicture_Explanation" "Steam Big Picture mode is not supported on your platform." "NoBigPicture_Anchor" "Besk Steams kundesttte for mer informasjon." "[english]NoBigPicture_Anchor" "Visit Steam Support for more information." "steam_menu_bigpicturemode" "Big Picture-modus" "[english]steam_menu_bigpicturemode" "Big Picture mode" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_ManageInstalledApps" "Biblioteksmapper for Steam" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_ManageInstalledApps" "Steam Library Folders" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_Title" "Biblioteksmapper for Steam" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_Title" "Steam Library Folders" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_InstallFolder" "Mappe" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_InstallFolder" "Folder" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_NumApps" "Installert" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_NumApps" "Installed" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_DiskUsed" "Brukt plass" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_DiskUsed" "Used Space" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_DiskFree" "Ledig plass" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_DiskFree" "Free Space" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_InstalledAppName" "Program" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_InstalledAppName" "Application" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_AddInstallFolder" "Legg til biblioteksmappe" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_AddInstallFolder" "Add Library Folder" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_InvalidFolder" "Valgt biblioteksmappe for Steam eksiste rer ikke" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_InvalidFolder" "Selected Steam library folder d oesn't exist" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_NotEmptyFolder" "Ny biblioteksmappe for Steam m vre tom" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_NotEmptyFolder" "New Steam library folder must b e empty" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_NotWritableFolder" "Ny biblioteksmappe for Steam m vre skrivb ar" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_NotWritableFolder" "New Steam library folder must b e writeable" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_FailedToAdd" "Kunne ikke legge til ny biblioteksmappe for Steam" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_FailedToAdd" "Failed to add new Steam library folder" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_UninstallApp" "Avinstaller program" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_UninstallApp" "Uninstall Application" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_Refresh" "Oppdater"

"[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_Refresh" "Refresh" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_Text" "Biblioteksmapper for Steam tillater installerin g av Steam-innhold p forskjellige stasjoner." "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_Text" "Steam library folders allow installing Steam content on multiple drives." "SteamUI_ChooseInstallFolder" "Velg plassering for installasjon:" "[english]SteamUI_ChooseInstallFolder" "Choose location for install:" "Steam_DiskUsageMBOnDrive" "Diskbruk: %diskusagemb% MB p disk %drivename%" "[english]Steam_DiskUsageMBOnDrive" "Disc usage: %diskusagemb% MB on drive % drivename%" "Steam_DiskUsageMB" "Diskbruk: %diskusagemb% MB" "[english]Steam_DiskUsageMB" "Disc usage: %diskusagemb% MB" "Steam_SizeOnDiskColumn" "Strrelse p disk" "[english]Steam_SizeOnDiskColumn" "Size on disk" "steam_welcome_app" "Programinfo" "[english]steam_welcome_app" "Application Info" "NoBigPictureVista_Title" "Big Picture-modus" "[english]NoBigPictureVista_Title" "Big Picture mode" "NoBigPictureVista_Explanation" "Steam Big Picture-modus krever DirectWrite. Det ser ut som du kjrer Windows Vista som sttter DirectWrite, men du trenger installe re SP2 og plattformoppdateringen til Windows Vista (tilgjengelig via Windows Upd ate)." "[english]NoBigPictureVista_Explanation" "Steam Big Picture mode requires DirectWrite. It looks like you are running Windows Vista which supports Direct Write, but you need to install SP2 and the Windows Vista Platform Update (availa ble via Windows Update)." "NoBigPictureWin8AMD_Title" "Big Picture-modus" "[english]NoBigPictureWin8AMD_Title" "Big Picture mode" "NoBigPictureWin8AMD_Explanation" "Beklager, men det ser ut som du bruker en inkompatibel versjon av AMD Video Driver p Windows 8. Det finnes et kjent prob lem med denne versjonen som vil krasje Big Picture etter 30-60 sekunders bruk. F orsk g tilbake til versjon 8.97.10 av Catalyst-driverne til Windows 8, eller oppda tere til en nyere versjon om den finnes." "[english]NoBigPictureWin8AMD_Explanation" "Sorry, but it looks like you ar e using an incompatible AMD Video Driver version on Windows 8. There is a known issue with this version that will crash Big Picture after 30-60 seconds of use. Try rolling back to the 8.97.10 of the Windows 8 Catalyst drivers, or updating to a newer version if available." "SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveInstallFolder" "Fjern biblioteksmappe" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveInstallFolder" "Remove Library Folder" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_NoDriveRoot" "Ny biblioteksmappe for Steam kan ikke vr e diskens rot" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_NoDriveRoot" "New Steam library folder can't be the drive root" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_DriveAlreadyHasLibrary" "Valgt disk har allerede en bibl ioteksmappe for Steam" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_DriveAlreadyHasLibrary" "Selected drive already has a Steam library folder" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_SelectInstallFolder" "Opprett eller velg ny bibliotek smappe for Steam:" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_SelectInstallFolder" "Create or select new St eam library folder:" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveFailed" "Fjerning av valgt biblioteksmappe for S team mislyktes." "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveFailed" "Removing selected Steam library folder failed." "SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveFailedDefaultFolder" "Standard installasjonsmappe for Steam kan ikke fjernes." "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveFailedDefaultFolder" "The default Steam insta ll folder can't be removed."

"SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveFailedUsedFolder" "Bare tomme biblioteksmapper for Steam kan bli fjernet." "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_RemoveFailedUsedFolder" "Only empty Steam librar y folders can be removed." "SteamUI_InstallUnder" "Installer under %s1" "[english]SteamUI_InstallUnder" "Install under %s1" "SteamUI_CreateNewDrive" "Opprett nytt Steam-bibliotek p disk %s1" "[english]SteamUI_CreateNewDrive" "Create new Steam library on drive %s1" "Steam_GamePropertiesOpenFolder" "Bla gjennom lokale filer..." "[english]Steam_GamePropertiesOpenFolder" "Browse local files..." "Steam_CloudConflict_Newer" " - NYERE" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Newer" " - NEWER" "Steam_CloudConflict_Older" " - ELDRE" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Older" " - OLDER" "Steam_CloudConflict_Unknown" "Ukjent" "[english]Steam_CloudConflict_Unknown" "Unknown" "steam_subscribed_files" "%name% - Workshop-innhold" "[english]steam_subscribed_files" "%name% - Workshop Content" "steam_subscribed_files_complete" "Fullfrt" "[english]steam_subscribed_files_complete" "Completed" "Steam_ErrorCantStartGameDetailed" "Kunne ikke starte spill (%error%)." "[english]Steam_ErrorCantStartGameDetailed" "Failed to start game (%error%). " "Steam_AppUpdateError_0" "ingen feil" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_0" "no error" "Steam_AppUpdateError_1" "ukjent feil" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_1" "unknown error" "Steam_AppUpdateError_2" "oppdatering pauset" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_2" "update paused" "Steam_AppUpdateError_3" "oppdatering avbrutt" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_3" "update canceled" "Steam_AppUpdateError_4" "oppdatering suspendert" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_4" "update suspended" "Steam_AppUpdateError_5" "ingen lisenser" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_5" "no licenses" "Steam_AppUpdateError_6" "ingen internettforbindelse" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_6" "no internet connection" "Steam_AppUpdateError_7" "tilkobling tidsavbrudd" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_7" "connection time out" "Steam_AppUpdateError_8" "innhold fortsatt kryptert" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_8" "content still encrypted" "Steam_AppUpdateError_9" "mangler programkonfigurasjon" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_9" "missing app configuration" "Steam_AppUpdateError_10" "lesefeil p disken" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_10" "disk read error" "Steam_AppUpdateError_11" "skrivefeil p disken" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_11" "disk write error" "Steam_AppUpdateError_12" "ikke nok diskplass" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_12" "not enough disk space" "Steam_AppUpdateError_13" "korrupte innholdsfiler" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_13" "corrupt content files" "Steam_AppUpdateError_14" "venter p installasjonsplate" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_14" "waiting for install disc" "Steam_AppUpdateError_15" "ugyldig installasjonssti" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_15" "invalid install path" "Steam_AppUpdateError_16" "program kjrer allerede" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_16" "app already running" "Steam_AppUpdateError_17" "mangler delt innhold" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_17" "missing shared content" "Steam_AppUpdateError_18" "ikke installert"

"[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_18" "not installed" "Steam_AppUpdateError_19" "oppdatering ndvendig" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_19" "update required" "Steam_AppUpdateError_20" "opptatt" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_20" "busy" "Steam_AppUpdateError_21" "innholdsservere utilgjengelige" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_21" "content servers unreachable" "Steam_AppUpdateError_22" "ugyldig programkonfigurasjon" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_22" "invalid app config" "Steam_AppUpdateError_23" "ugyldig lagerkonfigurasjon" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_23" "invalid depot config" "Steam_AppUpdateError_24" "mangler innholdsmanifest" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_24" "missing content manifest" "Steam_AppUpdateError_25" "program ikke utgitt" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_25" "app not released" "Steam_AppUpdateError_26" "regionbegrenset" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_26" "region restricted" "Steam_AppUpdateError_27" "korrupt innholdslager" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_27" "corrupt content cache" "Steam_AppUpdateError_28" "mangler kjrbar fil" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_28" "missing executable" "Steam_ErrorCantStartGameDependency" "Kunne ikke starte spill med delt innhol d. Vennligst oppdater disse spillene frst:\n\n %dependencies%" "[english]Steam_ErrorCantStartGameDependency" "Failed to start game with share d content. Please update these games first:\n\n %dependencies%" "Steam_BPMOnStartup_Option" "Start Steam i Big Picture-modus" "[english]Steam_BPMOnStartup_Option" "Start Steam in Big Picture Mode" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_FailureReports" "Seneste feilrapporter:" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_FailureReports" "Recent Failure Reports: " "Steam_Convert_Content_Unpacking_GCF" "Pakker ut eksisterende depoter..." "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Unpacking_GCF" "Unpacking existing depots..." "SteamUI_VideoDriver_Recommendation_None_Title" "Se etter skjermkortdriver" "[english]SteamUI_VideoDriver_Recommendation_None_Title" "Video Driver Ch eck" "SteamUI_VideoDriver_Recommendation_None_Info" "Skjermkortdriveren din er oppda tert." "[english]SteamUI_VideoDriver_Recommendation_None_Info" "Your video driver packa ge is up to date." "SteamUI_No_VideoDrivers_Detected_Info" "Steam kunne ikke finne noen anbefalt sk jermkortdriver for ditt system." "[english]SteamUI_No_VideoDrivers_Detected_Info" "Steam could not find re commended video driver packages on your system." "SteamUI_VideoDriver_Detection_Disabled_Info" "Steam kan ikke finne skjermkort driver til ditt system." "[english]SteamUI_VideoDriver_Detection_Disabled_Info" "Steam is unable to perf orm video driver detection on your system." "Steam_Install_CreateApplicationIcon" "Lag et applikasjonsikon for %game%" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateApplicationIcon" "Create a system application ico n for %game%" "Steam_Install_CreateMultipleApplicationIcon" "Velg et applikasjonsikon for hv ert spill" "[english]Steam_Install_CreateMultipleApplicationIcon" "Create a system applica tion icon for each game" "SteamApp_Description" "Program for administrere og spille spill p Steam" "[english]SteamApp_Description" "Application for managing and playing games on S team" "Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewSteamGuides" "Vis samfunnsguider" "[english]Steam_GamesDialog_RightClick_ViewSteamGuides" "View Community Guides" "Steam_ErrorFilesystemNotExecutable_Title" "Steam - Feil"

"[english]Steam_ErrorFilesystemNotExecutable_Title" "Steam - Error" "Steam_ErrorFilesystemNotExecutable" "Det valgte filsystemet sttter ikke kjring av filer.\nVennligst monter det p nytt med exec-valget og prv igjen." "[english]Steam_ErrorFilesystemNotExecutable" "The selected filesystem does no t allow executing files.\nPlease re-mount it with the exec option and then try a gain." "Steam_Subscription_RateLimitedCDKey_Headline" "For mange aktiveringsforsk" "[english]Steam_Subscription_RateLimitedCDKey_Headline" "Too Many Activation Att empts" "Steam_Subscription_RateLimitedCDKey" "Det har vrt for mange nylige mislykkede aktiveringsforsk fra denne kontoen. Vennligst vent og prv produktkoden igjen sener e." "[english]Steam_Subscription_RateLimitedCDKey" "There have been too many recent unsuccessful activation attempts from this account. Please wait and try your pr oduct code again later." "steam_guides" "Samfunnsguider" "[english]steam_guides" "Community Guides" "Steam_Convert_Content_Updating" "Oppdaterer innhold ... %progress%" "[english]Steam_Convert_Content_Updating" "Updating content ... %progress% " "steam_inbox_offlinemessage" "1 ulest samtalemelding" "[english]steam_inbox_offlinemessage" "1 unread chat message" "steam_inbox_offlinemessages" "%offlinemessages% uleste samtalemeldinger" "[english]steam_inbox_offlinemessages" "%offlinemessages% unread chat messages" "SteamUI_ContentMgr_NotExecutableFolder" "Ny biblioteksmappe for Steam m vr e p et filsystem montert med kjretillatelser" "[english]SteamUI_ContentMgr_NotExecutableFolder" "New Steam library folde r must be on a filesystem mounted with execute permissions" "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort3" "passordet er for kort" "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooShort3" "password too short" "Steam_ErrorPasswordsDontMatch2" "passordene er ikke like" "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordsDontMatch2" "passwords do not match" "Steam_ErrorPasswordTooWeak" "passordet er for svakt" "[english]Steam_ErrorPasswordTooWeak" "password too weak" "Steam_Login_CapsLockWarning" "Caps Lock er p" "[english]Steam_Login_CapsLockWarning" "Caps Lock On" "SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_4" "Steam Guard er ikke aktivert" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_4" "Steam Guard not enabled " "SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=demo" "Spill demo" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_PlayGame_Btn$apptype=demo" "Play demo" "SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=demo" "Start demoen med en gan g den er klar" "[english]SteamUI_JoinDialog_LaunchGameReady$appType=demo" "Launch demo as soon as it's ready" "Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=demo" "Hold alltid denne demoen oppdat ert" "[english]Steam_AlwaysKeepThisGameUpToDate$appType=demo" "Always keep thi s demo up to date" "Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=demo" "Ikke oppdater denne demoen auto matisk" "[english]Steam_DoNotUpdateThisGame$appType=demo" "Do not automatically up date this demo" "Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=demo" "(Denne demoen og dens o ppdateringer vil bli automatisk\nanskaffet s fort de er tilgjengelige.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_AlwaysUpToDateInfo$appType=demo" "(This demo and its updates will be automatically\nacquired as soon as they are available.)" "Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=demo" "(Innhold for denne demo en vil ikke bli anskaffet automatisk.)" "[english]Steam_GameProperties_NeverUpdateInfo$appType=demo" "(Content for th

is demo will not be automatically acquired.)" "Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=demo" "Bekreft integriteten for demobu fferen..." "[english]Steam_Game_VerifyGameFiles$appType=demo" "Verify integrity of dem o cache..." "Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=demo" "Slett lokalt demoinnhold..." "[english]Steam_DeleteLocalGameContent$appType=demo" "Delete local demo conte nt..." "Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=demo" "Sikkerhetskopier demofiler..." "[english]Steam_BackupGameFiles$appType=demo" "Backup demo files..." "Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=demo" "Alle filene for denne d emoen vil n bli lastet ned gjennom Steam." "[english]Steam_Install_WillDownloadAllFiles$appType=demo" "All files for t his demo will now be downloaded through Steam." "Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=demo" "Oppretter lokale hurtiglagerfil er for demoen..." "[english]Steam_Install_StartCacheLoading$appType=demo" "Creating local demo cac he files..." "Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=demo" "Forbereder liste over Steam-demoer%prog ress%" "[english]Steam_PreparingGamesList$appType=demo" "Preparing list of Steam demos%progress%" "Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=demo" "Sker etter oppdateringer av Steam-demoer %progress%" "[english]Steam_ScanningForUpdates$appType=demo" "Scanning for Steam demo s updates%progress%" "SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=demo" "Ingen Steam-demoer vise." "[english]SteamUI_NoGamesOfThisType$appType=demo" "No Steam demos to displ ay." "Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=demo" "Vennligst vent mens Ste am bekrefter demofiler." "[english]Steam_ValidatingSteamCaches_Label$appType=demo" "Please wait whi le Steam verifies demo files." "Steam_FindContent$appType=demo" "Bla gjennom demoer..." "[english]Steam_FindContent$appType=demo" "Browse demos..." "Steam_Game_Developer$appType=demo" "Utvikler" "[english]Steam_Game_Developer$appType=demo" "Developer" "SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_1_WithTime" "Beskyttet av Steam Guar d siden %s1" "[english]SteamUI_Settings_Security_Status_State_1_WithTime" "Protected by St eam Guard since %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_XWindowManagerName" "X Window Manager: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_XWindowManagerName" "X Window Manage r: %s1" "SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SteamRuntimeVersion" "Steam Runtime-versjon: %s1" "[english]SteamUI_ValveSurvey_Summary_SteamRuntimeVersion" "Steam Runtime V ersion: %s1" "SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Title" "Skjermdriverproblem" "[english]SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Title" "Video Driver Problem" "SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Info" "Systemet ditt har versjon 13.1 av AMDs skjermkortdriver installert. Du m oppgradere til versjon 13.2 eller hyere fr du bru ker Big Picture." "[english]SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Info" "Your system has AMD Video Drive r version 13.1 installed. Please upgrade to version 13.2 or above before using S team Big Picture." "SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Url_Label" "Last ned drivere for AMD-skjerm kort" "[english]SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Url_Label" "Download AMD Video Driv ers"

"SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Url" " inux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx" "[english]SteamUI_AMD_BigPicture_Problem_Url" " wnload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesTitle" "Steam Guard-varsling" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesTitle" "Steam Guard Notificatio n" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesDetails" "Siden du sist logget inn p denne datamaskinen har dine kontoopplysninger blitt brukt og Steam Guard ble godkjent fra et annet sted.\n\nVennligst bekreft at disse ktene ble godkjent av deg:" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesDetails" "Since you last logged i n from this computer, your account credentials were used and Steam Guard was aut horized from another place.\n\nPlease confirm these sessions were authorized by you:" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesExplainButtons" "Hvis noen av de nevnte k tene ikke ble godkjent av deg, velg 'Nei, dette var ikke meg' for endre ditt Ste am-passord og e-postadresse, og fjerne godkjenning til andre steder." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesExplainButtons" "If any listed s essions were not authorized by you, select 'No, this was not me' to change your Steam password and email address and deauthorize other locations." "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesTurnedOff" "Siden du sist logget inn p denne datamaskinen har dine kontoopplysninger blitt brukt og Steam Guard ble deaktive rt fra et annet sted.\n\nVennligst bekreft at disse ktene ble godkjent av deg:" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesTurnedOff" "Since you last logged i n from this computer, your account credentials were used and Steam Guard was dis abled from another place.\n\nPlease confirm these sessions were authorized by yo u:" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesExplainButtons2" "Hvis noen av de nevnte k tene ikke ble godkjent av deg, velg 'Nei, dette var ikke meg' for endre ditt Ste am-passord og e-postadresse, fjerne godkjenning til andre steder og reaktivere S team Guard." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachinesExplainButtons2" "If any listed s essions were not authorized by you, select 'No, this was not me' to change your Steam password and email address, deauthorize other locations and re-enable Stea m Guard." "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_WebBrowserAt" " nettleser-IP " "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_WebBrowserAt" " web browser IP " "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_ComputerAt" " data-IP " "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_ComputerAt" " computer IP " "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_CloseButton" "Ja, dette var meg" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_CloseButton" "Yes, this was m e" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_PanicButton" "Nei, dette var ikke meg " "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_PanicButton" "No, this was no t me" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_UnknownCountry" "ukjent land" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_UnknownCountry" "unknown country " "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_info_link" "Lr mer" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_info_link" "Learn more" "SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_info_url" " m/kb_article.php?ref=7137-PGHL-8428" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardNotifyNewMachines_info_url" "https://support.steampo" "SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_Title" "Steam - Kontosikkerhet svekket" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_Title" "Steam - Account Security Compro mised" "SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_Explain" "Din Steam- og e-postkontosikkerhet ser

ut til ha blitt svekket.\n\nSteam Guard-godkjenning har blitt opphevet fra alle andre datamaskiner." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_Explain" "Your Steam and email ac count security appears to have been compromised.\n\nSteam Guard authorization ha s been revoked for all other computers." "SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_Explain2" "Din Steam- og e-postkontosikker het ser ut til ha blitt svekket.\n\nSteam Guard har blitt reaktivert og godkjenn ing har blitt opphevet fra alle andre datamaskiner." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_Explain2" "Your Steam and email ac count security appears to have been compromised.\n\nSteam Guard has been re-enab led and authorization has been revoked for all other computers." "SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_ExplainActions" "Endre passordet til din e-postk onto umiddelbart:\n%s1\n\nMerk: Bruk et nytt og unikt passord.\n\nIkke fortsett fr du har gjort dette, kontoen din vil ikke vre like sikker uten denne endringen." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_ExplainActions" "Change the password for your email account immediately:\n%s1\n\nNote: Use a new and unique password.\n\ nDo not proceed until you have done so, your account will not be secure without this change." "SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_ExplainPasswords" "Deretter vil du endre d itt Steam-passord." "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_ExplainPasswords" "Next you will c hange your Steam password." "SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_ChangePasswordButton" "Endre passord" "[english]SteamUI_SteamGuardCompromised_ChangePasswordButton" "Change password " "steam_subnav_featured" "Utvalgt" "[english]steam_subnav_featured" "Featured" "steam_subnav_news" "Nyheter" "[english]steam_subnav_news" "News" "steam_subnav_recommended" "Anbefalt" "[english]steam_subnav_recommended" "Recommended" "steam_subnav_wishlist" "nskeliste" "[english]steam_subnav_wishlist" "Wishlist" "steam_subnav_games" "Spill" "[english]steam_subnav_games" "Games" "steam_subnav_software" "Programvare" "[english]steam_subnav_software" "Software" "steam_subnav_media" "Media" "[english]steam_subnav_media" "Media" "steam_subnav_tools" "Verkty" "[english]steam_subnav_tools" "Tools" "steam_subnav_downloads" "Nedlastinger" "[english]steam_subnav_downloads" "Downloads" "steam_subnav_community_home" "Hjem" "[english]steam_subnav_community_home" "Home" "steam_subnav_discussions" "Diskusjoner" "[english]steam_subnav_discussions" "Discussions" "steam_subnav_workshop" "Workshop" "[english]steam_subnav_workshop" "Workshop" "steam_subnav_greenlight" "Greenlight" "[english]steam_subnav_greenlight" "Greenlight" "steam_subnav_market" "Marked" "[english]steam_subnav_market" "Market" "steam_subnav_activity" "Aktivitet" "[english]steam_subnav_activity" "Activity" "steam_subnav_profile" "Profil" "[english]steam_subnav_profile" "Profile" "steam_subnav_friends" "Venner" "[english]steam_subnav_friends" "Friends" "steam_subnav_groups" "Grupper"

"[english]steam_subnav_groups" "Groups" "steam_subnav_content" "Innhold" "[english]steam_subnav_content" "Content" "steam_subnav_badges" "Merker" "[english]steam_subnav_badges" "Badges" "steam_subnav_inventory" "Lager" "[english]steam_subnav_inventory" "Inventory" "steam_menu_community_home" "Samfunn-hovedside" "[english]steam_menu_community_home" "Community Home" "steam_menu_friend_activity" "Venners aktivitet" "[english]steam_menu_friend_activity" "Friend Activity" "Steam_CannotInstallDownloadsDisabled" "Spill kan ikke bli installert nr nedlast inger er deaktivert.\n" "[english]Steam_CannotInstallDownloadsDisabled" "Games cannot be installed when downloads are disabled.\n" "Steam_AppUpdateError_29" "ugyldig plattform" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_29" "invalid platform" "Steam_AppUpdateError_30" "ustttet filsystem" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_30" "unsupported filesystem" "Steam_AppUpdateError_31" "korrupte oppdateringsfiler" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_31" "corrupt update files" "Steam_AppUpdateError_32" "nedlastinger deaktivert" "[english]Steam_AppUpdateError_32" "downloads disabled" "steam_subnav_stats" "Statistikk" "[english]steam_subnav_stats" "Stats" }

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