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N, F. F'yle?, W. E. Row, and C. W. Cain

C ES 4yt r on
NewburyIjort, Mass.
This paper describes a three-gun, t r i col or pi ct ur e t ube of basi cal l y improved
design. Its pi ct ure i s presented on phosphors appl i ed di r ect l y t o t he curved i nt er nal
face of the tube. With a ' curved screen, a curved mask which self -supporting i s
used. The mask knd the springs to hold it in place weigh only six ounces This
s hpl e , l i ght , ye t rugged st r uct ur e is mounted di r ect l y on t he face pl at e. Three
snall llV1l-shaped surfaces on the mask r e s t on t hree hemispheres molded di r ect l y on
the glass t o l ocat e t he mask precisely. No adjustment i s required a t assembly. The
phosphor dot s are pl aced di rect l y on the curved gl ass f ace pl at e by a photographic
process, using the individual mask belonging t o that tube as a negative. The screen
will exact l y regi st er wi t h i t s mask because they are images of one another. The curved
screen face plate serves also to close the envelope just as it does i n t he black-and-
xhite tube.
Advantages r esul t i ng from this design are discussed. The improvements i n mecha-
ni cal si mpl i ci t y, ease of manufacture, size, weight, thermal-stability, electron
opt i cs, pi ct ur e qual i t y, and ci r cui t s t abi l i t y ar e shoym t o stem from the use of a
spheri cal mask and a spher i cal f ace pl at e, The performance of a developmental tube
of t hi s desi gn i s given. The pr act i cabi l i t y of al t er nat e forms of t hi s t ube, in-
cluding rectangular screen types in rectangular bulbs is examined. The pos s i bi l i t y
of using much of the cpnventional factory equipment f o r black-and-white picture tubes
t o make t hi s new color tube is discussed.
J. I. Pankove and C W, Mueller
RCA Laboratories Division
Princeton, N. J.
This paper describes a new medium frequency (0.3 t o 3 mc) PNP transistor com-
pared with previously described units of t hi s t ype. The new unit ( neut r al i zed t o
eliminate feedback) w i l l give power gains as high as 39 do a t 45s' kc, 1 2 db a t 10 mc
and has an os ci l l at i on limit of mc. A noi se f act or at 1 rnc of as l ow 3 db i s
For f ul l paper see Proc. I.R.E., vole pp.326-334; J a ~~a r Y, , l 9 %.
For full paper see Proc. I.R.E., vol. 42, pp.386-391; February, 19%.

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