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George, B.P., Henthorne, T.L., and Panko, T.R. (2012). ASQ: Measuring Perceived Quality in the Airport Setting. International Journal of Business Excellence, Forthcoming.


Factor 1: Physical layout (12 items) Tata Letak Terminal

1. Airport layout makes it easy for passengers to find what is needed (restaurants, gates, etc.). Tata letak Bandara memudahkan penumpang untuk menemukan apa yang dibutuhkan 2. Airport has designated smoking areas. Airport menyediakan fasilitas terpisah area merokok 3. Airport has quiet areas in case one wants to nap, read, or do business. Airport memiliki area yang tenang dalam hal seseorang ingin tidur siang, membaca, atau melakukan bisnis. 4. Airport facilities and amenities (restaurants, restrooms, shops) are conveniently located. Fasilitas bandara dan amenities(restoran, toilet, toko) berlokasi yang nyaman. 5. Parking lots are easily accessible from the terminals. Parkir mudah diakses dari terminal 6. Airport terminals are designed so as to minimize waiting lines. Terminal bandara dirancang untuk meminimalkan antrean. 7. Moving walkways and escalators are located throughout the terminal. Trotoar pejalan kaki dan eskalator pada lokasi di seluruh terminal 8. Airport is neat, clean,and tidy. Bandara rapi, bersih, dan nyaman 9. Airport waiting areas provide comfortable seating. Ruang tunggu bandara menyediakan tempat duduk yang nyaman 10. Airport rest rooms offer baby changing tables. Kamar kecil di bandara menyediakan meja ganti bayi. 11. Airport has ample open spaces to prevent crowding. Airport memiliki ruang terbuka yang cukup untuk mencegah ketidak teraturan 12. Large windows provide external views. Jendela yang besar memberikan pandangan eksternal

Factor 2: Aesthetics (5 items) Estetika

1. Airport displays beautiful works of art. Bandara menampilkan karya seni yang indah. 2. Airport decor matches well with the local culture of the city. Dekorasi Bandara sesuai/serasi dengan budaya lokal. 3. Soothing music plays throughout facilities and terminals. Memainkan musik yang menenangkan diseluruh fasilitas dan terminal 4. Airport possesses dcor that matches the current style. Bandara memiliki dekorasi yang sesuai dengan gaya saat ini. 5. Airport offers plenty of natural light through windows, skylights, etc. Airport menampilkan banyak cahaya alami melalui jendela, skylight, dll

Factor 3: Employee attitude and behavior (10 items) Sikap dan perilaku Petugas

1. Airport staff exhibit dedicated interest in solving passenger problems. Penampilan petugas bandara berdedikasi baik dalam membantu menyelesaikan masalah penumpang 2. Airport staff dress professionally. Petugas bandara berpakaian profesional. 3. Airport staff quickly respond to customer requests. Petugas bandara cepat menanggapi permintaan pengguna jasa. 4. Airport staff make passengers feel trustworthy. Petugas bandara membuat penumpang merasa dipercaya. 5. Airport staff are courteous. Petugas bandara sopan. 6. The way an airport employee is dressed helps passengers identify his or her function. Petugas bandara berpakaian yang dapat membantu mengidentifikasi penumpang nya atau fungsi nya. 7. Employees the airport are available to inform passengers of any flight changes. Petugas bandara siap untuk menginformasikan penumpang dari setiap perubahan penerbangan 8. The employees at the airport greet passengers with a smile. Petugas di bandara menyapa penumpang dengan senyum. 9. Airport service executives respond to passengers complaints quickly and justifiably. Pelayanan airport eksekutif merespon keluhan penumpang secara cepat dan dibenarkan. 10. Employees at an airport are knowledgeable about local areas of interest. Petugas di bandara memiliki pengetahuan tentang kepentingan lokal. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. A variety of food choices are available at the airport. Ample opportunities to enjoy the local cuisine are available at the airport. Airport employees are available to direct passengers to any airport service. Airport employees are available to offer passengers individualized attention. National chain restaurants are present at the airport. Restaurants and snack bars at an airport are not exploitative. There are many well-known retail outlets at airports. There exist a variety of specialty retail stores at the airport that portray the local culture. The retail outlets at the airport do not rip off the customers. I have the opportunity to shop for a wide variety of things at the airport, if I wanted.

Factor 4: Eateries (6 items) Restauran

Factor 5: Shopping (4 items) Pertokoan

Factor 6: Transit support (6 items) Fas. Pindah Penerbangan

1. A variety of ground transportation options are available. 2. Enoughelectric passenger transfer carts are available to assist passengers when changing planes. 3. It is easy to buy tickets for local transportation. 4. Local transportation services are reasonably priced. 5. All the terminals at the airport are well interconnected with high speed transit systems. 6. Passengers are not made to walk long distances within the airport. 1. The public announcement system at the airport is audible in all areas of an airport terminal.

Factor 7: Information dissemination (7 items)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The airport has ample flight information displays in the terminals. There are tourist information counters at the airport to serve tourists local sightseeing needs. Quick means of obtaining information on local hotels are available at the airport. Flight information displays do not confuse passengers. The airports external signs clearly direct me to different service areas. There are flight information displays outside of the terminals (parking lots, access roads).

Factor 8: Security, customs, and passport control (9 items)

Passengers are not made to go back-and-forth through security to access airport services. Passenger check-in and boarding processesare swiftand streamlined. Airport security measures are not cumbersome beyond serving a useful purpose. The airport customs officials do not trouble passengers unnecessarily about theirbaggage. The immigration service at the airport does not ask passengers unnecessary questions. The immigration service at the airport does not hold passengers unjustifiably long time. After landing, passengers are not made to wait a lot of time on the airplane before disembarking. 8. The immigration service at the airport does not behave with passengers as if they are criminals. 9. During the passport control process passengers do not feel as if they are about to be deported.

Factor 9: Baggage handling procedures (4 items) Prosedur pelayanan Bagasi

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The baggage carts at the airport are conveniently located. The waiting time for baggage collection after the flight is not too long. The baggage claim service is located close to the passport control point. In general, baggage handling at the airport is efficient. Conference facilities are available at the airport. The airport has business centers to provide computers, phones, faxes, and Internet services. Mail facilities are available at the airport, including postage machines and drop boxes. Adequate level of banking services is available to meet passengers needs. The airport provides decent quality Internet access for the use of passengers. The Wi-Fi service at the airport is provided free of cost to the passengers.

Factor 10: Business support facilities (6 items) Fasilitas Bisnis

Factor 11: Miscellaneous extra facilities (5 items) Lain-lain fasilitas ekstra

1. There are places of worship at the airport. Ada tempat-tempat ibadah di bandara. 2. The airport offers services such as massage booths, salons, and recliner lounges. Bandara menyediakan layanan seperti stand pijat, salon, dan kursi istirahat. 3. Childrens play areas are available at the airport terminals. 4. There are gymnasiums for passengers to use during a layover at the airport. 5. The airport has educational facilities for passengers to engage during layovers.

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