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DIRECTIONS: You are to complete the following: if you are in periods 1,3,5 you are to answer the odd numbered questions. If you are in periods 2 or 6 you are to answer the even numbered questions. I would recommend that if you do not know any answers, bring them to class each day and I will spend the first 5 minutes answering questions. To complete these questions, you will need to write up the question and write up your responsesHIGHLIGHT THE QUESTIONS. I prefer that you WRITE THE QUESTIONS IN ONE COLOR AND ANSWERS IN A DIFFERENT COLOR. Please skip a line between the answer and the next question. In order to be graded, I must be able to read them. I do realize that this is a rather large assignment, but it will be of great assistance in terms of preparing for the final exam and national exam. You have roughly 3 weeks (DUE ON MAY 14TH) to complete and it is worth 96 pts. Good luck my friends! Please remind me to inform you about the GREAT EC OPPORTUNITY with this assignment, you will like it. Presidency 2. In what ways can the president check the power of the: Congress Bureaucracy Judiciary

4. In what policy areas is there an overlap of responsibilities when considering the Cabinet, Executive Office and the White House Staff?

Federalism 6. The relationship between the national government and the state governments has changed significantly over the last century. Describe the key components of the federal relationship and discuss what has caused the significant changes alluded to earlier.

8. What advantages and disadvantages does the federal system have on democracy?

10. What impact has federalism had on: Civil Rights Policy Social Welfare Policy Environment Policy


12. Explain how each of the following two provisions in the Bill of Rights limits the powers of the national government Establishment Clause Guarantee of a public trial

Political Parties 14. Why does the United States have a two-party system?

16. Discuss the impact that third parties have on the American political process.

18. Compare and contrast political parties and pressure groups. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each?

Media 20. Describe how the media influences campaign strategies and electoral outcome.

Public Policy 22. Environmental policy making involves a few groups. Who are they and explain why policy making is challenging?

24. What are the major social-welfare programs?

26. What are the problems with health care in America? Provide recent (last few decades) information.


28. Discuss the various special interests involved in the health care issue. Indicate how they may frustrate a comprehensive solution to the health care problem.

Bureaucracy 30. Describe how the bureaucracy is organized.

32. How can the President and Congress control the bureaucracy? Why do they usually struggle in this endeavor?

34. Describe one key characteristic of the merit system

36. For each of the following, explain one Constitutional provision that it can use to check the bureaucracy Congress The courts Interest groups

Budget 38. What was the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act? Did it work?

Congress 40. Describe at least four advantages of Incumbency.


42. Discuss how the congressional committees function in making and implementing public policy in the following areas: Legislation Confirmation of presidential appointees Oversight of the bureaucracy

44. Describe the main/major differences between the House and the Senate.

Voting Behavior 46. Identify the characteristics of political socialization and indicate how they influenced voting in the last two decades.

Judiciary and Civil Rights 48. Identify the factors which influence a presidential appointment of a federal judge. (Think recently)

50. It is sometimes said that the Supreme Court follows election returns. Implying that the Court cannot stray far from public opinion in its decisions. Evaluate the evidence that both supports and refutes this notion.

52. How can an activist court be controlled?

54. Explain how two of the following might present opportunities to racial minority groups in their efforts to achieve political goals. Federalism The United States political party system The United States electoral system


Constitution 56. What has enabled the Constitution to retain its viability for over 200 years?

58. Explain two of the following provisions of the Constitution and how each has been used over time to expand federal power. The power to tax and spend The necessary and proper or elastic clause The commerce clause

Interest Groups 60. Political Action Committees (PACs) seek to influence public policy in the US government. Describe 2 ways in which PACs seek to influence public policy in the US. Describe 1 way in which the federal government has tried to limit the influence of PACs. (If possible, tie in Citizens United v. FEC)

62. Interest groups engage in a variety of activities to affect public policy. Explain how each of the following is used by interest groups to exert influence over policy. Grassroots mobilization Lobbying of government institutions Litigation

64. Describe 2 techniques interest groups use to influence elections B. Explain how interest groups use each of the following to influence government decision making -Issue networks (also known as Iron Triangles) -Amicus Curiae Briefs C. Explain how each of the following serves to limit interest group influence -The media -Pluralism

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