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BSIT - BC B.Sc. (IT) Examinations, Nov./Dec.

2009 (Directorate of Distance Education)

Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100

Instructions: 1) Part A is compulsory. 2) Answer any 15 questions from Part.B. PART - A (3x8=24) (1x1= 1) 25 I. 1) What is an algorithm ? 3 2) List the different types of programming languages. 3 3) What is a variable and constant? 3 4) List the various searching techniques. 3 5) Define stack. List the various operations stack. 3 6) Define recursion. 3 7) Define Software and Hardware. 3 8) Write the structure of for loop of C programming language. 3 9) C programming language is developed by ______________. PART B (5x15=75) II.1) List the various string handling functions of C programming language. 2) Give the structure of C programming language with the help of an example. 3) What is an array? How to declare 1-dimensional and 2-dimensional array in C. 4) List the rules to be used for declaring variable.

5) Define Queue. List the various operations on Queue data structure. 6) What is data structure ? List the different types of data structure. 7) What is a pointer? What is the use of pointer variable? 8) What is sorting ? List the various sorting techniques. 9) Write a C program to find the factorial of a given number. 10) List the differences between multiplexing and demultiplexing. 11) What is DBMS? 12) With the help of a diagram explain data communication model. 13) What is a protocol? List any two protocols. 14) List the differences between do-while and while statement of C language. 15) What is the meaning of time complexity and space complexity of an algorithm ? 16) Write a C program to concatenate two strings S1 and S2. 17) Write the algorithm for any one sorting technique. 18) What is data types ? List the various data types available in C language. 19) What is the meaning of parameter passing ? List the different parameter passing techniques. 20) List the various control statements of C language.
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BTC-31/BSIT-31 Third Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, Nov./Dec. 2009 (Directorate of Distance Education)
Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100 Instructions: 1. PART - A is compulsory. 2. Answer any FIVE questions from PART B.

PART - A 1. Prepare a brief self-portrait of yourself for a professional career. 2 2. Mention two important strengths in you. 2 3. In what areas do you need to improve? 1 4. How would you describe your standards of performance ? 1 5. Mention the two most important people to you. 2 6. List out any five important things on which you seriously prepare before an interview. 2 7. Aside from money, what do you want most in a job. 1 8. List out the things you would carry to a job interview. 2 9. List two qualities in you that need improvement from the point view of man management skills in human engineering. 2 10. Mention any four important etiquette of cell phone usage. 2 11. Mention atleast four important principles of Human Engineering. 2 12. Mention any two traits to be successful as an IT professional. 2 13. Name any four qualities for a good personality. 2 14. List five tips for time management. 2 PART B 1. a) List out your short term and long term professional goals. 6 b) Prepare a self improvement plan for yourself. Give action plan. 9 2. a) Explain the responsibilities and the qualities needed for job. 5 b) Write the preparation strategy for success in the interview. 5 c) List the reasons for rejection in interviews. 5 3. a) What are the strategy to make a good impression on your first job ? 5 b) List the tips for stress management of job interviews. 10 4. a) What are the hints to tap your hidden potential so that you bring out your full capability on any task that you undertake ? 5 b) List and explain any ten tips for time management. 10 5. a) List and explain the qualities that are required for a good personality. 8

b) List out your good qualities pertaining to Human, Engineering. 7 6. a) What are the ways to change people without giving offence or arousing resentment. 8 b) Write a paragraph on the influence of television on children. Write the second and third drafts of the same pointing out the changes made on each occasion. 7 7. a) What qualities in you need improvement to be a team person ? How do you propose to modify them ? 10 b) List some of the important dos and donots in dining etiquette to be followed with guests. 5 8. a) What are the differences between the language of speech and the language of writing? 5 b) What is reading ? Explain the different kinds of reading . 5 c) What is the role played by body gestures in communication? 5
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BTC-32/BSIT-32 Third Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, Nov./Dec. 2009 (Directorate of Distance Education)
Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100 Instructions: 1. Answer to all questions from Part - A and each question carries one mark. 2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B and each full questions carries 15 marks.

PART A I. Fill in the blanks : 1) A query language is required for the user to ______________with database. 1 2) ______________operation is denoted using lower case letter sigma . 1 3) ______________operation is denoted by lower case letter PI . 1 4) The assignment operation denoted by ______________ 1 5) DML expands to ______________ 1 6) The ______________character matches any character. 1 7) The ______________command removes tuples from a relation. 1 8) The ______________join type is a combination of the left and right outer - join types. 1 9) Data normalization techniques are based on ______________theory. 1 10) Normalization is the process of ______________data in a Database. 1 11) In the first normal form all columns must be ______________ 1 12) Oracle is a ______________ database. 1

13) ______________performs batch writes of changed block to the datafiles. 1 14) ______________is a short form used for server process. 1 15) ______________stores variable length character string data. 1 16) The data stored in cursor are called ______________ 1 17) ______________retrieves records into cursor. 1 18) The remote procedure calls are different from ______________ procedure calls. 1 19) Parameter passing between client and server can be ______________ 1 20) The web makes it possible to access a file anywhere on the ______________ 1 21) Audio, Video, and programs can be included in ______________ documents. 1 22) CGI means common gateway interface, which is a ______________ 1 23) ______________provides the primary basis for supporting object - oriented structures. 1 24) Mobile computing architecture is a ______________architecture. 1 25) ______________data is stored in either raster or vector formats. 1 PART-B II. 1) a) Discuss the properties of a relation. 8 b) What is the necessity of rename operations ? Explain with an example. 7 2) a) Discuss the three classes present in select expression. 8 b) With an example, explain set membership and set comparison. 7 3) a) What is normalization ? Explain the normalization process avoids? 7 b) With a suitable example explain 2NF & 3NF. 8 4) a) Differentiate between Trace files & Alert files. 8 b) With a neat diagram explain architecture of oracle. 7 5) a) Explain any two PL/SQL statements that provide iterative control over equation of code. 7 b) Explain the different types of exceptions. 8 6) a) Explain various components of ODBC. 8 b) Discuss any three transparency issues. 7 7) a) What is WWW ? Explain. 7 b) Explain types of search tools ? 8 8) a) Explain challenges of multimedia database. 8 b) What is GIS ? Explain. 7
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Third Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, Nov./Dec. 2009 (Directorate of Distance Education Scheme)
Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100 Instructions: Part A is compulsory. Answer any 15 questions from Part-B.

PART A 1. ______________ Data type consists of data elements as well as methods encapsulated together. 1 2. Volatile qualifiers support the compiler optimizations. True/False. 1 3. Declaration of the variables allocates the appropriate storage in the memory. True/False. 1 4. ______________can point to any type but cannot be dereferenced directly. 1 5. In the union all the variables share same physical storage and only one variable is defined at a time. True/False. 1 6. The contents of one structure can be assigned to another as long as they are of the same type. True/False. 1 7. Match the following : 6 I II a) L.H.S. of = (i) Override the precedence b) Unary + (ii) Compact code operator c) ++ var (iii) Bit-wise operator d) ( ) in the expressions (iv) Not available in C++

e) + = (v) Can be expression f) Unary ~ (vi) Increment and assign 8. ______________is a basic building block of the program. 1 9. Default argument passing mechanism in C++ is called ______________. 1 10. Match the following : 5 I II a) Grouping of real world entities (i) Polymorphism b) Property of being self contained (ii) Classes c) Separation of interface from implementation (iii) Encapsulation d) Reusability of the code (iv) Data hiding e) Same operation to be performed on different types of things (v) Inheritance 11. A friend function is a ______________function, which has access to a classs private members. 1

12. Copy constructor can be used when the function returns an object. 1 13. The ______________and ______________of the arguments are used to select the best match from the candidate function. 2 14. The friend function will have ______________argument for unary operator and ______________for binary operators. 2 PART B 1. a) What is data type? Explain the classification of C++ data types. 7 b) What is non-primitive data types? Explain the different scenarios where non primitive datatypes are needed. 8 2. a) What is an identifier ? What are rules to be followed for naming the identifiers? 8 b) What is a pointer? Explain with an example, the initialization of pointer. 7 3. Explain different types of operators in C#; with examples of usage. 15 4. a) Write a C++ program to find the different roots of a quadratic equation using if-else. 10 b) With an example, explain continue statement. 5 5. a) Write a C++ program to accept a 2 x 2 matrix, perform matrix multiplication and print the result. 10 b) Explain Inheritance. 5 6. a) Explain parameter passing mechanism in C++ with example. 10 b) Explain with an example, external variables. 5 7. a) What is inheritance? Explain different inheritance mechanism. 8 b) Explain static member functions with an example. 7 8. a) Explain the syntax of constructor and list the characteristics of constructors. 10 b) What do you mean by operator overloading? What are the steps to be involved in operator overloading ? 5
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Third Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, Nov./Dec. 2009 (Directorate of Distance Education Scheme)
Time: 3 hrs.] [Max.Marks: 100 Instructions: 1. Part A is compulsory. 2. Answer any FIVE questions from Part B.

PART A 1. The internet is a ______________, ______________ system. 2 2. At the transport layer, the protocols defined by TCP/IP model are ______________ and ______________ 2 3. The ______________layer uses the services provided by the network layer. 1 4. What is an IP address ? 2 5. The three different levels of addressing in TCP/IP model has ______________, ______________ and ______________. 3 6. The device having more than one IP address is known as _________device.3 7. The two types of routing are ______________routing and ______________ routing. 2 8. The IP datagram header has the IP addresses of ______________and ______________systems. 2 9. Protocol used to find out the physical address of a destination host from its IP address is known as ______________ 1 10. Flow control is achieved through the use of ______________window mechanism. 1 11. TCP offers ______________duplex data transfer service. 1 12. UDP offers ______________to ______________data communication. 1 13. In TCP, before sending data, a ______________is established between the sending and receiving processes. 1 14. FTP uses ______________protocol for transmission purpose. 1 15. In client server, the ______________program is always running. 1 16. Commands are sent over ______________connection. 1 17. The number of connections required for FTP operation is ______________ 1 18. Protocol used for reporting the errors occurred during the datagram transfer is ______________ 1 PART B 1. a) What are the research activities that were commonly done in the early days of computer networks ? Explain. 10 b) Explain the concept of networking of computers. 5

2. a) Briefly explain the OSI architecture. 10 b) Make a brief comparison between OSI andTCP/IP models. 5 3. a) What are the different classes of IP addresses available in IP-V4 ? Explain. 10 b) What are private networks ? 5 4. a) What are the types of routing tables ? Explain briefly. 8 b) Write a brief note on direct and indirect routing. 7 5. With figure, explain IP datagram header. 15 6. a) Give an overview of ARP mechanism using diagrams. 8 b) What are the error reporting messages present in the ICMP ? Explain any two of them. 7 7. a) Explain the flow control mechanism in TCP. 8 b) Describe how the checksum is calculated for the UDP datagram. 7 8. a) With the help of figure, explain the connection oriented concurrent server. 8 b) Write a note on command processing. Describe the groups into which commands can be divided. 7
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