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QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Respondent, I am Akhil Berry, a student of BBA final year at Sri Aurobindo College of Commerce and Management,

Ludhiana. This survey is being conducted on the topic Impact of HR policies and practices on Employee Retention. The information provided by you will be kept confidential and will be used for academic purpose only. Demographic Questions The following questions concern your position and other personal information. Completion of this information is voluntary and confidentiality is assured. Name . Where do you work? ................................................................................................

1. 2.

What is your job title? .............................................................................................


How long have you been working for this organisation? ............... Years.............Months


Do you supervise others? a. Yes b. No


How much is your total work experience? ............... Years.............Months


How long have you worked for your immediate supervisor? ............... Years.............Months


Gender a) Male b) Female


Your demographic Address (tick any) a. Urban b. Rural



a) 20-30 years b) 30-40 years c) 40-50 years

d) 50 and above (Please specify)


Present monthly Income a. Nil b. 0-10000 c. 10000-20000 d. 20000-30000 e. 30000 and above


Highest level of Qualification a. Did not complete high school b. High school/ equivalent c. Diploma d. 10+2 e. Bachelors Degree f. Masters Degree g. Any Other (Please Specify) Phone no. .


Topic Questions (tick in the blanks) HR PRACTICES


My Working Conditions are good Strongly agree _____Agree_____ Disagree _____Strongly Disagree_____ Not Sure____


The recruitment and selection processes in this organisation are impartial Strongly agree _____Agree_____ Disagree _____Strongly Disagree_____ Not Sure____


Favouritism is not evident in any of the selection process in this organisation Strongly agree _____Agree_____ Disagree _____Strongly Disagree_____ Not Sure____


All appointments in this organisation are based upon merit (i.e. the person for job related regardless of their personal characteristics) Strongly agree _____Agree_____ Disagree _____Strongly Disagree_____ Not Sure____


This organisation has provided me with training opportunities enabling me to extend my range of skills and abilities Strongly agree _____Agree_____ Disagree _____Strongly Disagree_____ Not Sure____


I get the opportunity to discuss my training and development requirements with my employer Strongly agree _____Agree_____ Disagree _____Strongly Disagree_____ Not Sure____


My organisation pays for any work related training and/or development I want to undertake Strongly agree _____Agree_____ Disagree _____Strongly Disagree_____ Not Sure____


This organisation is committed to the training and development of its employees Strongly agree _____Agree_____ Disagree _____Strongly Disagree_____ Not Sure____


This organisation is committed to build strong relationship between its employees Strongly agree _____Agree_____ Disagree _____Strongly Disagree_____ Not Sure____

If you answer in negative to any of the above questions please explain why? ________________________________________________________________________ JOB SATISFACTION

My salary/wage is fair considering what other people are paid (a) Extremely Satisfied ___ (b) Satisfied___(c) Neutral___(d) Dissatisfied____ (e) Extremely Dissatisfied___


The feeling of worthwhile accomplished I get from doing my job (a) Extremely Satisfied ___ (b) Satisfied___(c) Neutral ___(d) Dissatisfied____ (e) Extremely Dissatisfied___


The amount of support and guidance I receive from my superior/supervisor (a) Extremely Satisfied ___ (b) Satisfied___(c) Neutral ___(d) Dissatisfied____ (e) Extremely Dissatisfied___


The amount of challenge in my job (a) Extremely Satisfied ___ (b) Satisfied___(c) Neutral ___(d) Dissatisfied____ (e) Extremely Dissatisfied___


The amount of independent thought and action I can exercise in my job (a) Extremely Satisfied ___ (b) Satisfied___(c) Neutral ___(d) Dissatisfied____ (e) Extremely Dissatisfied___


I am willing to put in a great deal of effort beyond that normally expected in order to help this organisation be successful (a) Extremely Satisfied ___ (b) Satisfied___(c) Neutral ___(d) Dissatisfied____ (e) Extremely Dissatisfied___


I talk up this organisation to my friends as great organisation to work for (a) Extremely Satisfied ___ (b) Satisfied___(c) Neutral ___(d) Dissatisfied____ (e) Extremely Dissatisfied___


I feel very little loyalty to this organisation

(a) Extremely Satisfied ___ (b) Satisfied___(c) Neutral ___(d) Dissatisfied____ (e) Extremely Dissatisfied___

There is not too much to be gained by sticking with this organisation indefinitely (a) Extremely Satisfied ___ (b) Satisfied___(c) Neutral ___(d) Dissatisfied____ (e) Extremely Dissatisfied___


Deciding to work for this organisation was a definite mistake on my part (a) Extremely Satisfied ___ (b) Satisfied___(c) Neutral ___(d) Dissatisfied____ (e) Extremely Dissatisfied___


I feel emotionally attached to this organisation (a) Extremely Satisfied ___ (b) Satisfied___(c) Neutral ___(d) Dissatisfied____ (e) Extremely Dissatisfied___


I think a lot about leaving this organisation Strongly agree ____ Agree____Disagree ____ Strongly Disagree____Not Sure_____


I am actively searching for an alternative for this organisation Strongly agree ____ Agree____Disagree ____ Strongly Disagree____Not Sure_____


As soon as it is possible I will leave this organisation Strongly agree ____ Agree____Disagree ____ Strongly Disagree____Not Sure_____


If I had another job offer that paid the same as the one I have or slightly lesser, I would here in a minute Strongly agree ____ Agree____Disagree ____ Strongly Disagree____Not Sure_____

What kind of work environment do you prefer? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

In detail share some of the positive and negative experiences you have encountered with your organisation ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
Thanks for spending your valuable time

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