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Course: Geometry Teacher: L. Beltrn

Chapter Review: Right Triangles and Trigonometry

I. Multiple Choice: Select the correct answer. 1. When the means of a proportion are the same number, that number is called the __________. a. cross product b. extreme c. ratio d. geometric mean 2. In a right triangle, the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs is equal to the square of the length of the hypotenuse. This theorem is known as ________. a. Pythagorean Theorem b. Pythagorean Inequality Theorem c. Geometric mean d. Altitude to the hypotenuse 3. Which statement is true? a. If the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs is smaller than the square of the length of the hypotenuse then it is an obtuse triangle. b. If the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs is bigger than the square of the length of the hypotenuse then it is an obtuse triangle. c. The Pythagorean Theorem can be used with any triangle. d. The geometric mean is equal to the product of the extremes. 4. The diagonal of a square forms two congruent isosceles right triangles. One can conclude that the triangles formed by the diagonal are _________. a. 30-60-90 triangles b. 45-45-90 triangles c. Obtuse triangles d. Acute triangles 5. If a triangle is both isosceles and right then it is a __________. a. 30-60-90 triangle b. 45-45-90 triangle c. Obtuse triangle d. Acute triangle

6. In a right triangle, an altitude drawn from the vertex of the right angle to the hypotenuse forms __________ triangles, including the original one. a. Congruent b. two c. three d. none of the above 7. Consider a right triangle with a short leg and a long leg. If the length of the hypotenuse is two times the length of the short leg, and at the same time the longer leg is times the length of the short leg, what kind of triangle is this? a. Acute triangle b. Obtuse triangle c. 30-60-90 triangle d. 45-45-90 triangle 8. The word trigonometry comes from two Greek terms, trigon, meaning triangle, and ________, meaning measure. a. ometry b. metron c. metric d. meter 9. If the altitude is drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle, then the two triangles formed are __________ to the original triangle. a. supplementary b. exterior c. similar d. congruent 10. The ratio of the length of the leg opposite to an angle to the length of its hypotenuse is known as. a. sine b. cosine c. tangent d. None of the above


Writing: Answer the following questions. 1. Define geometric mean. Draw a diagram and identify the geometric means in a triangle with an altitude drawn to its hypotenuse.

2. Explain how the Pythagorean inequality theorem is used to identify triangles by its angles.

3. Explain the difference between a 30-60-90 triangle and a 45-45-90 triangle. You may use a diagram if needed.

4. State the three trigonometric ratios. What is the relationship between a trigonometric ratio and its inverse?

III. Exercises: Answer the following exercises. Write process if necessary. 1. Find the geometric mean between a. and

b. 100 and 200

2. Find the value of the variables.

. 3. Identify if the lengths 5, 9 and 11 form a triangle. If so, classify the triangle as acute, right or obtuse.

4. Identify if the lengths

and 13 form a triangle. If so, classify the

triangle as acute, right or obtuse.

5. Find the value of the variables using properties of special triangles.

6. Find the value of the variables using properties of special triangles.

7. Find the value of the variables using properties of special triangles.

8. Find the value of the variables using properties of special triangles.

9. Use trigonometry to find the value of the side lengths. Round to the nearest tenth.

10. Use trigonometry to find the value of the angle. Round to the nearest tenth.

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