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Aileen Tsay, Douglas Wells, Grace Claudio, Jeff Liu Mgmt 102 Managerial Org Behavior Grace McLaughlin November 17, 2011

Case Study #3 Thomas Green Summary: In

Thomas Green: power, office politics, and a career in Crisis, It depicts the dilemma of Thomas Green who works in a company called Dynamic Display. After five months of working as an account executive, Green was directly promoted as the Senior Market Specialist by the vice president of the companys travel division Shannon McDonald. However, Frank Davis, Greens boss, did not intend to choose Green as the new senior market specialist and he is very unhappy about Greens performance and working attitude three months after the promotion. After Green learned that his boss had been emailing McDonald regarding his concern about Greens performance, Green was very worried about the situation and did not how he should explain his perspective to McDonald. Analysis: Although Green is willing to achieve a high selling growth for the company, he concentrated too much on achieving the goal instead of observing the surrounding situation. Moreover, Green did not have enough managerial experiences so he was not able to deal with issues based on a structural and long-term view; that's why he


decided to avoid interactions with Davis instead of making improvements or rebuilding his relationship with Davis after Davis first criticized him. Their divergence in work style and personalities also contributed to the problem. For example, Davis prefers using memos or presentations when a meeting is set up, while Green would rather talk to his client directly or talk about things face to face. In addition, lack of communication further deteriorated the situation between Davis

and Green. Despite Greens relationship with Davis as a subordinate, they were less connected with each other for their job progress and they didnt communicate well. Lastly, the most important thing we need is trust when working in a company or collaborating with other people. The environment in Dynamic Displays lacked trust. On the one hand, Davis required his subordinates to keep him informed of their progress and schedules. On the other hand, Green didnt trust Daviss evaluation and he suspected that Davis had an intention to get rid of him. One of the problems that arose was the inconspicuous promotion of Thomas Green. Shannon McDonald promoted Green partially due to the fact that they graduated from the same college and were both from the same state. They shared a similar background, which gave McDonald more incentive to promote Green, although he lacked managerial experience. The personal relationship between these two became another source of conflict, which altered Shannons judgment. Shannon also seemed to lack interest in Daviss performance reviews of Green. To avoid conflict, she should have provided Green with suggestions on how to improve his work ethic. As described in the case, Thomas Green is a young graduate from the University of Georgia, with a Bachelors degree in Economics and a six-year work


experience as an account executive. Although Green has little experience, he aggressively seeks to advance his position in the organization, using Shannon to

further his goals. Instead of pursuing the goals of the organization, he only looks out after his own personal gains. Another problem of Greens was his inability to connect with the organization and refusal to follow Daviss instructions. Due to Greens reluctant behavior, Davis was faced with a lack of documented numbers and failure to update his schedule accordingly. Therefore, he was unable to reach the goals of the organization. Frank Daviss problem is that he feels that he is much more experienced than Green due to his long career. Green challenges Daviss position on the growth rate forecasts for the following year, calling them unrealistic and unattainable. Davis feels that Green is too inexperienced for his justification. One solution that could have avoided the problem is that Shannon could have put Green in the new position, allowing him to fully utilize his sales skills in interest of the organization. Also, she could have individually spoken to Davis and Green creating a win-win situation for them and aligning their individual goals with the organizations goals. Green should have received training so that he could understand the managerial skills needed for his position. In the case of Thomas Green, the best possible solution would be to set up a meeting with McDonald. As the company Vice President, it would be best for Green to speak directly to the head of the department, especially since it was McDonald herself who granted Greens promotion. In this meeting, it would also help for Green to request Frank Davis presence, so that there are no hidden or mixed messages between the two employees. Judging from the threes characters, it is easy to see


why their current problem occurred. As vice president, McDonald became too trusting with Greens abilities despite only having minimal experience in the position he sought for. As an aspiring corporate leader, Green was all too confident in his ideas and determination to see any mistakes in his actions. Finally, as the marketing director (not to mention, the previous holder of Greens current position) Davis was more eager to doubt Green rather than to trust him. Collectively, each person made it difficult to have teamwork, and a sense of unity as a company. While Green recognizes the different options he has, nothing will benefit him more than choosing to discuss his performance with his superiors. In doing this, not only will he be able to plead his case, but a personal and physical discussion of the

problem would avoid the possibility of having his reasons misunderstood, something an impersonal note or email would do. One of the contributing problems to their current situation is that Frank Davis has all but faith in his newly promoted subordinate. In telling Green to keep quiet of his forecasts being overstated, not only is Davis misusing his power as a superior, but he is also being close-minded. When superiors are reluctant in having their decisions challenged, subordinates are less encouraged to throw out ideas and suggestions. This is a reason why keeping quiet is not the best option for Green. Although it may not be written that it is his responsibility to question his boss, just because Davis is Greens superior does not mean his forecasts are always accurate. However, Green should also approach the meeting as a chance to demonstrate his willingness to meet some of Daviss demands. Green should come to the meeting prepared with some documented evidence of what hes accomplished since his promotion, along with perhaps a factual presentation on


why he believes that Daviss projections are unrealistic. Green of course needs to be careful not to offend Davis anymore than he has, but a meeting involving McDonald offers Green the chance to prove that he is not negative and unenthusiastic to a more neutral party. Instead of outright dismissing Daviss projections, Green should offer what he considers to be more realistic. Given his

background as an economics major that graduated summa cum laude, he should be more than capable of creating a quantitative report. A face-to-face meeting with McDonald and Davis would also allow Green an opportunity to develop a stronger political position at corporate headquarters. Of all the deficiencies that Davis has outlined regarding Greens performance, Greens unwillingness to play politics seems to be what frustrates his superiors the most. Good or bad, politics are inevitable within human power structures, and Green needs to do a better job of managing his relationships. A meeting with McDonald and Davis would allow Green to use his greatest strength, his ability to speak, to leverage a better relationship with his superiors. Resumen: En "Thomas Green: poder, poltica de la oficina y una carrera en Crisis", que representa el dilema de Thomas Green, quien trabaja en una empresa llamada Dynamic Displays. Despus de cinco meses de trabajo como ejecutivo de cuentas, verde fue promovido como el especialista de mercado directamente por el Vicepresidente de la divisin de viajes de la compaa Shannon McDonald. Sin embargo, Frank Davis, jefe de Green, no tena la intencin de elegirlo y est muy contento con el rendimiento y actitud de trabajo tres meses despus de la promocin. Despus se enteraron que su jefe haba enviado un correo electrnico a McDonald con respecto a su preocupacin por el rendimiento de Green. Green est muy preocupado por la situacin e hizo no cmo l debe explicar su perspectiva a McDonald 's. Anlisis: Aunque verde est dispuesto a lograr un alto crecimiento de venta de la empresa, se concentr demasiado en alcanzar la meta en el lugar de observacin de la situacin que lo rodea. Por otra parte, Green no tena suficiente experiencia gerencial por lo que no fue capaz de afrontar problemas con base en una visin a


largo plazo y estructural; es por eso que decidi evitar interacciones con Davis en lugar de mejorar o reconstruir su relacin con la Davis despus de que Davis le criticaron primero. Su divergencia en el estilo de trabajo y personalidades tambin contribuy al problema. Por ejemplo, Davis prefiere utilizar notas o presentaciones cuando se configura una reunin, mientras que el verde algo sera hablar con su cliente directamente o hablar las cosas cara a cara. Adems, la falta de comunicacin haba deteriorado an ms la situacin entre Davis y verde. A pesar de la relacin de Green con Davis como un subordinado, menos fueron conectados entre s para el progreso de su trabajo y no comunican bien. Por ltimo, lo ms importante que tenemos es confianza cuando trabaja en una empresa o colaborar con otras personas. El entorno dinmico muestra careca de confianza. Por un lado, Davis necesaria a sus subordinados mantenerlo informado de su progreso y horarios. Por otra parte, Green no confiaba en la evaluacin de Davis y sospechaba que Davis tena la intencin de deshacerse de l . Uno de los problemas que surgi fue la promocin discreta de Thomas Green. Shannon McDonald haba promovido verde parcialmente debido a que se gradu de la Universidad misma y ambos del mismo estado. Compartieron un contexto similar, que dio ms incentivos para promover el verde, aunque careca de gestin experiencia de McDonald. La relacin personal entre estos dos se convirti en otra fuente de conflicto, que altera el juicio de Shannon. Shannon tambin se pareca a la falta de inters en evaluaciones de Davis de verde. Para evitar el conflicto, ella debera haberle proporcionado verde con sugerencias sobre cmo mejorar su tica de trabajo. Como se describe en el caso, Thomas Green es un joven graduado de la Universidad de Georgia, con una licenciatura en economa y una experiencia de seis aos de trabajo como ejecutivo de cuentas. Aunque verde tiene poca experiencia, agresivamente busca avanzar su posicin en la organizacin, usar a Shannon para impulsar sus objetivos. En lugar de perseguir los objetivos de la organizacin, l slo mira hacia fuera despus de sus propios beneficios personales. Otro problema de Green fue su incapacidad para conectar con la organizacin y la negativa a seguir las instrucciones de Davis. Debido a la conducta renuente de Green, Davis fue ante la falta de nmeros documentados y fracaso para actualizar su agenda en consecuencia. Por lo tanto, fue incapaz de alcanzar las metas de la organizacin. Problema de Frank Davis es que l siente que es mucho ms experimentado que verde debido a su larga carrera. Verde cuestiona posicin de Davis en los pronsticos de la tasa de crecimiento para el ao siguiente, llamndolos irreal e inalcanzable. Davis considera que el verde es demasiado inexperto para su justificacin. Una solucin que podra haber evitado el problema es que Shannon habra podido poner verde en su nueva posicin, lo que le permite aprovechar sus habilidades de ventas en inters de la organizacin. Tambin, ella podra haber individualmente


hablado a Davis y verde creando una situacin de ganar-ganar para ellos y alinear sus objetivos individuales con los objetivos de la organizacin. Verde debe haber recibido capacitacin para que l pudiera entender las habilidades directivas necesarias para su posicin.

En el caso de Thomas Green, la mejor solucin posible sera establecer una reunin con McDonald ' s. Como el Vicepresidente de la compaa, sera mejor para el verde hablar directamente con el jefe del Departamento, sobre todo porque fue McDonald ' s, misma que otorg promocin de Green. En esta reunin, tambin ayudara a verde solicitar la presencia de Frank Davis, por lo que no hay ningn mensaje oculto o mezclado entre los dos empleados. A juzgar por la de tres caracteres, es fcil ver por qu se produjo su problema actual. Como Vicepresidente, McDonald ' s se convirti en demasiado confiado con capacidades de verde a pesar de slo tener experiencia mnima en la posicin que l busc. Como un aspirante a lder empresarial, verde era todo demasiado confiado en sus ideas y determinacin para ver los errores en sus acciones. Por ltimo, como el director de marketing (sin mencionar, el anterior titular de la posicin actual de Green) Davis estaba ms ansioso por dudar de verde en lugar de confiar en l. Colectivamente, cada persona dificultado el trabajo en equipo, y un sentido de unidad como una empresa. Mientras que el verde reconoce las diferentes opciones que tiene, nada le beneficia ms de elegir para discutir su actuacin con sus superiores. Al hacer esto, no slo l ser capaz de abogar por su caso, pero una discusin personal y fsica del problema evitara la posibilidad de tener sus razones incomprendidos, algo hara una nota impersonal o por correo electrnico. Uno de los problemas que contribuyen a su situacin actual es Frank Davis tiene todo pero la fe en su recin ascendido subordinado. En decir verde callar sus previsiones siendo exagerado , no slo es Davis abusando de su poder como un superior, pero tambin est siendo cerrado. Cuando superiores son reacios en tener sus decisiones desafiadas, subordinados son menos animados a tirar ideas y sugerencias. Esta es una razn por qu callar no es la mejor opcin para el verde. Aunque no se puede escribir que es su responsabilidad a la pregunta de su jefe, que Davis sea superior de Green no significa que sus pronsticos siempre son exactos. Sin embargo, Green tambin debera acercarse a la reunin como una oportunidad para demostrar su voluntad de cumplir con algunas de las demandas de Davis. Verde debe venir a la reunin preparada con alguna evidencia documentada de lo que ha logrado desde su promocin, junto con tal vez una presentacin fctica sobre por qu cree que las proyecciones de Davis son poco realistas. Verde por supuesto necesita tener cuidado de no ofender a Davis ya que l tiene, pero una reunin de McDonald ' s ofrece verde la oportunidad de demostrar que no es "negativo y entusiasmado" a una parte ms neutral. En lugar de las proyecciones de Davis descarten absoluta, verde debe ofrecer lo que l considera


ms realista. Dados sus antecedentes como una economa mayor que se gradu summa cum laude, l debe ser ms que capaz de crear un informe cuantitativo. Una reunin cara a cara con McDonald ' s y Davis tambin permitira verde una oportunidad para desarrollar una posicin poltica ms fuerte en la sede corporativa. De todas las deficiencias que Davis ha expuesto en cuanto a rendimiento de Green, falta de voluntad de verde para "jugar a la poltica" parece ser lo que ms frustra a sus superiores. Poltica bueno o malo, es inevitable en las estructuras de poder humanas y verde necesita hacer un mejor trabajo de gestionar sus relaciones. Una reunin con McDonald ' s y Davis permitira verde con su mayor fortaleza, su capacidad para hablar, para aprovechar de una mejor relacin con sus superiores.


Thomas Green Politics and Crisis Lance Calkins Grand Canyon University Power, Politics, and Influence LDR 610 Brian Lahargoue April 05, 2011

THOMAS GREEN POLITICS AND CRISIS Thomas Green Politics and Crisis Green and Davis Differing Expectations


Davis and Greens expectations were quite different. Davis expected Green to think more globally, but Green continued to work as if he was an Account Executive versus a Senior Market Specialist. Green moved into his new position with the same thought process that was successful for him in the past, not evaluating the new expectations or goals of his newly assigned position. Green also had the expectation that his personal friendship with the Division Vice President Shannon Mc Donald would override Davis direction. As stated by McDonald, "This new job will require you to think strategically as well as tactically, and you will have to coordinate between several different functions and layers of corporate management." (Sasser, 2008). Unfortunately, Green continued to work one on one with clients rather than concentrate on how his Account Executives could meet budget sales expectations through various marketing strategies. As Green did not agree with the sales projections of Davis, Green focused much of his time on new software technology, which might impact the following year's sales, but not this years expectation (Sasser, 2008). Davis's expectations included creating market strategy for the region versus meeting and/or exceeding 2008 sales expectations with existing products, and he also expected consistent communication from Green regarding information on current clients and reports. In their first initial meeting to discuss Greens progress in his new role, Davis was clear as to his expectations. In their second meeting, Davis again outlined where Green had fallen short in his performance, and he also explained to Green what his role should be as a Senior Market Specialist. He even gave him an example from another region (Sasser, 2008). Greens expectation was that he did not have to answer Davis request as long as he could justify later his actions.

THOMAS GREEN POLITICS AND CRISIS Individual Agendas Davis wanted to meet and/or exceed corporate expectations for


his regions by continuing with the 10 % growth of CAGR as had occurred in the previous 5 years (Sasser, 2008). He wanted to continue to be successful to the organization. His agenda may have also included proving to McDonald that a poor decision was made in the hiring of Green without his input. Davis wanted respect for his seniority within the organization and conveyed to Green he is the boss and expected his suggestions are followed through. McDonald may have been swayed by the college alumni connection and Green's apparent salesman charm. McDonald simply wanted to see her division succeed and her subordinates work together for a common goal and for the good of the company. Green is a very interesting study. He wanted to succeed but on his own terms. He was young and lacked managerial experience. He wanted to handle his accounts as he did before his promotion, which may be considered laissez-faire. He thought McDonald was his mentor and protector, giving him a free reign to conduct business as usual. From the beginning of Greens relationship with Davis, there was no respect on Greens part. Green had very little appreciation for the tenure of Davis in the organization as is evidenced by his lack of response to several of Greens requests for information (Sasser, 2008). Green lacked maturity at the organizational level as well as the leadership level. An example of

THOMAS GREEN POLITICS AND CRISIS this can be seen when Green spoke negatively about Davis to other members of the corporation that caused division amongst other employees (Sasser, 2008). As a fellow employee observed who had worked with Green on new product creation, clients are starting to ask me for hard data Thomas [Green] doesnt really work that way. (Sasser, 2008). Power Bases McDonald uses legitimate power coupled with reward power (McShane, 2008). According to McShane, Davis uses coercive power as he is somewhat resentful of Green, by the way he was hired, but also because he believes he is a fair-haired boy who did not earn his position. Thus he is going to show Green who is boss and must comply with his


standard or be terminated. He also uses legitimate power as his position puts him in direct authority of Green. As to Green, he operates in both the referent and expert power at different times. When he is dealing with McDonald he uses referent power, and when he is responding to Davis he uses expert power. Improvement and abuse of Power Bases According to French and Raven Davis could have turned Green around and made him a more productive employee by using reward power when dealing with his subordinate. Davis needed to spend more time mentoring and coaching Green to understand the importance of teamwork and good communication. Davis also could have influenced Green with his vast knowledge of the corporation and communicated his past success. Green used McDonalds legitimate power to disrespect Davis and flaunt his relationship with McDonald. McDonald could have also used her expert power by being a better mentor to Davis. As she knew she was taking a

THOMAS GREEN POLITICS AND CRISIS chance on Green, as he lacked managerial experience and was skipping an entire normal protocol level in the organization, she should have been more hands on, checking in regularly with both Green and Davis. In the end, Davis used his coercive power to try and bring Green into compliance. Davis felt he had no other options and due to his frustration with Green, became very authoritative. The way Davis conducted business with Green and the manner in which Green dismissed his own boss caused resentment and eventually termination or the


resignation of the employee. Had Green utilized referent power with Davis, there may not have been quite the rift between the two quite so soon. Had Davis used reward and expert power, Green may have been more willing to learn.



McShane, S. L., & Von Glinow, M. A. (2008). Organizational behavior (5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Northhouse, P. G. (2010). Leadership theory and practice (fifth ed.). California: SAGE Publications, Inc. Sasser, W., Beckham, H. (2008). Thomas green: power, office politics, and a career in crisis. Harvard Business Publishing



Helbert Medina Espinoza: definitavamente.... en el feedback...el jefe en lugar de evaluar objetivamente...solo se dedica a resaltar lo que no le gusta de su trabajo... [8:22:39 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: cuando se tiene feedback ese tema se toca al ultimo y se enfoca como oportunidades de mejora. [8:23:14 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: pero como q el solo estuvo viendo el tema d ventas [8:23:21 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: y ese ya no era su negocio no? [8:23:43 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: definitavemente el jefe esta enfocado en el da a da de evalua sus objetivos...y el hecho de plantear un incremento del 10% en la region oriente en ventas suena a imposible ya que los ejecutivos de ventas comentaban que era...algo dificil de conseguir. [8:24:35 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: si ese tn es un punto, pero q tal dificil d conseguir sera eso [8:25:33 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: no creo que el director que estaba encargado de esta region momentaneamente pudo haber conseguido incremento de prespectiva era solo directriz no de vendedor... [8:26:27 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: por lo general...los directores suelen tener alcances mayores...muchas veces las lineas de referencia son necesarias...coincido que uno debe planetarse planes metas pero basadas en referencias. [8:26:45 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: si eso si [8:26:50 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: quizas estuvo un poco alto [8:27:09 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: pero igual creo q green debio repotar todo lo q su jefe le solicitaba [8:27:15 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: ahi tb tuvo un error el [8:27:37 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: ah claro...hechos que si debio reportar [8:28:02 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: otro error que considero no considero fue tener en cuenta las politicas de la empresa.. [8:28:27 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: exacto! [8:30:45 PM] frank alca: yo ceo que su ascenso no fue del todo bueno. [8:30:53 PM] frank alca: se le debio ascender pero explicando bien el pq y sus nuevas funciones..



[8:31:12 PM] frank alca: el ponerle un tutor implica que tendra a quien reportar y a su vez de quien aprender. [8:31:41 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: sip dacuerdo con lo q dic frank [8:31:50 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: green hacia lo q el queria [8:32:02 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: y se dedicaba solo a sus ventas y no a sus nuevas funciones [8:32:12 PM] frank alca: Por otro lado.. el tema de reportar. debe estar especificado en algun lado. [8:32:25 PM] frank alca: a veces se confunde los terminos personal de confianza [8:32:37 PM] frank alca: .. eso no quiere decir que no reporte.. [8:32:52 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: en la lectura no queda claro que tenga un tutor..solo Mcdonalds le dice que le faltaba gestion...pero en realidad la lectura no indica que se le asigno uno...en cambio los gerentes a los cuales les explico el problema le comentaron que se mantenga su posicion. [8:32:55 PM] frank alca: sino que tiene suficiente capacidad de decisiones sobre algunas acciones.. [8:33:46 PM] frank alca: entiendo que frank david es su mentor o tutor [8:33:52 PM] frank alca: el encargado de meterlo en el negocio. [8:34:16 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: claro el es su jefe directo [8:34:25 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: Davis era el director de marketing...a quien tenia que reportar....inclusive Davis no lo queria desde el inicio ya que el teneia en mente a otra persona. [8:34:29 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: y obvio debe estar enterado d todo lo q hace green [8:35:24 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: deacuerdo que debia reportar...pero quien le daria el enfoque de gestion seria un gerente de linea.. [8:36:27 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: creo q seria el mismo davis [8:36:41 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: osea los dos debieron sentarse y poner las cartas sobre la mesa [8:36:47 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: y ver su plan d trabao [8:36:51 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: trabajo


[8:36:55 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: cosa q no lo hicieron [8:37:02 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: cierto. [8:37:19 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: bueno y ahora [8:37:23 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: q debe hacer green


[8:37:47 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: hablar cno davis y pues acatar lo q el le solicita [8:37:55 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: y no solo ver ventas [8:38:06 PM] frank alca: yo creo que deben sentarse. y poner cada uno calro su posicion. [8:38:09 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: yo creo que era su responsabilidad reportar las proyecciones de Davis... [8:38:11 PM] frank alca: y ver que es lo mas conveniente para la empresa. [8:38:15 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: sino lo q realmente son sus obligaciones al nuevo puesto [8:38:23 PM] frank alca: bajomi manera de pensar [8:38:29 PM] frank alca: quien asume la responsabilidad es el jefe [8:38:34 PM] frank alca: no el subalterno.. [8:38:36 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: sip [8:38:38 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: asi es [8:39:07 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: igual..el ejefe es el responsable..pero Davis no tiene ese enfoque...porque todo reportar al jefe quejandose..en lugar de manejar el tema con el colaborador.. [8:40:19 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: claro ellos deben hablar y dar soluciones [8:40:25 PM] frank alca: mm entonces por ahi va el tema,, [8:40:31 PM] frank alca: una buena gestiond e recursos humanos [8:40:34 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: ya si no pasa nah pues lamentablemente tendran q cambiar a green [8:40:34 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: si de hecho... [8:40:37 PM] frank alca: no implica el sacar cuerpoo.


[8:40:51 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: sip [8:41:09 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: entons de acuerdo...conforme con lo discutido chicos.. [8:42:01 PM] frank alca: entonce concluyamos [8:42:04 PM] frank alca: acciones a tomar [8:42:37 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: poner las cosas claras con su jefe, ver su plan d trabajo


[8:44:23 PM] Helbert Medina Espinoza: establecer juntos las proyecciones eso le dara enfoque de gestion [8:45:29 PM] Pamela Casahuaman Malca: claro eso suena mas bonito

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