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A Compact Priority based Architecture Designed and Simulated for Data Sharing based on Reconfigurable Computing
Bhavya Alankar and B K Kanaujia
Abstract Reconfigurable Computing devices are coming very strongly in the digital hardware systems due to the availability of
ready to use resources, parallel logic operations and reconfigurable designs. The usage of Reconfigurable systems in real time domain is also a very fruitful proposition as the FPGA devices are coming with processing cores for Real Time data processing. This paper mainly focuses on the application of Reconfigurable Computing systems in the data sharing domain and in order to depict this application we have designed and simulated a priority based data sharing architecture through which we can interface two Processors, which in turn can intercommunicate with each other. The main advantage of this architecture is that it is highly compact, easy to use and designed using a modular approach so that it could be easily implemented on Reconfigurable hardware. All the different modules along with the complete architecture is simulated using modelsim 6.0 and synthesized using Xilinx 7.1(iSE).
Index TermsReconfigurable Computing, FPGA, Master-Slave processor.

econfigurable computing based architectures offers a unique opportunity to address the memory access and interfacing issues via customization. Improvements can be achieved by creating specialized architectures and this architecture is mainly designed to explore those opportunities of Reconfigurable computing [1], [2], [3]. In our design FPGA Spartan-3 kit [7] is acting as an interactive device through which two processors can intercommunicate with each other such that one processor has been given priority over the other processor and their priority is been decided by the conflict resolving block. Initially this design is simulated for 8-bit processor but it can be extended up to any number of bits. The organization of this paper is as follows: Section 2 shows the design overview and the details of different functional modules. Section 3 depicts the simulation waveform of the architecture. Section 4 discuss the conclusion and future work

the priority over slave and we have used multiplexed address data bus for the master which can be used for slaveaswell. Moreover in our design we have used the signals of peripheral component interconnect bus [5] for the master processor to communicate and the slave processor can communicate via busy, address, data and read write sig nals as shown in Fig 1., but depending upon the applica tionyoucanmodifythem. The detailed description of each of the blocks depicted in the main block diagram along with their functional description and device utilization summary is given and it can be seen that the architecture is highly compact as thedeviceutilizationisquietlow.

2.1 Conflict Resolving Block

This block grants the control for accessing Dualport memory to the requesting system. we are mainly having two signals viz slave request (pr) and master request (pcirq)andthemainfunctioningofthisblockistoresolve the conflict between them by making either slave busy (probussy)ormasterbusy(pcibussy)aslow(seeTable1) TABLE 1 TRUTH TABLE OF CONFLICT RESOLVING BLOCK pcirq master Low Low High High pr slave Low High Low High pcibussy master Low Low High High Probussy slave High High Low High

The designed architecture is fully user friendly, flexible andsynchronous.OneProcessoractsasMASTERandthe otherProcessoractslikeaSLAVEandcanintercommuni cate with each other [4]. Memory provided via two sepa rateandfullysynchronousports.Masterwillalwayshave

Bhavya Alankar is a Assistant Professor, Hamdard University, New Delhi, India. B.K. Kanaujia is a Associate Profoessor, Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies & Research (AIACTR) Govt. of N.C.T..New Delhi, India.



2.2 Interactive Controller Blocks

Whenboth(MasterandSlave)requestfortheaccessof memory ,The Conflict resolving block drives the busy line of the Master(pcibussy) while keeping the Slave processor in a wait state until the Master finishes its operation.When the Master generates the address on address lines, data on data lines and write/read signal then the control block check for the busy line of Mas ter. When the control block receives the busy line of Master driven to low, it allows the address on valid addresslines,data on valid data lines and wr_rd signal as valid wr_rd signal to access the memory. When the SlaveProcessorgeneratestheaddressonaddresslines, data on data lines and write/read signal then the con trol block check for the bussy line of Slave Processor. When the control block receives the busy line of Slave Processor(probussy)driventolowitallowstheaddress on valid address lines, data on val id data lines and wr_rdsignalasvalidwr_rdsignaltoaccessthememory asshowninFig3.

Fig.1.CompactArchitectureofDatasharingbetween MasterSlave. Based on the information obtained from the above truth table, Two Boolean equations have been derived and based on that equations, following digital design of Conflict resolving block has been obtained in Fig 2.


Fig. 2.Digital design of conflict resolving block The device utilization summary of this block imple mented on the Spartan3 XC3S200 FPGA (200 K gates) is shown in Table 2. And It shows that this block was de signed in such a way so as to utilize the minimum num berofresourcesonFPGA. TABLE2 DEVICE UTILIZATION SUMMARY OF CONFLICT RESOLVING BLOCK Number of 1 out of 1920 0% slices Number of 4 1 out of 3840 0% input LUTs Number of 3 out of 173 1% bonded IOBs

Now its clear that the main function of the Interactive controller block is to just select or decide whether the Master or Slave should access the memory on the basis of theoutputofConflictresolvingblock,Sothisblockisjust a combination of the Conflict resolving block and the memoryreadandwriteblock. The device utilization summary of the Interactive Con troller block implemented on the Spartan3 XC3S200 FPGA (200 K gates) is shown in Table 3. As this block is the combination of mainly the muxes. It shows the num ber of slices and other resources available utilized in im plementingthedesignonFPGA.



TABLE3 DEVICEUTILIZATIONSUMMARYOFINTERACTIVE CONTROLLERBLOCK Numberofslices Numberof4inputLUTs NumberofbondedIOBs NumberofGCLKs 1outof1920 1outof3840 4outof173 1outof8 0% 0% 1% 15%

TABLE4 DEVICEUTILIZATIONSUMMARYOFMEMORY BLOCK Numberofslices Numberofsliceflip flops Numberof4inputLUTs NumberofbondedIOBs NumberofBRAMs NumberofGCLKs 3outof3840 49outof173 1outof12 2outof8 0% 28% 8% 25% 9outof1920 16outof3840 0% 0%

2.3 Memory block

Itisoneofthemainblockandasitisclearfromthename that the main purpose of this block is to fulfill the storage requirement of both the Master and the Slave Processor. This storage core is a dual port memory of 64 k size, fully synchronous such that the data is to be written on the rising edge of the clock. It is the central block which de pends on the output of all the blocks such that first of all the Conflict resolving block will decide whether Master orSlaveProcessorwillaccessthememoryanddepending on the output of that the controller block will allow the validsignalstoaccessthememoryasshowninFig.4. The device utilization summary of the memory block implemented on the Spartan3 XC3S200 FPGA (200 K gates) is shown in Table 4. It shows the number of slices and other resources available utilized in implementing thedesignonFPGA.

3.1 Master Continuous write and Slave continuous read cycle:In this the Master take the control from the Conflict resolving block by driving its bus request (pcirq) to access the memory. Then it broadcasts the address and data on address_data line such that first the address is send and by driving frame# as low and irdy# and trdy# driving high the address is latched and then the data is send and by driving frame# high and driving irdy# and trdy# low the data is latched and in the mean time the pciwr(Master write) signal is also made low such that the data is written in the memory.After the data is written in to the memory the data can be continuously read by the Slave processor by just giving the address in the read address line and by applying read clock and in the mean time the pw(Slave write) signal should also be high and the data ouput will be coming on the Slave processor data (pd) output line, Fig 5.

Fig. 4. Memory Block and Its Connectivity Fig. 5. Master Write and Slave read cycle



3.2 Slave Continuous write and Slave continuous read cycle:In this the Slave processor take the control from the Conflict resolving block by driving its bus request (pr) to access the memory. Then it broadcasts the address on addresslines (pa [0:7]) and data on datalines (pd [0:7]) then it drives its write/read signal (pw) to low after that it drives its chip enable signal (pe) to low, which causes the data to be written to memory of the specified address.For reading the data from memory the Slave processor broadcasts the address on addresslines (pa [0:7]) then it drives its write/read signal (pw) to high after that it drives its enable signal (pe) to low, which causes the data to be read from the memory corresponding to the specified address,asshowninFig6.

The performance of any Reconfigurable Computing sys temmainlydependscriticallyuponitsflexibilityandease of interfacing with other hardware architectures. In this paper we have described an architecture which could easily be used for intercommunication between the proc essors in prioritized manner . We have also described clearly the architecture and working of different modules alongwiththeirdeviceutilizationsummary.Thearchitec tureisfullysynthesizedandsimulatedforinterprocessor communication. The ongoing work is the implementa tion of this architecture using FPGA kit along with the microcontrollers which could easily depicts the inter processor communication in real time, as this architecture is basically designed to support the advances in Recon figurableComputing.

[1] Joa O m,. P. Cardoso, Pedro C. Diniz and Markus WeinHardt, Compiling for Reconfigurable Computing: A Survey, ACM ComputingSurveys,Vol.42,No. 4,Article13,Publicationdate: June2010. Katherine Compton and Scott Hauck, Recongurable Com puting: A Survey of Systems and Software, ACM Computing Surveys,Vol.34,No.2,June2002,pp.171210. T.J. Todman, G.A. Constantinides, S.J.E. Wilton, O. Mencer, W. Luk and P.Y.K. Cheung Reconfigurable Comput ing:architectures and design methods.published in IEE Proc. Comput.Digit.Tech.,Vol.152,No.2,March2005 Banerjee,T.P,konar,chaudhary Highspeed communication system developed using FPGA based CAM implementation publishedinICETET2009 PCIbusmanualwebsite : Xilinxuser guide: f FPGASpartan3website: s/ug230.pdf


Fig. 6. Slave Write and Slave read cycle 3.3 Master Continuous write and Master continuous read cycle: In this the Master take the control from the Conflict resolving block by driving its bus request (pcirq) to access the memory. Then it broadcasts the address and data on address_data line such that first the address is send and by driving frame# as low and irdy# and trdy# driving high ,the address is latched and then the data is send and by driving frame# high and driving irdy# and trdy# low ,the data is latched and in the mean time the pciwr(Master write) signal is also made low such that the data is written in the memory. After the data is written in to the memory the data can be continuously read by just giving the address in the same way on the address_data line and afterwards just driving the pciwr signal as high such that the data will appear on the output line(pcida), Fig 7.



[5] [6]


Bhavya Alankar is a Assitant Professor in Hamdard University, New Delhi. He has acquired his Master degree in VLSI design. His main research interests areReconfigurable computing, VLSI design and Software Engineering.He is having years of research experience in VLSI design and published numerous research papers and conducted workshops related to his research area. B K Kanaujia is a Associte Professor in Ambedkar Institute of AdvancedCommunicationsTechnologies& Research (AIACTR), Govt. of N.C.T.New Delhi, India. He did his M.Tech. & Ph.D. from Electronics Engineering Department of Banaras Hindu University Varanasi, His keen research interest are in design and Modeling of Microstrip Antenna, Dielectric Resonator Antenna, Left handed Metamaterial Microstrip Antenna, Shorted Microstrip Antenna Wireless Communication, Wireless Communication, Microwave Engineering,Reconfigurable computing and VLSI design etc.Till date he has been credited to publish more than 45 research papers in peerreviewed journals and International/national conferences.

Fig. 7. Master Write and Master read cycle

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