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zOtZ truly

ond Law Facultyof Business

Poper Exominotion
Codet tviodule SIll337 Title: Contemporory lvlodule in Business ond Monogement Developments

12thJuly ?Ol2 Dote:Thursdoy Time:1o:30om to 13:30pm Durotion: 3 Hours

fnstructions outcomes leorning Assessment weighted of 100% ossessing oll module Port1: Part2t (50 morks) Answer FIV out of ten guestions (50 guestions in ONEof the sets of questions Answer ALLTHREE morks)

(Upto threehours) on pre-prepored notes bosed Exominotion youmqy upto ten As such tokeinto the exom, Thisis qnopen bookexominotion. - double (thereforetwentysides of A4 whitepoper with sided) sheets (or typedin font size8) notes. hqndwritten copythemosyouwill not merely Youshould refer to yournotesbut youshould osked. to the questions themin relotion be expected to opply andexpond upon q poper dictionory. translotion Youore ollowed ony sheetsfokdn into the to confiscote The invigilotors will be re4uested qnd the ottempt to useqdditionqlmoteriolswill exomobovethis number regulation. of the exominotion deemed on infringement



Port 1 - AnswerFfVE out if ten questions (50 marks)

(weighting 507")

1. fn refotionto your chosen orgonization dnd/orits indusfrysector briefly exploin 'buyer 'supplier the power'ond power'f arcesof Porter's Five ForcesAnclysis. ff fustroteyour onswer with orgonization/industry-specific exomples.(10 morks) qre o mojor driver of globolizotion. Politicolondregulotoryliberolizqtion With your ref erences to ownchosen orgonizotion ondor industrybrief ly explcinhow

this is so.


3. Outlinethe economic systemof the maincountryor countrieswithin whichyour chosen orgonizotion and/orfirms in your chosen industry operate. (10 morks) ' *' :':4:--onfracf"low=is"onimportont-oreo"of*business=low. 6onsiderr=how fhs=:=,-,* eguirements of controct low affecl your chosen orgonizotion or industry. (10 marks) 5. Developed countriesoften suffer from ogingpopulotions. Somedeveloping countrieshovevery youngpopulotions with high dependenal. Somedeveloping countrieshoveq'6oldilocks' periodof o youthful populction with lowdependency. Whichof these offects your chosen countryand howdoesit or will it offect

yourchosen industry? firm ondlorfirms inyourchosen


6. Whot are diff erencesbetweenthe Concentrotion Rotio (CR)ond the Herfindqhlfndex (HHI) methods Hirschmonn of meosuring industry/marketconcentrotion? give different results for your chosen Howwouldthese different meosures (10 mqrks) industry? 7. Whqt culturol chonges ore tokingplocein your chosen countryond howmight they affect the operotions orgonizotion of yourchosen or of firms in your

chosen industrysector in the future?


8. The finqnciolsystemhss become increosingly concentrqted ond increasingly integroted internotionclly.Whot ore someof the odvantages and disadvantage

of thesedevelopments?


9. In relationto your chosen orgcnizotion ond/or industrysector, whot ore the qnd business in fovour of .'corporotesociol moinethicol orguments (10morks) responsibility'?

!0,.'iltjsi l'ec-hn;logyiia souiCe of oppiiiiliitied dnid"b:f thieafg andchaltehEis-in business."Illustrqte this statement bosed with example onyour ondillustrqtions (10morks) chosen orgonizotion an/of industry. THEUNIVER5Iry'5REGULATION5 COLLU5ION AND CONCERNING CHEATING, PLAGIARISM APPLY TO THIS EXAAAINATION


Part ? - AnswerALL THREE guestions in oNE srit of guestions (80 monks) (weighting 507d Set 1. Risk ond internotionalbusiness a) Giveon overview explonotion of 'risk'.Whotoresome of fhe maineffectson business? rllustrqteyourqnswer witho ronge of business exompres. (20 morks) b) In greater depth.exploin how'risk'affects yourchosen organization ond/or industryondits operotions? (20 marks) c) criticolly ossess ondevqluqte howyourchosen orgonizotion or industryhos 'risk'. responded to Yournoy olsospeculote (1omorks) oboutthe future.

Set 2. Internotionol businessentry strotegies

o) 6ive an overview explonotion of whot qre the moin'infernotionol business entry

strotegies'. Illustrqteyouronswer with'orqnge of business exomples. (20 morks) 'internotionql b) fn greoterdepthexploin howthe moin business entrystrotegies'cre relevqnt to yourchosen orgonizotion (20 morks) ond/orindustry. c) ossess ondevoluotehow yourchosen orgonizotion and/orindustry has 'internationol oneor moreof the moin used business enfrystrotegies'. (10morks) Set 3. Ecologicolfoctors d) Giveon overview explonotion of whqt ore the moin'ecologicol factors' affecring business. Illustrote youronswer with c ronge of business-reloted exomples. (20 marks) 'ecologicol e) In greoter depthandfocusing ononeor more of the moin foctors'exploin howit or they inpoctonyourchosen organizotion ond/orindustry. (2Omorks) grgonizotion ossess f) Criticolly ondevqluote yourchosen how ondlorindustry hos respondedto and/or should respond to oneor more of the moin'ecologicalfqctors'. Youmoy olsospeculote (10morks) obout futuredevelopments.



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