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Banner Text Using HTML | ServiceNow Community

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Banner Text Using HTML

Mon, 10/27/2008 - 08:09 eric.schroeder

If you want to add HTML to your banner text (top of the screen where it generally says 'IT Service Management Suite'. Just navigate to My Company and enter HTML directly into the banner text field - you may need to add it to your form and you might want to increase the field size. Here is an examle: <div style='width: 100%; '><a href="" class="nav_header_description">Company</a> <div style='width:100%; height:125px;background-color:#283c5d;vertical-align:middle;background-image <img src='' height='43px'><br><span style='font-size:130%;' </div>

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Cool Stuff!

Hi..How can we set the

help on this??? Thanks.. Login or register to post comments

Thu, 10/04/2012 - 03:26 faizeal87

Hi..How can we set the marquee in banner text?I've done it but shown the tag once we log out the session...can any one

Hi Can anyone please share


Wed, 05/23/2012 - 12:54 shubhra

Can anyone please share the code/solution. I am try to get a small image underneath the search box, on the extreme right hand side of the banner. Thanks!! __________________ Regards Shubhra Login or register to post comments

Hi, I am also trying to get

Hi, I am also trying to get a small image underneath the search box. Is this possible?

Tue, 07/14/2009 - 04:36 niallm


Banner Text Using HTML | ServiceNow Community

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The search box seems to be inside a div. Where is that div defined? Is it in a UI Page or Macro or something? Could it be possible to add the image in there or might that cause problems? Niall Login or register to post comments

Along similar lines, a

Thu, 04/23/2009 - 06:00 mguy

Along similar lines, a customer has asked for 2 logos on the top banner, so I put this in my /demomg instance banner text to place another logo on the right hand side (they want it as close to the edge as possible on the right)

align="right"> That's good but there is still some gap between the right-hand image and the text search box, does anyone know if it's possible at all to close that gap anymore? Marc

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Try this:< div

Try this: <div style="margin:-5px 0px 0px -5px;padding:0px;"><img

Thu, 04/23/2009 - 12:11 kcaldwell

src=""></div> This is about as close as you are going to get with overlapping the images.

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Hi Eric, Thanks for the hint

Hi Eric, Thanks for the hint :)

Fri, 11/28/2008 - 08:23 fwilbrin

I did this and it works very good, the only thing you need to do extra is add a logo picture, if you leave it black it will default to the SNC logo. What I did was create a white 1x1 pixel image to get around this and use the HTML to display the logo... Login or register to post comments

hi, how can you change the

hi, how can you change the background color of the banner? thanks Login or register to post comments

Tue, 11/24/2009 - 07:00 quiksilver


Banner Text Using HTML | ServiceNow Community

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To modify the banner


Thu, 11/24/2011 - 05:41 Arlen

To modify the banner background colour (or color for our Nth American friends) try the techniques described and __________________ Arlen Vartazarian | Senior Technical Trainer ServiceNow | Transform IT

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