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Lie Detectors in Ancient Egypt

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Lie Detectors in Ancient Egypt A lot of intelligent people think that the largest threat to human survival is technology. I could not disagree more. Civilization is threatened, not by advancements in technology, but by the suppression of technological advancements. In the 1950s and 60s there were already electric cars in development. Soon afterwards came inventions of hydro cars, biofueled cars and solar cars. And this was in the 50s. What happened to those alternative fuelled vehicles and why are we still choking off the noxious fumes of oil powered asphyxiators? Ford, General Motors, Chrysler, in conspiracy with the gangster oil companies, bought off, stole and acquired the patents and rights to those advanced technologies in order to suppress them. Thus, due to the suppression of technology, civilization is gassing itself to perdition. Isnt it remarkable that cars are still using the same basic engine technology that Henry Ford came out with a century ago? Those advanced auto technologies in the 50s would have revolutionized how we use and think about energy and transportation in ways that would have transformed whole industries.

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Lie Detectors in Ancient Egypt

But due to corporate greed and criminality technology was retarded and we are left with pseudotechnologies that shouldve long ago been discarded as both primitive and obsolete. President Obama should not give GM or Chrysler a nickle until those criminal techno-thieves release all the patents, discoveries and designs of alternative fuelled vehicles they possess and tell everything they know about those buried by other firms. There have been similar technological burials in cancer therapy, AIDS elimination, space travel, information technology and even criminal transformation. People should reject the present conventional wisdom that rapists can never be cured. They should also reject the idiotic presumption that alcoholics and drug addicts can never be free. Using LSD and psychotherapy Timothy Leary was able to completely reimprint violent criminals in the 60s. Decades later, none of them had committed new crimes. Using TM (Transcendental Meditation) the leader of the Natural Law Party claimed to have reformed thousands of California prisoners without even one repeat offender. You can cure more people with Om than the drug dispensers can cure with all the drugs in America. They cannot even cure one. The technologies exist, are real and they work. But they are being purposely and systematically suppressed to trick you into purchasing pseudotechnologies based on drugs and chemicals, snake oil products of the 21st Century. In the Quran, people who suppress or bury true technologies are called Kaafiruwn, i.e., coverers. (This word has been incorrectly translated disbelievers.)

The Utchau Metut Weighing of the Words

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Lie Detectors in Ancient Egypt

In the most advanced civilization in Earths history, ancient kamit, the initiate had to undergo certain tests in the Hall of Maat. One test was called the Weighing of the Words and the other was the weighing of the heart. Egyptologists call it the psychostasis. Let me say here that what we know of Egypt is, by the kamitians own honest admission, the decline of Egypt and the real Egypt reached its pinnacle long before. They called that period Zep Tepi or the first time using astronomy, it is now believed that Zep Tepi was 10,500 B.C. Zep Tepi probably is much farther back than 10,500 B.C. It is probably the same as the Hindu Satya Yuga and the kamitic dynasty of the gods. The pictures show that the initiate is judged by having his heart placed in one pan and a feather placed in another on a scale. The initiate of each statement is carefully read by Anpu (Anubis) who reports it to Tehuti (Thoth) for recording. If the initiate passes, she is pronounced true of speech. If she fails, her heart is fed to the monster Aum-mit. Although distorted by times passage and the loss of true science, the weighing of the words depicts the worlds oldest lie detector test. The heart and feather represent the ratio between the pulse beat and breathrate (and depth) of the person being examined. If he lies, the ratio (balance) between the two is minutely altered.

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Lie Detectors in Ancient Egypt

The scale is a machine. Anubis (symbol of the technician) reports the machines results to Tehuti (the scientist) who must record and interpret the readings. This is understanding of the weighing of words and heart is filled with implications. One obvious one is that the machine had to be powered and that means there was a power source. Egyptologists have viewed Egypt solely through religious lenses and have ignored the scientific clues. For example, Tehuti was the god of medicine and his sacred animal was an ape. The ape was revered as teaching mankind all manner of truths. In India he was Hanuman, the monkey god, and in China the monkey who journeyed to the West and performed 72 miracles. Simply put, the top medical scientists (Tehuti) experimented upon apes and thereby discovered and revealed many magical (i.e., scientific) cures for men. Thus the ape taught men great truths and was revered because of that. And therein lies the difference between the African Egyptian mind and Western pseudoculture. Western man denigrates those lower animals whose deaths and suffering make his life comfortable. African Egyptian reveres those same animals as elder brothers and teachers and deifies them. Like our elder Egyptian brothers before us we Fitrans are not Ludite anti-technologists. We seek to use technology to advance spiritual cultivation. We can use sensory depravation chambers to achieve the yogic state of the withdrawal of the senses. Sound systems can produce mantric sound vibrations that specifically activate brain centers for spiritual growth. Holographic imagery can produce the kind of visionary experiences used to reprogram behavioral reactions. The problem is not technology (Anubis, Haruman, etc.). The problem arrives when the dog (technology) is no longer guided by the wisdom of the sages (Tehuti). Then Anubis degenerates into a wild dog who has to be put down to assure human safety. That is where technology is today. Nature (Fitrah) gave us an illustration of that when the chimp (symbolizing technology) went wild and attacked the woman. The cops had to shoot the chimp to death. A similar incident occurred between a chimp and a man. The trainer represented those factors that are supposed to act as civilizers and harnessers of technology. These include
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Lie Detectors in Ancient Egypt

the Masonic orders, philosophers and (now spiritually blind and bankrupt) religious leaders. Theyve gotten lax on the job and instead of training, theyre paling around and even sleeping with the apes (in bed with the corporations). So the apes got out of control (pseudo technology run wild) and returned to its wild and dangerous state. There are signs all around us, omens and portents from Nature (the manifestation of God). But not too many people pay attention to those signs of can properly interpret them. Only high initiates could be trusted to hold portions of authority in ancient Kamit. That prevented the kinds of abuses that are rampant in the Wests institutions, including its churches and schools. Before a person is allowed to be a judge, district attorney, school teacher, lawyer, congressman, psychologist, army officer, priest, imam, president or bank CEO he or she should be hooked up to a lie detector and made to give the 42 negative confessions.

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