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Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

APROXIMACION A LOS PRECIOS INTERNACIONALES & FICHAS TECNICAS DE SUBPRODUCTOS DE ALOE VERA QUE SE COMERCIALIZAN INTERNACIONALMENTE. Abril de 2008 Preparado por: Manuel V. Fernandez Arroyo Economista Secretario Tcnico Nacional de la Cadena Productiva de la Sbila Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural Con la colaboracin de la estudiante de grado Alina Leonor Gmez INTRODUCCION En el escenario mundial de la produccin, transformacin y comercio del Aloe Vera, sobresalen, segn la IASC1 regiones del mundo como: Mxico Republica Dominicana China India Tailandia Para los propsitos del presente documento se han tomado los precios y fichas tcnicas de empresas localizadas en Mxico y la China como, como referencia base. Es decir, los precios y caractersticas de los subproductos que los citados pases ofrecen mundialmente, se constituyen en una referencia a tener en cuenta en cualquier ejercicio de planeacin econmica y/o tcnica. Es de importancia no perder de vista las unidades de medida, las tasas de cambio, los costos logsticos, entre otras variables a corregir y/o ajustar entre los precios de esos pases y los internos de Colombia. Tambin es importante tener en cuenta el grado de desarrollo tecnolgico.

Por las siglas en ingles: Concilio Internacional Cientfico del Aloe. Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405

Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

MEXICO Empresa: Aloe Jaumave. Aloe Jaumave: Contacto: Arturo Bonilla:

Calle Mndez No. 501, Jaumave, Tam., Mxico, C.P. 87930, Tel.: (52) 832 33 6 00 99 Fax: (52) 832 33 6 01 70 Precios EXW Jaumave Mxico (Mayo 2007): Producto Gel de Aloe 100:1 Gel de Aloe 200:1 Gel de Aloe Gel de Aloe vera en polvo (deshidratado) vera en polvo (deshidratado) vera en polvo (freeze dryer) 100:1 vera en polvo (freeze dryer) 200:1 Precio U$D/kg 109 178 124 199

Ubicacin de Jaumave se encuentra en el Estado de Tamaulipas, en la parte Norte de Mxico, a 300 kilmetros del Golfo de Mxico. Tomado de Ntese que los precios estn expresados EXW, es decir en la planta. Para hacer comparaciones apropiadas con precios colombianos habr que hacer clculos de tipo logsticos como: 1. 2. 3. 4. Transporte del la Planta a un puerto, areo o martimo. Costos del transporte Costos de seguro Costos de operaciones portuarias de embarque en Mxico y desembarque en puerto colombiano. 5. Costos de Nacionalizacin 6. Costos relativos a la logstica interna.

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405

Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

La planta de la empresa esta ubicada en el centro del pas:

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405

Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

CHINA Empresa: Evergreen: Evergreen (Yunnan Yuanjiang Evergreen Biological Industry Group Co, Ltda).

Contacto: Mr. Wang Chao:; Tel:+86-871-8313676 Fax:+86-871-8313701 Cell phone:+86-13759127 Precios FOB Macao Producto Precio U$D/kg Fecha precios Gel de Aloe vera en polvo (spray dryer) 100:1 85 junio 2007 Gel de Aloe vera en polvo (spray dryer) 200:1 120 junio 2007 Gel de Aloe vera en polvo (freeze dryer) 100:1 90 2006 Gel de Aloe vera en polvo (freeze dryer) 200:1 160 2006 Gel de Aloe Vera 10:1 9 2006 Concentrado 10:1 de la hoja entera de Aloe vera 7,5 2006 Cubos de Gel de Aloe Vera 1,1 2006 Jugo de pulpa de gel de Aloe vera 1,1 2006 Jugo 1:1 de la hoja entera de Aloe vera 1,1 2006 Jugo 1:1 de Gel de Aloe vera 1,3 2006 Gel concentrado 10:1 de Aloe Vera 9 2006 Polvo de corteza de Aloe Vera 9 2006 Polvo seco de la hoja entera de Aloe vera 12 2006 Polvo de Aloe ferox 12 2006 Macao es un importante puerto martimo ubicado en la costa oriental de China, Ntese que los precios estn expresados FOB, es decir a bordo del barco en Macao. Para hacer comparaciones apropiadas con precios colombianos habr que hacer clculos de tipo logsticos como:

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405

Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

1. 2. 3. 4.

Costo del Flete Martimo Costos de operaciones portuarias de desembarque en puerto colombiano. Costos de Nacionalizacin Costos relativos a la logstica interna.

Ubicacin de la empresa Evergreen en China. Tomado de

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405

Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

FICHAS TCNICAS GEL DE ALOE VERA EN POLVO 100:1 WL FD Nombre del Producto: Polvo de Aloe vera 100:1 WL FD Fuente Botnica: Aloe barbadensis Usos: Este jugo es extrado de hojas frescas de Aloe vera, usando tecnologa avanzada. Es estabilizado a temperatura normal, libre de grmenes, con una membrana esterilizada, antes de empacarse y del secado en fro. Este jugo contiene Barbalona, compuesto antronal, polisacridos de aloe, cidos orgnicos y muchos otros compuestos activos. Adems del amplio uso en la manufactura de cosmticos, cuidado del cabello, frmacos, brebajes, alimentos, este producto es tambin adoptado como ingrediente principal en muchos artculos de salud para mejorar el sistema inmune humano, reducir la grasa y azcar en la sangre, regular la presin sangunea, mantenimiento del hgado y el estmago, y remover manchas en belleza. Estadsticas Fsicas Estado fsico Polisacridos del Aloe (mg/100ml) Barbalona (mg/100ml) PH Absorbancia (400nm) Agua (%) Pruebas Microbiolgicas Conteo de Bacterias Totales (cfu/ml) Coliformes (MPN/100ml) Moho (cfu/ml) Bacterias patognicas Especificacin polvo Amarillo claro ~ amarillo NLT 3000.0 NLT 500.0 3.5~4.7 NMT 2.5 NMT 5

NMT 100 NMT 3 NMT 10 Negativo

Nota: Los valores de PH y absorbancia son calculados para jugo de Aloe vera 1:1. Precaucin: Guardar en un lugar fro y seco, libre de la luz y humedad, protegido de la oxidacin. Este producto es una preparacin de Aloe natural, el cual se oscurece despus de un almacenamiento prolongado. Vida til: Dos aos.
Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405

Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

GEL DE ALOE VERA EN POLVO 200:1 FD Nombre del Producto: Gel de Aloe vera en Polvo 200:1 FD Fuente Botnica: Aloe barbadensis Usos: Este jugo es extrado de las hojas de frescas de Aloe vera, procesadas con alta tecnologa. Es estabilizado a temperatura normal, libre de grmenes, con una membrana esterilizada, antes de empacarse y de liofilizarse. Este jugo fue contiene Barbalona, compuesto antronal, polisacridos de aloe, cidos orgnicos y muchos otros compuestos activos. Adems del amplio uso en la manufactura de cosmticos, cuidado del cabello, frmacos, brebajes, alimentos, este producto es tambin adoptado como ingrediente principal en muchos artculo de salud para mejorar el sistema inmune humano, para problemas de estreimiento, reducir la grasa y azcar en la sangre, regular la presin sangunea, mantenimiento del hgado y el estmago, y remover manchas en belleza. Estadsticas Fsicas Estado fsico Polisacridos de Aloe (mg/100ml) Barbalona (mg/100ml) PH Absorbancia (400nm) Agua (%) Pruebas Microbiolgicas Conteo de Bacterias Totales (cfu/ml) Coliformes (MPN/100ml) Moho (cfu/ml) Bacterias Patognicas Especificacin Polvo crema ~ blanco NLT 12000.0 NMT 0.8 3.5~4.7 NMT 0.2 NMT 5

NMT 100 NMT 3 NMT 10 Negativo

Nota: Los valores de PH y absorbancia son calculados para jugo de Aloe vera 1:1. Precaucin: Guardar en un lugar fro y seco, libre de la luz y humedad, protegido de la oxidacin. Este producto es una preparacin de Aloe natural, el cual se oscurece despus de un almacenamiento prolongado. Vida til: Dos aos.
Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405

Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

JUGO CONCENTRADO 10:1 DE GEL DE ALOE VERA Nombre Del Producto: Jugo de Aloe Vera concentrado 10:1 Fuente Botnica: Aloe barbadensis Usos: Este jugo es extrado de hojas frescas de Aloe vera, procesadas con tecnologa avanzada. Es estabilizado a temperatura normal, libre de grmenes, con una membrana esterilizada, antes de empacarse y del secado en fro. Este jugo fue contiene polisacridos de aloe, cidos orgnicos y muchos otros compuestos activos. Adems del amplio uso en la manufactura de cosmticos, cuidado del cabello, frmacos, brebajes, alimentos, este producto es tambin adoptado como ingrediente principal en muchos artculos de salud para mejorar el sistema inmune humano, reducir la grasa y azcar en la sangre, regular la presin sangunea, mantenimiento del hgado y el estmago, y remover manchas en belleza. Estadsticas Fsicas Estado fsico Polisacridos de Aloe (mg/100ml) Barbalona(mg/100ml) PH Absorbancia (400nm) Slido Soluble (%) Peso especfico Pruebas Microbiolgicas Conteo de Bacterias Totales (cfu/ml) Coliformes(MPN/100ml) Moho (cfu/ml) Bacterias Patognicas Especificacin Lquido viscoso de color crema NLT 600.0 NMT 50.0 3.5~4.7 NMT 0.2 NLT 5.0 1.000~1.080

NMT 100 NMT 3 NMT 10 Negativo

Nota: Los valores de PH y absorbancia son calculados para jugo de Aloe vera 1:1. Precaucin: Este jugo es el producto de Aloe vera natural. Cuando es abierto, se ennegrece gradualmente el color. Observar que se puede sedimentar despus de un almacenamiento prolongado. Proteger de la oxidacin y guardar en un cuarto de temperatura. Como el producto no contiene, ni aditivos ni preservativos, stos debern ser agregados despus de abierto. Vida til: Un ao
Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405

Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

CUBOS DE GEL DE ALOE VERA Nombre Del Producto: Cubos de Gel de Aloe vera Fuente Botnica: Aloe barbadensis Usos: Este producto fue manufacturado seleccionando las hojas frescas, pelando y cortando las hojas de gel de ale vera en cubos, luego se lavan y esterilizan. Este producto puede ser usado como pasabocas en restaurantes, cantinas, tiendas de bebidas fras, igualmente en brebaje y yogurt manufacturados, y para elevar el valor nutricional de los productos que se consumen a diario. Estadsticas Fsicas Estado fsico Polisacridos de Aloe (mg/100ml) Peso neto ( g ) PH Slido ( % ) Slido Soluble (%) Tasa de slido Especificacin Grnulos translcidos levemente amarillos NLT 40.0 250~5000 3.2~4.7 30.0~60.0 6~18 50~80

Pruebas Microbiolgicas Conteo de Bacterias NMT 100 Totales (cfu/ml) Coliformes (MPN/100ml) NMT 3 Moho (cfu/ml) NMT 10 Bacterias Patognicas Negativo Precaucin: Guardar en un sitio de almacenamiento fro y seco. Protegerlo de la luz y almacenamiento en pilas. Cuidar de cualquier cosa daada o venenosa. Despus de abierta la bolsa, debe usarse inmediatamente o refrigerarse. Vida til: Un ao

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405

Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A


1:1 Aloe Vera WL Juice

PRODUCT NAME: 1:1 Aloe Vera WL Juice
PRODUCT CODE: 0101 BOTANINCAL SOURCE: Aloe barbadensis USES: This juice was extracted by advanced technology from the fresh aloe vera leaves. It is stabilized, membrane sterilized at normal temperature before germfree packing. It contains Barbaloin,anthronal compound,aloe polysaccharides, organic acid and many other active components. Besides wide use in the manufacturing of cosmetics , hair care , pharmaceutical , everage , food, this product is also adopted as a main ingredients in health articles to boost human immunity, reduce blood fat and sugar, regulate blood pressure, nourish liver and stomach, and remove specks for beauty. Physical statistics Specification

Physical state Aloe polysaccharides (mg/100ml) Aloin (mg/100ml) PH Absorbency (400nm) Soluble solid (%) Spec. weight Microbial Assay Total bacterial count(cfu/ml) Coliform(MPN/100ml) Mildew(cfu/ml) Pathogenic bacterium

bright yellow ~ light brown NLT 30.0 NLT 5.0 3.5~5.0 NMT 2.5 NLT 1.0 1.000~1.200 NMT 100 NMT 3 NMT 10 Negative

Note: The PH

value and absorbency are under the condition of detect of 1:1 aloe vera juice. Caution: This juice is the natural aloe vera product. When exposed, it will turn dark in color gradually. Slight sediment may occur after long storage. Protect from oxidation and keep at room temperature. As the product was not added to preservative, it should be added when exposed. Shelf life: One year.

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

1:1 Aloe Vera WLD Juice

PRODUCT NAME: 1:1 Aloe Vera WLD Juice PRODUCT CODE: 0105 BOTANINCAL SOURCE: Aloe barbadensis USES: This juice was extracted by advanced technology from the fresh aloe vera leaves. It is stabilized, membrane sterilized at normal temperature before germfree packing. It contains aloe polysaccharides,organic acid and many other active components. Besides wide use in the manufacturing of cosmetics , hair care , pharmaceutical , everage , food, this product is also adopted as a main ingredients in health articles to boost human immunity, reduce blood fat and sugar, regulate blood pressure, nourish liver and stomach, and remove specks for beauty. Physical statistics Specification

Physical state Aloe polysaccharides (mg/100ml) Aloin (mg/100ml) PH Absorbency (400nm) Soluble solid (%) Spec. weight Microbial Assay Total bacterial count(cfu/ml) Coliform(MPN/100ml) Mildew(cfu/ml) Pathogenic bacterium

Color-less liquid NLT 30.0 NMT 5.0 3.5~5.0 NMT 0.2 NLT 1.0 1.000~1.200 NMT 100 NMT 3 NMT 10 Negative

Note: The PH

value and absorbency are under the condition of detect of 1:1 aloe vera juice. Caution: This juice is the natural aloe vera product. When exposed, it will turn dark in color gradually. Slight sediment may occur after long storage. Protect from oxidation and keep at room temperature. As the product was not added to preservative, it should be added when exposed. Shelf life: One year.

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

10:1 Aloe Vera WL Concentrated Juice

PRODUCT NAME: 10:1 Aloe Vera WL Concentrated Juice PRODUCT CODE: 0104 BOTANINCAL SOURCE: Aloe barbadensis USES: This juice was extracted by advanced technology from the fresh aloe vera leaves. It is stabilized, membrane sterilized at normal temperature before germfree packing. It contains Barbaloin,anthronal compound,aloe polysaccharides, organic acid and many other active components. Besides wide use in the manufacturing of cosmetics , hair care , pharmaceutical , everage , food, this product is also adopted as a main ingredients in health articles to boost human immunity, reduce blood fat and sugar, regulate blood pressure, nourish liver and stomach, and remove specks for beauty.

Physical statistics


Physical state Aloe polysaccharides (mg/100ml) Aloin (mg/100ml) PH Absorbency (400nm) Soluble solid (%) Spec. weight Microbial Assay Total bacterial count(cfu/ml) Coliform(MPN/100ml) Mildew(cfu/ml) Pathogenic bacterium

yellow ~ bright brown NLT 600.0 NLT 5.0 3.5~5.0 NMT 2.5 NLT 10.0 1.000~1.200 NMT 100 NMT 3 NMT 10 Negative

Note: The PH

value and absorbency are under the condition of detect of 1:1 aloe vera juice. Caution: This juice is the natural aloe vera product. When exposed, it will turn dark in color gradually. Slight sediment may occur after long storage. Protect from oxidation and keep at room temperature. As the product was not added to preservative, it should be added when exposed. Shelf life: One year.

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

10:1 Aloe Vera WLD Concentrated Juice

PRODUCT NAME: 10:1 Aloe Vera WLD Concentrated Juice PRODUCT CODE: 0108 BOTANINCAL SOURCE: Aloe barbadensis USES: This juice was extracted by advanced technology from the fresh aloe vera leaves. It is stabilized, membrane sterilized at normal temperature before germfree packing. It contains aloe polysaccharides,organic acid and many other active components. Besides wide use in the manufacturing of cosmetics , hair care , pharmaceutical , everage , food, this product is also adopted as a main ingredients in health articles to boost human immunity, reduce blood fat and sugar, regulate blood pressure, nourish liver and stomach, and remove specks for beauty.

Physical statistics


Physical state Aloe polysaccharides (mg/100ml) Aloin (mg/100ml) PH Absorbency (400nm) Soluble solid (%) Spec. weight Microbial Assay Total bacterial count(cfu/ml) Coliform(MPN/100ml) Mildew(cfu/ml) Pathogenic bacterium

offwhite ropy liquid NLT 300.0 NMT 50.0 3.5~5.0 NMT 0.2 NLT 10.0 1.000~1.200 NMT 100 NMT 3 NMT 10 Negative

Note: The PH

value and absorbency are under the condition of detect of 1:1 aloe vera juice. Caution: This juice is the natural aloe vera product. When exposed, it will turn dark in color gradually. Slight sediment may occur after long storage. Protect from oxidation and keep at room temperature. As the product was not added to preservative, it should be added when exposed. Shelf life: One year.

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

100:1 Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Freeze Dried Powder

PRODUCT NAME: 100:1 Aloe Vera WL FD Powder PRODUCT CODE: 0403 BOTANINCAL SOURCE: Aloe barbadensis USES: This product was extracted by advanced technology from the
fresh aloe vera leaves. It is stabilized, membrane sterilized at normal temperature before germfree packing and vacuum freeze dried. It contains Barbaloin,anthronal compound,aloe polysaccharides,organic acid and many other active components. Besides wide use in the manufacturing of cosmetics , hair care , pharmaceutical , everage , food, this product is also adopted as a main ingredients in health articles to boost human immunity, reduce blood fat and sugar, regulate blood pressure, nourish liver and stomach, and remove specks for beauty.

Physical statistics
Physical state Aloe polysaccharides (mg/100ml) Aloin (mg/100ml) PH Absorbency (400nm) Water (%)

light yellow ~ yellow powder NLT 6000.0 NLT 500.0 3.5~5.0 NMT 2.5 NMT 5

Microbial Assay
Total bacterial count(cfu/ml) NMT 1000 Coliform(MPN/100ml) NMT 3 Mildew(cfu/ml) NMT 10 Pathogenic bacterium Negative value and absorbency are under the condition of detect of 1:1 aloe vera juice.

Note: The PH

Caution: Keep in cool and dry place avoiding the light and damp,protect from oxidation,this product is a
natural aloe preparation, which will turn dark afer long storage .

Shelf life: Two years.

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

100:1 Aloe Vera WLD FD Powder

PRODUCT NAME: 100:1 Aloe Vera WLD FD Powder PRODUCT CODE: 0405 BOTANINCAL SOURCE: Aloe barbadensis USES: This juice was extracted by advanced technology from the fresh aloe vera leaves. It is stabilized, membrane sterilized at normal temperature before germfree packing and vacuum freeze dried. It contains aloe polysaccharides,organic acid and many other active components. Besides wide use in the manufacturing of cosmetics , hair care , pharmaceutical , everage , food, this product is also adopted as a main ingredients in health articles to boost human immunity, reduce blood fat and sugar, regulate blood pressure, nourish liver and stomach, and remove specks for beauty. Physical statistics Physical state Aloe polysaccharides (mg/100ml) Aloin (mg/100ml) PH Absorbency (400nm) Water (%) Specification offwhite ~white powder NLT 6000.0 NMT 500.0 3.5~5.0 NMT 0.2 NMT 5

Microbial Assay Total bacterial count(cfu/ml) NMT 1000 Coliform(MPN/100ml) NMT 3 Mildew(cfu/ml) NMT 10 Pathogenic bacterium Negative value and absorbency are under the condition of detect of 1:1 aloe vera juice.

Note: The PH

Caution: Keep in cool and dry place avoiding the light and damp,protect from oxidation,this product is a natural aloe preparation, which will turn dark afer long storage . Shelf life: Two years.

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

Aloe Vera WL Dried Powder

PRODUCT NAME: Aloe Vera WL Dried Powder PRODUCT CODE: 0402 BOTANINCAL SOURCE: Aloe barbadensis USES: Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Powder was produced with fresh aloe vera leaves by the processing of low-temperature drying and super-fine grinding. It contains Barbaloin, anthronal compound ,aloe polysaccharides, organic acid and many other active components. Besides wide use in the manufacturing of cosmetics , hair care , pharmaceutical , beverage , food, this product is also adopted as a main ingredients in health articles to boost human immunity, reduce blood fat and sugar, regulate blood pressure, nourish liver and stomach, and remove specks for beauty. Physical statistics Physical state Aloe polysaccharides (mg/100ml) Aloin (mg/100ml) PH Absorbency (400nm) Water (%) Specification grass green ~ brown powder NLT 2500.0 NLT 250.0 3.5~5.2 NMT 2.5 NMT 8

Microbial Assay Total bacterial count(cfu/ml) NMT 1000 Coliform(MPN/100ml) NMT 3 Mildew(cfu/ml) NMT 10 Pathogenic bacterium Negative value and absorbency are under the condition of detect of 1:1 aloe vera juice.

Note: The PH

Caution: Keep in cool and dry place avoiding the light and damp,protect from oxidation,this product is a natural aloe preparation, which will turn dark afer long storage . Shelf life: Two years.

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

1:1 Aloe Vera Gel Juice

PRODUCT NAME: 1 :1Aloe Vera Gel Juice PRODUCT CODE: 0201 BOTANINCAL SOURCE: Aloe barbadensis USES: This juice was extracted by advanced technology from the fresh
aloe vera leaves. It is stabilized, membrane sterilized at normal temperature before germfree packing. It contains aloe polysaccharides, organic acid and many other active components. Besides wide use in the manufacturing of cosmetics , hair care , pharmaceutical , everage , food, this product is also adopted as a main ingredients in health articles to boost human immunity, reduce blood fat and sugar, regulate blood pressure, nourish liver and stomach, and remove specks for beauty.

Physical statistics
Physical state Aloe polysaccharides (mg/100ml) Aloin (mg/100ml) PH Absorbency (400nm) Soluble solid (%) Spec. weight

Color-less liquid NLT 60.0 NMT 5.0 3.5~4.7 NMT 0.2 NLT 0.5 1.000~1.200

Microbial Assay
Total bacterial count(cfu/ml) NMT 100 Coliform(MPN/100ml) NMT 3 Mildew(cfu/ml) NMT 10 Pathogenic bacterium Negative value and absorbency are under the condition of detect of 1:1 aloe vera juice.

Note: The PH

Caution: This juice is the natural aloe vera product. When exposed, it will turn dark in color gradually.
Slight sediment may occur after long storage. Protect from oxidation and keep at room temperature. As the product was not added to preservative, it should be added when exposed.

Shelf life: One year.

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

10:1 Aloe Vera Gel Concentrate Juice

PRODUCT NAME: 10:1 Aloe Vera Gel Concentrate Juice PRODUCT CODE: 0204 BOTANINCAL SOURCE: Aloe barbadensis USES: This juice was extracted by advanced technology from the fresh
aloe vera leaves. It is stabilized, membrane sterilized at normal temperature before germfree packing. It contains aloe polysaccharides,organic acid and many other active components. Besides wide use in the manufacturing of cosmetics , hair care , pharmaceutical , everage , food, this product is also adopted as a main ingredients in health articles to boost human immunity, reduce blood fat and sugar, regulate blood pressure, nourish liver and stomach, and remove specks for beauty.

Physical statistics
Physical state Aloe polysaccharides (mg/100ml) Aloin (mg/100ml) PH Absorbency (400nm) Soluble solid (%) Spec. weight

offwhite ropy liquid NLT 400.0 NMT 50.0 3.5~5.0 NMT 0.2 NLT 5.0 1.000~1.200

Microbial Assay
Total bacterial count(cfu/ml) NMT 100 Coliform(MPN/100ml) NMT 3 Mildew(cfu/ml) NMT 10 Pathogenic bacterium Negative value and absorbency are under the condition of detect of 1:1 aloe vera juice.

Note: The PH

Caution: This juice is the natural aloe vera product. When exposed, it will turn dark in color gradually.
Slight sediment may occur after long storage. Protect from oxidation and keep at room temperature. As the product was not added to preservative, it should be added when exposed.

Shelf life: One year.

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

100:1 Aloe Vera Gel Spray Dried Powder

PRODUCT NAME: 100:1 Aloe Vera Gel SD Powder PRODUCT CODE: 0407-2 BOTANINCAL SOURCE: Aloe barbadensis USES: This product was extracted by advanced technology from the fresh aloe vera leaves. It is stabilized, membrane sterilized at normal temperature, added into matrix before germfree packing and centrifugal spry drying . It contains aloe polysaccharides,organic acid and many other active components. Besides wide use in the manufacturing of cosmetics , hair care , pharmaceutical , everage , food, this product is also adopted as a main ingredients in health articles to boost human immunity, loosen the bowel to relieve constipation, reduce blood fat and sugar, regulate blood pressure, nourish liver and stomach, and remove specks for beauty. Physical statistics Physical state Aloe polysaccharides Aloin (mg/100ml) PH Absorbency (400nm) Water (%) Specification offwhite ~white powder ---NMT 0.8 3.5~5.0 NMT 0.1 NMT 8

Microbial Assay Total bacterial count(cfu/ml) NMT 1000 Coliform(MPN/100ml) NMT 3 Mildew(cfu/ml) NMT 10 Pathogenic bacterium Negative value and absorbency are under the condition of detect of 1:1 aloe vera juice.

Note: The PH

Caution: Keep in cool and dry place avoiding the light and damp,protect from oxidation,this product is a natural aloe preparation, which will turn dark afer long storage . Shelf life: Two years.

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

200:1 Aloe Vera Gel SD Powder

PRODUCT NAME: 200:1 Aloe Vera Gel SD Powder PRODUCT CODE: 0406 - 2 BOTANINCAL SOURCE: Aloe barbadensis USES: This product was extracted by advanced technology from the fresh
aloe vera leaves. It is stabilized, membrane sterilized at normal temperature before germfree packing,and centrifugal spry drying. It contains aloe polysaccharides, organic acid and many other active components. Besides wide use in the manufacturing of cosmetics , hair care , pharmaceutical , everage , food, this product is also adopted as a main ingredients in health articles to boost human immunity, loosen the bowel to relieve constipation, reduce blood fat and sugar, regulate blood pressure, nourish liver and stomach, and remove specks for beauty.

Physical statistics
Physical state Aloe polysaccharides (mg/100ml) Aloin (mg/100ml) PH Absorbency (400nm) Water (%)

offwhite ~white powder NLT 8000.0 NMT 0.8 3.5~5.0 NMT 0.2 NMT 8

Microbial Assay
Total bacterial count(cfu/ml) NMT 1000 Coliform(MPN/100ml) NMT 3 Mildew(cfu/ml) NMT 10 Pathogenic bacterium Negative value and absorbency are under the condition of detect of 1:1 aloe vera juice.

Note: The PH

Caution: Keep in cool and dry place avoiding the light and damp,protect from oxidation,this product is a
natural aloe preparation, which will turn dark afer long storage .

Shelf life: Two years.

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

200:1 Aloe Vera Gel Freeze Dried Powder

PRODUCT NAME: 200:1 Aloe Vera Gel FD Powder PRODUCT CODE: 0406-1 BOTANINCAL SOURCE: Aloe barbadensis USES: This product was extracted by advanced technology from the fresh aloe vera leaves. It is stabilized, membrane sterilized at normal temperature before germfree packing and vacuum freeze dried. It contains aloe polysaccharides, organic acid and many other active components. Besides wide use in the manufacturing of cosmetics , hair care , pharmaceutical , everage , food, this product is also adopted as a main ingredients in health articles to boost human immunity, loosen the bowel to relieve constipation, reduce blood fat and sugar, regulate blood pressure, nourish liver and stomach, and remove specks for beauty.

Physical statistics Physical state Aloe polysaccharides (mg/100ml) Aloin (mg/100ml) PH Absorbency (400nm) Water (%)

Specification offwhite ~white powder NLT 8000.0 NMT 0.8 3.5~5.0 NMT 0.2 NMT 5

Microbial Assay Total bacterial count(cfu/ml) NMT 1000 Coliform(MPN/100ml) NMT 3 Mildew(cfu/ml) NMT 10 Pathogenic bacterium Negative value and absorbency are under the condition of detect of 1:1 aloe vera juice.

Note: The PH

Caution: Keep in cool and dry place avoiding the light and damp,protect from oxidation,this product is a natural aloe preparation, which will turn dark afer long storage . Shelf life: Two years.

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

Diced Aloe Vera Gel

PRODUCT NAME: Diced Aloe Vera Gel PRODUCT CODE: 03XX BOTANINCAL SOURCE: Aloe barbadensis USES: This product was manufactured by selecting the fresh leaves, peeling
and cutting the gel of aloe leaves into dices, then washing and sterilizing them. This product can be used as snack in the restaurant, canteen, and cold drinks shop, as well as the beverage and yoghourt manufacturer, so as to enhance the health value of your products.

Physical statistics
Physical state Aloe polysaccharides (mg/100ml) Net weight ( g ) PH Solid ( % ) Soluble solid (%) Rate of solid

Slight yellow translucent granules NLT 40.0 5000 75 3.2~4.7 30.0~60.0 5~18 50~80

Microbial Assay
Total bacterial count(cfu/ml) NMT 100 Coliform(MPN/100ml) NMT 3 Mildew(cfu/ml) NMT 10 Pathogenic bacterium Negative Caution: Keep in cool and dry warehouse. Protect it form light and piled storage. Keep away form poisonous or decayed subjects. After opening the bag, you should use it, or store in refrigeratory.

Shelf life: One year

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A


Aloe Vera Juice Packaging

1000L Plastic Drum

250kg steel drum( 200L aspetic bag inner packaging)

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


Cadena Productiva Sbila C O L O M B I A

200L plastic drum

20L Plastic Drum

20L Aseptic bag in cardboard Drum, 20kg/bag

Cra. 20 No. 12-19 Santa Marta 4349291, 300 2131405


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