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Soumava Consumers online Bandyopadhyay, privacy concerns: 2012 causes and effects Analis is Kepedulian terhadap Regre kerahasiaan konsumen si online : sebab dan efek

The privacy concerns of American consumers are found to negatively impact their willingness to provide personal information to web sites, their willingness to engage in e-commerce transactions, and even their willingness to surf the Internet. The implications of the findings for web site managers and designers are discussed.

Limitation The respondents were randomly selected from the online consumer panel of a major market research company. Alto- gether, 264 completed surveys were received. Of the 264 respondents, 147 (55.7%) were female.

Adanya keraguan/kekhaw atiran konsumen online dalam bertransaksi di internet Perhatian konsumen Amerika

Jumlah sampel responden tidak sebanding dengan pengguna konsumen online yang ada di US Penelitian ini hanya berlaku untuk kondisi konsumen online di US saja

Conclusion We presented the results of an empirical test to in- vestigate the influence of specific factors on the on- line privacy concerns of consumers in the United States, and the interrelationships among those fac- tors. We also identified the undesirable outcomes of consumers online privacy concerns on Internet marketers, e.g., reluctance to disclose personal in- formation online, and reluctance to engage in ecommerce transactions. Online marketers need to understand the influencing factors and address them appropriately (as outlined in the managerial implications), so that consumers online privacy concerns are reduced and they are willing to disclose personal information on the Internet, and participate in e- commerce.

Results Dibuat narasi berdasarkan hasil tabel ( grouping + dan - )

ditemukan secara negative berdampak terhadap keinginan konsumen dalam menyediakan informasi pribadinya ke website, keinginan mereka dalam bertransaksi di ecommerce, bahkan keinginan mereka dalam menggunakan internet. Implikasi dari temuan tersebut menjadi bahan diskusi manajer website dan perancang website

Penelitian mempresentasiikan

ini hasil

tes empiris dalam meneliti pengaruh faktor tertentu pada masalah privasi di dan antara

konsumen Amerika keterkaitan

online Serikat, di

faktor-faktor tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi hasil

yang tidak diinginkan dari kekhawatiran akan hal

masalah privasi konsumen online di pemasar internet, misalnya, untuk keengganan mengungkapkan

informasi pribadi secara online, dan keengganan

untuk Pemasar



transaksi e-commerce. online perlu



yang mempengaruhi dan menempatkan secara tepat mereka sehingga konsumen

kekhawatiran online menjadi mereka

akan hal privasi berkurang bersedia dan untuk

mengungkapkan informasi pribadi di internet, dan berpartisipasi commerce . dalam e-

Hypothe ses+ Online privacy concerns H Perceived vulnerability 1 H Perceived ability to control Online privacy concerns 2 H Perceived ability to control Perceived vulnerability 3 H Internet literacy Perceived vulnerability 4 H Social awareness + Perceived vulnerability 5 H Internet literacy + Perceived ability to control 6 H Social awareness + Perceived ability to control 7 H Online privacy concerns Willingness to provide personal 8 information online H Online privacy concerns Willingness to participate in e9 commerce H10 Online privacy concerns Willingness to use the Internet

Result Supported (p < .001) Supported (p < .001) Supported (p < .01) Supported (p < .01) Supported (p < .05) Supported (p < .001) Supported (p < .001) Supported (p < .001) Supported (p < .001) Supported (p < .001)

No. 2

Author, year

Tools Brand equity structural Rosa E. for online companies equation Rios, modelling.chi Hernan E. Kekuatan Merek square test Riquelme Perusahaan Online ,2008


Findings This study nds partial support for the application of the ofine brand equity theoretical framework based on brand awareness, brand associations and loyalty for online companies. Brand loyalty and brand value associations directly create brand equity Studi ini menemukan dukungan parsial untuk penerapan kekuatan merek dari perusahaan offline secara teoritis kerangka kerja berdasarkan kesadaran merek, asosiasi merek dan loyalitas untuk perusahaan online. loyalitas merek dan nilai merek berhubungan secara langsung dalam penciptakan kekuatan merek

Limitation The study is crosssectional, the indicators or observable variables used in this study may not be deemed comprehensive enough, no interaction effects have been incorporated, and nally, the research study was based on a few online business retailers Penelitian ini adalah lintas sektotal, indikator atau variabel pengamatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini tidak cukup komprehensif, tidak ada efek interaksi yang tergabung dan akhirnya, studi penelitian ini hanya

Conclusion Results This study nds partial support in defence of the application of the ofine brand equity theoretical framework based on brand awareness, brand associations and loyalty for online companies. Brand loyalty and brand value associations directly create brand equity. The results in this study are supportive of the view that consumers perceived sense of value resulting from a transaction with an online business develops in loyalty. Also, brand trust association and brand awareness indirectly contribute to creating brand equity through their inuence on loyalty. Loyalty is by far the most important source of brand equity

didasarkan pada sedikit pengecer bisnis online

because of its direct inuence and mediating role in creating brand equity. The study has implications for practitioners who are interested in managing brand equity. First, it appears that value and loyalty are the two most important factors in creating brand equity. Hence, managers are advised to identify what constitutes value for their consumers vis-a ` -vis their competitors. In this research, consumers perceive value of online companies in the availability of a broad range of products, value for money, and a tool that allows them to compare prices. Second, although trust did not directly create brand

equity, we suggest they are of signicant use to a brand manager. Our study demonstrates that this factor has a strong inuence on loyalty a cornerstone of brand equity. The same rationale for trust applies to developing marketing activities to create awareness and recognition of a brand. Once consumers have reached a threshold of awareness and recognition of the brand, the companys effort should move to communicate value and reinforce loyalty Studi ini menemukan dukungan parsial untuk penerapan kekuatan merek dari perusahaan offline secara teoritis kerangka kerja berdasarkan kesadaran merek, asosiasi merek

dan loyalitas untuk perusahaan online. loyalitas merek dan nilai merek berhubungan secara langsung dalam penciptakan kekuatan merek

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