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Journal - 1: Leadership Development & Change Management

Leadership Development & Change Management

Journal - 1: Leadership Development & Change Management Leadership Development & Change Management Leadership is an art who will manage, lead and listen to other people to achieve his/her goal. During first week we discussed about the qualities of the leader and how follower should follow them. The leaders have ability, authority, sensitivity, understanding, fairness, trust, knowledge, self-confidence etc. qualities to become a successful leader. The leader is having an ability to dominate group of people and guide them. The leader is having a clear vision what he wants to achieve and how he will achieve it through his team (followers). Trust is the foundation between leader and followers. The leaders must have good communication with followers and also a good listener as well. The leaders always listen to their teammates and support them. There is a significant difference between Manager and Leader, manager manage things while leader will lead people. Leader gears good ideas with the help of team members. The successful leadership is unity, good and proficient production result. There is a significance relationship between the leader and his/her follower, which we studied during second week. There are important measurements discussed between the leader and follower in chapter-2 namely fairness, trust and quality. We discussed about the leaders personality, motives and other personal qualities in chapter-3. The important behaviors identified of the leader were the following: Capacity Achievement Responsibility Participation Status

Journal - 1: Leadership Development & Change Management We saw the video of Simon Senik, which would be a great inspiration and he mentioned about the Golden Circle. He talked about inspire actions of the leader using three questions: Why, How and What. He has given an example of Apple Inc. and described following qualities about the leader: 1. Leaders hold the position of power and authority. 2. Leaders inspire others. 3. Leaders inspire for why and followers will follow it. During third week, we observed and discussed leadership and role of sex gender, leader emergence and behavior from chapter-4, 5, 6 and 7. We discussed about the important role of gender in leadership, man are successful leaders in military while female leaders are successful in social services, government, education etc. We can say that male or female leaders are equally effective in leadership. We saw the video of Shery Sandburg regarding why only small percentage of women leaders are having success in leadership compare to male leaders. She mentioned that only 20% of women are on top and 15-16% of women leaders exist in corporate, parliament world. She has mentioned three important points to increase that number: 1. Sit at the table 2. Make your partner a real partner 3. Dont leave before you leave We discussed about How do people become leaders? regarding Leader emergence from chapter-5. We observed its the situation; the needs of the followers and personality, knowledge, skills and abilities of the individual. We examined the power of leadership in chapter-6. We outlined that the power is knowledge, communication, trust, reward, commitment, persuasive etc. We watched the video of Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who has outlined the rule of success. He emphasize on passion, without passion one should not become a leader and do not lead the team. He has mentioned about the team

Journal - 1: Leadership Development & Change Management work about trusting each other, listen each other and touch base constantly with each other. It will help to solve the problem faster than usual. We studied about Leadership and leader behavior in chapter-7. We identified the qualities of leadership which will impact on follower attitude. The leader qualities like confidence, assertive, flexible, delegate, listener, trust, knowledge etc. will impact on followers attitudes, motivation, performance and group cohesiveness.

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