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David R. Jones, ed. The Military Encyclopedia of Russia and Eurasia. Gulf Breeze, Fla.

: Academic
International Press, 1998. xi + 241 pp. $32.50 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-87569-198-5.

Reviewed by Johanna Granville (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C)
Published on H-Russia (May, 1999)
Bombs Educate Vigorously

This book, edited by David Jones of the Rus- The propaganda or agitation bomb (agitatsion-
sian Research Center of Nova Scotia, is the eighth naia avatsionnaia bomba) was apparently first used
volume of The Military Encyclopedia of Russia and by the Germans in World War One (pp. 92-97). Bal-
Eurasia. The encyclopedia contains thirty-eight de- loons were used to drift over enemy territory and
tailed entries, about more than thirty-four different drop propaganda by timed release. The Bolsheviks in
types of aerial bombs, including: the earliest bombs Russia then adopted this German technique in their
designed in imperial Russia, propaganda or “agita- civil war against the Whites. To illustrate the im-
tion” bombs, aiming and marker bombs (to help pi- portance of propaganda to the red command, Soviet
lots navigate), anti-airplane bombs, anti-tank bombs, aerial theorist A.N. Lapchinskii wrote, “According to
concrete-piercing bombs, fragmentation bombs, anti- official figures covering the full period of the Civil
submarine bombs, laser-guided bombs, anti-bridge War (from November 1917 to 1922), during a total of
bombs, nuclear bombs, anti-personnel bombs, and 19,377 sorties, Soviet pilots dropped some 9,000 kilo-
chemical and bacteriological bombs. Indeed, the Rus- grams (19,845 lbs) of leaflets as compared to 94,508
sians must have believed strongly in Henry Adams’ kilograms (208,390 lbs) of bombs” (p. 93).
aphorism: bombs educate vigorously. Each section Thanks to the reports by the U.S. Military At-
averages about four pages and concludes with an ex- tache in Riga in 1925, we have some idea about
tensive bibliography of almost exclusively Russian- how these early propaganda bombs were constructed:
language sources dealing with that specific type of “The devices involved simple cassettes or contain-
aerial bomb. Jones and his colleagues draw exten- ers, possibly of the same kind employed in dropping
sively from other primary sources, such as the notes aerial ’flechettes’ or ’darts’ (strely)” (p. 93). One
of the U.S. military attache in Riga in the interwar such container, referred to as the “Krilov Apparatus,”
period (located in the National Archives). was specifically “used for distribution of propaganda
Jones’s volume starts out with entries about some leaflets” and consisted of a “box made of veneer” that
of the earliest aerial bombs developed in the early was 0.91 meters (36 in.) long, 0.57 meters (22.3 in.)
1900s, which included free-fall bombs, “agitation” wide and 0.46 meters (18 in.) deep. A small “explo-
bombs, aiming bombs, marker bombs, and anti- sive compartment” was fitted with a safety pin much
airplane or anti-Zeppelin bombs. Soviet innovators like a hand grenade and attached to the bottom. By
encountered many problems with these early models, means of a time fuse, this could be set to explode at a
involving, for example, the accuracy of the bombs desired height above the ground so as to break open
and the bombs’ weight given the negligible lift capa- the box and scatter its load of propaganda leaflets.
bility of the early airplanes. In the Balkan Wars of These early uses of propaganda were not at first
1912-1913, Bulgarian pilots or passengers in the plane fully understood within the Soviet military, in part
would simply drop the bombs weighing only four to because there was no larger propaganda organization
eight kilograms from the plane over the target. But to support these efforts in the early years. In addi-
this method entailed risks to the plane and its pas- tion, many Soviet officers and pilots scoffed at this
sengers, and also was not always accurate. Faulty method of delivering propaganda, arguing that air-
fuses and hazardous storage conditions added to these planes should be used only to drop “real explosives.”
problems. However, soon a lighter type of paper was invented

H-Net Reviews

and a greater quantity of leaflets could be dropped of bomb were made of glass and filled with a bright
within a single bomb, and there were some signs that dye substance that would spread once the bomb had
the propaganda had an effect on the German soldiers burst. The resulting patch of color on either land
in World War One (p. 96). or water helped pilots orient themselves. These free-
In addition to “agitation” bombs dropped from fall air navigation bombs were first used in the First
planes and balloons, the Soviet Red Army also used World War, and were included in the specialized mu-
radio loud speakers to broadcast German-language nitions developed for the Red Air Forces during the
propaganda in rear areas. (Incidentally, much later, 1920s (pp. 98-99).
in World War Two, East German communist leaders Although the anti-airplane bomb (protivosamo-
were recruited for this activity, including the future letnaia aviabomba) also appeared during the First
S.E.D. party leader Walter Ulbricht, who edited the World War, the Russians used it most often against
German language radio broadcasts, along with such slow-moving German dirigibles rather than against
writers as Erich Weinert and Willy Bredel. Ulbricht airplanes. As Jones points out, these zeppelins were
was attached in 1942 to the political section of the considered ideal targets because “they were the only
Don front.) aerial platform that could carry enough bombs to in-
As for the effect during World War One of these flict real damage.” They were hundreds of feet long,
leaflets and radio broadcasts on the enemy, one would filled with highly flammable hydrogen, and moved
think that this propaganda would not be effective, very slowly, thus were easy to hit (p. 100). Some
since the soldiers on the other side would probably aircraft pilots used darts with hooks at the end that
recognize this as propaganda and ignore it. Indeed, would in theory be dropped en masse over the bal-
according to some accounts, the propaganda had lit- loon. When these hooks caught onto the fabric, the
tle effect. However, one German writer, Klaus Uebe, “incendiary device ignited both the balloon and the
opined that more Germans than Russians were af- hydrogen inside.” The “Fusee Nicolardot” was one fa-
fected by these propaganda bombs. vorite dart used by the Russian Imperial Aerial Fleet.
Moreover, the Soviet writer Lapchinski cited with
pride an event that allegedly took place on the East- From the welter of facts in this military encyclo-
ern Front in February 1919. Then, an order of the pedia, one can discern an interesting and paradoxical
Twentieth Rifle Division recounts, the proclamations pattern of relations between the German and Rus-
distributed by Red flyers provoked marked demoral- sian military complexes. Beginning with the Treaty
ization within the ranks of the opposing White army, of Rapallo (April 1922) the two “outcast nations” of
and so brought the desertion of two regiments to Europe assisted each other militarily and economi-
the Reds. “The leaflets of Soviet power, which were cally. Restricted after World War One by the Ver-
spread by aircraft,” Lapchinski concluded, “were pow- sailles Treaty, the German army was able, through
erful ’explosives’ that ripped whole regiments away its work with Russia, to maintain a high standard
from the enemy.” Later during the 1930s the agi- of training, technical knowledge, and familiarity with
tation or propaganda bomb became (and remains) new weapons and equipment. The Weimar govern-
a standard item in the Russians’ arsenal of free-fall ment was willing to work with the Bolshevik regime,
munitions (p. 103). which had been no party to the Versailles treaty and
claimed no monetary reparations. The Soviet Union,
The purpose of another early type of aerial bomb,
in turn, had concluded from the failure of proletarian
the so-called aiming bomb (pristrelochnaia avatsion-
revolution in Germany and Hungary that the time
naia bomba) was to test a certain locale to ascertain
was not ripe for the sovietization of Europe.
the location of the enemy and thereby conserve the
more powerful and expensive munitions for the real By entering into normal diplomatic relations with
targets. As the accuracy of Soviet bombs improved, Germany, the USSR obtained needed manufactures
these aiming bombs became less necessary. A third and military training from Germany. Thus the Ger-
type of aerial bomb that appeared before World War man military played a key role in the development of
One was the marker bomb (aeronavigatsionnaia avi- the Soviet military, both with respect to its weapons
atsionnaia bomba), which was intended to serve as an systems and strategy. Throughout the individual en-
aid to aerial navigation. This bomb could be dropped tries in this encyclopedia one encounters examples
over water or land. The earliest versions of this type of how German practices influenced Soviet military

H-Net Reviews

technicians and strategists in the field of propaganda to face a range of challenges unimagined only a few
(explained above), mine-laying, nuclear weapons de- years earlier. Despite his public pronouncements de-
velopment, and chemical and biological weapons. liberately downplaying the significance of the atomic
The paradox is that this German assistance also made bomb, Stalin initiated a “crash program” in the wake
Russia more vulnerable to the German military. As of the war (p. 80). Although much nuclear technol-
a result, one can see examples of how Russian fears ogy was stolen by the Soviet Union from the United
of the German military have shaped Russian habits States, one document (not mentioned in Jones’s en-
and military culture. cyclopedia) which was declassified in recent years re-
veals considerable German influence on the fledgling
The 1939-1940 “Winter War” with Finland and
Soviet nuclear program. On May 13, 1946, Stalin
ensuing Second World War provides another example
apparently issued a resolution to create a “Special
of how close German-Russian military collaboration
Committee on Reactive (Jet-Propelled) Technology”
backfired. In addition to learning from the Germans
to oversee the fledgling Soviet missile program, an
about propaganda techniques, the Russians had ap-
early version of the nuclear development program.
parently requested assistance in 1939 from their new
German allies for help in laying naval mines in Fin- In 1945, the First Main Administration of the
land by air. Many of the Soviet bombs in this pe- USSR Council of Peoples’ Commissars was formed,
riod were “duds”: they had poor fusing devices and which was devoted to the task of developing atomic
failed to go off as planned. The Russian subsequently weapons. Stalin planned to send groups of highly
withdrew their request, because they had learned how paid Soviet scientists–chosen apparently by Nikita
to do lay mines on their own. Later, during World Khrushchev–to Germany to “attach” themselves to
War Two, after Germany had invaded the USSR, So- German scientists. This May 1946 resolution paved
viet military personnel began to steal superior Ger- the way for the creation of nuclear weapons, carri-
man bombs that they had acquired and simply loaded ers for these nuclear warheads, and missiles. It also
them into Soviet planes (p. 69). By 1944 the Ger- created a new branch of the defense industry, both
man Luftwaffe discovered this practice. The Germans for missile building and for the formation of the first
then began to make “booby-trapped bombs,” and the rocket units of the Soviet Armed Forces. In this doc-
Soviet pilots ended up mining their own territory (p. ument, specific tasks were given to various ministries
70). (each to have its own research institute). The plan
also stipulated that college students of “the higher
Although, according to the U.S. military attache
classes”–juniors and seniors– be trained in reactive
in Riga, it became harder during the Stalin years to
technology, so that by the end of the year 1946 there
obtain detailed bomb information, we do know that
would be two hundred students from each academic
under Stalin’s leadership Soviet bomb technology im-
institute and one hundred students from each univer-
proved rapidly. By 1943 when the Soviet Union
sity, ready to work.
gained the offensive against Germany, the Stalinist
regime had mobilized its best scientists and engineers In 1946, Stalin made the development of jet-
to improve the construction of bombs, especially their
propelled weapons his “highest-priority task.”[1] The
fuses. The production rate also increased; in 1943 success of this crash program was, of course, demon-
the output of munitions in this year was 28.9 percentstrated in the test blast of August 1949 (p. 81). This
greater than in 1942, and almost twice that of 1941 accomplished, the Soviet Union then began deploy-
(p. 68). The Russians became more discriminating, ing its own nuclear bombs and the TU-16A (NATO
using different types of bombs for different types of“Badger”) bomber, which entered production in late
missions. Navy bombers became adept at disrupting 1954, and was configured to carry either a FAB-9000
German shipping. One impediment to bomb produc- or any one of the five models of nuclear bombs then
tion during World War Two was the constant need available. By 1955 the Soviet Union reportedly had
to relocate munitions factories to the Urals. produced an estimated 324 nuclear warheads, as well
as 1,276 bombers, including some TU-4s and 600 Tu-
Even after World War Two, the victory over Nazi
16s for use in Europe.
Germany in 1945 brought no relaxation of tensions
under which Soviet scientists worked. If anything, Some of the most interesting portions of this en-
the pressures increased as the Soviet Union suddenly cyclopedia concern biological and chemical weapons.
found itself thrust into the atomic age and forced Here again we find that the Russian and Soviet mili-

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taries first experienced these weapons at the hands of as the seeming anthrax outbreak in Sverdlovsk dur-
the Germans. Throughout the Cold War period the ing April 1979 as evidence of the work of a biologi-
official Soviet position was that the USSR had rat- cal warfare laboratory in that city. With regard to
ified the Geneva Protocol of June 17, 1925 banning toxin-based substances, their attention focused on the
biological weapons, but that the United States and reported use of the so-called “Yellow Rain” against
a number of other nations–Japan, Brazil, Nicaragua, civilian targets in Southeast Asia, the Yemen, and
El Salvador, among others–never did sign it. later, Afghanistan. Delivered by aircraft, this report-
edly covered large areas with a yellow vapor or pow-
While the Soviet officials steadfastly denied that
der that caused headaches, vomiting, spasms, con-
they ever experimented with either bacteriological
tractions, and internal bleeding, followed by the de-
weapons in general, or aerobombs in particular, they
struction of the bone marrow and necrosis as the skin
pointed out that forms of biological warfare extend as
blackens and immediately turns gangrenous (p. 140).
far as back as the Tatars. Jones writes: “In the eyes of
the Soviet/Russian commentators, the first bacterio-
logical projectiles were the bodies of plague victims As far as chemical weapons are concerned, the
hurled by the Tatars over the walls of the Crimean Tsarist army suffered at least twice as many casu-
fortress of Kaffa (today’s Feodosia) to spread infec- alties from the poison gases used by Kaiser Wil-
tion among members of the Genovese garrison” (p. helm’s armies than did the armies of the other Eu-
136). Soviet commentators also repeatedly charged ropean countries. This traumatic experience appar-
that the Germans tried to use biological warfare in ently strengthened the Russian determination to de-
both the World Wars. Despite these official denials, velop a sizeable arsenal of chemical weapons and led
the notes of the U.S. military attache in Riga sug- to a habitual reluctance to discard obsolete chemical
gests that the same “Kriltsov box” used for propa- weapons. During the 1920s, the Red Army had devel-
ganda bombs was also used in the 1920s to release oped its chemical capabilities and appropriate deliv-
microbes as well. ery devices within the cooperative relationship estab-
lished with Weimar Germany and its Reichswehr af-
Meanwhile, Soviet commentators have stated “af-
ter the Treaty of Rapallo. By 1926, the year in which
ter 1941 the United States developed, produced, and
Lapchinskii published the analysis outlined above in
stored biological weapons at a laboratory at Fort Di-
the first edition of his Tactics of Aviation, a joint
etrick in Maryland and a facility at Pine Bluff in
Russo-German test facility for aerial chemical tests,
Arkansas.” Despite these claims, scientific research
in which each party assumed an equal share of the
and development in the United States in bacterio-
operating costs, was at work near Saratov (p. 152).
logical and biological warfare only emerged after the
Second World War (p. 138). Interest both in the The USSR continued to develop chemical
United States, and presumably in the USSR, focused weapons, bombs included, throughout the 1930s.
on the effects of various toxins and the transmission Soviet writers justified this program by referring
of selected diseases (most notably anthrax). Such ef- to the use of chemical means by Mussolini’s Italy
forts received still additional impetus from advances in Ethiopia (the first real airborne chemical at-
made in microbiology after 1969. The United States tack), by Japan in China, and by the ongoing work
developed a range of biological devices (which subse- in Hitler’s Germany that eventually produced the
quently were renounced unilaterally and destroyed). phosphorous-based nerve gases Tabun and Sarin (p.
The problem military innovators encountered was 160). Throughout the Second World War, Jones as-
that of delivering the microbes to enemy territory serts, Soviet planners had feared attacks by choking
without killing them in the process. To be deadly, agents like phosgene, vesicants such as mustard or
the bacteria had to be kept alive, but in manufactur- Lewisite, and blood agents like hydrogen cyanide (p.
ing bacteriological bombs, often the explosion ended 175).
up killing the microbes.
The Soviet armies again came into contact with
According to Jones, most Western specialists ex- the Germans’ supply of chemical weapons in 1945
pressed doubts over the sincerity of Soviet decla- when they liberated Berlin. They transported the
rations of innocence concerning the development of bulk of these weapons back to the USSR. It is clear
their own biological weapons arsenal. During the that the Soviet leadership long remained convinced
post-war period these critics pointed to such incidents that in any future conflict, chemical warfare was real

H-Net Reviews

possibility and that the Soviet Armed Forces needed Encyclopedia of Soviet Aircraft since 1917 and the ar-
to be able to wage it. This conviction led to the So- ticles in Jane’s Soviet Intelligence Review and Jane’s
viet penchant for stockpiling equipment and retaining Defense Weekly.
older systems, however hazardous. Note
In short, Jones’s military encyclopedia, especially
this eighth volume, is a useful reference work. The [1]. See “How the Rocket Forces Were Cre-
only shortcoming is that it lacks an index, making ated in the USSR,” [Kak Sozdalis’ Raketnye Sily v
it difficult to look up a specific term. Nevertheless, SSSR] Military-Historical Journal, vol. 1 (January-
this volume complements well Jones’s previous (sev- February, 1995): 53-57. The title is misleading; three
enth) volume in the series, which contains five articles documents are published in this issue, one written in
on aerial blockades of cities and regions in the Soviet 1946 (below) and two written in 1959.
Union during World War II and a final article about Copyright (c) 1999 by H-Net, all rights reserved.
the aerial bomb itself, with precise definitions. This This work may be copied for non-profit educational
military encyclopedia also makes a significant contri- use if proper credit is given to the author and the
bution to the existing reference literature on Soviet list. For other permission, please contact H-Net@h-
airpower, consisting, for example, of Bill Gunston’s

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Citation: Johanna Granville. Review of Jones, David R., ed., The Military Encyclopedia of Russia and
Eurasia. H-Russia, H-Net Reviews. May, 1999.

Copyright © 1999 by H-Net, all rights reserved. H-Net permits the redistribution and reprinting of this
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