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Formula for the Oil, Incense and Powder
Excerpt from the

Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook by Denise Alvarado

Copyright 2013Denise Alvarado, All rights reserved.



FIERY WALL OF PROTECTION is one of most popular for mulas for psychic and spiritual defense and warfare in New Orleans Voodoo and hoodoo. It can be used to deal with every type of threat imaginable and works well with commanding, bend over and uncrossing products. In addition to being used as a means of defense, this formula can be used to help with legal, health and business problems. Its name is said to invoke the power and protection of Archangel Michaels flaming sword. If you are in need of protection from an evil perpetrator, anoint the doors and window of your home with this oil and dust the floors of your home with the powder. You can use the oil and powder to dress candles for candle spells as well. It can also be used in tandem with Enemy works as a means of protection from potential backlash or counterattack.

Formula for Fiery Wall of Protection Oil

Frankincense Cayenne Pepper Pinch of Rue Sandalwood essential oil Pinch of angelica Cinnamon Essential Oil Blessed Salt* Ginger essential oil Bay Laurel Essential Oil Chunk of Dragons Blood resin
Copyright 2013Denise Alvarado, All rights reserved.



Add the above ingredients to 2 ounces of pure olive oil to which a dropper of vitamin E has been added. *Ordinary table salt can be blessed by reciting the 23rd psalm over it.

Fiery Wall of Protection Incense

Sandalwood Dragons Blood resin Frankincense Myrrh Cinnamon chips Alum powder

Fiery Wall of Protection Powder

Dragons Blood Powder Blessed Salt Frankincense Myrrh Dried Chilis Cayenne Pepper Powdered Ginger Powdered Cinnamon Black Peppercorns
Copyright 2013Denise Alvarado, All rights reserved.



Simple Defense Spell for Hoodoo Warfare

If you are the victim of a spiritual attack, here is a simple spell to do to reverse the attack and send it back to the attacker, while providing you protection from further attack in the process. Take a brown candle and butt the candle by cut off the top of the candle so that it is level, turn the candle over, and carve into a point exposing the wick. Inscribe the candle with the name of St. Michael using the Theban alphabet (see figure 1). Anoint the candle with Fiery Wall of Protection oil, and roll in Fiery Wall of Protection powder. Set the candle on a mound of sugar. Light the candle and say the prayer to St. Michael before going to sleep. In the morning and when the candle has burned down, put all of the remains of the wax and sugar in a paper bag and dispose of in your enemys trash or at a crossroads.

Copyright 2013Denise Alvarado, All rights reserved.

A Prayer to Saint Michael


Saint Michael, Archangel, defend us in battle. Saint Michael, Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. -- Pope Leo XIII

Copyright 2013Denise Alvarado, All rights reserved.

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